Alternative Methods To Determine IV: New Books
Alternative Methods To Determine IV: New Books
Alternative Methods To Determine IV: New Books
English. Obviously the bibliography New books From The Intepharm Group of
is a limited literature reference. The NIOP Trading Rules Book, Companies, 1358 Busch Parkway.
presentation of the reactions and National l nstitute of Oilseed Buffalo Grove. IL 60089:
applications of castor oil are made Products, 2600 Garden Rd .. Suire Drug, Device and Diagnostic
simply, that is. easy to understand. 208. Monterey. CA 93940, $30 to Manufacturing, 2nd Edition: The
but not in any detail. One would need NIOP members, S50 to nonmembers. Ultimate Resource Handbook, edit-
to go to the technical and patent liter- plus shipping (S6 in U.S.; S13, ed by Carol DeSain, $139,429
ature 10 gain a complete understand- Canada and Mexico: $22 in Europe, pages. 1992.
ing of either the reaction or South America. North Africa; $30 in Fluid Sierilization by Filtration:
application presented. Asia. Africa. Australia. New The Filler-Integrity Test and Other
This monograph is a basic refer- Zealand, Middle East. Indian and Filtration Topics, by Peter Johnston.
ence for those wishing a general Pacific Ocean islands; and $32 to $82.56,133 pages, 1992.
overview of castor oil reactions and Venezuela, Colombia. Philippines as The Regulalion of Membrane Lipid
applications. It should find a place in well as Caribbean and Central Metabolism, 2nd Edition, CRC
technical libraries, but probably nOI in American nations). Press Inc., Lewis Publishers, 2000
the personal library of the industrial The Pedersen Memorial Issue, Corporate Blvd. N.W., Boca Raton.
chemist. guest editors R.M. Izatt and 1.S. FL33431. $79.95. 241 pages, 1992.
Joseph G. Endres Bradshaw, Kluwer Academic Organized Solutions, Surfactants in
Central Soya Company, Inc. Publishers Group. Marketing Science and Technology, Surfactant
Fort Wayne. Indiana Department, PO Box 989, 3300 AZ Science Series, Vol. 44. edited by Stig
Dordrectu, The Netherlands, Dfl. £. Friberg and Bjorn Lindman, $145.
285.00, £98.00, 410 pages, 1992. 410 pages, 1992. •
10 values that arc statistically differ- addition, the methods of analysis and ing of the Official Methods and
ent. Consequently. it can be slated results of a FOSFA International ring Recommended Practices, the use of
that the use of cyclohexane in place test dealing with glucosinoletes in mpe- surveys to improve technical program
of CCI4 as the solvent does not affect seed were discussed. Lastly, the impact and possible updating of the
the observed IV for titration of of analytical reagents to the environ- Mehlenbacher book, Analysis of Fats
triglyceride oils having IVs either ment and JUPAC proposals on analyti- and Oils. Methods about which there
below 120 (Smalley) or between 18 cal methodology were examined. were particular concerns included Q-
and 52 (FOSFA). Berner presented the AGCS monoglycerides, with the recommen-
The second method. AOCS Cd I d- Harmonization Activities of dation to update and correct Cd II-57
92, was adopted as a recommended 1991-1992. including: (a) revision of and to research an HPLC that would
practice in the 1992 Additions and procedures for statistical analysis, (b) provide results of monoglycerides,
Revisions and uses cyctohcxane and completion of a standarized method for diglycerides, rrlgtycertdes and free
glacial acetic acid (I: I, v/v) as a SFC by NMR and the FAME(fAG fatty acids from one analysis; methyla-
replacement for CCI4• study that standardizes GC procedures tion procedure, with the recommenda-
The results of an ISO/lUPAC and methylation methods. (c) continua- tion to consider the adoption of a
comparison study between cyclohex- tion of Irons fatty acid by IR and base-catalyzed methods. Methods pro-
ane + acetic acid and CCI4 [INFORM GLCf[R and the development of statis- posed for adoption in 1993 included
1:484 (1990)1 showed excellent tics for the acid value Method Ce 5a-40 determination of pesticides in oils and
agreement, except with hydrogenated through the Smalley program, (d) no fats, determination of protein nitrogen
soybean oil. Reaction times were one action on AOCS peroxide value and oil by combustion (AOAC International
hour for all samples, except crude fish content method, and (e) listing of methods), and FOSFA International
oil and tung oil (IVs of [09 and 164, FOSFA recommended international method for the determination of the
respectively) in which a two-hour trade methods for '93 Additions & oils content of otlsecds. The UMC will
reaction was used (this is recom- Revisions to the AOCS Official meet Wednesday, April 28, 1993. in
mended with IV > 150). The Methods and Recommended Practices. Anaheim during the AOCS-JOCS
ISO/IUPAC results strongly suggest- Committee meetings Annual Meeting and Exposition.
ed that longer reaction times are nec- The Commercial Fats and Oils Additions and revisions
essary when using cyctohexane to Analysis Committee and the Uniform The 1992 Additions and Revisions to
determine the IV of high IVoils. Methods Committee (UMC) met in AOCS Official Methods and Recom-
Lastly, the third method, Cd Ic-85, Chicago on Nov. 23, 1992. The mended Practices was mailed during
calculates the IV from GLC fatty acid Commercial Fats and Oils Committee December to persons who had placed
composition. This technique is not a discussed standardization of the orders by Dec. I. Persons who wish
rapid method but does obtain two Mettler dropping point apparatus and to receive the set should order now;
results from one analysis. Please note plans for a collaborative study of the orders will be filled in the order in
that for oils with an unsaponifiable dropping point methods during 1993. which they are received. The 1992
content >0.5% (fish oils) the calcula- Other projects discussed included updates include 10 new methods
tion tends to be low. results from a collaborative study of a (based on collaborative studies) and
FOSF A harmonization acttvutes method for determining citric acid in 45 revisions to existing methods.
On Dec. 8, AOCS Technical Director oils, chlorophyll method and potential A & A Laboratories
David Berner traveled to London to improvements to the isooctane method A & A Laboratories in Springdale,
attend the FOSFA Harmonization of for determining peroxide value. Arkansas. has been added to the list
Analytical Methods meeting. Re- The final results of the internauon- of laboratories certified by AOeS for
presentatives from international groups al study on the determination of solid analysis of soybean meal.
such as British Standards Institute, fat content by NMR were reviewed. The laboratory's address is 100
PORIM (Palm Oil Research Institute of Concerns were expressed about com- Backhus , Springdale, AR 72764
Malaysia) and IUPAC (International pletion of work on the method and the (phone: 50 1-756-1270). Approved
Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) continuation of the NMR committee chemists on staff are Gordon L.
met to discuss the methods of analysis following the resignation of the com- Whitbeck and John Dillard. •
of fats and oils and otlseeds. More mittee chairperson, who had been
specifically, the results of collaborative reassigned by his company.
tests on Lovibond Color, determination The UMC review tile status of the This repon was prepared by Janet
of Ilashpoint and hexane levels in sol- 1992 Additions and Revisions, the Steiner. AOCS technical department
vent extracted oils were reviewed. In review of methods for the 1993 print-