Image Processing
Image Processing
Image Processing
Divya M.R
IT Branch
The following is the overall view and analysis of
Image Processing.
Image Processing Techniques:
Image Processing techniques are used to enhance,
improve, or otherwise alter an image and to prepare
it for image analysis. Usually, during image
Key Research Areas: processing information is not extracted from the
o Photography image. The intention is to remove faults, trivial
o Software information, or information that may be important,
o Computer Graphics but not useful, and to improve the image. Image
o Displays processing is divided into many sub processes,
Recent Achievements: including histogram Analysis, Thresholding,
Developed with a system that collects images of an Masking, Edge Detection, Segmentation, and
object and builds a computer graphic model that others.
can be viewed from any point. The system
eliminates much of the time and expense in
constructing 3D objects of high quality. Objects
now are photo-realistic since the data comes
directly from photograph.
Morphological processing:
Tools for extracting image components that are Stages In Image Processing:
useful in the representation and description of
shape. A problem
A solution level as a threshold, comparing each pixel value
Image with the threshold, and then assigning the pixel to
Acquisition Recognition the different portions, depending on whether the
and pixel’s grayness level is below the threshold or
Interpretation above the threshold value. Thresholding can be
Knowledge nn performed either at a single level or at multiple
Base levels, in which the image is processed by dividing
it into ”layers”, each with a selected threshold.
Various techniques are available to choose an
appropriate threshold ranging from simple routines
Representatio for binary images to sophisticated techniques for
Segmentatio n and complicated images.
n Description Connectivity:
Sometimes we need to decide whether neighboring
pixels are somehow “connected” or related to each
other. Connectivity establishes whether they have
the same property, such as being of the same
region, coming from the same object, having a
similar texture, etc. To establish the connectivity of
1. Image Acquisition: neighboring pixels, we first have to decide upon a
An image is captured by a sensor (such as a connectivity path.
monochrome or color TV camera) and digitized. If Noise Reduction:
the output of the camera or sensor is not already in Like other signal processing mediums, Vision
digital form, an analog-to digital converter digitizes Systems contains noises. Some noises are
it. systematic and come from dirty lenses, faulty
2. Recognition And Interpretation: electronic components, bad memory chips and low
Recognition is the process that assigns a label to an resolution. Others are random and are caused by
object based on the information provided by its environmental effects or bad lighting. The net
descriptors. effect is a corrupted image that needs to be
Interpretation is assigning meaning to an ensemble preprocessed to reduce or eliminate the noise. In
of recognized objects. addition, sometimes images are not of good
3. Segmentation: quality, due to both hardware and software
inadequacies; thus, they have to be enhanced and
Segmentation is the generic name for a number of
improved before other analysis can be performed
different techniques that divide the image into
on them.
segments of its constituents. The purpose of
segmentation is to separate the information Convolution Masks:
contained in the image into smaller entities that can A mask may be used for many different purposes,
be used for other purposes including filtering operations and noise reduction.
4. Representation And Description: Noise and Edges produces higher frequencies in
the spectrum of a signal. It is possible to create
Representation and Description transforms raw
masks that behave like a low pass filter, such that
data into a form suitable for the Recognition
higher frequencies of an image are attenuated while
the lower frequencies are not changed very much.
There by the noise is reduced.
5. Knowledge Base:
Edge Detection:
A problem domain detailing the regions of an
image where the information of interest is Edge Detection is a general name for a class of
routines and techniques that operate on an image
known to be located is known as knowledge base.
and results in a line drawing of the image. The
It helps to limit the search.
lines represented changes in values such as cross
sections of planes, intersections of planes, textures,
Thresholding is the process of dividing an image
lines, and colors, as well as differences in shading
into different portions by picking a certain grayness
and textures. Some techniques are mathematically
oriented, some are heuristic, and some are of system performance models. For hybrid and
descriptive. All generally operate on the digital imaging products, modeling is used to
differences between the gray levels of pixels or predict the performance the entire system,
groups of pixels through masks or thresholds. The including elements such as optics, image sensors,
final result is a line drawing or similar scanners, image processing operations, printers,
representation that requires much less memory to emissive displays, capture and display media and
be stored, is much simpler to be processed, and human visual responses. In a digital camera, for
saves in computation and storage costs. Edge example, modification of only one component --
detection is also necessary in subsequent process, such as the lens, sensor, or color filter array -- can
such as segmentation and object recognition. significantly impact image quality.
Image Data Compression: Image Simulation:
Electronic images contain large amounts of Image simulation is used to generate actual images
information and thus require data transmission based on system models. Scientists use advanced
lines with large bandwidth capacity. The imaging software to emulate the characteristics of
requirements for the temporal and spatial resolution film or digital systems. They manipulate tone scale,
of an image, the number of images per second, and color, sharpness and grain to generate the kind of
the number of gray levels are determined by the picture quality that a proposed system would
required quality of the image. Recent data deliver. The images generated are then used in
transmission and storage techniques have studies in which people choose which pictures they
significantly improved image transmission find most pleasing. Scientists work on simulating
capabilities, including transmission over the traditional and digital imaging systems, as well as
Internet. hybrid systems that combine both technologies.
Real-Time Image Processing: Drawing on an extensive library of fully
In many of the techniques considered so far, the characterized images, these scientists are able to
image is digitized and stored before processing. In save considerable time and effort in the process.
other situations, although the image is not stored, Simulating new color films and paper emulsions
the processing routines require long computational has replaced time-consuming, expensive physical
times before they are finished. This means that, in experiments in chemical laboratories. In digital
general, there is a long lapse between the time and imaging, simulations can eliminate the need for
image is taken and the time a result obtained. This elaborate "breadboard" hardware needed to
may be acceptable in situations in which the produce experimental images.
decisions do not affect the process. However, in Image communications:
other situations, there is a need for real-time Image communications is what makes digital
processing such that the results are available in real imaging much more than a mere replacement for
time or in a short enough time to be considered real film-based technology. Advances in information
time. Two different approaches are considered for networking allow applications to seamlessly
real time processing. One is to design dedicated integrate multimedia into every form of
hardware such that the processing is fast communication.
enough to occur in real time. The other is to try to How to Manage and Use All That
increase the efficiency of both the software and the Data
hardware and thereby reduce processing and The digitization of the imaging industry brings new
computational requirements. technical challenges and opportunities.The vision
Modeling: of helping people and businesses tell their stories
A key goal for the system designers was for overall more effectively through imaging, once viewed as
image quality to closely match that of current revolutionary in the imaging industry, is now taken
35mm systems. Developers used predictive system for granted.
modeling to meet image quality targets for the Making Digital Imaging Easy Is Not
system. Image quality modeling was key in
So Easy
selecting the new film and print format sizes and in
As camcorders, digital still cameras, and PDAs
evaluating proposed features, such a pseudo zoom.
converge — and as more powerful editing and
Ultimately, specifications for such elements as film
organization tools are developed — we will enter a
design, camera exposure control and component
new age of personal imaging in which anyone
positioning tolerances were developed with the aid
could produce multimedia content that rivals the usage of sensors/cameras and Edge Detection
quality of today's movies and television programs. technique are related to Image Processing and
Achieving this grand vision will be neither quick Vision Systems. By this technique the complexity
nor easy. Today, image communication specialists of using manual sensors is minimized to a great
are creating the infrastructure that could one-day extent and thereby sophistication is increased.
support this vision, as well as the technologies that Hence image processing is used here in the study
will make that possible. These efforts should give a of robotics.
sustainable, competitive edge in the new age of Medical imaging
imaging. Increasingly we are discovering that Medical imaging refers to the techniques and
XML offers a common framework that can solve processes used to create images of the human body
many of the problems that arise from e-commerce, (or parts thereof) for clinical purposes (medical
privacy of records, and multiple data formats. Here procedures seeking to reveal, diagnose or examine
we want to present some of the applications of disease) or medical science (including the study of
Image Processing in some fields where it is applied normal anatomy and physiology). As a discipline
like Robotics, Medical field and common uses… and in its widest sense, it is part of biological
Applications: imaging and incorporates radiology (in the wider
There is a wide range of applications of the digital sense), adiological sciences, endoscopy,(medical)
image processing, few f them are thermography, medical photography and
1. Computer vision microscopy (e.g. for human pathological
2. Face detection investigations).Measurement and recording
3. Feature detection techniques which are not primarily designed to
4. Lane departure warning system produce images, such as
5. Non-photorealistic rendering electroencephalography(EEG) and
6. Medical image processing magnetoencephalography (MEG) and others, but
7. Microscope image processing which produce data susceptible to be represented as
8. Morphological image processing maps (i.e. containing positional information), can
Robotics: be seen as forms of medical imaging.
Image Processing is vastly being implemented in Electron microscopy
Vision Systems in Robotics. Robots capture the The electron microscope is a microscope that can
real time images using cameras and process them magnify very small details with high resolving
to fulfill the desired action. A simple application in power due to the use of electrons as the source of
robotics using Vision Systems is a robot hand-eye illumination, magnifying at levels up to 2,000,000
coordination system. Consider that the robot’s task times. Electron microscopy is employed in
is to move an object from one point to another anatomic pathology to identify organelles within
point. the cells. Its usefulness has been greatly reduced by
Here the robots are fixed with cameras to view the immune histochemistry but it is still irreplaceable
object, which is to be moved. The hand of the robot for the diagnosis of kidney disease, identification
and the object that is to be captured are observed of immotile cilia syndrome and many other tasks
by the cameras, which are fixed to the robot in Fluoroscopy
position, this real time image is processed by the
Fluoroscopy produces real-time images of internal
image processing techniques to get the actual
structures of the body in a similar fashion to
distance between the hand and the object. Here the
radiography, but employs a constant input of x
base wheel of the robot’s hand is rotated through
rays, at a lower dose rate. Contrast media, such as
an angle, which is proportional to the actual
barium, iodine, and air are used to visualize
distance between hand and the object. Here a point
internal organs as they work. Fluoroscopy is also
in the target is obtained by using the Edge
used in image-guided procedures when constant
Detection Technique. The operation to be
feedback during a procedure is required. An image
performed is controlled by the micro-controller,
receptor is required to convert the radiation into an
which is connected to the ports of the fingers of the
image after it has passed through the area of
robot’s hand. Using the software programs the
interest. Early on this was a fluorescing screen,
operations to be performed are assigned keys from
which gave way to an Image Amplifier (IA) which
the keyboard. By pressing the relative key on the
was a large vacuum tube that had the receiving end
keyboard the hand moves appropriately. Here the
coated with cesium iodide, and a mirror at the
opposite end. Eventually the mirror was replaced
with a TV camera.
Nuclear medicine
Images from gamma cameras are used in nuclear
medicine to detect regions of biological activity
that are often associated with diseases. A short
lived isotope, such as 123I is administered to the
patient. These isotopes are more readily absorbed
by biologically active regions of the body, such as
tumors or fracture points in bones.
Projection radiography
Radiographs, more commonly known as x-rays, are
often used to determine the type and extent of a
fracture as well as for detecting pathological
changes in the lungs. With the use of radio-opaque
contrast media, such as barium, they can also be
used to visualize the structure of the stomach and Thyroid
intestines - this can help diagnose ulcers or certain Animal Tracking
types of colon cancer. In order to collect spatial information about an
Ultrasound animal's movement by means of digital image
Medical ultrasonography uses high frequency processing techniques the information has to be
collected sequentially. This can be achieved by
broadband sound waves in the megahertz range
analyzing subsequent image frames of a digitized
that are reflected by tissue to varying degrees to video. By means of extracting the X- and Y-
produce (up to 3D) images. This is often used to coordinates representing the position of a mouse
visualize the fetus in pregnant women. Other for each individual image frame, the path can be
important uses include imaging the abdominal measured. Ideally, time as an additional
organs, heart, male genitalia, and the veins of the information, should be included. If the images are
leg. While it may provide less anatomical detail captured and analyzed at a constant framerate or,
alternatively, the exact time for each coordinate
than techniques such as CT or MRI, it has several
pair is extracted simultaneously, valuable
advantages which make it ideal in numerous information like speed, stops, etc. can be calculated
situations, in particular that it studies the function from the data. Talking about timelines, it has to be
of moving structures in realtime, emits no ionizing noted that depending upon the framerate (time
radiation, and contains speckle that can be used in resolution) the total pathlength may vary to a great
elastography. It is very safe to use and does not extend.
appear to cause any adverse effects, Although
information on this is not well Documented. It is
also relatively inexpensive and quick to perform.
Ultrasound scanners can be taken to critically ill
patients in intensive care units, avoiding the danger
caused while moving the patient to the radiology
department. The real time moving image obtained
can be used to guide drainage and biopsy
procedures. Doppler capabilities on modern
scanners allow the blood flow in arteries and veins Advantages:
to be assessed.
1. In medicine by using the Image Processing
techniques the sophistication has increased. This
lead to technological advancement.
2. Vision Systems are flexible, inexpensive,
powerful tools that can be used with ease.
3. In Space Exploration the robots play vital role
which in turn use the image processing techniques.
4. Image Processing is used for Astronomical
5.Also used in Remote Sensing, Geological
Surveys for detecting mineral resources etc.
6. Also used for character recognizing techniques,
inspection for abnormalities in industries.
1. A Person needs knowledge in many fields to
develop an application / or part of an application
using image processing.
2. Calculations and computations are difficult and
complicated so needs an expert in the field related.
Hence it’s unsuitable and unbeneficial to ordinary
programmers with mediocre knowledge.
It’s a critical study, which plays a vital role in
modern world as it is involved with advanced use
of science and technology. The advances in
technology have created tremendous opportunities
for Vision System and Image Processing. There is
no doubt that the trend will continue into the future.
From the above discussion we can conclude that
this field has Relatively more advantages than
disadvantages and hence is very useful in varied
1. Introduction To Robotics, Analysis, Systems,
Applications - Saeed B. Niku
2. Introduction To Digital Image Processing –
Anil K.Jain
3. Digital Mage Processing - Rafael C. Gonzalez
And Richard E. Woods, AddisonWesley 1993.
4. Digital Image Processing by Engr. Syed
Muhammad Munavvar Hussain.