Corporate Social Responsibility Policy 74
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy 74
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy 74
At GeeCee Ventures Limited (GeeCee), we are committed to the vision of creating a dynamic and
developed India along with environmental sustainability. Our vision is to actively contribute to the
social and economic development of the communities in which we operate. In doing so build a
better, sustainable way of life for the weaker sections of society by providing pollution free
environment, Basic Education & Medical Facilities.
2. Purpose
3. Policy Statement
The CSR Policy focuses on addressing critical social, environmental and economic needs of the
marginalized/underprivileged sections of the society. We adopt an approach that integrates the
solutions to these problems into the strategies of the company to benefit the communities at
large and create social and environmental impact.
As a practice, we classify only those projects that are over and above our normal course of
business as CSR. This policy applies to all our CSR projects and it will be further reviewed and
4.1 Normal Course of Business
All projects are identified in a participatory manner, in consultation with the community, literally
sitting with them and gauging their basic needs. Subsequently, based on a consensus and in
discussion with the needy and other influential people, projects are prioritised.
The focus areas that the Company has identified for its CSR Activities are Education, Health care,
and environmental sustainability. The Place of CSR Activity would be preferably the local area and
areas around the Company’s location. However, the Company can also undertake CSR Activities
in Gujarat, Rajasthan or any other place as it considered fit. Also if any charitable institution
undertakes or does any charity for upliftment/betterment of Education / health of the needy then
the company can give charity to such institution also.
4.3 In Education, our endeavour is to spark the desire for learning and knowledge at
every stage through
Formal schools
Balwadis for elementary education
Quality primary education
Girl child education
Adult education programmes
Help to needy for education of his/her child.
4.4 In Health care our goal is to render quality health care facilities to people living in the
villages and elsewhere through our Hospitals
At GeeCee, our CSR governance structure will be headed by the Board Level CSR committee that
will be ultimately responsible for the CSR projects undertaken. The committee will report to our
Board of Directors
5.1.2 Responsibilities
Formulate and update CSR Policy, which will be approved by the Board of GeeCee.
Suggest areas of intervention to the Board of GeeCee
Approve projects that are in line with the CSR policy
Put monitoring mechanisms in place to track the progress of each project
Recommend the CSR expenditure to the Board of GeeCee who will approve it
Meet at least twice a year to review the progress made
6. CSR Budget
The total budget for the CSR projects will be decided by the CSR Committee which shall be
minimum 2% of average net profits of the Company made during the three immediately
preceding financial years.
7. Treatment of Surpluses
Any surplus generated from CSR projects undertaken by us will be tracked and channelized into
CSR corpus. These funds will be further used in development of the CSR projects and will not be
added to the normal business profits.