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of Domex MC
Domex® is the brand name of hot-rolled sheet
steel from SSAB Tunnplåt.
Domex MC high strength steels are low-
alloy, cold-forming steels intended for the
engineering and automotive industries.
Fusion welding of Domex high strength
steels, has been employed for many years and
does not differ significantly from fusion welding
of mild steels. In order to reap the benefits of
these high strength steels, the welding process
must be controlled in a suitable manner.
This brochure describes welding of
Domex MC cold-forming steels and includes
recommendations on preparatory operations
and the actual welding work. Furthermore
some results of testing of fusion welded high
strength, cold-forming steels are presented.

4 Welding of Domex cold-forming steels
6 Fusion welding
8 High strength in the weld
9 Soft zones
9 High toughness
10 Joint preparation
10 Welding sequences
11 Results of testing
12 Filler metals
14 Stress relief annealing
14 Resistance welding
15 Laser welding

This technical brochure deals forming steels, and preheating
with the welding of Domex of the workpiece is basically
cold-forming steels in the never necessary.
form of hot rolled strip from Due to the low contents of
SSAB Tunnplåt. alloying elements in Domex
Manual metal arc welding steels, all common welding
and gas-shielded metal arc methods and filler metals can
welding are the most common be used.
methods used for joining
steel parts. Although welding Clear-cut benefits
is efficient, it also demands The use of high strength
Domex consistent properties of the
steel being welded.
steels usually offers clearcut
benefits. As an example,
cold-forming By using Domex cold-for-
ming steels, SSAB Tunnplåt
by replacing a 12 mm thick
standard steel with 8 mm

steels customers can manufacture

their products more efficiently
thick Domex®, the volume of
weld metal will be reduced,

whenever and with consistently high

and the number of welding
passes will also be fewer. The

demands are Optimized production

benefits are:
• Lower material costs
strict The combination of Domex
cold-forming steel, appropriate
• Shorter welding time

welding methods and correct • Simplified joint preparation

filler metal ensures optimized For further information on
production. Low sulphur con- Domex cold-forming steels,
tents and low carbon equiva- please consult your SSAB
lents make Domex steel insen- Tunnplåt representative, who
sitive to hot cracking and cold will also be able to provide
cracking. This also applies to more detailed information on
the extra-high strength cold- the material.

The information in this publication is valid at the time of

printing. Subject to changes due to our continual product
development. The latest information on the products is
available on request.

Fusion welding
All common fusion welding
methods can be used for
welding Domex cold-forming
steels, including various
types of gas-shielded metal
arc welding (MAG and TIG),
manual metal arc welding
(MMA), submerged arc
welding (SAW), plasma
welding and laser welding.
Steels of lean Since the steels have very
low contents of alloying
compositions elements and low amounts
of inclusions (see Table 1 on

are easier to the next page), there is little

risk of defects such as hot

weld cracks in the weld metal, cold

cracks in the heat affected
zone (HAZ) or lamellar
tearing in the sheet adjacent
to the weld caused by the low
strength of the sheet in the
thickness direction. These
defect types can sometimes
occur during fusion welding
of steels with higher contents
of alloying elements and
inclusions. Cold-forming
steels have such good
Figure 1. In traditional steel grades, the slag inclusions are normally in an elongated
weldability mainly because of form, which can easily lead to failure inside the sheet when a load is applied in the
their low contents of carbon, thickness direction.
sulphur, phosphorus and
Traditional steels
In the case of a double
T-joint which gives stresses
in the thickness direction,
it should be mentioned that
when the weldment is very
close to a sheared edge it is
important that there are no
sharp defects in the sheared
surface. Otherwise cracks may
propagate from these defects
even if the steel has a very Domex
low amuont of inclusions.
An alternative to shearing is
thermal cutting which gives a
smoother edge surface.

Figure 2. Due to the limited amount of slag inclusions, the strength of Domex is high,
also in the thickness direction.

Insensitive to cold cracking Figure 3. Carbon equivalent values against typical yield strengths of Domex cold-
forming steels (HS and EHS steels) and S355J2G3, in a thickness of 6 mm.
The risk of cold cracking,
which is a form of cracking
that is caused by hydrogen 0.45 CE=C+Mn/6+(Cr+Mo+V)5+(Cu+Ni)/15

embrittlement and occurs at 0.40

fairly low temperatures (below S355J2G3
200°C), is very low in cold- 0.30

CE (%)
forming steels. This is because Domex EHS
the microstructure formed in
the HAZ as a result of welding
is insensitive to cold cracking. 0.15
Domex HS
The reason that harmful 0.10
300 400 500 600 700 800 900
microstructures do not occur
Yield strength (N/mm )
is partly due to the fact that
the cooling rate is normally
low since the material is
usually thin, and partly
because the composition of ming steels (6 mm thick) are No preheating
the steel is so lean. plotted in Figure 3 against No preheating is normally
Carbon equivalent formulas typical yield strength values needed before welding, and
are available for grading steels for the various steels. The preheating should not normal-
with regard to the risk of cold ordinary structural steel ly be employed unless it is
cracking. The most common S355J2G3, formerly designated absolutely essential, since the
carbon equivalent formula is St 52-3, has been plotted as toughness and strength of
CE=C+Mn/6+(Cr+Mo+V)/5+(Cu+Ni)/15. reference. This clearly illustra- the cold-forming steels could
The CE values for the high tes that the cold-forming steels otherwise be impaired.
strength (HS) and the extra- have very lean compositions in
high strength (EHS) cold-for- relation to their strengths.
High strength in the weld if the weld is in a low-stress the weld metal and the parent
It is easy to produce high region. These filler metals are material are required. Basic
strength joints by fusion often less expensive and the electrodes are recommended
welding of Domex cold-for- range available is also greater. in all other cases and if high
ming steels, since matching There is a rule of thumb which toughness of the weld is
filler metals are available for states that the strength of required, and for position
all of the various strength the weld is roughly mid-way welding. The electrodes
grades (see also Table 4 on between the strength of the should be stored so that they
page 9 concerning filler steel sheet and the strength of will not absorb moisture.
metals). The same strength the filler metal obtained from Impurities on the surface,
requirements as those the data sheets of the filler such as rust, paint and
applicable to the parent mate- metal manufacturer. moisture, must be removed
rial will then apply to the weld. Either rutile electrodes or before welding is started. Pure
This also applies to the EHS basic electrodes can be used carbon dioxide or a mixed gas
steels which have the highest for manual arc welding. For (around 80 percent argon and
strength of all the steels in the steel grades Domex 20 percent carbon dioxide) is
the cold-forming range. In 315 MC-Domex 420 MC rutile used for MAG welding, and
many cases, undermatched electrodes are recommended pure argon is most commonly
filler metal can also be used for short welds, if little spatter employed for TIG welding.
for welding EHS steels, e.g. and fine transitions between

Table 1. Chemical composition of Domex cold-forming steels

Chemical composition
Steel grade C Si % Mn% P% S% Al Nb V Ti
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
max max max max max min max max max

Domex 315 MC 0.10 0.03 1.30 0.025 0.010 0.015 0.09 0.20 0.15
Domex 355 MC 0.10 0.03 1.50 0.025 0.010 0.015 0.09 0.20 0.15
Domex 420 MC 0.10 0.03 1.50 0.025 0.010 0.015 0.09 0.20 0.15
Domex 460 MC 0.10 0.10 1.50 0.025 0.010 0.015 0.09 0.20 0.15
Domex 500 MC 0.10 0.10 1.60 0.025 0.010 0.015 0.09 0.20 0.15
Domex 550 MC 0.12 0.10 1.80 0.025 0.010 0.015 0.09 0.20 0.15
Domex 600 MC 0.12 0.10 1.90 0.025 0.010 0.015 0.09 0.20 0.15
Domex 650 MC 0.12 0.10 2.00 0.025 0.010 0.015 0.09 0.20 0.15
Domex 700 MC 0.12 0.10 2.10 0.025 0.010 0.015 0.09 0.20 0.15
Some thicknesses of these steel gr
maximum Si content of 0. ed in the order.

Table 2. Mechanical properties of Domex cold-forming steels

Mechanical properties
Practical application
Steel grade Yield strength Tensile strength Elongation min % Minimum recommended bending radius
Reh (N/mm2) Rm (N/mm2) A80 A5 (≤90°) for nominal thickness (t) in mm
min min t<3 t≥3 t≤3 3>t≤6 t>6

Domex 315 MC 315 390-510 20 24 0.2xt 0.3xt 0.4xt

Domex 355 MC 355 430-550 19 23 0.2xt 0.3xt 0.5xt
Domex 420 MC 420 480-620 16 20 0.4xt 0.5xt 0.8xt
Domex 460 MC 460 520-670 15 19 0.5xt 0.7xt 0.9xt
Domex 500 MC 500 550-700 14 18 0.6xt 0.8xt 1.0xt
Domex 550 MC 550 600-760 14 17 0.6xt 1.0xt 1.2xt
Domex 600 MC 600 650-820 13 16 0.7xt 1.1xt 1.4xt
Domex 650 MC 650*) 700-880 12 14 0.8xt 1.2xt 1.5xt
Domex 700 MC 700*) 750-950 10 12 0.8xt 1.2xt 1.6xt
For thicknesses >8 mm, the minimum yield strength may be 20 N/mm2 lower.

Soft zones 8 mm thick Domex 700 MC than the values specified in
When cold-forming steels of if normal tensile strength the catalogues of filler metal
the highest strengths – from demands are applicable to the suppliers.
Domex 550 MC upwards – are welded joint. With this heat The impact toughness in
welded, soft zones will form in input, 8 mm thick plate can the HAZ is determined by
the HAZ. These will occur as a be welded with two beads. the microstructure of the
result of changes in the For fillet welds which are the steel which, in turn, varies
microstructure. The width most common type of welds with the composition of the
and hardness of the zone are higher heat inputs can be used steel, the plate thickness
determined by the sheet (approx 30-40 %). working temperature
thickness, working tempera- and the heat input during
ture and the heat input. (Q = High toughness of welded joints welding. The HAZ consists
U x I/v, where U = voltage, It is important that the of different zones, and the
I = current and v = travel impact toughness of a welded lowest toughness is normally
speed.) High heat input and structure is high enough so in the coarse-grained zone
thin sheet result in lower that brittle fracture will not immediately adjacent to the
hardness and a wider zone. occur. The impact toughness fusion boundary. However,
However, these zones have of both the parent material the weld can meet the
proved to be of no significance and the weld metal must then requirements applicable to the
if normal heat inputs are used. be high. In the case of Domex parent material, including the
When a load is applied across cold-forming steels, the HAZ in cold-forming steels.
the weld, a triaxial stress impact toughness properties To enable EHS steels with the
condition will quickly occur guaranteed for the parent highest strength values to
in the soft zone, which will material can also be met by meet the impact toughness
prevent further deformation. the welded joint. requirements in the HAZ at
Failure will thus not occur in To ensure that the impact -20°C for a butt weld the heat
the soft zone, but in the parent toughness requirements will input must be limited. In the
material or in the weld metal, be met by the weld metal, it case of 6 mm sheet, the heat
depending on whether the is important to select a filler input must not exceed around
filler metal is under-matched metal which has sufficiently 0.7 kJ/mm, and the corre-
or matched, and whether or good impact toughness. sponding value for 8 mm thick
not the weld reinforcement However, the experience material is 0.75 kJ/mm. With
has been ground away. gained in fusion welding of these heat inputs the 6 and 8
As an example of heat in- cold-forming steels indicates mm thick plates can be welded
puts, for a butt weld a maxi- that the impact toughness of with 3 beads. For fillet welds
mum heat input of around the weld metal is often found higher heat inputs can be
1.0 kJ/mm can be used for to be appreciably higher used. For Domex cold-forming steels, the im-
pact toughness properties guaranteed
for the parent material can also be met
by the welded joint. It is important to
select a filler metal that has sufficiently
good impact toughness.

Joint preparation the most firmly restrained
Joint preparation in Domex parts of the structure towards
cold-forming steels can be the less restrained parts.
done by milling, grinding or • Avoid starting or finishing a
thermal cutting such as gas, weld in very highly stressed
plasma or laser cutting. On areas.
thin sheet (≤4 mm) and pure • If possible, use a filler metal
I joints, ordinary shearing can which has low trength but
be used if the quality of the otherwise conforms to the
cut surface is good. The low demands made on the welded
contents of alloying elements joint.
in these steels eliminates the • Build up the weld symmetri-
need for preheating before cally.
thermal cutting. As mentioned • Minimize the cross-sectional
earlier, there is very little risk area of the welds.
of cold cracking.
Many different gases or
gas mixtures can be used in
thermal cutting. However, if
plasma cutting is employed for
joint preparation, some care
should be taken when using
air or nitrogen as the plasma
gas. This is because nitrogen
absorption could take place
at the cut surfaces of the
steel, which may give rise to
porosity of the weld metal
during subsequent fusion
welding. This problem can be
avoided by using a different
plasma gas, or by grinding
around 0.2 mm off the cut
surfaces before welding.

Welding sequences
The forces to which a welded
structure is subjected consist
of the external applied loads
and the internal stresses
caused by welding (residual
welding stresses). The residual
stresses are normally high and
are on a level with the yield
It is often important to
minimize the residual wel-
ding stresses and welding
deformations in a structure.
Before welding is started, a
welding plan should therefore
be drawn up. The following
recommendations apply:
• Welding should be carried
out in a direction away from

Results of mechanical testing the HAZ), bendability and the weld reinforcements were
of welded joints hardness. ground down.
Over the years, many welding Some examples of the The results demonstrate
studies have been carried mechanical properties that the tensile strength
out on cold-forming steels. (tensile strength and impact requirements applicable to the
Different heat inputs and toughness) obtained on MAG parent material (see Table 2)
different filler metals welded cold-forming steels can also be met in a direction
(matched, undermatched (butt welds) are tabulated across the welded joint. The
and over-matched) have been below. All of the filler metal weld is thus at least as strong
tested. All joints have been wires used in the welds repor- as the steel sheet. The impact
radiographed to determine ted in Table 3 are matched or toughness of the weld metal
whether the weld quality is overmatched. A mixed gas and the HAZ (tested at -20°C
satisfactory. The testing to consisting of 80 percent argon and/or -40°C) is also good. All
which welded joints were and 20 percent carbon dioxide joints have also been subjected
subjected included strength, was used throughout. The to bending tests with a ben-
impact toughness at various results of plasma and laser ding radius of 2 x sheet thick-
temperatures (in the various welding are also included in ness, with satisfactory results.
zones of the weld metal and the table. Before tensile testing,

forming steels. MAG welds (butt welds, mixed gas, weld reinforcement ground away before testing, V joints in 6 and 8 mm test
pieces), as well as laser and plasma welds.

Weld No. Domex Wire Pass Heat Tensile test across Impact test (Chappy V)
(method) steel grade input
(thickness, kJ/mm Rm’ MPa Fracture Direction Position*) Impact energy (J/cm2)
mm) location of testing -20°C -40°C

1 Dx 355 MC OK 12.51 1 0.87 476 Parent material Longitudinal A 133 99

(MAG) (6) B 258 250
C 270 256

2 Dx500 MC OK 12.51 1 1.2 595 Parent material Longitudinal A 168 174

(MAG) (6) B 162 110
C 256 244

3 Dx 500 MC OK 12.51 1 1.3 636 Parent material Longitudinal A 61 42

(MAG) (12) 2 1.5 B 138 46
C 275 120

4 Dx 650 MC TD-T90 1 0.73 810 HAZ Transverse A 207

(MAG) (6) 2 0.81 B 51
C 107
5 Dx 650 MC SG 700 1 0.61 774 Weld metal Transverse A 176 172
(MAG) (8) 2 1.2 B 72 46
C 89 58

6 Dx 700 MC OK 13.13 1 0.29 829 Weld metal

(MAG) (3)

7 Dx 700 MC OK 13.31 1 0.39 846 HAZ

(MAG) (3)

8 Dx 700 MC OK 13.31 1 0.88 836 Parent material Longitudinal A 71 52

(MAG) (8) 2 0.94 B 80 69
3 0.95 C 156 61

9 Dx 700 MC OK 13.31 1 1.14 849 Parent material

(MAG) (8) 2 1.13

10 Dx 355 MC OK 12.51 1 0.65 455 Parent material

(Plasma) (3)

11 Dx 420 MC - 1 0.38 539 Parent material Longitudinal A 198 117

(Laser) (8) B 245
C 302

12 Dx 700 MC - 1 0.25 816 Parent material Longitudinal A 208 83

(Laser) (6) B 153 150
C 135 105
A = Weld metal, B = Fusion line, C = HAZ 1 mm from fusion line.

Table 4: Some examples of filler metals from a number of suppliers for use on Domex cold-forming steels. The filler metals are
roughly matching or over-matching. Also other filler metals can be used if they fullfill the requirements of the weldment in the
actual construction.

Steel grade Manual Gas-shielded metal arc welding Submerged arc Manufacturer
metal arc welding, Tubular electrode Wire electrode welding
coated electrode Wire/power

Domex 315 MC OK 48.00 OK Tubrod 15.00 OK Autrod 12.51 OK 12.24/ ESAB

Domex 355 MC OK Flux 10.62
Domex 420 MC Filarc 88 S Filarc PZ6103 Filarc PZ6000 S - Filarc
P 48 S, Maxeta 22 DWA 50 Elgamatic 100 - ELGA
Supercord Fluxofil 12 Spoolcord 21 Fluxocord 40/ Oerlikon
Powder OP 121TT

Domex 460MC OK 74.78 OK Tubrod 15.17 OK Autrod 12.51 OK 12.24/ ESAB

Domex 500 MC OK Flux 10.62
Filarc 88 S Filarc PZ6145 Filarc PZ6041 - Filarc
Filarc PZ6047
P 48 S, Maxeta 21 DWA 50, DWA 55E Elgamatic 103 - ELGA
Tenacito 70 Fluxofil 41 Carbofil CrMo-1 Fluxocord 41/ Oerlikon
Powder OP 121TT

Domex 550 MC OK 75.75 OK Tubrod 15.27 OK Autrod 13.13 OK 13.40/ ESAB

Domex 600 MC OK Flux 10.62
Filarc 108 Filarc PZ6147 PZ 6047; PZ 6048 - Filarc
Maxeta 110 - Elgamatic 135 - ELGA
Tenacito 75 Fluxofil 42 Carbofil NiMo-1 Fluxocord 42/ Oerlikon
Powder OP 121TT

Domex 650 MC OK 75.75 OK Tubrod 15.27 OK Autrod 13.13 OK 13.43/ ESAB

OK Autrod 13.29 OK Flux 10.62
OK Autrod 13.31
Filarc 118 PZ132; PZ6148 - - Filarc
P 110 MR; Maxeta110 - Elgamatic 135 - ELGA
Tenacito 75 Fluxofil 42 Carbofil NiMoCr Fluxocord 42/ Oerlikon
Spoolcord TD-T90 Powder OP 121TT

Domex 700 MC OK 75.75 OK Tubrod 15.27 OK Autrod 13.13 OK 13.43/ ESAB

OK 13.29; OK 13.31 OK Flux 10.62
Filarc 118 PZ6148; PZ 6149 - - Filarc
P 110 MR; Maxeta 110 - - - ELGA
Tenacito 75 Fluxofil 42 Carbofil NiMoCr Fluxocord 70/ Oerlikon
Tenacito 80 SAF Dual 270 Spoolcord TD-T90 Powder OP 121TT

Table 5: Standardized welding consumables.

Steel grade Manual Gas-shielded metal arc welding Submerged arc

metal arc welding, Tubular electrode Wire electrode welding
coated electrode Wire

Domex 315 MC AWS: A5. 1 E7018 AWS: A5. 20 E71T-X AWS: A5. 18 ER70S-X AWS: A5. 23-F7AX-EM12K
Domex 355 MC
Domex 420 MC DIN1913: E5153B10 DIN8558: T521 DIN8559: SG 2 -
EN499: E42X-xx EN758: T42X-xx EN440: G42X-xx

Domex 460 MC AWS: A5. 5 E9018 AWS: A5. 29 E81T-X AWS : A5. 18 ER80S-X AWS: A5. 23-F7AX-EX
Domex 500 MC
DIN8529: EY5543MnMoB DIN7084: T541 DIN8559: SG 2 -
EN499: E50X-xx EN758: T50X-xx EN440: G50X-xx

Domex 550 MC AWS: A5. 5 E11018 AWS: A5. 29 E100T-X AWS: A5. 28 ER100S-X AWS: A5. 23-F10A4-EX
Domex 600 MC
DIN8529: EY6965
EN757: E62X-xx

Domex 650 MC AWS: A5. 5 E11018 AWS: A5. 29 E110T-X AWS : A5. 28 ER100S-X AWS: A5. 23-F11AX-EX
AWS : A5. 28 ER110C-X
DIN8529: EY6965 DIN SGNiMoCr2
EN757: E69X-xx

Domex 700 MC AWS: A5.5 E11018 AWS: A5. 29 E110T-X AWS: A5. 28 ER100S-X AWS: A5. 23-F114X-EX
AWS: A5. 28 ER110C-X
DIN8529: EY6965 DIN SGNiMoCr2
EN757: E79X-xx

X= required impact toughness to be selected

Stress relief annealing MC - 420 MC) and 530 - 580°C pickled or blast-cleaned.
Stress relief annealing is often for Domex EHS steels (Domex Typical spot-welding trials
used on heavy plate in order to 460 MC - 700 MC). on hot rolled, coldforming
reduce the residual stresses in steels have been run on 2 mm
welded structures. Stress relief Resistance welding thick Domex 650 MC. Spot
annealing is also used on Resistance welding can be welding was done on ordinary
ordinary structural steels in used also for joining thin overlap joints (2+2 mm). The
order to reduce the hardness Domex cold-forming steel results of the trials are shown
and improve the toughness sheet. The methods included in Figure 4 in which the weld
in the HAZ. No stress relief in the resistance welding lobe is plotted. This type of
annealing for this purpose group are spot welding, graph is often used in spot
welding and describes the
Stress relief is necessary on Domex cold-
forming steels. The hardness
seam welding and projection
welding. All steels included variation in current which is
acceptable without impairing
annealing need not be reduced and the
impact toughness of Domex
in the cold-forming range
are easy to weld using these the nugget diameter. In this
case, the acceptable nugget
against cold-forming steels in the
welded condition is good.
methods, since the steels
have lean compositions. It diameter requirement has
been set at 80 percent of the
residual The only occasion when
stress relief annealing of cold-
is particularly important
to maintain the contents of electrode tip diameter, which
forming steels is justified is if is a common requirement.
stresses the residual welding stresses
carbon, phosphorus and
sulphur at a low level to ensure The width of the weld lobe
need to be lowered or if a cold- good welding results. As an – in this case for Domex 650
forming steel has been welded example, Domex 650 MC MC – is 1.2 kA, which may be
to some other steel that requi- and Domex 700 MC steels, regarded as satisfactory.
res stress relief annealing. which have the highest
Stress relief annealing may alloying element contents
also be specified by the in the cold-forming series,
manufacturing standard. have compositions that are
The recommended tempe- substantially within the
rature ranges for stress relief limits known by experience
annealing of welded cold-for- to produce good spot welding
ming steels are 550 - 650°C for results. Best results are
Domex HS steels (Domex 315 achieved if the surface is

Figure 4. Weld lobe for Domex 650 MC.

Thickness, mm 2
Electrode dia., mm 7
80% Electrode pressure, N 4 400
Splash Squeeze time 30 cycles
Cooling time 10 cycles
Welding time (cycles at 50 Hz)





4 6 8
Welding current (kA)

Laser welding
Laser welding is a relatively
new method. A typical appli-
cation of laser welding of thin
sheet is in the automotive
industry. In recent years,
interest has also increased in
using laser welding for thicker
hot rolled sheet. Compared to
MAG welding, the benefits of
laser welding include higher
productivity due to higher
welding speed and fewer runs.
Laser welding also produces
less distortion and a reduced
heat-affected zone in the
parent material.
Since the heat input in laser
welding is lower than that in
ordinary fusion welding, the
cooling rate in the material
will be higher. This causes
increased risk of hard zones
in the welded joint if the steel
is highly alloyed. Since Domex
cold-forming steels have very
low contents of alloying
elements, no hard zones will
occur in the weld. In tensile
testing across the weld, the test
piece will fail outside the weld,
in the parent material itself.
The results of tensile testing of
laserwelded joints are given in
Table 3.

SSAB Tunnplåt AB is the largest
Scandinavian sheet steel manufacturer
and a leader in Europe in the development
of high strength, extra-high strength and
ultra-high strength steels.

SSAB Tunnplåt is a member of the SSAB

Swedish Steel Group, has a turnover of SEK
10 billion, and has around 4000 employees
in Sweden. The company produces about
2.5 million tonnes of sheet steel annually.

Our environmental policy involves

continual improvements to the efficiency
of production processes and environmental
care plants, and development of the
environmental properties of our products
from the life cycle perspective.

We produce the following steels in our

modern, high-efficiency production lines
and rolling mills for strip products:

hot-rolled steel sheet

cold-reduced steel sheet

metal-coated steel sheet

prepainted steel sheet

Registered trademarks of SSAB

We assist our customers in selecting the

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their competitiveness. Our strength lies in
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