Financial Plan Siap
Financial Plan Siap
Financial Plan Siap
Project Implementation Cost
0 3,500
casher machine
0 2,000
kitchen equipment
00 20,000
Working Capital
Sales & Marketing Costs 1,00
(monthly) 0 1,000
General & Administrative Costs 55,2
(monthly) 00 55,200
Operations & Technical Costs 77,6
(monthly) 56 77,656
Pre-Operating & Incorporation 27,0
Costs (one-off) 00 27,000
Other Expenditure (annually)
0 3,200
Privision for Contingencies
TOTAL 36,700 150,000 152,856 600,000
Depreciation of fixed assets
- - 2,000 - - 20,000
6 0 0 - 6 0 0 -
7 0 0 - 7 0 0 -
8 0 0 - 8 0 0 -
9 0 0 - 9 0 0 -
10 0 0 - 10 0 0 -
- - 600,000
1 120,000 120,000 480,000
2 120,000 240,000 360,000
3 120,000 360,000 240,000
4 120,000 480,000 120,000
5 120,000 600,000 -
6 0 0 -
7 0 0 -
8 0 0 -
9 0 0 -
10 0 0 -
Type of Fixed Asset signboard
Cost (RM) 3,500
Depreciation Method Straight Line
Economic Life (yrs) 5
Annual Accumulated
Year Book Value
Depreciation Depreciation
- - 3,500
5 700 3,500 -
6 0 0 -
7 0 0 -
8 0 0 -
9 0 0 -
10 0 0 -
Amount (RM) 152,856
Interest Rate 6%
Duration (yrs) 10
Method Annual Rest
Instalment Payments
Year Principal Balance
Principal Interest Annual Payments
- - - 152,856
1 11,597 9,171 20,768 141,259
2 12,293 8,476 20,768 128,966
3 13,030 7,738 20,768 115,936
4 13,812 6,956 20,768 102,124
5 14,641 6,127 20,768 87,483
6 15,519 5,249 20,768 71,964
7 16,450 4,318 20,768 55,514
8 17,437 3,331 20,768 38,076
9 18,484 2,285 20,768 19,593
10 19,593 1,176 20,768 0
11 0 0 0 0
Bayaran Ansuran
Tahun Baki Pokok
Pokok Faedah BayaranTahunan
- - - 600,000
February March April May June July August September October November December
30,000 31,100 31,100 31,200 31,300 31,000 31,200 31,150 31,250 31,250 31,300
124,800 276,000 274,400 279,900 280,300 281,200 280,500 279,800 280,600 280,750 281,250
154,800 307,100 305,500 311,100 311,600 312,200 311,700 310,950 311,850 312,000 312,550
1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
55,200 55,200 55,200 55,200 55,200 55,200 55,200 55,200 55,200 55,200 55,200
72,769 77,656 77,656 77,656 77,656 77,656 77,656 77,656 77,656 77,656 77,656
10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
966 966 966 966 966 966 966 966 966 966 966
764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764
143,199 148,087 148,087 148,087 148,087 148,087 148,087 148,087 148,087 148,087 148,087
11,601 159,013 157,413 163,013 163,513 164,113 163,613 162,863 163,763 163,913 164,463
26,744 38,345 197,358 354,771 517,785 681,298 845,411 1,009,025 1,171,888 1,335,651 1,499,565
38,345 197,358 354,771 517,785 681,298 845,411 1,009,025 1,171,888 1,335,651 1,499,565 1,664,028
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
373,050 374,000 374,900 375,000 375,500
2,919,500 3,367,617 3,373,050 3,374,883 3,378,917
12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000
662,400 662,400 662,400 662,400 662,400
462,682 345,384 345,384 345,384
3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200
120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000
30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000
12,293 13,030 13,812 14,641
8,476 7,738 6,956 6,127
0 0 0 0
1,818,078 1,311,050 1,193,752 1,193,752 1,193,752
1,664,028 2,430,567 2,554,198 2,556,131 2,560,664
1,664,028 4,094,595 6,648,793 9,204,924
1,664,028 4,094,595 6,648,793 9,204,924 11,765,588
Pro-forma Income Statement
Less: Expenditure
Pre-Operating & Incorporation Expenditure 17,000
General & Administrative Expenditure 662,400 662,400 662,400 662,400 662,400
Sales & Marketing Expenditure 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000
Operations & Technical Expenditure 342,984 342,984 342,984 342,984 342,984
Other Expenditure 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200 3,200
Interest on Hire-Purchase 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000
Interest on Loan 9,171 8,476 7,738 6,956 6,127
Depreciation of Fixed Assets 125,100 125,100 125,100 125,100 125,100
Total Expenditure 1,201,855 1,184,160 1,183,422 1,182,640 1,181,811
Net Income Before Tax 1,939,757 2,553,440 2,563,178 2,564,960 2,570,789
Tax 0 0 0 0 0
Net Income After Tax 1,939,757 2,553,440 2,563,178 2,564,960 2,570,789
Accumulated Net Income 1,939,757 4,493,197 7,056,375 9,621,335 12,192,123
Note 1
Cost of Sales
Opening inventory 0
Add: Total Purchases 586,488
Carriage Inwards & Duty 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400
Less: Ending Inventory
588,888 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400
Pro-forma Balance Sheet
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Accounts Receivable 437,950 436,333 437,383 437,500 438,083
Cash Balance 1,664,028 4,094,595 6,648,793 9,204,924 11,765,588
2,101,978 4,530,928 7,086,176 9,642,424 12,203,671
Owners' Equity
Capital 186,700 186,700 186,700 186,700 186,700
Accumulated Income 1,939,757 4,493,197 7,056,375 9,621,335 12,192,123
2,126,457 4,679,897 7,243,075 9,808,035 12,378,823
Long-Term Liabilities
Loan Balance 141,259 128,966 115,936
102,124 87,483
Hire-Purchase Balance 480,000 360,000 240,000 120,000
621,259 488,966
355,936 222,124 87,483
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable 14,662 (102,635) (102,635) (102,635) (102,635)
Current Ratio 143 (44) (69) (94) (119)
Quick Ratio (Acid Test) 143 (44) (69) (94) (119)
Receivable Turnover 8 8 8 8 8
Inventory Turnover #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Gross Profit Margin 84.21% 99.94% 99.94% 99.94% 99.94%
Net Profit Margin 52.00% 68.27% 68.37% 68.40% 68.46%
Return on Assets 70.22% 50.40% 34.19% 25.84% 20.79%
Return on Equity 91.22% 54.56% 35.39% 26.15% 20.77%
Debt to Equity 29.91% 8.26% 3.50% 1.22% -0.12%
Debt to Assets 23.02% 7.63% 3.38% 1.20% -0.12%
Time Interest Earned 211 300 330 368 419