Effective Data Flow in ZigBee Network Using OPNET

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International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, April 3-5, 2014, India

Effective Data Flow In ZigBee Network Using


Deepika, Monika Sharma, Member, IEEE

management systems, and other consumer and industrial

Abstract- The ZigBee protocol stack is based on IEEE 802.15.4 equipment that requires short-range wireless transfer of data at
which offers a sensible, lucrative solution for low-cost and low relatively low rates. ZigBee networks are secured by 128
power consuming Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs). bit symmetric encryption keys.
These characteristics make ZigBee network an ideal aspirant for In home automation applications, transmission distances range
Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN) in many applications such as
from 10 to 100 meters line-of-sight, depending on power
natural disaster conditions, data gathering for agricultural fields,
output and environmental characteristics. ZigBee was
commercial building and home automation, medical equi pment
conceived in 1998, standardized in 2003 and was revised in
monitoring, industrial control and etc. The latency and
dependability are significant 2006. The name refers to the waggle dance of honey bees after
performance measurements in
sensor networks. This paper focuses on simulating and assessing their return to the beehive. The ZigBee protocol can support
a Wireless Sensor Network implementing the ZigBee protocol over 64,000 nodes and can operate in three network
using the Optimized Network Engineering Tool (OPNET)14.5 topologies: Star, Tree and Mesh. The large amount of
network simulation tool and evaluating its effectiveness in fixed supported nodes is another appealing characteristic,
as well as mobile node network, the determining factors will be specifically in industrial applications [2].
end to end delay with respect to network time.
A. ZigBee Hardware
Index Terms- OPNET, PAN, WSN, WPAN, ZigBee. ZigBee networks are comprised of three main components.
Each device is responsible for specific roles within the
1) ZigBee Coordinator
HE need of monitoring over the large areas or fields and
For every ZigBee network there must be one and only one
automating the services are rising at the fast pace. The coordinator. The coordinators responsibilities include
ZigBee protocol is proving to be a boon here. ZigBee is initializing the network, selecting the transmission channel
a specification for a set of high level communication protocols and permitting other ZigBee nodes to connect to its network.
used to create personal area networks built from small, low­
A ZigBee coordinator can also route traffic within a network.
power digital radios and the computer connected. ZigBee is
2) ZigBee Router
based on an IEEE 802.15 standard. Though low-powered,
A ZigBee router is responsible for message routing within a
ZigBee devices can transmit data over long distances by
network. Not all networks require a router because traffic can
passing data through intermediate devices to reach the distant
travel directly from an end device to a coordinator or even
ones, creating a mesh network i.e. a network with no
from end device to another end device by using routing
centralized control or high-power transmitter/receiver able to
features of a coordinator.
reach all of the networked devices. The decentralized nature of
3) ZigBee End Device
such wireless ad-hoc networks make them suitable for
ZigBee end devices connect to routers or coordinators in a
applications where a central node can't be relied upon [1].
network but cannot have other devices connect to the ZigBee
ZigBee is used in applications that require only a low data
network by piggybacking of its connection [2].End devices are
rate, long battery life, and secure networking. ZigBee has a
the end points of a ZigBee network and contain limited
defmed rate of 250 kbit/s, best suited for periodic or
functionality to talk to parent nodes (coordinator or a router),
discontinuous data or a single signal transmission from a
these are installed at the site under surveillance. Since they do
sensor or input device. Applications include wireless light
not have routing responsibilities and can enter low-power
switches, electrical meters with in-horne-displays, traffic
sleep modes during periods of inactivity and thus save energy
D or enhances the battery life, ZigBee end devices have plenty of
battery lives. Due to its limited functionality, end devices
impose limited memory footprints and can therefore be less
expensive to manufacture than a router or a coordinator [3].
Deepika is M. tech Scholar with the Computer Engineering Department, Fig.l. shows the components of ZigBee, which includes
The Technological Institute of Textile and Sciences, Bhiwani, Haryana, India. ZigBee Coordinator, Router and End Devices.
(e-mail: [email protected]).
Monika Sharma is Ass!. Prof. with the Information Technology
Department, The Technological Institute of Textile and Sciences, Bhiwani,
Haryana, India. (e-mail: [email protected]).

978-1-4799-3358-7114/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE +-IEEE

Advancing Technology
for Humanity

Further this paper has been organized into four sections,
Coordinator End Devices Router
Section II Network Architecture, III Simulated Results and IV


This paper will focus on the flow of data in the ZigBee

network with or without router to check the end to end delay
of traffic in seconds. The ZigBee protocol have three routing
topology, star topology, mesh topology and the tree topology,
here in this case tree topology is used. The simulations are
done in OPNET 14.5 educational version. Here the campus
scenario is taken under consideration. The network is divided
Fig. I. Components of ZigBee
into two subnets and one of the subnet will be having all fixed
B. ZigBee Protocol Layers nodes and other one with mobile nodes. Each of the subnet is
having its coordinator, router and end devices. The data
Likewise other communication protocols ZigBee protocol also
have the layered architecture, it contains four layer and each flowing in the network is gathered at coordinator and will be

layer have its own utility. The ZigBee Alliance, an transferred over console which, further will be ported over

organization which provides the specifications for the clouds for further computation on Platform As A Service
Application and Network layers whereas the IEEE 802.l5.4 (PaaS) and on Software As A Service (SaaS) for user with the
standard provides specifications for the bottom two layers: provided User Interface (UI). This paper represents the partial
Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical to assure work which is to check the flow of data in the WSN that is
coexistence with other wireless protocols such as Bluetooth based on IEEE 802.15.4 standard.
and Wi-Fi [3].
A. Network Architecturefor PAND
The layer stack of ZigBee protocol is shown in Fig.2
• Application Layer Personal Area Network (PAN) 0 contains the static nodes

• Network Layer here four end devices and a router and coordinator are used as
shown in Fig.3. ZED: ZigBee End Device, ZCR: ZigBee
• Medium Access Control Layer
Coordinator and ZR: ZigBee Router.
• Physical Layer

ZigBee Device Object

Apphcabon Layer

• Application Object

Responsible lor network management.

Ne!work Layer

• The ZigBee Alliance delines tlus layer.

• Detennines the somce and destination

ad(�·essing of Ii·ames.
MAC Layer
• Provide reliable data transfer &. nmltiple
access control in the form of (CSMAlCA).

• layer manages the physical RF transceiver; it

PhYSIcal Layer perforllls chalmel selection as well as energy
and signal management routines

Fig. 2. ZigBee Layers

C. Simulator OPNET
Riverbed OPNET Modeler® Suite comprises of a suite of
protocols and technologies with a sophisticated development
environment. By modeling all network types and technologies Fig. 3. Nodes in PANO
(including VoIP, TCP, OSPFv3, MPLS, IPv6, and more),
OPNET Modeler analyzes networks to compare the impact of
B. Network Architecturefor PAN 1
different technology designs on end-to-end behavior. OPNET
PANI contains the dynamic or mobile nodes here six end
Modeler Suite lets you test and demonstrate technology
devices and a router and coordinator are used as shown in
designs before production; increase network R&D
Fig.4. The PAN can get their id automatically or the same can
productivity; develop proprietary wireless protocols and
be achieved manually.
technologies; and evaluate enhancements to standards-based
protocols [6].

Fig. 4. Nodes in PAN1


A. Simulation for PAN0 and PAN1 with Active Router Node

The simulation is done for 3600seconds and the parameters Fig. 6. PAN0 and PAN1 with Active Router Node
set as shown in Fig. 5 which will be shown on running the
simulation. The results are depicted in the form of graphs. Let DR0 denotes the delay in PAN0 and DR1 delay in PAN1,
DR1>DR0, But DR1 is constant after 100secs.
B. Simulation for PAN0 and PAN1 on failing Router Node
The simulation is done for the same period as it was for the
previous one. In both the cases the X-axis is showing the Time
take for simulation and Y-axis time delay with respect to

Fig. 5. The Parameters to be shown after simulation

As the statistics chosen for End to End Delay is Node

Statistics it means the particulars are selected for the nodes in
the network. The results are generated by the Discrete Event
Simulation (DES).
Fig. 6 Depicting the End to End Delay in PAN0 and PAN1
nodes at ZigBee Application Layer with active router node.
From Fig. 6 it is clear that the End to End Delay in PAN1 is
constant after 100secs. But in the case of PAN0 there is zigzag
line, which says that in static network the delay is less as
compared to other one, because the data have fixed Fig. 7. PAN0 and PAN1 without Router Node
destination, but in case of nodes with mobility have the
trajectories which takes more time so end to end delay is high
and non uniform.

Fig. 7 displaying the End to End Delay in PANO and PANI
nodes at ZigBee Application Layer on failing router node.
It has been clearly shown that the End to End Delay is high in
PAN1 which contains the mobile nodes. Let the delay to be
O '
denoted by D for PANO and D for PANl, from Fig.7 it is
clear that the delay D in fixed nodes is less but it keep on
increasing as the time increases whereas the D is constant
after some time.


This paper has been putting emphasis on the effectiveness of

the ZigBee network in two cases one is when the router node
is active and the other is when it is faulted out. From the
graphs obtained it can be easily concluded that the End to
End Delay in active router node is higher than that of faulted
out network. From the comparative study of Fig.6 and Fig.7
we have found that

Rl l
But also D >D
and both exhibiting the same behavior,
whereas in case of D and D no such behavioral similarity
found, in D the delay is pretty less but D keep moving on in
linear manner as the time increases the delay also increases.
So there is no need of router in case of mobile network models
as well as for fixed network, but one thing always to be noted
that the simulation model taken is at very small scale, the
nodes deployed are less in number also the distance is very
small that is why the results are like this, but as the network
grow up the number of devices enhanced the router can used
and in that situation it will be beneficial to have a router.


The research work described here is partial thesis work which

is done under the guidance of Ms. Monika Sharma Asst. Prof.
at The Technological Institute of Textile and Sciences,
Bhiwani. I am very thankful to her for the concern and support
that she has showed towards me.


[I] Mehran Ferdowsi, "Simulations of ZigBee Wireless Sensor Network

Final Report ENSC 427, Communication Network, Spring2012.

[2] Online Available, http://en.wikipedia.orglwiki/Zig8ee

[3] Online Available, http://www. zigbee. orglhome
[4] Online Available, http://www. open-zb.netlwpan_simulator. php
[5] Peng Qiu, Ung Heo & laeho Choi, "The Web-Sensor Gateway
Architecture for Zigbee , The 13th IEEE International Symposium on

Consumer Electronics (lSCE2009).

[6] Online Available, http://www. riverbed. com/products-
[7] Weifa Liang and Yuzhen Liu, "Online Data Gathering for Maximizing
Network Lifetime in Sensor Networks ",IEEE Transactions on Mobile
Computing, Vo1. 6, No. 1, Jan 2007.


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