(Direct Recruitment) : 1 Department/Name of Institution

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Extraordinary Gazette Date:- 14.12.

Last Date:- 17..01.2018
Category No: 545/2017


Applications are invited online only from qualified candidates for appointment in
the under mentioned post in Kerala Government Service. Before applying for the post
candidates should register as per One Time Registration through the official website of
Kerala Public Service Commission. Candidates who have already registered can apply
through their Profile.

1 Department/Name of Institution : Government Secretariat/Kerala Public Service

Commission/ Advocate General’s Office (Ernakulam)/
Local Fund Audit Department/ Office of the Vigilance
Tribunal/ Special Judge and Enquiry Commissioner
2 Name of Post : Assistant / Auditor

3 Scale of pay : Rs. 27800-59400/-

4 Number of vacancies : Not estimated.

The Ranked list of selected candidates published by the Commission in response

to this notification shall remain in force for a minimum period of one year provided that the
said list will continue to be in force till the publication of a new list after the expiry of the
minimum period of one year or till the expiry of three years whichever is earlier. Candidates
will be advised from the said list against the vacancies noted above and that may be reported
to the Commission in writing during the period of the currency of the list.

5 Method of appointment : Direct Recruitment

6. Age limit : 18-36. Only candidates born between 02.01.1981 and

01.01.1999 (both dates included) are eligible to apply for
this post with usual relaxation to Scheduled Castes,
Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Communities (For
other conditions regarding the age relaxation please see
part 2 of the General Conditions).

a. Only one ranked list will be published in pursuance of this notification and candidates will be
advised from that list against all the vacancies reported for the post from all the
Departments mentioned above. As such a candidate need send only one application.
Candidates will be advised for recruitment to each Department according to the order in which
vacancies are reported from each Department and in accordance with the ranks secured by
them subject to the rules of reservation and rotation in force. Once advised his/her turn will be
over and he/she will have no further claim for being considered for appointment from the
ranked list to another department. As common ranked list is prepared for more than one
department on the basis of a common written examination, a candidate appointed in a
department and relieved for want of vacancy can reregister his/her name in the office of Kerala
Public Service Commission and in such case he/she will be advised for appointment against
the next vacancy reported from any of the above mentioned Departments and he / she will
forfeit his/her probation in the parent department. For reappointment in the parent department
itself, no registration is necessary but one has to wait till vacancy arises in that Department.
Candidates will have no right to claim initial appointment to any particular department.

b. 3% of the total vacancies reported shall be reserved for eligible DA candidates (Candidates
with Locomotor Disability/ Cerebral Palsy, Low Vision, Hearing Impairment Vide G.O.
(P).No.1/2013/SJD Dated 03.01.2013).

7. Qualifications :-

A Degree in any faculty from a recognised University or its equivalent.

Note: KS & SSR Part II Rule 10(a) (ii) is applicable.

8. Mode of submitting applications :-

a. Before applying for the post, candidates shall register as per 'ONE TIME
REGISTRATION' with the Official Website of Kerala Public Service Commission
www.keralapsc.gov.in. Those who have registered shall apply by logging on to their
profile using their User-ID and password. No application fee is required. Candidates
can view, rectify defects and have print –outs of the details in the Profile by clicking
the link Registration Card after entering the Home Page. Candidates are responsible
for the correctness of the personal information and secrecy of password and they shall
keep in mind the User ID for further communication with the Commission.
Applications once submitted will be received as provisional and the particulars shall
not be deleted or altered after submission. Applications which are submitted not in
accordance with the instructions given on the website will be summarily rejected.
Documents to prove qualification, experience, community, age etc. have to be
produced as and when called for. For details refer the General Conditions given in
Part II of the Notification.

b. Candidates who have AADHAAR card should add AADHAAR card as ID Proof
in their profile.

9. Last date for receipt of applications: - 17.01.2018 Wednesday up to 12.00


10. Website Address :- 'www.keralapsc.gov.in'

Saju George
Kerala Public Service Commission

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