Muslims and Scripture I I
Muslims and Scripture I I
Muslims and Scripture I I
The Qur’an
It is always helpful to take a careful look at what so many people hold in such high
honour. We therefore begin by quoting a prayer that Muslims themselves use in
approaching what to them is an eternal book. The following prayer is included in
Constance Padwick’s famous book Muslim Devotions. It helps us to see the depth of
devotion and reverence for the Qur’an.
Collect: Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: help
us so to hear them, to read, mark, learn and inwardly digest them that, through patience,
and the comfort of your holy word, we may embrace and ever hold fast the hope of
eternal life, which you have given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
MUSLIMS read the BIBLE the way they read the QUR’AN unless we teach them
1. How Muslims read the Qur’an together (men and women separately).
5. How to teach Muslims (especially illiterates) Bible verses e.g. Romans 5:8, John 17:3
and 1 Timothy 2:5-6a. .
2. The Islamic attention to detail with regulations for every aspect of life
4. The debate form, which is part of the cultural and literary heritage of Arabic and Urdu
have each contributed to a certain mind-set which is hard to change. There are set
answers to set questions and an agenda has been fossilized although the debate form has
dropped away. We are confronted with a stereotyped agenda to which we are required to
give answers. We have lost the initiative. Muslim women are not so much caught up in
the debate syndrome as men.
Trinity - unity?
There is some revival of the debate form today by Ahmad Deedat, Josh McDowell, and
Note 1. The Urdu words used for these debates are manazara and mabaza.
ii. Learning About Jesus: Key ideas from the Gospel. Based on the gospel of Luke and
obtainable, together with Getting Through with the Message: Guidelines for Sharing the
Gospel with your Muslim Friend, from: Institute for Religious Research, 1340 Monroe
Avenue, NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49505, USA.
iii. Selections from Bible Studies for Enquirers and New Believers, Vivienne Stacey,
published in Urdu by MIK, Lahore, Pakistan. Obtainable in English from Interserve in
Canada and UK
iv. For a one off Bible study Numbers 21:4-9 is often suitable. See example below.
3. Other suggestions
i. Use the parables of Jesus after putting them in the order of a theological syllabus.
iii. Study the life of Christ with reference to Old Testament prophecies.
iv. Study a gospel e.g. Luke or Matthew or with Sufis (mystics) the gospel of John.
v. Study selections of Genesis with reference to the New Testament e.g. lives of the
Note: It is generally better to study the Old Testament and the gospels before the
theology of the epistles.
An example of the use of the same Bible passage with a more serious seeker
Prayer: Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things from out of thy law. (Psalm
Questions on Numbers 21:4-9
5. Were these people a. religious? b. did they pray? c. did they fast?
6. From Numbers 21:4-9 what proofs are there that sin is very serious? Give references
together with your answers.
a. what did sin do to relationships with God?
b. what did sin do to relationships with God’s prophet?
c. why was the punishment for sin so serious?
d. God who is great can choose his own method to save his people:
i. How did he save Noah and his family?
ii. How did he save people in Numbers 21:4-9?
iii. How did he save people after the death of Jesus the Messiah? See John 3:13-15
7. Sin is like a poisonous venom from a snake. The remedy must be stronger than the
poison. Read 2 Corinthians 5:21. What did Jesus do with the poison of our sin?
8. Is Numbers 21:4-9 only about healing of the body? Is John 3:13-15 only about healing
of the soul? Read the last sentence of Isaiah 53:5.