Account Closure Request
Account Closure Request
Account Closure Request
Closure of Account No. ________________________Customer name:________________________
Request Please close my/our aforementioned account with your ____________ branch.
Related Debit Card Details: I/We confirm my/our Debit Card number/s
_____________________________, ___________________________, _______________________to
De-linked from this account which has to be closed. ( in case of same Debit Card linked with
multiple accounts)
No Debit Card(s) has/have been received in this account
I have cut my debit card into pieces and destroyed the same
Be destroyed. And I/We confirm No cheque leaves have been issued by me/us.
No cheque leaves have been received for this account.
I have destroyed the unused cheque leaves for this account
4. The reason for closing the account is: (Please tick whatever applicable)
Shifting to other bank
Moving city / residence
Unhappy with Service
Unhappy with Account Features
Consolidating bank accounts within Yes Bank
Unable to Maintain the Balance
Change in status ( Resident / Non Resident)
Customer Deceased
Others (Please specify reason)
Missing Person
Branch not near
Salary account changed
Change of constitution
Closure of business due to financial loss
Closure of existing firm and opening a new firm
You are authorised to cancel any standing instructions linked to this account if any.
Thanking You,