Recycle PTQ
Recycle PTQ
Recycle PTQ
255 162
Sepehr Sadighi
Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (R…
ehydration of natural gas adsorbent. Hence, the inlet section
entails the removal of water of the adsorption bed is faced imme-
that is associated with natural diately with a high temperature
gases in vapour form. The natural from the start of the regeneration
gas industry has recognised that without any heating ramp. Heating
dehydration is necessary to ensure up the adsorber without using a
smooth operation of gas transmis- heating ramp causes a strong
sion lines. This pretreatment Solid caked layer
temperature difference in the bed.
prevents the formation of gas of adsorbent and So, at the bottom, the molecular
hydrates and reduces corrosion. salt fused together sieve is very hot and desorbs the
The three major methods of dehy- adsorbed water while the top layers
dration are direct cooling, bed diameter are still at adsorption (low) tempera-
adsorption and absorption. ture. Therefore, water desorbed in
Adsorption-based processes for Original the bottom layer condenses in the
separation of multi-component bed diameter top layer. This phenomenon is
gaseous mixtures are becoming called refluxing or retro-condensa-
increasingly popular. The new tion. A schematic diagram of an
generation of synthetic and more adsorber with regeneration refluxing
selective adsorbents developed in is shown in Figure 1. To prevent this
recent years has enabled adsorp- catastrophic phenomenon, a good
tion-based technology to compete molecular sieve formulation (binder
successfully with traditional gas and zeolite) or improvement in the
separation techniques. Figure 1 Schematic of a bed faced with regeneration condition is inevitably
Any adsorption-based separation regeneration reflux required.
process requires two essential steps: In this article, modelling of the
adsorption during which one or applications such as carbon dioxide regeneration reflux phenomenon
more components are preferentially stripping from air. TSA exploits the during regeneration is performed
adsorbed/separated; and regenera- capacity of certain adsorbent mate- and the effects of it on the adsorp-
tion during which these rials, such as activated alumina, tion process are reviewed.
components are removed from the silica gel and zeolites, to adsorb Recommendations to prevent this
adsorbent bed. The adsorbent is gases at moderate temperatures phenomenon in a commercial scale
repeatedly used in cycles by carry- (40°C, 100°F) and later release them dehydration unit (as a case study)
ing out these two steps. When a when the temperature rises above are presented.
regeneration step is carried out 120°C (250°F).
through reduction of the total pres- Natural gas treating units using Process description
sure, the process is called pressure molecular sieves and TSA technol- The purpose of a natural gas dehy-
swing adsorption (PSA). ogy are usually optimised by dration package is to reduce the
Temperature swing adsorption manipulating both the adsorption water content of the natural gas to
(TSA) is another technique used for and the regeneration time. By reduc- avoid freezing and hydrate forma-
regenerating a bed of adsorbent ing the adsorption time, both the tion in the pipeline. In order to
that is loaded with the targeted vessel size and the amount of adsor- utilise natural gas for urban
impurity gas. This technology bent used are reduced. Therefore, consumption, the water dew point
began commercially in the 1960s the total cycle time is usually should be reduced to below -10°C,
and continues today for drying designed such that at the end of the accomplished by using a molecular
continuous air and natural gas adsorption a short time is available sieve adsorption unit which
as well as other purification for appropriate regeneration of the adsorbs water from the inlet gas.
Important Tips
During installation, the orientation of the trays with respect to
nozzles should be fixed prior to the bundle insertion as it will
be more difficult to rotate afterwards. Also, access around the
outside of the column must be properly allocated during the
design process to ensure that there is no external interference
with the bundle during insertion or removal.
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cat valdi.indd 38
criterion.indd 12/03/2014
09/06/2014 12:07
ripi.indd 4 10/09/2014 13:49