Surajpura Water Supply Brochure

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Surajpura Water Supply Scheme

200 MLD Water Treatment Plant

200 MLD Water Treatment Plant

PROJECT AT A GLANCE: Description Details in Brief

SPML Infra has completed and commissioned Name of the Project
Construction of 200 MLD Water Treatment Plant
the 200 MLD Water Treatment Plant at
Surajpura, Rajasthan to enhance the existing Location Surajpura, Dist. Ajmer, Rajasthan
capacity from 400 MLD to 600 MLD. With the
Client Public Health Engineering Department (PHED), Jaipur
new treatment plant, water supply to Jaipur city
will be increased to cover newly developed Contract Value 122.50 Crores
colonies and other areas to reduce the city’s
1. Construction of 200 MLD water treatment plant
d e p e n d e n c e o n e x i s t i n g s o u r c e s a n d 2. Construction of clear water reservoir, 30 ML at Balawala and 25
consequently bring down pressure on the Scope of Work ML at Surajpura
3. Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 12 nos
ground water. The Water Treatment Plant are
pumps of 2500 m3/hr with 88 mtr head along with all electrical,
capable to treat raw water from Bisalpur Dam mechanical & instrumentations works
taking into account the variation in raw
Treatment Technology Pulsator and Aquazer Variable Filter
water quality throughout the year and possible
deterioration in future to stipulated treated Parameter Turbidity (NTU) Colour (HZU) Ph
water quality and quantity. The project was Water Quality Raw Water 1000 45 HZU 7.8
inaugurated by Hon’ble Chief Minister of Treated Water < 0.5 5 TCU 7-8.5

Rajasthan in December 2015. Status Commissioned


25 ML Clear Water Reservoir Sludge Drying Bed

Sludge Thickner Tank with Scrapper Bridge

200 MLD Capacity Rapid Sand Filters 200 MLD Pumping Station

SPML Infra is India's leading infrastructure development company with focus on sustainable development by providing Water for
All, promoting access to essential services to all (water, sanitation, waste management). With over 3 decades of experience & pan
India presence, SPML is a leading player in India's water market and only Indian company present across the entire value chain of
water cycle. SPML holds a dominant position and has been featured as the Only Indian Company in Leading 50 Private Water
Management Companies as per Global Water Intelligence, London.

SPML Infra Limited

Corporate Of ice: SPML House, Plot No.65, Sector-32,
Institutional Area, Gurgaon - 122001, Haryana
Tel: +91-124-3944555 | Fax: +91-124-3983201
Email: [email protected] | Web:
Of ices in Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai

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