Lesson Plan - Angela Wrote A Letter, Form 3, p.80
Lesson Plan - Angela Wrote A Letter, Form 3, p.80
Lesson Plan - Angela Wrote A Letter, Form 3, p.80
Subject – English
Form – 3
Date – March, 4
Specific Competences:
1. Lexical Competences. Discovering new vocabulary; Defining new words;
2. Grammar Competences. Using the past form of the irregular verbs in writing a letter;
3. Phonetic Competences: Pronouncing correctly the new words; Using the correct intonation in reading a letter;
4. Communicative Competences: Using the past form of the irregular verbs in oral speech;
O2) to develop fluency in reading; to develop oral communication skills using the past form of the irregular verbs;
(8 min)
- Now, let’s begin our new topic. Please open - The pupils open the books.
your books at page 80.
- So, here is lesson five, please _____ read the - ____ Angela Wrote a Letter
R topic.
- Thank you, now look at the picture and
E C answer the questions:
A O Is this a classroom or a living room? - This is a living room.
Conver Picture
M Very good! Are there girls or boys? - There are girls in the picture.
L M You are right! Are there only girls on the
sation 2 min
- No, there are also dolls.
I U picture?
Very fine. Is there a letter on the picture? - Yes, there is a letter on the desk.
S N Very well!
A C - Let’s go to the vocabulary. Have a look,
T A please.
- Now, repeat in chorus after me:
I T T-shirt - |ˈtiːʃəːt| - T-shirt - |ˈtiːʃəːt|
I Ribbon - |ˈrɪb(ə)n| - Ribbon - |ˈrɪb(ə)n|
O - Cotton - |ˈkɒt(ə)n|
V Cotton - |ˈkɒt(ə)n|
N - Glasses - |ˈɡlɑːsɪz|
E Glasses - |ˈɡlɑːsɪz|
- Wool - |wʊl|
Wool - |wʊl| Letter - |ˈlɛtə|
/ Letter - |ˈlɛtə|
E - Well done, students! Now, look at the picture
F X and tell the word.
- T-shirt - |ˈtiːʃəːt|
- T-shirt - |ˈtiːʃəːt| - Ribbon - |ˈrɪb(ə)n|
I - Ribbon - |ˈrɪb(ə)n| - Cotton - |ˈkɒt(ə)n|
M C - Cotton - |ˈkɒt(ə)n| - Glasses - |ˈɡlɑːsɪz|
A - Glasses - |ˈɡlɑːsɪz|
E - Wool - |wʊl|
- Wool - |wʊl|
2 min
L - Letter - |ˈlɛtə|
A - Letter - |ˈlɛtə|
- Very good! ______ read please task 3 on the - Read and make up similar dialogues.
N page 80. Readin
I - Thank you!____. ____ you will be Angela - Dialogue from the book, page 80 g
and you _____ will be Kate. Please, girls read
N the dialogue. 1 min
- Very nice. Please, _____ and ____ read once
G again.
- Dialogue from the book, page 80
- Thank you. You will have 3 min to make - Pupils make dialogues.
such a dialogue in pairs. Pair
- ____ and ____, read your dialogue. work 5 min
- Look at the blackboard, please! Here are
some verbs which we have learned yesterday:
R Clean- cleaned Conver
E Work-worked
A And in another column we have other verbs:
L G Sit-sat oard
R Write-wrote and
I Hear-heard chalk
A M - Please______ read the 1st column. And
A translate it. Take-took
T - Very fine. Now ____ read the second Plant-planted Sit-sat
I /
column. And translate only the 1st part. Clean- cleaned Write-wrote
- Thank you. Play-played Hear-heard
O L Work-worked Get- got
N E Tell-told
2 min
I - Please_____ tell what is the difference.
O C - ______ in the 1st column the verbs have
F A “ed” by the end, and this mean that they are
in the past. But in the 2nd column the verbs
L have no “ed” by the end, but an another 2 min
/ - Very good. Be very attentive! These verbs form.
M P are not regular. They form their past not by Repetiti
E H adding “ed” by the end. They have special
O forms for their past.
A N - Repeat in chorus after me, please:
Take-took - Pupils repeat :
Sit-sat Take-took
I I Write-wrote Sit-sat
Hear-heard Write-wrote
N C Get-got Hear-heard
G Tell-told Get-got
- Once again, please, repeat in chorus.
- Now, write down in your copybooks these - Pupils repeat in chorus. 8 min
verbs, please. - Pupils write the verbs down.
(22 m)
L - Very well. _____ please read the task 4, at - Granny cannot find her glasses to read
E the page 81. Angela’s letter. Can you help her read it?
X - Thank you_____. So, pupils can we help her? - Yes, we can. 2 min
I - That’s very nice. please_____ read the letter.
- Letter page 81, book form 3
- Please, _____ translate the letter.
E L - ____ sîmbătă, 27 martie.
F / Dragă Bunicuță, Readin Book
C Mămica mi-a cumpărat ieri o păpușă foarte g
L O frumoasă. Numele ei este Dolly. Ea este cea mai
E M frumoasă păpușă pe care am avut-o vre-odată. Ea
M are ochi albaștri și este ămbracată într-o rochie
X U albastră de mătase. Eu am luat-o cu mine la școală.
I N Păpușa mea lea plăcut la toți. Bunicuțo, vino la noi
I să vezi păpușa mea. Transmite-I salutary motanului
O C - Magnificent! ______ . Tom.
Cu dragoste, Angela.
T - Please______, read once again the letter.
I - Very well! - Pupil read the letter.
E 8 min
(10 m)
E - It's almost time to stop. One more thing
X before you go.
T - So, write down your homework.
E 1st – Do exercise 5 on page 81. - Ok. 3-5 min
2nd – Learn the examples you wrote in your
N copybooks
S 3rd – Write a letter to your Granny.
O - Goodbye, everyone. - Goodbye, teacher!
- Have a nice day! - Thank you, the same for you!
N - Thank you!
45 min