1) Bhaskar A.A. , Nanavati M.C., Pandya H.N., “Electronic Name-plate Using AT89C51
Microcontroller”, Electronics Maker, Delhi, India, 121(11), 51-56 (2006).
2) Bhaskar A.A. , Nanavati M.C., Pandya H.N., “Moving Message display using AT89C51
Microcontroller” (part I) Electronics Maker, Delhi, India, 126(11), 39-41 (2006).
Bhaskar A.A. , Nanavati M.C., Pandya H.N., “Moving Message display using AT89C51
Microcontroller” (part II), Electronics Maker, Delhi, India, 127(11), 38-41 (2006).
3) Bhaskar A.A. , Nanavati M.C., Pandya H.N., “Keyboard interface with AT89C51
Microcontroller” Electronics Maker, Delhi, India, 128(12), 52-56 (2007).
4) Bhaskar A.A., Chirutkar H.G., Pandya H.N., “Serial Communicator”, In Proc. two days
national seminar on Emerging Trends and Development in Embedded Systems, Goa, March
13-14 (2007), p. 07.
5) Bhaskar A.A., Pandya H.N., “Experimental Board for MCS51 Family of Microcontroller”,
Laboratory Experiments (LE), 8(1), 1-13 (2008).
6) Bhaskar A.A., Pandya H.N., “Debugging Tool for Embedded Microcontroller: PICE”,
Laboratory Experiments (LE), 8(2), 90-96 (2008).
7) Bhaskar A.A., Pandya H.N., “Interactive Information Display embedded system using I2C
protocol”, In Proc. National Conference Advances in Electronic System Design (AESD-08),
Rajkot, November 21 (2008), p. 51.
8) Bhaskar A.A., Oza S.J., Pandya H.N., “PC to PC Serial Communicator: Case Study to Learn
LabVIEW”, In Proc. National Conference on Evolving Communication Technologies and
Knowledge Management (ECTKM-08), Rajkot, November 23 (2008), p. 113.
9) Bhaskar A.A., Pandya H.N., “Designing Practical Digital Circuits using ABEL-HDL”, In
Proc. Gujarat Science Congress (XXIII GSC), Surat, February 15 (2009), p. 72.
Bhaskar A.A., Pandya H.N., “Designing Practical Digital Circuits using ABEL-HDL”,
Journal of Science & Technology, 1(1), 53-57 (2009).
10) Bhaskar A.A., Pandya H.N., “Microcontroller Based Remote Notice Board Using RS232
Link” Electronics maker, Delhi, India, 153(14), 47-53 (2009).
11) Bhaskar A.A., Oza S.J., Pandya H.N., “A RFID Test Kit and Its Applications”, Laboratory
Experiments (LE), 9(4), 289-307 (2009).
12) Bhaskar A.A., Oza S.J., Pandya H.N., “Wireless Equipment Control Using Microcontroller”,
Electronics for You, Delhi, India, 42(8), 59-63 (2010).
13) Bhaskar A.A., Oza S.J., Sharma V., Pandya H.N., “Design of Virtual Instrument (VI)
Module to Learn labVIEW”, In Proc. of the 2nd National Conference on Information
Technology for Business Transformation, AKGEC, Ghaziabad, November 4-5 (2011), p.
14) Oza S.J., Bhaskar A.A., Sharma V., Pandya H.N., “Robot Control Panel for Applications and
Teaching Robotics”, In Proc. of the 2nd National Conference on Information Technology for
Business Transformation, AKGEC, Ghaziabad, November 4-5 (2011), p. 190-197.
15) Sharma V., Bhaskar A.A., Oza S.J., Kumar P., “Subthreshold Multiplier Design for Low
Power”, In Proc. of the 2nd National Conference on Information Technology for
Business Transformation, AKGEC, Ghaziabad, November 4-5 (2011), p. 198-202.
16) Bhaskar A.A., Oza S.J., Pandya H.N., “Mobile Robot Design using ARM7”, In Proc. of the
International Conference on Recent Trends of Computer Technology in Academia,
Organized by Janardan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidya Peeth (D) University, Udaipur, April 21-
23 (2012), p. 23.
17) Gupta A., Srivastava J.K., Bhaskar A.A., “ANN for the analysis of Pd-doped SnO2 sensor
for detection of Acetylene”, Arni University International Journal, 2(1), 26-30, (2013).
18) Neogi S.G., Bhaskar A.A., Pandey E., “Cluster based Anycast Routing Protocol for Wireless
Sensor Networks”, In Proc. of RAWCAI & IJCA, March 14-15 (2014), p. 39-44.
19) Neogi S.G., Bhaskar A.A., “Hierarchical Anycast Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor
Networks”, In Proc. of the IRF International Conference, Pune, April 13 (2014), p. 118-124.
20) Bhaskar S.A., Bhaskar A.A., Pandya H.N., “ARM Processor Based Servo Motor Control
System Design Using PWM”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering &
Science, 3(5), 42-48, (2014).
21) Gupta A., Srivastava J.K., Bhaskar A.A., “Pd-doped SnO2 based Thick Film gas sensor for
detection of Methanol”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering &
Science, 3(5), 49-55, (2014).
22) Srivastava J.K., Gupta A., Bhaskar A.A., “Sensing Behavior of CuO-Doped SnO2 Thick
Film Sensor for H2S Detection”, International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research,
5(3), 266-272, (2014).
23) Neogi S.G., Bhaskar A.A., Chakrabarti P., “Energy Efficient Hierarchy-based Clustering
Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Computer
Applications, 95(13), 1-8, (2014).
24) S.S. Rana, Bhaskar A.A., “Development of Fuzzy Logic Algorithm for Water Purification
Plant”, IJEST, 7(6), 206-212. (2015).
25) Bhaskar A.A., Champawat R., Bhaskar S.A., “Current Developments of Energy Scavenging,
Converting and Storing in WSNs”, International Journal of Computer Applications, 125(7),
6-12, (2015).
26) Keshwani K., Bhaskar A. A., “Wireless Sensor Network: A Survey”, International Journal of
Current Engineering and Scientific Research, 3(1), 162-168, (2016).
27) Bhaskar A.A., Champawat R., Bhaskar S.A., “Investigation of Energy Scavenging Interface
Circuit for Embedded Systems in WSN”, Indian Journal of Science & Technology, 10(27), 1-
6, (2017).
28) Lala A., Bhaskar A., Chakrabarti P., and Srivastava J, K., A New Approach for Optimizing
Energy Issues in MANET Using DSR Protocol. International Journal of Computer Networks
and Wireless Communications (IJCNWC), 7(4), 13, (2017).
29) Lala A., Bhaskar A., Chakrabarti P., and Srivastava J, K., A Novel Approach For Optimizing Energy
And Bandwidth Issues In MANET Using DSR Protocol. International Journal of Computer Networks
& Communications (IJCNC), 9(5), 17, (2017).