Module 1 312

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Agritech 312 AGRITECH 312 – Crop Improvement and

MODULE Seed Technology

Chapter 1 – The Basic Concept of Seed Technology

The history of agricultural progress from the early days of man has been the history
of seeds of new crops and crop varieties brought under cultivation. In the early days it was
achieved through the cultivation of indigenous but useful plants and those taken through
introductions. Later through the well-known techniques of selection, hybridization, mutation,
polyploidization and plant biotechnology the scientists made available many new and better
varieties. However, to the farmer all this scientific research would be of little value unless he
gets seeds, which are genetically pure, high germination percentage and vigor, high purity,
sound health etc., when the farmers do not get seeds possessing these qualities the yields
they obtain may not be as expected. The pace of progress in production therefore, will
largely depend upon the speed with which we are able to multiply and market good quality
seeds of high yielding varieties.
Good agricultural practices depend upon the good quality seed. The progress in
agriculture depends upon the production and marketing of quality seed of high yielding
varieties. Thus, the science of seed technology take care of all these aspects. The cultural
practices in seed production are identical with those applied for normal market production.
However, there are some requirements that seed production differed from normal market

Learning Outcomes
After finishing this module, you are expected to have a knowledge, understanding and
familiarization on the concept of seed technology, its branches, the roles and goals, and the
duties and responsibilities of NSIC.
Specifically, at the end of the course, you should be able to:
1. Discuss and understand the definition and importance of Seed Technology in
Crop Production;
2. Enumerate and explain the branches related to the study of seed technology;
3. Discuss the roles, goals and objectives of seed technology;
4. Differentiate a seed and a grain; and
5. Familiarize the duties and functions and the members of the National Seed
Industry Council.

Learning Content

Topic 1. Definition, Branches and Concept of Seed Technology

What is Seed Technology?

- It is the science dealing with the methods of improving physical and genetic
characteristics of seed.
- It involves such activities as variety development, evolution and release of varieties,
seed production, seed processing, seed certification and storage.
- It is interdisciplinary science which includes broad range of subjects.
- It also includes seed quality control, seed marketing, seed distribution and research.
- The science which deals with production, harvesting, processing, testing, packaging,
storing and marketing of seeds.
- It is the method through which the genetic and physical characteristic of seeds could
be improved. It involves such activities as variety development, evaluation and
release seed production, seed processing, seed storage, seed testing, seed
certification, seed quality control, seed marketing etc. (Feistritzer, 1975).

Branches of Seed Technology

1. Seed Production – to make available to farmers with sufficient quantities of good
seeds of desired varieties.
2. Seed Processing – upgrading the seed quality by removing undersigned, undesirable
seed, inert matter and improving the planting value.
3. Seed Certification – the verification of field and seed standards based on official
inspection and testing of seed with regards to its quality and origin as per seed rule.
4. Seed Testing – the science of evaluating planting quality of seed.
5. Seed Biology – the science which deals with the study of life and seed morphology.
Morphology – the development, structure and genetics of seeds and its parts.
6. Seed Storage – the preservation of seed under controlled environmental conditions
which will prolong the viability of the seeds for long period.
7. Seed Entomology – treating the seed to prevent infection of insect pests.
8. Seed Pathology – treating the seed to prevent infection of pathogens.
9. Seed Marketing – the marketing of seed produce by the seed producers.

The Concept of Seed Technology

The distinction between seed and grain is vital, being of seminal importance to
agriculture. The following are the difference between a seed and a grain.

Differences between scientifically produced seed and the grain (used as seed)
Scientifically produced seed Grains (used as seed)
1. It is the result of well-planned seed 1. It is the part of commercial produce
program. saved for sowing or planting
2. It is the result of sound scientific 2. No such knowledge or effort is
knowledge, organized effort, and required.
investment on processing, storage

and marketing facilities.
3. The pedigree of the seed is 3. Its varietal purity is unknown.
ensured. It can be related to the
initial breeder’s seed.
4. During production, effort is made to 4. No such effort is made. Hence, the
rogue out-off types, diseased plants, purity and health status may be
objectionable weeds and other crop inferior.
plants at appropriate stages of crop
growth which ensures satisfactory
seed purity and health.
5. The seed is scientifically processed, 5. The grain used as seed may be
treated and packed and labelled manually cleaned. In some cases,
with proper lot identity. prior to sowing it may also be
treated. This is not labelled.
6. The seed is tested for planting 6. Routine seed testing is not done.
quality namely, germination, purity,
admixture of weed seeds and other
crop seeds, seed health and seed
moisture content.
7. The seed quality is usually 7. There is no quality control.
supervised by an agency not related
with production (seed certification
8. The seed has to essentially meet 8. No such standards apply here. The
the “quality standards”. The quality quality is non-descript and not
is therefore well known. The labels, known.
certification tags on the seed
containers serve as quality marks.

Topic 2. Roles and Goals of Seed Technology

Roles of Seed Technology

1. Improved Seed is Carrier of New Technology. The introduction of quality seed of new
varieties wisely combined with other inputs significantly increases the yield.
2. Improved Seed is Basic Tool for Secured Food Supply. Due to successful
implementation of high yielding variety program, crop productivity is significantly
3. Improved Seed is a Principal Means to Secure Crop Yields in Less Favorable Areas
of Production. Good quality seed of suitable varieties helped in securing higher crop
4. Improved Seed is a Medium for Rapid Rehabilitation of Agriculture in case of:
a. Natural Disaster – in case of droughts and floods, the government had National Seed
Reserve Stock (NSRS) at their disposal. It has two (2) roles: (1) It provide seed in
emergency period in production areas and (2) supply seed for re-sowing in disaster

Goals of Seed Technology
The MAJOR goal of Seed Technology is to increase agricultural production through
spread of good quality seed of high yielding varieties developed by the plant breeders,
before the planting season at reasonable cost.
1. Rapid Multiplication. It is the quickest possible spread of new high yielding varieties
and hybrids developed by a plant breeder.
2. Timely Supply. The improved seed is available at all time, so that the planting
schedule is not disturbed and they are able to harvest the good crop.
3. Assured High Quality Seed. Use of improved seed is possible with use of good
quality seed.
4. Reasonable Price. The cost of quality seed is within reach of average farmer.

Topic 3. National Seed Industry Council (Duties, Power and Functions)

National Seed Industry Council

Republic Act 7308 otherwise known as the Seed Industry Development Act was
enforced in 1992. The Bureau of Plant Industry then had been in the forefront before a bill
relevant to Seed Industry was enacted and became law. The Philippine Seed Board, more
popularly known as PSB was the office responsible in the approval and registration of crop
varieties. It is the Director of the Bureau of Plant Industry that directly supervises the
activities of PSB. Until finally, through RA 7308, the National Seed Industry Council was
created replacing PSB.
The National Seed Industry Council is responsible for registering superior crop

Duties, Power and Functions:

1. The council shall have the following duties, powers and functions:
2. To formulate policies that will stimulate plant breeding activities for the development
of the genetic resources of the country in accordance with the provisions of this act.
3. To encourage persons, associations, cooperatives and corporations engaged in
genetic resources conservation, varietal development, production and processing,
quality of seeds for distribution to farmers.
4. To promote the establishment of infrastructures and other support services in priority
areas geared toward the development of the seed industry.
5. To formulate a comprehensive medium and long-term national seed industry
development program in order to achieve self-sufficiency in t0he supply of high
quality seeds.
6. To formulate policies that will stimulate plant breeding activities, and
7. To promulgate rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this act.
8. The National Seed Industry Council is the new name of the Philippine Seed Board as
per Republic Act No. 7308 since March 27, 1992.

The members of the council are as follows:

1. Secretary, Department of Agriculture – Chairman
2. Director, Bureau of Plant and Industry – Vice Chairman and Executive Director
3. Dean, UPCA – Member
4. Director, Institute of Plant Breeding – Member

5. Crops Research Director PCARRD – Member
6. Director, PhilRice – Member
7. Two Representatives from Accredited farmer’s organization
8. One representative from the seed industry

Teaching and Learning Activities

1. Google/search who is the Father of Seed Technology and find out what are his
contributions in the said field.
2. What are the importance of seeds to man?
3. How do seed industries work today?

Flexible Teaching Learning Modality

- Module
- Google meet

Assessment Task
Self-Assessment. IDENTIFICATION. Read and analyze the sentence and identify what is
being ask. Write the correct answer on the space provided.

______________________1. It is the science or method in which the genetic and physical

characteristics of seeds could be improved.
______________________2. It is a philosophy in which it deals in the upgrading of seed
standards based on official inspection and testing.
______________________3. It is a part of commercial produce saved for sowing or
______________________4. It is the quickest possible spread of new high yielding varieties
and hybrids developed by a plant breeder.
______________________5. An act that was enacted and is responsible in the approval
and registration of crop varieties.
______________________6. What does the acronym UPCA mean?
______________________7. It is the cost of quality seed that is within the reach of an
average farmer.
______________________8. It is the philosophy in which the seeds were made available to
famers with sufficient quantities.
______________________9. It is the philosophy in which the seeds were preserved under
controlled environmental condition.
______________________10. It is the treating of seed to prevent infection of pathogens.

Discuss the following:

1. In your own sight, what do you think is the importance of seed technology in
2. In the concept of seed technology, it explains there the differences between seed
and grain. Explain comprehendly what are the differences between the two.
3. Why do they improve crop varieties?

a. Principles of Seed Technology at
b. Difference between a Seed and a Grain at
c. National Seed Industry Council (Philippines) at

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