Noti 481 23
Noti 481 23
Noti 481 23
Applications are invited from qualified Scheduled Tribe candidates of Kerala State for selection to
the following post. Applications must be submitted online through the official website of the Kerala Public
Service Commission after One Time Registration. Candidates who have already registered can apply through
their profile.
Note:- The above Vacancies are now in existence. The Ranked list of selected candidates published by
the Commission shall remain in force for a minimum period of one year and maximum period of
three years provided that the said list will not continue to be in force if a new list after the expiry
of the minimum period of one year is published for this post under the same method of
appointment. Advices for appointment will be made for the above vacancies and also for the
vacancies reported for Special recruitment from Scheduled Tribe during the pendency of the list.
Note:- Applications received from candidates other than Scheduled Tribe candidates will be rejected.
Individual communications regarding the rejection of their applications for the above reason will
not be issued.
6 Age : 18-41,
Only Candidates born between 02.01.1982 and 01.01.2005 (both
dates included) are eligible to apply for this post. No other age
relaxation will be allowed.
Note:- In the absence of qualified candidates within the age limit the upper age limit shall be relaxed up
to 50 years. But in no case the maximum age limit shall exceed 50 (Fifty) years.
7. Qualifications:
12 The Conditions laid down in paragraphs two, three and twenty five (except the conditions laid down in
the Rule 3 (C) of Part II of the kerala State and Subordinate Service Rules) of General Conditions are
not applicable to this selection.
13 Appointment are made on the basis of the rank secured in the ranked list of candidates prepared in
pursuance of this notification subject to the conditions laid down in G.O.(P) No. 21/76/PD dated,
17.01.1976 and G.O.(P) No.25/94/GAD dated, 22.01.1994 allowing special reservations to Scheduled
Tribes in accordance with the procedures made for this purpose from time to time and subject to the
rules under sections 3(c), 17(a), 17(b) of Part II of Kerala State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1958.
1 In the case of difference in Caste / Community claimed in the application and that
entered in SSLC book, the candidate shall produce a Gazette Notification in this
regard, along with Community Certificate at the time of certificate verification.
2 Candidates are required to acquaint themselves with the instructions given in the
notification as Part II, General Conditions before submitting application for the post.
Applications which are not submitted in accordance with the terms and conditions laid
down in the General Conditions are liable to be rejected.
3 Appropriate disclipinary action as per Rule 22 of the Kerala Public Service
Commission Rules of Procedure shall be initiated against those candidates who submit
applications with bogus claims of qualification regarding education, experience etc.
and are liable to be disqualified for being considered for a particular post or debarment
from applying to the Commission either permanently or for any period or the
invalidation of their answer scripts or products in a written / practical test or the
initiation of criminal or other proceedings against them or their removal or dismissal
from office or the ordering of any other disclipinary action against them if they have
already been appointed, or any one or more of the above.
(For details including photo and ID card etc. refer to the General Conditions at the end of the