Name: Date: Class:: Ms. Nicoll History Unit 1

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Ms. Nicoll History Unit 1 

Name: Ari and Maya 

Date: 9-1-17 

Class: 7th Grade - World History 

Main Idea:​ ​Identify the physical features and describe the climate of the Arabian
peninsula, its relationship to surrounding bodies of land and water, and nomadic
and sedentary ways of life.
Topic Student Notes

1. Near the equator; makes it very hot 

2. In the center of the globe 
3. Learn about more than just the peninsula 
4. Geography plays a role in culture 
5. Desert dotted by oases (small bodies of water, 
plants, and animals) 
6. Coastal plains in southern and western: creates 
plant life and moist feel (create owais fell). Waves 
Physical Features of  get smaller and gets soaked into sand. Just enough 
the Arabian  water to create plant life. 
7. Second you get away from the coast plains you get 
an desert--such dry air that it evaporates 
8. Mountains divide coastal plains and deserts. Small 
mountains that keep the costal air from getting to 
the deserts.  
- Arabian Peninsula 
- Jordan River 
- Tigris River 
- Euphrates River 
- Nile River 
- Red Sea 

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Ms. Nicoll History Unit 1 

- Persian Gulf 
- Suez Canal 
- Strait of Hormuz 
- Sahara Desert 

1. Persian Gulf  
2. Suez Canal  
What Physical 
3. Strait of Hormuz  
Features are on the 
4. Sahara Desert  
Arabian Peninsula? 
5. Jordan River  
6. Nile River 

1. Desert like and ​arid ​(dry)​, ​receives little rain 

2. Rarely receives any rain 
3. Climate=only a small portion is used for 
4. Desert, Semi arid, Mediterranean, tiny amount of 
humid subtropical (hot and sticky), and highland 
5. Majority of Arabian Peninsula is desert and arid 
Climate of the 
6. Primarily ​steppe​ and ​desert​ climate as well.  
Arabian Peninsula 
7. Steppe​ (not steppe but hill steep) = geographical 
8. Not to much rain (majority) 
9. Area where rain is and the Nile, is more 
agriculture and rain 
10. See more farming = more rain 
11. Rain and agriculture go hand and hand (together) 

1. Little Rain 
2. Steppe 
Describe the climate 
3. Arid 
of Arabia?  
4. Little Agriculture  
5. Desert 

1. Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea 

Surrounding Bodies 
2. Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Caspian Sea, Nile 
of Land and Water 
River, Jordan River, Tigris & Euphrates Rivers 

1. Red Sea 
Name 5  2. Black Sea 
surrounding bodies   
of water.  3. Tigris and Euphrates Rivers 
4. Caspian Sea 

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Ms. Nicoll History Unit 1 

5. Nile River 

Nomadic Ways of 

Life in Arabia 

1. Nomadic people travel from one place to another 

Detail the nomadic  2. This people either belong to hunting and gathering 
way of life on the  societies or pastoral societies 
Arabian Peninsula   
during the Middle  3. The Nomadism becomes mandatory 
4. Nomades usually build small tents once they find a 
place to settle temporarily 

Sedentary Ways of 

Life in Arabia 

1. Sedentary lifestyle or else sedentism can be 

defined as a society or way of life where people 
are permanently settled in one place, without 
Describe the  traveling from one place to the other. 
sedentary way of  2. For sedentary societies, it is vital to find fertile 
life on the Arabian  land to settle down so that they can grow plants 
Peninsula during  and also raise livestock. 
the Middle Ages.  3. Their settlements are much more permanent and 
include houses, storage buildings, etc.  
4. They also need preservation methods and storage 


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