10 - Chapter IV 21.2.2018
10 - Chapter IV 21.2.2018
10 - Chapter IV 21.2.2018
“Universal Law is not a true Law but a code of rules of conduct“. John Austin.i
In this chapter the researcher discusses the international laws with respect to cyber laws
governing cybercrime at the global level. The researcher discusses the convention governing
cybercrime at international level. Further a comparison is drawn between the international
convention and Information Technology Act 2000.
International Law is a body of law which is composed of principles and rules of conduct, bound
by each stateii. They include:
i) The governance of international institutions
ii) Rules of law relating to individuals.
Thus international law is primarily a system regulating the rights and duties of states inter se
popularly known as the ‘Laws of Nations’. Basic primary aim is securing justice for human
beings. The history of International Law dates back to earliest times to the beginning of the
period of antiquity. As different communities existed there was a need to regulate the relation
between such communities. Before the dawn of Christianity references, as to immunities of
ambassadors and certain laws and usages of war were found in ancient Egypt and India. We can
date back to historical cases of recourse to arbitration and mediation in ancient China and in
early Islamic world.
During the period of Rome’s dominance there were rules governing the relations between Rome
and various nations with which it had commercial relations.
In the 19th Century, this law further expanded the reason being the emergence of powerful states
within and outside Europe.iii
• Development of International Law
The present day century has witnessed a greater impetus to the development of international law,
the reason being growing interdependence of states and of vastly increased intercourse between
them due to all kinds of inventions that overcame the difficulties of time, space and intellectual
communication. The need was felt to develop new rules or devise techniques to meet
innumerable new situations leading to speedier method of law making. Great number of
multilateral treaties of last 80 years is laying down rules to be observed by the majority of states.
The United Nations with the expert aid of a body known as the International Law Commission
codified and developed the International Law. iv
• Jurisdiction in Cyberspace
The word jurisdiction is the authority of a person or a body to exercise its power. The
Constitution provisions are followed for such jurisdictional sovereignty.vii
The I.T Act under sec 75 specifies the jurisdiction of the Act which states that the Act covers all
the offences committed in and outside India. This offence may be committed by any person of
any nationality.ix It so happens, that jurisdiction of local laws is different from international
laws, as it extends only to its land and not outside the territory.
The following are the case laws which determine the jurisdiction of the state.
In the case of S.S Lotus Case (France v Turkey) x , it was laid down that the state refrains from
use of its power in other’s territory, thereby, making jurisdictional territory. The only time it can
exercise it is through permission derived from international custom or convention.
• Jurisdiction in cyberspace
As there are no physical boundaries the accessibility becomes easy only on the click of a mouse.
The terms and policies of particular websites have only domestic laws applicability. So when the
question arises as to international crime then a person may be trapped in the applicability of
laws. The procedural aspect of I.T. Act 2000 is also inadequate.
This was adopted by the the ministry of Europe on 8-11- 2001, it further was signed on 23-11-
2001 in Budapest and it came into force in 2004 in the month of July.xv As of November, 2013,
41 states have approved the convention. It was further signed by 11 states.This was the first
global agreement on cybercrimes which used internet and a computer as a tool to commit the
offence. It tackled issues of copyrights, internet fraud, pornography (child), and covered network
violation.xviVarious powers and procedures were laid down. The Convention is the outcome of
the work of the European experts. There are a number of other protocols which has tackled
issues of racism through the internet. Cyber Terrorism is part of the Convention.xvii
The Convention allows getting data across the boundary. By being a signatory consent is not
required and provides 24/7 assistance to Signatories.
3. It further emphasis that every member to provide assistance to one another and aid in the
collection of data transmitted via the internet.xix
One of the major threats to every nation is the Electronic Espionage, Cyber Warfare and
Cyber Terrorism. A practice of obtaining secret or confidential information about an
organization or a society that may be detrimental to the country or the state without the
permission of the holder of the information.xx
The treaty sets out procedural law issues with respect to information stored in computers and
transfer of the same. There exists constant usage of computer and Internet. Due to the low costs
and easier accessibility, face to face communication has long gone taken a back seat due to the
development of internet accessibility. People prefer to use the internet as it is cost effective and
easy and has high speed as to transfer of information. The United States of America share similar
legal systems and historical ties the United Kingdom. These countries have a well-developed
information technology infrastructure.
The following are some of the provisions of the Convention of Budapest in comparison with the
Information Technology Act 2000.
The researcher has analyzed the Budapest Treaty in comparison with the I.T. Act, 2000, drawing
out the similarities between them. This has been depicted in the tabular format given below:-
Art- 2 Unlawful accesses xxiiicorrelates to Sec 70 of the I.T. Act, 2000 where the government of
any country can may make any computer reserve as protected system. It further prescribes
punishment with imprisonment. A National Nodal Agency set up by the Government to deal
with research and its development for protecting of dire information.xxiv
Art- 3 Illegal Interception- Every party to have its own laws as to the offences and proving
such offences. The Indian I.T. Act, 2000 has in its ambit certain offences, from Section 65 – Sec
67- B, which are offences which are punishable.xxv
Art 4 – Data intrusion, Article 5 – System intrusionxxvi - These provisions of the Convention
correspond to offences laid down u/s 65 – 67-B of the I.T. Act, 2000.
Art 6 - Illegal actsxxvii- This is with respect to crimes against secrecy and national integrity. The
corresponding changes are made to the Indian Penal Code, 1860 and Evidence Act, 1872.As the
Indian Penal Code deals with Forgery of electronic Records,xxviii Sending Defamatory messages
by email,xxix sending threatening messages by email,xxx Bogus websites cyber frauds, xxxi
spoofing,xxxiiweb jacking,xxxiii email abuse,xxxiv online sale of drugs ,xxxvonline sale of
arms.xxxviNecessary amendments are being made to Bankers Act and Evidence Act yet no
significant laws are made up for misuse of devices in India, whereas in USA there is a special
Act known as an 1986 Act for Computer Fraud and Abuse, in misuse of computer Act, 1993
Singapore deals with such matters.
Art 10 - Against infringement of Copyright and related rights xxxix - Allows every member to
have its own rules and regulation in consonance with the Paris Act, 1971, the Agreements on
Trade – Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and WIPO Copyright
Treaty.Corresponding Laws are framed under the Indian Copyright Act 1957; whereby the main
objective of the Act is to provide protection to artistic, literary works.xlIndia has been a member
of the Berne Conventionxli. India is also a party to the Rome Convention. India has made
necessary changes to its Patent Act by compiling the TRIPS Agreement.
Art11, 12 - Attempt and aiding or abetting, Corporate Liability –Every member to have its
own rules and regulations so as to establish offences of crime. These may be done
Article 14 – Scope of procedural provisions – Every member to have their own e powers and
procedures for offences of computers and for the collection of evidence.
Art 15 – Conditions and safeguards – Every member shall apply its powers and procedures so
as to protect rights of human beings.
Art 16 – 18 – Computer information and its preservation – are made available irrespective of
service providers.
Art 19 – Examination and confiscation of stored data – Every member to have laws with
respect to retrieval and finding of computer data.
Art20 – Traffic Data and its collection - The Information Technology Act has created
Certifying Authority to ensure search and seizure and misuse of hardware, software and
Art 22 Jurisdiction – read with Article 2 to 11 for the establishment of jurisdiction over crimes
which may be committed in
a) One’s own land ; or
b) On a ship or
c) on an aircraft ; or
d) By the nationality, on its own land or outside
India has laid down the jurisdiction in the Act, 2000. Section 1(2), applicable to entire India, and
also to trans-border offences.xlvi Thereby the jurisdiction of the I.T. Act, 2000 includes trans-
border offences.
Art 23 – of the Budapest Treaty- states and makes it binding on the parties to co-operate with
each other. Each member country can have mutual laws and treaties to gain co-operation .It may
be on uniform or reciprocal legislations.xlvii
Art 24 - Extradition – Every member country is liable for punishment if the take away the liberty
for one or more years. They must give mutual assistance so as to conduct investigation,
making it universally acceptable. The convention has entered into agreement with a number of
companies to support countries for the implementation of the Budapest Convention.xlix
Art 6(1) and (2) of the Protocol specifically allows the party, to prosecute, offense for inciting
hatred and violence. lVienna Declaration and Programme of Action also urge all governments to
take immediate measures and to develop strong policies to prevent racism, xenophobia or related
intolerance, where necessary by enactment of appropriate legislation including penal measure.li
There are several federal computer crime and cybercrime statues in the United States governing
cybercrime.lix The other statutes include
1. 18 U.S. Code § 1028 – it makes it a crime to produce, transfer or possess device, computer, that
falsifies identification documents.
2. The 18 U.S. Code § 2319 - makes it a federal offense to infringe a valid copyright.
3. 18 U.S. Code § 1462-1463 prohibits the use of a computer to import or transport obscene
material in the United States.
4. The 18 U.S. Code 2251-2252A - makes it a crime to employ/ induce participation by a minor in
the making of visual depiction of a sexually explicit act and transporting it by electronic means.lx
There are a number of laws framed in the USA to combat Cybercrime, right from 1984 till date
as compared to India with lone legislation i.e. I.T. Act 2000.
The US legal system is and always more tech savvy and specialized to tackle various issues. In
case of credit Card Fraud in USA there is a separate Federal Credit Card Law that stipulates
the consumer. The Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) will apply to billing errors on credit card,
unauthorized charges, charges for goods and services. This Act is an attempt to minimize Credit
Card Fraud.lxx
• United Kingdom
The main Council known as the Council of Europe creates laws which control the British
Criminal justice system. It has set up standards for all member states to follow. This makes all
the countries interconnected as they have the same background. But such is not so in the U.S.A.
The Council of Europe (COE)- globally protects from the threat of cybercrime by implementing
Xenophobia and Racism, the Cybercrime Convention Committee (T-CY) and the technical
cooperation Programs on Cybercrime.
The Convention on Cybercrime of the Council of Europe is the only binding international
instrument, providing guideline for all countries through the tool of cooperation.lxxiiIn The United
Kingdom the computer crimes legislation is the Computer Misuse Act of 1990 (CMA).lxxiii It
has been followed by Singapore and Malaysia.lxxiv
The CMA gives powers to the police to investigate matters. There are specialized units which
handle investigation called the Computer Crimes Branch of the Criminal Investigation
Department (CID), the Forensics Branch of the Singapore Police Force (SPF), and the Singapore
Computer Emergency Response Team (SINGCERT) of the IDA.lxxviCybercrime is under the
provisions of the Penal Code (Cap. 224) and other legislations. lxxviiIrrespective if deficiency the Act
is constantly amended from time to time and is more advanced as compared to the U.K laws. lxxviii
• Status of India
Till date, there exists no treaty with other countries to extradite a cyber-criminal. In India the
Indian Penal Code, The Evidence Act, The Information Technology Act 2000, The Negotiable
Instruments Act as discussed in the previous chapters of this thesis are applicable for computer
related crime committed in India.
• Extradition
International Extradition is the surrender by one nation to another, for trial and punishment of a
person accused under the jurisdiction of the latter.lxxxi
The basic objective of Extradition is to ensure that criminals are returned from one country to
another. Their rights have also to be protected. There is a need for evidence or proof to hold the
In a Apex Court Case on extradition , as per sec 21 of the Extradition Act , 1962 the accused can
be tried only for those offences laid down in the extradition decree and for no other offences . So
it was further laid down that criminal courts of India have no jurisdiction to try any other
offence.lxxxiiEvery country exercises control over the persons of one’s own territory, but
sometimes there may be cases when a person after committing a crime runs away to another
country.lxxxiii In such a case the country affected finds itself helpless to exercise jurisdiction to
punish the guilty person this situation is detrimental for the peace and order. Then in such a
situation peace and order can be maintained only when there is international cooperation among
the states. There are social needs to punish such criminals and in order to fulfill this social
necessity the principle of extradition has been recognized.lxxxiv
“The inability of a state to exercise its territory rights would serious undermines the maintenance
of law and order if there were no cooperation in the administration of justice. The awareness
operation is illustrated by the widespread practice of returning an accused or convict to the
country where the crime was made.”lxxxvExtradition is the process of handing over the accused
or of a convicted person to the state on whose territory he has alleged to have committed or have
been convicted of a crime ,by the state on whose territory the alleged criminal happens to be for
the time being.lxxxvi
The emphasis was on the right to demand extradition and corresponding duty to surrender him to
the demanding state. Such was based on the treaty. But as pointed out in Wheaton’s International
Law, that there is no universal rule or recognized practice that there can be no extradition
except under a treaty because some countries grant extradition without a treaty.
In India, the Extraditions Act, 1962 which governs the law relating to extradition in India. With
reference to III part of the Act, dealing with the return of the fugitive, criminals from the
commonwealth countries having such arrangements. Part II deals with extradition of convicts to
foreign states and to Common wealth countries. Under Section 4 of the Act, a demand can be
made to government for the submission of a fugitive criminal.lxxxixUnder sec. 7(4), if the
magistrate is of the opinion that a prima facie case exists over the foreign state or commonwealth
country, he may put him in prison, and shall report his enquiry to the government, it may further
issue a warrant for the custody of the fugitive and his delivery.xc Thus Extradition Treaty is not
the only basis for extradition of a fugitive criminalxciFurther ,definition of the words “extradition
offence” in section 2(c) includes” (ii) in relation to a foreign state other than a treaty State. This
enumerates offence in relation to Commonwealth countries.xciiIndia has signed Extradition
2. Bhutan 1997
3. Canada 1987
6. Netherlands 1989
7. Russia 2000
8. Switzerland 1996
9. UAE 2000
10. UK 1993
• Extradition Arrangements
1. Australia 1971
2. Fiji 1979
3. Italy 2003
5. Singapore 1972
8. Tanzania 1966
9. Thailand 1982
The status of India with respect to extradition of cybercriminal, India is yet to sign any special
treaty on cybercrime with other countries on matters of extradition of cyber criminals yet the
existing extradition treaty with the above mentioned countries holds good to extradite cyber
criminals from the above mentioned countries. In India the Bureau of Investigation at the
center, has formed a Cybercrime unit for research and development. It has correspondence with
international agencies like the FBI, Interpol and other foreign police agencies and share
expertise on cybercrime.
The I.T. Act 2000 allows the government to use the following techniques to catch cyber
criminals. They are
• Sec 69: Government (Central or State) can issue instructions to ‘intercept’, ‘monitor’ or ‘decrypt’
any information which is connected with the purpose mentioned in this section.
• Sec 69A: Government (Central) can issue instructions for ‘blocking of in access to the Public,
any information which is connected with the purpose mentioned in this section.
• Sec 69 B: Government (Central) can issue instructions to collect data on the internet for safety.xcv
• Spontaneous information
1. A Party may, forward investigation reports to the other party so as to assist the other party with
its investigation.
2. A request can be made to keep all investigations confidential and notify to the other party from
time to time.
The Criminal Law Amendment Bill 2013 is pending in India. The Bill claims to boost the
privacy of individuals in India. The Bill further claims to remove the ambiguities in the Indian
law which threatens the confidentiality and self-respect of individuals. The bill will protect the
safety of female individuals.
There is a need for the Global community on Rights of human and Cyber Safety to think on
issues like Warfare, Terrorism, Espionage, Crimes, E-Surveillance, and Unlawful Interceptions
in cyber which are “Global” in nature.
As of today the major drawback is that major different Countries of the world have different laws
for such issues, making it problematic to apply such against threats. UN needs to look into this
matter and have corresponding agreements. In India balance has to be drawn between civil,
nation’s security and law enforcement bodies. India should be a part of the Convention on
Cybercrime so as to get international cooperation in attacking cybercriminals further to create
cyber boundary encompassing cyber criminals. India at the present is having not so strong cyber
law, cyber security and cyber forensics. The lack of comprehensive laws and introduction of an
unfamiliar legal framework into its legislation prevents India from signing the Treaty.
Some Countries like the U.S. view new offers with doubt, as such may not be able to create a
strong legal framework. India has not yet signed any Cyber treaty with any country. Therefore
the question of apprehending the cybercriminal would be a difficult task due to absence of
international cooperation. The United States continues to have laws which protect their state. To
resolve disputes related to jurisdiction and not to enhance the border of territory and nationality,
is by implementing the principles of reasonableness and fairness so as to have universal
jurisdictionciv.Yet it is difficult to punish offence under the extradition as both the contracting
parties should have similar laws. In one case the punishment is for one year and in another
contracting state the punishment is for 2 years then it becomes a difficult task for
conviction.India is yet not a signed the Convention on Cybercrime.cv This aspect does have a
detrimental effect on the enforcement of the I.T. Act 2000.
Chapter IV
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(193)280 U.S.276
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