P.G. Taylor, J.M.F. Gagan Alkenes and Aromatics
P.G. Taylor, J.M.F. Gagan Alkenes and Aromatics
P.G. Taylor, J.M.F. Gagan Alkenes and Aromatics
University RSeC
Alkenes and
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1.1 Introduction 11
1.2 ,4ddition of HX 13
1.3 Addition of halogens and related compounds 18
1.4 Summary of Section 1 25
Addition -
pathways and products
Electrophilic addition reactions of alkenes
Addition reactions are those in which atoms or groups add to a molecule contain-
ing a double or triple bond, thereby reducing the degree of unsaturation; they are
the reverse of elimination reactions. Some typical examples of addition reactions
are shown below:
HzC= CH;! + 121.2 I ~ I C H ~ C HI ~ I J (1.1) Q+
CHJC=N + 2t12 * CH,CI I INI I (1.4) E
Alkenes generally provide the nucleophilic component of the addition. You may
fiind it hard to picture how an alkene can act as a nucleophile. Figure 1.1 shows the
bonding picture of a carbon-carbon double bond. Carbon-carbon double bonds are
niatle up of a strong 0 bond plus a weaker n; bond. The two electrons in the 7c bond
dominate the chemistry of alkenes. They can be thought of as providing a negatively
charged cloud of electrons above and below the plane of the carbon atom framework.
This electron-rich centre repels nucleophiles and attracts electrophiles.
Figure 1.1
The electron distribution in ethene
after overlap of the two p orbitals not
used in forming CT molecular orbitals.
* This symbol, @, indicates that this Figure is available in WebLab ViewerLiteTbl on the CD-ROM
associated with this Hook.
Addition - p a t h w a y s a n d p r o d u c t s
So it is the pair of electrons in the IT bond that acts as the nucleophile in the
reactions of alkenes. Alkenes are certainly electron-rich, but they do not contain
a non-bonded pair of electrons. However, although the n; electrons are bonding
electrons, they do react with electrophiles, as you will see. This is because the n;
electrons are polarizable; that is, they are far enough from the carbon nuclei to be
susceptible to the influence of electrophiles.
One of the most characteristic reactions of alkenes is electrophilic addition, as
exemplified by the addition of halogens (X,) and hydrogen halides (HX) across the
double bond:
Look at the mechanism of the electrophilic addition reaction carefully, and try to
understand the changes in the bonding.
Two of the electrons from the n: system of the alkene form a new bond to the
electrophile, which is given the symbol E+. The carbocation intermediate formed
in this first step then reacts with a nucleophile, Nu-, to give the reaction product. So,
in order for reactions such as this to occur, an alkene must be treated with a reagent
that provides both an electrophile and a nucleophile.
Reactions 1.8, 1.9 and 1. 10 show that hydrogen iodide, hydrogen bromide and
hydrogen chloride, respectively, all add to alkenes:
HzC=CHz + HI - CH3CHzI (1.8) M
However, in Reactions 1.8 and 1.9 the two alkenes are symmetrically substituted,
so the same carbocation is produced no matter which carbon-hydrogen bond is
formed in the first step. For example:
I c1- 1 c1-
(CH3)3CCl (CH3)2CHCHzCl
1.1 LJ 1.2 L4 SCHEME 1.1
In practice, the only product is 2-chloro-2-methylpropane (1.1). The reason for this
predominance is apparent when the relative stabilities of the two intermediate
carboe ation s are considered.
In electrophilic addition reactions the major product arises from the more-stable
carbocation intermediate, because that reaction pathway has the lower energy of
activation (see Figure 1.2). So the reactions are kinetically controlled; that is, the
ma-jor product is the one that is formed faster. Other unsymmetrically substituted
alkenes also give the major product by way of the more-stable carbocation
intermediate. Thus, Reaction I . 16 proceeds via a secondary, rather than a primary,
carbocation; and Reactions I . 17 and 1.18 proceeds via a tertiary, rather than a
secondary, carbocation.
CHjCH2CH=CH2 + HI +CH3CH2CHICH3 (1.16) E
(CH3)*C=CHCH3 + HBr ---+ (CH&CBrCH2CH3 (1.17) G
(CH3)2C=CH2 + HCl +(CH3)2CClCH3 (1.18) B
Figure 1.2 Reaction-coordinate diagram (energy profile) for the alternative addition
reactions of an unsymmetrical alkene. Note that the favoured black route leads to the less-
stable product even though its activation energy, E,, is less than that for the brown route.
As you can see from Reactions 1.16, 1.17 and I .18, in order to generate the more-
stable carbocation, the proton adds to the less-substituted carbon atom of the double
bond -that is, to the one that already has more hydrogen atoms attached.
The generalization that, in the addition of HX to an unsyrnnzetrical alkerze, the
hydrogen always adds to the less-substituted carbon atom cf the double bond, was
made long before a mechanistic explanation was available. A Russian chemist,
Vladimir Markovnikov (Box 1.3), put forward this empirical rule -now known as
Markovnikov’s rule -after studying the products of a number of different HX
addition reactions. Markovnikov’s rule is sometimes summarized as ‘to the one who
has, will more be given’, because the hydrogen atom from HX goes to the alkene
carbon atom with the greater number of hydrogens already attached.
So fa-, the alkenes that we have considered have been unsymmetrically substi-
tuted (for example, CH3CH=CH2) or symmetrically disubstituted (for example,
CH&H =CHCH3). A third possible category consists of alkenes, such as pent-2-ene,
in which both carbon atoms of the double bond have the same number of alkyl
substituents, but the substituents are different.
tp How many products would you expect from the reaction of pent-2-ene,
CH3CH =CHCH2CH3, with HBr?
You might expect two products, because both possible carbocations formed by
the addition of a proton are secondary.
In reactions such as this, a mixture of both possible products usually does result:
Note thal. Markovnikov’s rule applies only to the addition of HX. The earlier
mechanistic discussion, however, applies to any electrophilic addition reaction:
the major product will always result from the more-stable carbocation. We shall
call this the mechanistic Markovnikov rule (see also Section 1.3).
H+ + C6HsCH=CHCH3 ‘
1.4 1.5
In both cases, a secondary carbocation is formed; however, 1.4 will be more
stable than 1.3 because in 1.4 the positive charge is adjacent to a phenyl group.
This means that the charge can be spread further by resufzaizce:
Since the spreading of charge leads to a more-stable carbocation, 1.5 will be the
predominant product.
The hydration of alkenes falls into the same category as the addition of HX.
Although this reaction is rarely carried out in the laboratory, it is an important
industrial process for preparing alcohols from alkene feedstocks, which in turn are
obtained from crude oil-. The alkene is usually passed into a 1 : 1 mixture of sulfuric
acid and water. With 2-methylpropene, for example, 60-65 5% aqueous sulfuric acid
is used to prepare 2-methylpropan-2-01, presumably by way of the corresponding
tertiary carbocation:
Therc is further discussion of the importance of the petrochemicals industry for the synthesis of organic
compounds in the Case Study Iiidustr-ial Organic Chemistr:v at the end of this Book.
Thc elimination o f water from alcohols is discussed in Chemical Kinetics mid Meclzuiiisnz. See Further
Rcatling (p. 36).
this method is sometimes used to convert a less-substituted alkene into a more-
substituted one; hence, for example, in Reaction l .22
- H+
Let's concentrate on the addition of bromine, although all the subsequent discussion
applies equally well to the addition of chlorine. The mechanism of this reaction is
not immediately obvious because bromine is a non-polar molecule. However, the
addition does proceed by an ionic mechanism in which the halogen molecule
provides the electrophile. In isolation, bromine is a covalent molecule with a
symmetrical electron distribution. However, in the presence of the high electron
density of the alkene double bond, polarization of bromine occurs, and one bromine
atom becomes electrophilic (Figure 1.4).
By analogy with the addition of HX, the mechanism for the addition of bromine to
an alkene can be written as shown in Reaction 1.24:
Figure 1.4
(The analytical applications of this type of reaction are discussed in Box 1.4.) Polarization of thc Br-Br bond in
However, this is not the complete story. In the reaction of trans-but-2-ene with the presence of a carbon-carbon
double bond. The red areas of the
bromine, for example, the only product is the diastereomer that results from one
surface indicate regions of high
bromine atom approaching from one face of the substrate and the other bromine electron density, and the blue areas
atom approaching from the opposite face: indicate low electron density.
Would this result be expected if a simple carbocation intermediate were
i n v 01 ved ?
I3y analogy with the S N l mechanism, you would expect the bromide ion to
attack the carbocation indiscriminately. If this were the case, two products
( d i astereomers) wou 1d result :
Reaction 1.29 shows the first two steps of the mechanism. The relative disposition
of the substituents in the three-membered ring reflects that on the alkene, because
the stxond step in Reaction 1.29 occurs very quickly, before rotation about the
central1 carbon-carbon bond can occur. In fact, it occurs so fast that we usually
represent Reaction 1.29 as a single step:
Once the bromonium ion intermediate has been formed, the bromide ion then
attack!;, opening up the three-membered ring:
This is very much like an SN2reaction, and attack occurs from the side opposite the
‘leavi,ng group’. As you can see, the overall result is the anti-addition of bromine,
and the product is rneso-2,3-dibroniobutane.
Would attack of bromide ion at the other carbon atom of the alkene double bond
(as shown in Structure 1.7) lead to a different product?
This again leads to the overall anti-addition of bromine, but because of the
internal symmetry of the molecule, the same product results, as shown in
Scheme I .4. (The two structures shown are simply two conformations of the
wme molecule, meso-2,3-dibromobutane.)
What would be the final product of addition if, as is equally likely, the initial
attack of the bromine molecule was from below the plane of the alkene (as in
1.8 rather than from above as in Reaction I .30)?
'This time, the bromide ion subsequently attacks the bromoniurn ion so formed
iit either carbon atom from above, to give the same meso product, as shown in
Scheme 1.5: H3C, r3 I'
So, symmetrically substituted trans alkenes lead only to meso products. However,
symmetrically substituted cis alkenes react with bromine to produce enantiomeric
products. This can be seen from the reaction of cis-but-2-ene:
Flow would you account for the formation of the bromomethoxy compound in
this reaction?
Methanol competes with bromide ion as the nucleophile to capture the
bromonium ion intermediate, and yields an ether as a byproduct:
(13 3 )
Electrophilic addition reactions of alkenes
This type of reaction is often used to prepare bromoethers. To ensure that a good
yield of the bromoether is obtained, rather than the dibromo product, the reaction
is carried out in dilute solution. This means that methanol is present in far greater
concentration than bromide ion. A similar reaction results if water is the solvent:
B r2
H?C=CHZ -~2()-BrCHZCH20H + BrCHZCHZBr (1.34) L2,
major product, minor product
a bromohydrin
This reaction gives rise to bromoalcohols, or bromohydrins, as they are sometimes
called. you will meet these compounds again in Part 3, where we discuss their
importance in the synthesis of pseudoephedrine.
In practice, these reactions obey the mechanistic Markovnikov rule, even though
the intermediate is a bromonium ion rather than a carbocation. During attack of the
nucleophile on the bromonium ion, the carbon-bromine bond breaks in advance of
the carbon nucleophile bond being made, leading to a build up of positive charge on
the electrophilic carbon in the transition state. Thus, the more alkyl groups that are
attached to this carbon, the greater the spread of charge, the lower the energy of the
transition state, and the faster the reaction, such that this isomer is the predominant
product. Put simply, to predict the predominant product, we must decide which of
the two potential carbocation intermediates is the more stable.
So, in addition reactions involving the bromonium ion, the electrophile (bromine)
ends up on the carbon atom with the most hydrogen atoms attached to it. Of course,
this is only apparent when bromide ion is not the nucleophile.
An alternative way of making bromohydrins is to use hypobromous acid, HOBr,
which reacts in the same way as bromine. Oxygen is more electronegative than
6- 6+
bromine, so the oxygen-bromine bond is polarized HO-Br. The bromine therefore
acts ax the electrophilic centre, leading again to the formation of a bromonium ion
i nterrnediate:
The hydroxide ion then attacks the bromonium ion from the opposite side to the
bromine 'leaving group'.
Hypobit-omousacid can conveniently be made by treating N-bromoethanamide
(N-brornoacetamide) with water in acid conditions:
n r 7
Since tertiary carbocations are more stable than secondary ones, the mechan-
istic Markovnikov rule predicts that attack of HO- will be more likely to occur
at the more-substituted carbon atom of the ring:
( I .40)
Electrophilic addition reactions of alkenes
abtn c / I HO
Tn SN2reactions the nucleophile approaches from the opposite side of the molecule /c-c- L '"
to the leaving group. Hence the product will be as shown in Reaction 1.42:
1.11 e
As we shall see in Part 3, oxiranes are very useful compounds, because by reacting
with a nucleophile they create two adjacent functional groups. They also feature as a
key structural element of epoxy resins (Box 1.5).
Addition - pathways a n d products
Figure 1.5
H2C -CH- CH2C1
The two components of a typical epoxy resin glue.
1.14 W
hardener, 1.15
To set the resin, the adhesive is mixed with a hardener, which is a polymer
containing many amine groups, 1.15. When mixed, the amino groups of
the hardener undergo nucleophilic substitution at the epoxide groups of the
adhesive to give a rigid network of cross-linked polymers. The final step of
the reaction involves proton transfer from nitrogen to oxygen.
S h L proton I
H2C-CHCH2- ___ transfer * RNHCH2-CHpCH2- ( I .43)
Electrophilic addition reactions of alkenes
Predict the products of the following addition reactions. If two products are
possible, say which one you think will predominate.
(a) C6H5CH=CHC6HS + HBr
(b) C6HsCH2CH=CHCH3 + HBr
What are the reactants needed to prepare the compounds 1.16-1.18? (Ensure
that the required stereochemistry will be obtained.)
and its enantioiner
'4set of interactive self-assessment questions are provided on the Alkenes and Aromatics
(211-ROM. The questions are scored, and you can come back to the questions as many or
as few times as you wish in order to improve your score on some or all of them. This is a
good way of reinforcing the knowledge you have gained while studying this Book.
Addition -pathways a n d p r o d u c t s
The addition reactions we have studied so far all proceed by the electrophilic
addition mechanism. There are several other useful addition reactions that proceed
by a variety of mechanisms. We don't have space to discuss them all, but we shall
mention one important example.
I n certain addition reactions, both the new atoms or groups become attached to the
same side of the alkene; that is, syn-addition is said to take place. We shall deal
with only one of these reaction types, namely the hydrogenation of alkenes to
alkane:;. which is a reduction reaction.
Three examples are shown, in Reactions 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3:
CH~CHZCH~ -i I:/Ni
CH3CI-tzCH3 (2.1)
(2.2) E
(2.3) B
Figure 2.1
cat a1y st surface Schematic view of the catalytic
hydrogenation of an alkene to an
O t h e r useful addition reactions
Al kynes can also be hydrogenated, and, when the normal hydrogenation catalysts
(platinum. palladium, nickel) are employed, the product is usually an alkane rather
than an alkene:
H2 H2
R~C-=CR~ R’ CH=CHR’ ---+ R’CH2CH2R’ (2.4)
However, by using special deactivated catalysts, the hydrogenation reaction can
be slowed down, and the alkene can be isolated. These catalysts are often referred to
a:, ‘poisoned’ catalysts, and the one most frequently used is called Lindlar’s catalyst.
This consists of palladium on barium sulfate; it is ‘poisoned’ by the addition of a
small amount of quinoline (2.1), which slows down the hydrogenation. 2.1 M
Do you think that the cis or the trans alkene will predominate from the
hydrogenation of an alkyne?
Because the mechanism of hydrogenation involves the delivery of both
hydrogen atoms from the metal surface to the same side of the alkyne, the
cis alkene is usually formed to the exclusion of the trans isomer; for example
Addition - p a t h w a y s and products
Margarine and butter are emulsions formed between fats and water (Figure 2.2).
Fats are known as triglycerides, 2.2. They are formed by the reaction of three
fatty acid molecules, 2.3, and glycerol, 2.4, which contains three -OH groups:
CH2-OH CH2- 0 __ C --R
-I CH-
OH + H20 (2.6)
2.3 I I
2.4 a monoglyceride
a diglyceride
0 0
I I1
Other useful addition reactions
The double bonds usually have the cis configuration, the reaction is exothermic so further heating is not
such that the chains of the triglycerides do not pack required. The hot oil is filtered to remove the nickel, and
well together. This results in triglycerides from plants left to cool down and solidify. The ‘chemical’ nature of
having low melting temperatures -they are oils at margarine production is highlighted in Figure 2.3, which
room temperature -so they are not very useful for is from an advert to promote the ‘more natural’ butter.
making a solid spread. However, hydrogenation of
Saturated fats are thought to be unhealthy and lead to heart
:some of the double bonds in vegetable oils leads to less
disease, whereas margarine, which still contains reasonable
wnsaturation, converting the oils into solid fats that can
amounts of unsaturation, is thought to be more healthy.
be used to make a solid spread. In a typical process the
However, recently there has been concern over the
vegetable oil is mixed with finely divided nickel, and
formation of trans fatty acid esters in the hydro-genation
hydrogen is pumped through the mixture. The reaction
process. This arises from isomerization of the cis fatty acid
takes place above 170°C and at high pressures (200-
ester to the trans form on the surface of the metal.
700 kPa). Although the reaction needs heating at first,
Bleach with Fullers Earth Filter to produce refined oil. Deodorise under,vacuum to
remove odours created through f a t
degradation and oxidation.
React with hydrogen in Filter out hydrogenation Blend with either vegetable.
presence of nickle catalyst to catalyst and animal or fish oil.
harden p a r t of the oil. other suspended matter.
1 Figure 2.3
Illustration from an
add whey, colouring, flavouring Add Lecithin and E x t r u d e into plastic tub. advert to promote
and vitamins. Monoglycerine to emutsify.
Addition - pathways a n d products
Now that you have completed Alkevies and Aromatics: Addition -pathways and
produc-ts, you should be able to do the following things:
1 Recognize valid definitions of, and use in a correct context, the terms, concepts
and principles in the following ‘Table. (All Questions)
2 Given the reactants in an addition reaction: predict the structure of the product,
indicating its stereochemistry, and, where more than one addition product can
be formed, predict which one will predominate. (Questions 1.1 and 1.2)
3 Specify the reagents and conditions needed to form a given product by an
addition reaction. (Questions 1.2, 1.3 and 2.1 )
Questions: a n s w e r s and comments
(a) The product would be compound Q.1. Since one of the central carbon atoms is
chiral in Q.l, both enantiomers will be formed in equal amounts; that is, a racemic
mixture would be formed.
H .+
1 €31'
- I
C~H_SCH~-CCH-C~H~ (Q.l) Q
(I Q.1
B I--
(b) Both carbocation intermediates are secondary, and a mixture of both products,
Q.2 and Q.3, will probably be formed as racemic mixtures.
1 Ii
- I
CbHsCH2- CH- CHz- CH3 (Q.2)
i Q.2
I3 I'
(c) Protonation will occur to give the tertiary carbocation, which will give rise to
the tertiary alcohol Q.4.
N -I .% ~L~~~~~~~
(a) 'The product will be (CH3)2CClCCl(CH3)2.
(b I The intermediate bromonium ion will be intercepted by methanol and B r .
Nucleophilic attack will occur preferentially at the site of the more-stable potential
carbocation, and two major products will be formed: (CGHs)2C(OCH3)CH2Br and
(C6H&CBrCH2Br, whose relative proportions will depend on the concentration of
Addition - p a t h w a y s and p r o d u c t s
(c) Initial attack of the chlorine can take place from above or below the plane of
the double bond. When the chloroniiim ion is formed, the C1- will attack the carbon
attached to the phenyl group, since this would be the site of the more-stable carbo-
cation (stabilization of a carbocation by a phenyl group is equivalent to that result-
ing from two alkyl groups). The two products formed from this reaction, Q.5 and
(2.6, are enantiomers.
c:/l\ C(jH.5
Ail k k * l i i thtctlriie
C6H5 ~.
*c ~
C' -\
* H 4\\
/c-c- L (Q.5)
i l < l r ! 'SiPt"i~<'
( i CH3
i l
Q ~~~~~
c=c\ + Br2 gives 1.17
H- \
H plus its enantiomer
I n the 1-hirdreaction, because both alkene carbon atoms give secondary carbo-
cations, a mixture of bromohydrins will be formed. However, treatment with
base gives just one oxirane (epoxide, Q.7).
Questions: a n s w e r s and c o m m e n t s
Addition -pathways and p r o d u c t s
Part 2
Aromatic Compounds
.s. .
, - .-
--I. * j
Aromatic compounds
Very few people in 1850 could have expected that coal tar would provide the
raw material for a striking new industrial development, and no one anticipated
that within this black, sticky, often evil-smelling substance some 250 different
compounds would be identified, many of which would be found to have useful
applications. The birth of the organiic chemical industry was based on the careful
distillation of coal tar (Figure 1.2). Coal tar is a mixture of many different com-
pounds, and these distil off in an order determined by their boiling temperatures.
The various fractions that were obtained contained a mixture of compounds boiling
between two temperatures. Further fractional distillation of these mixtures led to the
isolation of individual compounds. About one kilogram of benzene can be obtained
from a thousand kilograms of coal. Although this is not a very high percentage
yield, so much coal is now being colked globally that the annual production of
benzene from the resulting coal tar is enormous. Even in the nineteenth century,
there was plenty of coal tar just waiting to be used; as indicated in Box 1.1, some
of it found application in surgical procedures.
It would be hard to exaggerate the importance to the chemical industry, and to our
present economy, of the large-scale production of benzene and its derivatives. Just
as the alkanes obtained from petroleum (see the Industrial Organic Chemistry Case
Study at the end of this Book) are ultimately the source of nearly all our aliphatic
compounds, so benzene, and compounds made from benzene, are ultimately the
source of nearly all our aromatic compounds. When a chemist wishes to make a
cornpl icated aromatic compound, whether in the laboratory or on an industrial scale,
a benzene ring is not built up from non-cyclic reactants: a simpler benzene deriva-
tive is modified to obtain the required structure.
Thus, benzene is the parent hydrocarbon of a very large class of organic com-
pounds, which have come to be known as aromatic compounds. The origin of
this (classification is simple, but its use can be misleading. The word ‘aromatic’
(from the Greek word that means ‘fragrant smell’) sterns froin the fact that many
of these compounds that were isolated from natural sources had one obvious thing
in common -a pleasant odour; notable examples are vanilla, oil of wintergreen,
cinnamon and aniseed. Later, when it was found that these compounds were also
related to benzene and that this was their parent compound, the term ‘aromatic’
was adopted for benzene and all its derivatives. Given this historical explanation,
it should be pointed out that many aromatic compounds do not smell pleasant, even
to an organic chemist! Rather, the term should be thought of as indicating that a
compound is related to benzene.
I n the 1850s, two pharmacists in France, Ferdinand ring are less harmful. For example, thymol (1.2), which
LeBeuf and Jules Lemaire demonstrated that coal is a naturally occurring compound found in thyme, is
tar possessed antiseptic properties. Meanwhile, in used in mouthwashes and gargles.
Manchester, the industrial chemist F. C. Calvert was
Such phenolic compounds are present in coal tar soap
interested in carbolic acid because it was a useful
(Figure 1.4), and contribute to its characteristic smell.
intermediate from coal tar for use in the dyestuffs
industry. Calvert sold most of his carbolic acid to OH
France, and suggested to the French Academy of
Science that the disinfectant properties of coal tar I I
arose from carbolic acid. Letnaire confirmed that this
was true. About this time, Joseph Lister was looking
for substances that would kill bacteria and so prevent
infection during surgery. He investigated the use of
1.1 9; 1.2 0
carbolic acid for this purpose; in due course he found
that it could be utilized as an antiseptic during surgery
(Figure 1.3).
Carbolic acid, or phenol (1.1) as it is more commonly
known, contains a benzene ring and an OH group. As
well as being an antiseptic, phenol is corrosive and not
the kind of thing you would want to put on your skin. Figure 1.4
However, compounds with other alkyl groups on the Coal tar soap.
Figure 1.3 In 1965, Britain celebrated the centenary of Lister’s contribution to the development of antiseptic surgery
by issuing two stamps; the one shilling stamp shows a rather odd representation of the molecular structure of phenol,
the compound known to Lister as ‘carbolic acid’.
Aromatic compounds
Kekul6 (Figure 2.11, who was born on 7 September whirling in a giddy dance. I saw how the larger ones
18291 in Darmstadt, Germany, was descended from a formed a chain, dragging the smaller ones after them
Bohemian noble family. In the winter of 1847, Kekul6 but only at the ends of the chains.. ..The cry of the
enrolled at the University of Giessen to study conductor: ‘Clapham Road’ awak.ened me from my
archjtecture, but was so inspired by his chemistry dreaming; but I spent a part of the night in putting on
teacher, Justus von Liebig, that he changed to paper at least sketches of these dream forms.
chemistry, graduating in 1851. He then went to Paris This led to his proposals that carbon atoms with a
to study for his Doctorate. In 18541-5 he worked as an valency of four can form chains with each other of any
assistant to J. Stenhouse at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, length or shape. He later dreamt the solution to the
London. He then moved to Heidelberg, subsequently structure of benzene (1 865):
becoming professor first at Ghent (1 858) and then at
Bonn (1867). He first married in 1862, but his wife I turned my chair to the fire [after having worked on
died during childbirth. He married again in 1876, and the problem for some time] and dozed. Again the
had three more children. He also caught measles in atoms were gamboling before my eyes. This time the
1876, and this affected his health for the remainder of smaller groups kept modestly to tlhe background. My
his life. mental eye, rendered more acute by repeated vision
of this kind, could not distinguish larger structures, of
Keku16 was apparently neither a p(articu1arlygood manifold conformation; long rowts, sometimes more
practical chemist nor an inspiring teacher. However,
closely fitted together; all twining and twisting in
he was a good theoretician and dreamer:
snakelike motion. But look! What was that? One
During my stay in London I resided in Clapham of the snakes had seized
Road.. ..I frequently, however, spent my evenings hold of its own tail,
with my friend Hugo Mueller.. ..We talked of many and the form whirled
things but most often of our beloved chemistry. One mockingly before my
fine summer evening I was returning by the last bus, eyes. As if by a flash
riding outside as usual, through the deserted streets of lightning I awoke.. ..
of the city.. ..I fell into a reverie, and lo, the atoms Let us learn to dream,
were gamboling before my eyes;. Whenever, gentlemen.
hitherto, these diminutive beings had appeared to
me, they had always been in motion. Now, however,
I saw how, frequently, two smaller atoms united to
form a pair: how a larger one embraced the two Figure 2.1
smaller ones; how still larger ones kept hold of three Friedrich August Kekulk von
or even four of the smaller: whilst the whole kept Stradonitz 1829-1 896. I-
The s t r u c t u r e a n d stability of benzene
Thc special problems associated with understanding the structure and properties
of benzene stemmed from the knowledge that its molecular formula is C6H6.
This formula requires that benzene contains four double bonds, or four rings, H
or two triple bonds, or. more likely, some combination of rings and multiple I
bond!,. However, benzene does not easily undergo addition reactions, but it readily
undergoes substitution reactions, in which an electrophile, X+, leads to a C-X
bond being formed, and a C-H bond being broken, with H+ as a leaving group.
Furthermore, only one substitution product, C6HsX, can be formed, requiring that I
all six hydrogen atoms are in chemically identical environments. To account for H
thes,e.,and other, observations, Kekuli proposed Structure 1.3 for benzene: 1.3
He ;also proposed (to account for some structural observations) that the double
bonds were ‘oscillating’ between the two possible positions 1.3 and 1.4:
f-I H
1.3 1.4
Modern techniques, such as X-ray crystallography have shown that all the carbon-
carboln bonds in benzene are of exactly the same length, forming a regular hexagon
with sides 140 pm long. The carbon-carbon bond length in benzene lies between
that for a carbon-carbon single bond ( 1 54 pm) and a double bond ( 1 33 pm). The
benzene molecule is perfectly planar, all bond angles are 120°, and the C-H bonds
are all 108 pm long (1.5).
We no longer think that the bonds in benzene are oscillating, but the concept of
resonance can be used to explain why all the carbon-carbon bonds in benzene have 1.5
the siinie length. The two resonance forms of benLene contribute equally to the
actual structure, so that each carbon-carbon bond is intermediate in nature between
a single bond and a double bond; we say that the electrons are deZocnEized around
the ring.
2 -1
Write i n your own words what is meant by the following representation:
From now on, for convenience, we shall draw benzene as a single resonance form -
that is, as one of the two forms shown as 1.6. Always remember that this is simply
a convenient representation, and that in the real structure all the C-C bonds have
equal bond lengths. Also, remember that a hydrogen atom is attached to each carbon
Although the idea of resonance stabilization is useful in helping to understand the
structure and properties of benzene, it is not quite sufficient. As you will see in
detail in the next Section, benzene derivatives have a very strong tendency to
maintain intact the six-electron n: system (from the three double bonds). We cannot
explore the concept of aromaticity in detail here, but it has been shown that planar,
Aromatic compounds
A t the beginning of the nineteenth century, coal tar was considered an unusable
byproduct from the coking of coal, but by the end of the century it had proved
to be important for the birth of a new industry in Britain: the organic chemical
Distillation of coal tar provides numerous aromatic compounds, many of which
are of industrial significance.
This Part of the Book is mainly concerned with the simplest aromatic
compound -benzene.
Benzene can be represented by the following resonance forms:
All the carbon-carbon bonds in benzene are of equal length, as are all the
carbon-hydrogen bonds. The bonds between the carbon atoms are intermediate
in length between single and double carbon-carbon bonds. All bond angles are
1 :No.
Figure 2.2,
One of the reasons why Kekulk suggested ‘oscillating’ single and double bonds (a) Disposition of the p orbitals on
for benzene, rather than a localiized structure, was that there were only three the carbon atorns of benlene prior to
disubstituted chlorobenzenes, C6H4C12.Draw structures for each of the isomers n-bond formation; (b) n-electron
distributioin in benzcne after overlap
of‘C6H4Cl2,(a) assuming that ad1 the carbon-carbon bonds are identical, and
of the unhybridized p orbitals.
(bl) assuming a IocaliLed bond structure. Use these structures to show why it
was necessary to propose the delocalized structure.
Electrophilic a r o m a t i c substitution reactions
Thc: most characteristic reaction of benzene and other aromatic systems is classed as
a substitution reaction:
+ (3.1)
Which bonds are being made and which are broken in this general reaction?
Remember that each carbon atom in the benzene ring has one hydrogen atom
attached to it (even though this is not shown in the structural formula), so a
C-H bond is being broken and a new C-X bond is being made. Hence, the
X group is substituting for a hydrogen atom in the molecule.
When we consider the mechanism, we shall discover that a cation, X+, is usually
involved in reacting with the benzene ring.
Aromatic compounds
recognize that although benzene can undergo many substitution reactions, there
really is only one general mechanism for all electrophilic aromatic substitution
reacti ons.
There are usually three identifiable steps in any electrophilic aromatic substitution
The carbocation intermediate can be drawn as either one of the three resonance
forms shown in the answer to Quesition 3.1. We can represent the delocalized nature
of this intermediate more succinctly as in Structure 3.1. Note that the broken line
starts on C-2 and ends on C-6. There is no double-bond character at C-1 , since it is 4
already connected to four atoms by single bonds. 3.11
The driving force for this step is the re-formation of the very stable cyclic
arrangement of three double bonds. This force is so strong that a reagent Y-
will invariably remove the proton as; shown above, rather than add to one of the
carbocation centres. In general, electrophilic aromatic substitution is favoured
over atldi tion, on both thermodynamic and kinetic grounds.
Electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions
Figure 3.1
The reaction-coordinate diagram for
a typical electrophilic aromatic
substitution reaction.
reaction coordinate
Aromatic compounds
/J E
Draw the resonance forms of the intermediate carbocation formed in the
following reactions of an electrophile (X+) with methylbenzene (toluene, 3.2):
(a) reaction at a position ortho to the CH3 group of methylbenzene (that is,
positions 2 or 6 on the ring);
(b) reaction at a metu position (positions 3 or 5 ) ;
(c) reaction at the para position (position 4).
Now that we have developed the basic principles of the mechanism of electrophilic
aromatic substitution reactions, we shall consider five examples of this reaction
that are of primary importance in synthetic organic chemistry. They all follow the
gencral mechanism (Equation 3.7), hut with a different X+, so the first important
task is to identify the nature of this electrophile in each case. The structure of the
product: will usually give a clue.
The electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction that has received by far the most-
detailed study is nitration, and consequently this is the one that provides us with the
most-detailed mechanistic picture. Experimentally, nitration can be carried out with
a mixture of concentrated nitric and sulfuric acids, the so-called ‘nitrating mixture’.
The product of the reaction with benzene is nitrobenzene, a yellow oily liquid with
a sweet odour:
nitrobenzene 9
Let us look at the mechanism of this reaction. The principal problem in trying to
formulate a mechanism for any electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction is to
define the species that actually reacts with the benzene ring. The essential criterion
is that it must be an electrophile, and it is usually a cation.
Electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions
Suggest a possible electrophile for the nitration reaction. (Look at the structure
of the product, nitrobenzene.)
ii As the N+02, group has replaced H, it is reasonable to suggest that the electro-
phile is NO2.
Indeed, the NO2 ion, called the nitronium ion, is present in the nitrating mixture.
Sulfuric+acid is a stronger acid than nitric acid, andpence it can protonate HN03 to
give H 2 N 0 3 , which in turn can lose water, to form NO2:
0- H 0- 0
The existence of the nitronium ion is supported by the fact that stable nitronium
sa+lts have been prepared and isolated. S$ts such as nitronium tetrafluoroborate
(NO, BF4-) and nitronium perchlorate (NO2C104-) are powerful reagents for the
nitration of aromatic compounds.
So.,having identified the electrophile that in this case reacts with benzene to form
the carbocation intermediate, it is a simple job to write down the mechanism, as
shown in Scheme 3. I .
w SCHEME 3.1
In this scheme, B represents a base, which could be H20, €-€SO4-or N03-
The fomiation of NO2 from nitric acid arises by The first absorption machine was developed by Edmond
protonation and removal of water. Sulfuric acid is Carr6 in 1850,using water and sulfuric acid (his brother,
good at both of these jobs. Firstly it is a strong acid, Ferdinand Carre developed the first ammonidwater
and secondly it is a very good dehydrating agent. refrigeration machine in 1859). Placing water in a vacuum
Much of the destructive power of sulfuric acid on led to evaporation of the water, but soon the atmosphere
organic tissue arises from dehydration. Hydrochloric above the water was saturated with water vapour. The
acid is a similarly strong acid, but is much less inclusion of concentrated sulfuric acid in a beaker
corrosive because it does not absorb water as readily. alongside the water meant that the build up of water vapour
When sulfuric acid absorbs water, much heat is was prevented by its being absorbed in the sulfuric acid.
generated, making the acid even more corrosive. In This meant the water evaporated further. The resulting
fact, the dehydrating power of sulfuric acid was used cooling action eventually led to the formation of ice. On
in one of the first successful attempts to make ice. the other hand, the sulfuric acid solution heated up!
Aromatic compounds
In halogenation reactions the halogen, C12 or Br2, reacts with benzene in the
presence of a catalyst.
The Cl+ ion is formed via the action of a catalyst composed of a metal chloride, such
as SnC:14, FeC13, SbC15 or A1Cl3. The essential requirement is that it can act as a
Lewis acid; that is, it behaves as an acceptor for a non-bonded electron pair on a C1-
ion. Hence, A1C13 will form AlCL- and Cl+ when reacting with a chlorine molecule:
CI--Cl AlC1, +C1+ + -AlCl, (3.10)
A study of the kinetics of the chlorination of benzene reveals that one molecule each
of benzene, the halogen and the Lewis acid are involved in steps up to and including
the slow, rate-limiting step. We can show the mechanism based on the generalized
reaction (Equation 3.7) as follows:
12 + - F+
/- 6+ F-
/ me--
Electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions
However, the chloride anion is certainly removed by the A1C13, as AlC14-, in the
rate-limiting step. For simplicity, we normally write the mechanism of halogenation
using X+ as the electrophile.
I n the addition of a halogen molecule to an alkene (Part 1 , Section I .3) we
considered that the electrons of the double bond polarized the halogen molecule
sufficiently for reaction to occur. It is not surprising then that attack on the less-
reactive benzene molecule requires additional polarization by a Lewis acid. (Indeed,
more-reactive aromatic compounds react with halogens in the absence of any added
L x w i h acid.)
Which halogens other than chlorine might be expected to react with benzene via
electrophilic aromatic substitution?
Fluorine, bromine and iodine could be expected to undergo similar reactions
with benzene to those that we have described for chlorine.
However, it is not quite that simple. Bromination takes place in much the same way
a s chlorination, with an appropriate catalyst, such as FeBr3. However, although
fluorine will react with benzene, the product is not fluorobenzene; rather, carbon-
carbon bond rupture occurs, and other products are formed. Iodination fails because
iodine is much less reactive than the other halogens. We shall discover ways of
preparing both fluoro- and iodo-derivatives of benzene when we discuss some of
the simple chemistry of diazonium salts in Section 5 .
Benzene will react with concentrated sulfuric acid at about 150 "C to produce
benzene su 1fon i c ac i d +.. :
0 + conc.H2S04 -
+ H20 (3.11) 1
The mechanism involves the initial formation of sulfur trioxide (SO3) from sulfuric
acid. Though sulfur trioxide is a neutral molecule rather than a cation, it is still a
relatively powerful electrophile.
Although concentrated sulfuric acid is also part of the nitrating mixture (see Section 3.2), the conditions
employcd in the nitration reaction ensure that nitration rather than sulfonation is the predominant process.
Aromatic compounds
The generation of sulfur trioxide frorn sulfuric acid, and the entire reaction
sequence, is thought to occur as follclws:
What do you notice as the main difference between this and the other
electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction mechanisms we have discussed?
All the four steps are depicted as equilibria.
When the sulfur trioxide electrophile is generated with concentrated sulfuric acid,
the position of the equilibrium favours benzenesulfonic acid. However, if we
introduce more water -that is, use dilute sulfuric acid -we can convert
benzenesulfonic acid back into benzene (a process called ‘desulfonation’):
Electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions
Represent the nitration of benzene by means of a reaction-coordinate diagram
that reflects the mechanism we discussed in Section 3.2. (Don't worry about
showing the formation of NO2 in the diagram.)
Write a mechanism involving curly arrows for the desulfonation of
benzenesulfonic acid.
N 3.
What is the shape of the nitronium ion, NO2?
When chemists plan the synthesis of a complex organic molecule, one of the main
concerns is building the correct carbon skeleton from smaller, more readily
available compounds. To build the skeleton, carbon-carbon bonds need to be
formed. The FriedelLCrafts reactions described in this Section represent one of the
main methods of adding carbon chains to aromatic rings.
. Bearing in mind that electrophiles, X+, are necessary for the formation of
Cl(aromatic)-X bonds in electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions, what
kind of reagent do you think will be necessary to make a C(aromatic)-C bond'? \ +
, The obvious type of electrophile to use to make C-C bonds in this case is a /"-
carbocation (3.3). 3.3
A C Y JLA'TI 0N (3.15)
' Methods d protecting particular sites In molecules during a synthetic procedure are discu5sed in
irnd SvnthesiJ'
M e t hunirrn
Aromatic compounds
Electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions
(3.16) l2
2-phen ylpropane
By analogy with chlorination, what do you think is the role of the A1Cl3?
,j The A1Cl3 is acting as a Lewis acid, and is either helping to polarize the C-Cl
bond, in the sense C6+-Cl", or forming a true carbocation intermediate.
The equilibrium reaction between A1Cl3 and the haloalkane can be written as
fol lows :
* The structures and uses of zeolites are discussed in the Case Study with Chemical Kinetics and
Aromatic compounds
Figure 3.5
The reaction-coordinate diagram for
the Friedel-Crafts reaction of
benzene with 2-chloropropane in the
presence of aluminium chloride.
reaction coordinate
u 1-phenylpropane
It was shown subsequently that the reason for the formation of this initially
unexpected product is that the intermediate carbocation rearranges.
Electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions
~ .> R&H
~ 6> R ~ H ,
tertiary secondary primary
There is one more problem with Friedel-Crafts alkylations which limits their use in
synthesis. In Section 4, you will learn about the influence that substituents on the
benzene ring have on the rate of electrophilic aromatic substitution. Alkyl groups
activate the ring to further substitution; that is, alkylbenzenes undergo aromatic
substitution faster than benzene itself.
,J What effect will this have on the Friedel-Crafts alkylation of, say, benzene?
Aromatic compounds
If the product is more reactive than the starting material -benzene in this
case -then the final mixture will contain products in which more than one
hydrogen in the ring has been substituted by an alkyl group.
This re#action,where the product contains several compounds with more than one
alkyl group in the ring, is known as polyalkylation.
Many of the problems associated with Friedel-Crafts alkylations are solved by the
use of acylation instead of alkylationi, as described in the next Section.
3 - 5 2 Friedel-Crafts acylation
FriedeLCrafts acylations are again quite typical electrophilic aromatic substitution
reactions, in which the electrophile is an acylonium ion (3.5) or equivalent. The
R- 6= ~, ~ ~
generation of acylonium ions is straightforward, and involves a similar equilibrium
to that iin the alkylation reactions:
+ -
, R---C=O +
'\It 1 ; (3.22)
The advantages of using acylation in synthesis are that (1) acylonium ions do not
rearran:ge, and (ii) the acyl group deactivates the ring to furt$er substitution; that is,
the ketone product, C6H5COR,is less reactive to attack by RCO than benzene itself.
The source of acylonium ions is also not limited to acid chlorides, since anhydrides
(3.6), also generate acylonium ions with AICI,; for example
I !i
Electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions
AcyLation does not suffer from the problems that alkylation does (see point 5 ) .
In practice, therefore, benzene is often first acylated with an acid chloride, say,
and then the Clemmensen reduction is used to reduce the acyl substituent to a
primary alkyl group in high yield.
Aromatic compounds
Write mechanisms for the following reactions, and, where appropriate, explain
the distribution of the products. Identify the electrophile that reacts with the
benzene nucleus in each case.
(b) 0 + CH3CH2CH2CH2Cl -
35% 65 % m
The effects of substituents
Once one substituent has been introduced into the benzene ring, there are three
unique positions where a second electrophilic substitution can take place. For
exarnple, there are three positional isomers of methoxymethyl benzene: OCH3
40% 40% 20%
statistically expected disubstitution pattern
The proportions of products that are usually found in such reactions do not approach
this statistical distribution. This is illustrated by the nitration of chlorobenzene and
the chlorination of nitrobenzene. The distributions of products for these reactions
are shown in Figure 4.1, from which you can see that the isomer distribution varies
according to which substitutent is originally present in the monosubstituted benzene.
c1 C1
30% 1%
_____ fyl+ NO2
Q + c1
Figure 4.1
The distribution of products formed
in the nitration of chlorobenzene,
where the ortho and paru isomers
predominate, and in the chlorination
of nitrobenzene, where the meta
17% 81% isomer predominates. M
Aromatic compounds
The influence of the original substitiuent is, in fact, remarkably consistent, and it is
called a directing effect. A knowledge of these directing effects not only permits the
prediction of what products will be formed in an electrophilic aromatic substitution
reaction, but it also gives a rough idea of the relative amounts of these products.
Let's see how directing effects can he rationalized.
We have already seen that the intermediate in electrophilic aromatic substitution
reactions is a resonance-stabilized c;irbocation. Factors that stabilize ordinary
carbocations will also affect the stability of these resonance-stabilized carbocations.
For exaniple, when an electrophile such as C1+ attacks methylbenzene (toluene) at
the position ortho to the methyl group (4.4), one of the resonance forms of the
intermediate is a tertiary carbocation, whereas two are secondary carbocations:
1 tertiary secondary secondary
A simillar situation occurs after attack at the position para to the methyl group.
Draw the resonance forms for attack by CI+ at the para position of
methylbenzene, and indicate the type of carbocation in each case.
secondary tertiary secondary
Draw the resonance forms for attack by C1+ at the meta position of
methylbenzene, and indicate the type of carbocation in each case.
O' CH3
c1 (31 c1 + c1
4.6 L V
all secondary
So, when attack occurs meta to the methyl group, none of the possible
resonance structures is a tertiary carbocation; only secondary carbocations
can be drawn (4.6).
It is a good generalization, but not a universal rule, that reactions with a more-
stabilized intermediate take place more rapidly than those with a less-stabilized
The effects of substituents
(4.2) L4
40% 60%
This is because of the resonance interactions involving the alkoxy group, which lead
to an additional resonance structure. The resonance structures (4.7) for para attack are:
A non-bonded electron pair on the oxygen atom of the methoxy group (represented
by two dots) can form a new double bond, as shown. By drawing resonance
structures, it can be shown that the positive charge is delocalized overfour atoms
(three carbon atoms and the oxygen atom), and the carbocation intermediate is
therefore particularly stable. A similar delocalization, leading to another stable
carbocation intermediate, can also occur for ortho attack, but it is not possible for
metu attack.
Draw the three resonance structures for the carbocation intermediate for
nitration of methoxybenzene at the meta position, to show that no further
delocalization is possible.
4.8 L
Aromatic compounds
What in more, it destabilizes the carbocations that result from ortholpara attack
more effectively than those that result from meta attack. Thus, of the possible evils, o,&,o- 0, + G O
rizcta substitution is the least evil! Let’s look at this in more detail. N
The nitro group in nitrobenzene has two resonance forms (4.9), both of which carry
a positive charge on the nitrogen atom.
Attack of an electrophile such as Cl+ at the ortho or para positions of nitrobenzene
results in unfavourable interaction between the positive charge of the carbocation
and the positive charge on the nitrogen of the nitro group. We can show this by
drawing out the resonance structures for chlorination at the para position (4.10)
as an example:
F -7
<AH 4.11
c1 E \ (11 -+bH
(&; c1 c--) + c1
You will not be surprised to discover that any oyher groups that can provide a b-
N S-
similar, unstable charge distribution, such as -NH3, result in the meta isomer R\?O Ill
predominating. (Note that the -NH2 group, which+is ortholpara-directing, is
c 6+
converted almost entirely to the meta-directing -NH3 group in strong acid
solution.) Carbonyl (4.12) and cyano (4.13) groups are also rneta-directing by
virtue of the fact that these are polarized such that a partial positive charge resides
on the carbon atom of these two groups.
Table 4.1 summarizes the directing effects of a variety of functional groups. This
information is reproduced in the Data Book (available from the CD-ROM).
Although the statistically expected pattern for ortho :para product distribution
is 2 : I , in practice (as we have seen in the nitration example in Figure 4.1)
the proportion of the para product obtained is rather greater than 33%. This is
explicable i n terms of the greater steric hindrance to attack at the ortho positions.
However, because the nitro group is deactivating, attaching the last nitro
group to dinitrotoluene by an electrophilic aromatic substitution requires
high temperatures!
TNT forms pale yellow crystals with a melting temperature of 82 O C , which
means it can be melted and poured into artillery shells and other explosive
devices. In the absence of a detonator, it is quite a stable material. However,
when detonated, it quickly changes from a solid into hot expanding gases -
hence the explosive force. Two moles of solid TNT almost instantly change to
15 moles of hot gases plus some powdered carbon, which gives a dark sooty
appearance to the explosion!
~ C ~ H S N ~=O3~WSg)> + 7 W g ) + 5JW(g) + 7 W (4.4)
In the trenches of the First World War, shells containing TNT were therefore
known as coalboxes.
Now see ifyou have understood the directing effects of substituents by tackling the
following Questions.
53-1 -1
(a) What are the principal products of the reaction of methoxybenzene with:
(i) H2S04; (ii) HN03/H2S04;(iii) C12/FeC13?
(b) What are the products of the reaction of nitrobenzene with: (i) H2S0,;
(ii) HN03/H2S04;(iii) C12/FeC13?
Aromatic compounds
When it is necessary to attach inore than one substituent to a benzene ring, the
order in which the substituents are attached is important because of the directing
e:ffect of the first substituent. G;ive the sequence of steps, with the necessary
reagents, for synthesising the following compounds from benzene:
c1 c1
In Section 3.5.1 we mentioned that alkyl groups activated benzene rings towards
electrophilic aromatic substitution, compared with benzene itself.
Suggest a reason why methylbenzene (toluene) and other alkylated benzene
compounds might be more reactive towards electrophiles than benzene itself.
In the case of methylbenzene and related compounds reacting with an electro-
phile, the carbocation intermediate is more stable than that resulting from
benzene, because, as we saw earlier, the resonance forms include a tertiary
carbocation (as, for example, those shown for ortho (4.14) and para (4.15)
ni tration of methylbenzene). The reaction that involves the more-stable
carbocation intermediate is faster.
Using this argument, do you think that -OR and -NR2 groups should be
activating or deactivating?
As they form intermediates that are stabilized by an additional resonance
structure, they should be activating compared with a hydrogen atom on the
benzene ring.
In the discussion of the directing effect you discovered that the carbocation
intermediates for ortho and para substitution in C6HSORand C6H5NR2were
particularly stabilized by extra resonlance forms involving the side-chain. As these
intermediates are stabilized relative to those in the substitution reactions of benzene,
C,HSOR and C6HSNR2should react more rapidly than benzene. In fact, both
C6H50Hand C6HsNH2 are highly activated, and will even react with bromine
without a catalyst, and often undergo polysubstitution.
Using the saFe sort of argument, what do you think should be the effect
of -NO2, -NH3, and -COR substituents? Consider the effect of electron
withdrawal by these groups on the carbocation intermediate.
For all these groups, and the rest of the rneta-directing groups in Table 4. I , the
carbocation intermediate is destabilized relative to that arising from benzene
itself. This is because these groups withdraw electrons, thereby destabilizing
the positive charge on the ring. It may be supposed that as the carbocation
intermediate is destabilized, the substitution will be slower than for benzene.
T h e effects of s u b s t i t u e n t s
This i:i another success for the simple idea that increasing the energy of the
int+ermediatedecrease:, the reaction rate, and vice versa: the substituents -NO2,
-NH, and --COR all lower the rate of electrophilic aromatic substitution to a
significant degree.
As with most simple ideas, there are exceptions, and these are provided in this case
by !he halogens. Although C1, Br and I are ortholpara-directing, they are, overall,
deactivating towards electrophilic aromatic substitution. The usual explanation for
this i q that although the ortholpara intermediates are stabilized by resonance, c1+ c1+
through \tructures such as 4.16 and 4.17, the strongly electron-withdrawing
inductive efkct of the halogens results in overall deactivation of the molecule.
The activatinlg or deactivating effect of substituents, together with their directing
effects, are given in Table 4.2. (This Table is also given in the Data B o o k . )
Table 4.2 The activating (or deactivating) and directing effects of various substituents 4.16 4.17
attached to the benzene ring
activating groups, ortholpnra-directing: CH, and other alkyl groups, OH, OR, NH2,
deactivating groups, olrtholpara-directing: C1, Br, I
+ +
deactivating, groups, nzeta-directing: NO2, NH,, NR,, S03H, S03R, CHO, COR, CN,
This question is b4asedon the use of a knowledge of the activating and directing
effects of substituents on benzene rings to predict the major product(s) in
‘competrtive’ reactions. In these reactions the reagent and two aromatic
compounds are all present in the same molar concentration. Predict the major
product(s) of the following reactants:
(a) Br2/FeBr3 (one mole) with one mole each of compounds 4.18 and 4.19;
(b) CH7COC1/AlCl3(one mole) with one mole each of compounds 4.20 and
4.21 ;
(c.) HN03/H2S04(one mole) with one mole each of compounds 4.19 and 4.22.
(Hint Remember that amines are basic, so can react with acid.) 4.22 g,
Aromatic compounds
In Section 1 we speculated that the beginning of the organic chemical industry I
in the middle of the nineteenth century was based on coal tar and the numerous
compounds contained within it, such as benzene. A benzene derivative that was of
great interest to W. H. Perkin (Box 5.1, p. 70) -while working at the Royal College
of Chemistry in 1856 -was aminobenzene or aniline (5.1). 5.1 ,Q
While engaged on an unsuccessful synthesis of quinine (Figure 5.1) from ortho- NH2
methylaniline (5.2), Perkin tried the same reaction with aniline. He obtained a black
Figure 5 1
Quinine is a vital constituent of
Indian Tonic water. It was used in
India because of its antimalarial
Figure 5 2
The original mauve dye synthesised
by Perkin.
Diazonium salts
Figure 5.3
A dress dyed with mauveine as worn
by Queen Victoria at the London
International Exhibition.
niauveine SJ
Figure 5.4 A, schematic diagram to show the formation of mauveine from aniline and the
ortho and pcit-a isomers of methylaniline.
Arornatic compounds
William Henry Perkin was born on 12 March 1838 in London. Perkin’s father,
who was a builder by trade, wanted him to become an architect, but, thanks to
his schoolteacher, Thomas Hall, he was excited by chemistry. At the age of 15,
he studied with A. W. Hofmann (of elimination fame) at the Royal College of
Chemistry (now Imperial College), and became Hofmann’s assistant at the age of
1‘7. In 1856, during the Easter vacation, Perkin, aged 18, synthesised mauveine in
hiis homemade laboratory. He patented his method and left the Royal College of
Chemistry (much to Hofmann’s annoyance). With his fdther’s support, he then
commercialized his product. In 1857 his father and brother joined him in his
works on the banks of the Grarid Union Canal at Greenford (Figure 5.6). In 1874,
Perkin sold his works to Brook Simpson and Spiller (Spillers is now known as
British Bakeries), but continued his research in his laboratory at home. The
mauve dye was one of the first truly industrial chemicals, and this was followed
by Britannia violet and Perkin’s green (the water of the nearby canal was said to
change colour every week according to which dye was being manufactured!).
From 1884, he conducted research into magnetic-induced rotation of plane- Figure 5.5
polarized light, using the results to clarify the structures of organic molecules. William Henry Perkin 1838-
Figure 5.6
Perkin’s dye works in GreenfoIrd.
Another group of coal tar dyes thal should be mentioned here are the
so-called azo dyes. In preparing azo dyes, the azo group (-N=N-) is always
obtained from a diazonium salt, which in turn is prepared from an aromatic amine.
The simplest is a benzenediazoniurn salt, which itself is derived from aniline:
chloride El
Diazonium salts
tar. In June 1869, Perkin and the German dye company BASF filed patents for
the same synthetic route to alizarin just one day apart. As a result, the industry
producing the natural dye was killed off almost overnight. Perkin's company
alone was producing over 400 tonnes of synthetic alizarin a year, and at less than
half the price of the natural product.
However, the synthesis of dyes led to the modern pharmaceutical industry. In his
search for antiseptic substances that could be used to treat bacterial infections,
a German physician, Paul Ehrlich, discovered that one of the dyes he used for
staining his microscope slides actually killed bacteria. He found that the yellow
dye flavine killed the germs responsible for abscesses. This led to the develop-
ment of a wide range of useful drugs all derived from chemicals found in coal tar.
The mechanism involves the formation of nitrous acid from hydrochloric acid and
sodium nitrite. Nitrous acid is fairly unstable and so has to be formed below 5 "C
just before it is used:
HC1 + NaN02 -+ HN02 + NaCl (5.2)
In acidic solution the+nitrous acid becomes protonated, and loses water to form a
nitrosonium cation, N:=O:
H---O-N=O Hf ,
-r- aTN=O & k=O+H20 (5.3)
Like the nitronium ion, the nitrosonium ion is electrophilic, and so will react with a
nucleophilic amino group:
This species then loses a proton and rearranges to form a nitrogen-nitrogen double
The final step involves protonation of the oxygen and loss of water to generate the
diazonium cation:
3 diazonium cation
Aromatic compounds
The first azo dyes were discovered by Peter Griess in 1864. Griess was born in
Kirchhosbach in Germany in 1829 of middle-class Prussian parents. At the age
of 16, he went to agricultural school but lost interest in agriculture, and went
on to Jena and Marburg Universities, where he drifted between disciplines. At
this point in his life, he became something of a reprobate, ending up in prison
and in severe financial debt. To pay off his debts, he had to sell his father's
farms. This seems to have reformed him, for he then moved to London to work
with A. W. Hofmann at the Royal College of Chemistry, where he was readily
noticeable by his German semi-military dress. He is reported to have worn the
lairgest top hat ever seen in Oxford Street. He then went to work as a chemist
in Allsopp and Son's brewery in Burton-on-Trent, carrying out research into
azo dyes in his spare time. He longed to return to Germany and carry out
further research in chemistry, but this was not to be since he died in 1888 Figure 5.7
while on holiday in Bournemouth. Johann Peter Griess 1829-1888.
Diazonium cations are electrophilic reagents in their own right, and can take part in
aromatic substitution reactions with other aromatic compounds. When they do so,
the result is a coupling of two aromatic rings via the two nitrogen atoms. Two of the
sirnpllest coupling reactions to give azo dyes are:
diazonium salt coupling azo dye
i \>
(5.7) B
phenolate anilnn
paru- hydrox y pheny l azobenzene
+ Hf (5.8)
Diazonium salts
Writc out the mechanism for the reaction of the electrophilic diazonium cation
with the phenolate ion to generate yam-hydroxyphenylazobenzene, as shown
above (don't worry about drawing out all the resonance forms!).
The diazonium cation, Ar-N-N which acts as an electrophile, is attacked by
the aromatic ring of the phenolate ion to form an intermediate cation, which
then loses a proton to give an anion; this is then re-protonated on work-up to
give the product:
Substitution reactions of diazonium salts are the best general way of introducing
F, (31, Br, I, CN, OH and H into an aromatic ring; the range of reactions is shown
in Scheme 5.3. Diazonium salts are valuable in synthesis, not only because they
react to form so inany classes of compound, but because they can be prepared from
nearly all aromatic amines. There are few types of substituent whose presence in
a inolecule interferes with diazotization. The amines from which diazonium com-
pounds are prepared are readily obtained from the corresponding nitro compounds,
which are themselves prepared by direct nitration. Diazonium salts are thus an
important lxnk in the synthesis of a variety of aromatic compounds:
* ArF
* ArCl
* ArBr
ArH ArN02 -ArNH2 -ArN2'
-- * Arl
- ArOH
We shall not discuss the mechanisms of these reactions. Instead, the reagents that
are used for each of them are summarized in the Appendix, which draws together all
the synthetically useful reactions contained in Part 2. These reactions also appear in
the Data Book (available from the CD-ROM).
,F Ju\t as I< signifies an alkyl group. the aromatic equivalent is often denoted as 'Ar'
Aromatic compounds
Notice that reaction via a diazonium salt provides a way of introducing both iodine
and fluorine atoms into an aromatic ring, which is something that cannot be done by
direct halogenation (Section 3.3). Also, note the replacement of the diazonium group
by hydrogen, which provides a way of removing an -NH2 or --NO2 group from an
What are the formulae of the compounds A-H in reaction sequences (a)
arid (b)?
(a) benzene *A--B
0 "C
- c -C6HSOH
- ~
(b) Write down the mechanism of the following coupling reaction to yield
substitution at the 2 and 4 positions in the phenol ring:
(5.10) S
benzenesulfonic acid
\ / chlorobenzene
R Br
RCUAlClI B r2/FeBr3
Aromatic compounds
~ heat HBFl
fluorobenzene chlorobenzene
ph e11 o1 bromobenzene
benzoic acid benzonitrile iodobenzene
Learning outcomes
Now that you have completed Alkerzes and Aromatics: Part 2 -Aromatic
c.or,nlmrnds,you should be able to do the following things:
Recognize valid definitions of, and use in a correct context, the terms, concepts
and principles in the following Table. (All Questions)
List of scientific terms, concepts and principles introduced in Aromatic compouizds
activation 57 Friedel-Crafts acylation 58
acylonium ion 58 FriedelLCrafts alkylation 54
arom ati c compound 40 halogenation 50
aromaticity 43 Lewis acid 50
Clemmensen reduction 59 meta isomer 78
coupling reaction 72 nitration 48
deactivation 58 nitronium ion 49
delocalized n-electron ortho isomer 78
system 44
para isomer 78
diazotization 72
polyalkylation 58
directing effect 62
rearrangement 56
e 1ectrop h i 1ic ar1on-1ati c
sulfonation 52
substitution reaction 45
Explain how the concept of resonance helps in the understanding of both the
structure and the stability of the benzene molecule. (Questions 2.1 and 3.1)
Draw the positional isomers of various substituted derivatives of benzene.
(Question 2.2)
Explawn the mechanism of electrophilic aromatic substitution, with reference
to the nitration, halogenation, sulfonation, alkylation and acylation of benzene.
(Questions 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7)
Depict the course of an electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction by means of
a reaction-coordinate diagram. (Questions 3.3 and 3.4)
Draw out the resonance forms for the intermediate formed in an electrophilic
aromatic substitution reaction, and use them to explain the activating and
directing effects of a substituent on a benzene ring. (Question 3.2)
Use a knowledge of directing effects to predict the position of substitution in
certain reactions of monosubstituted benLene derivatives. (Questions 4.1,4.2
and 4.3)
Predict the products or reagents for both the coupling and substitution reactions
of diazonium d t s . (Questions 5.1 and 5.2)
Aromatic compounds
shows two skeletal structures joined by a double-headed arrow. This arrow is not
an equilibrium arrow; it is a resonance arrow, indicating that the overall structure
is part way between the two extremes shown above. It does not iizemz that henzeize
speizdx L~ot,wtiuze in onc form and soYyie time in the other. The bonding between any
two adjacent carbons is a single bond in one resonance form and a double bond in
the other. This means that in the actual structure there is effectively one and a half
bonds between each adjacent pair of carbons, and that all bond lengths are the same.
The curly arrows show the electron movement that converts one resonance form
into the other. Again, this does not mean that the electrons are resonating between
these structures. In the actual structure there is an overall symmetrical distribution
of electrons between the six carbon--carbon bonds.
Q c;"E5.3-
(a) Assuming a perfectly regular hexagonal structure for benzene. there are three
possible structural isomers of C6H4Cl2:
Cl Cl ?
1.2-dichlol-obenrene 1,3-dichlorobenzene 1,4-dichlorobenzene
Furthermore, there is only one possible 1,3-isomer (meta isomer) and one possible
I ,4-isomer (para isomer). Tsomers that arise from substitution at different positions
on the benzene ring are known as positioizal isomers.
Questions,: a n s w e r s and comments
(b) If we assume that localized bonds are present in benzene, there would be
alternate long single and short double bonds around the ring; in other words, with
such a structure the ring would no longer be a regular hexagon. The number of
possible disubstituted isomers would now rise to four:
c1 c1 c1 c1
ortho ortho meta paru
The ‘extra’ 1,2 (ortho)-isomer arises because a double bond is shorter than a single
bond. However, we know that in reality only one 1,2-dichlorobenzene is known.
This is only explicable in terms of a fully delocalized structure for benzene.
In fact another resonance form can be generated by moving the electrons in the left-
hand double bond:
This gives a total of three resonance forms:
If we refer to the carbon atom attached to the electrophile (X) as carbon 1, then
the positive charge is shared between carbon atoms 2, 4 and 6; each of these atoms
carries about a third of a positive charge. Regardless of the nature of X, the charge
on the ring is spread, over these three carbon atoms, which results in extra stabiliz-
at ion.
Resonance is the subject of a program on the CD-ROM with Chemical Kinetics and Mechanism3.
Aromatic compounds
The resonance forms for the carbocations formed in this electrophilic aromatic
substitution are shown below:
The complete diagram is shown in Figure Q. 1.
(a) The positions of the activated complexes are marked with a double dagger, $
(b) E , is the activation energy (&), which is the energy barrier that must be
overcome in forming the intermediate carbocation. This is the slow, rate-limiting
step, and hence it is this energy difference that determines the rate of the reaction.
( c ) E2 is the difference in energy between the reactants and products. Tt is this
energy difference that is related to the enthafpy change, and thus the Gibbs function
change, AGZ, and the size of the equilibrium constant, and therefore to the extent of
the reaction at equilibrium.
The mechanism can be shown as follows:
[y 0'1
H03S - , H
/ o\+ S O 3 + H + (Q.1)
Questions, : answers and c o m m e n t s
i \
Figure Q.l
Reaction-coordinate diagram for the
b pcrrn substitution of methylbenzene.
reaction coordinate
Figure Q.2
Reaction-coordinate diagram for the
- + nitration o f benLene.
reaction coordinate
Aromatic compounds
Don't worry too much about the actual species lost in the second step. It could be a
concerted breaking down of the S013H group:
or perhaps more likely, the SO3 could be formed after loss of a proton:
Locating the charge on the NO2 on the central nitrogen gives a resonance form in
which the nitrogen has four valence electrons. Each oxygen provides two electrons
to form a double bond, making eight valence electrons in all. These will be
distributed as four electron pairs in the two doublf bonds to oxygen+.There are
therefore only two repulsion axes, and therefore NO2 is linear O=N=O.
Both the products in parts (a) and (b) are the result of Friedel-Crafts alkylations,
which can be described by the following general reaction scheme:
RCHzCl + AlC13 d RCH2 + AlCl4-
- 0 + HC1 +
Q. 1
The carbocation can undergo rearrangement; this appears to be the situation in both
(a) and (b):
(a) CH3CH2CH2C1 -
(b) CH3CH2CH2CH2CI C H ~ C H ~ C Hw
~ H~CH~~HCH?
Questions, : a n s w e r s and comments
In reaction (c), benzene and propanoic anhydride produce the ketone 1-phenyl-
propan-I-oye. The electrophile that reacts with benzene is the acylonium ion,
CH3CH2--C=0, generated by reaction between the anhydride and A1Cl3. The
detailed mechanism is shown in Scheme Q.2.
Aromatic compounds
The reagents are listed in Table Q.1. Note that in each example the required product
will need to be isolated where ortho and para isomers are both major products.
Table 0.1
tep Comment
(a> C1,JFeC13 HNO:,/H2S04 C1 group ortholyara-directing
(b) HNO-JH2SO4 C12/FtCl3 NO2 group metu-directing
(c> CH3COCI/AlC13 ClZ/Ft:C13 CH3C0 group metu-directing
(d) CH3CH2Cl/AlCl, H2SO,$ CH3CH2group ortholl~uru-directing
The NH2 group is ortho/paru-directing and activating, whereas the CH3C0 group is
deactivating and tizeta-directing.
Questions, : answers a n d comments
(b) As the CH3 group is ortho~,ara-directingand activating, and the NO2 group is
metdirecting and deactivating, the major products will be
(c) You may have found this part difficult because both OCH3 and NH2 are ortho/
paw-directing and activating. However, consider the reaction conditions and the
basic nature of the amino group. Under the conditions of the reaction the following
transformation takes place:
Aromatic compounds
(a) The mechanism for diazotization is:
€3' 1
1 H
H-O-N=O ------
O--M=O +
N=O + H20 generation of the electrophile
Questions,: answers and comments
(b) The mechanism -for coupling at the 2 and 4 positions in phenol is:
Aromatic compounds
1 E. A. Moore (ed.), Molecular lModelliizg and Bonding, The Open University and
the Royal Society of Chemistry (2002).
2 P. G. Tdylor (ed.), Mechanism and Svizthesis, The Open University and the
Koyall Society of Chemistry (2002).
3 M. Mortimer and P. G. Taylor (eds), Chemiccil Kinetics und Mechanism, The
Open TJniversity and the Royal Society of Chemistry (2002).
Part 3
*I How could you attach a carbon chain, containing a reactive functional group, to
a bcnzene ring‘?
An rlectrophilic aroimtic substitution, like the Friedel-Crafts acylation
reaction, would attach a carbon chain with a carbonyl group adjacent to the ring.
Perhaps the most conspicuous successes of the synthetic chemist have been in the
field of pharmaceuticals, in the preparation of drugs. A common scientific definition
of a drug is Lachemical useful in the therapeutic treatment of disease, or in clinical
practice’. Herbal (or folk) medicine has been practised since the earliest civiliza-
tions, perhaps even from prehistoric times. In Britain in the fourteenth century, we
know from Chaucer {hatdrugs were in common use. He writes in the Prologue to
Tho Cunterburj- Riles, of the ‘Doctour of Physik’:
He wax a perfect practising physician.
He gave the man his medicine then and there.
All his apothecaries in a tribe
Were ready with the drugs he would prescribe ...
This is Neville Coghill’s translation (Penguin Books, 1951). The original
trimsliteration is:
He was a verray., parfit practisour.
‘The cause yknowe, and of his harm the roote,
Anon he yaf the sike man his boote.
Ful redy hadde he his apothecaries
To send him drogges and his letuaries‘
A first look at synthesis
Shakespeare also mentions drugs, most notoriously the death-simulating drug that
resulted in the untimely death of R.omeo, and subsequently Juliet.
caused by bacteria. In particular, the penicillins (1.3), sulfonamides (1.4) and other
antibiotics have helped to make good health commonplace in the industrialized H OH
world, and are generally considered to be an essential part of the fight against
disease in developing countries. OH
The positive side of drug therapy is occasionally overlooked because of concern
1.4 M
Captopril for high blood pressure zidovudine (AZT) for HIV E!
Strategy for t h e discovery of n e w drugs
The traditional ways o f searching for new drugs were often based on folk medicine.
The first task was to isolate the active ingredient from the mixture of compounds
present i n the plant extract. The structure and stereochemistry of this molecule was
then determined. Various model compounds would then be synthesised, in which
each one contained a deliberate change to the natural molecule. They would all be
tested for efficacy in an attempt to identify the parts of the structure that were
responsible for the pharmaceutical activity -that is, to determine structure-
activity relationships. The results were then used to try to predict the optimum
molecular structure for achieving the highest activity. This process, which usually
required the use of animals to test potentially effective compounds, was very laborious.
Today a more rational approach is taken to drug design. Using a detailed knowledge
of the chemistry and biochemistry of normal and diseased organisms, molecules can
be constructed with the specific purpose of aiding or blocking a particular biochem-
ical pathway. Complete structures of some proteins including their ‘receptors’ (sites
on a large molecule where a smaller molecule can bind to produce a physiological
effect) have now been determined by techniques such as X-ray crystallography,
sometimes with the natural substrate bound to i t ’ . When this information is avail-
able, the structure can be displayed on a computer screen, and the shape, and other
physical characteristics of the active site can be determined. The substrate may then
be deleted electronically, and replaced with a potential drug molecule. If a good ‘fit’
is obtained, that compound can be synthesised and tested’.
Two other developments have enormously speeded up the process of drug synthe-
sis and testing. The first, combinatorial chemistry, is a way of simultaneously
making dozens, even hundreds, of molecules with slightly different structures in
an automated procedure. However, this approach would not have been so successful
without the parallel development of microscale, rapid-throughput testing procedures.
based mainly on bioassay techniques, using protein extracts rather than whole animal
tests. Once ( i ~promising candidate has been identified, it can be prepared in larger
quantities for full-scale testing.
So after this brief introduction to drug design and synthesis, we shall now take a
break from the study of individual reactions. We shall examine a group of drugs that
operates on the central nervous system, and describe some of the factors that must
be considered when making (or syzthesisirzg) such compounds.
The part of the human nervous system which controls involuntary action such as
heartbeat, i s called the autonomic system. The section of the autonomic nervous
system that keeps the body ‘ticking over’ in its normal working rhythm is called the
purusjiizpathetic sysi‘enz.
The other part of the autonomic nervous system that we are interested in is the
syrripcithetic system ‘This comes into play particularly when we are under stress. The
body i5 said to be prepared for ‘fight, flight or frolic’. Additionally, the sympathetic
system, in (conjunction with the parasympathetic system, is sometimes used to
The usc of‘ X-ray crystallography for the determination of crystal structure i s discusscd in Part I of
Thr Tliitd Dimoi.rion ‘.
More detail on the techniques for modclling drug structure is given i n the Case Study in MolcJcr41ar
Morlt~lliiigc i n d Bantling'.
A first look at synthesis
maintain the balance of particular pairs of muscles. In the eye, for example, the
pupil size is balanced and determined by the parasympathetic and sympathetic
systems working in opposition.
Before any muscle (including the lheart) can act, a message must be sent to that 0
muscle telling it to contract. These messages are carried by compounds known CH3
as neurotransmitters, or ‘chemical mediators’. The neurotransmitter for the H3Cv-C\ +/
parasympathetic system is acetylcholine (2-trimethylammonioethyl ethanoate, 1.5). \
1.5 E
What are the functional groups in acetylcholine?
There are two functional groups, an ester (1.6) and a quaternary ammonium 0
group (1.7). // +/
-C -N-
0- \
The acetylcholine molecule bears an overall positive charge. Electrical neutrality is
mainlained by an equal number of anions, such as C1- or CH3COO-. 1.6 1.7
The g,enerally accepted explanation for how the acetylcholine controls the excitation
of muscles, is that the molecule attaches itself to specific receptors within the ner-
vous system. Neurotransmitter or drug molecules are usually bound to the receptor
by at least two different interactions between separate parts of the molecule and
neighbouring sites in the receptor (Figure 1.1). Binding at more than one site
ensures that only molecules with appropriate geometries and functional groups
can fit the receptor. Complex changes occur when the acetylcholine becomes bound,
and these stimulate muscle contraction.
However, in the heart section of the sympathetic nervous system there are two
different neurotransmitters working at different places in the chain of command. H OH
One is acetylcholine and the other is noradrenaline (1.8). The prefix ‘nor-‘ is not
part of the IUPAC system of nomenclature. In trivial names it denotes a compound
with one CH, less than the parent compound. Thus, noradrenaline has a hydrogen HO
attached to the nitrogen, whereas adrenaline has a methyl group in that position. 1.8 La
Strategy for t h e discovery of new drugs
Let us first look at how a neurotransmitter molecule binds to the receptor. It is very
unusual to find that neurotransmitters (and drugs) are bound to receptor sites by
two-electron covalent bonds. Covalent bonds, such as C-C, C-0 or C-N single
bonds are very strong, and would require a large amount of energy to break them
once formed. The neurotransmitters are held on to the receptor by one or more of
the familiar types of intermolecular force *. Because these interactions are weak,
reversible binding can be achieved with a minimum expenditure of energy.
Suggest some of the intermolecular forces that might help bind a molecule to a
receptor surface.
4’ Hydrogen bonds, electrostatic interactions, London forces. A combination of
any or all of these interactions contributes to the binding.
Although each of these interactions is relatively weak (from 3 to 10% of the strength
of a covalent bond), the total energy released when a substrate is bound can be quite
large, since it is usually bound at more than one site. Hydrogen-bonding and
electrostatic interactions are the strongest of these intermolecular forces.
The nature of the acetylcholine binding site at the receptor has been much
investigated, but the exact geometry is still uncertain, and in fact there are
known to be several different receptors, all of which possess a series of anionic
binding sites (similar to those shown in Figure 1.1).
The functional groups on a hypothetical receptor are shown in Figure 1.2. What
are the possible interactions between individual groups on the receptor and parts
of the molecule CH3(CH2),COCH2CH2NH3+?
A first look at s y n t h e s i s
The use of drugs -chemical compounds that cause ii physiological change in the
human system -has a history as long as that of human civilization. (It was once
suggested -not completely frivolously -that the difference between humans and
other- animals is the desire to take medicines to cure our ills.) In this Section we
shall look at compounds that produce a similar physical response to noradrenaline
when introduced into the body. These are said to be agonists (from the Greek
ugonisips meaning ‘contestant’) for noradrenaline, because they mimic its action.
At the cnd of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century it was believed
that adrenaline (2.1) was the principal neurotransmitter in the sympathetic nervous H O I Y N H c H 3
system. This belief was based on the fact that adrenaline had been isolated from the
adrenal and pituitary glands of animals. and was found to induce the appropriate /
ph y s i o1ogi ca1 response .
2.1 B
It was not until 1946 that it was discovered that noradrenaline was the principal increases blood pressure
neurotransmitter in the sympathetic nervous system, and that adrenaline acted as a
noradrenaline agonist. Following that discovery, noradrenaline itself was marketed
as a pressor (heart stimulating) agent for increasing blood pressure.
c 3 p N HH OH
C H 3
Another effective agonist for noradrenaline is ephedrine (2.2), which was discov-
ered in 1760 BC by the pharmacist Emperor Shen Nung, who spent much of his life
examining the potential of plant exlracts for use as drugs. H CH3
If a compound has a structure that allows it to fit the receptor binding site
in an almost exactly analogous way to the neurotransmitter, then it will be
an agonist.
C o m p o u n d s t h a t mimic t h e action of noradrenaline
They all contain a benzene ring, and a secondary amino group (-NHR) and a
hydroxy (-OH) group on adjacent carbon atoms, as in the fragment 2.4. So it
looks as though binding could involve the hydrophobic benzene ring, and the I!
polar --OH and --NH- groups. 2.4
If we label the carbon atom bearing the alcohol group as the I-, or alpha (a-)
carbon, and its neighbour the 2- or P-carbon atom, then such compounds are
referred to ;I\ 2-aminoalcohols, or P-aminoalcohols.
There are other chemically interesting observations that we can make about the
structures of noradrenaline and its agonists. Physiologically. the most highly
stimulating of these compounds, with the longest-lasting effect, is ephedrine.
A first look at synthesis
polar inolecules such as ephedrine (but not the other three) are more easily able to cross
these relatively non-polar lipid layers, which enables them to penetrate the brain. Once
in the brain they bind to receptors that cause excitement and stimulation.
Although in this group of molecules, the naturally occurring ephedrine ha5 the
longest -lasting effect, synthetic drugs are often long-lasting because they do not
react with the enzymes that specifically break down and remove iinturul neuro-
transmitters. In salbutamol, for example, the -CH20H group on the aromatic
ring cannot be rapidly deactivated by the catechol-destroying enzymes that break
down adrenaline and noradrenaline. The 1,l -dimethylethyl group, ( C H & - , on
the nitrogen atom (commonly called the tertiar:y-butyl group) was also found to
increase the affinity for binding in the lung receptors, while decreasing the affinity
for the heart receptors. So, salbutarnol has been designed to bind to noradrenaline
receptors, not to cross into the brain because of its polarity, to have a long-lasting
effect, and not to stimulate the heart -all this from a simple molecule containing
35 atoms, and only the elements C, H, N and O!
Interestingly, the noradrenaline agalnists are structurally similar to another Recall the description of the structure of
important, and familiar, class of drugs -the beta-blockers (Box 2.1 ). fats in Part 1. Box 1.3.
In 1959, James Black (Figure 2.3) at Imperial Chemical in this manner are known as beta-bkickers. These
Industries formulated a theory for the possible treatment of compounds also relieve the stress associated with
coronary arterial disease, and in particular, angina. When examinations, public speaking, and interviews (for
the body is under physical or mental stress, the sympathetic example), and their use and abuse in sport has been
nervous system is stimulated, caus,ing an increase in the a subject of much dis-cussion. Two commercially
pulse rate of the heart and its force of contraction. These successful beta-blockers i
processes require energy, which means that the heart practolol (2.5) and
muscles require a reliable supply of oxygen. If the supply propranolol (2.6).
of oxygen from the blood is restricted because of coronary
arterial disease, intense angina pain is experienced. Black
proposed that the heart’s demand for oxygen could be
reduced by bloclung the effects of stimulating the
sympathetic nervous system; that is, by preventing the
rise in heart rate and contracting force. Because the link
between the stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system
and the increase in heart rate is mediated by receptors Figure 2.3
known as beta-receptors, compounds that can treat angina Sir James Black.
\ \
2.6 a
used i n the treatment of angina and used in the treatment of angina
Compounds t h a t mimic the action of noradrenaline
However, it is not just the nature of the functional groups, or where they are on the
carbon skeleton that is important. So far, we have not alluded to the one remaining
structural feature common to most of compounds 2.1-2.6.
What do you notice about the stereochemistry of the chiral carbon atom
bearing the hydroxyl group (carbon- 1) in adrenaline (CEl ), noradrenaline
(CE2) and ephedrine (CE3)?
All three of the compounds have the same configuration at the C-1 carbon
A first look at synthesis
Figure 2.4
Cactus from \which mescaline is
The target : p-aminoalcohols
It is important to recogniLe that almost all drugs, including most of compounds 2.1-
2.6, are synthetic materials. They cannot be obtained from natural sources, or not in
wl’ficient quantity, since some drugs are manufactured on the tonne scale. In this
Section, we shall consider the synthesis of pseudoephedrine, an active ingredient in
medicines such as ActifedO or SudafedO (note the corruption of the chemical name
in these trade names!), which are used to relieve nasal and respiratory congestion
(Figure 3.1 ). Ahout 30 mg of the compound are contained in each 5 cm-?spoonful.
Pseudoephedrine has an action similar to that of ephedrine, but has less pressor
(heart-5timulating) action. It is present in extracts of the plants Ephecr‘vcr spp., but
it cannot be obtained commercially from this source.
A1 though we are concentrating on just one example, all the compounds 2.1-2.6 have
quite similar structures, and we shall see later that the strategy used to synthesise
pseudoephedrine can be extended to these other compounds.
The goal of synthetic chemists is to construct the compounds they want to make-
their target molecules -from readily available starting materials. This can rarely
be achieved by a single step, and usually the molecule has to be built up using a
series of reactions. This collection of stages, the pathway between the starting
materials and the target molecule, is referred to as the synthetic route. The term
‘readily available starting material’, has a rather flexible usage, but a useful
working definition would be ‘a chemical obtainable from a commercial supplier
at a co\t within the laboratory budget’!
A first look at synthesis
Spectroscopy, and separation and purification techniqucs, are discussed in Sepurutiorz. Purifi’cution arid
I d ~ t inf i ’ c ~I t ior i 3 .
Planning t h e s y n t h e s i s of pseudoephedrine
Designate the stereochemistry of the two chiral centres in pseudoephedrine (4.1)
as R- or S-, using the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog system'.
Before we start planning our synthesis we need to be aware of two golden rules
These are a special kind of ether, because in the three-membered ring the angles are
fixed at about 60", whereas the normal tetrahedral angle is about 109". Since these
ring angles are constrained to be smaller than normal, the ring bonds are easily
broken, and so the oxygen forms a good leaving group in nucleophilic substitution.
If an amine is used as the nucleophile, a P-aminoalcohol is formed:
f 0 0- OH
\/ '\
RNH~ +
' The Cahn-ln,~old-Prelog system for determining absolute configurations ia discussed in Part 2 of
The Third Dinzrizsiori' .
A first: look at synthesis
There :ire two complications in using this reaction to make pseudoephedrine. Firstly,
the nincleophile can attack either carbon atom of the oxirane ring, s o i f we have an
unsymmetrically substituted oxirane two products are possible:
16 0-
---c'-c- -Nu- \ 1\ /
,c--c. - NLI- ~
I R' \ '
To discover which product will predominate, we need to examiiie the mechanism of
the rediction.
Secondly, since we have tvt'o chiral centres in the product, four (2*) stereoisomers
can be formed. Again, we need to examine the mechanism to see which factors
control the stereochemistry of the product.
The mechanism of substitution of olxiranes under basic or neutral conditions usually
involves an S,2 mechanism.
Formation of 4.5 should be preferred. One of the factors that influences the
rate of an SN2reaction is the steric hindrance experienced by the nucleophile
on approaching the site of attack. In 4.4 the nucleophile can attack at either
carbon- 1 or carbon-2. However, since the methyl group is smaller than the
plienyl group, attack at carbon- I is sterically less hindcred. Hencc 4.5 should
,i What would be the stereochemistry of the product formed from the reaction
between methylamine and trans- 1 -methyl-2-phenyloxirane (4.7)?
4.7 g
11-1 SN2reactions the nucleophile attacks from the side opposite the leaving
group. which for an oxirane is ithe oxygen. Unfortunately, the product here is
not pseudoephedrine but its diastereomer, ephedrine (4.8):
a Using the same reaction, what :starting material would you need to make 4.8
ps eu doep hedr i n e (4.1)?
Planning t h e s y n t h e s i s of pseudoephedrine
tran\ieI (1 (
Hf F-H 6 s ( \+ \
4.9 '-:NH?CH, H NH2CH3 H NHCH3
If you are unsure of this, convince yourself of the stereochernical aspects by making
models. or referring to the WebLab ViewerLite images on the CD-ROM.
What is the stereochemical specification (R- or S-) of the two chiral centres in
the required oxirane, 4.9?
Later o n , we shall examine how well this reaction works in practice, but for now we
shall continue to work backwards to develop our synthetic route. It is all very well
deciding that we can make pseudoephedrine from I R,2S- 1-methyl-2-phenyloxirane
(4,,9),but, if this starting material is unavailable, we are no further forward. Tn fact,
it 1;: not commercially available, but we can make it. and to do this we again focus
on the l'unclional group.
,c --
* What reactant\ do we need to use to make 1-methyl-2-phenyloxirane (4.4)'? Ct#S 'CH3
(Don't worry about the stereochemistry for now.) 4.4
A first look at synthesis
However, we want just one isomer of the oxirane, the 1R,2S form, 4.9. To decide
how to get this specific compound, we need to look at the mechanism, but we shall
ignore the stereochemistry for a moment. The first step is electrophilic attack by the
bromine atom of HOBr on the double bond of thc propene, to give a bromonium
ion, 4.12:
cTH +
The nucleophilic -OH ion can attack at either carbon- I or carbon-2. However, as
a result of resonance stabilization, the phenyl group will stabilize the potential
adjacent positive charge better than a methyl group. Thus, the mechanistic
Markovnikov rule predicts that -OH will attack the carbon that carries the
phenyl group, carbon atom 2, giving compound 4.13:
I (4.9)
Treatment of 4.13 with base generates an alkoxide ion, which undergoes an internal
SN2 reaction to form the oxirane, the bromide anion being the leaving group:
B I-
base ~
__ -
H \ c-c, /"
4.13 alkoxide ion
Now that we have examined the mechanism, we can consider the stereochemistry.
We want to form lR,2S-l-methyl-2-phenyloxirane (4.9), so we need to use just one
stereoisomer of the bromoalcohol4.13, but which one?
If you work backwards, you can see that the oxirane is made by an SN2
displacement involving attack of the -0- from the opposite side of the carbon atom
to the bromide leaving group, with inversion of configuration at this carbon atom.
So, oxirane 4.9 is formed from the alkoxide ion 4.14, which in turn comes from the
bromoalcohol with the stereochemi stry shown in 4-15:
0 0- CH3 HO CH3
CoH 5
/ -CH3
-- \
<-c-c \
C6HS' 4
-- C H F-C-C
6 5
\ (4.11)
H Br H Br
4.9 4.14 4.15 W
Planning t h e s y n t h e s i s of pseudoephedrine
What will be the stereochemistry of the alkene that we need to use in order to
make 4.15?
It will be %-(cis)-1 -phenylprop- 1 -ene, 4.17.
Again wc can see, by working backwards, that the bromoalcohol 4.15 is formed by
Slr42attack of --OH on a bromonium ion from the opposite side to the bromine atom.
So, 4.15 is formed from the bromonium ion (4.16), which in turn comes from attack
of HOBr on the cis alkene 4.17:
Hi- Br Br
4.15 4.16 E 4.17 9
I p“I
In this Activity (using WebLab ViewerLite images on the CD-ROM associated
with this Book) you will investiate the stereochemistry of the addition of
hypobromous acid to Z- 1 -phenylprop- 1-ene, via a bromonium ion inter-mediate,
and examine the consequences for the synthesis of pseudoephedrine.
It should take you about 20 minutes to complete this activity.
Using the ‘Open’ command from the ‘File’ menu, load the model of Z-1-
phenylprop- 1 -ene (WebLab file CEIO) and the two bromonium ions that are
formed by attack of Br+ (WebLab files CEl 1 and CE12). ). If the models are
not already in the ‘Ball and Stick’ style, convert them all to this form.
Display these three screens simultaneously using the ‘Tile vertical’ command
from the ‘Windows’ menu.
Since the %- l-phenylprop-1 -ene (CE10) molecule is flat, there is no distinction
between one face and the other for an attacking reagent like Br+.
If the electrophile approaches from above the plane of the alkene, the product
will be CEI I ; but if its approach is from below, the product will be CE12.
Close the screen (CE10) and use the ‘tile horizontal’ command.
Without closing the screens showing models of the two intcrmediates, ‘Open’
the screens for the two products from the addition of hydrobromous acid. C E l 3
(cwrrespovidirig to 4.15, oitr reyuiwd product) and CE I4 (corl-esporzding to 4.18,
its useless enantionzer) in WebLab ViewerLite. If the models are not already in
A first look at synthesis
the ’Ball and Stick’ style, conveirt them all to this form.
Display these four screens simultaneously using the ‘Tile vertical’ command
from the ‘Windows’ menu.
Remembering that the nucleophilic -OH will attack C-2 from the side
opposite the Br+ group, which of the products CEI 3 or CE14 corresponds
to the molecule generated from intermediate CE 11?
You should have recognized the product from CEl 1 to be CE14, which is
not our desired molecule. To obtain our desired product, CEI 3, reaction
needs to proceed via intcrrnediate CE 12.
How may the stereochemistry of these two molecules (CEI I and CE14)
be designated, according to the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog rules?
CE 13 is I S,2S-2-bromo- 1 -phenylpropen- 1-01, whereas CE I4 is the 1R,2R-
en anti o m er .
So, because the electrophile can attack equally well from above or below the plane
of the alkene, reaction of hypobromous acid with Z- 1-phenylprop- 1-ene will give
a racemic mixture of 4.15 (the required product) and 4.18 (its useless enantiomer).
Thic is shown in Scheme 4.1.
EL C6H5\ Bl“
Reaction 4. I3 reviews our progress so far; we have a three-stage route leading from
2-I -phenylprop- 1 -ene, via a bromoalcohol and an oxirane, to pseudoephedrine. Yet
Planning t h e s y n t h e s i s of pseudoephedrine
w@ You should already know of a method of making 2-alkeries from alkynes. What
was the procedure'.)
Addition of hydrogen to an alkyne using Lindlar's catalyst produces a Z-alkene.
\ /
/ \
catalyst surface
- H H
Figure 4.1
Schematic view of the catalytic
hydrogenation of an alkyne to an
You may have wondered why we didn't treat a bromoalcohol with methylamine and
go straight to pseudoephedrine, rather than via the oxirane. This route may well
work, but, hecauce methylamine is basic, it would probably proceed via formation
of an oxirane intermediate anyway. So, simply to keep track of the chemistry, we
shall stick with the present route: isolation of the oxirane, followed by reaction with
Nevertheless, the important message here is that our knowledge of organic reac-
tions., and in particular their mechanisms, has allowed us to control the way in
which groups are added. We have predicted that the -OH and -NHCH-, groups
will end up on the correct carbon atoms, and that we shall achieve the correct
A first look at synthesis
relative stereochemistry at the two chiral carbons; the result is a raceniic mixture,
however. Clearly, even a little knowledge of reaction mechanisms is a powerful
thing! We are now ready to put it to the test. I base
If the 1 -phenylpropyne were not available, we would have to make 2-1 -phenyl-
prop- 1 -ene by an alternative route such as that shown below. At what point in
this synthesis is the wrong prolduct likely to be produced? (Although you have
not met the reaction in the second step yet, ketones can easily be reduced to
secondary alcohols, so step 2 should be successful.)
Devise a synthesis for ephedrine (4.19). (E- 1-Phenylprop- 1-ene (4.20) is
commercially available.)
4.19 0 4.20 L!
Carrying out t h e s y n t h e s i s
Now that we have decided the sequence of reactions to use in theory, the next step
is to see how well it works in practice. Our commercially av,ailable starting material
wab to be 1 -phenylpropync (5.1), and the first step was conversion of this into the
2-alkene (5.2).This involved treating it with hydrogen in the presence of a poisoned
cat ( ~y 1st :
C6HS-CCC--C:H3 + H1 Pd/BaSOl/quiiioline - /
5.1 !k! H H
5.2 9
The dkyne (5.1) is a liquid, hydrogen is a gas, and the reaction takes place on the
surface of a solid catalyst, so methanol is used as a solvent to enable the reactants to
mix. The Lindlar catalyst, a fine black powder, is added to a stirred solution of the
alkyne in anhydrous methanol. As the catalyst is not soluble in methanol, it forms
a ouspension. The atmosphere above the solution is pure hydrogen, which dissolves
slightly in the methanol, and is adsorbed on the surface of the catalyst. The volume
of hydrogen above the solution is continually measured to see how much of it has
reacted with the alkyne.
If we decided to carry out the reaction on the 0.2 molar scale (see Box S.1)-
that is, using 0.2 mol of 1-phenylpropyne -what masses (in grams) of the
alkyne and hydrogen would we need?
The molar macs of I -phenylpropyne (CgHs) is 1 16 g mol-I, so 0.2 mol has a
mass of ( I 16 x 0.2) = 23.2 g. Since each molecule of the alkyne reacts with
one molecule of hydrogen, we need 0.2 mol of hydrogen. The molar mass of
hydrogen (H2) is 2 g mol-I, so 0.4 g of hydrogen is required.
A first look at synthesis
A mole is defined as the relative molecular inass (the sum of the relative
atomic masses in the formula unit) of a substance in grums.
A mole contains 6.022 x particles and this is known as Avogadro's
number (or Avogadr-o :s. constant).
Sometimes you will find the term molar muss used instead of mole; molar
mass is the mass per amount of substance, and for chemists this is expressed in
the units gmol-I.
In calculating the molar mass of a compound in an organic synthesis, the
level of accuracy required is such that you should approximate relative
atomic masses to the nearest integer (except for chlorine). For example,
the bromoalcohol4.13 (molecular formula C9HIIOBr) has a molar mass of :
(12 x 9) + (1 x 1 1 ) + 16 + 80 = 215gmolF'
Thus. the mass of 0.2 mol is:
0.2 mol x 215 g mol-I = 43 g
Since a mole is often a large quantity, amounts of reagents used in organic
synthesis are frequently expressed in millimoles (mmol or mol x to give
more manageable numbers. Remember to include the factor of lop3 in your
calculation where appropriate.
However, we do not measure the amount of hydrogen by mass, but by volume (see
Box 5.2).
Once you feel confident with the calculation of molar masses, you can use the molar mass
calculator (in both Staroffice (StarCalc) and Excel spreadsheet format) on the CD-ROM
i n the 'Spreadcheets' folder. If you prefer, you could dcsign your own calculator, using any
spread\heet with which you are familiar.
As early as 181 1 , the Italian scientist Amedeo Avogadro had put forward a
remarkable hypothesis based on the observation that when gases react with
each other they do so in ratios of small whole numbers (Gay-Lussac's law).
For example, two volumes of hydrogen always react with one volume of
oxygen to form one volume of water vapour. Avogadro's hypothesis states
thal under the same conditions of temperature and pressure, equal volumes of
gas contain the same number of molecules. When the quantity of gas is one
mole, that number is now known as the AvogucIru number. 6.022 x mol-I,
even though his hypothesis was largely ignored during his lifetime. At 25 "C
and I atmosphere pressure, an Avogadro number of gas molecules is contained
in 24.5 litres.
Carrying o u t the synthesis
]If 1 mol of hydrogen occupies 24.5 litres at 25 "C and atmospheric pressure,
what volume will 0.2 mol of hydrogcn occupy?
If 1 mol occupies 24.5 litres, then 0.2 mol will occupy 24.5 x 0.2 = 4.90 litres.
Thus, the volume of hydrogen is measured as the reaction proceeds, and once
4.90 litres of hydrogen have been used we should stop the reaction to prevent
further hydrogenation of the alkene to the alkane. The solid catalyst is then fil-
teredl off and the solvent (methanol) evaporated. This leaves the product.
Let 115now suppo4e we go into our own laboratory and carry out this particular
reaction, the first step of our pseudoephedrine synthesis. On evaporating the solvent
at thc cnd of the reaction, we find we have 22.5 g of a clear liquid from the original
23.2 g of I -phenylpropyne. This is the crude yield. After purification, we are left
with 20.3 g of liquid product, which we believe to be authentic 2-1 -phenylprop- 1-
ent:. So how successful has the reaction been? Simply to quote a yield in grams is
not very informative, even if we give the mass of the starting material. During the
relLictionthe molar mass of the product molecule may be greater than the correspon-
ding reactant molecules, as in addition reactions; or it may have decreased through
elimination, or the replacement of a high-mass leaving group by a cubstituent of
lower mass. So rather than just quoting a mass of product, the efficiency of a reac-
tion is usually also recorded as the percentage yield.
Before you can calculate the percentage yield of a reaction, it is necessary to work
o u t what the maximum yield of product would have been, if every single molecule
of !,tarting rnaterial had been converted to product. In this reaction, one mole of
the alkyne, C6H5C-CCH3, should theoretically be transformed into one mole of
the alkene, C6HSCH==CHCH3. Since we started with 0.2 mol of C6H5C-CCH3,
colnplete transformat ion would result in 0.2 mol of C6HSCH=CHCH3.The molar
of the alkene is 1 18 g mol-I, so 0.2 mol would be 23.6 g of product. This is
called thc theoretical yield. In fact, we ended up with 20.3 2, of pure material, so
we haven't lost too much.
The percentage yield is then calculated by expressing the actual mass of pure product
obtained as a percentage of the theoretical yield, usually to the nearest integer:
mass obtained
percentage yield = x 100
theoretical yield
In o u r synthesis, the percentage yield is:
__ x 100 = 86%
If WE: had rriade this calculation using the crude yield, the value would have been
higher (95%),but we could not be sure that the whole of this amount was the actual
product. We may have also included the mass of some residual impurities in our
cal c LI I at i on.
By quoting a percentage yield, we imply that the result does not depend on the
amount of starting material used in the experiment, but only on the conditions under
which the reaction was carried out. It is a scale that is instantly recognizable and
usable, irrespective of the amounts taken or the complexity of a reaction. The
A first: look at synthesis
percentage yield of a reaction should be the same (give or take experimental error)
whether you are working on the 1 g or the 1 kg scale!
Once you feel confident with such calculations, you can use tlie molar percentage yield
calculator (in both Staroffice (StarCtk) and Excel spreadsheet format) on the CD-ROM
in the ‘Spreadsheets‘folder. If you prefer, you could design your own calculator, using any
spreadsheet with which you are familiar.
Although we carried out the first stage of Scheme 4.2 (p. 110) on the 0.2 molar
scale, we shall not be able to continue to the next step without reducing the scale.
Why is it necessary to reduce the scale from the first to the second step?
This reduction is a result of material being lost in the first stage; that is, a yield
of less than 100% was achieved. It is a general rule that, in proceeding through
a synthetic sequence the molar scale of each stage decreases.
Since tlie molar mass of 2-1 -phenylprop-l -ene is 1 18 g mol-’, 20.3 g is 0.172 mol.
A suii able scale to carry out the next stage would therefore be a 0.15 molar
scale. Hypobromous acid, HOBr, can be generated from N-bromoethananiide
(N-bromoacetamide) and aqueous perchloric acid:
Carrying o u t t h e s y n t h e s i s
Table 5.2 Percentage of syn and anti addition products obtained from the addition of
hypobroinous acid to the two diastereomers of 1 -phenylprop- 1 - m e in different solvents
In dioxane (5.4) In propanone
% syn %anti % syn %anti
E- I -phenylprop- 1-ene 0 100 0 100
2- I -phenylprop- 1-ene 61 39 9 91 5.4 w
With the E-form of the alkene, anti-addition predominates; that is, addition of the
two components of the adding reagent X-Y occurs from opposite faces of the
double bond, and there is effectively no syn-addition. However, with the Z-alkene,
s y addition (addition of X and Y at the same face of the double bond) seems to
become more important, and the amount of syn-addition depends on the solvent!
The reason why we get some product corresponding to syrz-addition with the
Z-alkene, but not with the E-alkene is because of ‘steric crowding’ between the
methyl and phenyl groups of the Z-alkene. This strain is relieved as soon as the
Br+ ion becomes attached to C-2, when there is free rotation about the C-C single
bond, which can occur more quickly than the formation of the three-membered
brornonium ion ring. The result is that the less-crowded truns form of the bromon-
ium ion intermediate 5.6 is formed as well as the crowded cis form, 5.5, as shown
in Scheme 5.1. Attack of -OH on 5.6 gives the product corresponding to overall
syri - addition.
A first look at synthesis
+ H Br
5.7 5.5 kJ 4.1
For rcxsons that are not quite clear, the carbocation 5.7 has a longer lifetime in
solution in dioxane than in propanone, so interconversion of the isomers occurs
more readily in dioxane. Rearrangement occurs to a lesser degree in propanone, and
over 90% of the reaction proceeds via anti-addition. Clearly, propaiione is the
solvent of choice.
At the end of our experiment the mass of crude bronioalcohol was measured, and it
amounted to 30.5 g.
The product contains four isomers: equal amounts of the enantiomeric pair 5.8 and
5.9, and equal amounts of another pair of enantiomers, 5.10 and 5.11. To see the
mirror image relationship, turn 5.9 and 5.11 through about a vertical axis
through the central C-C bond.
HO C"3
Unfortunately, bromoalcohols are not very stable, so separation of these isomers by STUDY NOTE
any rnethod that requires a lengthy procedure or high temperatures is not possible. You might find it easier to see the
The solution to the problem is to convert all the isomers in the mixture directly mirror image relationships by
into their corresponding oxiranes. 'These oxiranes are more stable, and so clan be making up the two models, or
sepal ated by distillation. referring to the WebLab
ViewerL,ite images on the CD-
Calculate the percentage yield of the mixture of bromoalcohols obtained in ROM. You should already have
this reaction. Remembering that we used 0.15 mol of alkene and 0.25 mol of explored the stereochemistry of
I\/-bromoethanamide, which of these two quantities should we use to calculate 5.8 (CE 13) and 5.9 (CE14) in
the yield? Computer Activity 4. I .
Carrying o u t t h e s y n t h e s i s
The third stage of our synthetic route, the formation of the oxirane, is quite
straightforward; essentially, the bromoalcohol is added to a solution of potassium
hydroxide in ethanol. Since the bromoalcohols cannot easily be purified, the whole
of the crude product is used in this third step:
HO CH? 0
11/13 plus its hclse C6'5-- 7'c1
\ - - c H ~ plus its
< (5.3)
C(,HS 2 \ enantiomer H enantiomer
H 13r
At the end of the reaction we shall be left with the pair of enantiomers 5.12 and 5.13 0
and1 their diastereomers 5.14 and 5.15. Since diastereomers have different physical C6Hi- / \ --CH3
properties, it is not too difficult to separate the two pairs of enantiomers. +C--c, H
5.12 2
Unfortunately, enantiomers have identical physical properties, so we end up with a
raccmic mixture of 5.12 and 5.13, when we really only want 5.12 to make our target
molecule, 1 S,2S-pseudoephedrine. As we shall see, it is easier to continue along our
synthetic route using the racemic mixture before separating the enantiomers at the 0
last stage. 5.13 !LZ,
At the cnd of this reaction, after separation of the diastereomers, 17.5 g of the
racemic mixture of 5.12 and 5.13 is isolated from the reaction mixture.
What does this represent as a percentage yield of the required product?
The molar mass of the oxiranes (both the same, of course), with molecular
fomiula C9Hlo0,is 134 g mol-1. Although we carried out two steps to reach the
oxirane, we started with 0.15 mol of 2-1-phenylpropene, and used the whole of
our crude product in the last step. So our theoretical yield will be 0.15 mol of
racemate. This is equivalent to 0.15 x 134 = 20.1 g. The molar percentage yield
~ f b rthis double step is therefore (17320.1) x 100 = 87%
5.15 F!
(3alculate the molar percentage yield for the conversion of the bromoalcohols
to the 1 -methyl-2-phenyloxiranes, using the whole of the crude bromoalcohol
mixture obtained in the previous step.
The 30.4 g of bromoalcohol is 30.4/215 = 0.14 mol. The theoretical yield of
oxirane would therefore be 0.14 x 134 = 18.8 g. The molar percentage yield
f o r this step is therefore (17.5i18.8) x 100 = 93%.
Our last reaction in the synthetic route involves the treatment of the oxiranes with
methy lamine to give pseudoephedrine. Since material was lost in the previous stage,
we n u t reduce the amounts further, to the 0.1 molar scale. Thus, as the molar mass
of the oxirane is 134 g molbl, we would need 13.4 g of it, and 3. I g of methylamine
(molar mass = 3 1 g mol-I). Methylamine is readily available from commercial
sources. However, our oxirane is only available in short supply, so we shall use
excess methylamine to ensure complete reaction. Methylamine is usually sold as a
solution in ethanol, and this is also a convenient solvent for the reaction. There will
be no problem in separating the unchanged amine from our product because the
amine has a much lower boiling temperature. At the end of the reaction the racemic
mixture of pseudoephedrine and its enantiomer can be separated from the reaction
mixtrm as a solid by evaporation of the solvent and any unused methylamine.
After purifying the product, 11.6 g of a white crystalline solid are obtained, with a
melting temperature of 118-1 19 O C . This product contains equal amounts of the two
pseudoephedrine enantiomers.
As receptors are usually chiral, only one of the two enantiomers will bind at
the pseudoephedrine receptor and have biological activity. In fact, 5.16 is the
enantiomer used in proprietary preparations, such as Actifed@and Sudafed@. HO NHCH3
\ I
Explain why Structure 5.16 is the 1 S,2S fornm.
First orientate the molecule with the lowest priority group (H) pointing away
5.16 0
from the eye for each chiral centre (5.17a and b); for each chiral centre the
other three groups are prioritized as shown. You should be able to see that
the order of priorities runs anticlockwise at both centres, confirming that this
molecule is the 1S,2S form.
2 I
\ \.'H
'\ ,,3
The separation of two enantiomers is known as resolution. It can be achieved in a \ I
number of ways, but for these aminoalcohols an effective method takes advantage
of the fact that the amino functional group is basic. If we react the racemic mixture
with one enantiorner of a chiral acid such as (2R,3R)-tartaric acid (5.18), this 5.18 gi
Carrying o u t t h e synthesis
Because the salts 5.19 and 5.20 are diastereorners, they have different physical
properties, and can be separated by a variety of techniques. A process known as
fractional crystallization is often a suitable one to use. In this technique, the whole
of the raceniic mixture is first dissolved in the minimum quantity of hot solvent. As
the solution cools, a difference in solubility causes one diastereomer to crystallize
out. whereas the other remains in solution.
Once the two diastereomers have been separated, the enantiomers can be
regenerated by treatment with a suitable base. This gives us our pure sample
of 1, S',2S-pseudoephedrine (5.16):
Tht: synthetic route shows that the racernic mixture was formed at the second stage
anld, in principle, resolution can take place at any point after this. The last stage
was chosen because the presence of the basic amino functional group meant that
a simple resolution with a homochiral acid was possible.
However, we still have to throw away half of the product obtained in the final stage.
So any synthesis of a racemic mixture, when only one enantiomer is required, could
be regarded as fairly inefficient. In recent years, a great deal of effort has been
invested in developing reactions, in which one enantiomer is formed in preference
to the other. Such reactions are only possible if a chiral reagent or a chiral catalyst
is present in the reaction mixture.
A first look at synthesis
The synthesis of the raceniic mixture, and the percentage yields obtained, are shown
H H H- BI-
plus its enantiomer plus its enantiomer
Notice that in going from one stage to the next, some material is lost: 14% in the
first stage, 6% in the next, 7% in thLe next, and so on. To get an idea of the overall
efficiency of the route when all the stages are taken together, we multiply the i
percentage yields of each individual stage (expressed as fractions), and express
the result as a percentage. In this case, the overall yield of the racernic mixture is: HO CH3
\ /,H
94 93 70 5.16 ,-c-c
100 x -100 x -100 X - -100
=S3% -
I1 4 \
This cioesn’t seem very good. Almost half of the original material is lost in just plus its enantiomer
gctting to the racemic mixture; obtaining the single enantiomer wastes at least
anothcr 50%)of the product automaltically. In reality, however, for a four-stage route SCHEMb 5.2
this ic, not such a bad result. In a mltilti-stage synthesis, the yields for each individual
stage need to be high if the overall yield is to be reasonable. This is emphasized in
the data in Table 5.3; the overall yield decreases dramatically as the number of
stage; increases, or as the yield per stage decreases.
Table 5.3 The percentage overall yield as a function of the number of stages and the
average yield per stage
eld per stage
70% 60% 50%
:z 81 64 49 36 25
.3 73 51 34 22 13
4 66 41 24 13 6
6 53 26 12 5 1.6
10 35 11 3 0.6 0.10
It is important that you realize that really high-yielding reactions are needed for an
efficient synthetic route.
Carrying o u t t h e s y n t h e s i s
In Reaction 5.7 we started with 22.0 g of the chiral aziridine 5.21, and the yield
of product 5.22 was 2 1.6 g. What was the percentage yield? Begin by working
out the inolar niacs of the starting material and the product. (Alternatively. you
can use the 56 molar ma5s calculator on the CD-ROM to answer this question.)
(1H j
5.21 5.22 52
Use the inollir percentage yields for the two separate steps in Scheme 5.2
( 1 -phenylprop- 1 -ene to the brornoalcohol mixture, and bromoalcohols to
olxiraner;) to calculate an overall percentage yield for the direct conversion
olf alkene to oxiranes.
The conversion of 5.21 into 5.22 was the last stage of a four-stage synthesis,
shown .c,chematicallybelow. Using your answer to Question 5.1, work out the
overall percentage yield of 5.22.
CH3 H,
5.21 5.22 L!
A first look at synthesis
One way in which new drugs are dleveloped involves making analogues of a known,
usually natural, compound that has some biological activity, and then testing these
analogues to discover if they are more active or cause fewer side-effects. By
analogues, we mean compounds that retain the structural features and active
functions of the original compoundl, but whose structure is slightly modified.
Let's see how this approach works with pseudoephedrine.
SO. if we want to change the structure yet maintain binding at the receptor, we need
to keep these features fairly constant.
Kceping the structural feature 16.1 constant, some possibilities are 6.2-6.4,
in which R is an alkyl group (jou may have come up with some good
a Iternati ves) :
H\ ,,CHI H\ ,CH; H\ /
- &>
R 0 C = C - C H 3
6.5 6.6
Once a synthetic route has been developed, different reagents can be chosen, and a
range of similar compounds can be generated for testing. This is the advantage of
designing a flexible synthesis: we don't have to devise a completely separate route
for each analogue.
The s y n t h e s i s of (j-aminoalchols
How would you synthesise propranolol (2.6), which is used in the treatment of
angina'? How would the procedure differ from that needed for the synthesis of
p s eu d oep hed ri n e ?
A first look at s y n t h e s i s
Look again for a moment at the procedure we outlined in Section 5.3 for the conversion
of Z- I -phenylprop- I -ene into thc mixture of bronioalcohols (Scheme 7.1 ).
// HClOl
* H?C-C, + HOBr
The percentage yield for this reaction, 94%, was reasonably good, but does this
figure really indicate the true efficiency of this reaction step? We must ask ourselves
a couple of other questions first.
.' We lost 6% of our starting material, but what else might we have thrown away
during the course of this reaction?
You should have noted the aqueous perchloric acid (HCIO4), and the
ethanamide (CHTCONH?), the acid catalyst and the byproduct from the
first reaction. Remember too that the N-brornoethanamide was used in
excess. Perhaps you thought too about the reaction solvents that would
be needed, but maybe not about any materials required in the isolation and
purification of the products. In addition, we would use water, ice for cooling,
and energy to encourage the reaction to go and to evaporate solvents.
It was considerations like these that led a number of synthetic chemists, particularly
i n the chemical industry, to re-evaluate the principle that a high percentage yield
was an appropriate efficiency goal. I[n the United States alone, more than ten million
tonnes of hazardous chemicals in 19'97 were treated, recycled, used for energy
production, disposed of, or released into the environment. The coclts of waste
disposal have increased with every new piece of legislation that sought to protect
the environnient from the degradation caused by the uncontrolled dumping of
chemical wastes, to the point where for many chemical companies, the cost of
A different way of looking a t s y n t h e t i c efficiency
Thc ji)i-mitl,ciIIZCI.YS of the reqiiired product is the formula mass of C9HI OBr, 2 15 g
(printed in green); the sum of thefhrmilCi i i i m s e s o j l i l l tlze 1-eactcrnts used iiz tlw
i - w c b / i o r i is 274 g. The actual atoms of the reactants utilized in constructing the
product, and their corresponding formula masses ( 1 18 + 80 + 17)g are shown in
~ q r ~ ~ and . c . ~ ihose
, not utilized (58 + 1 ) g are shown in lud. The % atom economy is
thcrtfore 2 I Y274 x 100 = 78%. Even this reckoning does not include the reagents
used in excess, and any allowance for the solvents, auxiliary chemicals or energy.
I n c;ilculating thc S L I 01'~ tho formula masses of the reactant\ y o u ti:i\.e to tahe account 01' tho stoichiometrq
o f the reaction; for exalnpl'e, if two moleculcs of watcr are involved. the ;ippropriate formula mass of watcr to
LIW is 362 not IXg.
A first look at synthesis
The Boots synthesis is shown in Scheme 7.2. It was designed to be economical and
industrially manageable, but not to be environmentally friendly. This synthesis was
employed to produce about fourteen thousand tonnes of ibuprofen annually, but
unfortunately its use also generates more than sixteen thousand tonnes of unwanted
byproclucts or waste! Some of the reactions in this Scheme, and the reagent
hydroxylamine, NH,OH, may be unfamiliar to you, but do not worry about that.
In Scheme 7.2 the reactant atoms shown i n red are the ones that are eventually
incorporated into the final product, lbut it is salutary to note how many atoms are
thrown away. Table 7.1 also shows lhis in a more quantitative way, which enables
us to calculate the percentage atom leconomy of the synthetic route.
7.1 Q
Ibuprolcti synthesis is also discuascd i n Part 4 of hfcchcirzisnz cind S\;nthesi.s4.
A different way of looking at synthetic efficiency
iTlhc wold ‘Joi-inula’here doe\ not refer to thc molccular lormula of indi\idual compound$, but to the irtom\ that are or are not iitilircd in the ihuprofcn product.
HF * - Ran ey
Note down some of the differences between this synthesis and the Boots synthesis
discussed earlier. Which of the ‘principles of green chemistry’ does it employ?
The most obvious difference is that ibuprofen is now produced in a three-stage
process in comparison with the six-stage Boots process. This allows for greater
throughput, with a saving in both manufacturing time and capital expenditure. : l
Thus, the green principles of low energy use, and reduced need for auxiliary
substances are observed. The other green features are the repeated use of 7.1 0
catalysts (Raney nickel, palladium, and hydrogen fluoride) rather than
stoichicrmetric procedures, and the high level of incorporation of reagent
atoms into the final product.
Just how effectively this last feature has been achieved is seen by carrying out an
atom economy calculation (Table 7.2, p. 129). The catalysts, Raney nickel and
palladium. are both recovered for further use, and even the hydrogen fluoride
(which, unlike aluminium chloride, is used in only catalytic quantities) can be
rec ,yc 1ed .
A first look at synthesis
Thi\ is a significantly better use of reagent\ and starting materials than the Boots
\ynthesis, but still generaies healthy financial returns in a situation where ibuprofen
rnanukicture is an increasingly competitive business. In recognition of their success
at ‘greening’ a large-wale industrial process, BHC won the ‘Alternative Synthesis’
\ection of the prestigious US Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award in 1997.
A different way of looking at synthetic efficiency
:.: ‘I’he word ‘formula’ here does not reter t o the molecular l~ormulaof‘individual compounds. but to the atonis
I ’1
Which of the three basic reaction types -substitution, addition and
climination -has the highest potential for usc in green syntheses? What
A spreadsheet enabling you to
f.eature\ reducs the usefulness (’greennes5’) of the other two?
calculate % atom economy can be
found on the CD-ROM in the
7,2 ‘Spreadsheets’ folder. If you wish,
Calculalte and compare the % atom economy of the two routes shown for the you could design your own
synthesis of methyl 2-methylprop-2-enoate (methyl methacrylate), 7.2, the pcrccntage atom economy
monomer for the production of the polymer ‘Perspex’. (Don’t worry about the calculator using the StarOffice or
chemistry involved.) Note that the H2S04in route I arid the palladium (Pd) in any other spreadshcet. Then
route 2 are catalysts, and should not be included in the %- atom economy compare it with ours.
calculal ions. You can use the spreadsheet to do this.
N 7.2 2
HjC-C-CH + CO + CH:;OH ~
- 0
A first look at s y n t h e s i s
Now that you have completed Alkevres and Aromatics: Part 3 - Afi'rst look at
syntlzesi,~,you should be able to do Ihe following things:
1 Recognize valid definitions of, and use in a correct context, the terms. concepts
and principles in the following Table. (All Questions)
A different w a y of looking at synthetic efficiency
First look jfor particular functional groups in CH3(CH2)&OCH2CH2NH3+.
molecule can be splrt into imaginary component parts:
C - CH?CH*-NH3+
hydrocarbon carbony 1 ammonium
c hair1 group group
The hydrocarbon tail is most likely to take part in hydrophobic or London interac-
tions. The hydrophobic, or 'water-hating,' part of a molecule is the non-polar region
consisting only of carbon and hydrogen atoms. The most likely site on the receptor
for such interaction is the benzene ring.
The carbonyl group is polarized; the oxygen atom is susceptible to hydrogen-
bonding with acid protons, but is not sufficiently polarized to form a significant
electrostatic interaction with charged sites on the receptor. The carbonyl group
c d d therefore hydrogen-bond with the hydroxy group on the receptor.
The ammonium group bears a full positive charge, and is therefore likely to form
a signi ficaint electrostatic interaction with the phosphate group, -PO3'-, on the
re c ept or.
\ 2/
(, ,) ephedrine ( R - )
Q.1 Q.2
I n fact, only R-adrenaline, and R-noradrenaline are effective; the enantiomers Q.3 HO M
and Q.4 are inactive. So although the structural fragments look simple, the receptor S-noradrenaline (R = H; Q.3) 9
si1.e is certainly chiral and rather complex. S-adrenaline (R = CH?; Q.4) B
-(p) pul? (4) pue ‘ ( 3 )pu” (4) ‘(p) puc (I?) .(.I) prrc ( t ? )
c q *(p)pue ( 3 ) pue ‘(q) prie ( e )~ J s.rawo!~rie~ia
a n s ~ a ~ u o a ~ aj~o scJ!ed G jo w c d a y ~
:i /L
3 :L
Questions: a n s w e r s and c o m m e n t s
In 1 -methyl-2-phenyloxirane the priorities at C-1 are 0 > CH(CoHS)O(carbon
attached to oxygen) > CHI (carbon attached to hydrogen), so this centre is
designated 1 R-. At C-2, the priorities are 0 > CH(CHI)O > C6HS(carbon attached
to carbon), $13 this centre is designated 2s-.
c-1 PRIORITJES c-2 I'K I( )R IT1t:S
I 1
; j
clp'c <CHI =
H--- 1 \
H3C 4,"
o *
I '"
i j
1 R-
2s -
Since oxirane 4.9 has an R configuration at carbon atom 1 a n d a n S configuration
Thr: fir\{ step, the Friedel-Craftc acylation, is expected to go well; there will be n o
reairrangement of the slide-chain.
However, i n gtep 3 , the elimination of water from an alcohol using the dehydrating
agent concentrated wlfuric acid, produce\ mainly the trarzs ( E - ) isomer. So although
the con-jugation in the product will ensure that 1-phenylprop- 1 -em and not 1 -phenyl-
prop-2-ene is formed, the \tereochemistry about the carbonxarbon double bond will
not he suitable for our cynthetic route.
4.7 '
C H ~ ~ H ?
The oxirane rewlts from the action of a base on the corresponding bromoalcohol,
which is inade by irriti addition of HOBr to E-1 -phenylprop- 1 -me:
HO n
Becaiiw the E-alkene is commercially available, this is our starting point. Of course,
a racernic mixture of bromoalcohols ic generated in the first reaction, so the two
enalntioiners need to be separated at some stage.
A first look at synthesis
The question suggests that the aziridinc ring opens in the following fashion:
IV u
/ NLL '
A possible reaction for making pseudoephedrine would therefore be:
Howwer, because the question states that this will be an SN2reaction, steric
hindrance will constrain the nucleophile (-OH) to attack at the less sterically
hindered site (that is, the carbon atom carrying a CH, group), giving the wrong
So if this reaction were to proceed via an SN2mechanism, then this route would not
be successful.
The molar mass of 5.21 is 147 g m o - ] , so a mass of 22.0 g is equivalent to 0.15 mol
of the aziridine. If 0.15 mol of 5.21 is used, we would expect a theoretical yield of
0.15 inol of 5.22. As 5.22 has a molar mass of 193 g mol-I, the theoretical yield will
be 0. I S x 193 = 29.0 g of product. 21.6 g were obtained, so the percentage yield is:
Questions: a n s w e r s and comments
earnk 1
The overall yield i$ cdculated by multiplying the yields (expressed as fractions)
together, the final answer being expressed as a percentage:
76 80 65 74
-- x- x-- x- =29%
I00 I00 I00 I00
1st 2nd 3rd last
stage stage stage stage
Although each yield looks reasonable, even with only four steps the overall yield is
quite low.
A possible synthetic route would be as shown in Scheme Q. 1 . The starting alkene
could easily be prepared using an SN2 reaction between the phenolic anion and
3-bi-omoprop-1 -ene (ally1 bromide). After that, the same procedure could be carried
out. with propan-2-aniine replacing methylamine in the last step. As the alkene does
not exist in E and Z forms, only one set of enantiomers is possible. Again, resolution
using a chird acid would give the active enantiomer of propranolol.
,,CHz--CH=CHz ,CH?-CH-CCH?Br
0 0
N 7.1 ~~~~~~~~~
Addition looks to be the greenest of these three reaction types, as the resulting
product has incorporated all (or most) of the atoms of the reagents involved. In
suhstitution., some part of one of the reagents must be lost (the leaving group), as it HOH
is replaced by all, or part, of the other reagent. Elimination is the least green, since
two components are lost from one of the reagents, and an additional reagent is
usi~allyneeded to bring this about.
2.6 i"
I CJH,O 58 C3HSO 57 H I
1 CHN 27 C 12 HN 15
2 CHJO 32 CH3O 31 H 1
'rotai C ~ H,NO?
, 1I 7 0 2 100 NH3 17
A<,all the atoms 01 the reactants used in Route 2 are incorporated into the product,
the % atom economy for i t will be 100%-in other words, 15% inore green than
Route 1 .
A first look at s y n t h e s i s
Evcry effort has been made to tract: all the copyright owners, but if any has been
iiiadb ertently
overlooked, the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary
arran;gcment\ at the first opportunity.
Case btudy
Industrial Organic
1ndust:rial organic chemistry
In this Casc Study we shall look at the large-scale production of the basic organic
chemicals which constitute the starting materials for most of the output of the
organic chemical industry.
Firstly, however, it is worth making some points about the industry as a whole, both
organic and inorganic. Some figures for total production in 1995 are given in Table
1 . 1 . The data were produced by the Royal Society of Chemistry, and though they are
Industrial organic c h e m i s t r y
The contribution to other sectors may be much snialler, but is none the less
significant -for example, providing chemicals for effluent treatment, and for the
analysiq of raw materials and finished products. I n contrast to most other sectors,
it is iiicredibly successful, having always had a very positive annual trade balance.
Currently [ 20021, this stands at aroiund 54 billion! It is thus an enormous wealth
creator, with annual sales in excess of &40billion, of which about 40% represents
exports. It also provides employment directly for 25C)000 people and indirectly
for nisny more. The workforce is highly educated and skilled. with a significant
proport ion being graduates. Nevertheless, it is most important to appreciate that
the chlemical companies, like any other business, exist to make a profit, and their
activities must be profitable if they are to stay in business.
Without the chcinical industry our modern lifestyle would not be sustainable: there
would bu no computers, a much more limited range of colours and fabrics for
clothe\, furnishing\, etc., and no non-stick cooking utensils. Indeed, o i i r life
expectancy would be much lower without the array of medicines and vaccines
produced by the pharmaceutical sector.
De\pite all these positive aspects, a high number of pollution incidents has given the
industry a rather poor and negative public image (Figure 1.2), on a par with that of
the nitclear inductry ! Of course, such problems attract considerable media attention,
unlike the positive aspects that are seldom rated as newsworthy. In reality, this is
sligrhtly unfair, and the steps being taken to minimize or eliminate such problems
in the future will be touched on towards the end of this Case Study.
Common uses
unsaturated vegetable oils 6.48 soya oil; palm oil; sunflower and rapeseed oils
orh+xylerie ( 1,2-diniethylbenzene) 2.2 production of phthalic anhydride; dyes; insecticides
prim-xylene ( 1,4-dimethylbenzene) 9.7 production of terephthalic acid (polyester fibres and resin);
phosphoric acid 100 numerous uses
p()1y c a rbon ates 2.2 billion Ibs' moulded products; extruded film; non-breakable windows
polyethylene (poly (ethene)) 37 low-density polyethylene (LDPE); high-densi ty polyethylene
polyethylene terephthalate (PET) 2.6' soft drink bottles; packaging films: recording tapes
polypropylene ( poly(propene)) 20.7 packaging films; kitchenware; automobile parts; fibres
pol y \ tyrene (poly(pheny1ethene)) 12.045 packaging; thermal insulation; furniture construction
polyvinyl chloride 18.633 piping and conduits; plumbing and construction; electrical insulation
(F'VC, poly(ch1oroethene))
propylene oxide (methyl oxirane) 4.048 propylene glycols; surfactants and detergents
purified terephthalic acid 11.5 polyester fibres; PET bottle resins; films
sodium hydroxide 39 chemicals manufacture; rayon and cellophane; neutralizing agent;
detergents; soaps and textiles
styrene (phenylethene) 15.729 polystyrene; various resins (including ABS)
sulfuric acid 135.67 chemicals manufacture; fertilizers; industrial explosives
titanium dioxide 3.7 white pigment in paints; paper industry; cosmetics
toluene (methylbenzene) 17.6 production of benzene and xylene; aviation fuel;
adhesive solvents
vinyl chloride monomer 19.34 polyvinyl chloride (poly(chloroethene), PVC)
(c: h 1oroet h en e )
Industrial organic c h e m i s t r y
It is worth pointing out that the general public does not normally come across
chernicals as such, but rather meetls them several steps further down the manufac-
turing process chain. when they have been utilized in consumer products; examples
are paints, drugs, pesticides, and synthetic fibres such as polyesters.
Let us take a specific example to illustrate this. Poly(viny1 acetate), or, using its
systematic name, poly(etheny1 ethimoate), is an important component of emulsion
paints. Its function is to bind the pigment (titanium dioxide) such that a homogen-
eous paint film is produced when the water base evaporates. Production of the
polyrner starts from crude oil, and after this has been fractionally distilled, a suitable
fraction such as iznplzthn, is then 'cracked' (Section 2.4) to give ethylene (ethene).'
"'Althc u g h we have used systematic nomenclature for compound names in the earlier parts o f this Book. the
c-rldci-ti ivial names arc the norm i n the chemical industry, which is why the latter nanies are used in this Case
st LI d y .
The ethylene (ethene) is reacted with acetic (ethanoic) acid and oxygen over a
wpportcd palladium catalyst to produce vinyl acetate.
(1.1) w
This is then polymerized. Finally, the poly(viny1 acetate) is mixed with the other
ingredients to produce the emulsion paint.
What do ‘large’ and ‘small’ scale mean in the context of organic chemicals
minufxture? A good example of a small-scale process is the synthesis of a drug.
Products such as this are typically produced on the 10-100 tonnes per a ~ i 7 1 . m
( I t = 1 000 kg). In contrast, a single plant producing ethylene (ethene) and other
products by cracking could process 600 000 tonnes p e r mmmz of feedstock. This is
an example from the petrochemicals sector of the chemical industry, and it is here
that almost all the large-scale organic chemical processes are found.
The chemical industry may be subdivided into two sectors: (a) petrochemicals and
(b) speciality and fine chemicals. For each of these, we shall look at the particular
charactcristics, the sort of chemistry involved, and the constraints on the location
of the manufacturing plants. In addition, for petrochemicals we shall consider the
reason\ why oil and natural gas are the source of more than 90% of all organic
chemicals. We shall also address the theoretical considerations of producing
cht:micals from these sources, plus the environmental consequences of having
a ~hrivingchemical industry.
Industrial organic chemistry
As the name implies, petrochemicals are derived from petroleum or crude oil (and
natural gas). Like its sister industry, oil refining, its operations are carried out on an
enormous scale. and its plants are aimong the giants of the chemical indlistry. Single
plants., \uch as that shown in Figure 2.1 , can process 600 000 tonnes p e r unncun of
feedstock. Assuming round-the-clock working, that means greater than 1 0 000
tonnes per week or 1 500 tonnes per day! The majority of the plants in this sector
would have a capacity of at least 100 000 tonnes per annum.
Crude oil consists mainly of alkanes and cycloalkanes, plus much smaller amounts
01’ other compounds such as alkenes and aromatics. Natural gas is mainly methane,
plus a little ethane.
J Which other compounds are fairly similar in structure to alkanes bul much more
reactive ?
Alhenes also contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms, but they hav2 a reactive
carbon-carbon double bond.
In a process known as cracking, suitable crude oil fractions may be converted into
alkenes. A related process called reforming enables the alkanes to be turned into
aromatic compounds. These conver1,ions of the more-stable saturated alkanes into
the unsaturated, more-reactive alkeries and aromatics come at a price. They require
considerable amounts of energy. However, the starting rnaterials (reactants or
feedstocks) are relatively cheap.
Neverlheless, at first sight it may seem surprising that crude oilhatural gas has
become the source of organic chemicals. In fact, this strategy is relatively recent:
i n 1950. 60% of organic chemicals manufactured in the UK were obtained from
coal, 3 I r/r from carbohydrates and only 9% from oil; nowadays, the dominance
of oil as a feedstock i s almost complete, as you can see from Figure 2.2.
of principally hydrog,en and carbon monoxide), .3
E 3000
which was used as a domestic and industrial 3
fulel. Coke was by far the major product of the 3
Figure~ 2 . 3
An oil--drilling platform.
Industrial organic chemistry
Note also that the petrochemicals industry competes for its raw materials with
the energy producers, since most energy is derived from crude oil fractions and
natural gas. Any increases in the price of energy therefore hit the chemical industry
twice. I n the past two decades, great effort has been devoted to improving energy
efficiency and conservation, and this has become an important aspect in the design
of new plants (see also the account of ‘green chemistry’ in Part 3 Section 7.1). This
change in focus was triggered by the more than quadrupling of oil prices in 1970 by
OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries).
The starting point for the petrochemicals industry is crude oil, which, after removal
of any sulfur, is subjected to distillation. As crude oil is a complex mixture consist-
ing largely of alkanes and cycloalkanes (Table 2. 1)’ this involves separation into
several less complex. mixtures. The compounds in crude oil are chemically similar,
so they are separated according to their boiling temperature. The boiling tempera-
tures o f alkanes increase with rnolecular mass, which means that separation
essentially takes place according to the number of carbon atoms in the molecule,
as shown i n Table 2.2. The lower-boiling fractions are the most useful.
Industrial organic chemistry
Table 2.2 The boiling fractions from the distillation of crude oil
The industrial plant needed for the fractionation of crude oil is very different in
appearance from that used in a laboratory for similar separations (Figure 2.6a)g.The
distinctions are largely a matter of scale, however. A schematic representation of a
fractionation tower is shown in Figure 2.6b. The oil is heated very strongly by gas
burners, using gas obtained as a byproduct of the fractionation. The hot, vaporized
oil then passes up the tower, where it encounters a series of trays. The higher-boiling
fractions collect in the lower trays, and are taken off in pipes; the lower-boiling
fractions collect in the higher trays before being taken off. Gases such as methane,
ethane and propane are led off from the top of the tower to be returned to the
burner(;. The boiling range of the fractions can be controlled very accurately by
adjusting the amount of heating in the first stage.
The next step is to turn the alkanes i n these fractions into alkenes by cracking, and
into aromatics by reforming. A brief,, and very sinzplified, outline of these processes
is presented here.
t gases
ca. 1 10°C
r-l y b l e cap
--+ kerosine
+ gas oil
--+ lubricating
oil in
+r waxes
gas in t o + c = = 4
Figure 2.6 (a) Laboratory distillation using a fractionating column. (b) Schematic representation of a fractionation tower for oil
clistillation. A typical tower may be 60 metres tall. Vapour from one tray passes to the one above. where it condenses in the bubble
caps. Liquid in one tray fdlls to the tray below through a descender pipe.
1 n d ustr ii a I o rg a n ic chemistry
2.4.1 Cracking
The cracking of a typical alkane, hexane, can be represented as follows:
500 "C; 2 bar
> CH3 + 3CZH4 + C2H6 + C3Hc,
Identify which of these hydrocarbons are alkanes, and which are alkenes.
CHJ (methane) and C2H6 (ethane) are alkanes, and C2H4 (ethylene (ethene))
and C3H6 (propylene (propene)) are alkenes.
The process is carried out in a catalylic cracker, where the catalyst is a zeolite . In
reality, Ithe feedstock is not a single compound such as CbH14 but one of the crude
oil fractions. The fraction that is used as a raw material varies from one refinery to
another, and is often the fraction that is readily available and surplu:; to fuel needs.
Often the starting material is a lubricating oil, the wax fraction, or the naphtha
Table 2.3 shows the distribution of products obtained from different feedstocks. As
we would expect, it shows that the longer the carbon chains in the feedstock, the
greater the proportion of longer chains in the products. For example, ethane gives
75-809h ethylene (ethene), whereas naphthas give only 25-37% of ethylene.
Unreacted alkanes are recycled. There is much less demand for the high-boiling
fractions, so cracking is used to turn them into naphtha-like materials.
Table 2.3 Thc percentage proportion of products obtained by the catalytic cracking of
different rractions of crude oil
Ethane ane Butane isomers Naphthas Gas oil
Product c2 c3 c4 C5-cl3 C14-cl9
The structures and applications of zeolites are discussed in thc Case Study in ChcniicuI Kinctics r r n d
Mc'c ~ h r i r is,n
r 2"
Pet roc hem i cals
2 - 4 2 Reforming
Reforming can be represented in an oversimplified forrn as:
2,.4.3Building blocks
These two processes -cracking and reforming -are used to produce the six key
intermediates, or ‘building blocks’ (counting the three xylenes as one building
block), from which the majority of industrially produced organic chemicals are
made. They are:
ct h y 1ene prop ylene buta- 1.3-diene
Industrial organic chemistry
part is finding an appropriate catalyst and suitable conditions! The reactions are Figure 2.7
therefore energy demanding, emphasizing the earlier comments on the importance Intermediates and products from
of energy conservation and efficiency. However, one advantage is that at the high ethylene (ethene); note the
temperatures the reactions are very fast; sometimes they are complete in less than widespread use of catalysts in these
1 second! Clearly, this aids the high throughput of materials, which is needed to reactions. (In this and the similar
Figures that follow, the intermediates
yield the enormous quantities required of these chemicals.
are shown on red (first) and blue
Figures 2.7, 2.8, 2.10, 2.1 1 , 2. I3 and 2. IS indicate some of the products which are backgrounds), and the products are
nianufactured from each of the six key building blocks. Many of these products are shown on green backgrounds.) W
made in plants having capacities of 100 000 tonnes per annum. These charts are
provided to impress on you the amazing versatility of the feedstocks, and the wide
range of products that each one yields.
2.4.6 Buta-1,3-diene
As shown in Figure 2.10 (overleaf'), most buta-1 J-diene is polymerized, either on c,~H~~-(>so)- N ~ +
its own or with other alkenes to give co-polymers like styrene-butadiene rubber, -
SBR. The major use of polybutadiene and SBR rubbers is for car tyi-es. SCHEME 2. I
Poly(acrylonitrile4utadiene) is an example of a nitrile rubber. It has outstanding
resistance to oils and abrasions -hence its use for oil seals, flexible fuel tanks in
aircraft. oil-resistant hoses and for ink rollers for printing presses. Polymerization of
- plastics
- high-density
poly(ethene) - plastics
CH2= CH- Cl
chloroethem (v iny 1 chloride)
poly(viny1 chloride)
PVC plastics -
1 -HCI
I CuCI2/KCI on A1203 or Si02
PdC12/CuCI 2
vinyl acetate
- poly(viny1 acetate)
PVA - adhesives,
paints and fibres
H;!C CH2
plastics and solvents 7
ethanoic acid
(ethylene glycol)
- antifreeze,
PET plastics
I ,2-dihydroxyethane
(ethylene glycol)
~ CH3CH2COOH grain
;&*W propanoic acid preservative
CH3CH2CH20H agricultural
propan- 1-01 chemicals
- tetraethyl lead
anti-knock agents
Industrial organic chemistry
resin, fibres
- plastics,
H20/Hf solvent
* - solvent
+ plastics
(propylene) - fibres, resins
- plastics
CO/H2/catalyst and
-- plastics
- detergents
Pet roc he micals
0 0
metal complex
- polybutadiene rubber ---- plastics
~ styrene-butadiene ~ plastics
rubber (SBR)
CHl=CHCN /catalyst
butadiene) rubber
- plastics
buta- 1.3-diene
H(’K - NC(CH2)4CN
Industrial organic chemistry
2.4.'7 Benzene
The two major uses of benzene (Figure 2.1 1) involve reaction with two of the other
key intermediates. These are, firstly. a reaction with propylene to give cumene (iso- Figure 2.11
propyl benzene; it is also called 1 -methylethyl benzene or 2-phenylpropane, Figure Intermediate5 and products from
2.8), which is converted into acetone (propanone) and phenol. Secondly, there is a benzene. 12
'HyCH= CHz/H+
- - 0 OH
-- plastics, solvent
resin, fibres
H*/Pt * - --
O,/cataly st
)ropylene tetramer
+-+ ~
Figure 2.12
Polystyrene packaging.
similar reaction using ethylene (ethene) in place of the propylene, which affords
ethylbenzene; this is then dehydrogenated to form styrene (phenylethene; see Figure
2.7). The major use of both phenol and styrene is to make polymers (Figure 2.12).
Ccltnplete reduction of benzene affords cyclohexane. Vigorous oxidation of cyclo-
hexane gives adipic acid (hexane- 1,6-dioic acid, HOOC(CH2)&OOH, which is the
other component used in the manufacture of nylon-6,6 (2.1).
Figure 2.14
A desk coated with a polyurethane varnish.
Industrial organic chemistry
* , resin, fibres
+ nylon-6
Fe/HCl w
1 ,2-di meth y 1benzene phthalic
(ortho-uylene) anhydride
-- resins
-- and
moulding resins
1,4-dimethylbenzene terephthalic acid Figure 2.15
(para-xylene) Intermediates and products from the
xylenes. 9
I nd u str-ia I organic chemistry
In the last few years, production of one particular organic chemical has
increased in leaps and bounds, such that it is now challenging ethylene’s
premier position, and may soon overtake it. It is MTBE -methyl tertiary
butyl ether (2-methoxy-2-methylpropane).The phasing out of leaded petrol
has meant the loss of tetraethyl lead as an anti-knock agent. Thus, another
compound had to be found that would improve the octane rating (based on the
performance with respect to 2,2,4-trimethylpentane defined as 100) of petrol
so that it would burn smoothly in car engines. MTBE is an excellent octane
enhancer, and as use of unleaded petrol increases, more MTBE will be
required. MTBE is relatively cheap to manufacture because it is made from
methanol and isobutylene (2-methylpropene):
The general public generally sees the chemical industry as a significant source of
environmental pollution. Although there are specific examples of this, the case has
been overstated. There is no doubt that the industry has for some years been making
major efforts to improve the situation. Two examples can be cited to illustrate this.
Firstly, considerable efforts are now devoted to ‘designing out’ waste when new
plants are at the planning stage. Clearly, it is better, and more efficient, not to create
the war;te in the first place. If this is not possible, the BATNEEC (best available
techniques not entailing excessive costs) system can be applied in the treatment
of the waste. Rear in mind that while complying with the standards for effluent
discharge, the company is still trying to achieve maximum profitability. In this
respect, it is worth noting that the chemical industry has been very successful in
utilizing its byproducts, rather than allowing them to become waste. Propylene is
an excellent example of this, as Figure 2.8 showed; originally, propylene was just
burned its a waste byproduct of ethylene (ethene) production.
Secondly, ‘green chemistry’ (Part 3 Section 7) is rapidly catching on. This uses
alternative chemistry to replace existing reactions which produce unwanted and
sometimes toxic waste. A good exaniple is the Friedel-Crafts reactions you met in
Part 2. These traditionally use aluminium trichloride or another Lewis acid catalyst.
The work-up produces highly acidic solutions containing aluminium salts. These
can no‘w be avoided by using ‘ E n v i r ~ ~ c a t swhich
~ ~ ’ , are supported reagent catalysts
(such as A1Cl3 on clay), and are non-toxic, non-corrosive and inert. They can also be
used in ways in which no aqueous effluent is produced. Clearly, processes utilizing
them will be more environmentally friendly.
Waste that has to be disposed of represents a loss to the chemicals manufacturer in
two ways. Firstly, it represents loss of raw material that has not been converted into
the desired product. Secondly, the waste will almost certainly require treatment
before it can be discharged or disposed of. Both of these factors will increase the
cost of making the desired product.
Jutst llike any other industry, the chemical industry is trying to be as profitable as
possible, so as t o give maximum return to its shareholders and other stakeholders.
Thius, it is unlikely to embrace any expensive environmentally friendly activity
without some persuasion. Recent environmental legislation (and environmental
lobbying) has ensured that the chemical industry is now looking at ways in which
it can reduce emissions. If this can be achieved with savings on consumable and
running costs, it could be very attractive for the industry. One way of achieving this
wits discussed in Part 3 Section 7.
All major petrochemical plants are located on river estuaries. Examples are
Grangemouth, Merseyside, Southampton and Teesside. This is because very large
amounts of feedstocks and chemical products are involved. Transportation of these
relatively low-value materials is expensive, and should be minimized. It is therefore
logical to site them next to their raw material suppliers -the oil refineries. These
tend to be located on river estuaries because crude oil is traditionally transported
by sea (Figure 2.16). In addition, other plants that utilize the large output of their
primary products will form part of the petrochemicals complex. An example would
be a plant that polymerized ethylene (ethene) to poly(ethy1ene).
An additional factor is that the plants will certainly require large quantities
of cooling water -for example, to pass through the coils of a condenser in Figure 2.16
a distillation unit or in some form of heat exchanger. Such water is readily An oil tanker at sea.
available from the river.
The company will also require an outlet for discharging the treated effluent which
the plants have produced. A river, particularly near to where it joins the sea, is ideal.
Thie tidal estuary and sea will help to dilute and disperse the material.
A further advantage is that the river and sea allow bulk transportation of raw
materials and finished products. We saw at the beginning of this Case Study that
around 40% of chemicals production in the UK are exported (p. 140)-hence the
importance of such locations.
Note that transportation costs can be a significant proportion of total costs; this
contrasts with the situation that obtains with speciality and fine chemicals, as we
shall see in the next Section.
Industrial organic chemistry
As the name implies, fine chemicals are produced for a particular or 'special'
application. They encompass agrochemicals (pesticides, or crop protection agents,
as they are now described -a much better PR term!), pharmaceuticals, dyestuffs
and speciality polymers. A few specific products from these areas are shown in
Figure 3.1. Clearly, they are much more varied and complicated than the primary
products of the petrochemical industry. We shall look at each in turn.
penicillins 9 Kevlar
3.1.1 FusiladeTM
FusiladeTM is a modern selective herbicide, used to control grasses in broad-leaved
crops (Figure 3.2), such as soya beans, potatoes and carrots. As the molecule con-
tains a chiral centre (the carbon bearing the H, CH3, aromatic and ester groups), the
compound will exist as a pair of enantiomers. A decade or so ago it would have been
marketed as a racemic mixture (50/50)of the two enantiomers, but the trend nowadays
is to market only the enantiomer that is biologically active as the pesticide. This is
more expensive to produce than the racemic mixture. However, the advantages are
that less material needs to be applied to the crop, and there are less likely to be any
adverse environmental effects. You will recall the same factors discussed with refer-
ence to1 the synthesis of pseudoephetlrine in Part 3.
Speciality and fine chemicals
Fusillade7'Mis the R-enantiomer, and the latter stages in its manufacture involve
a nucleophilic substitution reaction with 2-chloropropanoic acid (3.1):
3.1 Q
Fusilade also illustrates another general point about modern pesticides -their high
activity or potency. It is active at a level of only 250 g per hectare. Since a hectare is
100 m x I00 m, this is equivalent to spreading this small amount of chemical over
two football pitches!
Interlestingly, some related compounds -the phenoxyalkane carboxylic acids
and esters (3.3)-containing a similar grouping (highlighted in red) to that in
FusiladeTM, have quite the opposite selectivity. They kill broad-leaved weeds -
for example, charlock -growing in grass and cereal crops. Indeed, you may have
unknowingly used them yourself, since most weed-and-feed products for treating
domestic lawns contain a compound of this type for killing daisies and dandelions. 3.3 9
These herbicides are marketed as the racemate, and have been used extensively by
cereal farmers for over 60 years without any major problems. Virtually all land used
for growing cereal crops in the UK is treated with a phenoxyalkane carboxylate
A5 allready indicated, these herbicides are very selective. This is a major
requirement for any pesticide nowadays, since almost all of the well-publicized
Industrial organic chemistry
Figure 3.3 Children in a residential area of San Angelo, Texas watch health employees
spray L)DT to combat an increase in polio cases in 1949.
Penicillins were one of the first antibiotics, and continue to be a major
weapon in the fight against bacterial infections. They are prepared by
fermentation in enormous stainless steel fermenters with capacities up
to lOOOOOlitres (Figure 3.4). The ‘synthesis’ is carried out by the micro-
organism Penicillium chrysogenum. which was originally isolated
from a mould growing on a melon in a Mexican market! The fermen-
tation broth produces the penicillin in a concentration of about
25 g lilre-I.
By adjusting the so-called ‘side-chain acid’ added to the broth, the
R ’ group in the penicillin (see Figure 3.1) can be varied; for example,
adding C6HsOCH2COOHto the broth gives penicillin V, in which
R’ = C6HSOCH2-.
A key breakthrough in the synthesis of penicillins came in the early
1960s.,when research chemists at Beechams decided to investigate
a puzzle. In biological and chemical assays for penicillin the results
were always different, the chemical result always being higher. The
Beechams chemists speculated that this was due to some material
being present, which, although having a penicillin structure, was not
active as an antibiotic. Furthermore, knowing the penicillin structure,
they suggested that the compound was 6-aminopenicillanic acid
(6-APj4, 3.4), and that it was formed from the amino acids cysteine
and valine (Reaction 3.2). Within days, they confirmed this by Figure 3.4
carrying out a fermentation in the absence of any side-chain acid. Modern fermentation vessel used for the production
of penicillins.
Speciality and fine chemicals
They could never have imagined the enormous commercial consequences of having
solved this puzzle, which opened up the field of semi-synthetic penicillins. Starting
from 6-APA, by reaction with an appropriate acyl chloride, RCOCI, several
thousand serni-synthetic penicillins were synthesised and tested. This enormously
expanded the range and properties of biologically active penicillins (Figure 3.5).
Interestingly, 6-APA is not manufactured by the route shown above, but by first
making penicillin G (3.5)and then hydrolysing off the C6H5CH2C0group:
H20 *
- CH3
Figure 3.5
( 3 * 3 ) Penicillin tablets.
Cellulose contains many OH groups, and these can react at each of the two carbon
atoms attached to chlorines in the procion dye (Figure 3.1) to give the covalent bond
attachment shown in 3.7.
I /
0 -fibre
Industrial organic chemistry
~ ~________
3.1.4 Kevlar
Speciality polymers have been developed particularly for the aerospace industries. The slructure and app,lcat,ons of Kev,ar hTe
KevlarTM'(Figure 3.7) is a synthetic: polyamide. The nylons, such as nylon-6,6 discussed in the Case Study in The Third
(2.1), have CH2 groups in between the amide groups. However, Kevlar has aromatic Dimension'.
Speciality a n d fine chemicals
The products of this sector have a high to very high value per unit of weight. As an
extreme example, the anti-ulcer drug ZantacTM, Ranitidine, 3.8 (Figure 3.8), was the
world’s biggest selling drug for several years, at greater than 53 million per tonne-
far more precious than gold or platinum. Since each pill will contain only milli-
grams of Zantac, 1 tonne will produce a vast number of pills! A more average figure
for other fine chemicals would be El 0 000 to 2100 000 per tonne. Even the common
pharmaceutical aspirin sells at a price equivalent to 215 000 per tonne.
Figure 3.8
Oine reason for the high selling price is the high purity required for these products. Zantac ( ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ j d i ~ ~ )
Clearly, even small amounts of an impurity in a drug could cause undesirable side-
effects. For this reason, quality control is a very significant cost (greater than 10%
of toltal costs) in the production of pharmaceutical products.
The products are produced on a small scale, typically in the range 10-100 tonnes
per annum. This usually involves batch production; that is, the reactants are loaded
into the reactor, the reaction is carried out, and the products are isolated, much in the
same way that reactions are carried out in a chemistry laboratory. One consequence
ofthis is that the plants can be ‘multi-product’; that is, during the year several
different products will be made in the one plant. Due to the small scale of operation,
Industrial organic chemistry
effluent from the process is not usually a significant concern, although it must still
be suitably treated and rendered harinless before being discharged.
Research and development (R&D) is a major activity; indeed it has been described
as the lifeblood of the pharmaceutic,al sector, with over 20% of sales income being
ploughed back into R&D each year. This makes it one of the most research-
intensive sectors of manufacturing industry, exceeded only by the electronics and
aerospace industries. With problems of organism resistance and the need to reduce
side-effects, the search for new drugs and pesticides is ongoing. In many ways,
these areas have become victims of their own success. Due to the great efficiency of
antibiotics and vaccines, several diseases, which were major life takers at the
beginning of the last century, have either been tamed or virtually eradicated;
examples are diphtheria, smallpox and tuberculosis (TB). Another striking example
has been the use of penicillins to prevent septicaemia. The enormous value of this is
apparent when one realizes that septicaemia caused by wound infection was
responsible for more deaths during the First World War than action on the
battlefield. Mention could also be made of the billions of lives which the infamous
insecticide DDT saved through its use in malaria eradication programmes before its
withdrawal because of undesirable environmental effects,
As a result of these successes, people are living much longer.
In consequence, diseases associated with old age, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s,
senile dementia and high blood pressure, which were formerly insignificant, have
now ccme to the fore and are major targets for the pharmaceutical industry. ‘New’
diseases such as AIDS, and old but complex diseases like cancer, are also major
targets. The problems of resistance are well illustrated by tuberculosis, which was
virtually conquered in the 1970s, but now
the number of cases in some countries (such as Russia) is rising rapidly. Older
antibiotics are now ineffective due to the build up of resistance, promoting the need
for new alternatives. Thus, there will always be new diseases to target, and a need to
improve the efficiency of existing products in terms of reducing their side-effects
and overcoming bacterial resistance to them. Both these factors ensure that there
will be a continuing enormous investment in research and development. Indeed, the
very largest of thc pharmaceutical companies now each invest over & 1 billion per
annum in R&I>!
As we have seen, chiral drugs and pesticides are being increasingly marketed
as a single active enantiomer, whereas in the past the racemate would have been
supplied. Lessons learned from the past are one of the reasons for this; a notable
example is the thalidomideTMtragedy in the late 195Os*.This drug was adminis-
tered to pregnant women as an anti-nausea drug, and had the advantage over the
alternative barbiturates that it was non-addictive. A tragic side-effect was children
being born with birth defects. Subsequent research showed that this was caused by
the other (inactive) enantiomer which was present in the racemate.
As pointed out previously, marketing only a single enantiomer means that less com-
pound is needed (reducing costs!), and adverse environmental or side-effects are
less likely. Set against this will be higher production costs than for the racemate.
This is because either special, more-expensive chiral reagents, which very much
Speciality and fine chemicals
The relatively small scale of production coupled with the high value per unit weight
of the products means that there is little restriction on the geographical location of
plants. In addition, transport costs are not a significant item. Without such limita-
tions, pharmaceutical plants can be built in any desired location, such as the Kent
coast, just south of the Lake District, in mid-Cheshire and in Hertfordshire. This
contrasts with petrochemical plants that are only located at the mouths of river
Industrial organic chemistry
The previous discussion has highlighted the importance of fossil carbon sources
such as natural gas, crude oil and coal, all of which are not renewable. These fossil
fuels are converted into a number of key intermediates that are used to make
polymers, paints, etc. The intermediate chemicals can also be converted into
speciality chemicals such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides and dyes. Rut. what
happens when the fossil fuel sources run out?
Perhap>,it would be sensible to start 1.0 use renewable sources as soon as possible
before we reach this state. One renewable source of carbon compounds is plants,
which produce organic compounds from carbon dioxide and water, using energy
from sunlight. Many of these materials are polymeric and are already in everyday
use: examples are polyamides in silks and wool, and polyalkenes in natural rubber.
A more ubiquitous material is carbohydrates, which are used in plants as energy
stores and as structural materials. Carbohydrates are polymers such as sugars,
containing many OH functional groups (see Structure 3.6). These polysaccharides
are probably more familiar to you as the polymers found in linen and cotton. Many
of these materials are used without any chemical treatment, but it is possible to
chemic;illy modify them to give other useful materials. Reaction of cellulose with
acetic anhydride converts each OH group in the cellulose into an acetate ester.
Cellulose acetate has a range of uses, for many years it was used for safety films,
and nowadays it is used in lacquers, t.extiles, transparent sheeting and cigarette
filters. lPlants also make oils and fats. Although these are used mainly in the food
industry, they are also the source of a number of long-chain carboxylic (fatty) acids,
alcohols and their derivatives. The sodium salts of the fdtty acids are the main
ingredients of soaps.
Although these natural materials are useful alternatives to petrochernicals, they
would be more useful if they could be converted into the key intermediates such as
ethylene (ethene) or propylene (proplzne). One strategy is to ferment plant material
to give methanol or ethanol. Both of these alcohols have been used as fuel sources.
In somc: countries (such as Brazil), alcohol obtained by fermentation is added to
petrol. The fuel for conventional cars in Brazil must contain at least 15% alcohol,
and a 96% alcohol product is available for use in specially modified car engines.
This has been done to reduce the country’s dependence on oil imports. In some
states in the USA, methanol is sold in garages alongside petrol (or gasoline). It has
the advantage that it can be used in most internal combustion engines without too
much modification. It can also be used as an alternative to diesel (Figure 4.1).
Ethanol can also be used to make ethylene by elimination of water, which can then
be used as described earlier to make petrochemicals.
So, although oil is the current dominant source of organic chemicals, this is likely
to change in the future. As reserves of oil and coal are depleted, sources of carbo-
hydrates will become more important, especially if they can generate the same set of
intermediates as crude oil. Thus, in future, the farmers may be growing crops to feed
the petrochemical industry.
W h a t h a p p e m s w h e n the fossil fuels run out?
Industrial organic chemistry
r i,
Note Principal references are given in bold type; picture references are shown in italics.
angina, 98
aniline (aminobenzene), 68-9
accmne (propanone), production of, 154, 156
antibiotics, 92, 164-5, 168
acetylcholine, 94, 95
antiseptic surgery, 41
acrylic acid, 152
aramids, 167
acrylonitrile, 152
aromatic compounds, 40-1
activation of benzene ring, 57-8, 66, 67
production of, from crude oil, 144, 15 1
acJyloniurnion, 58
see also electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions
addition reactions, 11, 91
aromaticity, 43-5
see also svn-addition reactions
aspirin, 92,
adhesives, 26
asthma therapy, 96
adrenaline, 96, 97, 99
atom economy, 125-6, 126-7
agonilst, 96
autonomic nervous system, 93-4
,see also noradrenaline
Avogadro’s constant (Avogadro number), I 13
alcohols, manufacture from alkenes, 17
Avogadro’s hypothesis, 112
alimrin, 7 1
azo dyes, 70. 7 1, 72
a1k anls,
AZT (zidovudine), 92
cracking of, 142, 144, 148, 150
reforming of, 144, 1.5 1
alkenle hydrobromination, stereochemistry of 106-8 batch production, 168
al k e nle s . benzene,
addition reactions of, 1 1-27 as product of catalytic reforming, 15 1
hydration reactions of, 17 as starting material in petrochemicals industry, 156-7
hydrogenation rcactions of. 28-3 1 from coal tar, 40, 41
prleparation of Z-isomers of, 29, 109 from crude oil, 15 1
prloduction of, from crude oil, 144, 146, 1.50, 152 reactions of,
reactions of, Friedel-Crafts, 53-9
with halogens, 18-27 halogenation, 50-1
with hydrogen halides, 13-1 8 nitration, 48-9
with osmium tetroxide, 169 sulfonation, 5 1-3
alkylated benzenesulfonates, 152 structure and stability of, 42-4
aIky1benzenes, preparation of, 54-9, 75 benzenediazonium salts, 70-2, 75-6
alkynes, hydrogenatlon of, 29, 109, 11 1 benzenesulfonic acid, preparation of. 5 1-3, 75
aluminium chloride, benzoic acid, preparation of, 76
as FriedelLCrafts catalyst, 54-5, 59, 160 benzonitrile, preparation of, 76
as halogenation catalyst, 50-1 beta-blockers, 98
i n supported catalysts, 162 bisphenol A, 26
P-aminoalcohols (2-aminoalcohols), 97 Black, Sir James, 98
synthesis of, 122-3 bromoalcohols; see bromohydrins
amhmbenzene; see aniline bromobenzene, preparation of, 5 1, 75,76
Anmsl.as, P. T., 128 N-bromoethanamide (N-bromoacetarnide). 24, 1 14
Alkenes and aromatics
epoxy resins. 26
ethanol, plant-derived, 170
etheiie (ethylene), 142-3. 151, 152 Kekule, Friedrich August, 42-3
elrxtron diatribution in, 12 KevlarT4'. 166-7
from ethanol, 170
a\ starting material in petrochemicals industry, 153
LeBeuf, Ferdinand, 4 1
Lemaire, Jules. 41
fats and oils, 30, 170 Lewis acids, 50-1, 55
hydrogenation of, 30-1 Lindlar's catalyst, 29, 109, 1 1 1
iodine number of., 19 linoleic acid, 19
tee c d \ o lipid membrane\ lipid membranes, 97
fatty acids, 19, 30 Lister, Joseph, 41
fermentation antibiotic production by, 164-5
fine chemicals; ser speciality and fine chemicals
margarine, 30-1
f luoroben~ene,preparation of, 76
Markovnikov, V. V., 16
formula mass, 125-6
fossil fuel,, replacernent of, 170
Markovnikov's rule. 16, 17
see alJo mechanistic Markovnikov rule
fractional crystallization, 119
mauveine, 68-9, 70
Friedel, Charles, 54
mechanistic Markovnikov rule, 16, 23, 24, 106
Frieclel-Crafts acylations, 53, 58-9
mescaline, 100
Frieclel-Crafts alkylations, 53, 54-8
ineta isomers, 78-9
Fnedel-Craft\ reactions, 53, 160
methanol, plant-derived, 170, 171
w e ~ rr lo Friedel-Crafts acylations; Friedel-Crafts alkylations
2-rnethoxy-2-methylpropane:we MTBE
Fusi lade' M. 1 62-3
methoxybenzene, nitration of, 63
methyl tertiary butyl ether: see MTBE
gal lighting, 39 methylaniline isomers, 69
Gay-Lussac's law, 1 12 methylbenzene (toluene), 157
green chemistry movement, 125-9, 160 as starting material for petrochemjcal industry, 157, 158
Griecs, Peter, 72 chlorination of, 62
Gu\tavson. G, 56 paru substitution of, 80, 81
I -methyl-2-phenyloxiranes,
preparation of, 1 05-6, I 17
halogenation reactimp, 50-1 reactions of, with methylamine, 104-5, 118
herbicides, selectrve, 162-3 2-methylpropan-2-01. manufacture of, I 7
homochiral substances, 119 2-methyIpropene,
hydrogen halides. reactions of, with alkenes, 13-1 8 reactions of,
hydrogenation reactions, 28-3 1 , 109, 1 11-1 3 hydration, 17
with hydrogen halides, 14- 15
par n- hydroxyphenyla7obenzene, preparation of, 72-3, 76
hypobromous acid, 24-5, 105, 107, 1 15-16, 124-5 molar mass, I12
molar mass calculator, I I2
molar percentage yield calculator, 114
ibuprofen, manufacture of, 126-8 molar scale reactions, 111
intermediates for chemical industry, 15 1-2 moles,
inmmolecular forces, 95 of gas. 1 1 2
iodine number, 19 use in calculations of, 112
i odobenze n e, preparation of, 7 6 MTBE (methyl tertiary butyl ether, 2-methoxy-2-methylpropane),
Alkenes a n d aromatics
rimitlerol, 100
rubbers, synthetic, 152, 155
xylenes, 151
as starting materials for petrochemicals industry, 159
salbutamol, 96-7 _ .
Aikenes a n d aromatics
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