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SNR-LUB Greases p. 17

compound p. 25

Grease gun p. 26

lubricator p. 27

Life insurance
for your bearings

Lubrication is taking integral

part of the bearing
Lubrication is essential for correct
operation of the bearing. In fact, 70 % of
bearing failures originate from lubrication A solution for each
problems. application
Lubrication’s function is to insert an oil film Bearing life is directly dependent on oil

between rolling elements and bearing film efficiency, which is influenced by:

races to avoid wear and seizing. • lubricant nature, hence, its adhesion or

Besides, lubrication ensures protection retention capabilities with temperature,

against oxidation and external speed…

contamination. • bearing load and speed.

General purpose greases do not always
meet the specific requirements of some
applications. Bearings intended to operate
in high load, speed and temperature
conditions, or in the presence of water,
humidity or vibrations, require carefully
selected grease.

For more than 50 years, SNR has

conducted research in this field, jointly
with the largest lubricant manufacturers
worldwide. Therefore, we have acquired
extensive knowledge and experience in
bearing lubricants.
SNR Industry


SNR-LUB Greases

The SNR-LUB range is available in many

packaging types and covers a large diversity of
applications. Designed to meet your needs, it is
your best asset in increasing your bearing
service life. For this reason, careful, clean
lubrication processes are strongly
recommended. Any foreign body in the grease
can cause premature bearing damage.

Physical and chemical characteristics of the greases

• NLGI grades (National Lubrication Grease Institute) correspond to a penetration value in the worked
grease (according to test specification ASTM/D217).
• For bearings, the generally acknowledged consistency is grade 2 or 3.

NLGI grades Worked penetration Consistency

0 385-355 Half-fluid
1 340-310 Very soft
2 295-265 Soft
3 250-220 Average
4 205-175 Half-hard

Basic oil viscosity: generally defined in cSt (mm2/s) at 40°C (100°F).

Density: on the order of 0.9ccm.
Drop point: temperature at which the 1st oil drop falls from a grease liquefied by heating of sample. For more details, write
to your SNR technician.
Order of magnitude: 180°C / 250°C according to grease constituents. The max. operating temperature of the grease is
always lower than drop point.

SNR Industry


SNR-LUB Greases
RPM.Dm: RPM x mean diameter
VG: Very good performance
G: Good performance
Technical characteristics NR: Not recommended

● MS ● EP ● HT ● GV+ ● VX ● THT ● AL1 ● FV

Color Amber Amber Light brown Light yellow Golden White Clear yellow Dark brown
- Mineral
- Mineral oil - Synthetic oil - Mineral - Perfluorated
Composition - Mineral oil - Diester oil paraffinic oil - Mineral oil
- Extreme pressure - Polyurea paraffinic oil thickening fluid
- Lithium soap - Lithium soap - Complex - Lithium + calcium
- Lithium soap thickener - Lithium soap - PTFE
aluminum soap
Basic oil
viscosity (SUS) 105 105 150 15 310 390 200 950

NLGI Grade 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Operating -30 -20 -30 -20 -30 -20 -50 -75 -20 -5 -20- 20
-5 - 5 -20 - 20-5 -30 -20 -5 +25
temperature, (°C / °F) +120 +250 +110 +230 +150 +300 +120 +250 +130 +270 +220 +430
+ 220 +250250
+ 270+ +480 +120 +250 +140 +285
Moderate loads
High loads
Low speed
RPM x Dm < 100,000
High speed
RPM x Dm > 100,000
Presence of water
Low amplitude

Adhesion G G VG G VG VG G VG
Low torque G G G VG NR NR G NR
Quietness G G G VG NR NR NR NR
Corrosion VG VG G VG G G G G
to chemical agents
Pumpability VG VG VG VG VG VG VG G

- Tube 230g - Cartridge 400g

- Cartridge 400g - Can 1kg - Cartridge 400g - Cartridge 400g - Cartridge 400g
Packaging - Cartridge 400g - Tube 90g
- Can 1kg - Bucket 5kg - Can 1kg - Tube 50g (25 ml) - Can 1kg - Can 1kg
- Can 1kg - Can 1kg
- Bucket 5kg - Barrel 23kg, 50kg - Barrel 50kg
- Barrel 23kg, 50kg and 190kg

Pay attention to: Conforms to

Grease life - quantity US Food and Drug
_ _ depends on - hold _ _ _
Remarks Administration
operating - eighboring
temperature active parts Recommendations,
- grease retention Class H1

SNR Industry


SNR-LUB Greases
Choix d’une graisse SNR en fonction de vos applications
Choosing an SNR grease Limites
Fonctionnement according to your applications
d’utilisation Préconisation
Exemples d’applications Préconisations générales
Main Operating limits SNR-LUB
Typical applications General recommendations
criteria Temperature, °C/°F Speed recommendation

- - Huile minérale
Mineral oil
- Machines agricoles - - Savon traditionnel
Traditional (lithium,
soap (lithium, calcium…)
- Farming machines
-30 to +120 / - Mécanique générale - Consistency: generally grade 2,grade
- Consistance : généralement 2 pour
for large sizeroulements
<< bearing's
vitesse limite - General mechanics
General courant - 30
-20 to à+250
+ 120
du roulement
limiting speed - - Matériel manutention
Handling devices
de grande dimension
or particular operating modes
- Baisse des reduction
ou avec particularité
à partir
de fonctionnement
- - - Outillage
Electrical électrique
tooling - Performance above 80°C /de 80°Cinencontinuous
175°F continu ; certaines
applications peuvent demander un choix mieux adapté
some applications may require another choice

- Automobile
Forte charge -30 to à
- 30 +110 /
+ 110 < 2/3 vitesse limite- Automotive
- Sidérurgie - Similaire aux graisses d’usage courant avec additifs extrême pression ● EP
High loads -20 to +230
< 2/3
du bearing's
roulement -
limiting speed
Iron & Steel travaux publics
- Matériels
- Similar to multi-purpose greases but with extreme pressure additives ● EP
- Civil works equipment
< 2/3 vitesse limite
- 30 à + 130 - Moteurs électriques classe E
-30 to +130 / < 2/3
du bearing's
roulement - Savon traditionnel avec huile de base minérale
-20 to +270 limiting speed
- Electrical motors, class E
de forte viscosité
- Traditional soap withou synthétique
high viscosity mineral base oil
● HT
- 20 à + 150 _ - Moteurs électriques classe F
or synthetic oil
● HT
-20 to +150 / _ - - Alternateurs
Electrical motors, class F
Haute température -5- to
20 +300
à + 180 ≤ 1/3 vitesse limite- - Equipements de fours
Alternators - Graisses entièrement synthétiques
High temperature
du roulement
- Moteurs électriques classe H
Oven & furnace equipment
- Les graisses avec huile de base silicone ont une tenue réduite ● THT
-20 to +180 / ≤1/3 bearing's - Coupleurs sous charge
-5 to +350 limiting speed
- Electrical motors, class H - Entirely synthetic greases
- Greases with silicone base oil feature poor performance under load
< 1/5 vitesse limite- Couplers
- Equipements de fours - Produits de synthèse se présentant sous forme solide ou pâteuse
- 20 à + 250 Consulter SNR
du roulement - Wagonnets de four - Produits difficilement miscibles
-20 to +250 / <1/5 bearing's - Oven equipment - Synthetic products, in solid or paste form
Consult SNR
-5 to +480 ≤ 2/3 vitesse limite
limiting speed - Furnace
- Aviationtubs - Hardly
- Huile mixable
de baseproducts
de très faible viscosité
Basse température Jusqu’à - 60 du roulement - Engins spéciaux Attention à la retenue de graisse si température supérieure à 80°C
Down to -50 / ≤ 2/3 bearing's - Aerospace - Very low viscosity base oil
Low temperature
Down to -75 limiting speed - Special
- Brochesengines
de machines-outils Pay attention to grease retention, if temperature exceeds 80°C / 175°F
● GV+
≤ 4 vitesse limite
Grande vitesse - 20 à + 120 - Machines à bois - Huile de très faible viscosité
du roulement
- Broches textile ● GV+
- Machine-tool spindles
-20 to +120 / ≤ 4/3 bearing's
High speed -5 to +250 - Wood-working machines - Very low viscosity oil
limiting speed
Humidité - 30 à + 120
≤ 2/3 vitesse limite- Textile spindles
- Machines à laver - Graisse traditionnelle fortement dopée avec additifs anti-corrosion ● MS
du roulement ● EP
-30 to +120 / ≤ 2/3 bearing's - Alternateurs
- Washing machines - Traditional grease, with large amount of anti-corrosion additives ● MS
2/3 vitesse limite
Vibrations -20 to à+250
- 20 + 130 speed
du roulement
- Matériels travaux publics - Graisse consistance (grade 2) à forte adhérence ●●EPVX
Bague extérieure tournante - Poulies folles
Centrifugal forces - Alternators
-20 to +130 / ≤≤ 2/3
Usage alimentaire -5- to
30 +270
à + 120
2/3 bearing's
vitesse limite- Civil
limiting speed
du roulement
- Industrie
works agroalimentaire
equipment - Compatible
- Strong alimentaire
adhesion grease (grade 2 consistency) ●●VXAL1
Rotating outer ring - Idle pulleys u
Forte charge - Industrie lourde : sidérurgies - Adaptée à un fonctionnement à très faible vitesse
_ FV
5à + 140
+120 / ≤ 2/3 bearing's papeteries, carrières et sous très forte charge
Food faible
et vitesse
compatibility - Agri-food industry - Food compatible grease
-20 to +250 limiting speed
- Pâte contre la corrosion de contact
Corrosion de contact - 45 à + 150
-5 to +140 / _
_ - Toutes industries - Pas compatible avec l’ensemble des huiles et graisses appliquées
● nouvea
Pâte u
High load
and low speed +20 to +285
- Heavy industry: steel-works:
paper mills, quarries
- Suitable for very low
under les high
speed operation,
SNR-LUB Greases

Grease titration and regreasing

• Oil lubrication (minimum oil quantity)
Minimum flow rate (in cm3/mn)









1 D+d
10 20 50 100 200 500 Average bearing diameter (mm) Dm =

• Grease lubrication (Grease titration)

Excess grease can cause overheating.
The grease must occupy 20 to 30% of the free volume inside the bearing.

Necessary grease weight calculation formula: G = 0,005 D.B

G = gram (or cm3) , D = bearing outer diameter in mm , B = bearing width in mm

- The grease quantity can be increased by 20% for bearings fitted with a grease drain port,
- Bearings turning at very low speed will tolerate maximum filling.
SNR Industry


SNR-LUB Greases

• Regreasing frequency
Basic frequency (in hours)

Basic frequency (Fb) of

regreasing depends on
bearing type and on
operating speed vs. limit
speed ratio indicated in the
bearing characteristics.
Ball bearin
ical roll
er bear
red r
Sph bear
eric ing
al ro

Operating speed
Limit speed

This basic frequency must be corrected by the factors according to the particular environmental
conditions of the mechanism (dust, humidity, shocks, vibrations, vertical shaft, operating
temperature…) as per the relation: Fc = Fb x Te x Ta x Tt

Environment Application Temperature

- Dust - With shocks For For high
Conditions - Humidity - Vibrations Level standard temperature
- Condensation - Vertical shaft grease grease
Factors Te Ta Tt Tt
Average 0.7 to 0.9 0.7 to 0.9 75°C 0.7 to 0.9 _
High 0.4 to 0.7 0.4 to 0.7 75°C to 85°C 0.4 to 0.7 0.7 to 0.9
Very high 0.1 to 0.4 0.1 to 0.4 85°C to 125°C 0.1 to 0.4 0.4 to 0.7
_ _ 130°C to 170°C _ 0.1 to 0.4

Example: A 22212EA bearing, lubricated with standard grease, turning at 1,500 RPM, in a dusty environment, at
90°C, except other application requirements:
22212 = Spherical roller bearing
S limit = 3,900RPM Factors
S operating = 1,500RPM Te = 0.5 ----> dust
S operating = 1,500 = Basic frequency Ta = 0.9 ----> normal
0,38 ----> Fb = 2,300H Tt = 0.3 ----> 90°C
S limit 3,900

Corrected frequency (Fc) = Fb x Te x Ta x Tt = 2,300 x 0.5 x 0.9 x 0.3 = 310 hours

SNR-LUB Greases

• Grease amount to be added

This corrected frequency allows the calculation of the amount of grease to be added, depending on:
- bearing width B,
- outer diameter D,
- c factor as read on the curve below, according to the relation P = D x B x c.

Corrected frequency (in hours)

c factor

Example: for bearing 22212 P = grease weight

(spherical roller bearing) D = 110mm
B = 28mm
c = 0.003

P = D x B x c = 110 x 28 x 0.003 = 9 grams

Therefore, 9 grams will be added every 310 operating hours
All these calcultations can be realized thanks to our CD Rom i-cat
SNR Industry


Fitting compound

The fitting compound was especially designed for contact

corrosion-critical applications.
By its unique composition, it is both a lubricating and a
fitting compound.

• Installation and removal (bearings, wheels, flanges, etc.),
• Lubrication (smooth bearings, threaded spindles, splined shafts, adjustment nuts and bolts, rubber
lip rings, etc.) for stick-slip reduction.

Technical characteristics
• Contact corrosion reduction, permitting easier removal,
• Extended shaft and bearing housing life,
• Composition: lithium soap, synthetic oil, solid organic lubricants,
• Enhanced corrosion protection,
• Operating temperature: -45°C to + 150°C,
• NLGI grade: 1 (basic oil viscosity at 40°C = 380 cSt),
• Water and washout resistant.

For lubrication of your bearings, SNR generally recommends the use of various types of grease from
the SNR-LUB range. (See Choosing an SNR grease according to your applications p. 20-21).

Grease gun for bearings

When you carry out maintenance on your equipment,

frequently access to the bearings is difficult and often in
dusty, dirty environments.
The grease gun is designed to facilitate regreasing and
allows you to cleanly inject the right grease quantity.
The grease gun and its specific accessories are designed
to facilitate the operations of greasing and re-freasing of
your bearings and to inject the good quantities of grease
with cleanliness and precision.

Technical characteristics
• Material: heavy steel plate,
• Weight: 2-1/2 pounds with steep section and clip,
• 150mm steep section in steel,
• "Hydraulic" type steel clip, 3 jaws, with flat (10 x 100 threads),
Content Flow rate Operating pressure Maximum pressure
500cm 3
0.80cm 3
180bar 360bar
Suitable for 400g cartridges, bulk grease, with bleed and filling valve. The SNR grease gun is compatible with standard grease cartridges,
notably SNR-LUB grease cartridges.

• Greasing accessories supplied with the gun: di-chromated, zinc-plated steel union (M10 x 100
threads), two plastic nozzles (standard threads).

• Durable
• Entirely made of steel, it ensures long service life (resistance to shocks and intensive use).
• Practical use
• The pump can be actuated with one hand; you can turn the bearing with your free hand,
• Knurled body, permitting excellent grip,
• Accepts cartridges or bulk grease.
• Greasing precision
• Thanks to a specially designed SNR union, you can fit a special profile greasing nozzle onto the SNR
grease gun. This nozzle will allow you to inject the grease at the right point,
• Reduced, controlled grease flow rate.
• Cleanliness
• Closed circuit, from grease cartridge to greasing nozzle,
• Clean for the environment and the user.
SNR Industry


SNR automatic lubricator

Any under-lubricated bearing is subject to irreversible

premature failure.
The automatic lubricator allows constant, regular
lubrication of your bearings. Easy to integrate into
various types of applications (mechanical and motor
industries, steel-works, paper mills, etc.), it enables you
to optimize the lubrication function without the need to
modify to your equipment.

Technical characteristics
• Grease reservoir content: 125 cm3 (6),
• Reservoir closed by piston (5), expressed by diaphram (3),
• Chamber sealed (4) closed by a membrane: the chamber
contains the electro-chemical cell which generates the
propellant gas,
• Upper part (7): monitoring cell (1) and control cell (2),
comprised of an electrical system with indicator light and 6
• Cell power supply: 2 alkaline batteries, LR6 type, of 1.5
Volt each,
• Operating time selection (1, 2, 3, 6 months, 1 year) according
to the flow rate selected via the switches,
• Switch set to "on": an indicator light blinks, indicating device
in service.

Available installation accessories:

- Hoses: RGF 1000 N 01
- RDF unions - female / female
1/4 inch, gas-type, cylindrical
- RDM unions – male / female
6 x 100, taper
8 x 100, taper
8 x 125, taper
10 x 100, taper
10 x 150, taper INDUSTRY
SNR automatic lubricator

Composition of the various elements

• Lubricator body, injection-molded, transparent to show the remaining grease level. Fitted with 1/4 inch
male threads.

• Diaphram features suitably shaped bottom section intended to ensure correct axial pressure on the grease
contained in the reservoir. The body and diaphram materials (polyamide 11 and polypropylene) comply
with the FDA list (US Food & Drug Administration), hence compatible for food applications.

• Upper chamber: clear PVC, housing electrodes,

the extensible membrane, batteries and
electrical system. After adding a cover sealed
with O-ring (1) the chamber is centered in the
body and secured with polyamide ring nut (2) .

• Electrolyte (14 to 15 grams of salt water solution), retained by an organic substrate held between two
carbon fiber electrodes.

• Electrodes: fed through the bottom section of the upper compartment via sealed (bonded) ports. They
extend into US-welded stainless steel contacts.

• Electrical system. The various elements: diode, transistors, resistors, condensers, and the switching unit
are tin-welded on a PCB. This electrical unit and the two batteries are clipped onto the corresponding
stainless steel contacts. To ensure continuous contact for the entire lubricator service life, the various
elements are pressed by leaf-springs.

• Diaphram, made of thermoplastic material ensuring both the mechanical strength of plastic and the elasticity
of elastomeric materials, it is US-welded on the bottom section of the upper compartment. Therefore,
the electro-chemical cell is housed in a fully sealed enclosure. During final assembly, the sealed joint is
pressed between the tank and the upper compartment by the flanged nut, ensuring a leak-proof

• Protections. Access to the switching unit is closed by a cap fitted with an

O-ring, ensuring a perfect seal, even when submersed. A grease flow
port is sealed by a plug.

• Propellant gas. The inert gas in the SNR lubricator guarantees absolute safety. Comprised of 90% nitrogen,
it is harmless both to the operator and the environment. Explosion-proof, flameproof, it allows the SNR
lubricator to meet industrial safety standards, notably the non-combustable standards.
SNR Industry


SNR automatic lubricator

• Easily installed, reliable greasing system,
• Clear container with graduated label for permanent grease level monitoring,
• Regular flow rate,
• Large volume, compact size (diameter: 80mm, height: 130mm, weight: 14ounces),
• Perfectly tight connection between lubricator and greased component (no risk of contamination, clean
for the environment and the user),
• Harmless to the environment. The gas generated in the SNR lubricator's sealed chamber (nitrogen) is
explosion-proof and flame-proof (INERIS and CECHAR certifications),
• Operational up to 55°C / 130°F max. temperature, in high altitude, in water and in all positions,
• Extensive range of accessories (unions, hoses, etc.),
• Can be shut down then restarted,
• Programmable during operation,
• Allows limited maintenance in hazardous environments.

Operating principles
• Setting of the selected switch(es) (1) closes the corresponding electronic circuit and allows variable current
(according to the desired flow rate).
• The electro chemical cell releases an inert gas, essentially comprised of nitrogen (90%).
• This gas fills chamber (4) and, via diaphram (3), pushes piston (5) qwhich, in turn, ejects lubricant (8)
contained in the reservoir.

SNR automatic lubricator

Available types of grease

• SNR-LUB AL1, meeting 21 CFR 178 357 requirements of the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration),
classified H1 as per USDA recommendations (United States Department of Agriculture).

Please contact us for other types of greases or for empty lubricators, to be filled by the user.

Flow rate adjustment parameters

Shaft Manual greasing frequency Daily Automatic lubricator

diameter (1 pump strike = 1cm3) quantity replacement frequency
100 to 120mm 4 pumps, daily 3 to 4cm3 1 month
80 to 100mm 2 pumps, daily 2cm3 2 months
65 to 80mm 8 to 10 pumps, weekly 1.5cm3 3 months
50 to 65mm 8 to 10 pumps every 15 days 0.7cm3 6 months
< 50mm 8 to 10 pump strikes, monthly 0.3cm 3
12 months
Values given for normal conditions. For more details, contact your SNR technician.

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