Just What Is It That Makes Martin-L Of's Type Theory So Different, So Appealing?

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Just What is it that Makes Martin-Löf’s Type

Theory so Different, so Appealing?

Neil Leslie

May 24, 1999

Class. Here come our friends Form and Letter. Boys, we are having a most
interesting discussion on intuitionism.
Letter. Could you speak about anything else with good old Int? He is
completely submerged in it.
Int. Once you have been struck by the beauty of a subject devote your life
to it!
Form. Quite so! Only I wonder how there can be beauty in so indefinite
a thing as intuitionism. None of your terms are well-defined, nor do you
give exact rules of derivation. Thus one for ever remains in doubt as to
which reasonings are correct and which are not.
A. Heyting Intuitionism: An introduction.

1 Introduction
Martin-Löf’s type theory (M-LTT) was developed by Per Martin-Löf in the
early 1970s, as a constructive foundation for mathematics.

“The theory of types with which we shall be concerned is in-

tended to be a full scale system for formalizing intuitionistic
mathematics as developed, for example, in the book by Bishop
P. Martin-Löf An Intuitionistic Theory of Types

So we have two of the key features. The theory is:

 constructive (intuitionistic, but we will blur the distinction);

apologies to both Per Martin-Löf and Richard Hamilton

Because the theory is foundational we should not expect a formal expla-
nation of it. If we were to give a formal explanation of the theory then we
should be appealing to another theory. Then that would be a better theory
to use as a foundation.
Other key features are:

 The theory is open-ended, in the sense that we are free to add new

 The theory is justified in an “informal, but rigorous” fashion, usually

based on a Dummett-Prawitz style theory of meaning. “Informal”
does not mean “sloppy” or “careless”: far from it. The theory is de-
veloped with a great deal of care and attention to detail.

 We make extensive use of the Curry-Howard “propositions-as-types”


 The theory is clear and simple. Because of this it has been used for
everything from program derivation to handling donkey sentences.

 The theory is also known as:

– intuitionistic type theory;

– constructive set theory.

2 Before formalisation:judgement, proof, proposition

The informal notion of proof and proposition are intertwined and we must
grasp these together. A proposition is something of which we can under-
stand an arbitrary (direct) proof. We make a judgement when we assert that
we have a proof of a proposition. The rules that we present will (generally)
be rules for manipulating judgements
We immediately see an analogy between propositions and types. A
type is something of which we can recognise an arbitrary (canonical) ele-
Notice that we have not said that we can list all the possible proofs of a
proposition, just that we can recognise an arbitrary (direct) one. We identify
the meaning of a proposition with its proofs.
We must be careful to distinguish direct and indirect proofs (or canon-
ical and non-canonical elements). We will accept that 1010 is a natural
number. To see this we have to put it into a form where we can immedi-
ately see that it is a natural number. That is, we have to evaluate it. We call
canonical objects values of a type. Now we can identify the meaning of a
proposition with its canonical proofs.

We will write
for the judgement that a is a proof (witness) of the proposition A.
We can give alternative readings of this judgement. The two most obvi-
ous are:
 a has type A;
 a is a program which meets the specification A.
Having made this very strong identification of types, propositions and
specifications we shall not worry about, for example, what proposition the
type of natural numbers is.
An important point to note (for computational purposes anyway) is that
proofs are programs. These programs are expressed in a lazy functional
language. The semantics we give for the theory is an operational one (it’s
a constructive theory, so we assume that we know what computation is
about before we started!) and laziness is quite important.

3 The judgements required for the theory

There are four forms of judgement that we need to use.
 A is a type, written A type.
To justify this judgement we need to explain what we need to know
in order to form the type A. The theory is predicative, so we do not
have A : Type.
 a is an element of type A, written a : A.
To justify this judgement we need to explain how to evaluate a.
 a and b are equal elements of type A, written a = b : A or sometimes
a = A b.
To justify this judgement we need to explain how to evaluate a and b
to values of A.
 A and B are equal types, written A = B.
To justify this judgement we need to show that values of A are values
of B, equal values of A are equal values of B, and vice versa.
Since “meaning is use” using these judgements will make them clearer.

4 Starting the theory

Now we will start to define some types. Before we do this we have to
introduce a notation for writing expressions.

4.1 Aritied expressions
We need to be able to write expressions down formally. We use a syntactic
theory of aritied expressions. The arities just tell us how to plug bits of
syntax together. Each variable and (primitive) constant has an arity.

 Single, saturated expressions have arity o;

 Combined expressions will have arity 1

n, where 1 n

are arities.

 unsaturated expressions will have arity ! , where and are


We shall skip this material, except to note two things.

 We have a syntactic abstraction: if x is a variable of arity and b an

expression of arity then ( x ) b is an expression of arity ! ; and
 We will drop brackets and so on, and will abuse notation and freely
write, for example, f ( x ) in place of ( y ) f ( x; y).

4.2 Defining a type

As an example we shall define the type of the natural numbers. When we
define a type we (typically) present these rules:

 formation rule;

 introduction rules;

 introduction of equal elements;

 computation rules;

 elimination rule;

 equality rules.

The rules are written in a natural deduction format, and we have skipped
a great deal of material to get here.

5 Digression
At this point we should have a long and detailed discussion about proof-
theoretic justification of logical laws. Sadly, however we do not have the
time to do this. We shall simply assert that we are using a Prawitz-Dummett
style, proof-theoretic meaning theory, and make a few of minor comments

here. It is worth noting that Dummett starts off by considering what an
adequate theory of meaning might be. Having constructed such a thing we
find that constructive logic comes out naturally. Dummett does start out to
justify claims for a special place for constructive logic. However, he seems
quite happy with the revisionist aspect of his work. Somewhere or other
he writes:

“If the price of this solution to the problem of the basis of

those theories is that argumentation within mathematics is com-
pelled to become more cautious than that which classical math-
ematicians have been accustomed to use, and more sensitive to
distinctions to which they have accustomed to be indifferent, it
is a price worth paying, especially if the resulting versions of
the theories indeed prove more apt for their applications”

“The prejudices of mathematicians do not constitute an ar-
gument, however: the important question for us is whether con-
structive mathematics is adequate for applications.”

5.1 The form of the rules

An introduction rule for a logical constant is a rule which has as the 
principal connective in its conclusion.

An elimination rule for a logical constant is a rule which has a premiss
whose principle connective is . 
Thus a given rule can be both an introduction and an elimination rule,
and can be an elimination rule for more than one connective.
However we shall restrict our attention to introduction and elimination
rules of particular forms, and we will typically refer to these as the intro-
duction and elimination rules for the connective.
The introduction rules that we present will be taken to be self-justifying.
In this we are following Gentzen’s observation in x5.13 of “Investigations
into Logical Deduction”:

“The introductions represent, as it were, the ‘definitions’ of the

symbols concerned, and the eliminations are no more, in the
final analysis, than the consequences of these definitions.”

This is all very well, but we must avoid tonk. The rule for tonk intro-
duction is:

Tonk I
A tonk B
Rule 1: Tonk Intro

and the rule for tonk elimination is:

A tonk B
Tonk E
Rule 2: Tonk Elim

And now we can prove:

[ A]
Tonk I
A tonk B
Tonk E
Hook I1
Proof 1: A B
We are rescued at this point (I believe) by the computation rules. One
way to look at tonk is to consider it as allowing us to write non-normalisable
proofs. Since we know that proof normalisation and program evaluation
(computation) are intimately connected, we should not be surprised that
the computation rules are what rescues us.
Thus for each connective we will have:

 a number of introduction rules;

 a number of computation rules;

 exactly one elimination rule, justified by reference to the introduction

and computation rules;

 a number of rules for equality.

6 Defining the type of the natural numbers

As a first example we will look at the type of the natural numbers. The
formation rules for the natural numbers is:

Nat formation
Nat type
Rule 3: Nat formation

The introduction rules for the natural numbers are:

Nat Intro
zero : Nat
Rule 4: Nat Intro


n : Nat
Nat Intro
succ( n ) : Nat
Rule 5: Nat Intro

Rules 4 and 5 tell us that zero is a canonical element of Nat, and that if n
is an element of Nat then succ( n ) is a canonical element of Nat. We are lazy
here as n does not have to be a canonical element of Nat.
The rules for introducing equal canonical elements are:

Nat Intro
zero = zero : Nat
Rule 6: Nat Intro


n = m : Nat
Nat Intro
succ( n ) = succ( m ) : Nat
Rule 7: Nat Intro

Typically, when we present rules for a type we do not present the rules
for introducing equal canonical elements as these are usually obvious.
How do we compute with a natural number? We use structural recur-
sion, because this reflects the way that we have (inductively) defined the
type. It is worth noting that all functions in M-LTT are total, and that typ-
ing implies termination.
We call the structural recursion operator for natural numbers natrec,
and it has the following computation rules:

n ! zero d !d 0

natrec comp
natrec( d ; e; n ) !d 0

Rule 8: natrec comp


n ! succ(m) e ( m ; natrec( d ; e; m )) !e 0

natrec comp
natrec( d ; e; n) !e 0

Rule 9: natrec comp

We call natrec the non-canonical constant associated with the natural num-

The elimination rule is now, effectively, a typing rule for natrec( d ; e; n),
and it is:
y : Nat
[x : Nat] z : C( y)
n : Nat C ( x) type d : C ( zero) e ( y; z ) : C ( succ( y ))
Nat elim
natrec( d ; e; n) : C ( n )
Rule 10: Nat elim

This rule is justified by a consideration of the introduction and compu-

tation rules.
And we also get rules for equality between expressions formed by natrec:

[x : Nat]

C ( x) type d : C ( zero)
Natrec eq 1
natrec( d ; e; zero) = d : C (n)
Rule 11: natrec eq 1

y : Nat
[x : Nat] z : C( y)
n : Nat C ( x) type d : C ( zero) e ( y; z ) : C ( succ( y ))
Natrec eq 1
natrec( d ; e; succ( n )) = e ( n ; natrec( d ; e; n )) : C ( succ( n ))
Rule 12: natrec eq 2

Again we typically don’t give the rules for equality between expression
formed by the non-canonical constant because they are usually so straight-

6.1 Summarising how we defined the natural numbers

In order to define the natural numbers we:

 gave the formation rule;

 gave introduction rules which describe the canonical elements;

 explained how to compute with values of Nat;

 presented an elimination rule, which we justified by reference to the
introduction and computation rules.
This is the pattern that we follow for all types.

7 “Logical” types
In this section we will present the rules for the types which we can interpret
as logical connectives.1

7.1 + types
The formation rule for the + types is:

A type B type
+ Form
A + B type
Rule 13: + Form

The introduction rules are:

+ Intro L
inl ( a ) : A + B
Rule 14: + Intro L

+ Intro R
inr( b ) : A + B
Rule 15: + Intro R

The non-canonical constant associated with the + types is called when,

and the rules for its evaluation are as follows:

f ! inl (l ) d(l ) !d 0

when Comp
when( d ; e; f ) !d 0

Rule 16: when Comp


f ! inr(r) e ( r) !e 0

when Comp
when( d ; e; f ) !e 0

Rule 17: when Comp

Of course we mean the connectives of constructive logic.

The elimination rule for + is:

[z : A + B] [x : A] [y : B]
f : A+B C ( z ) type d ( x ) : C ( inl ( x)) e ( y ) : C ( inr( y ))
+ Elim
when( d ; e; f ) : C ( f )
Rule 18: + elim

Now we shall explicitly think of types as propositions, and we shall

ignore the dependency of C on A + B in Rule 18 to produce:

[x : A] [y : B]
f : A+B C prop d( x) : C e ( y) : C
+ Elim Prop
when( d ; e; f ) : C
Rule 19: + elim prop

Apart from the premiss C prop, and the decoration with the formal
proof objects, this is just the rule for elimination. Rules 14 and 15 are
just the introduction rules for . Hence we make the definition:
A _ B =def A + B
The other connectives are handled in a similar fashion.

7.2  types
If B is a family of types over A we can form  ( A ; B):

[x : A]

A type B ( x) type
( A ; B) type
Rule 20:  Form
The values in  ( A ; B) are pairs:

[x : A]

a:A b( x) : B( x)
pair( a ; b) :  ( A ; B)
Rule 21:  Intro
The non-canonical constant associated with the  types is called split
and its computation rule is:

c ! pair(a ; b) d ( a ; b) !d 0

split Comp
split( d ; c ) !d 0

Rule 22: split Comp

The elimination rule is:

[z : ( A B)] y ( w ) : B ( w )[ w : A ]

c :  ( A ; B) C ( z ) type d ( x; y) : C ( pair( x ; y))
split( d ; c) : C ( c )
Rule 23:  elim

The elimination rule for the  types introduces a new feature we have
not yet seen, the “hypothetical assumption”.
If we follow the same reasoning that allowed us to define we see that _
we can make this definition:

( 9 x : A) B (x) =def ( A ; B)

Further, suppose that B is a type, and not a family of types over A. We

can then make this definition:

A&B =def ( A ; B)

If we were used to classical logic we would be a bit surprised here:

classically, the “existential quantifier” is thought of as a generalisation of
The elimination rule for & looks like this (suppressing the well-formedness
premiss and dependency of C on A&B):

c : A&B d ( x; y) : C
& Elim
split( d ; c ) : C
Rule 24: & elim

We can recover the “usual” elimination rules. First we replace C by A

in Rule 24 to get:


c : A&B d ( x; y) : A
& Elim l
split( d ; c ) : A
Rule 25: & elim l

If we choose d to be ( a ; b)a, then the second premiss is immediate, and

so we get this rule:

c : A&B
& Elim l
split(( a ; b )a; c ) : A
Rule 26: & elim l

We can now define:

f st( p ) =def split(( a ; b)a ; p )

We can define:
snd( p ) =def split(( a ; b)b; p)
and recover the other “usual” elimination rule for &.

7.3  types
If B is a family of types over A we can form  ( A ; B):

[x : A]

A type B ( x) type
( A ; B) type
Rule 27:  Form
The values in  ( A ; B) are functions:

[x : A]

b ( x ) : B ( x)
 ( b) :  ( A ; B)
Rule 28:  Intro

Here we see function abstraction, which allows us to form functions.
This is a different notion from the notion of syntactic abstraction that we
have been using.
The rule for introducing equal values of  ( A ; B) is:

[x : A]

b ( x ) = c( x ) : B ( x)
Equal  I
 ( b) =  ( c ) :  ( A ; B)
Rule 29: Equal  Intro

The computation rule for f unsplit is:

f !  ( b) e(b) !e 0

funsplit Comp
f unsplit( e ; f ) !e 0

Rule 30: funsplit Comp

Notice that this computation rule is uniform with the other ones we
have given. It is not the rule for using appl y, which is this rule:

f !  ( b) b( x) !b 0

apply Comp
apply( f ; x) !b 0

Rule 31: apply Comp

We can define appl y using f unsplit:

apply( f ; x) =def f unsplit(( y )( y( x)); f )

The elimination rule for the  types looks like this:

[x :  ( A ; B)] [ y ( z) : B ( z )[ z : A ]]
f :  ( A ; B) C ( x) type e ( y ) : C (  ( y))
f unsplit( e ; f ) : C ( f )
Rule 32:  elim
Once again a little thought will convince us that we can define:
( 8a : A) B (x) =def ( A ; B)

If B is not dependent on A then we can define:

A  B =def ( A ; B)

Modus ponens comes out as a case of the  elimination rule.
Again this is in contrast with the situation in classical logic where 8 is
seen as a generalisation of &.

7.4 The empty type

The empty type is a special case of an enumeration type.

Empty form
fg type
Rule 33: Empty form

The empty type is unusual in that it (obviously) has no introduction

The general form of the non-canonical constant for the enumeration
types is a case expression. In general casefx1 ;:::;xn g will take n + 1 arguments
and will have n computation rules like this:

a ! xi di ( xi ) !d 0

casefx1 ;:::;xn g comp

casefx1 ;:::;xn g ( d1 ; : : : ; dn ; a ) !d 0

Rule 34: case comp

The computation rule for casefg breaks this pattern slightly. The con-
stant casefg takes one argument and has one computation rule. We need to
suppose that ! is a hypothetical value of the empty type. Then the compu-
tation rule tells us that if we could evaluate a to ! then we could evaluate
casefg ( a ) to anything:

a !! d (! ) !d 0

casefg comp
casefg ( a ) !d 0

Rule 35: casefg comp

So we get this elimination rule:

[x : fg]

a: fg C ( x ) type
fg elim
casefg ( a ) : C ( a )
Rule 36: fg elim

Now we can define:
?=def fg
and then define negation:

: A =def A ?

8 Example: Some simple logic

For historical reasons we shall prove:

A  :: A
The proof looks like

[ A] [A ?]
Modus Ponens
( A ? ) ?
A  :: A
Proof 2: A proof

Proving a proposition is just finding an inhabitant of the type. We can

annotate the proof with the formal proof objects:

[x : A] [f ?]
Modus Ponens
apply( f x) : ?

 (( f ) apply( f x)) : ( A ? ) ?

 (( x) (( f )apply( f x))) : A  :: A


Proof 3: A proof with formal proof objects

If we interpret this typically we see that we have shown:

 (( a)( (( f )( apply( f ; a ))))) :  ( A ; (( A; fg) fg))


Had we used the “basic”  elimination rule (Rule 32) we would have

 (( a)( (( f )( f unsplit(( x )( x( a) ; f ))))) :  ( A ;  ( ( A; fg) fg))


It should be obvious at this point that some form of mechanical support

is useful.

9 Summary
In this note we have attempted to present and give a flavour of Martin-
Löf’s Type Theory. We have tried to highlight the use of proof theoretical
justification of the rules, without explaining this in full detail. We presented
the rules for various types, trying to emphasise the uniformity of the pre-
sentation. The types that we presented included those needed to express
?_ 9
the logical constants , , &, , , and . 8


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