Lesson Plan - Angela Wrote A Letter, Form 3, p.80

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Lesson Plan

Subject – English

Form – 3

Date – March, 4

Teacher – Cazac Nadejda

Topic – Module Six, Lesson Five, Angela Wrote a Letter

Type of Lesson – Assimilation Lesson

Specific Competences:
1. Lexical Competences. Discovering new vocabulary; Defining new words;

2. Grammar Competences. Using the past form of the irregular verbs in writing a letter;

3. Phonetic Competences: Pronouncing correctly the new words; Using the correct intonation in reading a letter;

4. Communicative Competences: Using the past form of the irregular verbs in oral speech;

5. Civic Competences. Educating a positive attitude towards communication through letters;

Operational Objectives – By the end of the lesson pupils will be able:

O1) to pronounce correctly the new words; to identify the past form of the irregular verbs;

O2) to develop fluency in reading; to develop oral communication skills using the past form of the irregular verbs;

O3) to write a letter to somebody;

Stage Competen Teacher’s Speech Pupils’ Speech Strateg Materi Time
ce ies al
- Good morning! - Good morning!
- How are you today? - We are fine.
- Who is absent today? - He/She(…) is absent. Conver
- What is the date today? - It is 27th of February sation 1 min
- What day is it today? - It is Monday.

L - Today we are going to learn a Nursery

E Rhyme. Conver
- Do you know what a Nursery Rhyme is? - I think this is a short poem. sation a sheet
X - Yes, ______, this is a short poem, but we can - May be it is a song. of
I even sing it. paper
C - This is the Title of the Nursery Rhyme.
with the
E A ______Please, read the title. - Jack and Jill
title of
- Thank you, _________
V L - How do you think, about what is this poem? - Maybe about a sister and a brother. Brainst the NR
/ - You are right. It is about a girl and a boy, and - About a girls and a boy. orming 1 min
O C they may be brother and sister.
- Now, let’s read the poem in turn. Every of - _____ Jack and Jill went up the hill/ Jack și
A M you read a line and translate it. Please, Jill au urcat pe deal
T U _________ begin. - _____ To fetch a pail of water/ Ca să aducă
N - Thank you, ______. Please the next. o găleată cu apă
I I - _______Jack fell down and broke his
- You are right, thank you. Please ______. crown/ Jack a căzut jos și și-a stricat
O C coroana
N A - Very good! ________ you are welcome. - _______ And Jill came tumbling after/Și
T Jill s-a rostogolit din urma lui(după el)
- Thank you. Please _______. - _______Up Jack got, and home did g and 1 min
I Transla
trot/Jack s-a ridicat , și spre casă a
V - Very well. ________, please. plecat(tropaind) ting
E - _______As fast as he could caper/Așa de
- You are right. Please _________ repede cum a putut(zburda, sări)
- _______He went to bed and bound his
- Thank you______. ______you are welcome head/El s-a urcat in pat, și capul și-a
with the last line. legat(bandajat)
- _______With vinegar and brown paper/Cu
- Very good. oțet și cu hîrtie cafenie(plaster)
- Now, let’s repeat the NR in chorus after me. - Pupils read the poem in chorus:
Jack and Jill went up the hill -
To fetch a pail of water Jack and Jill went up the hill
Jack fell down and broke his crown To fetch a pail of water NR on
And Jill came tumbling after. Jack fell down and broke his crown
Repetiti a sheet
And Jill came tumbling after.
on in of
Up Jack got, and home did trot
As fast as he could caper Up Jack got, and home did trot chorus paper
L He went to bed and bound hi head As fast as he could caper
E With vinegar and brown paper. He went to bed and bound hi head
X With vinegar and brown paper.
V C - We will play a game! Make two groups, - The pupils make 2 groups
A please. (the girls on the one hand, the boys on the Repetiti
O L another hand; the half of the class – the another half; on –
C / let’s count till 2, number 1 come here, and number 2
come here, please)
A C work 5 min
- Now the 1st group, repeat after me softly; and - The groups repeat in turn
O the 2nd group repeat after me loudly.
I U Jack and Jill went up the hill Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water To fetch a pail of water
O N Jack fell down and broke his crown Jack fell down and broke his crown
N I And Jill came tumbling after. And Jill came tumbling after.
Up Jack got, and home did trot Up Jack got, and home did trot
A As fast as he could caper As fast as he could caper
T He went to bed and bound hi head He went to bed and bound hi head
I With vinegar and brown paper. With vinegar and brown paper.
- Now the 1st group, repeat after me slowly; - The groups repeat in turn
E and the 2nd group repeat after me quickly.

(nursery rhyme) (nursery rhyme)

(8 min)
- Now, let’s begin our new topic. Please open - The pupils open the books.
your books at page 80.
- So, here is lesson five, please _____ read the - ____ Angela Wrote a Letter
R topic.
- Thank you, now look at the picture and
E C answer the questions:
A O  Is this a classroom or a living room? - This is a living room.
Conver Picture
M  Very good! Are there girls or boys? - There are girls in the picture.
L M  You are right! Are there only girls on the
sation 2 min
- No, there are also dolls.
I U picture?
 Very fine. Is there a letter on the picture? - Yes, there is a letter on the desk.
S N  Very well!
A C - Let’s go to the vocabulary. Have a look,
T A please.
- Now, repeat in chorus after me:
I T  T-shirt - |ˈtiːʃəːt| - T-shirt - |ˈtiːʃəːt|
I  Ribbon - |ˈrɪb(ə)n| - Ribbon - |ˈrɪb(ə)n|
O - Cotton - |ˈkɒt(ə)n|
V  Cotton - |ˈkɒt(ə)n|
N - Glasses - |ˈɡlɑːsɪz|
E  Glasses - |ˈɡlɑːsɪz|
- Wool - |wʊl|
 Wool - |wʊl| Letter - |ˈlɛtə|
/  Letter - |ˈlɛtə|
E - Well done, students! Now, look at the picture
F X and tell the word.
- T-shirt - |ˈtiːʃəːt|
- T-shirt - |ˈtiːʃəːt| - Ribbon - |ˈrɪb(ə)n|
I - Ribbon - |ˈrɪb(ə)n| - Cotton - |ˈkɒt(ə)n|
M C - Cotton - |ˈkɒt(ə)n| - Glasses - |ˈɡlɑːsɪz|
A - Glasses - |ˈɡlɑːsɪz|
E - Wool - |wʊl|
- Wool - |wʊl|
2 min
L - Letter - |ˈlɛtə|
A - Letter - |ˈlɛtə|
- Very good! ______ read please task 3 on the - Read and make up similar dialogues.
N page 80. Readin
I - Thank you!____. ____ you will be Angela - Dialogue from the book, page 80 g
and you _____ will be Kate. Please, girls read
N the dialogue. 1 min
- Very nice. Please, _____ and ____ read once
G again.
- Dialogue from the book, page 80
- Thank you. You will have 3 min to make - Pupils make dialogues.
such a dialogue in pairs. Pair
- ____ and ____, read your dialogue. work 5 min
- Look at the blackboard, please! Here are
some verbs which we have learned yesterday:
R Clean- cleaned Conver
E Work-worked
A And in another column we have other verbs:
L G Sit-sat oard
R Write-wrote and
I Hear-heard chalk
A M - Please______ read the 1st column. And
A translate it. Take-took
T - Very fine. Now ____ read the second Plant-planted Sit-sat
I /
column. And translate only the 1st part. Clean- cleaned Write-wrote
- Thank you. Play-played Hear-heard
O L Work-worked Get- got
N E Tell-told
2 min
I - Please_____ tell what is the difference.
O C - ______ in the 1st column the verbs have
F A “ed” by the end, and this mean that they are
in the past. But in the 2nd column the verbs
L have no “ed” by the end, but an another 2 min
/ - Very good. Be very attentive! These verbs form.
M P are not regular. They form their past not by Repetiti
E H adding “ed” by the end. They have special
O forms for their past.
A N - Repeat in chorus after me, please:
Take-took - Pupils repeat :
Sit-sat Take-took
I I Write-wrote Sit-sat
Hear-heard Write-wrote
N C Get-got Hear-heard
G Tell-told Get-got
- Once again, please, repeat in chorus.
- Now, write down in your copybooks these - Pupils repeat in chorus. 8 min
verbs, please. - Pupils write the verbs down.
(22 m)
L - Very well. _____ please read the task 4, at - Granny cannot find her glasses to read
E the page 81. Angela’s letter. Can you help her read it?
X - Thank you_____. So, pupils can we help her? - Yes, we can. 2 min
I - That’s very nice. please_____ read the letter.
- Letter page 81, book form 3
- Please, _____ translate the letter.
E L - ____ sîmbătă, 27 martie.
F / Dragă Bunicuță, Readin Book
C Mămica mi-a cumpărat ieri o păpușă foarte g
L O frumoasă. Numele ei este Dolly. Ea este cea mai
E M frumoasă păpușă pe care am avut-o vre-odată. Ea
M are ochi albaștri și este ămbracată într-o rochie
X U albastră de mătase. Eu am luat-o cu mine la școală.
I N Păpușa mea lea plăcut la toți. Bunicuțo, vino la noi
I să vezi păpușa mea. Transmite-I salutary motanului
O C - Magnificent! ______ . Tom.
Cu dragoste, Angela.
T - Please______, read once again the letter.
I - Very well! - Pupil read the letter.
E 8 min
(10 m)
E - It's almost time to stop. One more thing
X before you go.
T - So, write down your homework.
E 1st – Do exercise 5 on page 81. - Ok. 3-5 min
2nd – Learn the examples you wrote in your
N copybooks
S 3rd – Write a letter to your Granny.
O - Goodbye, everyone. - Goodbye, teacher!
- Have a nice day! - Thank you, the same for you!
N - Thank you!

45 min

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