The Chemistry of Diazonium and Diazo Groups.
The Chemistry of Diazonium and Diazo Groups.
The Chemistry of Diazonium and Diazo Groups.
The chemistry of
diazonium and diazo groups
Part I
Edited by
The Hebrew University, Jclxsaleni
At1 Ititet-science co Aiblicarioti
Copyright @ 1978 by John Wiley R: Sons Ltd
Reprinted February 1979.
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced by a n y means,
n o r transmitted, nor translated into a machine language
without the written permission of the publisher.
Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 75-691 3
ISBN 0 471 99492 8 (Pt. 1)
ISBN 0 471 99493 6 (Pt. 2)
ISBN 0 471 99415 4 (Set)
Printed in Great Britain by Page Bros (Norwich) Ltd,
Mile Cross Lane, Norwich.
Contributing authors
The present volume, ‘The Chcniistry of Diazonium a n d Diazo Groups’ is, on the
whole, organized and presented according to the gencral lines described in the
‘Preface to the Series’, printcd on t h e following pages.
Some difficulty arose in the prcsentation owing to t h e fact that while the two groups
treated, i.e. the diazo group and the diazonium group, are closely related and even
occur in equilibrium with each other, thcir chemical behaviour and chnracteristics
differ from each other considerably. Moreover, thc material which had to be covered
proved to be much more extcnsivc than originally surmised. For thesc reasons,
some of the subjects had t o be divided into two or more chapters; for instance, the
synthetic applications of diazonium and diazo groups arc treated in two separate
chapters and even so each of these turned o u t to be very large. Similarly, the
syntheses of thc diffc‘erenttitle compounds are discussed in three separate chapters.
The plan of the present volume also included a chaptcr on ‘Biological and
Pharmaceutical Effects’ which, howcver, failed to materialize. It is hoped that this
will appear i n one of the supplementary volumes to t h e series.
Jerusalem, February 1977 S A U L PATA?
T h e Chemistry of Functional Groups
Preface to t h e series
T h e series 'The Chemistry of Functional Groups' is planned to cover in each volume
all aspects of thc chemistry of one of the important functional groups in organic
chemistry. The emphasis is laid on the functional group treated and o n the effects
which i t exerts on the chemical and physical properties, primarily in the immediate
vicinity of the group in question, and secondarily on the behaviour of the whole
molecule. For instance, the volume The Clronistry of the Eilier Litikc~gedeals with
reactions in which the C-0-C group is involved, as well as with the effects of the
C-0-C group o n the reactions of alkyl or aryl groups connected to the ether
oxygen. It is the purpose of the voluine to give a complete coverage of all properties
and reactions of ethcrs in as far as these depend on the presence of the ether group but
the primary subject matter is not the whole molecule, but the C-0-C functional
A further restriction in the treatment of the various functioml groups in these
volumes is that material included in easily and generally available secondary or
tertiary sources, such as Chemical Reviews, Quarterly Reviews, Organic Reactions,
various 'Advances' and 'Progress' series as well as textbooks (i.e. in books which are
usually found in the chemical libraries of universitics and research institutes) should
not. as a rule, be repeated in detail, unless i t is necessary for the balanced treatment
cf the subject. Thercfore each of t h e authors is asked tiot to give an encyclopaedic
coverage of his subjcct, but to concentrate 011 the most important recent de\:clop-
ments and mainly o n material that has not been adequately covered by revie\\?s or
other secondary sources by the time of writing of the chapter, and to address hiniself
to a reader who is assumed to be at a fairly advanced post-graduate level.
With these restrictions, i t is realized that no plan can be devised for a volume that
would give a cotiipletc coverage of the subject mfith t i 0 overlap between chapters,
while at the same time prescrving the readability of the tex!. The Editor set himself
t h e goal of attaining rcwsotrnhle coverage with ttiorlerate cverlap, \ r i t h a minimum of
cross-references between the chapters of each volume. I n this manner, sufficient
freedom is given to each author to produce readable quasi-monographic chapteis.
The general plan of each v o l u ~ includes
i~ t h e following main sections:
(b) One or more chapters dealing with the formation of the functional group in
question, either from groups present in the molecule, or by introducing the new group
directly o r indirectly.
(c) Chapters describing the characterization and characteristics of the functional
groups, i.e. a chapter dealing with qualitativc and quantitative methods of deter-
mination including chemical and physical methods, ultraviolet, infrared, nuclear
X Preface to the series
magnetic resonance and mass spectra: a chapter dealing with activating and
directive effects exerted by the group and/or a chapter o n the basicity, acidity or
complex-forming ability of the group (if applicable).
(e) Special topics which d o nct fit any of the above sections, such as photo-
chemistry, radiation chemistry, biochemical formations and reactions. Depending
on the nature of each functional group treated, these special topics may include
short monographs on related functional groups on which no separate volume is
planned (e.g. a chapter on ‘Thioketones’ is included in the volume The Chemistry
of tlie CGrbotiyl Group, a n d a chapter o n ‘Ketenes’ is included in the volume The
Cliernistry of Alkenes). I n other cases certain compounds, though containing only
the functional group of the title, may have special features so as to be best treated in
a separate chapter, as e.g. ‘Polyethers’ in The Cfiemistry of the Ether Linkage, or
‘Tetraaniinoethylenes’ in The Cfiemistryof the Amino Group.
This plan entails that t h e breadth, depth and thought-provoking nature of each
chapter will differ with the views and inclinations of the author a n d the presentation
will necessarily be somewhat uneven. Moreover, a serious problem is caused by
authors who deliver their manuscript late or not a t all. I n order to overcome this
probleni at least to some extent, it was decided to publish certain volumes in several
parts, without giving consideration t o the originally planned logical order of the
chapters. If after the appearance of the originally planned parts of :: volume it is
found that either owing to non-delivery of chapters, or to new developments in the
subject, sufficient material has accumulated for publication of a supplementary
volume, containing material o n related functional groups, this will be done as soon
as possible.
The overall plan of the volumes in the series ‘The Chemistry of Functional
Groups’ includes the titles listed below:
Advice or criticisin regarding the plan and execution of this series will be welcomed
by the Editor.
The publication of this series would never have started, let alone continued,
without the support of many persons. First and foremost among these is Dr Arnold
Weissberger, whose reassurance and trust encouraged me to tackle this task, and who
continues t o help and advise inc. The efficient and patient coopcration of several
staff-members of thc Publisher also rcndered me invaluable aid (but unfortunately
their code of ethics does not allow me to thank them by name). Many of my friends
and colleagues in Israel and overseas helped mc in the solution of various major
and minor matters, and my thanks are due to all of them, especially t o Professor
Z. Rappoport. Carrying out such a long-range project would bc quite impossible
without the non-professional but none the less essential participation and partnership
of my wife.
T h e Hebrew University SAUL PATAI
Jerusalem, ISRAEL.
1. General and theoretical aspects of the diazonium and diazo groups 1
J . B. Moffat
2. Diazonium-diazo equilibrium 71
V. Stgrba
3. Structural chemistry 95
S. Sorriso
4. Thermochemistry of diazo compounds and organic azides 137
R. Shaw
5. Detection and determination of diazo and diazonium groups 149
D. A. Ben-Efraim
6. Basicity, acidity and hydrogen bonding 179
J. F. McGarrity
7. Complex formation 231
H. M. Niemeycr
8. Synthetic applications of diazonium ions 247
D. S. Wulfman
9. Photochemistry of the diazonium and diazo groups 341
W. Ando
10. The electrochemistry of the diazo and diazonium groups 489
A. J. Fry
11. T h e influence of the diazo and diazonium groups 499
E. S. Lewis
12. Kinetics and mechanisms of reactions involving diazonium and diazo
groups 511
A . F. Hegarty
13. Rearrangements involving the diazo and diazonium groups 593
B. iL'hit t a ker
14. Preparation of diazonium groups 645
K. Schank
15. Synthesis of diazoalkanes 659
M . Regitz
16. Preparation and uses cf isotopically labelled diazonium and diazo
compounds 709
P. J. Smith and K. C . Westaway
xiv Contcnts
17. Carbonyl, phosphoryl and sulphonyl diazo compounds 751
M. Regitz
18. Synthetic application of diazoalkanes, diazocyclopentadienes and
diazoazacyclopentadienes 82 1
D. S . Wulfman, G . Linstrumelle and C. F. Cooper
Author Index 977
Subject Index 1045
The Chemistry of Diazonium and Diazo Groups
Edited by Saul Patai
Copyright 0 1978 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved.
6eneral and theoretical
aspects of the diazsnium
and diazo groups
Department of Cheinistry, University of Waterloo,
Water!oo, Ontario, Canada
A. The Prototype, C N N . 4
B. Diazomethane (H,CNN) . 6
1. Introduction . 6
2. Thcoretical studies . 6
3. Thennochemical properties . 9
C. Isomers of Diazomethane . . 10
1. Nitrilimine . . 10
2. Diazirine and derivatives . . . 12
a. Spectra, structure and therrnochemistry . . . 12
b. Theoretical studies . . 14
3. Substituted diazirines . . 19
a. Spectra and structure . . 19
b. Kinetics of thermal decomposition . . 24
A. The Prototypes, N2H+and N,H . . 31
B. Diimide (Diazene) . . 32
1. Introduction . . 32
2. Spectroscopy and structure . . 33
3. Theoretical studies . . 36
C. Disubstituted Diimides . 45
1. N2F, . . 45
a. Theoretical studies . . 45
b. Spectra and structure . . 49
c. Thennochemical properties . . 52
d. Kinetics of isomerization . . 53
2. Tetrazene . . 53
D. Monosubstituted Diimides . . 53
1. Introduction . . 53
2. Spectra and structure . . 54
3. Theoretical studies . . 54
A. Introduction . . 58
B. Crystal Structure and Spectroscopic Data . . 58
C. Theoretical Studies . . 60
VI. REFeI2ENCE.S . . 64
2 J. b. MolTaf
In discussing the chemistry of molecules containing the N N bond and, in darticular,
in this first chapter, the general and theoretical aspects of such molecules, it seems
reesonablc to establish the scenario by comparing and contrasting such groups with
other groups of importance in organic chemistry.
One would be hard pressed to find more logical candidates for comparison with
molecules containing the N2 group than those of C 2 and C N . Indeed such a
ubiquitous trio of organic chemistry involving two homonuclear and one hetero-
nuclear bond, the latter formed from t h e two different clenients of the former,
almost invite sociological comparison with parents and offspring. The C2, C N and
N2 groups contain 12, 13 and 14 electrons, respectively, and the hierarc!iy of bonding
can be conceived as beginning with the so-called single bond, so that we have as the
simplest example for each group:
The first line of Table 1 compares average bond lengths for t h e central bonds o f
each of these nlolecules, and, not surprisingly, in view of the extra proton in the
nitrogen nucleus as compared to carbon, the bond lengths decrease as one passes
from the C-C to the N-N bond.
Removal of a hydrogen atom from each of the central atoms in the molecules
above produces the trio of molecules with central double bonds,
\ / \ / /
F=C /"=" ?="
H' H H H
Again the same trend in bond lengths (line 2, Table 1) is observed a s in the case of
the corresponding single-bonded molecules. However, in addition, in all cases
shown, formation of the double bond results in a decrease in the bond length.
Continuation of the dehydrogenation process yields
H-C=C--H H-C=N N=N
with the same gradation in bond lengths being maintained from C=C to N=N, as
well as a further decrease in bond length in each case on formation of the triple
1. General and theoretical aspects of the diazonium and diazo groups 3
bond. Extraction of thc remaining hydrogen atoms from acetylene and hydrogen
cyanide produces a n increase in bond length, signalling a discontinuity in electronic
structures. However, for cach type of bond (single bonded, ctc.) i t is clear from the
table that the N N bond length is, in each case, the lowest of the three shown.
The foregoing comparison may be cxtendcd to encompass bond encrgics, and
average values for these arc given in Table 2. Examination of the table shows t h a t the
two loivest bond energies listed are 37 and 61 kcal/niol, those for the N-N a n d N = N
bonds respectively, while the highest value is 225 kcal/niol for the dissociation of the
nitrogen molecule. In fact, with the exception of CO which has a dissociation energy
of 256 kcal/mol, N, has the highest dissociation energy of any diatomic molecule.
3. Electron configurationsa of C.,. CN and N, molecules and their singly-ionizcd forms
N ~1ni ber
of Lowcst Differ- 0:
electrons Molecule electron configuriition State Pb Pa ence (volts)
15 N;
Energy and geometry parameters relating to the ionization of the diatomic species
C2, N, and C N are given in Table 4. Again, although limited data are availablc, a
consistent pattern is followed, N, is observed to have a high ioaization energy and
would be predicted t o have a relatively high electron affinity.
4 J. B. Moffat
4. Energy and geometry parameters" for ionized forms of
q,N2and CN
Ionization Electron Bond lengths (A)
energy affinity
Molccule (kcal/mol) (kcal/mol) XY- XY XYf
c2 71.5 1.24
CN 348.9 88.1 1.07 1.18 1-17
N 2 359.3 1.10 1-12,
a K. Watanabe, T. Nakayama and J. Mottl, J . Quanr. Specr. and
Energy Tramfer, 2, 369 (1962).
a Energies are in hartrees and bond lengths in bol1l.s: 1 hartrec = 627.7 kcalimol;
1 bohr = 0.529 A.
I n addition a dissociation energy (to atoms) of 0.198 hartrec and a dipolc momcnt
of 1.022 D were calculated for C N N , with the convcntion that thc right-hand
nitrogen atom is positive.
The calculated bond lengths are in reasonable agreenicnt with the estimates of
Milligan a n d Jacox9. The atomic populations arc seen to bc particularly scnsitivc to
the size a n d nature o f t h e basis set. Thomson also cakulated the dissociation energies
for NCN, NCC a n d C N C to be 0.212, 0.270 and 0.273 hartrecs, respectively. As
expected t h e calculations suggest that C N N is less stable than any of thcse lattcr
three species.
6 J. B. MolTat
B. Diazornethane (H,CNN)
1. Introduction
Diazomcthane is the simplest diazoalkane and as such has served as the prototype
for many studies, both experimental and theoretical. From a classical point of view
it may be considered as a resonance hybrid of a variety of planar forms:
- +
CH,-NzN (4
CH,-N=N + (b)
CH,-N = N - (C)
CH,=N=N- (4
Hence it is not unreasonable to expect diazomethane t o be capable of assuming the
properties of a carbene source, or an acid or a base, or an electrophile or a
nucleophile, or a 1 ,3-dipoleJ.
For many years there was considerable controversy concerning the structure of
diazorncthane until electron d i f f r a ~ t i o nand
' ~ microwave spectroscopic experinientsll
showed the arrangement of carbon and nitrogen atoms to be linear and the overall
structure to be planar. I n 1960 the chemical evidence for the linear structure of
diazoniethane was provided by P a u I s ~ n and ~ ~ , Schmitz and OhrneIGin the form of
independent syntheses of the first diazirines,
which are isoelectronic with their corresponding diazoalkanes.
2. Theoretical studies
T h e first calculation^^^ of the electronic structure employed the simple Hiickcl
molecular orbital method to calculate a resonance energy of 0.6p and, at least within
the assumptions of the method, values of the bond lengths and dipole moment in
reasonable agreement with experiment. Hoffmann18 some years later applied his
extended Huckel technique to calculations o n the excited states of diazoniethane.
Yoshida and Kobazashi have calculated the electronic spectra of diazomethane by
the ASMO-LCAO-SCF-CI l9 and INDO-SCF-MO-CI 2o methods. BrintzingerZ1
has suggested a qualitative description of the chemical bonds in diazoniethane.
What appears to be the first ab itiitio study of diazoniethane was that performed by
AndrC and coworkers2?. ApFarently, hoj.::evcr, an error in geometry unfortunately
~ ~ done CNDO calculations
invalidates the results. Bastide and H e n r i - R o u ~ s e a uhave
to examine the transition between the linear and a bent form of diazomethane, thc
CNN angle in the latter was take11 as 75". A rotational barrier of 22 kcal was
calculated and a n interpretationc4 of orientation effects in 1,3-dipolar addition
reactions was proposed. Hartzs suggested that sevcn isomers of diazomethane are,
in principle, possible, and carried out ob irtirio calculations using the LW [533; 31
Gaussian lobe basis set, o n five of these structural isomers, diazomethane itself being
included. Caballol and coworkersztiemployed the I N D O technique to obtain wave-
functions for the 'Al, 'A" and 3A" states of diazomethane. T h e ground-state
I . General and theoretical rtspcc~sof the diazonium and dinro groups 7
geometry was taken from Herzberg?' and the excited state geometries were obtained
from the ground-stnte geometry by bending the CNN angle in the molecular and
bisector planes. Thc: planar structures were found t o bc more stable and the CNN
angle was found to be 158" and 152" for the first excited singlet and triplet state,
respectively. Two minima of depth - 14.9 and - 13.9 kcal/mol were found in the
electrostatic potentials for ground-state diazomethane, the former at the carbon end
and the latter at the nitrogen end of the molecule. These authors argue that this
agrees with the experimental results which suggest a carbon attacks. In the case of
the first excited 'A" singlet state, protonation is predicted t o occur within the
molecular plane with a single minimum ( - 23.6 kcal/mol) appearing in the neigh-
bourhood of the terminal nitrogen. Electrostatic potential results for diazomethane
in the triplet state are quite similar t o those for the singlet state, the well depth being
- 24-4 kcal/mol in the triplet case.
Leroy and SanaZ8have employed the Gaussian - 7 0 prsgramme of Hehre and
coworkers29and a variety of basis sets to calculate the electronic structure and some
thermodynamic properties of this compound. With the contracted Gaussian basis
of Clementi, a total electronic energy of - 147.18569 hartree, and bond energies of
103 and 181 kcal/mol for th:: CN and N N bonds, respectively, were obtained. I n
these calculations the geometry of diazomethane determined experimentally by Cox
and coworkers30 was employed. With a 4-31G basis set, Leroy and Sana2*calcu-
lated the dipole moment t o be 1-52 D to be compared with an experimental value
of i -40 D 30, and a total electronic energy of - 147.60552 hartree.
T h e energy of formation at 0 K was obtained by the use of the equation
AEr (0K ) = E,D = AEth + 4 2 / I t > ,
where A 4 " , the theoretical energy of formation was taken to be that calculated with
t h e 4-31G basis set, and the v i are the frequencies or the nine normal modes for
which the values from Moorc and P i n i e n t ~ Iwere~ ~ employed. The energy of
formation at 25 "C
AEf (298.16 K) = Eo = €00 (Eo- E:)+
was then obtained by using the previously calculated value for E,O, together with the
value of E n - E E found by Moore and Pimente13'. The heat of utomizaticn (AH,)
at 298.16 K was calculated from the experimental values of the heats of atomization
of the e l ~ m e n t s ~ ~ .
In addition Leroy and Sana2*calculated values for the thermodynamic functions
mentioned above by another method, namely that proposed by Hehre and co-
t v o r k e r ~i n~ which
~ use is made of reactions and their calculated energies i n which
the niolccule of interest, in this case diazoniethane, is involved either as a reactant
or as a product. T h e two such reactions selected by Leroy and Sana are
2 CH,N,+ NH, = (CH,),NI-I +2 N,
AEtb= - 145,260 kcal
CH,N,-;NH, = CH,NH,+N,
AE'"= - 72,064 kcal
So that correlation effects could be considered to cancel out, both the C-H and
N--H bonds had to be assunled equivalent, as well as t h e C-N bonds in all
molecules in which they were present. l h e energy of formation of diazoniethane can
then be obtained from
A P = k , N , AEf,
8 J. B. Moffat
or, more specifically for each of the reactions (a) and (b)
(a) AEth = 2AE~P(N2)+AEfXp[(CH3),NH]
- AE,"'D(NH,) -2AGh(CH2N2)
(b) h E t h = AEfxp(N,) + AEPP[(CH,)NHJ
- AE,e'P(NH,) - 4Efh(CH,N,)
where AEfW is an energy of formation referenced to 0 K and corrected for the zero
point energy. Table 6 reports the values obtained by Leroy and Sana for the thermo-
dynamic functions of diazomethane. A value of 78 kcal/niol was also found for the
CH bond energy. Thc calculated value for the heat of formation of diazomethane at
298.1 6 K (63.5 kcal/niol) may be compared with that obtained experimentally
(51-60 k ~ a l / m o l ) ~ ' also Table 8).
6. Calculated thcrrnodynamic properties of diazomethane (kcal/mol)28.
Reproduced by permission of Springer-Verlag
Leroy and Sana h a w also performed geometry optimizations within the STO-3G
basis. Thcir results togcther with those for the force constants ar e compared with the
experimental values of Moore and Pimentel in Table 7.
Further, Walch and Goddard suggest that the GVB model of diazomethane would
support a mechanism based on a biradical attack in the 1,3-addition of diazomethane
t o olefins, analogous t o that in ozone rather than the usual mechanism dependent
on the dipolar nature of diazomethane.
Results of theoretical studies, in which both diazomethane and diazirine are
considered, a r e discussed in the section on diazirine.
3. Thermochemical properties
~ ~ concluded that the proton affinity (PA) of diazo-
Foster a n d B e a ~ c h a m phave
methane can be ordered with that of ammonia, azomethane and methylanline in the
following way:
PA(NH,) c PA(CH,N,) c PA(CH,N=NCH,) < PA(CH,NH,)
Kinetics 67 a
Thermochemistry 64-11 b
Group additivity 71 C
Appearance potential 49 d
Photodissociat ion 51 + e
Proton affinity 64-73 f
Theoretical 64 g
Diazomethane Nitriliminc
(iso d iaz o m e t h ane)
lsocyanamide H'
Diazirine lsodiazirine
Of these isomers, diazirine a n d cyanamide have been prepared, and are stable
molecules a t room temperature. Derivatives of isodiazomethane, carbodiimide and
isocyananiide are known and there is some evidence that isocyanamide has been
prepared37*38. Carbodiimide a n d isodiazirinc have apparently not yet been prepared.
Isodiazomethane, although not stable at room temperature, has been prepare~l~~-.'I.
Only the diazo isomers, namely isodiazomethane, diazirine a n d isocyanamide, will
be discussed here.
1. Nitrilimine
Investigations of the reaction of triphenylmethyl sodium on diazoniethane by
Miiller a n d coworkers in 193430led to the discovery of this isomer of diazomcthane.
Anselmea2has summarized the properties of isodiazomethane as they were known in
1966. T h e preparation involves the acidification at -SO "C of a n ether suspension of
diazomethyl anion ([CH-N=N]-M+), with a n aqueous solution of potassium
dihydrogen phosphate or ammonium chloride, as in
where M f may be Li+, Na+ (C6H&PCH3. Isodiazoniethane, a palc yellow liquid, is
then obtained by evaporation of the solvent at - 50 "C it! UOCIIO. Decomposition
I . General and thcoretical nspccts or the diaronium and diazo groups 11
begins to occur at 1 5 "C and the compound explodes at 35-40 "C 'O. A maximum
occurs at 247 nm in the ultraviglet spectrum, compared to absorption at 412 rim and
321 nm with diazomethane and diazirine, respectively. No infrared spectra have
yet been reported, but it appears from niolecular weight determinations in benzene
that isodiazomethane is monameric4'. The formation of isodiazomethane by acidic
hydrolysis of [CH-N=Nl-M+ may be explained through the assumption of a
kinetically controlled reaction, by which protonation occurs rapidly at the more
nucleophilic nitrogen (presumably the terminal nitrogen) to give the thermodynamic-
ally less stable isomer.
Apparently the only theoretical work which has been done on isodiazomethane is
that by Hart2Smentioned previously. Results of calculations on isocyananiide were
also reported at that time. The total electronic energies were obtained as - 147-2425,
- 147.2868 and - 147-3386 hartree for isodiazomethane, diazomethane and iso-
cyanamide, respectively. This would imply that isocyanamide is more stable than
isodiazomethane or diazomethane by approximately 63 and 34 kcal/mol,
respectively. Indeed, Muller, Beutler and ZeehJ3 now suggest that the compound
previously labelled isodiazomethane may in fact be isocyanamide. I f this be so i t is of
interest to seek out any evidence for the existcnce of nitrilimine. Mills and
Thompson", in a report in 1954 o n the vibration-rotation bands of diazomethane,
note that a peculiarity in the results for t h e band near 2100cm-1 leads to the
suggestion that this may be d u e to nitrilimine. On the other hand, Moore and
PimentelP5,10 years later, find n o evidence for any tautomcric form of diazomethane.
More recently however, OgilvieJ6, again on the basis of an unexplained infrared
band observed at 2169 cm-' in the photolysis of diazomethane (gas phase and a n
argon matrix), has postulated the existence of nitrilimine.
Hartzs has calculated the total electronic energy of the anions [HCNNI- and
[CNNHI- a: - 146.6485 and - 146.6389 hartree, respectively, making the former
[HCNNI- more stable than [CNNHI- by approximately 6 kcal/mol. Calculations,
assuming the entropies of these anions are equal, yield a value of 2.3 x 10' for the
equilibrium constant K for the equilibration of the two anions. Hart has calculated
electrostatic potential maps for the two anions. For [CNNHI- there are niinima
of -225.0 and - 187.0 kcal/mol in the region of the nitrogen and carbon lone
pairs, respectively, while for [HCNNI- the corresponding valucs are - 191.0 and
- 229.0 kcal/mol. These results suggest that protonation of [CNNH-1 is more
likely t o occur at the nitrogen atom to give isocyanamicic 3s the product whik
protonation of [ H C N N I - should occur a t the carbon atom to give diazomethane.
These values indicate that t h e dilference in proton affinity for nitrogen over carbon
in [CNNHI- is exactly reversed in [HCNNI-. Protonation at the 'secondary'
nucleophilic site in each anion gcneratcs a common intermediate, llitrilimine. Hence
i t is conceivable that a feasible tautomeric pathway could involve a q!!ickly attained
equilibrium (involving proton gain and loss) through nitrilimine a s a n intermediate:
+ -H+
FIGURE 1. Total electronic energy changes in a hypothetical reaction mechanism for the
production of isocyanarnide from diazomethane. Reproduced by permission of the
Atrstraliatt Joitrtml of Clternistry.
That t h e cyclic isonier is morc stablc than thc lincar isomer is rcadily secn from thc
dilference in the estimated heats of formation, approxiniatcly 30 kcal/mol. The
difference is also evident in tlie reaction chemistry, the diazoalkancs bcing some of
the most reactive substances known in organic chcmistry \vhile diazirincs arc much
more stable. Grahams* notcs that diazirine is decomposed relatively slowly by
sulphuric acid with liberation of a molecule of nitrogen. I t is stablc to 1-butoxidc ion
in t-butyl alcohol and, although storable i n glass, is decomposed by ultraviolet
radiation. Apparently i t can be handlcd safcly at room tempcraturc as a liquid or a
gas although, as a consequence of the lack of agrccnient on this point, i t is advisable
to take suitable precautions.
Bellss has suggested that a different set of assumptions concerning thc processes
occurring in the mass spectrometer ion source will yield values of A H f diffcring froni
those of Paulctt and EttingerSs but more i n accord with the resalts of other cxperi-
ments. The production of CH: from CH2N2(either diazirine or diazonicthane) can
bc expressed by
A(CH:) = AHf(CH:) - AHf(CH2N.J
where A(CH:) is the appearance potential of CH: from thc particular isoincr under
consideration. Hence AHf(CH,N,) can be obtainctl from the expcrirncntal appear-
ance potential if a value for AH,(CH:) is available. Bell argues that thc valuc of
333 kcal/molGoused by Paulett and Ettinger for AHl(CH;) is an older onc, and in a
previous applicatiorP has led to tile conclusion that the major product in an ion-
inoleculc reaction is fornied via an Ciidothel'nii; process, whcrens i f the valuc
suggested by Bell is uscd the process bcconics exothermic. Thc ionization potcntial
of CII.,(3?=c)to give CH:(%), probably tlic ion ground st:lte, is 240 kcal/niol c 2 . Bell
suggests that a very probable value for A H l of CH,('A,) is S5 kcal/mol, on the basis
of kinetic and thcrniocheniical experimentsG3-". Jordan and Loiigiict-HiggiiisG"have
calculated a valiie of 10 kcal/mol for tlie separation of thc CH2('X,) state from the
ground state CH,("i). Hcncc Af/l[CH2(3E;)] = 75 kcal/mol and AHl[CI-I,+('I~)] =
315 kcal/mol. If a correction of 40 kcal/inol is applied to allow for thc possibility
that CH: will not be formed in the O z state in elcctron-impact experi11ients~'but
rather in thc higher energy 4X; stateG2,then AHl[CH,i('S;,)] is 355 kcal/lnol. Table 10
14 J . B. MofTat
summarizes Bell's values, with two heats of formation for each of CH2N,, CH,N:
and CHN: from each isomer, calculated on the assumption (i) that A(CH:)
corresponds to a process yielding CH:(JC;), o r (ii) that A(CH:) corresponds to a
process giving CH$(*xj.
10. Appearance potcntinls and calculated thcrrno-
chemical valuesSo(kcal/mol)
~~ ~ ~~
Diazorncthane Diazirine
A(CH2) 58 284 254
A(CH,N:) 511 208 '35
A(CHN:) 5 8 34 I 327
hHr(CH,N?) (1) 71 101
(ii) 31 61
AHf(CH2N;) (i) 279 336
(ii) '39 296
AH,(CHNl) (i) 3 60 176
(ii) 320 336
Differentiation between values labelled (i) and ( i i ) i s
riven in tlic tcxt.
Bell favours the value of 71 kcal/niol for AHf (dimomethane), since kinetic
s t u d i e P suggest that the vaiue shouici be greater than 67 kcal/mol, a n d the value of
61 kcal/mol for A H , (diazirinc) zil :hc basis that t h e value of 101 kcal/mol would
cause the reaction to yield CH, and N, to be 16 kcal/mol exothermic, and this would
secni to conflict ivith the expcrimenraiiy known relative thermal stability of diazirine
compared to diazornethane.
Paulett and Ettinger", in their reply to Bell, argue that his estimate of 75 kcal/mol
for the hcat of formation of the ground state of methylene is too low and present
evidence t o support a value of 9 5 5 5 kcal/niol. They present values of 104 and
134 kcal/mol for t h e heats of formation of diazomethanc and diazirine. respectively,
in the casc where the A(CH:) corresponds to proccsses in which CH: is generated
i n an excited state.
LauG8has rcported an absorption maximum of 30,989 cni-' for diazirinc, and
notcs a red shift whcn the spectra of derivatives of diazirine were obtained i n
solution, which leads him to sugsest that the electronic transition is a x*-x transition.
Following up on his earlier note, Merritt'O providcs further dctails of his \vork on
the electronic absorption spectra of n-diazirine, Ni5-diazirine, d,-diazirinc a n d
&diazirine. Merritt notes that, as in diimidc, t h e diazirine molecule contains two
adjacent nitrogen atoms, each with a lone pair of electrons. Hence a splitting of the
degeneracy in the electronic spectrum resulting from the perturbation of the lone-
pair electron orbitais wouia be expected. Mcrritt reports two systems. separated by
approximately 220 cm-I, at 30,970 cm-' and 31,1S7 cni-', both of w h i c h are present
at 14K.
b. Thorctictll studies. What appears to be the first quantum chcmical study of
diazirine was done by i?~lf::;an'~
using his extended Hiickel calculations (EXH). T h e
experimentally determined geomctry of Pierce and Dobyns5" was employed to
calculate that diazomethane is 70 kcal/niol niorc stable than diazirine and t h a t the
ionization potentials of diazorncthane and aiaiirine arc 11.96 a n d 12.78 e\',
respectivcly, compared with the Paulett and E t t i n g e P experimental values of 9.03
and 10.18 eV, respectively. The iciativc simplicity of the EXH nicthod must, of
1. General and theoretical aspects of the diazonium and diazo groups 15
course, be kept in mind. Frey and Stevens7?and Amrich and have shown that
the major primary photochemical reaction in the 3200 A photolysis of diazirines is
probably direct elimination of nitrogen to form a carbene, while a minor pathway is
rearrangement to form the diazo compound.
The b, orbital is C-N, and C-N2 bonding but N,-N2 antibonding. The anti-
bonding a 2 orbital is only N,-N2 antibonding. Hence the a, t b, excitation (to
which the 3200 A transition is assigned) weakens the C-N, and C-N, bonding more
than that of N-N, and the breaking of one o r both of these bonds is consistent with
the known photochemistry of the molecule.
In a study of the photolysis of diazirine in a nitroger? matrix, Moore and
P i ~ n e n t e showed
I~~ that the product diazomethane was formed from the reaction of
methylene ( f r o n diazirine) and matrix N2. No diazomethane was found in the gas
phase photolysis of diazirine. Hoffmann employed calculations on two simple
models to obtain information on the path of the isomerization. Starting with
diazirine geometry, a simple C-N, bond lengthening, keeping C-N, and N,-N,
constant was studied. In addition, using the diazomethane structure, and holding all
bond lengths fixed, combinations of changes in CN,N, and HCN, bond angles were
considered, but with N1 and N, constrained to remain in the original plane of the
ring. A number of features wcre observed from the results of the calculations. The A 2
excited state of diazomethane prefers to be planar, and correlates with the B,
excited state of diazirine. T h e A, excited state of diazcmethane h2s a lower relative
energy with a bent C N N skeleton. The results of photochemical e x p e ~ i m e n t s ~ ~
appear to require the involvement of more than one excited state of diazomethane
in the rearrangement. Hoffmann suggests that one possible pathway then involves
t h e conversion of some of the excited B, diazirine into the second excited state, A,,
of diazomethane, and return from that excited state to the ground state without
internal conversion to the A? excited state. T h e application of Woodward-Hoffmann
rules to the concerted decomposition of diazomethane and diazirine to methylene
a n d N 2 leads to the conclusion that the first excited state of diazirine (B,) and that
of diazomethane (A2) may decompose only to an A, or B, methylene and a n
electronically excited nitrogen molecule.
Snyder and B a ~ c h ' ~a ,s part of a paper in which heats of reaction are calculated
from self-consistent field energies of closed-shell molecules, have included diazo-
methane and diazirine among the many molecules considered. Table 11 summarizes
AHgpg (2 CH,+ CHZNZ C2Hs + CHj + N2) - 97.2 [ - 103.31 -69.8 [ - 73.31
16 J. B. MofTat
their various results for these two molecules, with experinicntal geometries einployed
throughout. To facilitate the calculations it was assumed that the sum of the
electronic correlation energy and the difference of the electronic energy in the
Hartree-Fock and the double-zcta basis did not change in a reaction having closed-
shell reactants and products. The second set of values given for the complete
hydrogenation reaction i n Table 1 1 results from the inclusion of estimates for
interatomic and intraatoniic correlation energy.
Kochanski and Lehn"j employ the IB MOL programme for nb itzirio SCF-LCAO-
MO calculations using a basis set of gaussian functions on diazirinc in its experi-
mental configurationzo. Table 12, column 1, contains some of their calculated
and L e l ~ n ' ~ Lombardi, Robin and coworkers77.78
T 147.6529
vm 63.8985
vn, -472.6353
Vee 113.3859
Ebt - J4769SO - 147.7287
[ - 148.34691'
Ionization 11-83eV
potential [lO.lS eV1
F r o m this it may be concluded that the N atoms are o acceptors and very weak ;i
donors, while C is a x acceptor. Overlap populations show that the C-N bonds in
diazirine are much weaker than the C-C single bonds in cyclopropene. T h e N = N
bond is weakly G antibonding and ;ibonding (MO’s l b , and Zb,) so that the N=N
double bond is weak. The low-lying 2b, M O results from the antisymmetric mixing
of two nitrogen lone pairs mostly N(2s) in character. 6a, is weakly N-N bonding
which contradicts the result from overlap population which implied that 6a, was of
weakly N-N antibonding character. 3b2 contributes to the nitrogen lone pairs as
well as to the C-N bonds. There is n o pure lone pair MO. All MO’s contributing
to the lone pairs also contribute to some extent to the ring bonds.
A n experimental study of the lower n -P x * excitation in difluorodiazirine, F,CN,,
has been performed by Lonibardi and coworkers7’ and a supporting calculation on
both diazirine and FpCN2 has been done7*. Calcu1a:ion.s were performed using a
gaussian-type orbital (GTO) basis set, using a total of 125 primitive GTO’s which
were contracted to 50 gaussian-type functions. This basis is equivalent to a so-
called Double Zeta basis, in which each A 0 is represented by two Slater-type
orbitzls. Hencher and Bauer’s structural dataa7were employed.
for F2CN2are given in Table 13. T h e two MO’s 9a, and
T h e calculated res1.11t.s~~
4b, represent the two ‘non-bonding’ orbitals conventionally assigned t o the azo
group, but mutual interaction separates them by 3.8 eV. The t z + x* transition
originates at 4b,, and terminates at the x* MO, 2a,. The computed singlet-singlet
and singlet-triplet excitations are 3.99 and 3.07 e V , rcspectively, compared t o the
observation of the excited singlet at 3.7 eV. Analysis of the MO’s involved in the
transition shows that ti is nearly equally distributed among the C-N-N atoms of
the ring, but that *; is completely localized on the N atoms. Consequently the t v x *
excitation involves the transfer of about electron from thc CF2 group to the N = N
group of difluorodiazirine.
T h e results of the ab initio calculation by Robin and coworkers7Eon diazirine are
included in Table 12 for convenience i n comparison with the earlier work of
Kochanski and Lehn7G.In addition, Tables 12 and 13 also include some of the results
obtained in comparison with photoelectron spectral data of bot!l diazirine and
F,CN,. The agreement between their observed and calculated (using 92% of the
Koopmans’ Theorem value) ionization potentials for both these molecules was
found to be quite acceptable.
Bloor and Maksicso calculated dianiagnetic susceptibilities and quadrupole
moments of diazirine using the CNDO/ZD and SCC (self-consistent charge) semi-
empirical methods. T h e molecule was oriented as shown :
18 J. B. MofTat
13. Calculated and cxperiniental data for difluorodia~irinc'~
~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~
Tables 14 and 15 list the electronic second moments and the molecular quadrupole
moments calculated by the two methods and compare these with the a6 initio resultssl.
Unfortunately there d o not appear to be any experimental d a t a for diazirine with
which to compare the calculated values. However, with other molecules where such
experimental data are available, agreement between such data and calculated values
is very good for the second moments, but not a s satisfactory with molecular
1. Gencral and theoretical aspects of the diazonium and diazo groups 19
quadrupolc momcnts, the former agreement being ascribed by the authors m o r e to
the insensitivity of the quantities mentioned than to the high quality of the calculated
wavefunct ions.
15. Molecular quadrupole moments Fr cm2)
(Fr = C.S.U. of chargc) of diazirinc*O
3. Substituted diazirines
a. Spectra mid sfriictiive. Although earlier workersa7- bs had proposed
A, v, 1563
v2 1252
v3 805
v4 502
A, 19; 451
B, v6 1248
v7 481
B, v8 1091
1'9 544
Hencher and BaueP' completed the puzzle by providing interatomic distances and
bond angles from electron diffraction experiments o n the vapour. They confirmed
the C2v symmetry in which the planes of CF, a n d CN,! are mutually prrpendicular
with C-F = 1 . 3 1 5 & C-N = 1.426A, N = N = 1.293 A, L F C F = 111.84",
L N C N = 53.95". Comparison of these values for perfluorodiazirine with those for
diazirine shoivs that the C-N distance is shorter ( 1 4 2 6 vs 1.482 A) and the N = N
1. Gcncral a n d ihcorctical aspects of the diazonium and diazo groups 21
distancc is longcr (1.293 vs 1.228 A) i n the former than i n thc latter by about 0.06 A.
These arc sunilnarizcd in Table 19. Hcncher and Rauer comixire thc C-F distance
and the L F C F for F,CN,, 1.315 A and 1 1 1.84", rcspectively, with thosc found for
perfluorocarbciic (F,C:) *I, 1.300 A and 104.9", respectivcly, and rationalize the
differenccs on the basis of the greater extent of tielocalization of the carbon valence
electrons in thc radical. In addition, the compression of the chargc density around the
carbon atom and hence the shortening of adjacent bond Icngths when F is substitutcd
for H o n a carbon a t o m has Secn observcd with many other molecules. The introduc-
tion of F a t o m affects not only thc adjacent C-1: bond lengths. but also adjacent
bonds are shortened, as is observed in the prescnt examples, where the C-N distance
in F,CN2 is smaller than in H,CN2. The longer N = N bond in F2CN2than in H,CN,
cannot be d u c priniarily to thc prescncc of a three-atom ring since the C-C distance
in cyclopropene is 1.525 A*9, close t o that found in cyclopropancgO,while C=C is
1.256 A, less than the C = C distance in ethylene. To be consistcnt with thcsechangcs,
i t would be anticipated that the N = N distance i n F2CN2(1.293 A) would be lcss
than that in N,F, (1.224 A)S1, which i t is not.
C-- F 1.315 8,
c- ti I .09 A
C-N 1.426 A 1.4s2 A
LNCN 53.95" 48.9"
L FCF 1 1 1.84"
L HCH 117" ( i2)
N=N 1.293 8, 1.228 A
F . . . 1- 3.178 8,
N...F 2.374 A
solvent was changed from less polar to more polar, which indicatcs that the transition
is T;* ti.
Thc vapour-phase infrared spectra of B M D and CIMD \vcre measurcd in thc
250-4000 cni-' region by Mitchell and Mcrritt". Thc N = N stretching vibrations in
B M D and C M D a r e 1571.3 and 1573.4 cni-', respectively, litrle changed from
1626 cii1-l i n diazirine5' and 1563 cm-' in difluorodiazirine". Thc symmctric a n d
antisymrnetric C-N stretching vibrations wcre assigncd a s 991 and SO7 cn1-l in
diazirine", a n d 1282 a n d 1091 i n difltiorodiaziriiiebs, a considcrable shift.
klitchell and Mcrritt assign the symmetric C-N srretching \.ibration to 1071.6 cm-'
in C M D and 1090.9 cni--l i n B M D and thc antisymmctric vibration to S5S a n d
868 cni-l i n BMD a n d C M D , respcctively.
22 J. B. hloffat
Since Hencher and Ijauersi had found that the C-N a n d N = N bond lengths of
F,CN, differ by an unexpcctedly large amount (0.06 A) from their corresponding
values in H,CN2, then i t might be expcctcd that other substituents would alter the
ring geometry but to a lesser degree. Hence Wollrab a n d coworkersg4observed the
rotational spectra for diinethyldiazirine to test this hypothesis. Their nieasured
structural parameters are given in Table 20. The N = N and C-N distances in
diazirine and D M D are quite similar, indicating that methyl sr;bstitution has little,
if any, effect on the ring structure. A dipole moment of 2.19 D ( 20.07) was obtained
from the Stark shift. The internal rotation splittings for (CH,),CN, yield a barrier
to internal rotation of 1129 f 20 cal/mol and an angle of 120.4 f 0.4" between the
top axes. The quadrupolc coupling constants (MHz) are xaa = - 0.94k 0.8,
Xbb = 3-2020.4, xcc = -2.2720.4, with the a axis being that passing through the
ring carbon atom and bisecting the N = N bond, the C axis passing through the ring
carbon atom a n d running parallel to the N = N bond.
Bond angle
LNCN (48.9")' 53.95" 48.9" 49.3" 50.2"
LNNC (65.So)a
LCCC 119.7"
L FCF 1 1 1,s"
L HCH 117"
aAssumed from the structure of diazirinc5".
H,, Ha: symmetric (in-plane) and asymmetric (out-of-plane) hydrogen positions,
that since the spectrum is sensitive only to the change in the N = N distance on
excitation, their results cannot confirm or deny the large value previously found8' by
electron diffraction for the N = N bond length in D F D . LKRBK estimate a value of
p' = 1.5 kO.2 D for the n -> x* excited-state dipole moment of I I F D and a value
of cnly 0.082 D for that in the ground state. Discussion of the tl:eoretical studies
of LKRBK on D F D has been given in the appropriate section of this chapter.
However, it may be desirable to summarize those portions of their theoretical
results which relate particularly to their experimental work. The orbital energies
are summarized in Table 13 of t h e theoretical studies section (II.C.2.b) to which
reference may be made. Orbitals 4bl and 9a,, the highest occupied and the third
highest occupied, have energies of - 0.455 I and - 0.625 1 hartrees, respectively, and
represent the two 'non-bonding' orbitals associated with thc - N=N- group. As
has been observed repeatedly experinicntally in the diazirines, thcir mutual interaction
separates them, in this case by 0.14 hartrees or 3.5 eV. The 12 + x* transition involves
the passage of an electron from 4b, to the z* molecular orbital, 2a2. Using the virtual
orbital approximation yields a calculated singlet-singlet tz z* excitation encrgy of
elcctronic system was obscrvcd in the 390tb4200 A region, which these authors take
as the triplet-singlet *; i-I Z transition. The N = N stretching vibration is again the
most prominent fcatiire in all systcnis. Thc high-resolution electronic absorption
spectrum of 3-methyldiazirineg9was also obtained. Results soniewhat similar to those
for D M D werc obtaincd, the two electronic systcnis again being observed, this time
separated by 92 cni-I. The N = N stretching vibration \vas again prominent near
1499 cni-'.
Correlations of bond strctching frequencies, bond lengths and dissociation
energies, as advanced by BernsteinIOO, have bcen pursued by McKean and co-
workers101 for a large variety of niolecules among which are the diazirines. CH
dissociation energies (D!LJ of 110.8 and 98.4 kcal \vere predicted for diazirine and
dinietliyldiazirine, respectively.
The 3920 A absorptioa spectrum of difluorodiazirine \vas reinvestigatcd by
I-iepburn and Hollas102and changes in structural parameters for the ground lo the
excitcd state were calculated as 0.036 and -0.038 8, for the NN and FF bond
lengths, respectively, which may bc compared to t-0.06 and -0.034 8, for N N and
FF, respectively, as found by LKRBK". Hepburn anc! Hollas also conclude that
there is no positivc evidence for a second electronic system in thc 3520 8, region.
Accurate valiics of the 14N nuclcar quadriipole coupling constants (MHz) have
been measured by Pochan and fly gar^'"^, as xna = + 0 . : 9 6 , xbb = - 3.010,
xcc = +2.814, all 2 0.150, wlicre the n axis is coincident \ v i t h the molecular symmetry
axis and h is in the plane of the moleculc. These valucs are in fair agreement with tlie
calculated results of LKRBK:', xaa = -0.S MHz, xbb = - 1.S8 MHz, xrc = +2.69
MHz. Walsli orbitals having sp orbitals in the plane of thc ring (one pointing away
from the N and containing a lone pair of electrons; the other entering into a C-N
G bond) werc used \vith unhybridized p: and p v orbitals to dcscribe the 14N field
b. Kinctics of ~ I I C I ~tlecoiuposi/ion.
III~/ Relativcly little work had bcen donc on the
thermal decomposition of aliphatic diazo coinpounds, presumably because of their
instability, u n t i l tlie discovery of convcnicnt preparative proccdurcs for various
substitutcd diazirincs. Since thesc cornpounds appeared to be more stable than the
corresponding diazo cornpounds, there followed a substantial amount of work on
their decomposition. This section will deal primarily with tlic physicocheniical
aspccts of such dccornpositions.
Frev and Stcvens'u4 havc investigated the thermal dcconiposition of dimethyl-
diazirine (DhlD) in the teniperatitrc rangc from 123 to 173 " C ,and havc found this
reaction, producing properic and nitrogen, to be homogeneous and first order. Below
100 torr, the first-order rate colistant decreases with pressure, but a t 100 torr i t
has essentially attaincd its high-pr'essiire limit. At an initial pressure of 4 torr, the
measured first-order ratc coiistants yield an activation energy of 33.2 kcal!niol. At
this pressure and 145.1 "C, k := 3.47 x lo-' sec-I. At suficicntly high pressures the
riitc const;int of a iininiolccular rcnction should bc indcpendcnt o f pressure, and
conscqucntly tlic aiithors propose that t h i s reaction is probably unimolecular.
Furthcr, no depart tire from lirst-order kinctics \vas observed eve11 in runs carried
to iiiorc than SO'): decomposition. Sincc propcne is known to bc an intiibitor of
1. General and thcorctical aspects of tlic diazoniuni and diazo groups 25
radical-chain reactions, and since the rate of decomposition of dimethyldiazirine
is not affected by the accumulation of propene in the system, it was concluded that
i t was unlikely that any chain reaction is involved. Hence it was presumed that the
decomposition is a true unimolecular reaction. These authors considered two
possible mechanisms, first, a 1,2-hydrogen shift and a C-N scission to form a
diradical as a n intermediate, followed b y a breaking of the remaining CN bond and,
second, a concerted mechanism in which N2 is released and diniethylcarbene is
formed as an intermediate, followed by the rearrangement to propenc. The authors
argue that thc first mechanism is unlikely on energetic grounds.
Boltomley and Nyberg'O' have also investigated thc gas-phase thermal decomposi-
tion of DMD, but in the temperature range 60-70 "C and at pressures of 200 torr, at
very slow rates using precision gas-volumetric techniqtics. Their rcsults a n d those
of Frey and Stevens'o', aftcr adjustmcnt for pressurc differcnces, fit a single Arrhenius
activation energy cquation. They also concliidc that the reaction is homogeneous.
Bottoniley and NybcrglOs argue for a mechanism in which dirncthyldiazomcthanc is
formed as a n intermediate, since the high value of the pre-exponential factor (loll)
is taken to indicate a transition state considerably 'looser' (i.e. highcr entropy) than
the initial configuration, espccially whcn a rigid cyclic structure is broken.
The thermal decomposition of difluorodiazirine (DFD) yields primarily nitrogen.
tetrafluoroethylenc, hexafluorocyclopropnnc and perfliioro-2,3-diaza-l,3-butadienc,
with traces of other fluorinc-containing compoundsq4.IoG.
The reactions may be represented a s a serics of competitive consecutive steps:
k = 1013.40
exp ( - 30,50O/RT) sec-l
= 7 torr
k = 1 013.3'
exp ( - 30,87O/RT) sec-'
pi. reoctant = 5 torr
Et\ /N cis and irans (118-149 "C)
c II
Et' \N \ E t T
In all cascs the reactions \vcre homogeneous and first order, and probably uni-
ni olccu lar .
1. Gcneral and theoreiical aspects of the diazonium and diazo groups 27
Although it does not properly fall under the heading of kinetics of thermal
decomposition, nevertheless it seems appropriate to take note of a study of the
polymerization of difluorodiazirine (DFD)"O bccause of the information which such
work may provide concerning possible reaction intermediates. Pyrolysis or ultra-
violet pyrolysis of difluorodiazirine in the presence of boron trifluoride produced
polydifluoromethylene. Unlike Frey, Ogden and M itschllofavour the formation of a
linear intermediate rather than the concerted clirnination of nitrogen i n the de-
composition of DFD. Under certain conditions tetrafluoro-2,3-diazabuta-l,3-dienc,
tetrafluorethylcne and perfluorocyclopropanc arc formed from the decomposition
of DFD:
/N A F
F,C II -f F\/c=c\ / -I- /CF,
\ + F,C=N-N=CF,
\N F F F,C-CF,
Me\ H
__ ,CI
+ Me\ /
+ Nz
CI/ \rd ' H/'=' \H H'c=c \c I
k = 10'3~8R5exp ( - 30,45O/RT) see-'
(20 torr of diazirine and 60 torr of n-butane; 103-145 "C)
T h e values of the free energy of activatioi? (AG*) for decomposition of all the
alkylchlorodiazirines fall within the range 28.75 k 0.3 kcal/mol and the authors
again interpret this as supporting the intermediate formation of a carbene by a
concerted elimination of nitrogen.
T h e thermal decomposition of 3-chloro- and 3-bromo-3-phenyldiazirines (BPP)
has been investigated in several solvents over the 60-1 10 “C temperature range"?.
In this temperature range, 3-chloro-3-phenyldiazirine(CPD) decomposes uni-
molecularly to yield nitrogen and the corresponding carbene. This carbene can
either rcact with diazirine t o give dimeric product or with the solvent t o yield the
appropriate compounds. T h e average activation energies for CPD and BPD are
27.8 and 27.4 kcal/mol respectively, the former being averaged over that obtained in
three different solvents. The former value represents a decrease in activation energy
of about 3 kcal/mol from that found for 3-chloro-3-methyldiazirineL08a n d this is
suggested to reflect the resonance stabilization effects of the phenyl group on t h e
transition state of diazirine decomposition. T h e pre-exponential factors in both
cases are approximately lolo, suggesting a typically unimolecular reaction with a
relatively tight transition state. T h e results of Liu and Toriyama112 also show that
the rate of decomposition changes very little as the solvent is varied, which appears
to indicate that the transition state of the rate-determining step is likely t o bc more
radical than ionic. Further, the substituent effects are interpreted as supporting a
radical intermediate such as
I n a sccond paper Liu and Toriyama3l3have examined the cffect of porn sub-
stituents on the thermal decomposition of a series of 3-chloro-3-aryldiazirinesin
various solvents. A summary of their results, together with those of previous workers,
is given in Tablc 21. They find, in agrcement with the data previously discussed in
this section, that thc thermal decomposition of diazirines is uniniolecular with a pre-
exponential factor of approximatcly Each of the solvents used (cyclohexene,
diethyleneglycol monoethyl ether and dirncthyl sulphoxide) gave similar organic
products and all t h e free energies of activation are approximately 26.0 ~f:0.3 kcal/mol.
I . General and theoretical aspects of the diazonium and diazo groups 29
21. Summary of kinetic data for the thermal dcconiposition of substituted dia~irines"~
Reproduced by permissiotr of the Natiofial Research Council of Canada from thc Caiindjori
Jortriial of Chemistry, 50, 3009-3016 ( I 972)
E (cal mol-I
Reference X Y State log A (kcal/mol) de2-I)
107 Fluoro Fluoro Vapour 13.40 32.50 0.5
109 Ethyl Ethyl Vnpour 13.73 3 1.89 2.0
10s Chloro Methyl Vapour 14.14 3 1.07 3.9
111 Chloro Ethyl Vapour 13.99 30.45 3.2
111 Chloro ti-Propyl Vapour 13.98 30.95 3.2
111 Chloro i-Propyl Vnpour 14.01 30.59 3.3
111 Chloro I-B u t y I Vapour i3.36 29.50 0.3
112 Chloro Trich I o r o met h y I CCI, 1330 29.20 2.3
112 Chloro Phenyl Cyclohexene 13.57 25.00 2.6
113 Chloro p-Met hoxyphenyl Cyclohcxene 13.41 26.49 0.5
113 Chloro p-Tolyl Cyclohexene 13.94 27.Y7 2.9
113 Chloro p-Chlorophen yl Cyclohexene 13.81 27.72 2.3
1I 3 Chloro p-Nitrophenyl Cyclohcxene 13.80 27.Y5 2.3
112 Brorno Phcnyl Cyclohexenc 13.75 27.36 2.1
Although the substituent effects on the rates of reaction are small, nevcrtheless the
following order can be discerned: p-CH,O>p-CH,>p-Cl> Hgp-NO?. Liu and
Toriyama employ these results in an attempt to select one of
(1) (W (111)
as the most likely transition state. The order of substituent effects would be expected
to be the reverse of that observed if the charge separated transition state I1 is
invoked. Further, the lack of solvent effects renders I1 unlikely as a transition state
i n the thermal decomposition of diazirines. I n view of the suggestion of SchmitzI1'
that a mechanism passing through transition statc I would require thc carbon atom
in that state to tend towards a sextet, a n d consequently that such a transition cannot
be stabilized by withdrawal of electrons, Liu and Toriyama conclude that the order
p-CH,O >p-CH, > H >p-CI > p - N O , would be expected, t h u s ruling against state I
in the present case. Liu and Toriyama as a result conclude that transition state 111
is most probable a n d consider three possible structures for that state:
\- \+ \- +
/C-N=N ,C-N-G /C-N=N
(Illa) (Illb) (Ilk)
State LIIc is believed t o be unlikely in view of t;ie known relative electroiiegati\.ities
of nitrogen and carbon atoms. The free radical form may be classified as ail S
radical11gi n which the observed properties are shifted in tlic same direction with
donor 2nd acceptor substituents. T h e likely order of contribution of different
30 J. B. Moffat
substituents to structure I n b would, however, be identical to the observed order.
Consequently these authors believe that the transition state of 3-chloro-3-p-
methoxyphenyldiazirine would be stabilized through both structures IIIa and b,
and hence might be expected to exhibit t h e most rapid decomposition. Since 3-
chloro-3-p-tolyl-phenyldiazirinehas less resonance ability, both transition states
IIIa and b will be involved to a lcsscr extent. With 3-cliloro-3-p-clilorophenyld~a~~~-
rinc, LlIa would then be the expected transition state, and its rate would be expected
to be lower. Although structure IIIa is relatively equally stabilized by the p - N 0 2 as
by the p-CH30 substituent, since p-NO, is strongly clectronegative ILlb is not likely,
and the stabilizing effect from IlIa may be largely erased so that the obscrvcd rate
is similar to that of the unsubstitiited compound. Liu and Toriyania conclude that
the most likely mechanism is one involving the breaking of one of the C-N bonds
leading to a diradical (IIIa) and a diazomethane (IIlb) intermediate, the contribution
of the latter probably being small due to t h e lack of solvent effects. As has been noted
earlier in this chapter (Section II.B.2) Walch and G 0 d d a 1 - d obtained
~~ wavefunctions
for diazomethane which lead them to suggest a singlet biradical structure for the
ground state of diazomethane.
Although thc recent calculations by Tschuikoiv-Roux and Jung116 on a three-
centre decomposition reaction for perfluorodiazirine might be included in the section
on theoretical studies of diazirines, they a r e included here because results of such
calculations d o provide information on a possible decomposition mechanism.
These authors begin with the stable configuration for perfluorodiazirine, that is,
with t h e N C N plane pcrpendiciilar to the FCF plane. The molecule is then perturbed
within one of three models where the L N C N bending niodc is used as the reaction
coordinate. In model I, the C-N bonds a n d the N-N bond are taken to have
half-bond orders and bond order 2.5. respectively. The C-F bond distance and the
LFCF remain unchanged from the initial state. I n model 11, the total bond order is
taken as fixed, the C-N bonds and N-N bond then have half-bond orders and
bond order 3, respectively. The L F C F is chosen as the average of that in perfluoro-
diazirine and the CF, radical. The CF, bond distance is unchangcd from the initial
value. Model I11 retains the assumption of conservation of total bond order but
postulates that the fractional decrease i n bond order of a bond bcing partially
broken is equal to An = 1/3, the fraction of the number of bonds undergoing
changes in the ring opening. Consequently, 2/3 and ,9/3 bond orders are assigned to
the C-N and N-N bonds, respectively. T h e C F bond lengths and L F C F are used
as in model 11. Basically what is then required is the minimum energy corresponding
to each of these sets of constraints, and these are calculated as 60.3, 75.6 and
32.7 kcal/mol, for models I, 11, and 111, respectively, compared to the cxpcrimental
activation energy of 32.2 kcal/niollo'. Model 111 apparently is the most appropriate
and in support yields a calculated pre-exponential factor in reasonable agreement
with the experimental value. I t should be emphasized, ho\vever, that ho\vever
interesting such results rnay be, they d o not provide sufficient information to permit
a discrimination between a thermal decomposition mechanism involving a linear
intermediate and one involving ;I concerted elimination of nitrogcn. However, the
weight of evidence prescnted in this section appcars to favour a linear intermediate
i n the decomposition of diazirines.
With d-type polarization functions.
B. Diirnide (Diazene)
1. Introduction
Although the molecular ion, N2H+,may be taken as the simplest representative of
the class of molecules containing the N N bond, the molecule H-N=N-H,
diiniide (or diazene) is perhaps a more appropriate candidate for this position, since
i t is the simplest uncharged molccule of this type. Like diazomethane, as discussed
earlier, diimide has a number of possible isomers, the cis and t r a m form, and 1 , l -
dihydrodiazine (H,N=N). Diiniide is the parent molccule of the azo compounds.
The unsymmctrically substituted diazenes, of which 1 ,I-dihydrodiazine is the parent
compound, are both important and interesting molecules. Lemallk8has pointed out
that these unstable isomers of azo compounds might be expected to lose molecular
nitrogen with ease and hence scrve as a n important method for producing carbon-
carbon bonds, as azo compounds do. However, a s a consequence of their instability,
other reactions appear to occur preferentially. Nevertheless, the properties ana
reactions of 1 ,I-disubstituted diazenes rcniain of importance in chemistry. Un-
fortunately, discussion of these compounds would lead us too far afield of the
intention of this volume. Hence, attention m i l l be limited to 1,I-dihydrodiazine
itsclf for comparison with the cis a n d fratis forms of diiniide. A comprehensive
review of nitrcncs of which Reference 126 is a part has been published previously.
The nomcnclature unfortunately presents some difficulty. Lema1126has pointed
O u t that N,H2 is a n aniinonitrene, but prefers to label R2N2.whcre the two R atoms
or groups arc attached to the same nitrogen, as I,]-disubstituted diazene, or simply
diazcncs. Hunip and suggest that the systematic name diazene would be
appropriate if N H was analogously named 'azene'. They employ diimine in prefer-
ence to diiniide on the basis of less ambiguity and continued association with the older
1. General and theoretical aspects of the diazonium and diazo groups 33
literature. In the present article, diimide and diazene will be employed interchange-
ably where n o confusion can arise.
*Although a number of workers believed that they had direct or indirect chemical
evidence for the existence of diimide, it was not until 1958 that Foner and Hudson128
first detected diimide by mass spectrometry as a n mle 30 peak during the decomposi-
tion of hydrazoic acid or hydrazine in a n electric discharge under reduced pressure.
A fast-flow system was used and the diimide was detected downstream from t h e
discharge. Foner and Hudson also showed that N2H2could be trapped a t - 196 "C
as a yellow solid consisting of ammonia and N1H2, and regenerated in the gas phase
on warming. Thermal decomposition of anthracene-9,10-biimine a t 100 "C in U U C I ~ O
\ / \
planar, cis H
planar, trans
\ .:
n o n-pla na r
One of the prime tasks of the spectroscopists was not only to determine in which of
these forms diimide exists in its most stable form, but also to elucidate the nature of
the electronic states, and in particular the electronic ground state. T h e next section
attempts to trace the development of the answers for these and other questions, and
to indicate those r.lhich remain unanswered a t this time.
W a l ~ h ' in , interesting and far-reaching semi-quantitative predictions of shapes,
~ ~his
spectra, and the electronic orbitals of polyatomic molecules, suggested that diimide
would possess a planar non-linear structure. Wheland apd Chen13' assumed N H and
N N distances to be 1-014 8, and 1.23 A, respectively, and calculated, using simple,
34 J. B. Momat
semi-empirical, LCAO-MO theory with overlap integrals neglected, a value of 100"
for the most stable N N H angle. With the assumption that the cis-lrnns isonierization
passes through a planar interincdiate in which one N N H anglc is 180". whereas the
other is allowed t o take on whatevcr value leads to the most stable configuration, an
activation energy of 33 kcal/mol was calculated for an activated complex in which
the N N H angle that is not equal to 180" has the value of 76".
Blau aiid c o ~ o r k e r sn6
~ ~obtained
~. the infrared spectrum of solid diirnide between
350 and 4900cm-l and that of t h e gas in the 3200 to 1300cm-' regions by de-
composition of hydrazine with a microwave discharge. Infrared bands were observed
at 3205, 3095,2898, 1521, 1495, 1406 and 1362 cm-l. They deduced that the solid a t
liquid nitrogen tcmperatlire has a planar structure and that the molecule appears t o
be primarily in the cis form, with molecular parameters of N H , N N and L H N N ,
being assumed as 1.014 A, 1.230 8, a n d IOO", respectively. Unfortunately, the struc-
ture of the molecule in the gaseous state could not be unambiguously determined
from the spectrum.
Dows and coworker^'^' investigated spectra of glow discharge decomposition
products of H N 3 aftcr condensation at 90 K and during slow warming. Absorptions
a t 860 a n d 3230 cm-' were attributed to N2H.?. Three prominent absorptions at
1290, 1325 and 30SO cni-' obscrved in the photolysis of NH, in solid nitrogen were
attributed13* to intermediates D, E a n d F, respectively, possibly corresponding to
NH,, N,H, and N H , respectivcly. I t was e ~ t a b l i s h e d ' that
, ~ species D contained two
hydrogen atonis but i t was not possible to distinguish between the amine radical,
cis- and tram-diimide, or NH,N3. h'lilligan and Jacox140proposc that D and E may
be N,H, o r H N = N - N = N H . Emission features near 3000 cm-' from an amnionia-
oxygen flame'." \\.ere interpreted as d u e to NH,, but with N,H, a s a n a!!ernate
possibility. Rosengren and Pimentel14? produced diimide by photolysing hydrazoic
acid, both unlabelled and labelled with deuterium and lSN, in solid nitrogen a t
20 K . To trans-diiniide the following features were positively assigned: 1285.8 cm-I
( H N N H ) , 1480.5 and 1058 cni-l ( H N N D ) , 946.2 cm-l (DNND). The only other
absorptions which displayed isotopic frequency patterns appropriate to diimide
were bands at 1279 and 3074 cm-' which they assigned to cis-HNNH.
Trombettila3 examined the infrared spectrum of N,H, vapour in the 3100 cm-l
region and the vacuum ultraviolet spectra of both N,H, and N,D,, and concluded
from an analysis of the former spectrum that N,H, in the ground state has a planar
iratis conformation with r x - x = 1.238 and LN-N-H = 109', assuming r S - H to be
between 1.05 and 1.08 A. Trombetti attributes five bands to diimide in the discharge
products (77 K) of N2H, (3095, 2950, 2900, 1404 and 1359 cm-I) and N z D 4 (2521,
2291, 2199, 1032 and 999 cni-l). Trombetti interpreted his results in terms of a tram
structure only, assigning the three infrared active fundamentals of trans-N,H, a t
3095, 1404 and 1359 cm-I (2291, 1032 and 999 cm-I for N,D,). The remaining bands
were tentatively assigned a s combinations involving unobserved Raman-active
fundamentals which were deduced to be 1552 and 1496 cm-' (1498 and 1167 cm-1
for N2D2). Trombetti also observed two electronic band systems near 3500 and
1730 8, and, from intcnsity variations in the 1730 8, system, decided that the ground
state is a triplet PB,) and that the first excited state may have a B, symmetry.
TrombettiIJJ has also measured the infrared spectra of solid N,H, and N z D 2 from
600 to 4000 cm-I at liquid nitrogen temperature. For both compounds five bands
were observed and tentatively assigned to the three allowed fundamentals (N,H,:
1359, 1404, 3095; N2D2: 999, 1032, 2291 cm-') and to two combination bands
(N,H,: 1496, 1552; N,D,: 1167, 1498 cm-') of trans-diimide.
Bondybey and Niblerl'j have preparcd N2H, as a discharge product of N,H, and
have studied the infrared and Raman spectra for both solid and matrix isolated
I . Gcnetal and thcoretical aspects of thc diazoniiim and diazo groups 35
kINNH, H N N D and D N N D . Thc five in-plane vibrations of isolated Irans-HNNH
have all been dc[eimincd: Raman A, modes, 3128, 1583 and 1529 cni-I; infrared
B,, modcs, 31 31 and 12S6 c n - ' . Isotopic substitution establishcd the characteristic
N N stretch as thc I529 cin-' band. The A, out-of-plane torsion was not definitcly
assigncd but could be a weak infrared feature observcd al 832 cm-'. N o evidence of
cis-diimide was dcteclcd. Dilution studies of the solid discharge products showed that
a nunibcr o f hydrogcn-bonded complexes form bctrveen H N N H and NH3, and
Rondybcy and Niblcr suggest thac thcir work indicates that the car!ie: iz!cYpiC:Z-
tions13G, 1 4 3 of the solid spcctra i n ternis of 'isolated' tram- and cis-diiniide must be
discountcd. Thesc authors also concludc that thcir results are not inconsistent with
Tronibetti's conclusion that tlie elcctronic ground state of N2H2is a triplet.
The infrared absorption spectrum of diimide ia ttle 3.2 pm rcgion has bcen re-
examined at higher resolution than previously and that of dideutero-
diiinide (N,D,) at 4.3 [mi was also obtaincd for the first time. The following
geomctrical paranictcrs werc obtained for the planar t r n m conformation of diimidc:
r,y-n = 1,028 A, ~'x-_g= 1.252 A, LN-N-H = 106'51'. I t is interesting to notc
that this N-N bond distance is thc same as in azoniethane, while LN-N-H is
lower than LN-N--C in the same niolecule by approximately 5 degreesIai. l J 8 .
Carlotti and coworkers14Gargue that the evidence provided on line intensities agrees
with the intensity alternation which would bc expectcd for an A, or A,, ground state.
This disagrees with the earlier conclusions of Trombettila3,whose spectral data were
recently confirmed by Willis and Back1i9.Hence Carlotti and coworkcrs offer the
possibility that the ultraviolet and the infrared spectra may not have the same lower
state. They speculate that it may be possible that planar trans-diimide converts
slowly to a less stable cis form which absorbs in the ultraviolet, so that an explanation
for the apparently long lifetime of the ultraviolet absorption could be provided.
Back and coworkers150have exainincd the absorption spectra of N2H2and N z D 2
in the gas phase in the region 3000-43OOA. The spectra were attributed to the
'B, + lAg (x* t n,) transition of trnrzs-diimidc, which the authors suggest may be
allowed as a consequence of vibronic interaction. From Franck-Condon calculations
the H-N=N angle in the upper state was calculated t o be 132", or 25 degrees larger
than the ground-state value a n d the increase in tlie N = N bond length was L' w e n as
approximately 0.05 A. As these authors point out, it might be expected that diimide
becomes non-planar in its first excited singlet state. However, if the excited state of
diimide were non-planar, progressions in the spectra corresponding to excitation of
the LJ; torsional vibration should be observed, but there are n o unassigned bands
of significant intensity.
The near-ultraviolet absorption spectrum of diiniide in liquid ammonia at - 50 "C
has been measured151. At this temperature the diiniide and ammonia should exist as
a pale yellow liquid. Compared with the gas-phase spectrum, the absorption of
diimide in aminonia is shifted to the red by approximately 500 A, broadcned
considerably, and the sharp vibrational structure found for the gas phase essentially
disappears. These effects are attributed to a strong interaction between ammonia and
diimide, possibly through hydrogen bonding. A complementary experiment with
diazomethane, in which a much smaller shift to the red was observed, leads Back and
Willis to conclude that the bonding of the diimide hydrogens to the NH, lone pairs
is much more important than the bonding of the NH, hydrogens to the lone pairs of
azomcthane or diimide, which niight be expected from the strong intramolecular
interaction between the t i v o lone pairs in azo compounds which make them less
available for intermolecular interactions.
A brief surnrnary of this section may be both appropriate and useful. The evidence
would appear to favour the planar trans configuration of diiniide as its most stable
36 J. B. Moffat
structure with values for the geometrical parameters as shown:
The electronic ground state appears to be a singlet and the first excited state
apparently possesses a planar structure with an N=N-H angle widened to 132".
3. Theoretical studies
The first theoretical studies of diimide were those of W a l ~ h and
I ~ ~Wheland and
C h e ~ ~The l ~ results
~. and conclusions of these authors have been briefly described in
the previous section and only brief additional references will be made to them here.
In 1953, W a l ~ h predicted
'~~ from the number of electrons in the molecule for the
then unknown N,H2, a planar bent ground state, existing in either a cis or a trans
form. Whelar~d'~' could not distinguish between the cis and trans forms because of
the assumptions made in his calculations, but he did find the most stable N N H
angle to be about 100" and a n activation energy of 33 kcal/mol for the cis-trans
T h e spectroscopic studies in the mid-60's o n the structure of diimide prompted
Alster and Burnel11S2to carry out extended Hiickel (EXH) calculations on the
cis-trans thermal isomerization of NzHz.They considered three possible activated
complexes: (i) a n asymmetric bent structure in which one N N H angle was held a t
180" while the other N N H angle was varied to produce the most stable configuration
(lowest electronic energy), (ii) a 90" twisted structure in which one N N H bond is
held a t 90" to the second N N H bond and both angles are varied to minimize the
energy, (iii) the linear N2HZstructure. The N N and N H bond distances were held
fixed at 1.22 and 1.03 A, respectively. Values of 128" in the cis, trans and asymmetric
bent geometries and 143" in the 90" twisted structure for the N N H angle were found
to minimize the energy. Energy differences from the cis form, which these calcula-
tions predicted to be of lowest energy, are 8.5, 11.6, 16.6 and 20.6 kcal/mol for the
trans, asymmetric bent, 90" twist and linear forms, respectively. Hence the 8.5 kcal/
mol corresponds to the cis-rratzs transition energy and the remaining values t o the
predicted activation energies for the isomerization of the cis form.
Very shortly after, Robin and coworkers1s3published the results of their work on
t h e electronic states of azoalkanes. They performed ab inirio calculations in a
Gaussian-type orbital (GTO) basis with limited configuration interaction, and, in
addition, measured the electronic spectra of a series of trans-azoalkanes,
R-N=N-R, where R was CH,, Co_Hs,(CH,),CH and (CH,),C, also trans-
difluorodiazirine and one cis-azoalkane, 3-methyl-l-pyrazoline,
/" =N\
In their calculations, cis- and tratzs-HN=NH were taken to have planar structures
with L N N H = 112"39', D(N-H) = 1.021 A a n d D(N=N) = 1.240 A. Two basis
1. General and theorelical aspects of the diazoniuni a n d diazo groups 37
sets wcre employed, a conventional 'energy-niininiized' gaussian basis and a n
augmented GTO basis. The authors note that it appcars that the energy-minirnizcd
basis yields excited states of unusually high cncrgies due to a ncgkct of thc rails of
the wavefunctions. It is predicted that in the case of tmri.s-diirnidc, the lowest cxciteti
triplet state will lie below the singlet ground state when calculatcd in the energy-
minimized basis, but 2 eV abovc it when calculated in thc augmcntcd basis.
Consequently their calculations primarily employed the augmented basis. Ionization
potentials of 10.97 and 10.46 eV were calculatcd for cis- a n d /rcrns-diimide, rcspcc-
tively, compared to t h e Foncr a n d valuc of 9.S5 eV.
Gordon a n d FisherISJ, as part of a study of the isomerization mcclianism o f
diazacumulenes using the INDO mcthod, examincd diiniide and difluorodiimide.
I n both cases the cis form was found to be tlicrniodyiianiically more stable thari thc
tram form by 4.5 and 4.1 kcal/mol for diimide and difluorodiimidc, rcspectivcly.
Activation energies of 46 and 72 kcal/niol arc predicted for inversion and rotation
o n one nitrogen, respcctively, if o n l y singlet states a r e involved \vith diimide. A
triplet isomerization proceeding by a rotation around the double bond has ;i
calculated activation energy of 40 kcal/mol for diiniide. For difluorodiimidc the
calculated singlet a n d triplet activation energies are 6S and 52 kcal/iiiol, i~:spcctivdy.
SCF-LCAO-MO calculations using Gaussian functions and cmploying the
I BM O L program with a basis set consisting o f 9s and 5p for N and C and 4s for Fl
were reported by Lchn and Munsch15S.The bond Icngths or diiniide were takcn from
the results of Blau a n d H ~ c h h e i n i e r 'and
~ ~ the N N H bond angles \vcrc optimized.
T h e result:; a r e given in Table 23. T h c lrnrrs form is found !o be niorc stable t h a n the
cis by 10.5 kcallmol. Thermal tram-to-cis isorlicrization by inversion ;it onc nitrogen
(activation energy of 50 kcal/rnol) is predictcd, thc activation encrgy for rotation
around the N = N bond being substantially higher a t 54.1 kcal/niol. Veillard. Lchn
and MunschISGh a d pointed out earlier that nitrogen invcrsion is accompanied by a
2s --f 2p electronic population transfer at the inverting nitrogen atom. With diimidc
a decrease of approximately 0.3 a n d 0.1 elcctron was observed for tlic nitrogen 2s
and hydrogen (OR the inverting nitrogen) 1s populations, respectively. Sinitiltancously
the population of the nitrogen 2p orbital lying in the direction of the lone pair
increases by 0.47 electron. From a comparison of population changes on inversion
in other molccules the authors conclude that a high inversion barrier corresponds to
a large population transfer.
Scliaad and Kinser (SK)Is7 point out that diiniidc gives cis addition of hydrogcn
to a double bond, which is usually interpreted i n ternis of a cyclic transition state,
which seems to imply a cis structure for diimidc or pcrliaps an easy intcrconversion
between the cis and trnris forins. With this in mind, calculations were done employing
38 J. B. Moffat
a minimal basis of Slater-type orbitals (Is for each hydrogen and Is, 2s, 2p,, 2p,, 2pz
for each nitrogen and carbon atom) expressed in terms of normalized gaussian
functions. In their calculations o n the various f o r p s of diimide, SK optimized bond
angles and bond lengths. The same conformations of diimide as those studied by
Lehn and Munsch1K5were also considered by Schaad and Kinser, except that in
place of the perpendicular form, a twisted form with a variable out-of-plane angle
was employed. Only the closed-shell singlet states of the electronic configurations
were considered.
Table 24 shows the results of Schaad and Kinser for the various configurations.
When the configurations yielding the lowest energies had been found, the bond
lengths and angles were varied to minimize the energy of that configuration. The
lowest energy configurations found were:
cis: (lal)2(lb2)'(2al)'(2b~))?(3a,)'(4al)~(1
tram: ( I a,)?( 1 b,)2(2ao)2(2bU)?(;a,))?~3bU)?(
1 aU)?(4as)?
Table 24 summarizes the values of the total electronic energy and bond angles and
lengths for the optimum geometries. The table indicates that the trans structure is
7 . 6 kcal/mol lower in energy than that of the cis and the lowest energy path for the
tratis-cis isomerization involves the bent conformation with a n activation energy
of 7 2 . 4 kcal/mol. These authors employ group frequencies to calculate statistical
mechanical values of various thermodynamic functions. I t turns out that the hG,,,
value for cis-tram isomerization is 7.5 kcal/mol yielding a value of 2.7 x lo5 (25 "C)
for the equilibrium constant, K = [ t r a m l / [ c i r ] ,which implies that approximately
2.2 x lo1*molecules of cis isomer are piesent per mole. Hence, double bond reduction
could take place only with the cis isomer which is replenished through equilibrium
with the trans form.
24. Total electronic energy and geometrical parameters for
conformation of N2H,lS7
Electronic Bond lengths (A) Bond angles
energy -
Conformation (kcal/niol) NN NH NNH 4'
cis - 66,844.1 1.27 1.13 112" 0'
lrans -66,851.7 1.28 1.13 104" 180"
linear - 66,654.9 2.28 2.77 180" -
twisted -66,767'6 2.53 1.24 105" 90"
bent - 66,779.1 2.42 1 ;::; 115"
180") -
Bond lcngths
Bond angle Em.
Basis sct Structure " N Ii HNN (liar t ree)
where zi E , (atom) = - 109.77432 hartree for N,H, yields binding energies of 4.55,
4.62 a n d 4.55 eV for !rwris-diiinide, cis-diirnide and H,N+=N-, respectively. Hence
all these species are predicted by Wong and coworkers to be possible, although
diimide is thermodynamically unstable with respect to N,-t H,, as shown by Schaad
and Kinscr'". F r o m Table 25 i t is readily seen that the calculated order of stability
places rrcitu-diimidc first, followed by cis-diimide, then H,N4-=N-- followcd by the
f r o m form i n the triplet state. Hence a planar, f rom structure for a 'Ag clectronic
ground state is favoured.
Tinland15sapplicd the CNDO/S to the cis and frxm forins of diimide
with the geometries of Robin and coivorkers1":'. T h e computed ionization potentials
of cis- and trorrs-diimide are 12.61 and 11.96 eV, respectively. and i t is predicted
that the fratis form is more stable than thc cis forin by 0.47 e V . The general features
of the shape of diimide, molecular cnergy levels a a d simplc molecular orbital
40 J. B. MoFi'at
picturcs as dctcrmined by estcndcd Hiickel calculations are presented by GimarclG1.
Giniarc also makes usc of syrnnictry arguments in discussing probable cis-trans
isomcrization mcc!ianlsms. Ir. thc /rotis isomer of N2H2, the highest occupied
orbital is 3 4 whilc in the cis isomcr it is 2b,. O n rotation from trans t o cis through
thc non-planar transition state, the /ram 3aL orbital moves much higher in energy to
bcconic a? in thc cis form. On the other hand, the lowest unoccupied orbital in the
/ r u m form is />: which falls in energy to become 2b, in the cis form on rotation from
/ r m s to cis. Hencc the orbitals cross, and consequently the electrons in the highest
occupicd orbital ( 3 4 ) of /rms-diimide, o n rotation from Irons to cis through t h e
non-planar transition statc, would have t o transfer to the b orbital, which falls
during rotation. to avoid moving to the higher energy. As Gimarc points out, this
would be a violation of the principles of conservation of orbital symmetry1G2.I n the
C, pathway the a, b synimctry is lost and 3aL can be convcrted directly to 2b2. Hence
thc planar C, transition state for the N2H, isomerization is strongly favoured since
thc linear state can be excludcd on cncrgetic grounds and the non-planar rotation
by symmetry conditions.
The II x* transition cnergies and one-electron orbital energies for the cis and
mately 5-6 eV and 2.5-3.5 eV in thc trotis a n d cis compounds, respectively. The two
K * transitions in the /ram compound are separatcd by about 6 eV, but only
2 eV in tlic cis compound. Valucs reported for the transition energies for diirnide
arc 4.37 and 3.37 eV for cis and /rotis forms, respectively, to be compared with
Trombctti's cxpcrimcntal \slue of 3.55 eV for the /rnns structure.
Genson and Clirisioffc'rseii'", continuing their work o n ab irii/io calculations by
a techniquc employing molecular fragnicnts and employing the floating spherical
gaussian orbitals of Chit and FrostlG5as basis functions, applied this inethod
to a numbcr 01' nitro_scn-containing moleculcs, including diimide. Bond lengths of
2.30 and 1.91 I bohr for N-N and N-H bond distances, respectively, were used.
They too find that thc frn/rsform is the more stable with energy of - 93.56754 hartree
comparcd to - 93,5604s hartree for the cis form. Thc value of E(c-is)- E(/rons) was
calc1rlntcd a s 4.5' kcal/mol.
/ { / I irririo calculations were pcrformcd with tlie IBMOL-5 program, using a
gaussian-type basis, on I , I -dihydrodiazine and on cis- and /ram-diiniides by
\VaSnicrc";". Tlic gcameiry of Robin and c ~ w ~ r k was e r ~employed,
~ ~ ~ namely
I.(") = 1.240 K , /.(NH) = 1.021 A, L(NN1I) = 112"39'. Calculations involved
t \ v o lxisis scis ( I nnil I l ) , onc n i t h 1 Is and 7p on nitrogen and 6s on hydrogen
contracicd 1 0 a ( 5 , 3/2) sct, tlic othcr (11) i v i t h the same contractcd basis, augmcnted
by pol:irizaiion func~ionsi n 11ic plane of tiic ~iioleculc,pz and pv, o n each hydrogen
iitotii, a i i d by dili'usc s, I>=, pv, pz functions on each nitrogcn atom. Thc lowest
1. Geceral and theoretical aspects of t h e diazonium and diazo groups 41
energies were, of course, obtained with basis set I1 and are listed below for the
lowest closed-shell state:
cis-Diimide - 109.96639 hartree
trans-Di i m ide - 109.98092 hartree
1,l-Dihydrodiazine - iO9-95317 hartree
Calculations by Wagniere'"" on the excited states of the three molecules showed that
the 3A, state of 1,l-dihydrodiazine lies 0.090 eV in energy below that of the closed-
shell state lAl (basis set 11).
Hariharan and Pop1el6' have carried out a6 irzitio calculations intended to examine
the influence of polarization functions on molecular orbital hydrogenation energies,
and in so doing have used a 4-31 G basis set, a 6-3 1G basis set and a 6-31G basis set
with polarization functions added. The 4-31G set has an s inner-shell function which
is a linear combination of four s-type gaussian functions and a valence shell (s and p)
represented by inner (three-gaussian) and outer (one-gaussian) parts. For hydrogen,
similar (31) s-type functions are used. The 6-31G basis set differs from the 4-31G
set in improvement of the inner-shell function. Then a set of six single (uncontracted)
d-gaussian functions is added t o the 6-31G set for heavy atoms, the hydrogen
functions being unmodified. This set is labelled 6-3 1G*. The basis set called 6-31G**
is arrived at from the 6-31G* set by adding three p-polarization functions on each
hydrogen atom. Bond lengths of 1-25 8, and 0.99 A for N N and N H , respectively,
109.47" for the N N H bond angle, and the rrms conformation, were employed for
diimide. Total energies as follows were calculated with the various basis sets
6-31G - 109.92792
6-31G* - 109.99123
6-31G** - 109.99768
These values may be compared with - 109.81102 and - 109.79320 hartree for zrans-
and cis-diimide obtained earlier with the 4-3 1G setlG8.For the complete hydrogen-
ation reaction
HN=NH+P H, 2 NH,
I t is interesting to note. that Back, Willis and R a m ~ a y ' ~ "from , their absorptiGn
spectral data and Franck-Condon calculations, predicted that the l(tr, x * ) state of
diimide would have a n N-N bond length increased by 0.05 8, and an H N N angle
25" larger than the ground-state value, for the /rotis form. Baird and Swensonlo9
calculated 0.058, a n d 12" for the corrcsponding increases, providing reasonably
satisfactory agreement.
Calculations show that / i ~ ~ tot i scis isomcrization through a rotational nicchanisni
is preferred far both the :I(ir, x * ) a n d ' ( t i , x * ) slates of diimide with the activation
energies being zero for both states, compared to 25 and 23 kcal/mol, respectively,
for passage through t h e planar transition state. Rotational isomcrization for thc
3 ( x ,T ; * ) state should be symmetry-forbidden, and the /ratis to cis barricrs a r c
calculated to be 71 and 65 kcal/rnol for the rotational and planar transition statcs,
In the course of analysing the photoelectron spcctra of a number of a m compounds,
Brogli and coworkcrs170 have perfornicd some extended Hiickel and M I N DO/2-
type calculations o n cis- and /rotis-diiruide. From the latter type of calculations they
have shoivn that the splitting for the nitrogen lone-pair orbital encrgies passcs through
a maximum at about 120" for the N-N-I-I angle i n the / r n m form bui n :nininiuin
at about 100" for the ci.y form. This appears to bc supportcd, in part, by tlicir spectral
data. GimarclG1argued that such behaviour in cis-azo groups is duc to a 'through-
bond' interaction of the ti+-orbital with n lower lying N-N ci-orbital.
Merenyi and coworkersi71used the program REFLECT, which employs a bilsis
set of gaussian orbitals, in this case four s-type orbitals on cach hydrogen atom and
sevcn s - ~ y p cand tlirce p-typc on cnch nitrogen atom, to calculate barricrs to rotation
and inversion for cliimidc and its protonatcd form. The ycoinetry of Lclin and
Munsch'j5 was used. Thcir rcsults a r e surninarized i n Table 27. \!'ill1 both diiinidc
1. Gcncral and thcorctical aspccts of the diazonitin? and diazo groups 43
and protonated diimide the inversional barrier is lower than the rotational barrier
for isomerization, but the corresponding barriers for the protonated form are l o w r
than those for thc unprotonated form.
trails - 109.8175
CiS - 109.5033 8.9(c-r)
planar bcnt - 109.7348 51.9”
twisted - 109.7044 71.0
H,N ’ =NH - 1 IO.13GO
planar bent - I10.0580 30. I
twisted - 110.0325 64.9
An extensive study172by mcans of ab iiiitio SCF and CI methods has been carried
out on both the ground and excited states of diirnide for the purpose of investigating
the ultraviolet spectrum of this nioleciile. The N N and N H distances were held fixed
at 1.238 8, a n d 1.065 A, respectively’”, and the N N H bond angle was varied from
90” to 170” for a variety of electronic configurations. A n absolute minimum was
obtained for the t r a m form with an energy of - 109.9345 hartree, first ionization
potential of 10.78 eV and cis-/mns energy difference of 12.6 kcal/niol. A barrier to
isomerization of 109 kcal/mol was calculated for the ground state by employing a
linear configuration for the transition state.
The most recent reports of theoretical studies on diimide appear to be that o f
Vasudevan and coworkers’72, mentioned previously, and that of Winter and
P i t z e ~ ’ ~I n~ .the latter work, both N H and N N bond distances and the N N H bond
angle were varicd to achieve a geofiietry optimization to 0.01 bohr and 0.3” for thc
bond distances and angle, respcctivcly. Hartree-Fock calculations employed the
9SSP/4S gaussian basis set of Huzinaga”.‘ contracted to a [4s3p/Zs] basis by
DunningIi5. A summary of geometries, energies and energy difTcrenccs for all
calculations of these and previoas workers is shown in Table 28.
Ahlrichs and Staeninilcr17Chave published the rcsiilts of nb iiiitio calculations on
the structure and geometry of thc three isomers of N,H?. including 1.1-dihydro-
diazine, a n d using gaussian basis sets with polarization functions. Thesc authors
refer to the work of Carlotti and coworkersIJG and Frost and c o ~ v o r k e r sas ~~~
establishing experimentally that diiniide possesses a singlei ground state in a planar
t m n s configuration. T h e latter authors have studied the photoelectron spectrum of
N2H,and conclude that they are probably observing the molecule in the singlet
ground statc.
The calculations of Ahlrichs and Staeinr?iler, thc rcsults of which are sunimnrized
i n Table 25, account for clectron corrclation by means of a configuration intcrnction
(CI) computation bascd on the pair natural orbitals ( P N O ) of the respective pair
correlation functions ( P N O CI). This trcatmcnt is stated by these authors to bc
essentially cquivalcnt 10 ;i configuration interaction calculation in \vhich all doubly
substituted configurations have bccn included with thc l-lartree-fock function. I n
28. Geometries and energies for cis- and trorrs-diimide P
AE (kcalimol)
RSN RXII 8Nslr E (kcalimol) (froin trotis
Author (A) [A) (degs) (liartree) (cis-irorrs) form) Reference
W licl nn d 100' 33 i34
Alstcr and 13urncllc 1.22 1.03 128* 8.5 12 152
Robin. Hart and Kucbler I ,210 1.021 I I2.7* 153
Gordon a n d Fisher 4.5 4G (i); 72 (r) 154
Lelin and blunsch cis I .230 1.014 117* - 109.9076 10.5 50 (i); 53 (r) 155
trolls 1.230 1.014 I lo* - 109,9242
Schnnd and Kinscr CiS 1.27* 1.13* 1 I?* - 106.5745 7.6 7 2 (i) 157
[rails I .28* 1.13* IO4* - 106.5365
W o n g , Fink and Allen cis 1.245* 1.011* I15.5* - 109.929i 0.7 158
lrorrs I .251* I .005* 102.5" - 109.9302
\Vong, Fink and Allen cis I .245* 1.011* 1 I5.5* - 109.9442 5.3 4
frnrrs 1.196* 1.005* 102.5" - 109.9527
Ti 11I n nd 1.230 I .07 1 112.7 10.8 159 ?
Gcnsnn o n d CIi r i s t o ffcrscn cis 1.217 1.01I - 93.5605 4.5 164 z0
troiis 1.217 1.011 - 935675
\Vn g nicre cis 1.240 I 4 21 112.7 - 109.9664 166 CI
trails 1.240 1.021 112.7 - I099809
Rntlom, I-lchre and Pople cis 1.25 0.99 109.5 - 109.7932 11.2 168
[rnIIs 1.25 0.99 109.5 - 109.81 10
Hariharan and Pople trails 1.25 0.99 109.5 - 109.9977 167
Baird and S w n s o n cis 1.21 1.01 115 - 108.5595 5 GO (i); 84 (r) 169
traris 1.21 1.01 109 - 108.5678
blcrinyi, Wcttermnrk and Roos cis 1.230 1.014 117 - 109.8033 8.9 52 (i); 71 (r) 171
fraiis I .230 1.014 I10 - 109.8175
cis 1.238 1 .OG5 Ill* - 109.9144 12.6 109 (linear 172
froris state)
trotis 1,238 1.065 Ill* - 109.9345
Winter and Pitzer cis 1.235* 1.025 * 1 l6* - 109.9301 8.2 173
fratis 1.239* 1.017* 110' - 109,953I
Alilriclis and Staeminlcr traits 1.207* 1.0'1* 109* - 110.3755 5.8 55 176
cis 1.207* I .032* 11.1" - 110.3665
~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~
so that the isomerization apparently competes with this process. Further, thcir
value of 5 5 kcal/niol for the barrier to the / / ~ n n s - c i sisomerization suggcsts that such
isomerization is unlikely to be the first step of the decomposition of N,H2
C. Disubstituted Diimides
1. N,F,
a. T/ieot.eficnlslrrdies. Next to diimide itself, probably the most studied diimidc,
froin the point of view of theoretical calculations, has bcen difliiorodiiiiiidc.
Extended Hiickcl calculations were employed by Kaufman and coworkers179to
examine some properties of molecules containing nitrogen and fluorine, among
them being cis- and Irntis-N,F,. The values given by Simborn1s8for thc structural
parameters \yere used. Calciilatcd N-F overlap populations of 0.33 and 0.32 for thc
trotis and cis forms, respectively, and 1.09 and 1.16 for that of the N = N bond in
the t v m s and cis forms, respectively, indicated that the N-F distance in /t.ntis-N,F,
should be shorter than that in cis-N,F,, while the N = N distance i n cis-N,F, should
bc shorter than that in ttwtzs-N,F,. I n addition, thcir calculated total elcctronic
energies suggested that thc cis form should be niorc stable than tlic lrntis.
Ray and N a r a ~ i n i I i a n have
~ ~ ~ utilized cxtendcd Hiickel theory to study the
transition state in thc isornerization of frntis-N,F, to cis-N,F,. Thc structural data
of Rohn and Ikiuer201were employed i n the calculations. Configurations gcncratcd
by rotating one N F bond around ttic N N axi s were considered. Two typcs of f r o m
configurations were cxariiined, one (T) i n \vhich the esperimentally observcd bond
kngtlis and angles of thc I t x m form ivcre uscd, and the othcr (T') in which thosc of
the cis form (C) \rere employed. Like\vise C' refcrs to a hypothetical cis forni in
\vhich the /r.otis bond Icngths and angles arc uscd. Lincar configurations. LT and
L c , tvere also considered, i n the former thc N--N and N-1: bond lengtlls of
Iratis-N,F, tvcre used, wtiilc in ttic latter those of the cis forin w r c cmploycd.
46 J. B. Moffat
Table 29 summarizes t h e calculated values of electronic energy. The calculated
binding energy for fratis-N,F,, 255.4 kcal/mol is in good agreement with the
experimental value 07 2 4 4 . 3 kcal/mol 193. The cis ( C ) configuration is predicted to be
more stable than the rratls(T) by approximately 15 kcal/mol, compared with 3 kcal/mol
found exprrimcntally (Armstrong and Marantz). The T' and C' configurations have
higher energies than the respective T a n d C forms. Barrier heights in the isomeriza-
tion of rrans- to cis-N2F, are shown in Table 30. According to the results of
exteilded Huckel calculations, of t h e three transition-state configurations considered,
that achieved by a rotation around the N = N bond possesses the lowest energy.
Geomctrical paratnctcrs
Bond angles
Bond lengths (A) (degrees) Rclat ive
- - cnergy
Statc Form N-F N=N LFNN Di ticdral (kcal/mol)
Singlet linear 1.25 1.20 - - 143.8
Triplet lincar 1.25 1.20 - - 128.6
Triplet cis 1a23 1.30 111 0 98.5
Triplet bcnt 1-25 I .2G 115 - 94.0
Singlet lratis I -24 1.24 132 100 85.0
Singlet bent 1*24 1.22 114 - 67.7
Triplet fratis 1.24 1,27 119 180 66.7
Triplet trans 1.24 1-30 113 70 52.0
Singlet fratis 1.25 1.25 109 180 4.1
Singlet cis 1.25 1.24 116 0 0.0
a Bond lengths in bracicts refer to the N - F lengths at the N - F which is bending.
workers varied the value of the /3 constant for fluorine in the CNDO method to bring
the experimental and theoretical N- F distances for the traits into coincidence.
Table 32 summarizes their results, which d o not differ greatly from those of Gordon
and Fisher1sa except in predicting a n activation energy of 81.1 kcal/mol for the
inversion mechanism.
Girnarc'"' applied the extended Huckel method to N2F, and discussed the results
primarily from the point of view of the molecular orbitals involved and the shapes
of the molecule. For molecules like N,F, which possess 24 valence electrons, the
highest occupied orbitals for linear geometry would be the doubly degenerate upper
Gcometrical parametcrs
Bond angles
Bond lengths (A) (degrees) Relative
Form N-F N=N LFNN Dihedral Symmetry (kcal/mol)
TABLE 33. Observed and calculated ionization potentials (eV) for N2H, and
fratrs-N,F, la'. Reprintcd, with pcrniission, from Brundle and coworkers, J .
Atner. C/ietn. Soc., 93, 1451 (1972). Copyright by the Anicricnn Chemical Society
N,H, N,F,
Adiabatic Vertical
Orbital 0.92 K.T.= Orbital 0.92 K.T.O IP IP
4% 9.84 13.92 12.8 13.4
1a, 13.07 14-24 13.65 14.1
3bu 15.97 16.60
3ag 17.42 17.50
2bU 23.93 18.57
2% 34.80 19.80 18.0 18.70
1 bU 39 1.4 20.20 13.80
1 ak7 39 1* 5 20.39 21.0
24.06 22.3 72.7
66 1
66 1
(I 0.92 K.T. refcrs to 920/, of the valuc as given by Koopmans' theorem.
Mean heats of reaction of 21 1.7 and 209.2 kcal/niol were measured for the tram
and ‘active’ isomers, respectively. The difference in the heats of reaction of the two
samples, adjusted for the purity of the samples, yields a heat of isomerization
( a c t i v e 2 trans), AH/O?g8= 3.0 kcal/mol, indicating that the ‘active’ form is more
stable thermodynamically than the f r o mform. Use of AH/0208[NH,(g)]= - 11.04 kcal/
m0Iig4, and AH,?,,,[NH,F(c)] = - 1 1 1.0 kca1/nio1185, produces values of 19.4 and
16.4 kcal/tnol for AH,029s of the f r m u and ‘active’ isomers of N,F2, respectively.
Arnistrong and Marantz calculate the total binding energy of tratis-N,F, to be
244.3 kcal/mol, which, with the use of 107.9 kcal/mol for E ( N = N ) , yields a value of
68.2 kcal,/mol for E(N-F).
The microwave spectrum of the ‘active’ isomer of N,F, was measured by
Kuczkowski and Wilson1eG,who concluded that the structure was planar and cis
with NN and N F bond lengths of 1.214 and 1.384 A, respectively, and F N N angle
I . General a n d theoretical aspects of the diazoniuni a n 3 diazo groiips 51
01' 114.5 '. A dipolc iii~iiicnto l ' O . 1 6 D \\'as obtninccl from thc rotational Stark clTect.
Thus, by 1963, the evidencc in favour of the cis structurc for the 'active' isomer
seemcd strongly to outweigh any other previously hcld conclusion.
Thc gas-phase infrarcd and liquid-phase Raman spectra of irom-N,F, has been
measured by King and Overend'!'', \vith the following vibrational assignments:
VXS = 1 5 2 2 , s ~ =~1010,s8~,-17
~ = 600, i i v ~ 1 . -= 990, a 8 ~ 1 =
. ' 423 and torsion = 363.5
cm-'. Thcse authors note that their assignment of thc infrared spcctrum is essentially
the samc as that of Sanborn'". I n a subsequent thesc same authors re-
studied sonic of the bands at higher rcsolution to obtain cstirnates of the rotational
constants, which values are consistent with the values of Bauer18' from elcctron
diffraction nieasurcnients.
T h e Ranian spcctrum of gaseous troiz.7-I ,2-dilluorodiazine has been reportcd by
Shaniir and Hyman139.The three symmctric vibrations were obtained and assigncd
as 101s cm-', N-F symmetric stretch; 1523 cm-l, N = N stretch, and 603 cm-',
N = N - F symmetric bend, which agree quite wcll with thosc found by King and
Overend19' for thc liquid, whcre in all cases the liquid-phasc values are lower than
those in the gas phase, as might be cxpected.
T h e Raman spectrum of cis-N,F, was also measured by King and 0verend2"".
A summary of their data, together with that of othcr workers, is givcn i n Table 34.
Bohn and Bauer201 have determined the structures of cis- and irons-I ,2-difluoro-
diazine from electron diffraction nieasuremcnts, using sectored-niicrodcnsitoinetcr
data. The gcometric configurations and interatomic distances werc found to be
essentially the same as those previously estimated on the basis of the visual tecliniquc.
Table 35 records the structural paramcters from the work of Bohn and Bauer?O1and
Kuczkowski and \Vilson196.T h e X = N and N--F distances as obtained by Bohn and
Baucr2O1 are similar to those expected for other molecules with N = N and N--F
bonds. However, in the traits isomer, L N N F = 105.5" is surprisingly small. With t h e
cis compound there is agreement between the two sets of data shown in Table 35
for the N = N bond distance and L N N F but not for the N-F bond distance. R u t
the major structural difference between the cis and trails isomers is the larger
L N N F in the former compound. This can be rationalizcd on the basis of a repulsion
between the two F atoms in the cis isomer which are about 1 Angstrom closer
together than in the trails form. T h e N = N bond lcngth is also somewhat shorter i n
the cis form, while the N-F distance is slightly longer in the cis form.
Calculations of vibrational coupling effects and potential functions of both the
cis and trans isomers have been made by Pearce and Levinzo2who cniployed the
52 J . B. Moffat
structural paramcters of Bohn a n d Bauer201, a n d compared their calculated rcsults
with t h e expcriniental Io3. Calculatcd a n d obscrved frequencies agreed
q u i t e well in all cases.
fmtu-N,F, c~s-NZF,
Bohn and Bnucr201 I3ohn and Bsucr2"l Kuczkowski and Wilson196
36. Physical propertics of cis and fratis difluorodiirnideZo3
Pankratov?"' has determined the heat of forination of the 'active' cis isomer o f
N,F, from reaction with acid potassium iodidc solution. He obtained
25.3 +_ 2.0 kcal/mol a t 25 "C a n d 20.5 t 2.0 kcal/mol a t - 105.7 "C (for t h e liquid
isomer). Pankratov calculates a dissociation energy of 97.5 kcal/mol for t h e N= N
b o n d in the cis isomer by using 61.14 kcal/mol for t h c heat of f o r m a t i o n o f N F a n d
his value f o r N2F2.
1. Gcncral snd thcorcticrl aspects of the dinzoniuni and diazo groups 53
d. Kiiictics of isoti~crizatiot~.
Binenboym and coworkers2nGhave carried out
experiments designed to provide information on the cis-tram isomerization of
difiuorodiiniide under homogeneous conditions. As has been mentioned, the
isornerization is catalysed by heated metal reaction vessels, and diiluorodiimide also
attacks glass at elevated temperatures. In the study by Binenboym and coworkers,
N2F2, highly diluted i n argon was heated i n a single-pulse shock tube. Since the
tube walls remain cold, the reaction can be studied under homogeneous conditions.
T h e isomerization was studied between 297 and 342 "C and at pressures u p to
1.6 atm. Vapoti; phase chromatography was employed to calculate cis and trans
concentrations. The isornerization was identified as first-order with rate constants
given by
k = lo" C X P ( - 32,20O/KT) SCC-'
These authors point out that the pre-exponential factor is high and similar to that
found with the carbon-carbon double-bond Howcver, their calculations
of the energy required to decouplc the x-bond overlap yielded 84 kcal/mol, much
higher than their experimental value of 32 kcaljmol. Hence they conclude that the
isomerization cannot take place by rotatiori and a decoupling of the ;r-bond overlap
so that the transition state presumably retains its double-bond character. They
tentatively suggest that a linear configuration in the transition state may be consistent
with their results.
Apparently no further work on the fratis-cis isomerization was done until, in 1974,
Vedeneev and reported on experiments done in a Teflon reactor
from 100 to 150 "C and at initial /raris-N,F, pressures of 15, 25 and 32 torr. They
report that a n autoaccelerated reaction begins ivhen the first trace of cis-N2F2 is
formed. Values of A H = -207Ok 145 cal/mol and A S = - 1.55 2 0 . 3 7 e.u. were
obtained .
2. Tetrazene
Wiberg and coworkers have recently reported on the preparationzogof tetrazcnc,
N4H4,and its photoclectron spectruni210resulting from their earlier work on azo
compounds."' Discussion of the work contained in thc latter reference Lvould lead
us too far outside the domain of this volume.
These authors believe that N,H, is l-I,N-N=N--NH2, probably, at least with
their methods of preparation, in the trnns form. Thcrmal decomposition produces
N, and hydrazine by one route or alternative rearrangcment to ammonium azide
NH: N,, the former in about 75% yield and the latter 35%. Gaseous tetrazene is
unstable a t room temperature, whereas decomposition of solid tetrazene begins at
approximately 0 "C. Their assignments of the bands of the photoclectron spectrum,
plus CNDO/S calculations lead to the following orbitals and energies: ~ ~ ( 8 . 5eV),
n+(10.13eV), ~ ~ ( 1 1 . eV),
6 7 rt-(13.92eV) and ~ ~ ( 1 4 . eV).
D. Monosubstituted Diimides
1. Introduction
Relatively little work, of either theoretical o r experimental nature, had been
reported on the physicocheniical properties o f the interesting molecules,
R-N=N-H, until quite recently. A has been published in 1971 by
Kosower. He states that, up to 1965, there \yere no reports of the direct observation
of a monosubstituted diiniidc, although there were many descriptions of reactions
in which R-N=N-H had becn invoked as an intermediate. Monosubstituted
54 J. B. Moffat
diiniides (i) are oxygcn sensitive, ( i i ) disappear via bimolecular reaction and (iii)
react (often) with base. I t is claimcd that mctliyldiiniide is tlie only monosubstituted
diiniide that can bc readily isolated in purc form.
3. Theoretical studies
Very few calculations of any type have bcen reportcd in the literature for rnono-
substituted diirnidcs. This is sonie\vliat surprising since sornc relatively simple
monosubstituted diimides, whosc existcncc has not yet been verified experimentally,
could be studicd with advantage from a thcorctical point of view. Of course the
experimentally kno\vn monosubstituted diimidcs inay still be too large for inexpensive
theoretical work.
I . Gcncral and thcorcticnl aspects of I h e diazoniuni a n d diazo groups 55
Ditchfield and c ~ \ v o r k e r s in ~ , work discusscd in an earlicr section, have
~ ~their
calculatcd the t i and x * orbital energies and singlet n -> x * transition energies for a
number of monosubstituted diirnides. Their results are summarized in Table 37.
Using thcir standard geometry, Ditchficld and coworkcrs found that the t r a n s
isomer should be more stable than the cis in the ground state. with the encrgy
difference between the two forms decreasing in the order CH,> H > NH,> OH > F.
TABLE3'7. ti, x* Orbital cnergics and singlet i f -> x * transition
encrgies (eV) for IZN=NH 1nolecu1es~~~
A.E(,r --z x*)
R E-. Ca Ic ula ted (Ld
CH, (cis) -9.30 6.68 4.63
N!.12 (cis) - 9.92 6.83 5.72
HO (cis) - 10.05 6.42 5.54
F (cis) - 11.14 5.67 5.75
CH, ( t r a m ) - 8.64 6.88 3.58 3.45-3.55 *I2
NH, ( t r a n s ) - 9.98 6.32 4.37
F (tram) - 10.05 5.87 4.22
HO (/rmrq) - 9.98 6.32 4.37
I n both the cis and trntls monosubstituted diimides, the tz --> z* transition (the
lowcst of two is reportcd) is sliiftcd to higher energy in order C H 3< HO < NH, c F
for the cis, a n d CH, < F < HO < NH1 for the fratis, although the differences for the
highest three encrgies in the trotis series is small. As Ditchficld and coworkcrs point
out the changcs of thc ti and x * orbital energics resulting from ri withdrawal are
more important than the x-donating effects.
Again, as with diimide itself, the cxistence on thc azo group of two pairs of non-
bonding electrolis gives rise to [\YO possible ti --> ;5* transitions. However, only one
low-cnergy U.V. band is usually observcd. 11' the niolcculcs have a t r a m structure, a
strong interaction will exist betwecn thc lone pairs, which gives risc to a large splitting
i n the cnergies of the t\vo 11 orbitals, and conscquently two I I -> z* transitions of
very JifTercnt energies. Ditchfield and collaborators find the splitting between the
two t i orbitals to be approxiinatcly 5-6 and 2.5-3.5 eV in thc [ratis and cis isomers,
respectively, thus supporting this explanation. The t\ro 11 -+ z* transitions are
separated by approxiniatcly 6 and 2 CV in the t r a n s and cis compounds. Consequently,
i t \vould be expected that thc second iz --> x d transition in the / r m i s isorncrs will bc in
a much dimerent region of the U.V. spcctruni.
McrCnyi and coworkers171, in their work describcd in a previous section, have
performed ab iriirio calculations 011 CH,N=NH and its protonated form for the
purpow of obtaining barriers of rotation and of inversion. Their results arc repro-
duced in Table 38. In addition, a proton aflinity of 212.5 kcal/mol and n z-orbital
energy of -0.468 hartrec were calculatcd for thc /rotis form. The high valucs for the
barrier of inversion with CH,N=NH arc attributed to the orbital associated with the
lonc pair of electrons.
I n this laboratory21c.we have employed the Gaussian 70 programme2Dand a
minimal STO-3G basis set to calculate the total electronic encrgies of a number o f
niono- and di-substituted Jiiniidcs in thcir cis and f r m i y configurations. I n all cases
tlie nuclear configurations were optimized to t 0.001 A for bond lengths and k 0.1
for bond angles. Tablc 39 summarizes [lie optimized values for the various bond
56 J. B. Moffat
TABLE 38. Total electronic cncrgies of CI&,N=NH a n d CH,N=NH,f in various
Total cncrgy Barrier
Molecule Configuration (hart rcc) (kcal/rnol)
~~ ~~
CH3N=NH trails
CH,N=NH cis - 148.7907
148.8032 7.8
CH3N-NH Jnvcrtomcr - 148.7 193 52.6 (from frutzs)
( H inverts)
C H3N=N H Invertomer - 148.7297 46.1 (from frarzs)
(CH3 inverts)
CH,N=NH; - 149.1419
CH3N=NH: Invert omcr - 149.1030 24.4
CH,N=N H: Ro tamer - 149.0371 65.8
C. Theoretical Studies
What appears to be the first calculations done on any diazonium ion wcre reported
by Schuster and P o l a n ~ k y in ? ~1965.
~ n-Bond orders and electron densities as calcu-
lated by the Huckel method were given for a number of diazonium ions including
that of methyl and phenyl. In a l l cases for RN:, the nitrogen atom adjacent to the R
group had a calculated z density of approximately + 0.8 to + 0.9 while that on the
neighboilring nitrogen atom was approximately + 0.1 to +0.2. Klasinc and
S c h u l t e - F r ~ h l i n d eperformed
~~~ the same type of calculation on a variety of
substituted phenyldiazonium ions and established correlations between the rate
constants for thermal decomposition of the diazonium ions and thc C-N bond
orders, and a quantity labelled ( A H ) , which is related to the difference betwcen the
x-electron energies of the diazonium and corresponding carboniurn ion.
Russian were also among the first to calculate properties of
diazoniurn ions using Hiickel theory. Correlations between absorption energies and
t h e differences in energies between the highest occupied and the lowest unoccupied
orbitals wcre developed.
Evleth and measured the visible-ultraviolet absorption spectra of benzcne-
diazonium, 2-, 3-, 4-methoxybenzcncdiazoniurn, 2,4-, 2 5 , 2,6-, 3,4-dimethoxy-
benzenediazonium. and 2,3,5-, 2,4,5-, 2,4,6-, 3,4,5-trinicthoxybenzenediazonium
cation in the 200-450 nm region. Hiickel theory was employed to calculate transition
energies which correlated well with those measured experimentally. The so-called
Coulomb and resonancc parameters wcre adjusted to proLide the bcst fit with the
first two electronic transitions in t h e benzencdiazoniuni cation. ;;-Electron densities
of 1.34 and 0.71 were calculated for the adjacent and terminal nitrogen atoms ot'
this cation.
The results of experiments and calculations on the electronic absorption spectra
of the benzencdiazonium cation and its p - and it~-substitutedforms werc reported by
Sukigarn and K i k u ~ h i ? The ~ ~ . ncar-ultraviolct absorption spectrum of bcnzene-
diazonium fluoroboratc in cthanc! solution produced two peaks at wavclengths 259
and 395 nm, and molar extinction coefficicnts 5640 a n d 1160, respcctivcly, \vhilc i n
q u c o u s solution the peaks appear at 263 and 298 nm. From their observed
fluorescence cniission and cxcitation spectra, thesc authors concludcd that the
radiative transition occurs from the same excited state, when the system was excited
1. General and theoretical aspects of the dia7oniiini and diazo groups 61
to the lowest excited singlet state. No emission was observed Lvlicn the diazonium
salt was excited by 259 nm light. T h e phosphorcscence emission spectrum (77 K )
was observed only when the diazonium salt solution was excited by a 295 nm light.
On the other hand, an e.s.r. signal (77 K, methanol solution) was obtained only when
the diazoniurn salt was irradiated by a 259 n m light. T h e observed c.s.r. spectrum
resembled that obtained for the phenyl o-radical.
Sukigara and Kikuchi23Gused the earlier X-ray structural d a t a of
in their Pariser and P a r P ' calculations on the benzenediazonium cations. Values
of -2-39 and -2.42 CV were taken for / 3 ~ ac n d /3m, respectively, where
/3m and w (the T;, clcctron density on t h e nitrogen atom attached to the carbon
atom and x is the direction in t h e plane of the ring and perpendicular to the N N
axis) were taken as adjustable parameters whose best values were -3.10 eV and
1-05, respectively. Sukigara and Kikuchi ascribe the 295 nm and 259 nm absorption
bands to the 'A1-lBI and 'A,-'A, transitions respectively, the calculated transition
energies (experimental in brackets) being 4.1 8 (4.20) and 4.75 (4.79) cV, respectively.
They also deduce from thcir results that the nitrogen atom adjacent to the ring
bears almost all of the positive cl?srge of the benzenediazoniurn cation and that the
N N bond order is apprcximately ::wee.
Sukigara and Kikuchi conclude that two processes occur from the excited IB,
state, namely, radiative transition to the ground state and intersystem crossing to a
phosphorescent state. N o detectable photochemical decomposition occurs after the
lA1-lB1 transition. Since neither fluorescence nor phosphorescencc was detected
after the IA,-lA, transition, n o radiative process occurs from the excited 'Al state
and no internal conversion or intcrsystem crossing to a radiative state occurs.
From this excited state t h e molecule presumably decomposes rapidly to givc phenyl
In their second paper, Sukigara and K i k u ~ h i ?measured
~~ the visible and near-
ultraviolet absorption spectra of p-fluoro, p-chloro, p-bromo-, p-iodo, p-methoxy
and p-dimethylamino-benzenediazoniumcations and applicd the P P method in their
calculations. Table 42 summarizes their cxpcriniental results.
TAULE 42. Observed peak wnvclengths and
molar extinction coeficicnts for pam-substi-
:utcd benzenediazoniiirn cations (aqueous
solution)236.Rcproduced by pcrniission of the
Chemical Socicty of Japan
In their P P calculations 011 the p-substituted cations, Sukigara and Kikuchi use
the electron affinity of the electron-acceptii1g group -C,;lI,hT~ anti the core
resonance integrals, &s, where X = F, CI, Br, 1, 0 or N , a s adjustable parameters.
These authors conclude that thc strong absorption i n the visible and near-
ultraviolet regions can be assigned to the lA,-'A, transition, and that the weak
62 J. B. Motrat
absorptions of the 'A1-'B, transition are hidden in t h e largc absorption bands of
the 'A1-'A, transition. T h e calculations also show the large stabilizing eKect that a n
electron-donating group at the para position exerts on the lowest excited 'Al
electronic state. Evidence is also presented to support the contention that the strong
absorption bands of thc p-iodo-, p-mcthoxy- and p-dimcthylamino-benzene-
diazoniuni cations have the character of intramolecular charge-transfer bands,
while the strong bands of the p-fluoro-, p-chloro- and p-brorno-benzenediazonium
cations are associated with local excitation within the benzenediazoniuni franie-
In addition, i t was shown that the vibrational frequency of the N N group
increased linearly with the N-N bond order. Further the N-N bond order
decreases and the contribution of charge transfer to the ground statc increases with
an increase in the electron-donating capability of the substitilent group. This
suggests that the contribution of a resonance structure
becomes larger in the ground state a s the electron-donating capability of thc para
substituent increases. This had previously been predicted by Zollingerl.
F-inally, Sukigara and Kikuchi examined the electronic structures and electronic
absorption spectra of m-fluoro-, m-chloro-, m-bromo- and twinet hoxy-benzene-
diazoniurn cations. A summary of their cxperimcntal rcsults is given in Table 43.
V. A C K N O W L E D G E M E N T
The financial support of the National Research Council of Canada is gratefully
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1. General a n d theoretical aspccts o f the diaLoniuiii and diazo groups 67
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1. General and theoretical aspects of the diazonium and diazo groups 69
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The Chemistry of Diazonium and Diazo Groups
Edited by Saul Patai
Copyright 0 1978 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Development of Ideas Regarding the Reaction A r N + + O H - . 73
B. EKect of Benzene Ring Substitucnts on thc Diazonium Ion+-?syu-Diazotate
Equilibrium . 74
C . Kinetics a n d Mechanism of the Rcactions: Diazonium Ion+.~yu-Diazo-
hydroxide~~).n-Diazotate . 76
D. Kinetics and Mechanism of syn-mri Isomerizations . 79
E. Some Conclusions from the Results on syti-anti Isomcrization . 83
A. Arenediazocthcrs 86
B. Arenediazoaniino Compounds (Triazcnes) . 87
C . Areiiediazosulphonates . 89
D. Arenediazosulphoncs . . S9
E. Arenediazothioethers . . 90
F. Arcnediazocyanides . 91
Diazonium ions RNf (R = substituted arcne, alkcne, hetcrocyclic c o n i p o u d , alkane,
etc.) a r e strong Lewis acids. They form covalent bonds with a number of bases with
formation of diazo compounds, c.g. benzenediazonium ion with OH- gives benzene-
diazohydroside C,H,N=NOH. Diazo c o m p o u n d s differ from azo compounds, such
a s azornethane C H , N = N C H , , in that the base is bound to nitrogen by a n a t o m
other t h a n carbon (diazocyanides, A r N = N C N , a r c a n cxccption). In principle therc
is of c o u r s e n o diffcrencc between t h e diazo conipound, for example a diazohydroside
o r a diazocyanide, a n d the a z o compounds, such a s azobcnzcne'.
T h c diazoniuni ions which havc a hydrogen a t o m at the cu-carbon (or an acidic
hydrogen at s o m e other position, see Section IV) may also react with bascs a s
Broinsted acids, yiclding diazo compounds, e.g.
+ -
C,H,O,CCH,N: +B 7C,H,O,CCH=N=N+BH+ (1 1
Existence of the diazonium ion can be infcrred, in some cases, from the structure of
products and the presumed reaction mcchanism. When R is strongly electron with-
drawing, a diazo compound is formed on nitrosation of the amine under suitable
noxo -011-
-n +
C2H,02CCH2N: C2H,02CCH=N2 (3)
In strongly basic media, the primary alkanediazotatcs RCH,N,O- are transformed
into a mixture of diazoalkane and the products derived from RCHZ (Reference 4).
Obviously the diazoalkane is formed by action of base on RCH,N: which is present
in a very slight amount, according to the equilibrium shown in equation (2).
The instability of alkanediazonium ions is further demonstrated by acid-catalysed
decomposition of diazoalkanes. The decomposition of diazodiphenylmethane is a
general acid-catalysed rcaction5, which means that the decomposition of the dia-
zonium ion is faster than the splitting off of the proton.
I1 + x-
(C6H5)2CN2 (C6HJ2CHN: (C,HJ2CHX+N2 (4)
Some substituted alkenediazoniiini ions can exist in thc form of salts with anions
of strong acids as SbF, (Reference 6) for example. The increased stability is d u e to
rcsonance of the diazonium group with p a n d n electrons. Nucleophiles rcact with
the activated double bond which results either in substitution (if halogens are present
instead of RO), or in addition of H 2 0 or R O H giving an alkanediazonium ion which
is immediately decomposed6.
Ro\c=c / H Ro\+ /
Ro\ /
c-c /c-c
FiO/ \
Nt RO/ \N, RO N2
Ar 0- Ar
\ / \
Syli anti
Two equivalents of hydroxyl ions are consumed in tlie transformation of a dia-
zoniuni ion into the respective diazotate. Hnntzsch follo\ved this reaction con-
ductonietrically?', and assumed that the reaction proceeds in two separate steps, as
with other dibasic acids, and he even described thc isolation of the presumed diazo-
hydroxide and the measurement of its dissociation constant.
Wittwer and Zollinger22measured the diazoniiim ;r diazotatc equilibrium with
threc substituted benzenediazoniuni salts and found that the neutralizatim curve
showed but one step, even though two equivalcnts of base were consumcd for one
equivalent of diazonium ion. This case was similar to that described before by
Sch\varzcnbacli23. The diazonium ion reacts with the hydroxyl ion as a Lewis acid.
The equilibrium constant K , of this rcaction is smaller than thc equilibrium constant
X2 of the rcaction of the formed diazoliydroxide (ivhich is a Bronsted acid)
with a further OH- ion. Therefore, the diazohydroxide is transformed quickly into
the diazotate ion, so that the concentration of thc former is slight throughout the
measurement. This result was confirmed also by spcctral dctcrniination of the
diazoniiim ion s diazotate equilibrium i n a series of substituted bcnzencdiazoniurn
ions?'. Only the absorption bands corrcsponding to the starting diazoniuni ion and
final diazotate ion wcrc found in tlie spectra. The slopes of thc dcpendence of
iog[ArN~],/[ArN,O-](calculated from the nbsorbances) o n pH had the value - 2.
This means that the diazoniiim ion reacts practically at oncc with two equivalents of
OH- ion, and the diazohydroxidc concentration is negligible.
ArN:+OH- ArN,OH K, (6)
ArN,OH+OH- 7ArN,O-+H,O K, (7)
ArN:+OH- . k,
syn- A r N,O H K, (6)
syn-ArN,O- . k'
f - ,
anti-ArN,O- K, (9)
anti-ArN,OH+OH- 7 .
anti-ArN,O-+H,O K, (1 0)
2. Diazoni u m-d inzo cq ti il i br iu m 75
Benzenediazonium ions which have a hydroxyl group in thc oivllo or p n m position
split off the proton even in mildly acidic medium; the py2 value of 4-hydroxy-
benzenediazoniuni ion is 3.40 27. Thc diazo compounds formed are only slightly
reactive and do not form diazotates evcn i n a strongly alkaline medium.
This means that @rC,, +pK.\\,)/? equals thc p1-i of the niediuni i n \vhich [ A r N i ] =
[ArN,O-] (as in t h e case of pK., of tlie Bronstcd acids). This p H was cnllcd pH,,, by
Lc\\ is and Suhr?’ (Table 1).
The ratio [ArN:]/[ArN,O-] changes a hundrcd times on changing pH by unity,
hence at pH = (pH,,,+ 1) the rcaction mixtiire contains 1% diazonium ion and 99%
diazotate ion. Concentration of diazohydroxide is negligibly low (except for very
76 VojcsIav Sterba
reactive diazonium salts) in the whole pH range, being maximum at pH = pH,.
The equilibrium constants K depend on ionic strength and thcy increase about ten
times on changing the ionic strength from 1 M to 0.1 M ? I .
Dependence of log K on the Hamniett u constants is linear with the slope p = 6.3
G . 5 8 2 8 or G*6G'g. T h e p valiics found are unusually high. One of the reasons
for this is that K is a product of two equilibrium constants, so that the final value is a
sum of pl and pr characterizing the formation and dissociation2' of diazohydroxide,
respectively. Similarly i t is also possible to correlate pH,, with the u constants; in
this case the p value is negative and half that from cquation (17).
log ( K / K , ) = pa = log ( K , / K Y ) log ( K J K ; )
= p l a + p , u = (pl+pZ)a (1 7)
It is impossible to determine the values of K , and K 2 or of p1and p2 separately by
measuring the concentrations or the pH of the equilibrium system; sincc K , > K ,
only the overall constant K is accessible. For dctcrniination of the constants of both
reaction steps i t is necessary to determine the rates of t h e reactions considered; in
this case only t h e rcaction of diazoniuni ion with hydroxyl ion and the reverse
decomposition of diazohydroxide are suitable for nicasurement.
v = k,[ArN:] [OH-]
Y = k-,[ArN,OHl (19)
At a pH coniparablc w i t h pH,,, or Iiighcr (thc conditions suitable for dcterrnination
of k , ) [ArN,OH]e[ArN,O-], and cquation (20) can be written for the rate of the
2. Diazoniuni-diazo cquilibriurn 77
revcrse reaction
Y = k-,[ArN,O-]/K,[OH-] = k,[ArN,O-J/K,K,[OH-I
The rate of formation of diazotate ion ( u ) increases linearly with concentration of
hydroxyl ion, a n d , on the contrary, the rate of the reverse reaction decreases linearly
with [OH-]. T h e observed rate constant kobs is a sum of t h e constants in both
directions (equation 21) a n d has its minimum at pH = pH,, (Figure 1, curve a)
k o b = kt[OH-l+kt/K, K,[OH-] = kt([OH-]+l/K[OH-]) (21 1
when the concentrations of diazonium and diazotatc ions are, after reaching the
equilibrium, the same. Logarithms of the rate constants measured by spectro-
photometric stopped-flow methodz8.2g correlate with u constants (equations 22, 23).
log k l = 2-61a+ 3-72 (Reference 28) (22)
log k l =: 2.06 2 a + 3.97 (Reference 29) (23)
3 7
In spite of OH- ion being a much stronger base than the anions of C-acids (aceto-
acetanilide, acetylacetone) and naphtholate ions, the rate constants found arc
generally lower than those of coupling reactions with the anions mentioned by
several orders of magnitude30. At the same time the respcctivc p value (2.06) is lower
than those of the coupling reactions (3-4), too. This fact is inconsistent with thc
rule31 (which often is not fulfilled) that the more selcctive a reagent is, the more
slowly it reacts. T h e reason is probably that the O H - ion is strongly solvated in
water, and partial desolvation must take place bcforc the N - 0 bond can be formed.
This process necessitates considerable cncrgy and is obviously thc main cause of the
relatively lower reactivity of the O H - ion. The N - 0 bond formation proceeds very
quickly, and this step is little selcctivc. Since the substitiicnts in the benzcnc nucleus
of diazonium ions have small effect on the desolvation of t h e OH- ion, the overall
influence of substitiicnts is relatively small which makes itself fclt in the low value of
the p constant. O n the contrary, thc naphtholatc ions and the anions of C-acids are
far less solvatcd, a n d the carbon ;itonis which are involved in (he reaction d o not
form any hydrogen bonds, so that the predoniinant part of the activation energy is
consumed in the coupling reaction (formation of C-N bond).
78 Vojeslav StEtrba
Under the conditions suitable for determination of k , i t is possiblc to obtain only
the complex constant k - , / K , (equation 20) for the reverse reaction. The determina-
tion of k-, (and K.J neccssitates starting with syn-diazotate and following the reaction
at lower p H values when a considerable part of the diazotate is transformed into
diazohydroxide in a rapid pre-equilibrium. The reaction proceeds practically only
i n onc direction, and kobs is defined by equation (24).
kobs = k-+/(l SKJOH-I) = k-,[H +]/(KA+[H 'I) (24)
With increasing proton concentration log ko~,s increases gradually more and more
slowly eventually becoming pH independent (Figure 1, curve b) when almost all the
diazotate has been transformed into diazohydroxide in a rapid pre-equilibri~ini~~.
In diluted hydrochloric acid /robs again increases with increasing proton concentra-
tion, and the same is true in chloroacelatc buffer for increasing concentration of
chloroacetic acid; this means that the transformation of diazohydroxide into
diazonium ion is a general acid-catalysed reaction3?; the value of the Bronstcd
coeficient is about 0.2:
k o b ~= k-1 +kn+ [H +I+k,,[HAI (25)
Logarithms of the ratc constants k-, and dissociation constants K.t2 (Table 2)
corrclate with u constants:
% sjw-diazohydroxidc . 1C.h
. syn-diazotate+ 13.'.
at 30 "C a t ionic strength 0.25 %I
kl a k-, ArN,OI-I
Substituents (I mol-l S C C - ~ ) (sec-1) Kl P KA2 (%)
3-NOz-4-CI 7.4 x 1 0 3 1.95 x 102 3.8 x l o 3 6.90 2.05
3,5-Br2 3.6 x lo5 4.96 x 10' 7.3 x 1 0 2 7.00 0.79
3,5-CI, 3.8 x los 6.03 x lo2 6.3 x 10' 7.05 0.90
3-NOZ 4.5 x 1 0 5 5.34 x 102 10'
8 . 4 ~ 7.15 1.1 I
3.4-CIZ 1.3 x 10s 3.0 x lo3 4.5 x 10' 7.30 0.28
~~~ ~~
Reference 29.
" A t pH = pH,,.
The equations (23). (26) and (27) describe quantitatively the reaction of substituted
benzenediazonium ions ivith O H - ion and the subsequent dissociation of syn-
diazohydroxide to syri-dinzotate. From thc values K, a n d K2 i t is also possible to
calculatc the maximum conccntration of s?,/i-dinzohydroxidc (at p H = pH,,,). T h c
conccntrations are slight, in accordance with the predictions of Zollingcr"', and they
increase with increasing value of u constants, because K , increases with increasing
D value niuch fasler than K , does ( p , > p s ) . Thc constant p , of thc reaction (6) can be
calculated either from the difference of the p constants derived froin the equilibrium
constants K and K.,2 or from thc rate constan(s k , and k - l . The average valuc of p ,
is 5.4.
2. Diazoniuni-diazo equilibrium 79
The reaction of diazonium ion with hydroxyl ion produces first the diazohydroxide
which then partially isonicrizes to nitrosamine ArNHNO. The proton transfer
between nitrogen and osygen (be i t inter- or intrn-molecular) rcprcsents a reaction
several orders of magnitude faster than thc splitting off of hydroxyl i o n from diazo-
hydroxide, so that the rcaction produces an equilibrium mixture of both tautolners.
The extent of this isorncrizalion is not known. T h e p constant of l o g K ~of sub-
stituted phenols33 is 2.23; tlie inserted N = N group diminishes t h e p constant by a
factor of about 0.4 so that for diazohydroxides we obtain p= I . For dissociation
constants of substituted f ~ r n i a n i l i d e s ~(which
' are strticturnlly similar to nitros-
arnines) thc cxperimental p value was 1.53. The difTcrence is relatively small, and thc
value 1.3 (equation 27) is almost in thc middle, so that, from this point of view, i t is
impossible to decide whether the compound is a diazohydroxide, a nitrosamine or
a mixture of both.
Splitting of diazohydroxides is subject to general acid catalysis, hence the reverse
1 I*
reaction of diazoniuni ion with water niust be subject to general base catalysis,
1 'X J
where X stands for H,O, RCO; or cven OH-, although in the last casc there is a
possibility that OH- reacts directly with the nitrogen atom of the diazoniuni ion.
Wittwer and Zollinger?' found that the dcpendence of l o g k on pH for the reaction
of diazotized nietanilic acid with the dianion of 2-hydroxynaphthalenc-6-sulphonic
acid at pH > I 2 is lincar with a slope of - 2. The rate-limiting step is tlie reaction of
the dianion \vith the diazonium ion which is present in a rapid pre-equilibrium with
diazotate in- \ t thc given pH, niore than 99% of !he clectrophile is present in the
.. 1\120-,and concentration of ArN: depends linearly on [H+]?. I n the case
_ . ,'cry reactive diazonium ions and with thc use of sufficient conccntration of
coupling component (e.g. substituted naphthol) the coupling rate becomes greater
than the rate of reaction of diazoniuni ion with hydroxyl ion?s. The splitting off of
OH- ion from diazohydroxide is rate limiting. Thc reaction rate is directly propor-
tional to the first power of [H+]and independent of the concentration of the coupling
component (nap h t ho la te) .
D. Kinetics and Mechanism of syn-anti lsomerizations
syn-Arenediazotate ions formed by reaction of diazonium ion and hydroxyl ion
isorncrize into m/i-diazotate ions. Isomcrization of symdiazohydroxidcs, which in
alkaline solution arc present in a substantially smaller concentration, takes place to
a very small extent. New equilibria are established, e.g.
syn-ArN,OH 7anti-ArN,OH syn-ArN,O- 7anti-ArN,O-
Thc other rate and equilibrium constants (Tables 3 and 4) were determined by
the reverse 37-30.. anti-diazotate was injected into a solution of acid or
-1 -
-2 -
-z.3 ~
-4 -
- 5 0 ; ; i ; 5
6 ; 8 9 1 0 1 ' 1
anfi-ArN,O- - syn-ArN,O- ~
+rr +
.L syn-ArN,OH
1; -,
+ ArN:
rate-limiting step, and thc dependence log /cobs us pH has a slope of - 1 (Figure 2)
With increasing proton conccntration the transformation of sjwdiazotatc into
diazoniuiii ion becomes more and niorc rapid. Thc airti-syu diazotate isomeriza-
tion bcconies the rate-limiting stcp, and the rcaction rate becomes independent of
p H ? . Further increase in the proton concentration results in the increase of con-
centration of anti-diazohydroxide whose isomerization becomes the main reaction
path and, at the same time, the rate-limiting step (Schcme 4). The reaction rate,
which at first increases again, finally becomcs pH indcpendent when almost all
diazotate ion has changcd into anti-diazohydroxide. Thc acid-catalysed splitting of
mti-diazohydroxide becomes significant at pH about zero.
k- 3
H++anfi-ArN,O- anti-ArN,OH ___> syn-ArN,OH ArN+
pK* 445 2.6 0.3
-0.4 - 5.2
If the five-nicnibered ring does not contain any acidic Iiydrogcn atom, the product
of nitrosation of the amine in diluted mineral acid is usually a mixture of the nitros-
atnine, the diazohydroside and the diazonium cation. The tendency to form nitros-
aniines and diazohydroxidcs usually incrcascs with increasing nurnbcr of ring
2. Diazoniiini-diazo eqiiilibriuni 85
heteroatonis. High yiclds of nitrosamincs were obtained Lvitll substituted triazoles
and tetrazolesJ1.Js, thiadiazoles4'. J 6 , and oxadiazoles.". The situation is not quite
clear, e.g. substituted 5-amino-I ,3,4- and -1,2,4-thiadiazoles (4, 5 ) give high yields
of nitrosamineslJ~J", however, the 5-substituted-3-arnino-1,2,4-thiadiazolc (6)
forms only a relatively unstable diazoniuni saltJ8..19 Commonly, the structure and
yield of the isolated product depend on various factors such as the solubility of
products, the rates of the substitution reactions \vith the nucleophilcs present and of
decomposition react ions.
F r o m i.r. (in solid state) and n.1n.r. spectra i t follows." that the products currently
denoted a s nitrosamines are, in fact, iiiixtures of thc nitrosaniinc and thc tauto-
meric diazohydroxide. I n alkaline mcdiiim thcse are transformed into anti-diazo-
tatesJO.Dissociation constants were measured" in the case of triazole derivatives (7);
the pKA values wcre between 3.54 and 3.13 for X varying from 4-CH3 to 4-N02, i.e.
far lower than those of substituted bcnzencdiazohydroxides (Tables 2 and 3).
(4) (7)
Increasing proton conccntrations causes gradual transformation of the nitros-
ainine into the diazonium ion; the position of no such cquilibrium as as yet
measured. In one case the extent of transforination was followed1Gby measuring the
coupling rate of the formed 3-1iiethyl-l,2,4-thiadiazo-5-diazoniuni ion with 2-
naphthol in dilute sulphuric acid. Under thcse conditions 2-naphthol rcacts in its
undissociated forni, so that the change of the coupling rate expresses thc change of
the equilibrium concentration of the diazoniuni ion. The reaction rate increased
steeply u p to the highest sulphuric acid concentration used (1.65 hf), which means
that the nitrosarninc predominated all the time i n the reaction niixturcs.
T h e extraordinary stability of five-membered heterocyclic nitrosamincs (and
diazohydroxides) coniparcd with the carbocyclic aromatic diazohydrosidcs is due,
first of all, to the strong clcctron-withdrawing effcct of heterocyclic rings. This effect
increases the reactivity of the diazonium ion and the stability of the nitrosaniinc in
the same way as in substituted benzcnediazoniuni ions (Table 2), but to a greater
extent. 1,2,4- and 1,3,4-Thiadiazole-5-diazoniumions are far more reactive than
2,4-dinitrobcnzenediazoniuni ionS0(towards 2-naphthol). T h e isolated nitrosaniines
a r e obviously present in the form of thc more stable ( m / i )isomer. Although so far
n o data have been published about syti-unti isonierization of hcterocyclic nitros-
arnines, it can be presumed from analogy with substituted benzencdimohydroxides
that the isomcrization half-lives will be shortcr than 1 sec in most cascs. Another
factor given by Butler4? is the stabilization by intramolccular hydrogen bonding in
the case of the diazohydroxidc 8. However, this form is, according to spcctral
analyses4J,far less populatcd than the nitrosaniine and the isomeric diazohydroxide 9.
..'H ' o
X- X- N
(8) (9)
All these effects should be present in six-membered heterocyclic diazoniuin ions,
too. However, up to now n o stable nitrosarnine derived from a six-membered
86 Vojcsla\?
heterocyclic amine has been isolated. By acidification of pyridine-2- and -4-dia-
zotates"' and 9-alkylpurinc-G-diazotate52( 1 0 ) solutions were prepared @robably
containing the respective Nn/i-diazohydroxides tii trosamines. T h e pH dcpendence
of log k of their transformation into the corresponding diazonium ion (or the
products derived from the Inttcr) has a similar c h a i x t c r as that of thc substituted
benzencdiazoliydroxides, and t h c reaction is subject to general acid catalysis, too.
A rather substantial dilf'erence is encountered with pyridine-4-diazohydroxide,
which at pH < 4 becorncs protonated to give the less reactive conjugated acid (11).
Arenediazoniuni ions react with a number of nucleophiles to give diazo com-
pounds'. G3-i5. The free electron pair for the bond formation can be supplied by a
carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur or phosphorus aton1 of the nucleophile. In the
first case azo compounds are formed which are usually very stable, although the
reaction with CN- ions (forming arenediazocyanides) is reversible. The other
adducts are called diazo compounds, however some of them (e.g. those containing
N-P bonds) are dcnoted as azo compounds.
Some diazo compounds are veiy unstable, e.g. diazoethers formed by reaction of
diazonium ions with substituted phenolate ions; here it is questionable whether the
nucleophile and the azo group arc connected by a covalent or a n ionic bond. I n
other cases, the primarily formed diazo compound is rapidly transformed to other
more stable compounds. Reaction of diazonium ions with azide ion Ny produces
unstable diazoazides which, in a subsequent (as a rule rate-limiting) step, either
decompose to give nitrogen and a n aryl azide or isomerize to arylpentazoles which
are also unstableSe.Some diazo compounds are formed in other ways than from the
reaction of arenediazonium ion with nucleophile.
T h e following discussion is limited to diazo compounds for which i t was possible
to determine the equilibrium constant of t h e reaction of at least some derivative of
arenediazonium ion with the nucleophile.
A. Arenediazoethers
Reaction of diazonium ions with alkoxide ions is analogous with the first reaction
step of that with hydroxyl ion. Very reactive heterocyclic diazonium salts, e.g.
3-phenyl-I ,2,4-thiadiazol-S-diazoniunifluoroborate, give high yields of diazoethers
even on reaction with pure methanol5'. For preparation of substituted benzenediazo-
ethers i t is more convenient to alkylate silver diazotates with methyl i ~ d i d e ~ ~ - ~ ~ ;
alkylation of a sodium or potassium salt produces the aryl derivative of N-methyl-
nit rosamine13.
Reaction of 4-nitrobenzenediazonium ion with methoxide ion in methanol
produces, in a rapid reversible step, the diazoether probably having the cis con-
figurationc1; it is transformed to the more stable trans isomer and to nitrobenzene in
2 . Dinzoniiini-diazo cquilibritim 87
about equal amounts"(Sclierne6). Thc isomcrization rateconstant is7.23 x 10-3 sec-1
at 0 ° C .
Rate constants of formation of the syri isomers were measured at 23 "C by the
stoppcd-flow methodfi1for 4-nitro- and 4-cyano-bcnzenediazoniuni ions (3.0 x 108
and 2.0 x 10' 1 niol-I SCC-I,respectively), and cquilibriuni constants wcrc determined
for 4-nitro- (5.6 x 10' I/niol), 4-cyano- (3.6 x loGI/mol) and 3-chloro (4.2 )I: lo5 I/mol)
derivatives6l. Both k , and K are by scveral ordcrs of magnitude greater than the
corresponding values of the rcaction with hydroxyl ion in watcr. The half-life of the
decomposition of 4-nitrobenzcncdi~zoethcrto diazonium ion and methoxide ion
is 130 niscc, i.e. two orders of magnitude greater than that for 4-nitrobcnzenediazo-
hydroxide i n water.
So far it has not been possible to prove ci.7-trans isornerism of thcse reaction products
such as, for cxample, that of diazotatesG396 1 Measurcments of dipole moments
indicateG3that the substances measured arc from isomers.
The rcaction with aromatic aniines can result eithcr in a reversible reaction at the
amino nitrogen to give a triazene or i n an irrcversiblc coupling reaction at a ring
carbon atom to give an azo compound. Coupling at carbon is negligible in thc case
of aniline in neutral and slightly acidic mediaGs:i t is of minor importance with
alkylanilinesc6, but i t represents the main reaction in the case of more reactive
aromatic amines such as substitutcd naphthylamincs. I n more strongly acidic
media t h e rcvcrse reaction of the triazcne becomes incrcasingly important and thc
content of azo compounds in reaction products increases.
The reaction \vith primary amincs involves a further complication bccalrsc two
tautomcric forms are produced, the second being split into compounds other than
the original diazoniuni salt and arnine (Scheme 7). I f R is aryl, thc triaienes are
split predominantly into the lcss reactive diazonium salt and lcss basic ainineG7.I f R
is alkyl, the splitting produccs thc aroriiatic aniine and alcohol", t h c amount of the
diazonium salt bcing ncgligibleG9.
The cquilibriuni const;int for rcaction ( 3 1 ) has not yct been dctcrmined i n any casc.
An attcnipt 10dctcrrnine the cquilibriurn concentration i n thc rcaction with dicthyl-
aniine (Lvherc thc reaction is not coinplicared by C-coupling or by decoinposition to
88 VojesIav Strrba
products different from the starting substances) was made impossible by simultaneous
decomposition of the diazoniuni salt7".
T h c equilibrium constant can be calculated from the rate constant of formation of
triazene and from that of the reverse reaction in those cases where two tautomeric
forms of triazene are not formed.
ArNH,+RN: (R = Aryl)
I u+, 11,o
ArNH,+N,+ROH (R = Alkyl)
T h e kinetic equations (33) and (34) are prcsumed for formation and decomposition
of triazenesG5* 6G- [R1R2NHJ represents the concentration of the non-protonated
amine. K A is the dissociation constant of thc protonated triazcne; its value has not
yet been determined in any casc.
v = k,[ArN+ 3 [R'R'NH] (33)
c +
v = k-,[ArN=NNHR'R'] = k-,[H+I/I(.~[ArN=NNR'R']
= k a + [ H + ][ArN=NR'Rz] (34)
K = [ArN=NNR'R,] [H+]/[ArN:] [R'R'NH] (35)
T h e rate constants of forniation7?and reverse r ~ a c t i o n of
' ~ triazenes were measured
for the reaction of t m f n - and parn- substituted benzencdiazonium ions with dimethyl-
arnine in water at 25 and 20°C.
T h e observed p constants of the formation and the reverse reaction of triazenes
are 3.47 and - 3.5, rcspectively. The resulting p = 7.25 for the equilibrium constant
(equation 35) is only slightly higher than that for the reaction of diazonium ions with
hydroxyl ionz8.23. The calculated rate constant k , of the rcaction of benzenediazoniurn
ion with dimethylamine is 450 I niol-' sec-'; the kH-l constant of the reverse reaction
can only be roughly estimated to be 10-20 1 mol-l scc-l. The slope of the dependence
of log k on pH in the measured pH range 1-3 was (instead of the expected - 1 ,
according to equation (34). provided that only minute amounts of tlie triazene are
protonated) only about - 0.75. The calculated K value is about 30. For the sake of
comparison with the equilibrium constant of the reaction of benzenediazonium ion
with hydroxyl ion, which is equal to 2.0 x 10' 12/mo1?(Reference 26) the above value
must be divided by the ionic product of water K,,. (which corresponds to a change of
equation (32) i n thc scnse that thc protonated triazenc loses its proton by reaction
\vitIi hydroxyl ion). Thc resulting value, about 3 x I O l 5 12/mo12is about 1 1 orders of
magnitude greater than that for thc formation o: diazota!!: This difference is due,
first of all, to thc far grcatcr acidity of tlie protonated triazcne as comparcd with
benzenediazohydroxide. Obviously hcre K A is close to unity whereas i t is lo-* for the
T h e above-mentioned valucs, cspecially those for tlic reverse rcaction and for the
equilibrium constant, must be accepted with rescrve. I t cannot be excluded that
isonierizntiont takes place side by side with the reaction and that the rate-limiting
stcp cliangcs with pH.
D. Arenediazosulphones
Arencdiazosulphones are formed by reaction of diazonium salts with anions of
sulphinic usually the rcaction is carried out in slightly acidic aqueous
medium70. Only one isomer was provcd i n the reaction so. The dipole
moments founds1 suggest t r a m structure of the products. T h c prcscnce of the single
isomer is explaineds2 by lowering of the rotation barrier about t h c N = N bond by
contribution of cxpandcd octet structures such as 12b, c:
ArN:+f?SO; . k-,
ArN=NSO,R (37)
(1 2 4 (12b) (12c)
Sincc the watcr-solubility of the products is very low, t1:c rcaction kinctics of
substituted benzencdiazonium ions with bcn7cnesulphinic acid \vcrc measured i n
90 Vojeslav Sterbn
methanol". In contrast t o the reactions of diazonium salis with most other iiuclco-
philes, the diaznsulphone is formed so slowly that the reaction can be followed by
usual spectrophotometric mcthods. The dcpcndencc of the l o g a r i t h m of the rate,
and equilibrium constants on thc u constants is expressed by equations (38) to (40):
+ 5.26
log K = 3 . 7 6 ~ (38)
l o g k , = 2.40u+2.52 (39)
log k-1 = - 1.360 - 2.74 (40)
I n spite of anions of sulphinic acids being Tar weakcr nuclcophiles than the sul-
phite anion, the k- , values are more than four orders of magnitude lower than those
for the diazosulphonates. Obviously this is caused by thc reverse reactions of diazo-
sulphonates involving the more stable trotis isomer. This fact also influences the
values of the equilibrium constants. The small p observed for the diazosulphone
equilibrium is cxplaineds2 by the contribution of structurcs such as 12b where a
partial charge remains localized o n the nitrogen.
E. Arenediazothioethers
Arenediazothiocthers are formed very easily and rapidly by reaction of dia-
zonium salts with thiols. They are very unstable and decompose, evcn explosively
in some cases, to give nitrogen and the corresponding sulphidc". I n contrast to
aromatic hydroxy compounds the reactions with thiophcnols, thionaphthols and
even dithioresorcinol d o not lead to coupling in the rings4.
F. Arenediazocyanides
Substituted benzenediazonium ions rcact vcry rapidly and reversibly with cyanide
ions to form syn-diazocyanides8.i which are slo\vly transformcd (half-life of one to
several hours at rooni tcmperaturc) into ~ti/j-(iiazocyanidesa~. I-Iantzschs5suggested
cis and trnns configuration for tlie sj'n and otiti isomers, rcspcctively, which agrees
with the nicasured dipole moments and i.r. spcctra of the two 19:
ArN': + CN- . k.
--+ Ar-N+
Equilibrium constants of formation of tlie syti isonicr wcre measured by the tise of
convcntional spectrophotomeiric methodsqGand by the stopped-flow technique2q.
The latter method affords niore accurate rcsults, because the detcrmiiiation of the
equilibrium constant is not disturbcd by slowcr subscquent reactions". The effect
of the ring substituents on the equilibrium and rate constants, determined also by
the stopped-flow method, was quantitatively expressed by the Hanimett equation:
log K = 3.530+ 1.82 (43)
logk, = 2.31of2.32 (44)
The relativcly small p value 3-53 is (analogously to diazosulp5onates) duc to t h e
partial positive charge on the nitrogen atom of the diazo group caused by the s:rong
- M effect of tlic C N group (niesomeric structure Ar-N-N=C=N). Tlic strong
- M effect of the C N group is obviously also responsible for thc fact that electron-
withdrawing substituents slow down the i s o i n c r i ~ a t i o n ~ ~ .
TABLE 7. Rate and equilibrium constants for the reaction of stibsti-
tuted benzeriediazonium ions with cynnidc ion i n water at 33 "C 3
Substituent K (I/mol) k , (1 Inol-' sec-1) k - , (sec-1)
4-NO2 6 . 0 ~
10' 1.7 x 10' 0.28
4-CN 1.4 x 10' 7 4 x 103 0.53
(2.3 x 107) = (1.2 x 106) = (0.1) =
4-Br 3.7 x 10' 6.5 x 10' 1.75
(3.2 x lo9) ( 1 . 6 ~10") (0.05)
4-CI 4.5 x 10: 6.5 x 10' 1.5
(2.5 x 109) b (1.5 x 10') (0.06)
4-CH3 1.5x 10 9.0 x 10 6.0
(1.4 x 103) (3.5 x 107) ' (0.27) '
(1 I n methanolc1.
b I n diinetliyl sulpIioxicleq8.
1. H. Zollingcr, Azo arid Diazo Clronisrry, Intcrscience Publishcrs, N e w York, 1961, p. 39.
2. I-. Friedman, in Carborriton Ions, Vol. 11 (Ed. G. A. Olah a n d P. von R . Schleyer),
J o h n Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1970, Chap. 16.
3. P. Gricss, Client. Ber., 16, 2025 (1883).
4. R. A. Moss, J . Org. Chettt., 31, 1082 (1966); Accotirtis Chem. Res., 7, 421 (1974).
5. J. D. Roberts and W. Watanabe, J . Arner. Chem Soc., 72, 4869 (1950).
6. K. Bott, Angew. Clrenr. I n / . Ed., 9, 954 (1970); Chern. Ber., 108, 402 (1975).
7. Reference 1, Chaptcr 7.
8. E. S. Lewis, L. D. Hartung a n d B. M. McKay, J . Anicr. Cheur. Soc., 91, 419 (1969).
9. 0. MachiEkova, V. StErba a n d K. Valtcr, Coll. Czech. Chetii. Cotmiitri., 37, 2197,
(1 972).
10. E. S. Lewis a n d M. D. Johnson, J. Amer. C/ier?r.SOC., 82, 5399 (1960).
11. P. Griess, Anu. Chent., 106, 123 (1858).
12. P. Gricss, Ann. Cltettr., 137, 54 (1866).
13. C. Schraube a n d C. Schmidt, Cheni. B e r . , 27, 514 (1894).
14. A. Hantzsch and A. Werncr, C h n . Ber., 23, I 1 (1890).
15. A. Hantzsch, Chem. Bet.., 27, 1702 (1894).
16. J. M. Robertson, J. J. Lange a n d J. Woodward, J. Chin. Soc., 237 (1939).
17. G . C . Hsnipson and J. M. Robertson, J . C/twr. Soc., 409 (1941).
18. R . J. L. LeFcvrc a n d H. Vine, J . Cheui. Soc., 431 (1938).
19. D. Anderson, R. J . L. LcFevre and J . Savage. J . Chem. Soc., 445 (1947).
20. R. Kiiblcr and W. Liittke, Ber. Drimetrges. pltysik. Chern., 67, 2 (1963).
21. W. B. Davidson and A. Hantzsch, Chem. Ber., 31, 1612 (1898).
22. C . Wittwer and H. Zollinger, Helo. Chint. Acru, 37, 1954 (1954).
23. G. Schwarzcnbach, Helu. Chim. Acra, 26. 418 (1943).
24. E. S. Lewis a n d H. Suhr, Chetn. Ber., 91, 2350 (1958).
25. C. D. Ritchic a n d D. J. Wright, J . Arner. C/tem. Soc., 93, 2425 (1971).
26. J. S. Littlcr, Tram. Faraduy Soc., 59, 2296 (1963).
27. E. S. Lewis and M. D. Johnson, J. Arner. Chetn. Sor., 81, 2070 (1959).
28. C . D. Ritchie a p d D. J. Wright, J. Anrer. C/teut. Soc., 93, 6574 (1971).
29. V. Beranek, V. StCrba and K . Valter, CON.Czech. C h i n . Cot?tmin., 38, 257 (1973).
30. V. Stcrba a n d K . Valter, CON. Czech. C/ton. Conmutt., 37, 1327 (1972).
31. M . G. Evans and M . Polanyi, T r a m . Farttduy Soc., 34, 1 1 (1938).
32. J. Jahclka, 0. MachZkovri a n d V. Sterba, Coll. Czech. Chon. Cotttmirr., 38, 706 (1973).
33. A. J. Biggs and R. A. Robinson, J. C h m . Soc., 388 (1961).
34. J . Kavalek a n d V. StZrba, Coll. Cxclt. Chmr. Conwtrirr.,40, 1176 (1975).
35. J. Jahelka, 0. MachiEkovl, V. Sterba a n d K. Valtcr, C d / . Czech. Cltetri. Commor.,
38, 3290 (1973).
36. M . Yoshito, K. Hamarnoto a n d T. Kubota, Btrll. Chenr. Soc. Jopcrn, 35, 1723 (1962).
37. E. S. Lewis and M. 1’. Hanson, J . Artier. Clion. Soc., 89, 6268 (1967).
38. 0. M a c h X k o v a and V. St6rba, Coll. Cieclr. C/reur. Comirrirt., 37, 33 13, 3467 (1972).
39. E. S. Lewis and H. Suhr, J . Anter. Chenr. Soc., 80. 1367 (1958).
40. E. S. Lewis and H. Suhr, Cltetn. Ber., 92, 3031 (1939).
41. J. T. D’Agostino a n d H. H. Jaffc?,J. Org. C/renr.,36, 992 (1971).
42. R. N. Butler, C/renr. Rev., 75, 241 (1975).
43. J. Villarrasss, E. Melendez a n d J . Elgiiero, Terraltcdrorr Leri., 1609 (1974).
44. R. N . Butlcr, T. M . Lambe, J. C . Tobin a n d F. L. Scott, J . C/ropr. Soc. Perkin I , 1357
(1 973).
45. H . Gchlen and J . Dost, A m . Chetx, 655, 144 (1963).
46. J. Goerdcler and K. Deselacrs, C/te/tr.Bcr., 91, 1025 (1958).
47. J . Gocrdcler and M . Roeglcr, C h m . Bet-., 103, 112 (1970).
2. Diazoniuni-diazo equilibrium 93
48. J. Gocrdcler and A. Fincke, Cheni. Ber., 89, 1033 (1956).
49. J. Goerdeler and P. Mertens, Cheni. Ber., 103, 1085 (1970).
50. J. Goerdeler and H. Haubrich, C/ieni. Ber., 93, 397 (1960).
51. C. A. Bunton, M . J . Minch and B. B. Wolfe, J . Anicr. Chem. SOC., 96, 3267 (1974).
52. C. A. Bunton and B. B. Wolfc, J. Airier. Cheni, Soc., 96, 7747 (1974).
53. Reference 1, Chapter 8.
54. R. Putter in Hoitben- IVeyl's Met/ior/en der otgariischeii Chemie (Ed. Eugen Mullcr),
Vol. X/3, 4th ed.. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 1965, pp. 551-626.
55. C. Suling, Reference 52, pp. 699-743.
56. J. Ugi and R. Huisgen, Chcm. Ber., 90,2914 (1957).
57. A. Ginsberg and J. Goerdeler, Clicni. Om., 94,2043 (1961).
56. A. Wohl, Cltern. Ber., 25, 3631 (1892).
59. E. Bambcrger, Cheni.Bey., 27,917 (1894.)
60. A. Hantzsch. Cheni. Ber., 27, 1857 (1894).
61. C. D. Ritchie and P. 0. I. Virtmen, J . Anier. Chein. SOC.,94, 1589 (1972).
62. W. J. Boyle, T. J . Broxton and J . F. Bunnett, C h o n . C o m m n . , 1469 (1971).
63. R. J. L. LeFevre and T. D. Liddicoet, J. Clreln. Soc., 2743 (1951).
64. H. C. Freeman and R. J. L. LeFcvre, J. C h n . SOC., 2932 (1952).
65. V. Bcrinek and M. VeEeia. Coll. Czech. Chent. C o m n i i n . , 35, 3402 (1970).
66. V. BerAnek, H. Koiinkovi, P. Vetclnik and hi. Vci.e?a, Coll. Cieclt. Clicni. Commit.,
37, 282 ( 1 972).
67. German Patent 535670 (1928).
68. 0. Dimroth, Chew. Ber., 38, 670 (1905).
69. V. ZvCiina, M. RemeS, J. Divi9, J. Marhold and M. Matrka, Coll. CiecA. Clrerri.
C o m nt m . , 38, 251 (1973).
70. C. D. Ritchie and P. 0. I. Virtanen, J . Auier. C/ieui. Soc., 95, 1882 (1973).
71. T. Yamada, Bid/. C/ieni. SOC.Japart, 42, 3565 (1969).
72. M. Remel, 3. DiviC, V. ZvPiina and M. Matrka, Coll. Czccli. Cheni. Cotnmoi., 38, 1049
73. V. Zveiina, J. DiviS. M. RenicS and M. Matrka, Cheni. p r h . , 22, 454 (1972).
74. R. Schmidt and L. Lutz, Cheni. Ber., 2, 51 (1869).
75. R. Dijkstra and J . de Jonge, Rcc. Tirau. Chiin. Pays-Bas, 77, 538 (195s).
76. A. Hantzsch, C h e n ~Eer.,
. 27, 1726 (1894).
77. L. K. H. van Beek, J. Helffcrich, H. Jonker and Th. P. G . W. Thijsscns, Rec. Trau.
Chini. Pays-Bas,86,405 (1967).
78. W. Konig, C/iem. Bcr., 10, 1531 (1877).
79. H. v. Pechnian. Cheni. Ber., 28, 861 (1895).
80. A. Hantzsch and M . Singer, Chenr. Bcr., 30, 312 (1897).
81. H. C. Freeman, R. J. L. LeFtvrc, J. Northcott and J. Youhotsky, J . Clietii. SOC.,
3381 (1952).
82. C. D. Ritchie, J . D . Saltiel and E. S. Lewis, J . Aiiicr. Clrem. S O C. 83,
, 4601 (1961).
83. H. 13. Szmant and G . Lewitt, J . A met. Cheni. Soc., 76. 5459 (1954).
84. J. Pollak and E. Gebauer-Fulncgg, Moriaisli. Chcni., 50, 31 5 (1928).
85. A. Hantzsch and 0. W. Schulze, C/teni. Ber., 28, 666 (189s).
86. E. S. Lewis and H. Suhr. Clioti. Ber., 92, 3043 (1959).
87. R . J. L. L.eFcvre and J . Northcott, J . C h m . SOC., 944 (1949).
88. C. D. Ritchie and P. 0. I . Virtanen, J . A / m r . Chem. Soc., 94, 4966 (1972).
89. A. J. Parker, Quart. Reu., 16, 163 (1962).
The Chemistry of Diazonium and Diazo Groups
Edited by Saul Patai
Copyright 0 1978 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved.
Structural chemistry
Isriirito di Chimica Fisiui, UiiiccrsitLj cfi Perrigia, 06100 Pcrirgia, Italy
A. General . 96
B. Usefulness and Errors in a n X-Ray Examination 1 ; 96
11. D ~ A Z O N I USALTS
M . 97
A. Outer Diazonium Salts . 37
1. Structural data . 97
a. Benzenediazonium chloride . 97
b. Benzenediazonium tribromide . 97
c. p-l\r,iV-Dimethylarninobenzcnediazoniumtet;achlorozinc(ii) . 99
d. o-Methoxybenzencdiazoniuni tetrachloroiron(1n) . . 99
c . p-Benzenebisdiazonium tetrachlorozinc(ii) . 99
f. 1: 1 Complex benzenediazonium chloride-acetic acid . 100
2. Discussion . 100
3. Effect of thc anion on the structure of diazonium cations . 102
B. Inner Diazoniiim Salts . 103
1. 2-Diazonium-4-phenolsulphonatemonohydrate . 103
2. p-Benzenediazonium sulphonate . 104
111. DIAZOTATES . 105
A. Isomerism . 105
B. Structure of Potassium-s~ir-methyl-diazotate . 106
A. General . 106
B. X-Ray Data . 107
1. 2-Bromodiazofluorene . 107
2. Phenyl(triphenylsilyl) diazoniethane . 108
A. Synthesis . . 109
B. Structures . 109
1. p-Chlorobenzene-ad-diazocyanide . 110
2. a-Broniobenzene-atiri-diazocyanide . 110
3. o,p-Dibromobenzene-miti-diazocyanide . 110
4. p-Chlorobenzene-anri-diazoimidoglyoxynitrilc . 111
C. Isomerism . 111
A. Isomerism . 113
1. General . 113
2. Ultraviolet/visible and infrared spec'tra ; 115
3. Nuclear magnetic resonance . . 117
4. Electric dipole moments . 120
5 . M O calculations . . 120
6. Conclusions. . 123
B. Configuration and Wolff Rearrangement . 123
96 S. Sorriso
C. Structures . 124
1. 1.4-l~isdi~zo-?,3~bc1lancdionc
. . . 125
2. 5-Diazo-6-1netliox~-6-hydrouracil . . 125
3. 2'-Deos~-S-diazo-G-hy~ro-Oc,5'-cyclouridine . 12s
V I I . D I A Z O OXIDES . . 126
A . Gcneral . . . 126
B. Electronic Striistiirc . . . 128
C. X-Ray Data . . 130
I . 3,6-Bisdiazocyclohesanctetra~nc . . 130
2. 2,6-Dichloro-4-diazo-2,S-cyclohexadicn-l-one . 130
V l I I . REFERENCES . . 131
A. General
It is normal in a chapter on stiuctural chemistry to discuss bond distances and
angles i n molecules containing the characteristic group, and to explain the modi-
fications undergone, or induced, by the latter. In the case of diazonium a n d diazo
groups this is not sufficient because the structural data are often lacking. This
makes necessary recourse to other kinds of results to discuss at least the possible
T h e configuration of diazo compounds has been the object of much work since
their discovery about a hundred years ago'. Nevertheless, many problems still
remain not completely solvcd. For example, due to thc instability of the molecules
examined, the type of isomerism present in some covalent diazo compounds and
the reasons for its existence are still objects of discussion.
T h c book written by Zollingcr' in 1961 covers the configurational aspects of the
present groups. Therefore, with very few exceptions, work carried out before this
year will not be covered since i t has been revicwed at length in that book. A historical
introduction to the configurational problems in the diazonium and diazo groups
may be found in the book by Saunders".
Strictly structural results are relatively recent and they have not been reviewed
previously. These, which have been obtained exclusively from X-ray measurements,
will be treated cxtensivcly in the present chapter.
A. Outer Diazoniurn Salts
I . Structural data
chloride, PhN,CI (1). This molecule has been examined i n
a. Bci~zciic~ia-.otiirrt~i
two studies. In the first studyc. the measurements were performed at room
temperature. T h e compound is conipletcly ionized; R = 0.06; standard deviations
0.006-0.010 8, and 0.6-0.7". The second stlidye was performed at - 160 " C ; R not
specified; standard deviations 0.002 8, and 0.2". Each diazoniuni group' is surrounded
by four CI- ions situated in a plane perpendicular to the N-N axis. Two of the CI-
ions lie at 3,184 and the other two at 3.51 1 8, to this axis. The fornicr chlorine ions
lie 3.225 and 3.237 A away from N t 2 ,and N,,,. respectively, and the others at 3.545
and 3.559 A. The separation between the latter and the Ho, atom (see Figure I ) is
only 2.5 8,.Because this distance is half an Angstrom less than the sum of the van
der Waals' radii, a strong interaction must be present between these two atonis'.
tribrotiiidc, PhN,Br,
b. Betiieticr~i~inzorrirrtil (2). Completely ionized ; Rok2= 0.08,
Rllho= 0.073 and Khol = 0.073 (where 11, k and I are used to indicate the plane
referred to); estimated standard deviations 0.04-0.05 8, and 3-4". The spatial
arrangement of tribromide ions about the diazo cation is shown in Figure 2. T h e
C,II-N-N arrangement is linear. The shortest distances between the bromine
atonis and N , , , and N t s ,are 3.46 and 3.31 A, respectively.
I . The layer of chloride a n d benzenediazoniurn ions. Rcprinted, with permission,
from Romming, Acrn Client. S c a d . , 17, 1444 (1963).
Uncorrected bond lengths and angles
Reference Refercnce Rcference Refercnce
7 8 7 8
N(,)-N(2) 1,097 8, 1.093 8, G,)--N(I)--N(?l 180' -
N(,l-C(ll 1.385 8, 1.410 8, C(l)-C(sj-C(s, 117.6" 1 1 5.9"
C(ll-C(2) 1.374 8, 1.396 8, C(2)-C(3)-C(dj 119.8" 120.6"
C(2)-C(3) 1.383 A 1.392 C(,)-C(dI-C(;) 121.7" 121.1"
C(3)--C(4) 1.376 A 1.395 8, C(e)-CI11- Col 124.8" 126.1"
The chlorine ions form a tetrahcdron about thc Zn atom (CI-Zn-CI 106-110'
and Zn-CI 2.28-2.35 A). The shortest distances between Cllll and N ( l ) and N 1 2 ,
are 3.672 and 3.435 A, respectively, and those between CI,,, and N ( l l and N,,,
3.701 and 3.420 A.
d . ~ - ~ ~ c / h o . u y b e t ~ i e t i c d i n z o/c/i.nchlo,.oirmi(iiI),
niri~~i o-MeOC,,H4N2.FeC1, (4).
Ionic structure. R = 0.13; standard deviation 0.01-0.02 A. The chlorine ions form
a tetrahedron around the Fe atom (CI-Fe-CI 107.5-113.2" a n d Fe-Cl 2.165-
2.230 A). All the atoms C, N and 0 are coplanar. T h e shortest distances between
the chlorine and the two nitrogen atoms are CI-N(ll 3.51 and CI-N(21 3.36 A.
1.11 A 179"
1.48 8, 118"
1.38 A 119"
1.40 8, 114'
1.41 8, 126"
1.41 A 174"
149 A 103"
1.48 8, 134"
1.36 8, 117'
1.45 A 120"
~ , )N(2) f:
'(5) '(6)
analogous structure (1 1). There are many possible criticisms of this suggestion and
it certainly appears that a completely quinoid structure for all three of the above
derivatives cannot explain the other experimental results. In fact, if this were indeed
the structure, there should be no appreciable variation in t h e electronic con-
figuration of the diazo cation on introducing two methyl groups in place of the
amine hydrogens. The opposite is the case, because on passing from the amino to
the dimethylamino derivative, uss goes from 2183 to 2166cm-I and the band a t
357 goes t o 352 mi indicating an increase in quinoid character. Also, the N-N
integrated band intensities (12.6 and 13.5 mol-I cni-? x 10' respectively, for
p-NH2CoH.,N2CIand p-Me2NCGH,N2C1)18 show the same difference between these
two compounds. Very probably the present amino derivatives also arise from a
resonance hybrid between the canonical forms 7 and 8. However, there is a noticeable
contribution from 8 which, instead, in these compounds becomes 11. This resonance
form would account not only for the frequency and integrated intensity of the N-N
stretching vibration band but also for the fact that for dimethylamino derivative
even the u+ value does not lie on the v_\;sversus uI) plot. Form 11, further, would
explain the much higher stability and the colour of these conipounds as compared
with the other diazonium salts of simple anions, the great majority of which are
at -2170crn-', is assigned to the N-N stretching vibration and the other, at
-2250 cm-', appears to be the first overtone of the band at 1100 cm-', assigned
to t h e C-N vibrations of the alkylamino groups. Instead, other authors4S-4S. sG
have also observed a complex band, usually with two peaks, for many diazonitini
salts, indcpendently ofsubstitution at the phenyl ring. The rcason for the appearance
of a complex N-N band is not clear. In most cases i t is probably due to solid-
state lattice effects, since there is only a single peak on regrinding thc mullso. To
interpret the prcsence of cor,ii;Iex N--N bands as caused by weak bonding between
the diazoniuni group and the anion secms hazardous, although i t cannot entirely
be excluded. On the other hand, X-ray data on the complex diazonium salts examined
above when compared to those for PhN,CI d o not indicate the presence of this bond.
Nuttall and coworkerS"O observed that the salts of the very strong complex fluoro
acids show a VKS valuc higher than that in other complex diazoniuin salts. For thcse
authors this fact indicates that the former are completely ionic, while the latter have
il weak covalent bond between the empty orbital of the diazonium group and the
halogen lonc pair, or bct\veen the z orbital of the diazonium group and the metal
atom of the anion. The first suggestion might be prcferred"O for the follo\ving reasons.
I n complex diazoniuni salts with p-dimethylarnino substituted cations, in which the
diazonium group is less positive than in other derivativcs, the v g value~ does not
show the clcar diffcrcnce between the fluoro derivatives and thc others.
To conclude. the extensive spectroscopic results together with X-ray data suggest
that the electronic structure of the diazo cation in diazoniuni salts of complex
anions is substantially the same as that in the analogous simple salts.
N(1) "2)
61 Reference 29 Uncorrected
Un- U n- Reference Reference
corrected corrccted Corrected 61 29
(14) (15)
T h e data available suggest that this molecule, and also 12, has a zwitterionic
structure although, according to some a small contribution froni canonical
form 14 cannot be entircly excluded from the spectroscopic results. In fact, the
N-N strctching band frequcncy lies at 2296 cm-' (in pctro!eum ctlier)'O in benzene-
diazoniuni chloride and at 2254 cni-l in p-benzenediazonium sulphonate. Instead,
in p-diazo oxide, OCJ-I,Nt, for which a prevalent quinoid structure is now believed
to exist, vhx (in CI-IC13)lies at 208s c n - ' . On the other hand, the structural data d o
not appear useful in this case since a small participation of canonical form 14
could cause a variation i n the bond lengths of tlic same order as that of the experi-
mental errors.
3. Structural chemistry 105
I n agreement with a zwitterionic structure, the N(,,-N12, distance (1.08 and
1.09 A, respectively, in 2-diazonium-4-phenolsulphonate monohydrate and in
) the same order as that found in most
p-bcnzenediazonium ~ u l p h o n a t e ~is~ of
diazonium salts (1.10-1.1 1 l’. In turn, the C I I ) - N c l ) bond length is 1.40-
1.41 A and compares very favourably with the values observed for unsubstitutcd
diazonium salts (1.39-1.42 A). Finally, these results are confirmed by the value of
the C - S bond length, which is very near to that found in similar moleculesG2* G3.
A. isomerism
Addition of a strong base to a n aqueous solution of a diazonium salt leads to
rather complex transpositions, which have been of interest for a long time’. The
reaction scheme which is presently agreed on’. G4-72 IS
. the following:
ArN:+OH- syn-ArN,OH
cis ( s y n )
- __f
trans ( a n f i )
The problem of the configuration of the syrz and anti isomers is now largely
clarified and will not, therefore, be treated at length.
106 S . Sorriso
B. Structure of Potassium-syn-methyl-riiazotate
MeN,O-K (16): This is thc only diazotatc for which structural paranicters are
available; R = 0.054; standard deviations 0.005-0.01 A and 0.5". The C-N and
N-N bond lengths in 16, (1.477 a n d 1.246 A, respectively) arc of the same order
as those observed in azornethane (1.474 a ~ 1.244
d A, rcspcctively)". By contrast,
the N-0 distance (1.306 A) is shorter than that observed usually (l.39-1.41)7s.
A. General
T h e structures of only a few diazoalkanes not containing othcr characteristic
groups (diazoniethane, 2-bromodiazofluorene and plienyl(triplienylsilyl)diazo-
methane) have been determined. T h e structural pararnetcrs for diazornethane have
been reviewed previously's M 283~ and will not bc reported herc.
In the diazoalkanes examined to date, the C-N bond Icngth (1.28-1.32 A) is
greater than that observed for a Csp'=N bond (1.23-1.26 A)34.At the same time, the
N-N distance (1.12-1.13 A) is greater than that found for dinitrogen and for
bcnzenediazoniuni chloride (1.09)8*lG. Jn agrccincnt with most workers""-32, this
evidence suggests that the =CN, group is a resonance hybrid beliveen thc canonical
forms 19 and 21. Form 21 is commonly not reported sincc its contribution is very
small compared to that of 19 and 20, as i t possesses fewcr covalent bonds and there
is a largcr charge separation.
R' R' R'
+ \- + \- +
< t
(19) (20) (21 1
B. X-Ray Data
I . 2-Bromodiazofluorene
CI,H,N,Br 105 (22): R = 0.09; standard deviations 0.031-0.040 8, and 1.8-2.8".
All the atoms lie in the same plane apart from Br, C171
and No,, which arc slightly
shifted from this plane.
... ___-
108 S. Sorriso
1.501 A 1.456 8,
1-384 8, 1-393 8,
1.349 A 1.362 8,
1.404 8, 1.876 A
1.124 8, 1.323 8,
121.1" 120.8"
121.7" 1273"
1 18.6" 109.9"
119.6" 125.9"
122.7" 117.9"
115.9" I 17.8"
108.7" 126.2"
104.8" 102.5"
112.9" 178.2"
104.4" 1 18.5"
109.0" 120.3"
133.4" 131.2"
2. Phenyl(triphenylsily1) diazomethane
Ph(Ph3Si)CN2'OB (23): R = 0.117; standard deviations 0.0164020 A and
0-5-1.4". T h e C-H bond length is 1.05-1.08 A. T h e molecule is monomeric. T h e
structural parameters of the CN, group a r e very close to those found for diazo-
methane1Sa2* The Si-C bond distance (1.865 A) is similar to that observed for
tetraphenylsilane (1.872 The present data d o not suggest the participation of
- +
a form =Si=C-N--=N, involving 3d orbitals, to the resonance hybrid.
1.882 8, 1.468 8,
1.863 8, 1.280 8,
1.871 A 1.130 8,
1.846 8,
1.366 8, 1.380 8,
1.375 8, 1.372 8,
1.347 8, 1.353 A
1.358 A 1.380 8,
1.364 8, 1.392 8,
1.413 A 1.391 8,
3. Structural chemistry 109
1.383 A 1.359 A
1-386 8, 1.374 A
I .360 A 1.342 a
1.369 8, 1.353 8,
1.381 8, 1.415 A
1.357 8, I .393 A
108.3" 110.7"
109.2" 125.7"
107.1" 115.3"
112.1" 1 18.8"
109.2" 178.1"
120.6" 124.5"
122.3" 122.0"
119.0" 119.9"
123.4" 119.9"
122.0" 120.6"
1 18.6" 1 19.3"
1 17.7" 118.2"
121.8" 1 17.0"
1 19.6" 121.9"
127.8" 124.7"
118~1" 118.3"
121.0" 120.2"
119.0" 121.5"
122.7" 1 18.0"
I 16.4" 116.8"
173.9" 171.0"
A. Synthesis
T h e following isomers of these compounds have been isolated : the addition
product PhN,CN.HCN and the two isomeric forms, sytz and m r i , of the diazo-
cyanide. The former is labile and the latter stable. The addition product is prepared
in acid medium and in excess of cyanide108-111. T h e other two compounds are also
prepared in acid medium, but the cyanide is added slowly and is always in less than
molar ratio with respect to the diazonium salt and the I f the reaction is
carried out a t - 5 "C and in sufficiently Concentrated solution, the labile form
precipitates a s a crystalline compound. At room temperature, the labile isomer
slowly isomerizes to the stablc one. Finally, if the reaction is carried out by adding
a neutral solution of the diazonium salt to a concentrated solution of potassium
cyanide in a water-alcohol mixture at - 20 "C. the compound obtained is
completely different from those mcntioned above1o8* On X-ray evidence116 this
compound has been assigned the formula ArN,C(NH)CN.
B. Structures
T h e structural parameters of the stable isomer of the diazocyanides have been
determined in threc works. Unfortunately, because of their low stability, no structural
110 S. Sorriso
study has been carried out o n the labile sytz isomers. Even qualitative data on the
latter would have allowed definite conclusions to be arrived at regarding the
type of isomerism present i n diazocyanides. This has bcen much discussed (see
Section V.C).
The bond distances in the an/i-diazocyanides fall in t h e following ranges:
C,,r-N, 1.29-1.42 A ; N-N, 1.25-1.32 A; N-CC,,, 1.36-1.41 A and C = N 1.14-
I .! 5 A. Comparison of these distances with those for rrntrs-azobenzenc and its
symmetrical derivatives gives useful information on the electronic structures of
diazocyanides. I n ~ ~ n t i ~ - a z o b e n z e n Cfr~tis-4,4'-dichloroa~obenzcnc~~~,
"~, trntis-
4,4'-azodiphenetole1~!',frmrs-4-plienylazoben~ene1zo the bond distances are: Csp:- N ,
1.43-1.46 A, and N-N, 1.23-1.25 A. T h e presence of some dclocalization in thc
azobenzenes (bond order 1.9 for N-N and 1 . 1 for Csp2-N)9J has been suggested
by comparison with the aliphatic analogues. For the diazocyanides, which have no
symmetry elements, this delocalization increases since the C,,I-N bond length is
shorter, and the N - N greater, than those of rmtis-azobenzenes.
I. p-Chlorobenzene-anti-diazocyanide
CIC,H,N,CN (24): R = 04282; standard dcviations 0.007-0.030 8, and
0.7-1.9". The molecule is planar.
2. o-Bromobenzene-anti-diazocyanide
BrC,H,N,CN 132 (25): R = 0.059; the standard deviations are 0.006-0.011 8,
and 0.7". The molecule is almost planar.
3. o,p-Dibromobenzene-anti-diazocyanide
Br,C,H,N,CN (26): R = 0.168; almost planar.
1.153 A
1.414 A
1.322 8,
1.285 8,
1.406 8,
1.366 A
1.322 A
1.469 A
1.337 A
1.511 A
1 ,850 A
1.915 A
3. Structural chemistry 111
Uncorrected Uncorrected Corrected LTncorrected
174.7' 172.5" 170.5"
108.0" I 1 3.0" 1 13.9"
116.6" 1 13.6" 1 13.2''
120.9'' 125.7" 128.3"
122.1" 1 17.6" I 15.8"
1 18.9' 137.0" 125.6"
118.1" 1 19.0" 1 12.2"
122.6" 119.9" 124.6"
120.2" 119.7" 122.4"
117.9" 120.8" 1 17.9"
121.4" 122.0"
4. p-Chlorobenrene-anti-diazoimidoglyoxynitrile
ClCoH4N2C(NH)CN'lo (27): R = 0.09; standard deviations 0.007-0.014 A and
0.5-0.8". Other bond lengths: C-H, 0.90-1.05 8, ( f. 0.1), and N-H, 1-05( L- 0.1I).
T h e molecule is essentially planar. The structure of the CBHPN2group is very
similar to that observed in the other anti-diazocyanides.
1 19.3"
1 19.5"
1 19.6"
I 19.4"
1 18.3"
C. Isomerism
Since there are n o literature data on the structure of the syn isomers of diazo-
cyanides, it may be useful to coniment on the type of isomerism present in these
112 S. Sorriso
On thc basis of the structural results obtained fgr the ben-~r,,o-nrtti-diazocyanijes
seen above there are t\vo possibilities for the isomerism of diazocyanides:
ArN=NNC r z A:N=NCN (7)
\ t-
, N=N
Ar CN Ar
syn (cis) anfi (Irans)
T h e disagrcemcnt as to the significance of the chemical evidence, which has occupied
several shows that i t cannot constitute conclusive proof for either of
the possibilities (7) and (8). The only physical results currently available have been
obtained from dipole moment and infrared spectra measurements.
Tlie electric dipole moments of sonic diazocyanidesllJ, measured in benzene, are
shown in Table 1. What conclusions can be drawn from these d a t a ? Since the group
nioments for nitrile and iso-nitrite are very similar131, information on the con-
figuration niay be from a n examination of several members of the series
rather than by treating each singly. The situation (7) leads virtually to the same
difference in obscrvcd dipole moments in each pair of syn/an/i isomers. Since, a s
seen from Table 1 , this is not the case, this possibility may be excluded. The
possibility remains of a geonietrical isomerism (8). W e can try to verify this as
follows. Tlie group moment p(2,4,6-Br,CBH,N)may be assumed equal, to a good
approximation, to p(PhN), which is c. 2.0 D I14. Using this value, from the moment
observed for 2,4,6-tribromobcnzene-anri-diazocyanide, p(N-C=N) is estimated
to be c. 2.0 D llJ. With this value and the usual bond and group moments'02, the
following theoretical inoments (palc) for the an/i isomers of XCBH,N2CNniolccules
are then deduced (X, pC,lc,p,,bs): 4-C1, 2.4, 2.73; 4-Br, 2.4, 3-75; 4-N02. 2.0, 1.47.
T h e discrepancy between observed and calculated moments d o not allow con-
clusions to be drawn as to the presence of geometrical isomerism.
1. Observed dipole moments (D) for some aromatic
Compound Pwn Panti Psvn-Pant,
Interpretation of the i.r. spcctra is based o n the assumption that two geometrical
isomers should have C=N stretching bands very close t o one another in frequency
l ~ . This is observed, for example, in l - ~ y a n o - l - p r o p e n e ~
( v ~ h , ) l 133. which
~ ~ , gives V C N
a t 2221 cn1-l for the cis isomer and at 2223 for the trans isomer. By contrast, the
difference between the vm values for a pair of structural isomers is of the order of
100 ci1i-I 115, 135, 13G. Several authors have used these observations to obtain infor-
mation on the type of isomerism present in diazocyanides. The results obtained are
shown in Table 2 . T h e data in this table rcveal some disagreement among the
various workers. A difference in the vcx values between the labile and the stable
isomers has been found only by some authorsllS. I t seems hazardous to use this
evidence alone as suficient to indicate the presence of structural isomerism. In fact,
3. Structural chemistry 113
the integrated intensity of the C = N stretching vibration is greater in the stable
isomer (nitrilic) than in the labile one (isonitrilic) while an isonitrile usually shows a
more intense C E N band than t h e corresponding nitrilellss 13% 13G. Jn addition, the
difference in the v r n values is much smaller in a pair of diazocyanidcs than between
nitrileisonitrile pairs. Some workers explain this fact115 by invoking a strong
Ar-N=N-CeN conjugation, which would not only lower the frequency for this
isomer but would also lead t o an almost linear -NNCN group. This explanation
is discounted by thc X-ray structural parameters obtained for the benzene-anti-
diazocyanides (see Section V.B). In fact, these molecules have a non-linear structure
with a C = N bond equal to 1-14 A, which is of the same order, if not lower, a s that
found in most nitriles studied to date137.
2. Frequency ( q ? and
TABLE ~ ) intensity of absorption ( A ) of the C=N
stretching vibration band for some aromatic diazocyanidcs
~ ~ ~~~~
A. Isomerism
1. General
Different diazoketones may be obtained, depending on the position of the carbonyl
group with respect to the diazo group. Most work has been centred on the
a-derivatives because they are the easiest to prepare and have also numerous
applications in organic syntheses'. 138-141.
114 S. Sorriso
The configurations adopted by z-diazoketones depend on the conjugation betwem
the diazo group, which in this case acts with a + M effect, and the carbonyl group,
which exerts a - M effect. The atomic orbital scheme involved in this delocalization
is shown in Figure 3. For the only niolccular structure of .x-diazoketones solved to
date, 1,4-bisdiaz0-2,3-butanedionc"~,the following values were obtained: C N N
176.8", CCN 116.5". These results indicate that in the a-diazoketones the carbon
aloni C(?, (Figure 3) is essentially sp? hybridized and both nitiogen atoms have sp
hybridization. The x , orbitals are localized on the latter two atoms, which each
furnish a n electron t o the bond formed between them. Instead, the x, orbitals a r e
delocalized over several atoms (e.g. five in the case of diazoacetone, MeCOCHN,) to
different extents depending on the nature of the substituents R' and R2.The nitrogen
atom N,,, donates two electrons to this molecular orbital and all the other atoms
donate one each. The delocalization of the x, electrons on the atoms of the molecular
skeleton causes the central C(,,-C(,, bond to become partially double bonded.
It follows that two rotational isomers may exist, each having the COCN, group
more or less planar (Figure 3) depending on the electronic, steric and electro-
static effects exerted by R' and R2.
Apart from this geometrical isomerism, a-diazoketones may also, in theory,
show structural isomerism due to the transposition of the hydrogen atoms a to the
carbonyl group. Depending on whether the hydrogen migrates to the carbonyl
3. Structural chemistry 115
oxygen or to the terminal nitrogcn there will be keto-enol or diazo-isodiazo
isomerisin, respectively.
Identification of the type of isomerism present becomes more difficult since
diazoketones may form an intcrrnolecular hydrogen bond with another diazo-
ketone molecule o r with a iiydroxylic cornpouiid'43--"5. This explains why early
results, although experimentally valid, often led to incorrect conclusions.
We now examine the theorctical and experimental evidence for the type of
isonicrism prcsent in 3-diazoketones in cliffcrent mcdia.
the diazo-isodiazo equilibrium
II +
R E H - C-CH=N=N-H
116 S. Sorriso
equilibrium, 30, since a siiiiilar dependence on solvent and an isosbestic point are
also found i n the spectra of compounds for whicli this isomerism is not possible,
e.g. 2-diazocyclohe~anone~~~, 3-diazonorcamphor and 3-diazocamplior'".
For a variety of reasons, we favour the possibility (31). In agreement with F a h P
i t is our opinion that in mixed solvents there is formation of a hydrogen bond
between the diazo compound and the hydroxylic solvent. The evidence for this
conclusion is derived from t h e fact that the isosbestic point becomes more evident
the greater is the availability of the oxygen lone pair to form this type of bond. The
presence of the latter is proved by the behaviour of t h e 0 - H stretching vibration
band of phenol in the presence of various a - d i a z o k e t o n e ~ ~
~ ~ . interpretation
explains why the same behaviour in mixed solvents is observed for molecules for
which two conformers are possible and those for which they are notia9. lS3. In
agreement with this, for diazoacetonc, MeCOCHN,, and diazoacetophenone,
PhCOCHN,, it was observed that the band due to the T ; +it* transition in the cis
isomer overlaps that in the tmns isomer.153
As to the infrared spectra of a-diazoketones in mixed solvents, Foffani and
observed that integrated intensities and frequencies of the N-N
stretching vibration band are almost invariant for diazoacetone, diazoacetophenone
and benzoyl(diazo)phenylmet hane on varying the ratio between non-polar and
hydroxylic solvents. Morcover the C=O stretching band at 1662 cm-l in diazo-
acetone decreases in intensity, in C2C14 as solvent, with increasing quantity of
phenol. At the same time the peaks at 1633 and 1633 cm-I, which are very weak
in intensity in non-polar solvents, became more intense with increasing phenol
concentration. These phenomena may be due to the presence of hydrogen bonding
between the carbonylic compound and the hydroxylic solvent, which stabilizes one
conformer more than the other. According to this, for molecules having two con-
formers, one peak in the N-N stretching band disappears in the presence of
hydroxylic soIventsiS4.This interpretation, which reconciles the U.V. and i.r. results,
appears plausible but requires further experimental justification.
The atoms involved in the hydrogen bond may, in theory, be the terminal
nitrogen, the carbon of the diazo group and the carbonyl oxygen. Involvement of
the nitrogen o r of the carbon atom may be excluded since the i.r. spectra of phenol
in the presence of diphenyldiazomethane (0.004M) in CCI, show no evidence for
its presence145.The only atom available is thus t h e carbonyl oxygen.
The formation of a n intermolecular hydrogen bond between two diazoketone
molecules has recently been established1l4#Ia5 for RCOCHN, compounds. N.m.r.
measurements were carried out in weakly accepting solvents such as CCI, and
d,-benzene at a temperature at which interconversion between possible rotamers is
very fast and it was found that the chemical shift varies regularly with the con-
centration of the diazo conipound14S.
The possibility that two rotamers exist in equilibrium in apolar solvents, foreseen
by Foffani and c o w o r k ~ r s * ~ has
~ , recently been established by Sorriso and
lS6 by examining the N- N stretching vibration band in CCI,. This
band is suitable for our purpose because i t falls in a frequency range in which other
groups present in the molecule do not absorb. 'The molecules CH,CICOCHN,,
CHCI,COCHN,, r-BuCOCf-BUN,, PhCOCHN? a n d PhCOCMeN, show a single
N-N stretching band, while MeCOCHN,, MeCOCMeN, and PhCOCPhN, give
split N-N bands (Figure 4). Since rotaniers stabilized by a sufficiently high-energy
barrier to interconversion have different i.r. spectra, the splitting of the diazo band
indicates the presence of two conformers.
Insight into the reasons for the existence of t w o rotamers in a-diazoketones comes
also from an examination of the frequencies of the carbonyl and diazo stretching
3. Structural chemistry 117
vibrations, which fall around I650 and 2080 cni-l. respcctivelyR8,03, 1r+'.5fl. These
frequencies are clearly shifted compared to those in the corrcsponding
and d i a z o h y d r o c a r b o ~ i s93;
~ ~vc0
~ moves to lower frequency and V X X to higher
frequency. This indicates that in these molecules the carbonyl group has lcss double-
bond character than i t does in ketones, while the N-N bond is of higher order than
4. Profile of N-N stretching vibration band observed in CCI, for: (a) diazoacetone
McCOCHN,; (b) I-acetyl-I-diazoetliane, McCOCMeN,; (c) benzoyl(diazo)phenyl-
methane, PhCOCPhN2; (d) diazoacetophenone, PhCOCHN,,.
in diazohydrocarbons of the same order of substitution. 111 other words, a third
limiting form, 34, which occurs at the expense of form 33, is i n addition to the
canonical forms 32 and 33 also present in diazohydrocarbons. The participation of
the form 34 gives the central C-C bond a partial double bond character. T h e
contribution of forms of type 33 and 34 is higher the higher the frequency of the
diazo band and the lower its intensity. The oppcsilc: holds for contribution of forms
of the type 32 93. 160.
Values of energy of activation (E:,), frequency factor ( A ) , free energy of activation (AF')
and temperature of coalesccnce (T,) for hindered internal rotation about the C-C central
bond in diazoketones (RCOCHN,), 40% w/w solution in deuteriochloroform
trniis -+ cis
Ea E2 fw,,I<
R (kcal/niol) log A (kcaljmol) log A (kcal/niol) T, ("C)
_- ~-
Me +
15.5 0.9c 12.5 15.4 1 5 . 5 f0.9" 13.9 13.9 12.s
M ee 15.9 f0.6 15.0 154 15.9+_0.6 16.1 14.1 13.5
Et +
16.1 0.6 13.6 15.3 16.2 f 0.6 14.8 13.5 6.5
PhCH, +
15.2 0.6 14.9 15.3 18.2 f 0.6 16.3 13.4 1.0
Me0 +
12.5 0.9 12.6 12.8 +
12.5 0.9 12.7 12.7 - 25.0
Eto 9.0 f0.8 9.7 13.3 9.020.5 9.8 13.2 - 32.5
Concentration unknown.
20% w/w solution in deuteriochloroforni.
Average deviation involving at least two separate samplcs.
The [runs resonance line was not observed.
Errors represent the prccision of the Arrhenius plots. The free energies of activation
were calculated from the relationship SF;. = 2.303 XT log (T+ KkT/h). The transmission
coefficients, K , are assumed to be unity.
For the compounds which give doubling of the methine proton peak at low
temperatures, attempts have been made to assign struct urcs. Kaplan and Meloy144
considered the possibilities: keto-enol (28) and diazo-isodiazo (29) structural
isomerisms; geometrical isomerism (30) (Figure 3). Tautonieric equilibria (28) and
(29) may be excluded since the I3C- EI coupling constant for high-temperature time-
average species is the same as that of the species predominant at low temperature
( J = 199 c.P.s.) for McCOCHN,, EtCOCI-lN, and EtOCOCI-lN,. If structural
3. Structural clicmistry 119
isonicrs had been present, the time-averaged species at high temperature would
have been expected to show coupling co~istanlsdiffcrcnt from those of the species
predominant at low temperature, sincc the two species have different C-13
1 A
34 "C -13°C
y' c
A- 43°C
FIGURE 5. Tcmperatiire dependence of thc n.m.r. spcctrum of thc methine proton of methyl
diaioacetate (MeOCCCI-IN,). Rcprintcd, \vith pcrniission, from Kaplan and Meloy,
J . Amev. Chem. Soc., 88, 950 (1966). Copyright by the American Chemical Society.
Having assigned the two pcaks to the two conforiiicrslGG-'", the thermodynamic
parameters for the cis 2 frn~rsequilibrium have been calculatcd by integrating the
peaks (Table 3). The values listed in this table show that the ratio of the two con-
formers does not depend only on stcric factors.
The cnergy barriers to intcrconvcrsion between the two rotnmers fall in the range
9-18 kcal/mol. The IoLver values are obtained for diazo esters, in \vhich diazo-
carbonyl conjugation is lower and hence thc double-bond character of the C - C
central bond is lower.
The 13C-H coupling constant ( J == 199c.p.s.) indicates144that the C-H bond
has high s charac:er (41%,), which suggests that the rnethine hydrogen m a y
participate in hydrogen bonding.
T h e p.m.r. evidence leaves little doubt that the isomerism present in
a-diazoketones is geometrical isomerism. Furthcr conformational studies are thus
airned niore at obtaining insight into the cffect of thc R' and R 2 groups on thc
cisltrotrs ratio and into the theoretical aspects of this isomerism rather than proving
its existence.
120 S. Sorriso
4. Electric dipole moments
The usefulness of electric dipole moments in conformational studies has been
known for some 170-17,. For a-diazoketones this technique has been used to
determine the relative contribution of the two rotainers and to study t h e effect of
the R 1 and R? groups. The observed dipole moments, in benzene, at 25 "C and
assuming f3 = 0, are (compound, dipole moment in debye): MeCOCHN,, 3.37;
CH,CICOCHNz, 2.80; CHCI,COCHN,, 2.65 ; CCI,COCHN,, 2.46 lo3; PhCO-
CHN?, 3.66; p-MeCeH4COCHN2, 4.01 ; p-CIC,H,COCHNz, 3.08 ; p-BrC,H,CO-
CHN,, 3-11 ; p-MeOC,H,COCHN,, 3-73; PhCH,COCHN,, 3.31 ; Ph(CH2),-
COCHN?, 3.39 l i 3 ; BzCPhN?, 2.77 ; VI-CICCHJCOCHNZ, 3.34; o - C I C ~ H ~ C O C H N ~ ,
3.56 l o l ; MeCOCMcN,, 2-45; Y-BUCOC~-BUN,,1.98; PhCOCMeN,, 2.75;
p-CIC6H4COCMeN,, 2.05 ; o-CIC,H,COCMeN,, 3.18
The observed moments indicate that whilst MeCOCHN,, PhCH2COCHN,,
COCMeN,, PhCOCMcN, and o-CIC,H,COCMeN, may be two rotamers, only
one species, the cis one, is present in halogen derivatives of diazoacetone.
Presumably there is a strong electrostatic effect by t h e halogen atom on the diazo
The aryldiazokctones are almost entirely present as the cis conformer. This
result agrees with the X-ray data175a n d with the fact that only a single sharp peak
for the methine proton is observed in the n.m.r.l" and the N-N stretching vibration
band is single in CC14Is.-'.
Finally, the t-butyl derivative gives only a single rather distorted structure with
an angle of c. 140' between the CCO and CCN planes.
5. MO calculations
MO calculations on a-diazoketones have essentially two aims: to see if there is
theoretical justification for the rotational isomerism found experimentally, and to
obtain information on the molecular conformation of rather complicated coni-
pounds, information not obtainable by other means.
~ ~ ~performed MO calculations on diazoacetone
Csizniadia and c o ~ o r k c r shave
and diazoacetophenone using Hoffniann's extended Hiickel met hod. The scheme
used and the results obtained are shown in Figures 6 and 7. From Figure 6 i t may
be seen that two conformers, cis and fmm. both with almost the same energy and
the COCHN, group planar, are possible for diazoacetone. The energy barrier
height to interconversion between the two species (- 14 kcal/mol) is of the same
order as that determined cxperimentdly from n.1n.r. spectra in CDCI, ( - 16 kcal/
mol)*4t.As expected, variation in the angle 4 has an almost negligible effect on the
relative energies of the two rotamers and on the barrier height.
By contrast, the effect on changes in angle 4 in diazoacetophenone is con-
siderable (Figure 7). At y = 120" and C#I = 0" there is only a single isomer, the cis
form. Instead on varying the angle 4, i.e. on rotating the pheny! group out of the
molecular planc, diazoacetophenone gives two conformers having similar energies
and a barrier height of the order of 14 kcal/mol. This result is not in agreement
with the i.r. and spectra and the dipole moments, which suggest only one
isomer, the cis one. The discrepancy betlveen theoretical and experimental evidence
may be due to solvation and/or to entropic factors's3.
Sorriso and coworkers have studied the molecules CH,CICOCHN,,
MeCOCMeN, PhCOCPhN2 and PhCOCMeN, by the C N D 0 / 2 method
using the structural parameters of Figures 6 and 7. The calculated energies suggest
1.12 i
r +-
. -13555.6 -135695 I
T + O '
- 13555.4
6. Conclusions
T h e results obtained to date show that the isomerism present in a-diazokctoncs
is geometrical isomerism. As mentioned in Section V I . A . 1 , this arises because of
conjugation between diazo and carbonyl groups, which makcs the central C-C
bond partially double-bonded. This suggcstion is supported by the frequency of the
N-N and C - 0 stretching vibrations compared with those in diazohydrocarbons
and ketones. T h e presence of t w o conformers is confirmed by the low-tcmperaturc
doubling of the methine proton in n.m.r. specira of several diazoketones of the
type RCOCHN, and the doubling of the N-N stretching vibration band. M O
calculations using two different methods also show that, if hindrance of all kinds
is absent, thc configuration preferred by the COCN, group is a planar one.
T w o factors seem to control the cis f r o m equilibrium in a-diazoketones
R'COCR2N,. T h e first is diazo-carbonyl corijugation, which is responsible for the
energy barrier height to interconversion between the two conformers. The latter
increases -if R1 is electron attracting and decreases if i t is a n electron donor. By
contrast, it is lowered if R' is electron attracting since such a group involves the ;i
system of the diazo group, lowering thc conjugation of the latter \\,it11 the carbonyl.
T h e second factor is the influence of steric and clectrostatic elfccts excrted bct\veen
R', R2, the carbonyl group and the diazo group. This factor causes variations i n
both the height and relative energy of the two conformers and therefore in thcir
Finally, for most of the molecules of general formula RCOCHN,, the cis con-
former is preferred to the from one. This may be due to two reasons. The first is the
fact that the diazo group is larger than the hydrogen and thercfore repulsion between
i t and R is greater than that betnrecn the hydrogen and R . The second is the
through-space interaction between the carbonyl and the diazo group. The latter
may be related to the presence of a fraction of negative charge on the c x b o n y l
oxygen and of one of positive charge on N , l , \vhich \vould attract one another, or
to a n interaction bet\vcen the ::systems of the diazo and t h e carbonyl groups. That
a certain stabilizing action is present i n the cis form is shown by the clear pre-
dominance of the cis species over the / m r s one in diazoacetaldchyde, HCOCHN,.
N .m.r. measurements lead to a cis/fr.rrm ratio of 7/3 for this molccule14.1.In the
absence of the stabilizing effect, the trotis form would havc been favoured, as shown
by models constructed using van der Waals' radii.
constant of lo3 sec-*.
cis + frans
k-= I
If two conformers with COCN, group planar are present for these molecules, t h e
following cisllrans ratio would be expected : PhCOCMeN,, 44/56 and (Mc,C)COC-
(CMe,)N,, 7 / 9 3 . These values are of the same order as the ketenc/unsaturated
ketone ratios obtained experimentally. In fact, for thc unsaturated ketone, for de-
composition of PhCOCMeN, catalysed by Ag,Olin we obtain a ratio of 72%, and for
decomposition of (Me,C)COC(CMe,)N2 (pyrolysis, irradiation or acid-catalysed
~ obtain 80-90%. This evidence suggests that there is some
~ e a r r a n g e m e n t ) " we
dependence of the mechanism of decomposition o n the conformation of a-diazo-
ketones. This would mean that the decomposition occurs not through an intermediate
carbene radical but, rather, via a concerted migration process of an alkyl or aryl
group and loss of a nitrogen molecule14p.The cis form presents the more suitable
situation for this mechanism, which would also cxplain the effect of tctnperature o n
the nature of the decomposition products. I n fact, increase in temperature favours
the higher energy rotamers (for the two molecules concerned, the cis form) and with
this the formation of the ketene, exactly as observed experimentally.
FI~ially,the fact that the two molecules PhCOCMeNa and (Me,C)COC(Me,C)N,
are not planar means that t h e mechanism describing the Wolff rearrangement is
most facilitated in the cis conformer and impeded in the f r m s one and that there are
intermediate situations between these two extremes.
C. Structures
The molecules of a-diazoketones for which X-ray crystal structures have been
reported are not, unfortunately, the more representative ones. It is, therefore, not
possible to deduce general conclusions for this class of compounds nor to describe
their clectronic configuration from the present structural results.
3. Structural chemistry 125
I . I ,QBisdiazo-2,3-butanedione
C4H2N402 (40): R = 0.029, standard deviation = 0.001 A. T h e molecule is
planar with a centre of symmetry and has a cis conformation for both COCN,
groups. As pointed out by the authors'"?, these results appear to be contradictory.
In fact, thc C - 0 distance, of the sanic order a s that commonly observed for
and thc N-N bond, virtually the same as that for diazoniuni salts (sce
Section II.A.I), suggest a structurc of :hc 'diazo oxide' type 32 and 33, in which the
triple-bonded N-N type 33 predominates, as in unsubstituted diazonium salts.
In contrast, the values above indicate a significant double-bond character in the
bonds C-N and CO-CN, which may be rationalized by invoking a sensible
contribution by the canonical forms 32 a n d 34, respectively, to the resonance
1 16.3"
1 14.0"
3. 2'-Deoxy-5-diazo-6-hydro-0~,5'-cyclouridine
CgHIONdOL180 (42): R = 0.052; standard deviation G0.007 A. Only the bond
distances have been reported.
I26 S. Sorriso
N(51-Nlil 1.120 A C(fil-O[s 1 1.415 A
C 1 5 1 - N 1 5 ) 1.308 A O(,.,-C[, 1 1.433 A
C(s,-C(I, 1.431 A C(s*]--Ctd,) 1.519 A
C o l - O l l ~ 1.234 A C(,*,-O(,,1 1.449 A
C t 4 , - N ( 3 1 1.361 A Ct,,,-O(,*) 1.404 8,
N131-C(21 1.381 A C,,,,-Nl,, 1.486 8,
C111-O15) 1.219 A C(,.)--C[2,I 1.529 A
N(l,-Cp, 1.319 A C(?,,-C(,.) 1.519 A
C ( G , - N , , , 1.457 C,,~,-O,,~, 1.431 A
CtS)-CIGl 1.484 A C(3.,-C(d.) 1.522 A
The bond distances observed for 41 and 42 suggest that as for thc other diazo-
ketones. the COCN, group in these niolecules is a resonancc hybrid between the
canonical forms 43-45. Thc other parts of thc molecule d o not conjugate with
COCN, group.
A. General
When alkali is added to or/lro- and porn-hydroxy-substituted diazonium salts
and the mixture heated, compounds of !he type 46 arc obtained:
T h e nature of thc bonding present and the character of the six-membered ring are
the subject of t h i s section.
These substances are of some interest as they arc uscd as interniediatcs in the
laboratory and in industry and bccause they can be viewed, theoretically, as
reprcsenting a situation intcrmediate between the diazoniuni salts and the diazo-
Various names Iia\-e been suggested for these compounds: diazoquinoncs, diazo-
anhydrides, diazo oxides and quinonc diazides. For t h e derivatives of benzene and
naphthalene, the nnmcs diazophenols and diazonaphthols, respcctively, have also
becn used. In thc prcscnt chaptcr for most cascs \vc will adopt the name diazo oxides.
Scveral suggestions have been p u t fonvard as to rhc structure of diazo
oxides1H'-1s9,47 and 48. Sonic of thcse are now unacceptablc on the basis of modern
electronic thcory. Othcrs, such as thc cyclic structures, may be escluded o n the basis
of thc X-ray dsta (Section V1I.C) and of thc frequencies of the N-N and C-0
stretching vibration bands, some of which are slio\\n in Table 4. As can be seen
3. Structural clicniistry 127
f r o m this table, these frequencies a r e foiind in regions characteristic of absorptions
b y a N-N bond intcrmediate betwccn a d o u b l c a n d a triple b o n d and by a C-0
b o n d slightly lower than a doublc b o n d .
4. Values of the stretching vibration frequencies V S N and vco for some diazo oxides
Solvent o r
Subst it uent physical state VSX (cm-') vco (crn-') Reference
Dinzonnpht hols
1,2-Naphthaquinonc-l- CHCI, 2132 2096 1671 195
4-Nitro-1.2-naphtha- Parafin mulls 2015 1642 193
quinone-1 -diazide
1,2-Napht haquinonc-2- CHCI, 2155 2114 1621 195
1,2-NaplitIiaquinone-2- Parafin mulls 2148 1610 1618 192
1,4-Naphthaquinonediazide Paraffin mulls 2014 1618 197
For the values of the stretching vibration frequencies reported for other diazo oxides
see Reference 196.
128 S. Sorriso
The problem of the elec1ronic structure of diazo oxides may at prcscnt be put i n
these terms: should these compounds be considered quinoid (483) or benzenoid
(48b) i n character, or a resonancc hybrid between both extreme forms 48? We will
attempt a reply to this question in Section VI1.B.
B. Electronic Structure
Some time ago, Sidgwick and suggested that the diazo oxides could
better be represented by a resonance hybrid between the two forms 48. This idea
was later accepted by other lg0. Anderson and RoedellB9found that the
visible and ultraviolet spectra of some diazophenols and diazonaphthols were very
similar to those of the corresponding quinones a n d inferred that the former must
have a quinoid structure. Le Ftvre a n d coworkers'"* O o 0 , from dipole moment
measurements and i.r. and U.V. spectra, concluded that the diazo oxides are a
resonance hybrid between the canonical forms 48, the quinoid form clearly pre-
dominating. The electric dipole moments, determined in non-polar solvent, are
reported in Table 5. Vector analysis of the moments of this table may give the
5 . Electric dipole moments observed for some
quinone diazides"
Corn po und P (D)
3,5-Dibrorno-l,2-benzoquinonc-2-diazide 1.9
1 ,',-Naphthaquinone-I-diazide 4.0
1 ,Z-Naphttiaquinone-2-diazide 3.5
4-Nitro-] ,2-naphthaquinone-l-diazide 4.6
1,4-Naphthaquinonediazidc 4.2
p-Benzoquinonediazide 5 .o
0 0 No)- N(?,
a n d C(J)-Cls)is very closc to that for a quinoid structure. However, on going from
the atoms C12)and CtG) towards the diazo group the situation changes. In fact, the
bond order of C(,)-C(sI and C,8,-C(1, is noticeably higher than that for a quinoid
structure and the C-N and N-N bonds are almost entirely single and triple bonds,
respectively. In addition, the fraction of positive charge is localized on the two
nitrogen atoms, which rationalizes the tendency of diazo oxides to undergo diazo
coupling reactions. According to Kazitsyna and coworkers, the electronic structure
of the present compounds is better described if the forms 50 are present, in addition
to 48. The participation of these caconical forins to the mesomerism of diazo oxides
might account for the above-mentioned C - 0 , C-N and N-N bond orders and
also for the fact that the negative charge is greater on the oxygen atom and on the
atoms C l l ) ,C(3)and CIS,.Finally, i t was found that the distribution of electrons on
the molecule is very sensitive to the parameters used. Although this result is further
evidence that the electronic system of the diazo group is very mobile it also induces
caution in the interpretation of results from such calculations.
W e cannot conclude this examination of the literature data without underlining
the similarity in i.r. behaviour between the diazo oxides and the a-diazoketones.
I n both types of compounds the v X and ~ vco values are noticeably shifted compared
to those in the corresponding diazohydrocarbons and ketones: V ~ Nto higher
frequency and i*c0 to lower frequency. From the evidence discussed above we come
to the conclusion that this behaviour has a single cause: conjugation between the x
system of the diazo group and the T; electrons of the C-0 bond. Consequently, at
the present stage of work on these compounds, the most likely situation seems that
of a resonance hybrid having the main extreme forms 48, with the quinoid form
being predominant.
130 S . Sorriso
C. X-Ray Data
The two diazo oxide structures dctermincd to date are not rcprcscntativc of this
class of compounds, and the data rcported hcre cannot give insight on the clcctronic
structure of thcse moleculcs.
I. 3,6-Bisdiazocyclohexanetetraone
C,N,O, ?03 (51): R = 0.079; standard deviations 0.010 A and 0.7-0.9". T h e
molecule is planar. T h e N--N bond length (1.10 A) is of the same order as that of
diazonium salts (see Section II.A.I), while it is slightly shorter than that found in
diazoalkanes (1.12-1.13 A). This would indicate that the form having a triplc N-N
6 C(3) C,3)-C,4)
1.437 A
1.214 A
C131-Olz) 1.208 A
bond is predominant, as in diazonium salts which arc not substituted in the benzene
ring. Instead, the fact that the C-0 bond length (1.21 A) is practically the same as
that found in 1,4-bcnzoquinone (1.22 A) ?05 may in part
" ' 8 be explained by
remembering that t h e two diazo groups conjugate with four CO groups, which
decreases the conjugation efTect in the CO's. Finally, the CO-CO bond length i s
1.54 A, indicating the presence of a single bond, while thc CO-CN, bond (1.43 A)
is slightly longer than for an aromatic bond (1.39 A). The above cvidcnce is sufiicient
to allow the conclusion that the electronic structure of this niolccule may be
described by a resonance hybrid betwecn several extreme forms, the most important
of which are those of 52. The distance between molccular planes in the crystal (not
c 2.90 A) indicatcs that thcre are no intermolecular contacts.
rJ -
I1 I+
0 N+ O - ' -"I0 N+
I\ 111
N- N
2. 2,6-Dichloro4diazo-2,5-cyclohexadien-l-one
C,H,CI,N,O ?OG (53): R = 0.105; standard deviations 0.013-0.018 8, and
3. Structural chcmistry 131
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140. C. Grundmann, A m . C/ietti., 536, 29 (193s).
141. P. C. Guha and M. S . Muthanna, Ciirwtit Sci.,(Itidin), 6, 449 (1938).
142. H. Hope and K. T. 13lack, Acta Cryst., B28, 3633- (1972).
143. H. A. Morrison and P. Yatcs, C/ie/ir.& Itid., 931 (1962).
144. F. Kaplan and G. K. Meloy. J . Attier. C/ietn. SOC., 88, 950 (1966).
145. J. B. F. N. Engberts and G. Zuidcna, Rec. Trav. chiin., 89, 741 (1970).
146. M. S. Morgan. A. G. R e d r e w and A. M. Moore, paper presented at 129tli Meeting of
Anier. Chetn. Soc., Dallas, Tex., April 1955, reported in Reference 148.
147. F. A. Miller and W. B. White, J . Atiicr. Chem SOC., 79, 5974 (1957).
148. E. Fahr, Chem. Ber., 92, 398 (1959).
149. C. Pccilc, A. Foffani and S. Ghcrsctti. Tetrahedron, 20, 823 (1964).
150. L. L. Leveson and C. W. Thomas, Tetrdiedroir, 22, 209 (1966).
151. W. West, Teclitiiqite of Orgatiic Cliettiistry, Vol. 1 , Part I 1 (Ed. A. Weissberger),
Intcrscience, New York, 1949, p. 1299.
152. G. A. Hamilton, private communication to Reference 153.
153. I. G. Csizmadia, S. A. Houlden, 0. Meresz and P. Y a m , Tetrahedron, 25, 2121 (1969).
154. R. Cataliotti, S. Sorriso and G. Paliani, unpublishcd results.
155. R. Cataliotti, G. Paliani and S. Sorriso, Spectroscopy Letters, 7. 449 ( I 974).
156. G . Paliani, S. Sorriso and R. Cataliotti, J . Chew. SOC.Perkiti If, 1976, in press.
157. E. Fahr, A m . Cliettr., 617,11 (1958).
158. E. Fahr, H. Aman and A. Roedig, Atiti. Chetti., 675, 59 (1963).
159. W. D. Hormnnn and E. Fahr, Jitstirs Liebigs , 4 m . Clretn., 638, 1 (1960).
160. E. Fahr and K. H. Keil, Jiistus Liebigs Anti. Chetn., 663, 5 (1963).
16 1. J. D. Roberts, Nitclear il4agtietic Resotiatice Applicaliotis to Probierits iti Orgariic
Chemistry, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1959.
162. H. G. Hecht, Magtietic Resotimice Spectroscopy, Wiley, New York, 1967.
163. M. T. Rogers and J. C. Woodbrey, J . Phys. Clietti., 66, 540 (1962).
164. P. Graves and L. W. Rcevcs, J . Clietn. Pliys., 32, 1878 (1960).
165. G . J. Karabatsos and R. A. Taller, J . Airier. C/rertr.SOC.,86, 4373 (1964).
166. M. Karplus, J. Chetii. Phys., 30, 1 1 (1959).
167. H. Conroy, Advatices in Orgatric Clietrtistry, Methods and Results, Vol. 2, Interscience,
New York, 1960, p. 310.
168. A. 3. R. Bourn, D. G. Gillies and E. W. Randall, Te1rahcdroti, 20, 1811 (1964).
3. Striicttlral chemistry 135
169. L. H. Piette, J . D. Ray and R. A. Ogg. J . M o l . Spectroscopy, 2, 66 (1958).
170. J. W.Smith, Electric Dipole Momerris, Butterworths, London, 1955.
171. C. P. Smyth, Dielectric Bclrnoioitr atid Slrrictrrre, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1955.
172. V. I . Minkin, 0. A. Osipov and Y . A. Zhdanov, Dipole Morttortsin Organic Clieniisrry,
Plcnuni Press, 1970.
173. S. Sorriso, G.Piazza and A. FofTani, J . Chern. SOC.( B ) , 805 (1971).
174. S. Sorriso and A. Foffani, J . Cltern. SGC. Perkin I I , 2142 (1973).
175. F. Kaplan, personal communication reported in Reference 144.
176. S. Sorriso, F. Stefani, A. Flamini and E. Semprini, J . Cltern. SOC.Fwndny I I , 71,
682 ( 1 975).
177. S. Sorriso and A. StagSrd. J. Cltern. SOC.Perkin I I , 538 (1976).
178. V. Franzen, Cliern. Bet-., 602, 199 (1957).
179. M.S. Newrnann and A. Arkcll, J . Org. Cliern., 24, 385 (1959).
180. D. J. Abraham, T. G. Cochran and R. D. Rosenstein, J . Arner. Cltetn. SOC.,93,6279
181. E. Bamberger, Client. Ber., 28, 837 (1895).
182. 4. Klemenc, Chem. Ber., 47, 1407 (1914).
183. G.T. Morgan and F. M . G. Micklethwait, J . Clrern. SOC.,89,4 (1906).
184. G.T. Morgan a n d J. N. Porter, J . Chern. SGC., 107, 645 (1915).
185. E. Bambeiger, Vier~eljaltresschri~t Nnirtrforsclt. Ges. Ziiricli, 42, 136 (I 897).
186. A. Hantzsch and J. Lifschitz, Chern. Ber., 45, 3011 (1912).
187. E. Bamberger, Ann. Clrern., 390, 154 (1912).
1%. L. Wolff, A m . Clietn., 312, 119 (1900).
189. L. C. Anderson and M. J . Roedel, J . Ariter. Cltern. Soc., 67,955 (1945).
190. L. Horner and W. Diirckeimer, Cliern. Ber., 95, 1206 (1962).
191. Y. K . Stille, P. Cassidy and L. Plummer, J . Anter. Clrern. SOC.,85, 1318 (1963).
192. R. J. W. Le Fcvre, J . B. Sousa and R. L. Werner, J . Cltetn. Soc., 4686 (1954).
193. W.Reid and H. Appel, Z . Nnirtrforsclt., 15b, 684 (1960);A m . Clrcrn., 616,83 (1961).
194. T. Kunitake and C. C. Price, J . Artier. Clrern. Soc., 85,761 (1963).
195. P. Y a k s and E. W. Robb, J . Arner. Cltern. SOC.,79, 5761 (1957).
196. L.A. Kazitsyna, B. S. Kikot' and A. V. Upadysheva, R i m . Climi. Rev., 35,388 (1966).
197. N. V. Sidgwick, T. W. Taylor and J . W. Baker, The Oiparric Clretnistry of Nitrogen,
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1937,p. 423.
198. L. R. Modling a n d A. Burger, J . Arner. Chern. Soc., 63, 1115 (1941).
199. A. M. Simonov, Zlt. obsltclt. Klrint., 10, 1220 (1940).
200. J. D. C. Anderson, R. J. W. Le Fkvre and I. R. Wilson, J . Cltern. SOC.,2082 (1949).
201. J. Vaughan and L. Phillips, J . Cltetn. Soc., 1560 (1947).
203. L. A. Kazitsyna and N. D. Klyueva, Izvesl. Akad. Natrk S.S.S.R., Ser. kltirn., 1, 192
203. G. B. Ansell, J . Cltern. SOC.,B, 729 (1969).
204. J. Trotter, Acia Cryst., 13, 86 (1960).
205. J. Bernstein, M. D. Cohcn and L. Leiscrowitz, in The C1reuiisir.y of rlre Quittonoid
Cornpoiinds (Ed. S. Patai), Intersciencc, London, 1974, Part 1, p. 40.
306. C . Travis Presley and R. L. Sass, Acltr Crysf., B26, 1195 (1970).
Note Added in Proof
T h e zinc atom is nearly tetrahedrally surrounded by chlorine atoms, with the
CI-Zn-CI angles o f 105.8" a n d I 17.0", both with a n estimated standard deviation
of 0.2".T h e Zn-CI distance is 2-238 A (e.s.d. 0.002 A), i n agreement with the results
obtained by Nesterova a n d coworkers1' for p-N,N-ditncthylaniinobenzenediazonium
tetrachlorozinc( 11) (3).
I n the present molecule you can obscrvc a m o r e accentuatcd shortening of the
distance ClI,-C14, found in benzencdiazonium chloride (1) a n d in o-methoxy-
benzencdiazonium tetrachloroiron (4). This effect, qualitatively cxplanable by a
diminution in the p character of orbitals C,,, in the links C(II-C12)a n d Co)-C161
a n d by a n increase in the character p along Cll,-N121, has been attributed to the
presence of the diazonium group'J.
The Chemistry of Diazonium and Diazo Groups
Edited by Saul Patai
Copyright 0 1978 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved.
T h e m oc he m ist ry of
diazo compounds and
organic azidest
1162 Quince Avenue,
Siinnyvale, California 94087, U S A
A. Diazomethane . I38
B. Diazoethane . 138
9 C. Diazopropylene . 140
D. Diazotoluene . 140
A. Hydrogen Azide . 141
B. Methyl, Ethyl, Vinyl and Phenyl Azidcs . 141
AZIDES . . 145
A search of t h e literature has revealed n o infmmation o n diazoniutn compounds and
very little in the way of experimental data on diazo compounds and azides, so the
emphasis of this chapter is on estimation. The literature searched included Clter~iicaf
Abstracts, IUPAC's Biillefin of Tlie~niocliernistryand Tlierrtiodytiamirs, and the two
classic monographs's ?, Stull. Westrum and Sinke's The Cliemical Thermodynamics
of Organic Compounds and Cox and Pilcher's Tlrevniochenristry of Organic arid
Orgartometallic Conipounds.
T h e methods of estimation are based on additivity techniques developed by
Benson and his It would not be appropriate t o give a detailed dis-
cussion of additivity principles here because they have been adequately covered
previously, in earlier volumes in this seriesG,'. Nor would it be appropriate in a
review article of this size t o estimate the thermodynamic properties of all possible
t Since the volume The Chcnlistry of the Azido Groicp (1971) did not contain a chapter
on thermochernistry, it was decided to annex the material available on the azido group
to this chapter.
138 Robert Shaw
compounds of interest. The main emphasis here is on the methyl, ethyl, vinyl, and
phenyl derivativcs in the hope that thcy will form a basis for further work. A few
other compounds are included.
The thermochcniical properties discussed hcre are the heat of formation, the
entropy and the hcat capacity for the ideal gas state at a temperature of 298.15 K
(25 "C). F o r the sake of brevity, t h e terms molar, gas and 295.15 K will be omitted
from the therniochemical symbols. Otherwise, the nomcnclature will be that
recommended by IUPAC8. F o r example, the symbol for the hcat of formation of
methyl azide in the ideal gas state at 298.15 K is denoted herc by &H"(CH,N,).
Since the unit of cnergy recommended by IUPAC is the joule, all heats of formation
will be in uni:s of kJ/mol, followed by a value in thc prcviously accepted unit,
kcal/mol. The conversion factor is cal = 4.15 J. The symbol for the standard molar
entropy is S 8 (chemical compound) and that for the standard molar heat capacity
is c: (chemical compound). The units for all entropies and heat capacities will be
J/(mol K). As with the heats of formation, the value of the entropy and heat capacity
in the previously acceptcd unit cal/(mol K) will also be givcn.
Most of the measurcments reported in this rcvicw arc good to +_ 10 kJimo1,
2 kcal/mol, for the heat of formation and ? 5 J/(mol K), 1 cal/(mol K), for the
entropy and hcat capacity. Most of the estimates are good to k 20 kJ/mol, 5 kcal/nioi,
for the heat of formation and k 10 J/(niol K), 2 cal/(mol K), for thc entropy and
heat capacity.
A. Diazomethane
Diazomethanc is thc only diazo compound for which experimental results have
been reported. Langcr, Hipple and Stcvenson9 obtaincd a value of 1 9 5 2
25 kJ/mol, 4 6 k 6 kcal/niol, for the heat of formation of diazornethane from thc
appearance potential of CHf in the mass spcctrum of diazoniethane. Moorc and
Pimentel'O calculated thc entropy to be 242.4 J/(niol K), 55.0 cal/(niol K), and the
heat capacity to be 52.7 J/(mol K), 12.6 cal/(niol K), from statistical mechanics
and the infrarcd spectrum of diazomethane.
B. Diazoethane
No measured thcrmochemical data have been rcportcd for diazoethanc. The heat
of formation, entropy and heat capacity of diazocthane may be estimated by
assuming that the dilrcrencc betszcn diazoethanc and diazoniethane is thc same as
thc differcncc bctwcen ethylacetylene and niethylacetylenc, equation (1).
CH,(CHN,) - H(CHN2) = CH,(CH,C=CH) - H(CH,C=CH) (1 1
By using equation (2). inserting values for diazomcthanc from the previous scction
and valucs for cthyl- and methyl-acetylene from Stull, Wcstrum and Sinkel, I
estimatcd thc hcat of formation of diazoethane to be 172 kJ/niol, 41.2 kcal/mol,
the entropy as 255 J/(mol K), 65.2 cal/(mol K), and the heat capacity as
73.5.J/(nioI K), 17.6 cal/(mol K). The results are summarized in Table 1.
1. Estimation of the standard molar hcat of formation, cntropy and lieat capacity of diazocthane, diazopropylene and diazotoluene 2
in the idcnl gas state at 298.15 K (75 "C) 3
- 2
At H e SO
4 0,
Conipountl kJ/mol kcal/mol Ji(mol K) cal/(mol K) J/(mol K) cal/(mol K) Method of estimation u
Diazoet ha ne 172-2 41.2 285.1 68.2 73.5 17.6 CH3(CHN2) - H(CHN,) =
Diazopropylcne 277.1 663 309.9 73.9 93.6 22.4 CH,=CH(CHNJ - H(CHN2) =
Diazotolucne 284.2 68.0 408.0 97.6 115.0 27.5 Ph(CHN,) - H(CHN2) = a
Ph(CHzCH=CH,) - H(CH,CH=CHZ) 4
140 Robert Shaw
C. Diazopropylene
No experiments have been reported on the thermochemical properties of diazo-
propylene. Values may be estimated by assuming that the difference between diazo-
propylene and diazomethane is the same as the difference between 3-vinyl-I-propyne
a n d propyne, equation (3).
CHz=CH(CHN,) - H(CHN2) = CH,=CH(CH,C=CH) - H(CH,C=CH) (3)
From equation (3), it follows that
Unfortunately, neither Stull, Westrum and Sinkel nor Cox and Pilcher2 list
thermochemical properties of 3-vinyl-I-propyne. Furthermore, it is not possible t o
estimate values using group additivity because one of the groups, namely the
(C-Cd,Ct,H2)t group, has not been evaluatcd4.
Another solution is to assume that the difference between diazopropy!ene and
diazomethane is the same as the difference between 1,4-pentadiene and propylene,
equation (5).
CH,=CH(CHN,) - H(CHN,) = CH,=CH(CH,CH=CH,) - H(CH,CH=CH,) (5)
From equation (9,
it follows that
CH,=CH(CHN,) = H(CHN,)+CH,=CH(CH,CH=CH,) - H(CH,CH=CH,) (6)
By using equation (6), inserting values for diazomethane from the previous section
and values for 1,4-pentadiene and propylene from Stull, Westrum and Sinkel, I
estimated the thermochemical properties of diazopropylcne. The results are given
in Table 1.
D. Diazotoluene
No experimental values have been reported for the thermochemical properties of
diazotoluene. Valucs may be cstimated by assuming that the difference between
diazotoluene and diazomethane is the same as the differexe between 3-phenyl-
propyne and propyne, equation (7).
Ph(CHN2) - H(CHN2) = Ph(CH,C=CH) - H(CH,C=CH) (7)
From equation (7), it follows that
Ph(CHN,) = H(CHN,)+Ph(CH,CECH) - H(CH,C=CH) (8)
Unfortunately, neither Stull, Westrum and Sinke’ nor Cox and Pilcher2 list the
thermochernical properties of 3-phenylpropyne. Furthermore, it is not possible to
cstimatc values using group additivity because one of the groups, namely, the
(C-CU,C~,H,)S group, has not been evaluated$.
Another solution is to assume that the difference between diazotoluene a n d
diazomethane is the same as the difference between 3-phenylpropylene a n d
propylene, equation (9).
Ph(CHN,) - H(CHN,) = Ph(CH,CH=CH,) - H(CH,CH=CH,) (9)
IIO 4 -
Coriipotird Slate kJ/mol kcal.'mol Rcfcrcnce Ji(rnol K) cnl/(rnol K) Rcfcrcncc J/(mol K ) cal/(mol K) Reference
Ethyl azide is made up of two groups, namely, the (C-C,H,) group and the
(C-C,H2,N3) group. The value of the heat of formation of the (C-C,H,) group is
knownJ to be -42.2 kJ/mol, - i O . 1 kcal/mol, giving the heat of formation of ethyl
azide as 225.3 kJ/mol, 53.9 kcal/mol, as shown in Table 4.
The heat of formation of phenyl azide has bcen measured in the liquid statc (see
Table 2). The heat of vaporization may be estimated as follows. The boiling point
of benzene' is 353 K and that of cyclohcxane is 354 K. Therefore it may be assumed
that the heat of vaporization of phenyl azide is the samc as that of cyclohcxyl azide,
namely, 46.0 kJ/niol, 11.0 kcal/mol, giving the heat of formation of phenyl azidc
in the ideal gas state as 385.8 kJ/mol, 92.3 kcal/niol, as shown in Table 4.
No expcrimental results have bcen reported for thc heat of formation of methyl
azide. Ho\vever, i t may be estimated as follows. From the above discussion on ethyl
and phenyl azidcs, the difference in the hcats of formation of ethyl and phenyl azide
is - 160.5 kJ/mol, - 3S.4 kcal/mol. From the literature4, the difference between t h e
heats of formation of ethyl and phcnyl chlorides is - 159.7 kJ/mol, - 35.2 kcal/mol.
I t is therefore a good approximation to say that
A, He(EtN,) - A, N '(PhN,) = Af Ho(EtCI)- Af IIo(PhCI) (11)
From equation (13) and known values for the heats of formation of ethyl azide
(Table 4) and methyl and ethyl chlorides', the heat of formation of methyl azide is
246.6 kJ/mol, 59.0 kcal/mol. This value is in very good agreement with an earlier
estiniate of 238.3 kJ/mol, 57.0 kcal/mol, by Evans, Yoffe and GrayI3.
Similarly, the heat of formation of vinyl azide \vas estimated from equation (14)
At H'(CH,=CHN3) = Ar Ho(EtN3)+ Af Ho(CH2=CHCI) - AfH'(EtC1) (14)
4. Estimation of the standard molar heat of formation, entropy and heat capacity of methyl, ethyl, vinyl and phenyl azidcs in the
ideal gas state at 298.15 K (25 ‘C)
A* H e SO
c;(MeN,) = cE(MeNC0) (1 6)
Values f o r the entropies a n d heat capacities of ethyl, vinyl and phenyl azides were
estimated similarly to those f or methyl azide.
TABLE 5. Comparison of the standard molar entropy and heat capacity of hydrogen azide,
hydrogen cyanate and hydrogen isocyanate in the ideal gas state at 298.15 K (25 "C)
S9 4
Compound J/(mol K) cal/(mol K) Reference J/(mol K) cal/(mol K) Reference
F o r convenience, t he measured and estimated heats of formation, entropies and
heat capacities discussed in t h e previous sections have been collected in Table 6.
TABLE 6. Measured and estimated standard molar heats of formation, entropies and heat
capacities of diazo-methane, -ethane, -propylene and -toluene, and of hydrogen, methyl,
ethyl, vinyl and phenyl azides in the ideal gas state at 295.15 K (25 "C)
~~~~~~~ ~
A, H e
- --SO
kJ/ kcall J/ cal/ J/ cal/
Compound rnol rnol (rnol K) (mol K) (rnol K) (mol K) Table
-methane 195 46 242.4 58.0 52.7 12.6 Text
-ethane 172.2 41.2 285.1 68-2 73.5 17.6 1
-propylene 277.1 66.3 308.9 73.9 93.6 22.4 I
-toluene 284.2 68.0 408.0 97.6 115.0 27.5 1
hydrogen 296.8 71.0 238.7 57.1 43.5 10.4 2
methyl 242.4 58.0 283.0 67.7 67.7 16.2 4
ethyl 225.3 53.9 322.3 77.1 90.5 21.6 4
vinyl 366.6 87.7 295.5 70.7 75.7 18.1 4
Dhenvl 385.8 92.3 357.0 85.4 102.4 24.5 4
I46 Robert Shaw
T h e principles a n d use of group additivity have been dcscribed in considerable
detail elsewhere3-'. 21. A simple example was given earlier in the discussion of ethyl
Values of the thermochemical properties of the groups a r e summarized in Table 7.
TABLE7. Group values for estimating the thermochemical properties of diazoalkanes and
organic azides
A, H e
molecule kJ/mol kcal/mol kJ/mol kcal/mol kJ/rnol kcal/niol
I am pleased t o t h a n k Theodore Mill, Dale G . Hendry, David M. G o l d e n a n d t h e
Stanford Research Institute for the use of their libraries, Eileen Fellows for typing,
a n d K i t t a Reeds for editing the manuscript.
1. D. R. Stull, E. F. Westrurn and G. C. Sinke, The Chemical Tlicrtnodytiatnics of Organic
Cotripoioids, John Wiley, New York. 1969.
2. J. D. COXand G. Pilcher, Tfiert,iochet?iistryof Orgaiiic atid Organotnefallic Conipounds,
Academic Press, New York, 1970.
3. S . W. Benson and J. €1. Buss, J . Cheni. Phys., 29, 546 (1958).
4. S. W. Benson, F. R. Cruikshank, D. M. Golden, G. R. Haugen, 14. E. O'Neal, A. S.
Rodgers, R. Shaw and R. Walsh, Chem. Rev., 69, 279 (1969).
5. S. W. Benson, Tlierrnochemical Kitietics: Methods for rlie Esriniafion of Tlierniocheniical
Data and Rate Paranietrrs, John Wiley, New York, 1968.
6. R. Shaw, 'Thermochemistry of Hydrazo, Azo, and Azoxy Groups'. in Chemistry of
Hydraio, Azo, and Azoxy Groups (Ed. S. Patai), John Wiley, New York, 1974.
7. R. Shaw. 'Estimation of the Therniochernistry of Imidic Acid Dcrivatives', in Chemistry
o f / m i d i c Acid Dericatives (Ed. S . Patai), John Wiley, New York, 1975.
8. M. L. McGlashan, A m . Rev. PIiys. G'iem., 24, 51 (1973).
9. A. Langer, J. A. Hipple and D. P. Stevenson, J . Clietti. Pliys., 22, 1836 (1954).
10. C. B. Moore and G. C. Pimentel, J . Cherri. Pliys., 40, 312 (1964).
1 1 . P. Gray and T. C. Waddington, Proc. Roy. SOC.(Loridon), A2-75, 106 (1956).
12. P. Gunther, R. Mayer and F. Mullcr-Skjold, 2.Pliysik. C h e m , 175, 154 (1935).
13. B. L. Evans, A. D. YofTe and P. Gray, Clirtn. Xcu., 59, 515 (1959).
14. D. D. Wagnian, W. H. Evans, V. B. Parker, I. Halow. S. M . Bailey and R. H. Schurnm,
'Selected Values of Chemical Thcrmodynamic Properties', Utiireti States h'atiotial
Burerrir of Standards Teclitiical Note 270-3 (1 968).
15. D. A. 1)ou.s and G. C. Pimentel, J . Chetti. Phys., 23, 1258 (1955).
4. Therniochemistry of diazo compounds and organic azides 147
16. T. F. Fagley, E. Klein and J. F. Albrecht, Jr, J . Attier. Cltem. Sac., 75, 3104 (1953).
17. H. Muraour, Bid/. Soc. Chirrr. Frurtce, 51, 1 I52 (1932).
18. W. A. Roth a n d F. M d l c r , Urcttt. Ber., 62, 1188 (1929).
19. T. F. Fagley and H. W. Myers. J . Artter.. Chem. Soc., 7 6 , 6001 (1954).
20. R. Shaw, 'Thermocheniistry of Cyanatcs, Isocyanatcs, and their T h i o Derivatives',
in Cheniistry of Cyartutcs, lsocyatiatcs, a d tlwir T h o Dcriuafives (Ed. S . Patai), John
Wiley, New York, 1977.
21. H. K. Eigenmann, D. M. Golden and S . W. Benson, J . Pltys. C/te/rt.,77, 1687 (1973).
The Chemistry of Diazonium and Diazo Groups
Edited by Saul Patai
Copyright 0 1978 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Diazoalkancs, a-Diazoketones and cu-Diazocsters . 150
B. Arencdiazonium Salts . 151
C. Triazencs. . 151
A. Elerncntal Analysis . 151
13. Diazoalkanes and Related Compounds . 151
1. Reaction with acids . 151
2. Gravimctric dcterniination . 152
3. Colorinietric dctcrniination . 152
4. Gasometric determination . 152
C. Diazoniuni Salts, Diazophcnols and Diazotates . 152
1. Reductometric titrations . 152
a. Titanous chloride . 152
b. Cliromous chloride . 153
c. Vanadium(rr) sulphatc . 153
d. Sodium hyposulphitc . 153
c. Hydriodic 3cid. 153
2. Coupling reactions . 153
3. Gasometric methods . 154
4. Miscellaneous mcthods . 155
D. Triazcnes and Tctrazenes . 155
1. Gasomctric methods . 155
2. Misccllancous methods . 155
E. Other Diazo Conipounds . . 156
111. POLAROGRAPIiY . 156
A. Diazoalkanes, cu-Diazokctoncs and a-Diazoestcrs . . 158
B. Arenediazoniuni Salts and Diazotates . 158
C. Triazcncs and Tetrazenes . 159
A. Diazoalkanes, a-Diazoketones, cu-Diazoaldelipdcs. cr-Iliazoestcrs, Diazo-
cyclopentadienes and Rclated Conipouiids . 159
B. Diazonium Salts, Diazophenols, Diazotatcs, Diazosulphonatcs and
Diazoethers . 161
C. Diazocyanidcs and Diazoisocyanides . . 167
D. Triazcncs and Tetrazcncs . . 163
A. Diazoalkancs, Diazocyclopcni;idienes, cx-Diazoaldchydcs, cu-Diazoketoncs
and cu-Diazoestcrs . 163
I50 David A . Ben-Efraim
B. Arenediazoniuni Salt:, Diazophcnols, Diazotates, Diazosulphones and
Diazosulphonntcs . I65
C. Diazocynnides and Diazoisocyanides . . 166
D. Triazcncs and l’ctrazenes . 166
. . . 167
A. Diazoalkancs, a-Diazokeioncs, a-Diazocstcrs, a-Diazosulphoncs and Dinzo-
cyclopcntadienes . 167
B. Diazonium Salts and Diazotates . 168
C. Triazenes . I69
A. Diazoalkanes, a-Diazoketones and a-Diazoesters . 169
B. Diazophcnols . 170
C. Triazenes. . 170
diazoalkanes < diazoketones < diacyldiazoniethanes < diethyl diazon~alonate~.Ali-
phatic diazo compounds can also be identified by the p r o d u c k they yield with
various reagents (equation I)?.
- \
(1 1
Dctcction and dctermination of diazo and diazonium groups 151
Diazoalkancs (1-50 nig), as ~ v e l las diazoketones and diazoesters, are detectcd by
reaction with aqueous 4-(4-nitrobenzyl)pyridinium perchlorate, followed b y dilution
with alkali, which precipitatcs blue-black crystals of N-alkyl-4-(J-nitrobenzylidene)-
I ,4-dihydropyridincs, which in various solvents havc charactcristic absorpiion
maxima in the visible rcgion4.
5. Arenediazonium Salts
Arenediazonium salts generally libcratc nitrogen on heating w i t h water or with a
dilute mineral acid2. Some of tlicm, such as those derived from aminoanthra-
quinones, are very stable under thesc conditions2. With AuCI, or PtCI, they furnish
complex salts, such as [ArN,J+AuCI,; and [ A r N , ] ~ + P t C I ~whercas
- with ZnCI,,
CaCI, or SnCI, they yield slightly soluble double salts?. When arenediazonium
bromides are treated with brominc i n a potassium bromide solution, they precipitate
crystalline perbromides [ArN,]-'-Br; which scrvc in their detcction and characteriza-
tions. Their most sensitive method of detection, howcver, involvcs coupling with a
phenol in a Na,CO, solution, or with an aroniatic aniine i n dilute acetic acid? to
yield azo dyes'.
When a weakly acidic solution of an arcnediazoniuni salt is added to a n alkaline
solution of resorufin (9-hydroxy-3-isophcnoxazonc),the fluorcscence of the latter
is quenched as soon as the niixturc becomcs acidic. Addition of a Na,CO, solution
to the above mixture precipitates bro\vn dyestutfs if diazonium ions a r e present,
otherwise the red fluorescence is restoredG.
C. Triazenes
Aromatic triazenes behave chemically in similar fashion to arenediazonium salts,
but they are more stable and liberate nitrogen only when treated with strong mineral
acids (equation 2)'.
Ar'NHN=NArZ Ar'NH,+ArzN;X- ArzX+N, (2)
In contrast to arenediazoniurn salts which coiiple with m-plicnylenedianiine in
ethanolic solution t o yield azo dyes, aromatic triazenes do so only on addition of
acetic acid'.
Various 3-ligdroxytriazcnes have bccn detected by a spot test which involves
treatnicnt with I-naphthylaniine i n acetic acid, giving at once a pink or red-brown
colour, which intensifies on gentle heatings.
A. Elemental Analysis
The Kjcldalil method for the elemental dcterminntion of nitrogen cannot be
applied to diazo compounds, in particular not to a-diazoketones, since addition of
hydriodic acid rcsults in nitrogen evolution evcn i n the cold3. Zinneke has howcvcr
modified the Kjeldahl method in siich a manner that the total nitrogen evolved
could be trapped and iiicasured in a specially built nitrometer'".
2. Gravimetric determination
Diazoalkancs (CH,N,, MeCHN,, EtCHN,) were also determined by adding a n
aliquot of an ether solution of the diazoalkane to a cold solution of 3,s-dinitro-
bcnzoic acid. E k e s s acid was removed by base and aftcr conventional work-up and
cvaporation to dryness, the diazoalkanc was estimated by the weight of thc resulting
methyl ester, and the latter's purity was asscssed by a melting-point
3. Colorimetric determination
Colchiccinc aflords, with fcrric chloride, a dccp green colour, not given by its
metliylated dcrivativc colchicine. This reaction scrvcs in thc determination of diazo-
methane. TIic solution of diazonicthane is added to a known amount of colchiceinc,
and the excess of unrcacted colcliiccine is estirnatcd aftcr addition of FcCI, by
colorimetric comparison w i t h colchiccinc-FeCI, solutions of known concentration.
T h e method givcs results in good agrccnient with tliosc obtaincd by the titration
method with bcnzoic acid"j.
The dctcction of diazoalkanes by tlie colour reaction with 4-(4-nitrobenzyl)-
pyridinium perchlorate has already bcen nient ioncd4. I n its quantitative version
diazoalkanes R C H N 2 ( R = Me, Et, ti-Pr, ti-Bu, allyl) give with this rcagent on
addition of piperidinc a rcd-violet colour. hlcasureiiicnt of its ahsorbancc at 545 n n i
and comparison \vitli a calibration curve yiclds the concentration of the diazoalkane'.
4. Gasomet ri c determination
Aliphatic diazo compounds on trcntmcnt will1 dilute su:phuric acid liberate
nitrogen which is incasurcd i n a nitromctcr (cquiition 1)". The method uses u p to
I-g samplcs, but has been adapted to tlic micro scalc, making L I S ~of tlie liydrazino
apparatus of Ma and hlattcila.
1. Reductometric titrations
Most of thcsc rcdtictionc iiiust bc carried out i n the abscnce of oxygcn.
a. Ti/f//iouscliloridL.. Kncclit and Thompson t i t ra tcd bcnzcned iazoni 11111 chloride
with a TiCI:, solution in cold dilute liydrocliloric :icid. using 14 acid (S-ainino-l-
acid) as an csterrial indic'itor (equation ,)I9.
naplitliol-3,6-disiil~~l1~1iic The titration
Dctection and determination of diazo and diazonium groups 153
can also be carricd out by adding an excess of a TiCI, solution, and back-titrating
the excess with a standard acid green solution in the presence of sodium tartrate'o.
2 PhN:CI-+4 TiCI,+2 HCI PhN=NNPhNH,+4 TICI, (3)
The method was modified to the micro scale by adding an excess of the TiCI,
solution to 3n acetate-buffered solution of the sample at room temperature, and
back-titrating the excess TiCI, with a ferric alum solution, using ammonium thio-
cyanate as an indicatoro0.It should be pointed out that this method is also applicable
to azo groups and to nitroarylhydrazines. Siggia has also described this procedure
in detail as a mcthod for the analysis of azo and nitro groups as well as hydrazines
and diazonium salts2'.
b. Cltroniorts chloride. With this reducing agent diazonium salts are quantitatively
reduced to the corresponding hydrazincs (cquation 4). Excess CrCI, solution is
ArN,+CI-+4 CrC1,+4 HCI ArNHNH,.HCl+4 CrCI, (4)
added to a weakly acidic or neutral solution of the diazoniuni salt, and back-titration
of the excess CrCI, is accomplished potcntionictrically with a standard ferric alum
solution??. This reduction method has certain advantagcs over the popular coupling
(Section II.C.2) and gasometric (Scction II.C.3) methods becausc i t is fast as well as
quantitative. I t is. howcver, also applicable to nitrobenzcnes and hydrazines.
c. Vonodirrni(rr)sri/p/io/e. Diazophcnols and diazonaphtliols containing CI, CO,H
or SO,H groups \verc determined titrimetrically in an inert atmosphere by reduction
of their acid solutions with excess VSO,, and back titration of the esccss reducing
agent with a fcrric alum solution, using safraninc as indicator. The rcaction requires
two equivalents of reducing agent per molc of didzo compound, and is accompanied
by a quantitativc libcration of iiitrogcn2J.
d. Sodirtill hyposit/p/ti/c. This reagent also served in the quantitative reduction of
diazoniuni salts to arvlhydrazines i n HCI solution at 0 "C. Esccss reagent was used
and its excess was back-titrated with a standard acid grecn solution".
in a sealed tubc betwcen 100 anti 300°C (equation 5 ) and the liberated iodine is
back-titrated with a sodium thiosulphatc solution and a starch indicatorZ4.
ArN:CI-+2 HI N,+ArH+HCI+I, (5)
2. Coupling reactions
This method is bascd upon tlic coupling of arencdia7oniuiii salts with aromatic
aniines or phcnols to yield azo dyes (equation 6). Thc method is very selective
ArN:X- + PhOH -- A r N = N e O H + HX
3. Gasometric methods
Gasometric methods are the most general and most specific for measuring diazo-
nium salts and are widely used in industry. An accuracy and precision of about 1%
are obtainable, but the procedure is tedious a n d time consuming. A single analysis
may take up to I hour.
Solutions of aliphatic and aromatic diazonium silts readily decompose on heating
with mineral acids to furnish phenols and nitrogen. When heated with acid and
cuprous chloride, chlorobenzenes and nitrogen arc obtained. T h e nitrogen is
qmntitatively liberated in these reactions and is determined volumetrically in a
nitrometer. Thc method is very selective since few compounds liberate a gas under
the above reaction conditions. Siggia has described in detail a general procedure and
nitrometer for the determination of diazonium salts by decomposition in tlie presence
of cuprous chloride in concentrated hydrochloric acid".
A simple apparatus, bascd on nitrogen evolution, has been described for the
determination of aliphatic and aroniatic diazonium salts, stabilized salts, diazotates
and triazenes. Nitrogen evolution is cmected by boiling the sample with 30% H,SO.,
and 0.75% C U , C I , ~ ~Recently
. another apparatus \\'as devised for the rapid volu-
metric determination of the nitrogen evolved by I-ICI-Cu2Cl2from diazonium salts
and diazoamino compounds. Thc reproducibility of the method is 2 0.3% and the
maximum error is k 1.0% 31.
Siggia and coworkers used a graphical kinetic approach to nnalyse mixtures of
diazoniiim compounds, which is based on t h e first-order rates of decomposition in
the presence of cuprous chloride. The nitrogen evolved is measured in successive
time intervals. I n the case of a mixture of two diazonium salts a plot of log (100-x)
versus f (where 100 is the total diazo nitrogen and s is the ?< diazo nitrogen evolved
i n time I ) is a straight line as soon as most of the faster-reacting component has been
decomposed. By extrapolating to t = 0, the composition of the mixture can be
Diazo compounds were determined gasonietrically on a seinimicro scale by
dcconiposing samples by light irradiation in a special apparatus containing a
nitrometer. The method had a standard deviation of L 0.077< and tlic whole pro-
cedure rcqiiircd 30-35 ixin. I t has been applied to diazonaplitliols \vliich cannot be
easily determincd by thc coupling incthod:'J.
Detection a n d deterinination of diazo and diazoniunl groups I55
4. Miscellaneous methods
Tzrent'ev and Tubina describcd three niethods for the detcrmination of arene-
diazonium salts. T h e first method involves a direct titration of a solution of a
secondary aliphatic amine (hcxamcthylcnimine, piperidine, diethylaminc) containing
sodium carbonate with the solution of tlie diazoniuin salt at 15-20 "C until the
colour formed \\it11 a 1% solution of sodium 4-arnino-5-hydroxynaphthalcnc-2,7-
disulphonate persists for about 30 SCC. The second method is based upon the reac-
tion bet\veen the diazonium salt and an cxccss of a secondary aliphatic amine,
making t h e reaction mixture basic, and distilling the excess aniine into aqueous 4%
boric acid and titrating it with 0.1 K-HCI. The third method involvcs reaction
between t h e diazoniuni salt a n d excess nz-toluidine, making thc solution basic, and
steam-distilling thc excess amine, which is then brorninated and tlie excess bromine
is titrated with sodium thiosulphate and starch as indicator3'.
Arenediazonium salts dissolved in non-aqueous solvents (pyridine, dirnethylform-
amide) were determined by potentionietric titration \vith 0.1 N-sodiuni methoxide i n
benzene-methanol, using a saturated calomel electrode and a glass electrode. A
probable reaction (equation 7) has been suggested. The error was less than & 1.8% 3i.
Aliphatic triazenes are readily decomposcd by mineral acids, liberating nitrogen
(equation S), whereas aromatic triazenes require, in addition, heating in order to
libeiate nitrogen (equation 2). Aliphatic and aromatic triazenes were determined
2. Miscellaneous methods
If the aromatic aniinc produccd on hydrolysis of an aromatic triamic (equation 2)
can be broniinatcd, this can serve as a method for the determination of aromatic
triazenes. The triazene is dissolved in glacial acetic acid. HCI and KBr solutions are
added, and the niixturc is titrated with a 0.5 N-KBr-KBrO, solution, using KI-starch
paper ;is indicator'".
Small amounts of I-aryl-3,3-dialkyltriazcnes\vere dctemiincd by hydrolysis to
furnish arenediazonium cations (equation 2) which werc couplcd w i t h :\'-elliylnaph-
thylamine. The absorbance of the obtained dye was ineasurcd spcclropliotometrically
156 David A. Ben-Efraim
at the absorption maximum. The accuracy of the method was within 5% and it has
been shown that the rate of hydrolysis of the triazenes depends on the pH and on the
electronic character of the substituents on the benzene ring4'. Similarly, triazenes
stabilized with aliphatic amines were hydrolysed with aqueous acetic acid, and those
stabilized with aromatic amines were hydrolysed with dilute HCI, and the resulting
diazonium ions were coupled with excess I-phenyl-3-methylpyrazolin-5-one, and the
excess of the latter was back-titrated with 0 * 5 ~ - N a N 0T~h.e error was less than
2 2% and a determination took up to 1 houra2.
I-Aryl-3,3-dialkyltriazenes were also determined by their hydrolysis with 0.1 N-
H2SOI to furnish a dialkylamine which reacted with the acid, and the excess acid was
titrated potentiometrically with 0.1 N-NaOH. This procedure was modified in the
case the compound contained functional groups, such as carboxyl groups, which
interfered with the determination. In that case the reaction mixture was made basic
and the dialkylamine formed was steam-distilled into an excess of standard acid and
was then d e t e r r ~ i i n e d ~ ~ .
4-Amino-l-(5-tetrazolyl)-l-tctrazenehydrate was determined by hydrolysis with
sulphuric acid to give amidinohydrazine which was estimated by oxidative titration
with 0.1 N-KBrO,, using iodine as indicator's. Tetramethyl-2-tetrazene was deter-
mined by titration with boron trifluoride etherate, perchloric acid in acetic acid,
aluminium chloride in chloroform, o r sulphuric acid in acetic acid, using crystal violet
as indicator. The titration gave sharp, yet fading, colour changes at a molecular ratio
of 1 : 1 4 5 .
E. O t h e r Diazo Compounds
p-Mcthoxyphenyl diazothio(2-naphthyl) ether was determined as follows: hydro-
lysis i n alkaline solution yielded p-methoxybenzcnediazoniuin ions and 2-naph-
t halenethiol. T h e diazonium ion was couplcd with 2-naphthol and the dye formed
was determined spectrophotonietrically. Thc thionaphthol was determined ampero-
metrically by reacting i t with excess silver nitrate and back-titrating the excess of the
latter with a standard ethanolic n-dodecyl mercaptan solutionPe.
The anodic half-wave potentials of several aryl-substituted diazoalkanes, such a s
4-RC6H,CN,Ph, 4-02NCGHJCN2Rand 4-R1CsHaCN,CeH,R2-4. r-diazoketones,
4-RCGIJICN,COPh, and a-diazoesters, 4-RC6H,CN,CO,Et, have been recorded at
rotating platinum elcctrodes and their shifts with change in R have been correlated
with substituent constantsJ7. Polatographically reduced a-diazoacetophcnoncs gave
three waves \vhich have been attributed to three reactionsJ8.
Arencdiazoniiini salts are reduced at a dropping-mercury electrode. Two half-
waves have been observed arid tabulated, but they have only qualitative significance
since the shapes of the waves are irregular. I t has been suggested that the product of
reduction is an arylhydrazine (equation 9). In spite of the fact that the waves are too
complex, their hcights vary directly with the concentration. T h c first wave has a
Iialf-wnvc potential of less than - 0 . 3 V. I t is thcreforc possible to determine arene-
diazonium salts at - 0 . 3 V vcrsus SCE, using a dropping-inercury electrode. The
difTusioi1 current ineasurcd is then compared with a calibration curve of diffusion
current asainst diazonium salt conccntrationaO.
Detection and determination of diazo and dinzonium groups 157
Another observation is that the first half-wavc of thc arenediazonium group
occurs at a potential well below that of the azo group. This finding has becn utilizcct
in the determination of diazoniuni salts by a coupling titration in an ainperonietric
titration cell equipped with a dropping-mercury electrode and operating at -0.3 v
versus SCE. A known aliquot of 1-phenyl-3-nicthylpyra~olin-5-onein tlie ccll is
titrated with the diazonium salt solution. As long as coupling occurs no rcduction
of t h e diazoniiim salt takes place and n o current flows. As soon as the pyrazolinone
has been consumcd, the end of the titration is indicated by a current flow which is
directly proportional to the concentration of excess added diazoniiirn salt. This new
technique is more generally applicable than cither the gasonietric o r colorimetric
methods of determination of diazonium saltS"O. IB.
Diazonium salts derived from aniline and froin the threc isomcric aminobenzoic
acids exhibit two polarographic waves i n the range of 0 V to - 1.5 V versus SCE.
At a single pH the diffusion currents are proportional to the coiiccntrations of the
diazoniurn salts.s1 Two distinct waves were obtained i n a series of arenediazoniiim
salts and the half-wave potentials of the first wave wcre tabulated at different p H
values together with the diffusion current pcr unit of conccntration"".
A German patent describes a n apparatus containing a polarographic analyser
for the continuous determination of diazoniiim salts i n reaction mixturcs, and for
the automatic regulation of diazo couplings3.
Aromatic triazenes are reduced at thc dropping-mercury elcctrodc at much highcr
voltages than arencdiazonium salts. As a result, i t is possiblc to measurc the rate of
formation and hydrolysis of triazenes by following the ratc of increase o r dccreasc
in diazcniuni ion concentration, using the technique described abovc13. 1-AryI-3,3-
dialkyltriazenes have been determined by reduction at a dropping-mercury clcctrodc,
giving well-defined waves at pH 5-7 ( E * = - 1.0 vcrsus SCEI). Results of the polaro-
graphic analysis were reliable and compared well with those of other methods':'.
A positive shift of 0.18 V has becn observed in the half-wave potentials of triazenes
o n their polarographic reduction in the presence of tetraalkylaninioniurii ions, i n
contrast to negative shifts observed in the reduction of other conipounds".
The polarographic method has becn used to cstimate 1.3-diphcnyltriazenc i n tlie
atmosphere, which accumulates there during prodaction of cellular rubbcr. Particles
collected froin the air were extracted with ethcr and thc residue obtaincd o n evapora-
tion of the solvent was nitrated. The triazene in the product was determined polaro-
graphically by recording the wavc starting from 0.8 V versus SCE and comparing it
with a calibration curvc of difTiision current against triazenc concentration55.
Measurement of polarographic half-wavc potentials of isomeric diazosulphonatcs
indicates that the isonicrs form an intcrconvcrtiblc sytz-mti pair 1 ar,d 2 , rather than
spectruni \vhich contains only four bands in K B r at 2225,2140, 1240nnd 1215 cm-’ 83.
Three 5-nitro-2-fury1 diazo compounds were shown to display the NN band in the
region 21 10-2070 cm-’ 81. Mcrcury derivatives of diazoinethyl compounds 7 exhibit
160 David A . Ben-Efrairn
the N N band in the region of 2080-2037 cm-', whereas germanium, tin and lead
substituted diazoniethancs show it in the 2050-1950 cn1-I regions5.
N, N,
type 8. This leads to lo\ver carbonyl frequencics and to higher values of the N N diazo
frequency, which by now possesses some triple bond character. Thus diazoketones
of type RCOCHN, (R groups may be alkyl or aryl) display a strong band in the
region of 210&2050 cm-', whereas those of type R1COCR2N, cxhibit a strong band
in the range of 2075-2050 c n - l . The intense carbonyl band for both types of diazo-
ketone occurs in the rangc of 1645-1605 crn-I, with the exception of diazocainphor
a n d diazoacenaphthenoric which have this band around 1680 cm-I. The cc-diazo-
ketones also exhibit a very intense band in thc 1390-1380 cm-1 region which in some
compounds is a composite band and in others is composed of two strong bands.
F a h r also discussed the mutual interaction of the diazo and carbonyl groups in the
infrared spcctra of bisdiazo compounds, N,CHCO(CH,),COCHN,, and in analogous
compoundsYi. I t hzs also been found that with increasing contribution from dict-
zonium structures 8 the integrated intensity of the N N stretching band decreasessa.
a-Diazoketoncs also display a strong band between 2.356p i and 2.444pm which is
attributed to the first overtone of the asymmetric diazo stretching vibration".
T h e diazo stretching vibration of cc-diazoaldehydes, RCN,CHO (where R is
alkyl), falls i n the region of 2100-2OSO cni-', and the carbonyl band appears around
1690-1650 c n - ' . Both bands are split, which may be due to the presence of cis-trans
conformers, resulting from the partial doiible bond character of the bond between
thc carbon attachcd to thc diazo group and t h e carbonyl carbong0.
T h e NN stretching frequencies of many other a-diazoketones have been tabu-
liltedgoa.8 5 . Ill, as wcll as those of 2-diaz0-1,3-dikctones~~,
compoundsg1and mercury dcrivalivcs of diazonicthyl compounds (7,when R is acyl
or aroyl)". The NN strctching vibration of u,$-unsatiiratcd a-diazokctones occurs
in thc region of 2101-2066 c n - ' ns. Thc diazo and carbonyl bands of 2-0x0-I-diazo-
cyclnalkancs uere tabulated"". 16-Diazoandrostan-3~-ol-17-one exhibits bands at
2075, 1650 and 1324 c n - I 91. whereas the bands of diazoisofenchone occur at 2092,
1698 and 1335 cni-l The absorption frequencies of several cyclic 2-diazo-1,3-
dicarbonyl compounds were also recorded and these display two bands around 2180
a n d 21.10 c n - ' D'i.
Thc interaction bctwcen diazoketoncs and hydroxylic solvents was investigated
by infrarcd spcctroscopy". Infrared studies showed that diazoketones. RCOCHN,,
donate and accept protons i n Iiydrogcn bondinggJ.T h c conformations of hindered
cc-diazoketones wcre derived from infrared spectra and dipole niotnentsg9.
Dctcction and determination of diazo and diazoniiim Sroiips 161
u.-Diazoesters exhibit the N N stretching frequency practically in the same region
as a-diazoketones and a - d i a z o a l d e h y d e ~8’0~R .~l o o ~ I o l , 6 2 ~ H 5 .
T h c N N stretching frequency of diazoniethylcne sulphones occurs in the range
of 2 145-2109 cm-I 9 1 and that of phosphonyl- and phosphono-diazonicthanes falls
in the range of 21 32-2075 m i - I 35.
T h e strongest band in the infrared spectra of diazocyclopentadiene i n CCI, lies at
2082 cm-I I o 3 , lo4. T h e NN stretching frequency of many substituted diazocyclo-
pentadienes has bcen reportedlo‘. Io5. A complete vibrational analysis has been made
for diazocyclopentadiene and its perdeuterated analogue106. The diazo band of
a-diazoanthrone lies at 2070 cm-I and that of the carbonyl group at 1647 cm-l lo’.
(9a) (9b)
T h e infrared spectrum of potassium syn-methanediazotate has been recorded in a
Nujol mull: i t has strong bands at 1393, 1335, 1140 and I 1 15 cni-l, and additional
I62 David A. Ben-Efrairn
bands at 1600, 1587, 1013, 935 and 777 cm-’ ll0. Potassium syn-l-phenylethane-
diazotate has in a Nujol mull bands at 1600, 1490, 1375, 1160, 1150, 1057, 758 and
697 mi-’, whereas the anti-diazotate has bands at 1600, 1490, 1410, 1300, 1166, 1079,
1015, 760, 695 and 61 1 cm-’ I Z o .
I n earlier years Le Fevrc a n d coworkers recorded and tabulated the infrared
spectra of potassium s y ~ -and nrrri-benzenediazotatc, sodium p-nitrobenzenediazo-
tate, and potassium p-methoxybcnzenediazotate in the 1800-600 cm-l region.
These authors were however unable to make definite spectral assignments for the
N N stretching vibration’?’. The infrared spectra of two crystalline modifications of
potassium syn-benzenediazotate and of two crystalline modifications of potassium
syn-p-toluenediazotate were recorded and tabulated“?. A very thorough infrared
study of syir- and nnfi-arenediazotates has been made by utilizing lSN-labelled
compounds. I t has been found in this study that the intense N N stretching vibration
occurs around 1350 cm-l in the sytr compounds and around 1375 cm-’ in the anti
compounds. The band is shifted by substituents o n the benzene ring but the metallic
cations have no effect on its location. The N O stretching vibration in these diazotates
displays two close and strong bands in the region of 1200-1120cni-1. It has been
concluded that in both tlie syn- and anti-diazotates the bond order of the N N bond
exceeds markedly that of the N O bond, and that the anti-diazotates have a planar
frnrrs structure with respect to the N N bond, while the syn-diazotates possess a non-
planar distorted cis ~ t r u c t u r e ’ ~ ~ .
The infrared spectra of several arenediazosulphonates were recorded and tabu-
lated but no definite N N band assignments could be made’?’. The infrared spectrum
of p-nitrobenzenediazo methyl ether, p-O,NC,H,N=NOMe, was recorded and
tabulated’23: the N N stretching vibration occurs as a shoulder at 1508 cm-’ and the
N O stretching vibration as an intense band at 995 cm-’.
been recorded. This compound and its analogues show a strong broad band in the
2700 cm-I region, indicating strong hydrogen bonding’?.
Tautorneric equilibria of triazenes substituted in the benzene rings have been
calculated by comparing integrated intensities of 14NH and ISNH bands in the
3300 cm-I region in specifically labe!led compounds130.
Infrared group frequencies of triazenes, ArN=NNHAr, have been assigned by
laser Raman spectroscopy. Thus the band in the range of 3500-3300(w) cm-I was
assigned to the N H stretch; the band at 1522(m) cm-1 to the N H bend; and the band
at 1178(m) cm-1 to the C N
In a study of infrared spectra of compounds of high nitrogen content, the spectrum
of 1 -guanyl-4-nitrosoarninoguanylisotetrazene (11) was obtained. A band at
1062 cm-1 was assigned to the N N diazo stretching vibration. Other assignments
were also made132.
A. Diazoalkanes, Diazocyclopentadienes, a-Diazoaldehydes, a-Diazoketones
and a-Diazoesters
The spectra of diazomethane and diazoethane were recorded in t h e vapour
phase133.Their spectra as well as the spectrum of 1-diazopropane were also recorded
in hexane and in other Their absorption begins around 550 nm, displaying
a broad and diffuse maximum in the 450 nm region, which is of very low intensity
( E 3-10). Alkyl substitution shifts the band slightly bathochroniically, whereas aryl
substitution causes a largc shift. This is manifested in the change in colour from the
yellow diazomcthane, to the yellow-red ’-diazopropane, and to the blue-red diphenyl-
. wavelengths shorter than 300 nm a second region of rapidly
d i a ~ o n i e t h a n e ~ ”At
increasing absorption is found133.The vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectrum of
gaseous diazoniethane and deuterated diazomethane were obtained in the 135-
200 n m region’3G.
The concentration of diazoniethanc in ether solution has been determined spectro-
photometrically at 410 nni from t h e molecular extinction coefficient, E 7.215.
164 David A. Ben-Efrairn
The ultraviolet spectra of three 5-nitro-2-fury1 diazo compounds have bcen
tabulated and recordedsJ. The ultraviolet spectrum of dicyanodiazomctllane in
acetonitrile shows absorption at 241 and 313 nni ( E 12,400 and 1 0 7 p . The spectra of
several diaryldiazomctlianes wcrc recorded137.
Crystalline diazocyclopcntadiene (1n.p. -23 to -22 "C) is yellow but is red as a
liquid. Its electronic spectrum in isooctanc displays a maximum a t 298 nm
(log E 4.17) and a long tailing absorption into the visible, the latter being responsible
for its red c 0 1 o u r ~ ~ ~ .
The ultraviolet and visible absorption spectra of diazocyclopentadiene and several
of its substitution products were tabulated. As with other aromatic compounds,
substitution with conjugating substituents on the diazocyclopentadiene ring rcsul ted
in bathochromic shifts'O'. The ultraviolet spectra of several polyphenyldiazocyclo-
pentadienes were reported and rcproduced'a5C.d.
The ultraviolet spectra of seven cx-diazoaldehydes have been tabulated. They
exhibit two short wavelength bands at approximately 250 and 280 nni ( E - l o J and
5 x 103-105),in addition to a long wavelength band of low intensity in the region of
360-400 nni (E-40). As with a-diazoketones there is a markcd influence of solvents
on the relative intensities of thc short wavelength bandsoob.
T h e ultraviolet spectra of numerous a-diazoketones belonging to several classes
have been tabulated13'. Conjugation of the diazo and carbonyl groups shifts the long
wavelength weak band hypsochromically relative to this band in diazoalkanes, while
the short wavelcngth intense band is bathochromically shifted. 1-Diazo-2-butanone
absorbs a t 247, 269 and 360 nm ( 6 7650, 7110 and 21) and a-diazoacetophenone
absorbs a t 250 and 294 nni (E 12,300 and 13,500). Substituted diazoacetophenones
have two bands in the 240-270 and 270-300 nm regions with molecular extinction
coefficients, E 10c3 x 10% 13'. T h e ultraviolet spectra of several cyclic 2-dirizo-l,3-
dicarbonyl compounds were reportede6. 16-Diazoandrostan-3~-ol-17-one has in
ethanol bands at 250 and 297 nni ( E 4139 and 3592)94.a-Diazobenzyl phenyl ketone
absorbs at 267, 317 and 417 nni ( E 19,953, 5012 and IOO)l3".
The ultraviolet and visible spectra of numerous diazoacctoyiicnones in several
solvents have been reported. They all show maxima at approximately 210, 250 and
290 nm, a n d a low-intensity band a t about 400 nm. The hypsochroniic shift of the
long wavelength band in polar solvcnts may result from a n tz + *; transition, due to
the diazo group?39.Thc interaction of diazocarbonyl compounds with hydroxylic
solvents has been investigated, and it has been concluded that their behaviour in the
ultraviolet and infrared are reasonably consistcnt with the possible intervention of
conformational isomeric forms97.140. In fact, it has been shown quantum-niechanic-
ally that the ultraviolet spectra of u-diazokctones, such as diazoacetone and a-diazo-
acetophenone, can be interpreted satisfactorily if i t is assumed that they exist in cis
and f r o m confortmttions"'.
Ethyl diazoacetate absorbs in ethanol at 249 and 377.5 nm ( E 10,050 and 16)'42;its
spectrum in water has been Azaserine, another a-diazo cster, exhibits
niaximum at 250.5 niq (E 19,700) at p H 7 in water". The ultraviolet spectra of the
following esters have been reported: 12 (in ethanol) has niaxima at 213 and 248 nm
(E 4860 a n d 16,200); 13 (in ti-hexane) a t 220 and 245 n m ( E 7850 and 12,650), and 14
H Me
Dctcction and dctcrmination of diazo and diazonium groups 165
(in n-hexane) at 217 2nd 245 nni ( E 8100 and 12,700)62.Scveral %-substituted or-diazo-
esters have two bands in ethanol in the regions of 262--264 and 360-415 nm. Thus
ethyl benzyldiazoacetate absorbs at 263 and 4 15 nii1102. Gicthyl diazoinalonate
absorbs in cyclohexanc at 252 and 352 niii ( E 7400 and 23), and dimethyl diazo-
malonate absorbs in cyclohexane a t 225(sh), 250 and 352 nni (& 7300,7900 and 22)'OO.
011- O H --
p-O,NC,H,N: (p-O,NC,H,N=N-OH) p-O,NC,H,N=NO-+H,O (10)
diazocyanides have been obtained. They display three bands in the regions of 220-
270, 300-340 and 390-480 nm (log E 3, 3-4 and 4). The difference between the
spectra of each pair is The spectra of cis- and rrmis-p-chlorobenzenediazo-
cyanides have been reported. They are quite similar but the maxima of the t r a n s
isomer are bathochromically shifted and are of somewhat higher intensity as coin-
pared with those of the cis isomer. This indicates that the cis isomer has steric
~ . electronic spectra of cis- and trntis-diphenyl-
hindrance, inhibiting r e ~ o n a n c e ' ~The
4-diazocyanides have been recorded. They are very similar but not identical, and
show the differences expected of geometrical isomers1s9. Azodicarbonitrile (4) and
its radical anion 5 display maxima in acetonitrile at 240 and 445 nni ( E 7830 and IS),
and a t 222, 372 and 525 nm ( E 5270, 4560 and 120), rcspectively".
T h e ultraviolet spectra of p-chlorobenzenediazoisocyanide and its p-bromo
analogue have been reported. They indicatc that the rigid. semipolar-bonded iso-
cyanidc group (N+=C-) is non-chromophoric in character128.
R N+
The 'H chemical shifts of 9-diazofluorene have been r e p ~ r t e d ' ~ 'T. h e lH chemical
shifts of several nitro- and iodo-substituted diazocyclopentadienes" and of poly-
phenyl-substituted diazocyclopentadienes105c~have also been reported.
the 19Fspectrum it exhibits the CF, signals as a triplet at - 64.58 p.p.m. from CFCI,
( J I I F6.1 Hz).
The l H n.m.r. spectra of p-methoxy-, p-methyl-, p-chloro- and p-nitro-benzene-
diazonium salts in D20were reported. The chemical shifts of the aromatic protons
are in the region of 7-7-9.2 p.p.m., and the ortho coupling constants are about 9 Hz.
T h e effects of the substitiients o n the IH chemical shifts in the diazonium ions and
in the corresponding aniines and ammonium salts are in the same direction. The
chemical shifts are also closely related to the Hammett u c o n ~ t a n t s " ~The
. aromatic
multiplets of several o-dialkylaminobcnzenediazoniuni fluoroborates fall in the
region of 6.5-8-2 p.p.m.
The methyl singlets of potassium syrt- and mri-methanediazotates occur at 3.1 8
and 3.70, respcctively172.lG5. The mcthinc, methyl and aromatic protons of
potassium syri-1 -phenylethancdiazotate resonatc at 1 .I9 (doublet), 5 . 5 8 (quartet) and
7.05-7.43 (multiplet) p.p.111. (.Jcn-cll, 6.S Hz),whereas those of the orzti isomer have
their signals at 1.36 (doublet), 4.79 (qiiarlet) and 7.09-7.44 (broadened singlet)
(Jcu-cu, 6.8 Hz)"".
Detcction and detcrrnination of diazo and dinzoniurn groups 169
C. Triazenes
T h e triazene 19 exhibits in its ‘OF n.m.r. spectrum a doublet centred at 4.27 p.p.m.
(J 8 Hz), upfield from CFCLCFCI,; its ‘H n.m.r. spectrum contains a septet a t
8 4.13 (1H) ( J 8 Hz) and two singlets at 3.40 p.p.m. (4H) and at 1.35 p.p.m. (6H) a*.
(C F, ),CH N = N
H 9)
T h e methyl chemical shifts of several 1 -aryl-3,3-dimethyltriazenesoccur in
CDCI, in the 3.5 p.p.m. region. These triazmes exhibit hindered rotation about the
N12)-N13, bond because of its partial double bond charactcr, as concluded from
low temperature n.m.r. ~ t u d i e s ” ~In. a series of papers Wiberg and Prachtl’‘ studied
silyltriazenes 20. They have tabulated ’H chemical shifts of numerous s u b ~ t i t u e n t s ~ ~ ~ ~
and have shown by variable temperature n.m.r. that where R *= R 2 = Me and
R3 = SiMe,, SiEt, and SiMeEt,. only a single methyl singlet appears and that this is
due to fast fluctuations of the silyl group R3 between N t l , and N ( R 174R.
, b. The same
authors also applied low temperature n.m.r. to demonstrate that silyltriazenes,
where R 2 = R3 = SiMe, and SiMcEt,, exist as cis-frairs isomers, which can be
isolated at low temperatiires1‘4C.Finally thcy have shown that in the last-mentioned
group of triazenes hindered rotation occurs about the N N single bond, a s evidenced
from low temperature studies174d.Values of free energy of activation were
presented for the different processes reported in these studies.
B. Diazophenols
T h e zwitterions of diazotized o- and p-aminophenol are volatile and give intense
molecular ions and strong [M-N,]+ and [M-N,-CO]+ peaks, which are formed
via the quinonoid structures of these molecules. By contrast, the meta isomer which
cannot be stabilized through a quinonoid structure yields a complex mass spectrum.
The zwitterions of diazotized anthranilic acid and diazotized sulphanilic acid did not
afford molecular ion peaks178.
C. Triazenes
The mass spectra of four diaryltriazenes 21 (R' = H or alkyl) givc molecular ions
of low abundance, presumably because of their rapid central cleavage to the abun-
dant ions 22 and 23. The tautomerisrn in triazenes 21 (R' = H) is also reflected in
their mass spectra, but i t is n o t known \r.hcthcr the tautoiiicrs arc formed before o r
after electron impact. Elimination of nitrogen as (M-N2)+ or (M-R'N)+ peaks is
also common in these triazenes18".
Detection and determination of diazo and diazonium groups 171
Many diazo compoilnds a r e unstable and decompose easily with evolution of
nitrogen. Until recent years only chemical and indirect physical methods were
available to the chemist to study which of the reactions of diazo compounds proceed
b y a free-radical mechanism. With the emergence of the powerful spectroscopic
methods of this section, it has beconie possible to probe into this problem in a
straightforward manner. This section, however, will be restricted only to those cases
where the diazo compounds themselves become free radicals, leaving out the
majority of cases where the primary reaction products are free radicals.
On shaking diazofluorene with sodium in ether solution it yields a deep blue,
oxygen-sensitive free radical, 24, which has been detected by e.s.r. Diphenyldiazo-
methane behaves similarly, yielding a free radical, which probabiy has a contribut-
ing structure 2S".
Ph -
\C/kN ,-
124) (25)
I n the diazo coupling between a n arenediazoniurn fluoroborate and methanolic
sodium phenoxide which yields a p-hydroxyazobenzene, it has been shown by
CIDNP that the first step of the reaction involves a reversible electron transfer
reaction (equation 1 I ) to give two free radicals which then combine to yield the azo
compound. This was proved by using a diazonium salt, lSN-labelled at both posi-
tions, and detecting not only enhanced absorption of the azo product, but also
enhanced absorption and ernission of t h e first formed aryldiimine radical 2618'.
This reaction was also studied by and lSN CIDNP, which as above showcd not
only polarization of formed products, but also enhanced absorption of the and
I5N resonances of the original diazonium ion. A mechanism was proposed for this
reaction, involving d i a ~ o e t h e r s ' ~In~ .similar fashion I3C C I D N P of p-methoxy-
benzenediazonium ions (labelled with 13C a t Ccl,)showcd, on addition of a sodium
hydroxide solution, not only emission from the formed anisole but also enhanced
absorption which has tentatively been attributcd to C ( l l in the original diazoniurn
ion. This indicates participation by the above !ype of aryldiiminc radical (26)IR4.
A phenyldiazotate u radical 27 has been observed by e.s.r. in the dccomposition of
172 David A. Ben-Efraim
lSN C l D N P of the thermal decomposition of labelled diazoaminobcnzene shows
in addition to polarization of the formed products also enhanced absorption of the
starting material, but only in thc central nitrogen atom. This presumably originates
from recombination of free radicals 28 and 29. Radical 28 must however be very
Electron spectroscopy is used to study the sequence of molccular orbitals a n d their
energies in molecules. I t has also found analytical a n d structural applications, but
as yet it has presumably not bcen used i n the analysis of diazo compoundsIJi.
The ultraviolet photoelectron spectra of 2-diazopropane and diazocyclopcntadicnc
have been obtained. Froin these spectra it has been possible to conclude that in these
two compounds, as well as in diazonicthanc itself, the highest occupied orbital is a
non-bonding b2(z)
The X-ray photoelectron spectrum (ESCA) of benzcnediazonium fluoroborate
displays two nitrogen Is pcaks with a pcak separation of 1 . 3 cV. I t has becn con-
cluded that tlie higher binding energy pcak is associatcd \\ith t h e nitrogen atom
directly attached t o the phenyl group'".
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176 David A. Ben-Efraim
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129. J . G. Grasselli, Atlas of Spccfrttl Data and Physical Cotisrants for Organic Cotnpottnds,
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130. 7'.Mitsuliashi and D. Simamura, C/tcttt. frid. (Londoti), 578 (1964); S. Wccklierlin and
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131. M. C. Tobin, Laser Rantart Spcctroscopy, Wilcy-Intcrscience, New York, 1971, p. 108.
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133. R. K. Brinton and D. H. Volman, J . C/tettr. Phys., 19, 1394 (1951).
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Stuttgart, 1968, p. 456.
136. A. J . Mercr, Cart. J . Pltys., 42, 1242 (1964).
137. W. Kirinse arid L. Homer, Atin. Chetn., 625, 34 (1959).
138. J . G . Grassclli, Atlas of Spectral Darn and Physical Cotistuttts for Organic Corttporotds,
C R C Prcss, Cleveland, 1973. p. B-631.
139. L. L. Levcson and C . W. Thomas, Tctralterlroti, 22, 209 (1966).
140. See also E. Fahr, C/ietti. Rer., 92, 398 (1959).
141. I . G . Csizinadia, S. A. Houldcn, 0. Mcrcsz, and P. Yates, Tetruhedrort, 25, 2121 (1969).
142. E. Wolf, Z . pliy.~.Chent.,B17, 46 (1933).
143. M. Pestcmcr and D. Bruck, in 124et/iodert dcr organischert Cltetnie (Hoitbett-IVcyl),
Vol. IlI/Part 2 (Ed. El. Miiller), 4th ed., Georg Thiemc Verlag, Stuttgart, 1955, p. 617.
144. R. J . W. Lc Fkvre, R. Ropcr and I. H. Reecc, J . Cliein. Soc., 4103 (1959).
145. E. M. Evleth and R. J . Cox, J . Plivs. Chetn., 71,4082 (1967).
146. M . Sukigara and S. Kikuchi, Bttll. C h i n . SOC.Japan, 40, 1077 (1967); M. Sukigara
and S. Kikuchi, fj'rtll. Cltott. SOC.Japatt, 40, 1082 (1967).
147. H. M. Rosenbcrgcr a n d C . J. Shoemaker. Anal. Chenr., 31, 201 (1959).
148. S . Kikuchi, K. Honda arid M . Sukignra, Seiscitt-Kenkyir, 19, 151 (1967) [CItettt. Abstr..
69, 43231 (lOGS)]; M . Siikigara, K. Hondn and S. Kikuchi, J . Phutogr. Sci., 18, 38
(1970) [Cltctir. Abstr., 73, 93553 (1970)].
149. L. C. Anderson and M. J. Roedcl, J . Aincr. Chetn. SOC., 67. 955 (1945).
DctcctiOn and dctcrniinntion of diazo a n d diazoniuni groups I77
150. J . D. C. Anderson, R. J. W. Lc Fkvrc a n d I . R. Wilson, J . Cltettt. Soc., 2082 (1949).
151. L. C. Andcrson and J. W. Stccdly, Jr. J . Anto.. Cltotr. Soc., 76, 5144 (1954).
152. R. J . W. Le FCvrc and J. B. Sousa, J . Cltolt. Soc.. 745 (1957).
153. E. S. Lcwis and H. Suhr, J . Anter. Clton. Soc., 80, I367 (1958); sce also 1-1. Zollingcr,
A i o nrtd Dinzo Clwntistry, Intcrscience, New York, 1961, pp. 64-65.
154. H . C. Frcelnan, R . J . W. Lc Fevrc, J. Northcott a n d 1. Youhotsky, J . C//c,ttt. Soc.,
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155. J . L. Kice and R. S. Gabriclsen, J . Org. C h e t j i . , 35, 1010 (1970).
156. 14. C. Freeman and R. J. W. Le Fevre, J . C/tet>t.Sac., 415 (1951).
157. L. K . H . van Beck, J. HclfTerich, H. J . Houtman a n d H. Jonker, Rec. Trau. Clrbrr.
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H. Jonker, Rec. Trm. Chitn. Pays-Bas,86, 981 (1967).
158. R . J. W.Le FCvre and I. R. Wilson, J . C h n . Soc., 1106 (1949).
159. H . C. Frcciiian and R. J. W. Le Fevre. J . Cheitt. Soc., 3178 (1950).
160. B. F. Day, T. W. Canipbcll and G . M. Coppingcr, J . Amer. Chertt. SOC.,73, 4687
( I 95 1).
161. R . J. W. Le Fkvre and T. H. Liddicoet, J . C h n . Soc., 7743 (1951).
162a. J . Klcin, C. R. Acnd. Sci. Pmis. 232, 8 0 (1951).
I62b. P. Graiiiiiinticakis, Bull. Soc. Chint. Frarice, 129 (1957).
162c. P. Granimaticakis, Bitll. SOC.Cltiitt. Fra/tcc, I39 (1957).
167-d. P. Grammnticakis, C. R . Acrid. Sci. Paris, 245, 1252 (1957).
162c. V. 0. Lukashcvich and E. S. Lisitsyna, Dokl. Akari. Naitk S.S.S.R.,160, 129 (1965)
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171. H. Suhr, Bcr. Bitriscrtges. Plrys. Chem., 66, 466 (1962).
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175. G . S. Paulctt and R. Ettingcr, J . Chem. Phys., 39, 825 (1063).
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177. K.-P. Zellcr, t i . Meier arid E. Mullcr, Ann. Chettt., 749, 178 (1971).
178. P. Kinson and B. M. Trost, Terrdicr/rort Lcfrcrs, 1075 (1969).
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ISS. J. 1. G. Cndogan, R . M. Paton a n d C . Thonison, Chetn. Cultttir!t/t., 614 (1969);
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I78 David A. Bcn-Efraim
187. D. T. Clark, in Annual Reporfs on the Progress of Cheniistry, Vol. 68 (1971). Section B,
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191. S. Sorriso, G . Piazza and A. Foffani, J. Chern. SOC.B, 805 (1971).
192. R . J. W. Le Fkvre and H. Vine, 1. Chem. SOC.,431 (1938); R. J. W. Le Fkvre and
J. Northcott, J. Clieni. Soc., 333 (1949).
The Chemistry of Diazonium and Diazo Groups
Edited by Saul Patai
Copyright 0 1978 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved.
Basicity, acidity and hydrogen
Institiile of Organic Clrertiistry, UtiiuersiIy of Laiistintic, Lmsotitic, Switzcrlund
A. Gas Phase Basicity of Diazoalkanes . . 180
B. Solution Basicity of Diazoalkanes . . 182
1. Site of protonation in 'super-acid' media. . 182
2. Thermodynamic basicity of diazoalkancs . . 183
3. Acid-catalysed hydrogen-deuterium exchangc . . 185
4. Basc-catalyscd dcconiposition of N-nitrosourcthanes and ureas . . 185
5. Acidic species alkylated by diazoalkancs . . 190
6. Kinetic basicity of aliphatic diazo coinpounds . . . 191
A. Kinetics of Elcctrophilic Addition . . 201
B. Reactions with Elcctrophilic Carbon . . 203
1. Reactions with esters . . 203
2. Reaction with aliphatic diazoniurn ions . . 204
C. Site of Electrophilic Attack . . 204
1. Reaction with aromatic diazoniiim ions . . 204
2. Reactions with carbenes . 205
M . . 210
A. Coupling of Aromatic Diazoniurn Ions . . 210
1. Introduction . 210
2. Reactions with nucleophilic carbon. . 210
3. Reactions with heteronucleophilcs . . . 211
B. Coupling of Aliphatic Diazoniurn Ions . . 212
1. Stable aliphatic diazonium ions . . 212
2. Trapping of aliphatic diazoniiim ion intcrmediatcs . . 213
C. Coupling of Aliphatic Diazo Compounds . . 214
A. Diazoalkanes as Proton Acceptors . . 218
B. Diazoalkanes as Proton Donors . . 220
A. Diazohydroxides . . 221
1. Introduction . 221
2. Dissociation of syn diazohydroxidcs . . 222
3. Dissociation of anti diazohydroxides . . 222
4 . Reaction of atiti diazohydroxides with acids . . 222
5 . Reaction of sytr diazohydroxides with acids . . 223
B. Diazophenols . . 223
C. Triazenes . . 223
1 so J. F. McGarrity
1. ! N T R B D U C T I 0 hl
The clcctron distribution in priniar y diazoulknnes is oftcn reprcsentcd by resonance
forms la-Id.
+ R R
R\ C=N=N-
+ R,-
+ \+
H’ H’ H’ H’
(1a) (1 b) (1c ) (1d)
The most unequivocal methods of formation are by nucleophilic displacement
processcs‘, and by fragmcntation of the azomethane niolccutar ion: :
N,+CH,FH CH,N:+HF (1 1
This latter nieans of generation of the nicthanediazoniuni ion lends itself admirably
to the study of subsequent proton transfer rcactioris forming diazoniethanes, by ion
cyclotron resonance spectroscopy*. Thus at 13 eV (4.3 e V above the appearance
potential of thc mcthanediazonium ion), an increase i n the pressure of azomethane
results in its protonation by the diazoniuni ion:
CH,N: +CH,N=NCH, > CH,N,+CH,NH=NCH, (3)
As is often thc casc for the chemistry of alkyl diazoniuni ions in solution, the loss of
a proton is accompanied by compctitive loss of nitrogen. T h e species so formed are
characteristic fragments of the trinietliyIdiazeniitm ion (3), initially produced by a
nucleophilic displacenicnt of nitrogen.
6. nnsicity, acidity arid hydrogen bonding 181
The proton aflinity (P.A.) of diazomcthanc, shown to be inferior to that of azo-
nicthane by observation of the rcaction &en by equation (31, was found to be
intcrnicdiate bct\vcen those of mcthylamiiic and ammonia, by tlic rcactions obscrvcd
upon in:;oduction of cach of thcse bascs into thc azomethane system, (equations
CH,N:+CH,NH, (CH,),NH,+N, (5)
T h e existence of the niethancdiazoiiiuin ion in thc gas phase, as a n intermediate or
part of a transition statc, in the reaction of !iydrogcn halides with diazomethane
(equation lo), is much less evident.
CH,N,+HX C.H,X+N, (1 0)
T h e estimated uppcr limit of 24.5 kJ/mol for the activation encrgy of this reaction
involving hydrogen iodidc was considercd to be cornpatiblc!' with a simple polar
transition statc such as 4.
8- fif s- 8-t
HI+CH,N, ~ > 1- - _ _H _ _ - -CH,-N=N >- CH,I+N, (1:)
T h e extreme rapidity of these reactions even at -75 "C limited thc measurements
of rate constants i n this study to ratios based on conipetitivc experiments. Thus at
300 K :
k l l l l r = g t 2 -k -
rrl - 4 k 2 k111
- = 50-+15
k U((1 kHnr k1rc1
Rate constants for the rcactions of hydrogen chloridc and hydrogen bromide with
diazomethane have, ho\vcvcr, becn determined'":
kncl = (7.0 +_ 1.0) x 10' ctn3 niol-l SCC-I,
k n n r = (3.0 -+ 1.0) x loc cm3 mol-' SCC-'
The significance of thcsc figures is obscured by tlic contribution of a wall reaction,
providing a n experimentally-obscrved ncgative activation energy of - 1.6 kJ/niol.
Experiments with deuterium chloride and diazornethane provided evidence that t h e
first associative step is rcversiblc". All thrcc deuteratcd species of the product methyl
chloride were obtained. Whcn deutcriuni chloride \vas injected \vith a n excess of
diazomethane, which was subsequently quenched with hydrogen broniidc, there was
20% deuteration of the methyl bromidc. This hydrogcn isotopic exchange was
considered to be impossible via an intermediatc complex of thc form 4. The alter-
native complexcs postulatedll did not include 5, which nevertheless merits considcra-
tion as it allows for both competing substitution and dcprotonation reactions, with
a minimum of structural rcorganization.
..' +
182 J. F. McGarrity
6. Solution Basicity of Diazoalkanes
1. Site of protonation in 'super-acid' media
Of the two potentially basic sites in simple diazoalkanes, reaction a t one-the
carbon in limiting structures (lb) and (1c)-leads to the habitually observed products
of reactions with acids12. T h e alternative site-the nitrogen of limiting structures
(la) and (Id)-is not apparcntly involved. An earlier postulate of N-protonation13
was subsequently revised in t h e light of more extensive data". Is.
Protonation of 2,2,2-trifluorodiazoetlianein fluorosulphonic acid-deuteriochloro-
form gave a solution of the carbon-protonated species16 indicated by the 'H and
IyF n.m.r. spectra.
H\- + CDCI, +
C-NEN + FSO,H t F,C-CH,-NEN + FSO, (1 2)
(7) N
For 6 :
(8) (9)
Protonation on oxygen was also observed for a series of aryl primary diazo-
ketones of general formula ArCOCHN, and for alkyl diazoketones, primary?O and
s e c ~ n d a r y ' ~T.h e spectra of ?-diazo cholestan-3-one dcrivatives in FS03H-
CDCI,-SO, at - 70 "C were interpreted as indicating protonation on carbon?'.
T h e principal evidcnce cited as argument against oxygen protonation, i.e. t h e dis-
similarity of the cheniical shift of the acidic proton at 8 = 9.3 p.p.m. to that for
protonated ketones, is, i n the light of subseqiicnt values for oxygen-protonated
diazoketoneslg,of 6 = 8.2 - 9.3 p.p.rn., probably invalid. Thc rapid proton exchange
with the solvent, on warming the solution, is also more compatible Lvith 0 rather
than C protonation.
where K = k l / k - l .
154 J. F. McGnrrity
Thus thc observed rate cons!ant contains the protonation equilibrium constant K ,
multiplied by k,, thc rate constant for thc displacement of nitrogcn, which has been
shown to be nucleophilc assisted for this substratez7. Although the value of k , is
inaccessible directly, its sensitivity s to the strength of the participating Ilucleophiie
i f , as expresscd by thc Swain-Scott cquation28, has been dcter~nined~'. Identical s
values for two nucleophilic substitutions indicate a common sensitivity of the
transition statcs to reactant properties. This is equated by the Lemer postulate2S.30,
to a common position of the transition states along the reaction coordinate, the
position being governed by thc difference in free energy between reactants and
products. The activation frce energy is determined by this energy difference and a
nunibcr of factors, including stcric, solvational and entropy changes dependent on
the transition-state structure. I t has bccn proposed that sutstituent effects on
structurally related diazoniuni ions are s~iiall'~. I f one accepts this proposition, i t
follows that thc reactions of water with structurally related diazonium ions, dis-
playing similar sensitivity to substitution by otllcr nucleophiles, should havc similar
activation cncrgies. This rescmblancc in transition state structures (with idcntical
entering and lcaving groups) implies similar free cnergics of reaction dominated by
the frce energy of formation of molecular nitrogen, and common interactions unique
to the transition state. Hence thc s values for thc hydrolysis of 10 and diazoacetonc
(11) of 0.3 and 0.4 O7 imply approximately equal values of k , for nitrogen displace-
mcnt. Consequently, comparison of the overall second-order hydrolysis rate con-
stants of 10 and 11 givc a mensurc of the relative acidity of their corresponding
diazonium ions.
log kol,,( 11) - log kO1,,(10) = - pK(10) + pK(11) = 1.3 (1 8)
Analysis of t h e kinetic data3', 3 1 providcs valucs for k-,/k,, whicl , with ccrtain
approximations, allo\v cstimatcs of k - , . Combinatioii \vitli tlic known k, value gives
limi!ing valucs of A'< 10" mol/l, K < 5 x lo3 niol/l and K < 1 molil for the proto-
nated forms of 14, 13 rind 12, respectively, i.e. p K . = - 5, p K < -3.7 and p K < O .
6. Basicity, acidity and hydrogcn bonding 185
A more involved analysis of kinetic data for general acid-catalyscd hydrolyses of
diazo compounds can Icad, in principle, to an estimate of thc p&'s of the conjugate
acids. The significance and limitations of this approach will be discusscd in
Section II.B.6.
- -
-': I
$7 / - HNCO
0 0
the diazonium ion, either frcc or in an ion pair, as precursors of the diazoalkane
will be discussed later. T h e reactions of the diazohydroxide leading to the formation
of the diazoalkane compete with its decomposition to nitrogen, solvated hydroxide
ions and carbonium ions. Thus the yields of substitutcd diazoalkancs will be depen-
dent not only o n the substituent effect o n their stability, but also on that of the
J (20)
O C / ' + C H
\\ I
t-- DLc,q'-N j@+c0cH2
X = m-NO,,p-CI, H, p-Me Products
6. Basicity, acidity and hydrogen bonding 157
alternative carboniurn ions. For examplc, in the formation of p y r a ~ o l e sderived
from d i a ~ o a l k e n c s ~the
" , observed effect o f electron-withdrawing groups of incrcasing
the pyrazolr: yield is compatible with destabilizing thc incipicnt carboniuni ion, o r
in facilitating development of thc ncgativc charge in the transition state for diaio-
alkane formation. The cffccts of alkyl substituents, coniplerncntary in stabilizing
carboniuni ions and inductively destabilizing the diazo group, are evident for
examples 20, 21, 22, 26 and 27 of Table 1.
28 3 hf 100 53
Separation of the two cffects can apparently bc made for examples 23. 24, 25 and
28. T h e stability of the cyclopropyl carbinyl cationG1accounts for its prefercntial
formation, and, o n the contrary, the relativc instability of the cyclopropyl cation6"
allows the establishment of the diazo compound 28 as a n intcrinediate in the reaction.
The stability conferred to alkyl carbonium ions by substititent phenyl or a l k y l groups
dot's not, howevcr, dctcrmine the dircction of reaction of the diazohydroxides. T h e
quantity of phenyl- and vinyl-diazomcthane formed may rather bc due to a dominant
stabilization of the transition state in thc base-catalysed elimination, reflecting a
conjugative stabilization of the product diazo group. The abovc arguments3 is
entirely dependent on thc assumption that the benzyl a n d ally1 cations are as rcadily
formed in water as is thc 2-octyl cation which is generated in prcfcrcnce to 2-diazo-
octanc. Solvolysis rates in nucleophilic solvents, \\,here the bimolecular contribution
to the ratc-deterrnining step is unknownG3,offer debatable support to this thesis.
Gas-phase heats of formation from the corresponding alkancsc' ( 3 H f Ph-CH, =
= 906 kJ) in thc absence of
854 kJ, H2C=CH-CH, = 940 kJ, C,H,-?-CH,
solvational energies offcr a support only for the bcnzyl cation. For this particular
example the alternative diazoalkanc product was obtained at unspccified base
concentration ('five- to six-fold excess'); at a Iowcr, cqually unspecified base con-
centration, there was minor formation of benzyl alcohol.
That the diazoalkane lbrrnation is dependent on base concentration and strength
is supported by the observation that when cyclohexane diazotate is quenched in
IS8 J. F. McGarrity
methanol rather than water, providing a more basic medium, diazocyclohexane is
observed". It is worth noting, in this respect, that cyclopropyldiazomethane (23).
completely by-passed in the aqueous diazotate hydrolysis, is prepared by reaction of
t h e corresponding N-nitrosourethane with a concentrated solution (2 M) of sodium
triethylene glycolate in triethylene glycol at - 25 "C 59. For the octane-2-diazotate
system, the inferred yields of diazooctane increased from 3% to 15% with increasing
base concentration60. The effect of base on the partition between the two reactions in
methanol was examined by Kirmse for a series of c y ~ l o p r o p y l66,
~ ~6 7. and alkenylas
substituted diazoalkanes.
/ 'CONH,
phvoMe +
The yield of allene 30, derived from diazoalkane 29, increased from 0.52% to 80%
for both cis and tram starting ureas (28) with increasing base strength. T h e impor-
tancc of the diazonium ion, either free or in a n ion pair as the immediate precursor
of the diazoalkane, as depicted above, is controversial. As regards secondary alkyl
diazotates, i t has been established from results with optically pure and labelled sub-
strates that carboniurn ion products are not derived from diazoniurn ions, but rather
from a solvated diazotate speciescg
/"=N\o- R+
\ -
0 + SV-H * R
SV-H' -SV.-- H
Thc influcnce of diazo group and carbonium ion stability on the reaction course
implies that both sets of products are formed from a common intermediate-the
diazotate species favoured by M O S P or free diazoniuni ion preferred by Kirmse"G.70.
6. Basicity, acidity and hydrogen bonding 1 S9
An alternative explanation is that a n equilibrium between the two intermediates is
established rapidly relative to the two competing product-forming reactions
R\ Ease R\ R\+
C=N, t--- CH-N=N-OH -+ CH N, -OH
R'/ R'/
R\ R\ R\
C=N, t CH-N"+
-OH 3 /
R' R'
R'RCH + N?
18-Oxygen labelling experiments showed, a m o n g other things, that this equilibrium
is not established i n secondary diazotate hydrolysisG9. As the benryl and alkyl
cation-forming processes are presumed to have activation cnergies lower than, or
equivalent to, those for secondary cations. the equilibriuin must also be excluded in
these cases (assuming equivalent diazonium ion stability). This conclusion is in part
supported by the observed base catalysis. The equilibrium will be di5placed to the
diazohydroxide form by increasing base concentration. This, conlbinccl Lvith the
expected first-order dependence of thc proton abstraction rcact ion on base, would
give an ovcrall zero-order dependence for diazoalkanc formation, which is not
observed. T h e irrefutable evidence, from trapping expcrimcnts7" for frce diazoriium
ions in the systems, is restricted to cyclopropyl diazoniurn ions, whish may arise
from diazocyclopropane rather than diazohydroxide prccursors.
The partition of the two reaction scqiienccs appears to occur at thc diazotate-
diazohydroxide stage. T h e mechanism for thc basc-cntalysed cliniination of watcr
has been formulated as a two-step process"'.
R,- +
OR" e-
R" R'
R' I I
190 J . F. McGarrity
In conclusion the partition of diazotatcs in basic solution, between diazoalkane
and carboniurn ion products, appears to be dominated by t h e base strength, and
substituent effects on the carboniuni ions, rather than by diazoniurn ion acidity.
Similar catalysis, preferably by boron trifluoride, renders aniines sufficiently acidic
to iindcrgo this rcaction7y.7 7 .
Whcreas certain carbon acids such as acetylacctonc react with diazoalkanes
through tlicir enolic f o r ~ i i (equation
s~~ 30), sufficiently acidifying but non-enolizable
substitiicnts such as sulp1ioneq0~ and nitroR2groups allow direct methylation on
The data in Table 3, and the subsequcnt discussion, refer to hydrolysis of diazo-
alkanes where protonation by the hydrated proton has been shown to be rate
detcrmining. For several substrates, data for various sets of reaction conditions are
included as minor differences in the latter can significantly affect the former.
T h c rcactivity of differently substituted stabilized diazo compounds within the
same class towards strong acids in non-nucleophilic solvents has been correlated with
the N = N stretching frcquency in the i.r. The hydrolysis rates for series
of primary diazoketoncs and sulphones have been similarly correlated108. Generally,
the higher thc absorption frequency, the more the electron distribution described by
the form C-k=N is predominant in the ground This is favoured by
clcctron-withdrawing groups attached to the carbon; ips0 facta, these decrease the
acid lability. For reactions that proceed by a rate-dctermining protonation step
there is a gencral trend in this sense1OB,but extrapolation from one class of com-
pounds to another allows only qualitative of ground-state effects by
this means.
In the series PhCN,R the protonation rate decreases in the order R = H, Ph, CN,
0 0
CF3, Si(Ph),, (EtO),PO--, (I’h)2PO-, R’O-C-, -R‘C-. This variation repre-
sents well thc expected different degrees of stabilization of the ground state, by
clectron withdrawal (except for the triphenglsilyl substituent which may also provide
a steric retardation of the reaction).
It is interesting to note that for the unique series whcre the effcct on the protona-
tion rate of an alkyl group relative to a hydrogen substituent has been directly
measurcd, the protonation of 1 -p-nitrophenyldiazoethaneis slower by a factor of
almost 10 than that of p-nitrophenyldiazoinethane.The substitution of a methyl
group has apparently less effect for diazoketones. Whereas protonat ion rates of
primary diazoketones are normally inaccessible, that of diazoacetone has been
lneasured by hydrogen isotopic exchange rates’O’. Furthermore, in the hydrolysis
of 7-(2’-diazo-)acetyl-bicyclo[2.2.l]hept-2-ene( 3 7 , the protonation is rate deter-
mining due to acceleration of the subsequent nucleophilic displacement of nitrogen
by participation of t h e neighbouring double bondloo. In both cases, protonation is
3. Kinetic parameters for proton transfer from H 3 0 + to diazoalkanes
B 25 I x 10-1 1.67 I .8
CH,COCNzH A 0 1x 10-1 101
C,jH,COCNICH3 C 20 1x lo-? 2.42 102
p-NOzC6HdCOCN2CH3 C 20 1x 10-2 2.3 102
B 25 5x 10-1 2.0 99
C 2.0 Ix 10-2 2.3 103
p-N OZC6H,COCN,C, H, C 20 Ix 10-2 2.4 103
p-NOzC8H,COCN2Pr-f~ C 20 Ix 10-2 2.4 103
p-NOzC8H,COCNzPr-i C 20 I X 10-2 2.4 103
G 25 5 x 10-2 1.8 99
3 (corrf.)
C 20 92
C 20 2 x 10-1 1.4 92
C 20 1 x 10-1 83
A 25 2.6 81.5 -29 so
C 20 1x 10-1 I .5 83
A 25 1x 10-3 2.5 98
A 25 sx 10-2 98
B 25 5x 10-1 1.6 104
C 20 1x 10-1 105
C 20 8x 10-I 83
C 20 1x 10-1 2.5 I06
C 20 Ix 10-1 2.3 84.0 -25 105
Solvent: A, water; 9, dioxancwater 60-40 V/V; C, dioxanc-water 2-1 v/v; D, dimethylsulphoxide-water 4-1 w/w; E, water 2.2 hi in G!
acetonitrile; F, ethanol-water 93.8% w/w; G,dioxane-water 40-60 V / V ; H, toluene.
a Ionic strength mol/l.
* Extrapolated from Arrhenius plot.
Measured wiih one acid concentration only.
Reaction followed by nitrogen evolution.
Value extrapolated from data for differing salt concentrations.
f The acid added, p-toluene sulphonic acid may not be completely dissociated in this system.
0 Measured by hydrogen isotopic exchange.
196 J. F. McCarrity
three- to four-times more rapid than for methyl-substituted diazoketones measured
under the same conditions. This behaviour contrasts with the accelerating influence
of alkyl substitution on the overall reaction of diazoalkanes with phenol in tolueneas.
The stabilizing effect of benzoyl relative to carboethoxy groups is dependent on
the nature of other substituents present. Thus the effcct of their different electron-
withdrawing capacity is diminished by introduction of an additional stabilizinggroup:
CH3CN,COCtiH.,X 0,
C 4 - 1.0 H30+ 102 u'
C,,H,CN,COCoH,X up+ N o p +- US) C I -0.812 H30+ 83
XCoHaCN2COC,H:, U P+ C 6 - 2.05 H30+ 102
XCeHICN2PO(OC2H,,2 C 5 - 1.641 105
XC,H4CN2CF, UD B 4 - 1.74 H30+ 18 0
(361 c3
(or+aaR) F 11, 11, 13b -1.63--2.1b H,Of 111 m
AF&, = Wr (35)
AF& is the free encrgy of activation observed for the proton transfer from H A to
S, i.e. from state ( I ) to state (IV).
Wr is the energy that must be supplied to form the 'reactant complex', i.c. state
(11) from state (I), and involves diffusion, desolvational energy and distor-
tion of bonds, if ncccssary to allow the proton to be transferrcd.
AFfc is the standard free-energy difference within the reaction ccmplex, i.e.
AFO state (111) - A F o state (11) and is ostensibly equal to I ~ F , " ~ , - A F { ~ , . .
AFo* is the activation free-energy within the reaction complcx for the case where
A F i = 0.
From this equation, the rate of change of a \vith differing A F i is inversely propor-
tional to AFu* which measures the inherent reactivity of the system. The data for
the hydrolysis of 12 catalysed by phenols for which a = 0.74, carboxylic acids where
o = 0.51 lZ1, and a series of protonated aniines displayed in Figure 1 12?, allowed
calculation of AFO*, and hence the other parameters of equation (35).
T h e corresponding parameters could be calculated from the data for hydrolysis of
13 and 14, with inclusion, however, of t h e data for catalysis by H 3 0 i 3 4 , and for
hydrolysis of diphenyldiazomcthane ( 3 9 , catalysed by carboxylic acids and phenolsg3.
The collected parameters are listed in Table 5 .
T h e first points of note are the values of AF&+, i.e. the free energies of the
SH++H,O S+H,O+ (37)
6. Basicity, acidity and hydrogen bonding 199
In all cases they are unacceptably large: for 14 and 13 they correspond to dissocia-
tion constants 10'' lnOl/l and 10" mol/l, respectively, coniparcd to independently
estimated values of < lo5 mol/l and < 5 x lo3 mol/l (Scction B.2). Furthermore, t h e
variation o f the values derived for protonated diazoacetate anion indicates that
these values d o not have an absolute thermodynamic significance. Their significance
I I I I I 1 I I
4 - 0
- d
2 - -
- -
a 0 -
*= - -
-16 -14 -12 -?@ -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2
log KHA
FIGURE 1. Predicted and experimental relations between log k l l ~for the hydrolysis of 12,
and log K,.l,, of the cntalysing acid. The @ arc points for oxygen acids, the x for protonated
amincs. The solid lines are predicted from cquation (35) by inscrtion of the parameters
listed in Table 5 . Reprinted with permission from M. M. Kreevoy and S . Oh, J . Amer.
Cllem. Soc., 95, 4805 ( 1 973). Copyright by the American Chemical Society.
is rather in thc context of the reaction complex, in that differently organized reactant
complexes, in solvational and hydrogen-bonded terms (state II), may be formed with
different types of acids. Such a variation with acid type should dictate a variation in
AF'* and, more obviously, in I+'*. Although the values of AFo* obtained by t h e
5. Pnrarncters of the Marcus formalism for dinzonlkane hydrolysis
Acid H A Base A P * (kJjmol) W' (kJ/niol) AFZH+ (kJ/mol)
-0 7
el c9
\+= ''0
a H
0 '0 0 0
\ / % /
a3 +z
+I \ I
I-v x..;v,
=. \ =
0 -
i=J H H
6. Basicity, acidity and hydrogen bonding 20 1
kinetic consequence of these large work terms is that n o matter how thermodynamic-
ally favoured be the proton transfer, depending on the acid strength, the rate can
never approach the diffusion limit1z2.Differing interpretations of the high values of
W' in terms of hydrogen bond formation in the reaction complexs3. lZ2, and non-
equilibrium solvated specie$' appear to be complementary. Evidence for the former
is derived from a n analysis of the Hamrnett p values for solvolysis of 35. This value
can be separated by use of certain approximations into p Wr a n d pc termss3, the
latter referring t o the actual proton trsnsfer, state (11) + state (111). It was found that
the p W' term was by far the more important, indicating that the aryl substituent
effects are primarily felt in the H-bond formation. The differencesin hydrolysis rates
of 12, 13 and 14 can be attributed t o difleering degrees of electron delocalization from
the diazo group into the adjacent carbonyl substituents. T h e reflection of these
differences in the work terms W'and not AFO', for the same acid types, implies that
this electron delocalization is reversed before the proton transfer occurs34.
This interpretation demands a n intermediate with negative charge located on the
diazo carbon, but available for hydrogen bonding, and with a consequently re-
arranged solvation sphere. The energy changes along the reaction profile are illus-
trated schematically in Figure 2.
A corresponding energy diagram for nitroalkane deprotonation is included. This
represents the same electron reorganization phenomenon, but in a reversed sense in
that the tetrahedral carbanionic species (state 111) formed by proton transfer,
relaxes into the x-delocalized anion126. In this case, kinetic evidence for the schemc
includes substituent effects of different magnitude on the transition state, leading to
the carbanionic structure (111) and on the final statc (IV) of the nitronale anion.
This behaviour leads to values of an > I and < 0, inexplicable conventionally126*
in terms of 'degree of proton transfer'. Similar results of anomalous (Y values for
diazoniuni ion deprotonation would be expected, but are as yet unobtainable.
The above diagram shows how differing diazo compounds, despite differences i n
overall rcactivity towards acids, can have identical indices of transition-state position
along the reaction coordinate within the 'reaction complex'.
T h e related zinc(n) halide-catalysed decomposition of diphenyldiazornethane and
diazofluorene in acetonitrile, proceeds by a rate-determining association132(equa-
tion 38)
slow mpld
Ph,CN,+ZnX, Ph,CN:Zn-X, ~
f [Ph,C+Zn-Xz] (38)
--N I
In contrast, the adducts formed by each of these two substrates with copper(1i)
bromide are in equilibrium with the reactants before
Ph,CN,+CuBr, Ph,CN:Cu-Br,
[Ph,C+Cu-Br,] (39)
For the former reaction (equation 38 where X = Cl), i t is intercsting to note that
the Hammett p values for diazofluorene and diphenyldiazonlethane substituents are
quite dissimilar (- 2.45 a n d approximately - 1 .O), despite the minor (7-fold)
difference in rate. Also striking is the observation that the order of kinetic catalytic
efficiency, ZnCI, < ZnBr, 4ZnI,, does not follow the equilibrium Lewis acidity
(towards diben~acridine'~?).
A situation somewhat lcss complicated kinetically was eticoiintered in thc rcaction
of diphenyldiazomethane with peroxybenzoic acid'".
6. Basicity, acidity and hydrogen bonding 203
T h e effect of substituents in the aryl groups of the diazoalkane on the reaction
rate, as reflected by theio p value of - 0.96, is less marked than o n the corresponding
proton transfer reaction. That the electrophilic attack was indeed by oxygen and not
by a proton, was supported by the similarity af the kinetic isotope effect k ~ o ~ ~ /
k ~ = 10- 3 3 ~a n d ~of lhe solvent dependence of reaction rate to those of other
peroxide oxidations. A similar mechanism is probably operative for the reaction of
peroxybenzoic acid with d i a ~ o k e t o n e s Other
~ ~ ~ . examples of electrophilic oxygen
attack on diazoalkanes are provided by the reactions of ozone136 and singlet
Me H
As these reactions werc llowevcr carried out in the presence of base, necessary for
the initial nitrosolactam dccomposition, the possibility of nucleophilic catalysis, by
attack on the terminal diazonitrogen146,cannot be cxcluded (see Section V.C).
+ Ar-N=N-CH,-N,
f++ + A r - NH -N=CHCI
CI- CI - (46)
+ CI-
P tl H s5.0 0
Ph a-Napht hyl 52.0 7.0
a-Naphthyl a-Napht hyl 6.1 14.5
This is i1lustr;ited by the results in Table 7, for the influence of cr.-napthyl sub-
stituents on the distribution, bctwecn olefin (40) and azine (41) products, for the
reactions of diaryldiazoalkanes with dihalocarbenes (equation 50).
N- N=C,
will also be left untreated. Discussion of these rcactions and of interactions of diazo
compounds with metals in general will be found i n Chapter 7 on ‘Complex Fornia-
tion’ in this volume.
D i azoniet ha nc is d ep ro t o n a I cd by t r i phe n y I met h y 1sod i 11nil‘?, inc t h y I I i t h i 11ni o r
p h e n y l l i t h i ~ n i ’in~ ether
~ at 0 “C to form the corresponding alkali metal salts.
H,C=G=N-+(Ph),C- NaC HC=&=N- Na4 +(Ph),CH (51 1
6. Basicity, acidity and hydrogen bonding 207
Whereas hydrolysis of these salts with alcohol-water at room temperature produces
a 35% yield o f diazornethane, hydrolysis at -15°C with a concentrated, weakly
acidic buffer solution (of ammonium chloride or potassium dihydrogen phosphate)
yields a colourlcss diazomethane isomer. This ‘isodiazornethane’, originally con-
sidercd to possess a nitrilirninP‘. 165 structure (42), is now idcntified as an N-amino-
isocyanide (43) on the basis of spectroscopic1o6and ~ h e m i c a lc8 l ~evidence.
The hydrazone product is readily visualized as arising from nucleophilic attack
of the base on the terminal nitrogen of the diazo system. This process, also observed
t o the extent of 15% for the diazonlethancmethyllithium will be discussed
208 J . F. McGarrity
in Section V.C. Thc triazole product has been postulated to bc the result of the
nucleophilic attack of the diazoethyl anion o n its conjugate however a
1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of diazoethane onto the hydrazone formed concurrently is a
more appealing possibility.
As would be expected, ethyl diazoacetate is more acidic than simple diazoalkancs
in that it can be lithiated with butyllithium at - I10 "C The salt formed is, now-
ever, thermally unstablet at temperatures above - 50 "C 173 as witnessed by previous
unsuccessful attempts at preparation173. Below this temperature it is suficiently
reactive to undergo metal exchange with trimethylsilyl a n d tributyltin chloride and
to condense with ketone carbonyl groups.
Nz 0
f (CH,),Si-C-C-OEt
HO N, 0
R' R'C -C-C-OEt
+ N=N-sHCO,R
--+ RO,CC '
--- RO,CC
0 Nz
2 MeOH
T ~* II
(47) ArOC’
N \\
ArOC-C, ,N
R’ = H,Me R” = OEt, Ph, Me R
210 J. F. McGarrity
It should finally be noted that the presence of an a-diazo group does not exclude
normal base-catalysed reactions, e.g. intramolecular alkylation1S3, or Darzens
condensat ion183
0-5 “C , (60)
0 N , + PhCHO t
OH- p h a z h 0 (61 1
HO 0
Generally the principal factor influencing the ease of coupling with aliphatic
carbon bases is the nature of the substituents in the base, rather than in the diazo-
niurn salt.
ArN=N+-CHR, ___+ ArN=N-CHR, Ar-NH-N=CR, (62)
6. Basicity, acidity at?d hydrogen bonding 21 1
The rate constants for hydrazone formation for the anions of n i t r ~ e t h a n e aceto-
acetanilidelD1,acetylacetone'"' and acetoneIQ3with a series of diazoniuni salts have
beer? determined. Furthermore, good correlations of rcaction rates for each anion
with Hanimett's u parametcrs were obtained. As was noticed for coupling to aro-
matic nuclci, the most reactive diazoniuni ions have negative deviations from this
relation as :hi diffusioii rate limit is approached. This phenomenon was ascribed to
lack of additivity of substituent constants rather than to incursion of diffusion
control (with one exception), or to a change of p values with decreasing activation
free energylgJ. Such a change in p with the overall reactivity of each anion type
was however observed. Coupling to the highly reactive anion of acetone ( p K n = 19-
20) was associated with a value of 1.89, compared to a value of 3.45 for acetyl-
acetone. In fact the p values ivere observed to decrease regularly with increasing
rate constant, even when data for coupling to aromatic nucleophiles were included,
although the correlation was better when restricted to substrates of similar struc-
tural typeIg5. Such a n analysis of the Hamniett p values in terms of selectivity-
reactivity relationships is, however, subject to severe limitations and has recently
been criticizedlQB.T h e uncertainty in extrapolating this sort of comparison to
substrates of different charge type is typified by the similar p values of 4.0 and 4-15,
for the coupling reactions to 1-naphthol and its anion respectively, despite the
greater reactivity of the latter by a factor of 10' l g 7 . Such a difference in reactivity
between a nucleophile in its protonated and unprotonated forms is common t o
enols, naphthols, pyrazolones, naphthalene sulphonic acidslg2, pyrroleslss and
3. Reactions w i t h heteronucleophiles
T h e rate constants for coupling of aromatic diazoniuin ions with nitrogen in
amines appear to decrease in the series h'-metliylaniline~OO, dimethylamine2"',
anilinezoz.This decrease is not reflected by a systematic change in the values of p
3.94, 3.47 and 3.90, respectively. The effect of variation of aromatic substituents on
the coupling rate with methylamine is difficult to assess, since electron-donating
substituents encourage further reaction of the initially-formed triazene with the
diazonium ion to generate a p e n t a ~ a d i e n e ? ~ ~ .
ArN: +CH,NH, Ar-N=N-NHCH, 7ArNH-N=NCH, (63)
ArNH-N=NCH,+ArN: ArN=N-NAr-N=NCH, (64)
aryldiazoazide formed with azide ion decomposes into aryl azide and nitrogen, o r
cyclizes to an arylpentazole, prior to nitrogen evolution2oa.
212 .I. F. McGnrrity
For several solwnts the kinetic nuclcophilicity of anions is in thc order C,H,S-<
N; < CN- '"!'. A n exccptioii to this sequence is providcci by the reaction of azide with
diazonium ions (other than with p-nitroben7ciicdi~~/oniLiill~ in watcr"". In these
particular cases the rate-dctcrriiiniri~step is assumed to bc dccomposition of the
aryldiazoazidc2*1.Tlic abovc-mciitioncd reactivity order is maintained towards
triarylnicthyl and tropyliuiii ions and is regarded a s following the relative ease of
desolvation of the iiucleopliilcs'2"3.Conscqucritly, ii considcrable part of thc activa-
tion cncrgy f o r thcse rapid rcactions is iinaffcctcd by the reactivity of the diazoniuni
ions. Hcnce there does not exist even an approximate relation between Harnmett p
values and ovcrall reactivity as found for azo-coupling rcactions. The p values in
qucstion for -OH,ll>o,= 2.16 ?12, 2. I ?I3, -CN,ll,o, = 2.3 1 "', N,chf,orrl = 2.83 m
are considerably smaller than thosc for azo-coupling to carbon nucleophiles whcre
p = 4.0, despitc the fact that these lattcr rcactions are much more rapid. The
coupling ratc of 2,6-dichloro-4-nitrobcnzencdiazoniu1ii ion with I-naphtholate
anion is IO:'-tinics t h a t with hydrosidc ion, despitc the greatcr basicity of the lattcr
by a factor of loG'.I5. The similarity of the p values of azo-coupling to carbon to
those of diazoniun-diazo cquilibria \\it11 the above anionic nucleophiles, i.e. 3.2 <
p < 5.2. may indicatc that the transition states for thcse azo-couplings are 'product
like' l a 4 . On the other hand, the smaller p values for reaction with anions (after their
desolvation) imply a less sclectivc reaction, with 'rcactant likc' transition state.
T h i s rcasoning*Jl is consistcnt with formation of cis products for 'carly transition
state' rcactions, and direct forniation of ~ v n r r sproducts with amines, phenols and
aromatic tertiary amines.
2. Trapping of aliphatic diazonium ion intermediates
Coupling products havc bcen isolated froni reactions involving aliphatic clia-
zonium ion internicdiates. I n all cases the ions could be trapped due to nitrogen
l o s s becoming unfavourable, assisted or unassisted, by position either on a Sridge-
head219or on a cyciopropyl ring'". :?'I.
(52) 30%
Undcr the same conditions as the cyclopropyl diazoniiim ion (52) expericnccs
terniinal addition, the isobutyl and methyl analogues prcfer nitrogen
A bridgehead position is not in i1sclf suficient to pcrmit diazonium ion trapping.
The polychlorinated liomocubane diazonium ion (53) gave products typical of
radical decomposition of an intcrinediatc addition specics (54), and also couplcd
with ~-naphtho1?21.I n contrast, its hydrogenated analogue yiclded only normal
hydrolysis products in the same reaction conditions"'.
R-NH, >- R-N,' R--N=N-OH ____> R-N=N-ON0
(54) (71)
214 J. F. McGarrity
T h e less stabilized methane??3-?Zaand ethane d i a ~ o n i u m ?ions
* ~ can be trapped by
their counter-ions co-generated in ion pairs.
-.CH,Nb G 5 ! = N - c H ~ ~ n!=N-CH,
0' 0
' 0
ability of phosphorus to stabilize the betaine thus formed (55) by z-acceptance into
its empty d orbitals.
- +
R,C-N=N++P(Ph), R,C-N=N-P(Ph), a+
R,C=N-N=P(Ph), (73)
When the delocalization is diminished by hydrogen bonding, for example in the
a-hydroxyphosphazine (56), the thermal stability of the adduct diminishes corre-
~ . this case dissociation into reactants occurs at 70 " C , whereas
s p ~ n d i n g l y ' ~In
normally higher temperatures are reqcired for pyrolysis231.
PhSO, \- -/
PhSO,, /H
,C=N-N=C \
PhSO, SO, Ph
216 J. F. McCnrrity
Electron-rich olefins also react with elcctrophilic z-dicarbonyl diazoalkanes?J2and
. ~ form
d i a ~ o f l u o r e n e ?to ~ azines. b
Ph Ph 0 Ph Ph
I I 1 I I
+ ,C-- R’
+ N=N-E
/ \
I I 4-
Ph Ph 0 Ph +N Ph
\ I
R R’
A n alternative route to azine products from diazofluorene and 58, via prior dis-
sociation of the latter to nuclcophilic carbcnes, has bcen 21:’.
Ph Ph
tL+ + R‘ +NJ p ,R’
(58) - 2 N=N-C~R “1 L-‘ R
I I (78)
Ph PI1
- Ph,
C N+- N
Ph, ,N =C,
C, =N S0,Ph
The normal course of reaction of d i a z o k e t o n e ~ ~ ~d.i‘a, z o e ~ t e r s ” ~
or aryldiazo-
alkancs249-251with carbanions from organomctnllic 2.’1 leads to a hydra-
zone after hydrolysis.
- -
Ph,C-N=N+ +PhMgBr Ph,C-N=N-Ph Ph,C=N-i-Ph
Ph,C=N-NHPh (80)
R = Ph; R‘=Ph,CH,,Ph,H; V
I (82)
x 0 7-50
C H =C‘-I-C \
A. Diazoalkanes a s Proton Acceptors
The formation of a hydrogen bond, betwen a n acid and a diazo carbon atom, has
been shown to account for a considerable part of the activation energy of the overall
proton transfer (Section I I.B.6). I n non-polar solvents, complexes so formed n i n y
have a lifetime sufficicntly long to pcrmit an alternntivc reaction with the solvent.
6 . Basicity, acidity and hydrogen bonding 219
Thus CIOSS~~' has proposed a carbenoid transition state (59) for thc trifluoroacetic
acid-catalysed formation of cyclopropanes froin phenyldiazonietliane in olefinic
\ /
- - -
t o monodeuteration of the carbonium-ion-derived products.
A similar hydrogen-bonded intermediate was originally proposed to explain the
product distribution in the alkylation of tautomeric acid s y s t e m P .
A-H+CH,N, A-H-..CH,N, N,+A--H.*-CH, A-CH,
Collapse of intimate o r solvent-separated ion pairs would currently be a more
acceptable explanationis. 2G8.
Hydrogen-bond formation to diazoalkanes from is indicated by the
The nuclcophilicity of the
function of the former as transesterification catalysts260-2G2.
alcohol hydroxyl group is sufficiently raised by hydrogen bonding to t h e weakly
basic diazomethane to allow attack on a carboxyl group.
+ + + t
ROH + -
CH,N, -+- R-O--H.-CH,N~ --+ R-o-H-CH~N,
,C- OR"
; -0
R"O0 =O
o=c, + R"OH + CH,N,
Y=C=N / Y T"C /R'
I ... H: +._.C H R" N
&-o - H -CH R- N,
1 (89)
Catalytic efficiency for this reaction increases in the order diazoethane, diazo-
methane, phenyldiazomethane, which is the inverse of the order of their rates of
reaction with phenols. F o r the most efficient catalyst, phenyldiazomethane, 0.1-
0.01 molar equivalents are sufficient to ensure complete The inter-
mediacy of proton-bridged rather than discrete diazoniuni ion intermediates was
demonstrated by the lack of incorporation of deuterium into the products, when
molar equivalent quantities of deuterated diazoalkanes were used a s catalystP6#?'j7.
ArNf f H,O
ArNf + -OH
, / 0-
,N=N N=
Analysis of kinetic data for conversion of diazonium ions into .syii a n d ririri diazotatcs
(65)and ( 6 6 ) , s n d (:iceEL’I’SO, alloivs separation of dissociation coilstants ( K , and A’.,)
for syri and m f i diazohydroxidcs ( 6 3 ) and (64). I n soine c:ises, the rntcs of reaction
of 63 and 64 with acids have been determined.
222 J. F. McGarrity
2. Dissociation of syn diazohydroxides
2,6-Dichloro-4-nitrobenzenediazohydroxide is exceptional in that, for a certain p H
range, it may be present in considerable concentrations in equilibrium with the other
species in equation (91)215. This is in part due to the instability of thc corresponding
diazonium ion, which results in an increase in K , , and also to diminution of the iso-
merization equilibrium constant Kis0. The dissociation constant K , was calculated
from that of the equilibrium mixturc of syii and atiti diazohydroxides and the
isomerization constants Kiso and K{w, to bc equal to 1.55 x Solutions of syn
diazotates can be prepared by reaction of hydroxide ion with diazonium ions where
substituents a r e not niesornericnlly electron withdrawing, and hence d o not favour
syn-onti isomerism275. Quenching of these solutions immediately after formation
with buffer solutions reforms the benzenediazonium ion with a rate dcpendent on
the concentration of the syri diazohydroxide p r c ~ e n t Hence,
~ ~ ~ . the variation of rate
with the p H of the buffer solution employed allows determination of K?. The Harn-
mett p value for the dissociation constants of such a series of diazohydroxides was
found to be 1.3.
H,I H //O
N -N
0 H,
A r’
Ar *o *,,N=N ‘OH
H‘ ,OH
Ar ’
5. Reaction of syn diazohydroxides with acids
Arenediazotates with 2.6-dichloro-4-nitro- and 2,4-dinitro- substituents generate
their relatively reactive diazonium ion counterparts by a rate-controlling scission of
the syn diazohydroxide at p H 4.5. In this pH region, the scissions are general acid
catalysed281.This was found also to be the case for syti diazohydroxides generated
by quenching a solution of syn d i a ~ o t a t e s ~The
’ ~ . Bronsted a values could be measured
for the catalysis in both experimental approaches. Those of substrates with the
electron-withdrawing substituents were greater (0.34, 0.31 as opposed to 0.19).
8. Diazophenols
Arenediazonium ions with 0- or p-hydroxy substituents react with only one
equivalent of base to form t h e corresponding phenolate ion, often named a diazo-
phenol :
C. Triazenes
A comprehensive review of the acid-catalysed rearrangements of 1,3-diaryl-
triazenes to p-aniinoazobenzenes has been given elsewliercsyJ.3-Alkyl-1 -aryltriazenes
react readily with acids to form the corresponding anilines, nitrogen- and carbonium-
8 ~ . decomposition prevents direct determination of their
ion-derived p r o d u ~ t s ~ This
2 24 J. F. McGarrity
basicity. Protonation rates are also inaccessible from t h e kinetic d a t a accumulated
to date. Either there exists a rapid acid-base equilibrium, with rate-determining
scission of the conjugate acid in water286,o r the rate-limiting protonation is con-
sidered to be coupled \vith simultaneous departure of a carbonium ion fragment in
~ ~ . acid-catalysed scission of 1,5-dipheiiyl-3-rnethyI-1,4-penta-
~ I i l o r o f o r r n ~ The
zadiene in water proceeds by a mechanism comparable to t h e formerza8, with its
consequent limitations of cvaluation of protonation r a t e constant.
The a u t h o r ivould like to express his gratitude t o Professor H. D a h n a n d t o Mr T.
Srnyth for helpful discussions throughout t h e preparation of this chapter.
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6. Basicity, acidity and hydrogen bonding 229
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The Chemistry of Diazonium and Diazo Groups
Edited by Saul Patai
Copyright 0 1978 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved.
Complex formation
lnstitirfe of Organic Chemistry, University of Lausantie,
Lniisnntie, Switzerlntid
A. Carbon Coordination . . 232
B. Nitrogen Coordination . . 237
C. 'Side-on' Coordination . 238
IONS . 238
A. Structure . . 238
B. Synthesis . . 239
C. Spectroscopic Properties . . 240
1. Infrared spectroscopy . . 240
2. N.m.r. spectroscopy . . 242
D. Chemical Properties . . 242
T h e structure of diazoalkanes may be described in the valence-bond formalism i n
terms of the canonical structures 1, 2 and 3, and their reactions may be classified
R - ~ ~ N : R-N=N:
.. +
(4) (5)
The possibility of certain metal derivatives acting as Lewis acids and bases
enables them to form complexes with diazoalkanes and with diazonium ions. Few
complexcs have been isolated wherc a diazoalkane molecule as such is present as a
232 Hcrmann M. Niemeyer
Jigand, but their presence a s reactive intermediates has been invoked in numerous
occasions. Consequently most of the evidence presented is of an indirect nature.
O n the other hand. diazoniuni ions have yielded numerous stable complexes with
transition metal derivatives. While this manuscript was in preparation, a n
authoritative review appeared in this field'. Hence, the emphasis will be on the
most recent developments.
A. Carbon Coordination
There is a wealth of reactions in which diazoalkanes are thought to act towards
metal derivatives as nucleophiles through the diazo carbon to give intermediates of
type 6 (Scheme 1) but their direct observation has been limited to two reports.
L L,MtCH, -t N ,
I t has bcen postulated that a similar complex is formed in the reaction of AIEt,
with diazoniethane, which at - 7Y "C yields a colourless solution without nitrogen
evolution3. Spectroscopic and othcr mctliods to probe further into the nature of
the bonding in these complexes have not been used.
7. Complex formation 233
T h e intermediate 6 may suffer a variety of reactions which lead to the formation
of different types of products. Thus i t is often the case that compounds of Groups
IVb a n d Vb which possess a basic or potentially basic group react with diazoalkanes
possessing a n a proton to give a heterosubstituted diazoalkane as in path (a). Some
transition metal derivatives of Groups l b and I I b have also been shown to react
in this fashion but more often these dcrivatives induce the decomposition of diazo-
alkanes. Products of formal insertion of the diazo carbon into the bond between
the metal and o n e of its substituents (by loss of nitrogen and 1,2-migration of a
metal substituent t o the former diazo carbon) are commonly observed with the
normal elements and also with transition elements, the intermediacy of species 7a,
an 'invcrse' metal ylide, or 7b, a metal-carbcne complex, often being postulated.
These species have available other reaction paths such as polymerization via
successive attack o n 7 by diazoalkane and 1,2-migration of the growing alkyl chain,
attack by the terminal nitrogen of another diazoalkaiic molecule to form an azinc,
attack by the carbon of another diazoalkane molecule with forination of olefin.
I n addition it may react with compounds such as olefins to give products of formal
carbene insertion and/or of carbonium ion-type rearrangements.
T h e factors that govern the path chosen by the reaction are not well understood
at present. We shall examine some evidence that bears on the question of stability
of intermediates 6 and 7.
Reaction (a) (Scheme 1) has been widely applied in the synthesis of a-hetero-
substituted diazoalkanes4-l3,a s !he examples given below testify.
2 Me,SnNMe,+CH,N, (Me,Sn),CNz+2 HNMe, (1)"-'6
MeAs (NMez), 2 H CCO 0Et ___> MeAs(CCOOEt),+2 HNMe, (2)"
M[N(SiMe,),],+2 HCCOOEt ___f M(CCOOEt),+P HN(SiMe,), (3)"
M = Zn, Cd, Hg
Hg(OAc),+4 HCCOOEt -t Hg(CCOOEt),+P Nz+2 AcOEt (4)'O
N2 N2
Hg0-l-2 HCCOOEt Hg(CCOOEt),+H20
N, (13)
(12) N,
c H,
\ /
Me PP h ," '
(1 5)
[WPPh,)2(CH,=CH,)I [Pd(PPh,),(Fl)]+CH,=CH2
FI = 9-Fluorenylidene
On the other hand, methods different from path (b) (Scheme 1) have been used to
synthesize numerous complexes, most of which possess oxy, thio, seleno or amino
substituents on the carbene carbon a!oii~'~.O:. These complexes may be said to
originate from nucleophilic carbenes.14el5 and their bonding is interpreted in terms
of t h e limiting structures 18, 19 and 20. complexes 15, 16 and 17 would thus con-
stitute exceptions by being electrophilic carbene complexes. Presuniably the electron-
withdrawing character of t h e carbene substituents induces strong =-back donation
from the metal and hence produces a strong h.1-C bond.
236 Hermann M . Niemeycr
The methylene insertion reaction has bccn the subject of several structure-
reactivity studies that have confirmed that a nucleophilic attack on the metal is
involved in the rate-determining stepa6.47. The data availablc d o not distinguish
cither between a stepwise and a concerted process o r betwecn a zwitterionic inter-
rncdiate such as 213 and an ion pair intermediate such as 21b.
[L,MCH,N,+] [L,MCH,N:]X-
X (21b)
(21 4
of 2.3 0 6 . These data show that more electrophilic character in the metal favours the
react ion.
An initial association of diazoalkanes to the metal has also been proposed for
their reaction with Group Illa derivatives. The adduct rcacts further to give either
methylenation products3. or/and polymerizat ion of thc diazoalkanc". 53.
Qualitative expcrimcnts have led to the conclusion that the rate of thc reaction
depends o n the Lcwis acidity of the metal derivative. Thus, while BEt, reacts
vigorously with CH2N, at room temperature to give polymethylene, B(OEt),
requires hours under the same conditions3.
The fate of the intermediate adduct has been found to depend on the Lewis
acidity of t h e metal dcrivative as well, weakcr acids favouring polymerization over
insertionso. Thus higher proportions of polynierization over insertion are found for
boron derivatives as coniparcd with analogous aluminium ones, for derivatives
substituted with O R groups rathcr than R, I-l or X , and for reactions in which
additional donor molccules have been addedR.A mechanistic interprctation may bc
givcn (cquation 10). Intcrmediatc 23 bchaves as a strong elcctrophile and can add
L,,MX+CH,N, ___> L,M c CH,N, L,M <- CH, (1 0)
further diazonicthanc to form 24. However, the stronger the intcraction bctween
the metal and the diazo carbon, the more effcctive will be the cornpctition of M-X
bond rupture and migration of X to carbon"'.
L ,,Mc H,; H,
7. Complex formation 237
0. Nitrogen Coordination
The reaction of diphenyldiazomethane with dodecacarbonyltri-iron and also its
irradiation in the presence of pentacarbonyliron in benzene leads to two com-
p o u n d ~5 ~8 , ~whose
. structures have been determined by X-ray studies to be 25 5 5
Ar,C=N H N
\ .-. I *,?
N‘ *.,$
oc, co,:
Fe- Fk
/r r\
oc E : co
oc co
and 266fi. The N atoms in both complexes show angles characteristic of sp3
hybridization and the N-Fe bond lengths are close to those found in other com-
plexes known to contain N(sp3)-Fe bonds.
A single case has becn reported where a diazo compound as such is bonded to a
metal through its terminal nitrogen5”, as shown in equation (1 I). T h e product of
the reaction is stable up to 80 “C, diamagnetic, and it liberates the diazomalonate
ester upon treatment with PPh:, under irradiation or with C O .
I + N,C(COOEt), THF 2. I
OC%\THF (11)
R = H, Me 1:
Complexcs 27 show i.r. absorptions at 2025, 1952 and 1951 cm-l ( R = H) and
2022, 1979 and 1943 cm-l (R = Me). By analogy with [M(x-C,H,)(CO),(N,Ar)]
(M = Cr 5 R , M o ‘*9-c1 or W G 2 , G3), the first two bands niay be assigned to v ( ~ 0and
the last to v , s s l . T h c high value of V , S S , points to 3 ligand with an N N C anglc
close to 180” (see Section 1II.C.l).
238 Hermann M. Niemeyer
C . ‘Side-on* Coordination
A series of complexes of Ni and Pd have been synthesized in which a diazoalkane
ligand is claimed to be bonded ‘~ide-on’~’. They have the general composition
The doubly bent terminal ligand has been described as having a single bond by
overlap between a n sp2 orbital on N(’) with a hybrid orbital on the metal, as shown
in structure 31 87. In this case, the evidence available indicates that when an arene-
diazonium ion becomes coordinated as a doubly bent ligand, the metal suffers a
formal two-electron oxidation. The bonding may hence be formally described a s
that between a two-electron donor ArN; ligand and a doubly oxidized metal.
The X-ray studies reported’. 03- 6 9 for complexes containing a singly bent Iigand’O. 7 1
show that the NNC angles lie within the range 118-124”, the only exception being
[RuCI,(PPh,),(p-N,C,H,Me)l, with a value of 137”. It has been suggested that
slight back donation from the metal into *; orbitals o n the aryldiazenato moiety
leaves the N-N bond largely as a triple bond and the NNC angle close to 180”
(hypothetical linear terminal diazenato ligand)’, whereas stronger back donation
as described above predicts this angle to be 120”. Intermediate values of the angle
might be expected depending upon the relative iniportance of the linear and singly
bent formalisms to the electronic structure or, equivalently, upon the degree of the
metal to ligand electron transfer processB7(see Section Ill.C.1). Detailed discussions
on the electronic structure of the isoelectronic nitrosyl ligand have been
reported7?.7 3 .
B. Synthesis
The most frequently used reagents for preparing aryldiazenato complexes have
been diazonium salts, either as such or as compounds that generate them in sitrr.
The complexes are produced via ligand substitution, oxidative adGition or Lewis
base association reaction^^^.
A general mechanism has been proposed’, which has received additions and
partial confirmation from comparative electrochemical studies o n nitrosyl and
aryldiazenato complexesi5; i t is shown in Scheme 2. The nature of t h e products
has been observed to depend on the metal and its ligand, but with the exception
mentioned above:> no quantitative studies have yet been reported.
Complexcs between diazonium ions and transition metal derivatives havc been
postulated as reactive intermediates i n the Sandnieyer7G-78
and relateds0 reactions,
but structural proofs are not available.
Several other methods have been used to prepare aryldiazenato complexes
including’ apparent inscrtion of diazonium ions i n t o metal-hydrogen bonds
240 Hermann M. Niemeyer
followed by deprotonation of the aryldiazene coniplex formedR1,reaction of co-
ordinated nitrosyl with aromatic amines, reaction of metal complexes with aryl-
hydraziness2, organodiazenes or diazoalkaness3, and modification of complexes
already containing an aryldiazenato ligandsl.
C. Spectroscopic Properties
I . Infrared spectroscopy
Infrared studies have provided a useful tool for examining the interaction of the
aryldiazenato ligand with the transition metal to which it is bonded and with other
ligands present in the complex. Several studies have shown that although overlap
of Y ( K N ) with t h e absorption of other groups in the complex and coupling between
the N-N stretching vibration with aryl vibrational modes occurG1. the
isolation of v , ? ; ~is, possiblc by mathematically decoupling the interacting bands
which shift upon ?H or ISN substitution8;.
T h e N-N stretching vibration is found within the broad region defined between
c . 1340 and 2100 cm-’. This wide range is a reflection of the different coordination
modes of the aryldiazenato ligand, i.e. 30 and 31.High values of v , s ~(>, c. 1650 cm-I)
can generally be attributed to the occurrence of complexes of type 30, whereas low
valucs of Y ~ S N ,( < c . 1500 cni--’) can be generally identified with complexes of
type 31. With values i n the intermediate ovcrlap region, the assignment is not
A method has been proposed’O which brings the V , S S ) values to a common scale
and rcduces the region where the ligand structiirc assignment is doubtful, the basis
of i t being the variations expected in Y , S N , upon changing the nature of the metal
and its ligands.
The mutual influence of the aryldiazenato ligand and other ligands present in the
same coniplcx can be studied in CO-containing complexes, since V , C O , is a n easily
identifiable absorption. An increase in V , C O , implies an increase in the C - 0 bond
order, a consequence of diminished d,-p, back donation by the metalco. This effect
may be induced by substituents in the aryldiazenato ligand. Thus, in coniplcxes 32,
[Fe(PPh,),(CO),(p-N,C,H,X)J’ BF; X = NO2, F, CI, H, Br, OMe, OH
7. Complex formation 24 1
the bettcr clcctron-withdrawing substituents produce the highest V , C O , and the
lowest v(xxl of the series"', pointing to electron flow from the CO groups to the
aryldiazenato ligands.
T h e complexes of the heavier metals prcsent lower vtxS) values (or/and lower
v m , values when appropriate) indicating that they are bettcr electron donors than
the lighter oncs. Thus for example, [ R L I B ~ , ( P P ~ , ) ~ ( ~ - N , C ~ H ~ M =
~ )IS95
] , cm-I,
may bc compared with [ O S B ~ , ( P P ~ , ) ~ ( ~ - N , C ~ HvIxh',
~ M ~=) ]1855
, cm-'
The electronic configuration of the metal influences its capability of back donating
electron density, a comparison of the V ~ X S ,values for the aryldiazenato com-
plexes reported showing that they exhibit a general trend in which L ~ ~ K Sdecreases ,
as the d " configuration of the metal increasesf18.Since the data available are rather
scarce, simultancous variations in the ligands, the charge and the metal are included
in the comparison.
TIic i.r. spectra of complexes 33 ( v l S N , = 1723, vlco, = 2030, 1978 cm-I) and
34 ( V , S N , = 16S9, v,co, = 2010, 1960 cni-') show that a positive charge, which
may be assumed to rcsidc mainly o n the metal", diminishes the electron density
available on the latter to share with the ligands.
T h e nature of the ligands influences the availability of electrons on the metal.
In equation (l4), replacement of CO by the relatively poorly accepting PPh3 ligand
[M o (CO),(x-C,H,PP h,)( A r N,)] + P Ph, [M o( C 0)(
x - C,H, P P h,) ( P P h,)( A r N,)]
(1 4)
1. Correction parameters to
TABLE v c h ~(an-')
hletnl Group Charge Ligrinds number
First row -50 VIb + 100 4-2 - 1-10 Third PPh, +20 4 + 50
Sccond row -30 Vllb +jO +: -YO Fourth PPh, +SO 5 , 6, 7 0
(Mo, -10) VlIl 0 0 0 HBPz; - 20
Third row 0 -1 +50 z-CjH,PPh, 4-60
-2 +140 H- + 20
-3 +200
Pz = 1-Pyrazolyl.
2. N.rn.r. spectroscopy
Although the ‘H-n.m.r. spectra of many of the aryldiazenato complexes reported
have been determined, the information they yield is very unspecific and hence they
have been utilized as a n analytical tool rather than as a probe into the electronic
distribution in thecomplexes. On the other hand,18F-n.m.r.studies areseverely limited
in numberel~ ee, but they have yielded valuable information on the interaction at the
electronic level between metal, aryldiazenato ligand and other ligands in the
T h e most recent and complete studyG1has applied the technique of TaftlOo and
coworkers where the differences in chemical shifts between a para- and a mera-F
substituent are taken as a measure of the electronic effects acting on t h e ring that
holds these substituents. Thus, the more positive the value of 6,-6, is, the less
shielded the para-F is relative to the mera-F substituent, and hence the less electron
flow into the aryl ring has taken place.
Some results obtained are collected in Table 2. Comparisons among them lead
to the same conclusions concerning the influence of the metal and its ligands on the
aryldiazenato ligand, as reached o n the basis of i.r. spectra.
~~~~ ~~ ~
[Mo(x-C,H,)(CO)(PPh,)(N,Ar)] - 5.02
[W(HBPZJ(CO),(N,A~)]~ - 4.54
[ Mo(x-C,H,PPh,)(CO)(PPh,)(N,Ar)]’ BF; - 3.86
[ Mo( H BPz.J(CO)~( N,Ar)lb - 3.58
[ M o ( z - C ,H,)(CO),( N, A r )] - 2.30
[Mo(HCPz,)(CO),(N,Ar)] BF; + -2.11
[Mo(x-C,H,PPh,)(CO),(N,Ar)]+ BF; - 0.14
D. Chemical Properties
N o quantitative study on the reactivity of aryldiazenato complexes has yet
appeared in the literature. Conclusions concerning the influence of the metal, of
the substituents on the aryldiazenato ligand and of the rest of the ligands o n the
reactivity of thc complexes have been based on a reaction failing to produce the
7. Complcs for mat i o n 24 3
expected product or not, or on the total time requircd for a complex to disappcar
under given conditions. Some of these data are discussed below.
I n general, the reactivily of the complex is very dependent upon tlie type of bonding
between the metal and the aryldiazenato ligand. Complcxes possessing structure
30, which present a n M-N bond with a substantial double bond character, are
found to be more stable towards N, loss than coinplcxes of type 31, \vherc the
M-N bond is cssentially single. Tlic N-N bond in conip1esc.s 30 presents a partial
triple bond character (see Section 1II.A) and is found to be more dificult to saturate
than t h e corresponding bond in complexes of structure 31, where i t is essentially a
double bond. Furthermore, tlie tendency t o react with acids of complexes 30,
which present a ligand impoverished in electrons, is found to be diminished as
compared with complexes 31, where the ligand is rich in electrons.
The nitrogen evolution from complex 35 according to equation (16) is fastest
when a NO, substituent is prcsent’O’, pointing to dccreased electron withdrawal
by PtT1 in 35 and hence decreased Pt-N double bond character, when electro-
negative substituents are present. I n accord \rith this explanation, a negative slope is
observed for the correlation between the U . V . absorption corresponding to the
n-x* transition and Hamniett’s substituent parameters, ~7Io1. Furthermore, in the
complexes [Pt(PPh,,)l(L)(ArN,)]+ BF; the stability towards the decomposition
shown in equation (16) follows the ordcr NH, =pyridine> PEt, = R N C > CO,
!has para!leling the global electron-donat ing CTCC:~f thc figandyWL.
The complexes [M(PPh,),X,(ArN,)] ( M = Ru, 0 s ; X == C1, Br) exhibit i.r.
spectra consistent with structure 30 and are air-stable solids, resistant to protonation
or hydrogenation under mild conditionsR7.O n the other hand, the coniplexes
[Rh(PPh,),X,(ArN,)], presumably of structure 31, arc stable as solids, but when
dissolved in organic solvents they yield unstable solutions which react by
eliminating nitrogen or, when possible, by abstraction of HCI from the solvents7.
T h e complexes [Os(CO),(PPh,),(PhN2)]+ PF; are very reactive towards protona-
tion, slowly extracting protons from freshly distilled methanol or ethanol, while
their ruthenium analogues, although they can be protonated by acids, are stable in
the presencc of neutral alcoholsX7.A relationship has been established between
basicity of a complex and its V ( , Y S , frcquency. Thus, the following order in basicities
has been obtaineds1 for the d G complexes 36, 37 and 38: 36 [v(r,~,= 1455 cni-’]>
37 [vth%, = 1462 cn-1-~]>38[ v ( m , = 1470 cni-’I.
Not only the ease of protonation but also the site of protonation varies with t h e
structure of the aryldiazenato complex. Thus complexes 30 are expected to
protonate on N,,, while complexes 31 are expected to d o so at N(,,. These
244 Hcriiinnn M. Nicnicycr
expectations have been confirmed by X - r a y studics in the cascs of equations (1 7)Io3
I1 +
[RelCI,( PMe,P h),( NH,)( N,P h)] ~ f [RelCI,(PMe,Ph),(NH,)(N=NPh)]+ (17)
It+ i
[Pt 'I C I ( P E t 3)2( p - N C,H, F)] -- > [Pt"Cl(PEt,),(p-N=NC,H,F)] +
T h e a u t h o r wishes to esprcss his gratitude to Professor H. D a h n for his encourage-
m e n t a n d advice a n d to Professor J.-C. Bunzli for helpful discussions.
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The Chemistry of Diazonium and Diazo Groups
Edited by Saul Patai
Copyright 0 1978 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved.
Synthetic applications
of diazonium ions
Di~pnrti?icritof Clrrmistry, Uiiiwrsity of Missoitr-i-Rolln, Rollu,
iMo 65401, U S A , a n d
Eqiiipe rlc Rcclierclre No. I 2 rlic CiV R S , Lnbor-utoire rlc Cliiitiic,
Ecole Norninle Sitpc'r-icitr-c,Paris, Fraricc
11. REAcnoNs OF ARYLD l ~ Z O ~ t u IONS hi . . . 250
A. Class A : Derivatives Formed by Substitution o r by Changes in the Sub-
stitueiits of the Aryl Nucleus . . 252
I . G r o u p 1 : Electrophilic substitution . 252
2. G r o u p 2 : Solvolysis of substituents o n the aryl nucleus . . 252
3 . G r o u p 3: Exchange of diazonium anions with substitucnts of t h e a r y l
nucleus . . . 255
B. Class B. Derivatives in which t h c Diazo Group is Involved but Remains
Functionallv Intact . . 256
I . G r o u p i : Metallic diazotates a n d diazoanhydrides. The use o f iso-
diazotates or nitrosaniines as stabilized diazo compounds . . 256
-.7 G r o u p 2: Diazocthers . . 258
3. G r o u p 3 : Diazocpanides. diazocarbouylic acids and related compounds 259
4. G r o u p 3 : The Diazosulphonates, their preparations, reactions a n d use a s
stabilized diazo compounds . . 260
5 . G r o u p 5 : Diazopcrhalidcs . . 260
6. G r o u p 6 : Diazosulphides. . . 260
C. Class C:'Dcrivativcs in which the Diazo Function Disappears but the Diazo
Nitrogen Atoms Remain in the N e w Molecule . 26 1
1. G r o u p 1 : Diazo-amino and -iinino compounds or triazenes . . 26 1
2. G r o u p 2: Oxidation products . . 266
3. G r o u p 4 : Reactions \virh nitrogen bases. T h e formation of aryl azides . 266
4. G r o u p 6 : Azo compounds formed by coupling reactions (C coupling) . 266
a. Coupling at active CH, and C H Groups . 268
( i ) Esters, acids and their derivatives . 2 69
( i i ) Nitriles, nitroparafins and sulphones . . 270
( i i i ) Kclones . . 270
(iv) T h c Japp-Klingeinann reaction . . 27 1
(v) Coupling with tropoloncs . . 273
5 . G r o u p 7: Complcxcs of aryl diazonium a n d alk1.l diazonium ions and
diazo compounds with transition metals . 274
D. Class D : Typc B Ring Compounds in which the Diazo Nitrogen has bccn
lost. T h c Pschorr Typc Syntheses . . 276
1 . Subclass a : Diazo nitrogen retained . . 277
a. G r o u p 1 : Cinnolincs . 277
b. G r o u p 2 : lndazoles . 278
c. Group 3: Benztriazolcs . 279
24 7
248 D. S . Wulfman
d. Group 4 : Benztriazines . 250
C. Group 5: Renzotliiadiazoles . . 285
2. Subclass b: The diazo nitrogen is lost . 285
a. Group 6: Thc Pschorr type synthesis and its hctcrocyclic analogucs . 285
E. Class E: Dcrivatives Formed by Replaccnicnt of the Diazo Group . 286
1. Group 1 : Replaccnicnt of the diazo group by hydrogen . 286
2. Group 2 : Replacement of thc diazo group by halogens including astatine. 288
a. Replaccmcnt by fluorine. . 288
b. Replacemcnt of the diazo group by chlorinc and bromine . 289
c. Rcplnccment of the diazo group by iodine and astatine . 290
3. Group 3 : Rcplacenient of the diazo group by nitrogen-containing
functions through formation of a ncw C-N bond . 290
a. The formation of nitro compounds . 29 1
b. The formation of azides . 29 1
4. Group 4 : Replacement of the diazo group by oxygen. Forniation of
phenols, phcnol cthers and phenol esters. . 292
5. Group 5 : Replaccnicnt of the diazo group with for'niatio'n of a' C-C bond 292
a. Formation of aryl cyanides . 292
b. Formation of symmetrical and asymmetrical biaryls . 293
c. Arylated quinones and other unsaturated species including hctero
aromatics and non-classical aromatic systems. The Meerwein reactions 294
6. Group 6: Rcplacement by groups in which attachrncnt occurs through
sulphur, selenium or tellurium . . 295
7. Group 7: Rcplacernent of the diazo group by arsenic, antimony and
bismuth. . 296
8. Group 8 : Replacement of the diazo group by mctals . . 297
The treatments in this a n d the following chapter will in m a n y cases be rather
selective as a conscqucnce of thc sheer volume of material reported o n a n a n n u a l
basis a n d the large n u m b c r of reviews which have covered various aspects during
the past 20 years. (Reviews a r e marked with a n asterisk in the References.) In t h e
areas dealing with the alleged generation of carbcnes a n d carbenoids from diazo-
alkanes t h e a u t h o r has refrained from employing thcsc terms, f o r as Kirmse h a s
cautioncd655,a n d the a u t h o r has recently shown'3o'. l 3 l o , the assignment of rcactions
to thesc categories rcsts predominantly o n a house-of-cards. I n only a vcry few
instances can assignments be made with a n y degree of rigour.
N u m e r o u s cxaniples a n d studies have probably been ovcrlooked, f o r the species
a r e sufiiciently coninion a n d their reactions so frcquently eniployed t h a t t h e processes
have n o t been abstracted a n d a r e not detectcd by key word searches. I n these
instances the examples chosen reflect only a bias on the part of t h e writer for reading
literaturc related to his synthetic a n d pcdagogical needs a n d not a feeling that a
particular workcr's contribution is unworthy of enslirincment. T h e a u t h o r has tried
to cover all literature abstracted through Octobcr 1975 a n d all m a j o r journals
which were in his h a n d s by that date. I n addition he has tried to enlist thc aid of
many workcrs w h o h a d published in thc area d u r i n g thc preceding 2 years. Their
responscs arc too nuiiicrous to acknowledge fully but rcsults were m a d e available
to him prior to publication by Aracknl. Eistcrt, Doyle, Brokken-Zijp. Carrie, L. a n d
Y. Vo-Quang, Hubert, Woolsey, Marchand, Moss a n d Rossler. T h e i r kind aid is
8. Synthctic applications of diazonium ions 249
gratefully acknowledged along with that of S. Julia who made his extensive notes
on diazo alkane chemistry available to the author.
Thc origin of diazo chemistry dates from the initial gcncration of diazonium
succinamic acid from asparagine by Piria991wn 9 2 in 1849. I t had only a transient
existence and proceedcd to malic acid. Much chemistry has been performed on this
class of compounds which furnished onc of the major bases for thc foundation of the
modern chemical industry. Modern synthetic chemistry is normally assumed to bcgin
with the work of Johann Peter Griess4'G in IF58 when he undcrtook to clarify t h e
observations of Gerland12g(1853) that a red intermediate was formed i n increasingly
greater proportion at lower teniperatures whcn arninobenzoic acid was converted
to hydroxybenzoic acid by the action of nitrous acid. His studies, like Gerland's,
were undertaken at the suggestion of Kolbe and followed the earlier observation by
HuntzZ6in IS49 that treatment of aniline with nitrous acid generated phcnol. G r i c s P
modestly attributed his successcs to the fact that he operated at a lower temperature
than H u n t of Gerland. He studied thc reaction of nitrous acid with picramic acid (1)
and obtained the diazoxide (2) which he quickly rccognizcd as belonging to a new
class of compounds. He immediately procecded to subject many othcr amino
compounds to the same treatment. H e prepared the first azo coupling product in
1861-624s1. and by 1865-66 i t was being prepared on a large scale by Caro??G.
250 D. S. Wiilfnian
Griess continued his work for 3 years when he was Hofrnann’s assistant in London
and afterwards while working i n a brewcry for Mcssrs Allsopp, Burton-on-Trent.
He was faced with the need for CI-lN analyscs and overcame the problem by
developing a barter system with R. Schmitt in Dresden. Hempel’s account is of
interest: ‘Regelnirissig kainen von Burton an den Ufern des Trent die von Greiss
dargestellen neuen Korpcr in klcinen Packeten, um in Dresden a n der Elbe analysirt
zu werden. Per Fraclit kamen dann wohl gleichzeitig als willkomniene Beilage
F5sser von Allsopp’s beruhmten Pale Ale i n ausgesuchtester Qualitat.’ Griess’s
investigations were very thorough and he discovered many of the reactions of aryl
diazonium ions which had been observed up until the time of his death in 1891.
Thus, by 1908 (50 years aficr his initial work) chemists had a rather thorough
knowledge of the chemistry arid structure of aromatic diazoniurn ions although
work still continues in the area. The accuracy of many of the observations is all the
more impressive when i t is remembered that thcse progresscs were realized without
i.r. and n.m.r. spectroscopy, X-ray structure determination and only very crude
u.v.~O’. I3I3 and visible spcctra20 studies.
The first important studies in the aliphatic arca after Piria’s initial work occurred
in 1853 when Curtius prepared diazoacetic ester (4)275* 237. Diazomethane was
prepared by von Pechrnann1217in 1594. T h e use of copper salts with aromatic
diazoniiirn salts was examined by Sandrneyer1Og1.l:jaG in 1884, and GattermannllC
substituted finely divided copper powder for its salts in 1890.
A great resurgence in diazoalkane chemistry occurred i n t h e 1950’s when groups
led by Alder“ and D ~ e r i n g ” rcinvestigated
”~ the structure of the esters and acids
obtained by BuchnerlG9,?21- 222 from the decomposition of cthyl diazoacetate in
benzene(3-9). Further impetus was gained from the production of ‘evidence’ that
decomposition of diazoalkanes proceeds via ‘carbcne’ interniediatcs. Additional
interest arose from the increasing demand for sypthetic pathways for strained
hydrocarbons, the study of 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reactions and studies related
to examining t h e reliability and validity of orbital symmetry calculations.
The chemistry of alkyl diazonium ions has long been the object of a variety of
mechanistic and synthetic studies with the synthetic efforts being primarily directed
towards exploiting rearrangements of the Tiffeneau-Deinjanov type (10 -’12) and
the rcplaceinent of amino functions by various substituents. Most recently, research
in this area has bcen directed towards the generation. isolation and use of diazotates
as synthetic interrnediatcs and the continued development of improved means of
changing amino functions to other functions.
h I
€ - Diazotates
stability obtainable
with added sulphonates
- I-Diozotates
0 7 0 14 0
FIGUREI . Reprinted (with permission) from Saunders, Thr Arornufic Diuzo Compouridr,
2nd ed., Edward Arnold, London, 1949.
252 I). S. Wulfman
compound having sufficient oxygen to convert more than half of t h e carbon atoms
present into CO and/or a C/N ratio c3. All dry diazonium salts should be con-
sidered suspect until clearly demonstrated a s being stable and then they should be
treated with respect. In aqueous solution decomposition of benzene diazonium ion in
strongly acidic media is independent of the anion (Cl-, Br-, SO:-, NO;)1128. 1130. 309, 5 0 6
and proceeds according l o t h e expression16e.221, 2 2 2 , In k = 35.6457 - 27025/RT.
C a i r ~ " ~found that the rate of decomposition fell a t very high pH values. The
overall trend in stability has been siimmarized by Saunders"03 in Figure 1. Snow1160
compiled a list of 32 diazonium chlorides arranged in order of their stability at
20 "C but there appears to be no obvious correlation of structure with stability.
It had been claimed that negative substituents increase stability"03 but the data d o
not support such a
Some metals form double salts with diazonium ions and retard their decomposition.
Similar effects occur upon addition of aryl sulphonic acids7so. and on the addition
of sodium chlorideso6,llD0, b o r a t e ~ ~ t~~'n~g,s t a t e s ' ?and
~ other neutral salts. Excess
nitrite and nitrate is as is the presence of colloidal
and of copper and its 133.
The diazonium ion salts of strong acids are essentially JOO% ionized and therefore
are comparable to K or N a salts in their degree of hydrolysis, but unlike these metal
ions they d o form stable covalent bonds with such nucleophiles as RS-, -OH and
-CN. The resulting products will be discussed under Class B reactions.
in a n orrho and/or para relationship to the departing group. Under such conditions
NO2 can leave a s nitrite ion. Anisoles can even be solvolysed in acetic acid to
furnish the diazo oxide. The failure to solvolyse in the last example is to be predicted
on the basis that none of the required Wheland intermediates (Scheme 4) for
replacement of NO, places charge (PMO analysis)?"~282 upon more than one
starred atom bearing a n electron-withdrawing substituent. With the replacement
of the OCH3, t h e required Wheland intermediate places N : on an unstarred position
and the driving force is not present. T h e rule appears to be that the leaving group
must be on a carbon which furnishcs a Wheland interrnediatc where the Ni and
one other strong electron-withdrawing substituent are present on starrcd atoms.
Such a treatment is equivalent to the rules of Meldola and Hay7*$.When NO, o r
254 D. S . Wulfman
OCH, can serve as a leaving group NO, is jost's5. An amusing feature of the displace-
ment of NO; is that once i t begins, the amines furnish the HONO needed to carry
out the diazotization.
Subsequent to formation of tlic diazonium ion, it is often possible to replace a
labile substituent which has withstood the initial reaction conditions. This can be
realized by employing a base such as an alkoxide or hydroxide. In these cases the
requirements for positioning electron-withdrawing substituents are not as stringent.
T h e processes are often quite rapid compared with othcr reactions. The attempted
reduction of I ,6-dinitro-2-naphthalenediazoniumion with alcohol under reflux
failed and furnished instead the 2,1 - d i a z ~ x i d c ' ~Sulphonic
~. acid groups can be
replaced114G and the yield is improved by oxidizing the resulting sulphite ion to
sulphatc with hypoch1oriteio6 or hydrogen p e r ~ x i d e (Scheme~ ~ ~ - ~5 )~. An
~ extensive
SO,H 0
(24) (25)
wN2 Br
(1) H,O
(28) (29)
investigation was performed by O r t ~ n ~ ~who * - compiled
~~~' a table of the relative
degrees of completion under standard conditions. He found that Br was a better
activating and leaving group than CI, that the replacement of a halogen by NO,
improves the reaction and the total number of substituents in the 2 + 4 + 6 positions
should bc >, 2. The data nicely correlate with a simple PMO analysis. The study of
t h e resulting diazooxides from these displacement reactions has received con-
siderable attention because they undergo many coupling reactions to furnish
o-hydroxy-azo systems capable of forming metal ion complexes.
In a few cases i t is possible to replace carbon substituents on a n aromatic ring in
the course of, or immediately subsequent to, diazotization. E l i ~ n found~ ? ~ that the
usc of the Witt method of diazotization12g' led to t h c replacement of a carbonyl
function by a nitro group in a series of 3,5-dibromo-4-aminophenyl carbonyl
compounds and that bromine was replaced by nitro in 3,5-dibromo-2-aminobenzoic
(Scheme 6).
8. Synthetic applications of diazonium ions 255
I I+
+ N:
(30) (311
X = CO,H, CHO or COCH,
(35) (36)
Br J& ’ Br
(37) (38)
8 -8
(39) (40)
356 D. S. Wulfinan
6. Class €3: Derivatives in which the Diazo Group i s Involved but Remains
Functionally lntact
1. Group I : Metallic diazotates and diazoanhydrides. The use of iso-
diazotates or nitrosamines as stabilized diazo compounds
The history of diazonium ion chemistry is not lacking in conflicting interpretations
of data and as such makes fascinating reading for anyone interested in the develop-
ment of bonding theory and structure elucidation. C u r t i ~ s noted
* ~ ~ in 1890 that a n
earlier structural assignment of Griess'sJ1e 4 2 where he postulated that acidification
of KON2C6H5furnished free diazobenzene, CGH,N2,was incorrect. The salt was
subsequently shown to be the so-called is0 S ~ I ! ' ~ (45) which is also known as the
stablc or artti salt. The normal salt (43) is also known as the syrz or labile salt. Their
early history is treatcd by Gain??' and the modern (i.e. present) interpretation is
summarized by Z ~ l l i n g e r and
~ ~ ? by
~ Laing'OO. The equilibria can be summarized
as in Scheme 8. In accordance with current nomenclature t h e isomers should
2. Group 2: Diazoethers
T h c diazoethers occasionally result from failed coupling reactions306 but they are
normally prepared by alkylation of syrz- or anti-diazotates. Since the ions are
ambidentate [ArN=N-6 ++ ArN=N-Ol it is not surprising that aralkyl-
nitrosamines are occasionally formed. T h e N a and K salts of the p-nitro compound
furnished the nitrosamide with methyl iodide whereas the Ag salt yields the
ether50, 6 2 , 182, 485, 487, 490, 1249.
8. Synlhetic applications of diazoniuni ions 259
3. Group 3: Diazocyanides, diazocarboxylic acids and related compounds
Two forms of diazocyanides arc known, E and Z . and the structural assignments
are probably correct since they are sufficiently stable to permit a variety of trans-
formations. A related isonitrile has been15!l, 224. 298. 500. 503. 7 2 2 , 728. 738, 1175, 1326 prepared
by a n 'unequivocal' synthesis. Thc synthesis requires the slow addition of the
cyanide solution of the diazo compound in excess acid while the temperature is kept
low. T h e Z isomer is formed first and this slowly rearranges to the E isornerpgD~ 5oos
The Z isomer is normally lower melting than the E isomer. both are unionized,
coloured and water insoluble. T h e isornerization to thc E isomer occurs
spontaneously in the melt, in solution or in sunlight. T h e ease and extent of
isornerization are subject to steric and eixtronic effects. The 2 isomer couples
and in the presence of Cu furnishes the nitrile.
An earlier that one isomer was the isonitrilc was disproven1l0l,11'J2
through the synthesis of the isonitrile by generating i t from AgCN and by
dehydrating 1 -aryl-2-formyl triazencs with pyridine/SOCI, to form the isonitriles.
y4 N4
-OH. H '
SCHEhlE 13
260 D. S. Wulfrnnn
T h e E nitriles undergo hydrolysis of the CN function to furnish the related acids.
The CN function can also be converted into the CO,R and CONR, f u n c t i ~ n s ” ~ ~ .
T h e carbonamides react with H 2 0 2 to furnish the azoxy derivatives’ 9 8 4 - 9 8 6 and ‘ 9
5. Group 5: Diazoperhalides
Diazonium halides react with halogens and mixed halogens (e.g. ICI) to furnish
compounds of the type ArN2XX‘X” (X = halogen) ’Io3. These compounds contain
active halogen and are most probably of t h e form ArN:X;; as such, they are
reasonable halogenating reagents. Wher, boiled in alcohol they furnish the aryl
halide179. Treatment of the aryl diazonium perbromides with ammonia offers a
route to aryl azides4G3.
6. Group 6: Diazosulphides
As a conscquencc of extensive studies by Brokken-Zijp arid her Dutch
colleague^^^^^ much of the chemistry of this class of derivative is now clarified
8. Synthctic applications of diazonium ions 261
and will probably serve as a foundation and model for studies on related systems.
van Beck'223has developed a general synthesis for a number of E and Z diazo-
sulphides. An alkanethiol was allowed to react with an equivalent amount of the
diazonium fluoborate in acetone at 0 "C and aqueous sodium hydroxide w a s added
over a period of 1 h. The isomers either crystallized from solution or were extracted
with benzene. Afler 2 h at 90 "C in isooctane, thermal equilibrium between E and Z
isomers was established. The correctness of the structure assignments have been
verified for some compounds by Br~kken-Zijp'~',who also examined the action of
light on both the E and Z isomers. Operating at 405 nm in methanol, pure E or
pure 2 lead to mixtures of both. At 300 nm, E isomers and decomposition products
(sulphides, disulphides) were obtained. Irradiation of the pure E isomer at 300 n m
generated only the Z isomer. The 4-cyano-, 4-nitro- and 3,5-dichloro-4-dimethyl-
amino benzene diazo-r-butyl sulphides and phcnyl diazo-r-butyl sulphides were
The term 'diazosulphide' as employed by S a ~ i n d e r swas ~ ~ by hiin to
~ ~ used
describe diazothioanhydrides (ArN,SN2Ar') and ArN,SR instead of only the latter
as employed in t h e current Iitcrature. T h e thioanhydrides arise from the reaction
of neutral diazonium salts with hydrogen sulphide. The thioanhydrides couple with
alkaline p-naphtlio15Gand furnish the biaryl upon heating in refluxing benzenes6.
Some of the thiodiazoanhydrides are cxtreniely unstable and even explode under
water at 0 "C 334, 561, '352.
T h e diazosulphides are inore stable than their oxygen analogues and fail to
couple or cleave with cold acids or bases. They d o decompose thermally via a
honiolytic process*225.
If H,S is passed into acid solutions of aryl diazonium ions, the main product is
the aryl-diazoniunithiol hydrosulphide (ArN,SH. H,S).
for reactions with aromatic or aliphatic amines. With aromatic arnines in which
either aryl unit has a vacant para position, treatment with acid leads t o coupling
with the aromatic nucleus. In addition, equilibration is rapidly reached between both
isomers and with acid, cleavage to all possible diazonium and ammonium ions
results. Such a situation is simplified by blocking a para position.
This sensitivity to substituents is sufficiently great that nzeta-toluidine undergoes
C substitution rather than N c o u p l i ~ i g ~ ~ .
262 D. S . Wulfman
With primary aliphatic amines, bis coupling frequently occurs and 1 ,S-diaryl-
3-alkyl-pentaza-l,4-dienesresult. It is possible to generate the aryl alkyl triazenes
by adding a cold neutral solution of the diazonium salt to a cold solution of the
amine in the presence of sodium carbonate. The resulting triazenes are moderately
stable. In the case of the methyl and ethyl p-tolyl systems, useful reagents for
esterification of carboxylic acids result301.435, 764. D93-995* lzE1,
- -
RNN=NAr A N,+R.+ArNH- Products
ArNN=NAr Ar-N,+ArNH. Products
264 D. S. Wulfman
T h e reaction of the bis aryl triazenes with acids furnishes a phenol, nitrogen and
a n amine. T h e reaction gives two phenols and two anilines when asymmetric starting
materials are employed. In the presence of copper(1) salts and halogen acids, the aryl
halide is formed in place or partially in place of the phenol. T h e amino nitrogen is
sufficiently electron poor in bis aryl triazenes t o render the hydrogens acidic and the
sodium salts are known754.T h e systems also are sufficiently good ligands t o permit
formation of platinum465,~ u p r i cnickePO, ~ ~ ~ , mercury1271and palladium755complexes.
T h e bis aryl triazenes and alkyl-aryl triazenes decompose thermally by a homolytic
proce&O7, 638, 642, 820, 848, 851, 1024-10?Ue
T h e coupling of diazonium salts with hydrazines and hydrazones normally
leads to formation of tetraZeneS1Dg. 377, 378. 5 1 3 . 578. 761. 7 6 2 . 1113. 1337, 1304. A variety of
other triazene reactions is summarized by
(911 R
R,C=NNAr+Ar’N: ___f R,C=N-N-N=N-Ar’
Y = Y N r -I- H,NNH, 1
N =N
N ,N-N H H N-N,
(97) (98)
6;'"acl ~
(99) (100)
alkylamines, the related triazenes are generated. These in turn are converted smoothly
in refluxing ethanol or over basic alumina i n t o 4-0x0-3-alkyl t r i a z e n e ~ " ~
(106 --f 107 -+ 108).
266 D. S . Wulfmnn
This is in striking contrast with the results with diazotized anthranilic acid
(89 + 90).
The oxides also result from peracid oxidation of triazencs. This latter approach
leads to both possible isomers (1 and 3) when asymmetric triazenes are employed
although the presence of an electron-rich aromatic system favours the oxygen ending
o n the N adjacent to the electron-ric11 systcmSS,60. 61. 68, 69, 79. 131. 136, 31.1. 327. 805. 8 0 6 , ' 0 2 8 .
T h e coupling with proteins primarily involves the three amino acid units froni
tyrosine (117), histidine (118) and tryptophan (119). This phenomenon was behind
a process employed for dycing silk. Thc obvious biochemical applications of the
reactions have not been overlooked. Since sevcral amino acids have functionality
capable of forming ArN,-X-R units (where X is a n aniino or thiol function)
coupling is not limited to proteins containing tyrosine histidine, tryptophan or
related units.
268 D. S . Wulfrnan
Unlike the anilines, phcnols can couple in the orrho position as well as the
normally more reactive para position. Occasionally the position of coupling in
naphthols is dependent upon t h e diazoniuni ion employed. Thus 1,Sdihydroxy-
naphthalene is attacked a t the 2-position (counter to t h e PMO analysis) by diazotizcd
o-aminophcnolsulphonic acid but a t the 4-position by diazotized anthranilic
The coupling products frequently exist as the hydrazones if the hydrogen replaced
is borne on a -CH2-- or CH,- unit. This point was the source of considerable
controversy6?. 172- l i 3 , 343, 611, 124J, and one should probably treat some of thc
related literature with a degree of caution. The processes can be cxceedingly complex
and furnish a variety of products. Thus coupling of phcnyl diazoniuni ion with
nitromethane furnishes n o fewer than 12 33s. 362. , one of which
llP5 lolqs
The overall processes can be conveniently subdivided into those occurring when
a hydrogen is replaced in a formal ~ n e t a t h c s i and
s ~ ~ those
~ ~ of the Japp-Klingmann
type where a radical is split off such as an acyl or carboxylate function1nJ4
(equations 1 and 29n1).The processes have been well studied and by 1958 ovcr
ArN,X+R-C-H I__- z ArNHNCR,+HX
ArN,X+R-C-R ----+ ArNHN=CR,+LX
CH,COCH,+P N: Ph > CH,C-C=N-NHPh i3)
The forrnazans undergo ;1 fairly general cyclizatioii reaction whcn treated with
strong acids such as sulphuric acid. T h e process kno\vn as the 'Eaniberger Triazene
8. Synthetic applications of diazonium ions 269
Synthesis' furnishes benzo-1 ,2,4-triazenes2. 02, 43m4 6 , . T h e chemistry of formazans
has been
0 0
1033, 12g3, where the second mole of diazoniuni ion leads to ejection of a n
ethoxyalyl group. According to Parmerter these are the only t w o groups which a r e
susceptible to loss when attack is on methylene. Other leaving groups are of course
encountered with the Japp-Klingemann reaction (cide infin). Coupling also occiirs
with acetacetanilides and nialonimidesl4-17, 1%. '244, 36R, ,402, 1O:I. 1131, 1162, 1'281
It is not particularly surprising that malonic acid, like nitromethane, is capablc
of multiple reactions involving I , 2 or 3 moles of the elcctrophile with both tiiotzo
- -
and bis products resulting from the reaction with equivalent amounts of
with monosubstituted malonic acids, his substitution readily
(133) (134)
___j ArNHN=C(N,Ar),
A limited number of reports of arylacetic acids and esters reacting with diazonium
ions exists. The reaction goes moderately wcll with the 2,4-dinitrophenylacetic acid
a c d its derivatives (appareniiy as il consequcnce of [lie highly electron-\\~ithdrawing
aryl group). The acid reacts twice with loss of CO? whereas the ester consumes only
1 mole of diazonium ion.
(ii) Nitriles, nitroparaffins and sulphones. The cyano function also can serve as
an activating group and a variety of dinitriles, F-cyano-carbonyl compounds,
(3-sulphononitriles, (3-nitronitriles and (3-iminonitriles undergo attack by aryl
diazoniuln j o n s l 1 3 , 1.15. 2 5 0 , 273, 338, 311, 3 4 6 . 384, 7 0 5 , 738, ; : I , 1 1 1 4 , 1172, 1173, 1 2 1 1 , 1113. 1 2 d 0 , 1273
Sulphones33, 2 1 8 , 59'2, 1211, 1 2 1 3 and nitrOpar;lffinSJR,71. 19:. 4 3 4 , 580. 613. 907-1001 are also
quite reactive. Hydrazones are the normal products resulting from attack of a
methylene group. Subsequent attack of aldehyde hydrazones derived from activated
methyl groups are responsible for thc formation of his aryl diazo-derived products.
The reactions when carried out as two-step proccsscs are good synthetically and
furnish f o ~ n i a z a n s ~1317- " ~ l3l5.
- ~ ~ The
~ ~ aryl hydrazoncs of g,(%diketobutyric esters
and a-kcto-acids undergo attack by a second molecule of aryl diazonium salt in
processes formally analogous to the Japp-Klingeniann reactioiP. 73* 13$- (OG. 713.
1034, 1 0 7 4 .
(1 40)
attack by + N O 1208. (This parallel occurs in transition metal chemistry as well,
uirlc itifrfm.)
ArN, + H-C-X ArN,CRR'
272 D. S. Wulfman
The nicclianisni of both processes undoubtably involves initial generation of a
stabilized c a r b a n i o ~ i ~ ~ ~then
- attack by t h e diazonium ion to furnish a diazo
derivative which can then cleave by nucleophilic attack upon the potential leaving
group followed by ejection of the product, its tautomeric form or the stabilized
anion of the product.
The enhanced stability of both of t h e final products (the desired product plus the
final form of the leaving group) may serve as the driving force for the reaction117.17;*
190-202, 251, 300, 303-308, 336, 338, 3.13, 3 4 $ , 390, 512, 513, 515, 510, 6 8 2 , C20, 733, 8 0 2 , 1121, 1123, 1132, 1137.
1140s1115+ 1237. 1238, 1250. 1302. If we extend this general mechanism to the J a p p
Klingemann reaction using a general refinement suggested by DewarZgofor ester
hydrolysis, we obtain Scheme 30.
Normally the Japp-Klingemann reaction requires two or even three electron-
withdrawing substituents such as carbonyl, cyano, nitro or sulphonyl groups being
present. However, electron-deficient aromatic systems such as fluorene, pyridine,
quinoline and dinitrophenyl can scrvc as activating substituents as can the halogens.
Halogen rarely serves as the leaving group. Perhaps this is a consequence of the
fact that normally the leaving g o u p is attacked by a nucleophilc and with halogens
this requires a formally positive halogen. Hence one would predict that the tendency
for loss of halogen should be expected to occur in direct parallel with decreasing
electr~negativity~'~. 341. This interpretation accounts for the apparent anomalous
behaviour of 3-bromotriacetic lactone12*8 (148). Acetoacetic esters undergo the
PhN:+ fi r\H
8. Synthetic applications of dinzoniuni ions 273
Japp-Klingcmann reactioii with the loss of the acetyl group and thc resulting
products are N-substituted derivatives of csters of dchydro amino acids. Reduction
offers a ready route to the amino acid esters and treatment under Fisher-indole
synthesis conditions furnishes indolesl, .la, 128, 174-176. 180, 321, 347-330, 352-351, 356-300, 525, 58.1,
610, G l l , 683, 734. 1136, 1185, 1 2 G O
With 1,3-diones, similar behaviour is observed and one has a route to a-amino
339. This approach is complementary to the use of p-tosyl azide in a diazo
transfer process which furnishcs the a-diazo ketone which can also be reduced to the
related a n i i n ~337, ~ ~I 3,l 1 .
T h e Japp-Klingemann reaction of 2-carboalkoxycyclanones offers a ready
source of o-carboxy a-amino acids and of 3-(alkyl-o-carboxy) indoles. Since the
starting materials are readily available by a Dieckmann cyclization or by reaction
of the cyclanone with diniethyl carbonate, this offcrs a very ready route to both
s y s t e r ~ i s 2BG,
~ ~ 355.
~e 51ae7 3 3 . A n interesting variant on this approach employs a 2-acyl-
butyrolactone. Subsequcnt ring opening can be performed with a variety of
nucleophiles to furnish lactones, esters or hydroxy
0c / YcoO-\Co
276 D. S. Wulfrnan
- -
Pt(PPh,),+ArN,X ___t ArN,Pt(PPh,), X-
(178) (179)
D. Class D : Type 6 Ring Compounds in which the Diazo Nitrogen has been
lost. The Pschorr Type Syntheses
Detailed discussions of several of these classes of heterocycles have appeared in
the form of monographs and as such will be described only in terms of their syntheses
unless there exist additional diazo- or diazoniuni-type reactions. These reactions
a r e treated below. The chemistry of the members of groups in which the nitrogen is
lost are not of concern here and we shall only treat their generation from diazonium
compounds. There are obviously other means of obtaining many of the products
which d o not involve diazo or diazoniuni chemistry and standard references and
reviews cover most, if not all, alternate methods.
Y. Synthetic applications of diazonium ions 217
In recent years thc chemistry of aromatic systeins has increasingly been relegated
to the briefest of treatments in standard textbooks. This is perhaps a reflection of
t h e amount of research activity in the area or the simple increase in the total amount
of material covered. As a direct consequence t h e chemistries of diazonium ions
normally discussed in beginning texts are the reactions in Class E and coupling with
an occasional reminder that certain orrho-substituted anilines arc not suitable for
diazonium reactions. The chemical reason behind this bccomes evident when one
notes that the so-called 'forbidden' groups are potential nucleophiles ideally located
adjacent to electrophilic diazonium groups. This proximity effect means that
systems incapable of bimolecular reactions may well be capable of unimolecular
cyclization. The orflio function need not of itself be a nucleophile or have nucleo-
philic character if the conditions of the reaction can cause the substituent to generate
a transient intermediate capable of serving in that role. Thus a n enolizable ketone
can readily fulfil the role of an ethylene.
E H 2 A
(1) HONO
(2) CH,NO,/cold dil. - O H R
278 D. S. Wulfman
have been detailed by Simpson128s.He has concluded that when R = H or C0 2 H
and R’ = aryl, the reaction does not occur. I f R = aryl, R‘ can be aryl also. When
R‘ = aryl, thcrc is a possibility that a Pschorr condsnsation will
289, 603, 6 2 1 (Scheme 38). This process is discussed in detail under Group E, Class 5 ,
(1 93) R’ =
reactions. The synthesis of cinnolines from o-vinyl diazoniurn ions is known a s the
Widman-Stoermer SYntheSiS12, 25, 1 1 7 , 161, 102, 4 7 3 , 723, €344, Y65, 1120, 1123, l H 7 , 11PM. 1150, 1170.
1285; from o-acy] diazonium ions as the Borsch synthesis13. 28. 634-636. 683, 7 2 4 , 0 4 5 , 1117. 1122,
and from o-alkynyl diazoniurn ions as the Richter 1116s 1121, 1163, lZs2.
BaumgartenQohas modified the Borsch synthesis as shown (185 -+ 187 -+ 188).
b. Groicp 2: Induzoles. In certain cases a methyl, methylene or methine group is
rendered sufficiently acidic by substituents to make i t a potential C acid. When
this occurs adjacent to a potential diazonium ion, cyclization may occur to furnish
3-H-benzpyrazole which may if a hydrogen is at C-3 rearrange t o furnish the
1-H-benzpyrazole (indazole) (Scheme 39). T h e presence of electron-withdrawing
R’ @ NHz -
(1 96)
8. Synthetic applications of diazonium ions 279
groups as R1, R?,R3, R5 will facilitate the reaction65. 818, However,
there exists the possibility that the resulting indazole will be coupled to unreacted
diazonium compound if there is a n electron-withdrawing group a t C-6(R5) or
C-4 (R3)but not at C-5 or C-7 (e.g. Scheme 40).
d. Group 4: Benz[riuzities. Normally diazonium ions will not couple with a n amide
to furnish a triazene but ihe intramolecular process occurs with great
601. 7 0 0 , 1loR, 1202. 1?70 (Scheme 43) and with a wide range of substituents for
0 0R‘
R -p
N2 ”
8. Synthetic applications of diazonium ions 281
1dil. H,SO.. 4
., K O H
282 D. S . Wulfman
R and R' to furnish 1,2,3-benzotriazines. Examples are known employing bis acyl
hydrazides as we]] as diamides37'. 372, 531, 700. 7 7 0 . 73:, 93% 983 (Schemes 44 and 45);
diazoaniine esters2Jo.7 7 0 (Scheme 46) ureasBol;diazonium salt esters (Scheme 46)l3I6,
amino benzpyrazoles63, 6 6 , 6 7 , 416, 6 5 5 , 1272, 1 3 0 9 , 1310 (Scheme 46); amino benzamide
oxirnes (Scheme 49)"O. 990; cyano hydroxylamines (Scheme 47Ic3,66. 07, ; amino
oxirnes (Scheme 47)6J. 7 2 s 7 7 8 , l l n e ; amino benzyl aryl hydrazines (Scheme 48)'88;
amino benzyl amides (Scheme 48)13a2190-1'J3, 1017s l x 3 ., amino t l ~ i o a m i d e s ~ ~ ~ ~ ,
1 ,g-diamino naphthalenes (ScheIne 49)7. 329. 1086, 112'. 1258. 1359, 1355 ; heterocyclic amino
carboxaniides618; amino oriho-2-pyrazoles and amino oriho-5-pyrazolcs, their
ben?opyrazole 1212 (Scheme 49) ; rearrangement of a benzpyrazolo-
diazenege7(Scheme 50). Additional leads to 1,2,3-triazines are given in References
ozN@NHoH HoNo'
1 Alhalt 1 Zn/HOAc
8. Synthetic applications of diazonium ions 283
Ky\ u R
R=Ac’ R
284 D. S . Wulfman
37, 138, 366, 403, 527-530, 640, 687, 811-813, 901, 1087, 1352 and 1353 and for
1,2,4-triazenes see References 364, 842, 905, 966, 977, 1284, 1286 and 1307. The
reaction of a diazonium ion with a cyanamide (Scheme 51)987 or I-aryl diazo aryl
hydrazines42, 0 3 , 46, 73, 77, 268, 363, 436, 437, 779-781, 863-866, 1350, 1370. 1380 (Schemes 51 and 52)
offer a route to 1,2,4-benzotetrazines. Syntheses with aryl diazo aryl diazonium ions
open routes t o 1,2,3,4-benzotetrazinese7* 633, 1320* 13*?. 1324.
NC0,Et Ar Nz
+ ArN-N
Na,CO, J
(2W (265)
8. Synthetic applications of diazonium ions 285
T h e products of the type 244 are not aromatic in the heterocyclic system and
undergo coupling with P-naphthol and other phenols. As such thcy can serve as
disguised and stabilized diazonium intcrmediates. In general, substituents o n N-3
render the triazine ring systems susceptible to use as diazonium ions at elevated
temperatures. A number of syntheses depend upon the triazines and triazine
N-oxides as intermediatcs.
T h e nature of the intermediate had been the subject of somc speculation but
quite probably involves a bis(benzo)triazapinc which readily loses niirogen.112.
S a ~ n d e r s ”had
~ ~ proposcd that the react ion involvcd the tetra-azotizcd systcm
losing hydrazoic acid from a partially reduced system but this seems unlikely on
thermodynamic and electronic grounds. Chauncy and Gchlcrt have successfully
replaced the copper catalyst in the Pschorr synthesis with N ~ i t ~ ~ : ~ .
256 11. S. Wulfnian
Although the Pschorr syntheses formally resemble the Gomberg-Bachmann-Hey
syntheses, they differ in terms of experimental conditions. The former are normally
carried out in acidic media whereas the latter are invariably performed in basic
media. T h e Pschorr processes are homogeneous because the attacking species is
part of the substrate whereas the Gomberg-Bachniann-Hey reactions are hetero-
geneous. Thus the Pschorr syntheses possess the inherent advantage of decreased
entropy requirement.
A C0.H
SCHEhlE 55
When a rigid bridge is incorporated, the configuration must be cis for closure to
occur. DeTar has suggested that the ethylenic bridge is perhaps the best bridge
avaiiable as a consequence of its rigidityz8"; with Irons bridging other processes
occur1oE?. He also noted that electronic factors seem to be of secondary impor:ance28B.
With t h e presence of o-hydroxy and p-hydroxy substituents, difficulties occur which
lead to the formation of diazooxides. The presence of ether or amine functions in the
orrho position can lead to extensive tar formation1217. When substituents are present
at t h e 3'- and 5'-positions, two possible modes of attack operate unless one of t h e
2'- (6')-positions is blocked. Since the processes exhibit only a small degree of
sensitivity to electronic effects, one will invariably obtain mixtures of products
when the possibility exists. However, when appreciably different A E n values are
to be expected, the P M O analyses will correctly predict the product to be generated.
The most widely accepted reduction technique, the use of hypophosphorous acid,
is due to Mai7IGand has been rated by Adanis and Kornblum3 as the preferred
method. Yields range as high as 807< whcreas other methods rarely reach 60%
and are dependent to a large extent upon the ratio of diazonium salt to hypo-
phosphorous acid. Dificult reductions require as much as a 15-fold excess of
reducing agent even though the apparent proccss involves oxidation of 1 mole of
reductant to phosphorous acid.
Br Br Br 6 B r
288 D. S. Wulfmsn
2. Group 2: Replacement of the diazo group by halogens including
The replacement of the diazoniuni group by a halogcn has becn known since
1860417when Griess heated diazoaminobenzoic acid with concentratcd hydrogen
halides to obtain halobcnzoic acids. Gricss4"' later extended his studies to prepare
H0,C-ArN, HO,CArX+ N,+ R,N-ArCO,H+ R,NH,X (6)
moderate scale route to aryl fluorides. The most widely known halogen and pscudo-
halogen replaccnient processes were developed by Sandnieyerlool-lloo.Sandmeyer
had been attempting l o prepare phenylacetylenc from copper acetylide and benzene-
diazoniuni chloridc and obtained some chlorobcnzene. He was able to show this
had ariscn from reaction with copper(]) chloridc. Subsequcntly, Gattcrmann4lG. 419
found that freshly prcpared copper powdcr (CuSO, + Zn) brought about the
formation of chlorobcnzene from bcnzenediazonium chloride. Ullmann121Gfound
that commercial copper bronze could also be cmployed.
T h e use of copper salts is not nceded for preparing aryl iodides and can
be accomplished by adding an alkali iodide to a diazoniuni sulphate or by using
H I 2 7 0 , 454, 466, ,467, 581, 626, 763, 1110, 1212, 1 2 9 1
- -
change the mechanism from heterolytic to homolytic by interchange of anionsgs.
PhN,F Ar-+F-+N, Products
The use of transition metal catalysts has also been claimed to lead to homolytic
processes. Copper(]) fluoride and chloride have been used witF some success when
there are n o highly polar substituents such as NOz, OH, C0,H. These are some of
t h e same substituents which lead to difficulties with uncatalysed reactions110.
Apparently the use of copper(1i) fluoroborate has not been examined even though
i t should be free from many of the objectionable characteristics of other systems.
The use of various solvents has been examined and the results arc frequcntly
consistent with a heterolytic process747-7so~ 878, 847, e.g. halobenzenes, nitrobenzene,
+ 15
I5 + N,
well into the 20th century and a s such have appeared in the literature since 1864
when G r i e ~ s ~450' ~ .reported that benzenediazonium perbromide reacted with
ammonia to generate phenylazoimine.
PhN: Br;+4 NH, PhN,+3 NH,+3Br- (8)
292 D. S. Wulfrnan
The same compound results when benzenediazonium sulphate is treated with
h y d r ~ x y l a m i n e745, . diazotization of p h e n y l h y d r a ~ i n e 732
~ ~ ~by ~ ~ ~or
. reaction of
hydrazine with benzenediazonium sulphate.
A very general synthesis is known which proceeds in part via the unstable pentazole
which loses nitrogen to furnish the azide. The synthesis was developed by Noelting
and MichePoolin 1893 but it was not until 1954 that evidence was obtained indicating
the formation of an intermediate pentazole along with a diazonium a ~ i d e587,~ ~ ~ .
T h e pentazoles are extremely unstable substances and their chemistry has been
reviewed by Ugi12158(see Scheme 59 above).
QNo2 -
mechanistically similar. T h e reactions have been reviewed. These proccsses offer
one of the best routes to unsymmetrically substituted biaryls and furnish ready
access t o rneta-substituted biphenyl when substituents are to bc in only one ring;
the related substituted aniline is employed along with the aromatic hydrocarbon.
Unlike electrophilic substitution, t h c products from substratcs such as nitrobenzene
are para substituted. This is not particularly surprising if one reniernbcrs that the
corresponding Wheland intermediates (298, 299) will be more highly delocalized
with para or ortho attack than with mefo (300). With substrates such as pyridine all
possible isomers result. T h e related unimolccular process involving the formation ot'
phenanthrene and fluorcnes is known as a Pschorr synthesis and has been treated in
Section D.2.b. The Gomberg-Bachmann reaction furnishes yields in thc poor to
good range (60 + % but infrequently higher). The Pschorr reaction (actually
discovered previously by Graebe and Ullmann441~ l " and Fischer and Schmidt3M1)
294 D. S. Wulfinan
being an intramolecular process can be expected to furnish good yields, 70-90:<
not being unusual. It should not surprise anyone to find that isomer mixtures result
when the non-diazoniiim ring system is asymmetrically substituted. Obviously the
presence of an ot.flio ethylene bridge causes the rnolecules to undergo some or even
dominant closure to cinnolines and related heterocycles. Thus all three of these
related reactions are subject to the same liniitations as are othcr o-substituted
diazonium ions.
A fundamental limitation of both the Gomberg-Bachmann and the Grieve-
Hey-Hcilbron syntheses is the need to employ the substrate hydrocarbon in the
liquid state. When this is combined with the desirability of having t h e substrate
molecule as the most symmetrical portion of the biaryl to be synthesized, very
strong limitations in scope arise. Since the reactions are normally run below 3 0 "C,
many formal processes arc just not practicable in the laboratory. The use of solvents
is not particularly encouraging since the aryl radicals generated can attack the
solvent as well. Thus when chloroform or carbon tetrachloride are used, appreciable
quantities of the aryl diazoniurn compound end up as aryl With sub-
strates such as pyridine, the dry diazonium salt can be added to the pyridineso7 or
by the reaction of the sodium diazotate with pyridine-acetic anhydride3Ru.
Alternatively the nitrosoacetyl derivative can be heated in pyiidine ~ o l u t i o n 518.
C a d ~ g a nhas
~ ~ smoothly
~ converted aryl diazoniuni fluoborates to dihalo-
diazobenzenes by deconiposing the diazonium salt in 10% acetone 90% benzene at
room temperature using copper powder. If 2 mol of water are present, the biphenyls
result (Scheme 58).
C. Ary fated qiiitiancs atid other iinsaturoted species incliiditig Iietcro aroniatics atid
non-classical aromatic systems. The Afcetwcitr reactions. I t is possible to arylate
quinones, u,F-unsaturated carbonyl compounds, vinyl nitriles and styrene using
aryl diazonium ions. In the case of quinones and quinone oximes they are frequently
dissolved in acetic acid or alcohol and the diazonium salt is added at room
temperature. The evolution of nitrogen is normally complete in 24 h ??, 137. 'Oi.
759, l o i l . 1103. When olefins are uscd as substrates, copper salts are normally employed
as 1330. This process has become known as the Meerwein reaction1071.
With many substrates two possible products c a n arise in principle, but a simple
analysis on the basis of which intermediate radical will be most stable usually
suffices to predict the correct product.
A large variety of olefinic substrates can be used and these include, vinyl
halides269, 079, 9 4 4 , acrylonitriles163,2 9 3 , ,195, 6 7 0 - 6 8 ? . 717, 751, 752, 1332, phcnylacetylenes766,
phenylpropiolic acidi6', acetylenen4$, c o ~ n i a r i n ~ 1332, ~ ~ ~ cinnarnaldchyde~~"',
cinnamyl estersG84,
767 acrylic acidS702, 6 4 4 . 1036 butadienes15?, 2 6 5 , 476, 8 4 4 , 107?, 1073 ,
2 i B , 6 7 9 . G 8 0 . 1039, vinyl 844- maleic acidslo3j, maleic and
fumaric eSters767, lloc, 1235, maleimideS'O6S. 1070 furanS1GO. 395. 396. 717, 9 4 6 and nitro-
Most of these reactions are straightforward but in some cases addition of aryl
halogen the double bond occu~slS?, 2 6 5 , 269. 283, 425. 476, 679, 680, 682. 71?, 751, 7 5 2 ,
7 6 7 , 8 4 4 , 8 4 7 , 1 0 ~ 8 1070.
. 1072, 1073. 1196. 1235. This is in part influenced by the reaction
conditions. Cinnamic acids and maleic acids are often accompanied by decarboxyl-
ation with the aryl group formally replacing the -CO,H 106-10*. z s 6 . 40;. 622, 716. 767,
771, 7 7 2 , 1035. This is somewhat dependent upon reaction conditions, with very low pH
This process along with the somewhat similar approaches of Lustig7'0 and Clifford
and L i ~ h t y have
? ~ ~ fairly general appli~ability?~?. 5 7 4 . 59.1. l Z i 1 * 1340.
When aryl diazonium salts are added to solution of calcium or sodium poly-
sulphides, the bis(ary1) disulphides are generated and these can be subsequently
converted to the t h i o p h e n o l ~ 1'3~s 1~- 133R.
The reaction of aryl diazonium ions with thioiireas generates aryl thioronium
salts which hydrolyse to furnish the thiophenols203. When the thiourea is un-
substituted, troubles can arise. Thus a diazonium anthrone furnishes the t h i 0 1 ' ~ ~ *
while thiophenol was not isolated from the reaction with benzene diazonium
ion?OR . Forrester and Wardell list only the Leukart synthesis for t h i o p h e n o l ~ ~ ~ ~
296 D. S. Wulfrnan
amongst the various syntheses given. T h e sulphides can also be prepared from the
rcaction of a dialkyl sulphide with benzyne and diary1 sulphides with differing
substituents can be obtained by copper-catalysed decomposition of the aryl
diazonium aryl s u l p I i i d e ~ 6oo.
Aryl diazonium ions react with thiocyanate and selenocyanate ions to furnish
the related aryl thiocyanate or aryl ~ c l e n o c y a n a t e 355.
~ ? ~415,
~ 421423, 6 8 8 , Subsequent
hydrolysis furnishes the corresponding phenol analogues. A large number of metal
and metal salt catalysts wcre examined in the thiocyanate case with ferric chloride
being the superior catalyst for conversion of o-nitrobenzenediazonium chloride at
15-20 "C (76%) and tungsten hexachloride being the best catalyst a t 60-70 "C
(69%)030. With mern-nitrobenzcnediazonium chloride, ferric ion was found to be the
best catalyst (80%)G89.
The aryl selenocyanides are convenient intermediates in aryl selenium
arsenic acids in fair to excellent yields", 8 8 . 91, 387. 801, 619. 625. 729. '383, 809. BJ8. 1111. 1263.
1 3 h i - l X 9 , 1366.
I t has been used to prepare heterocycliP- 230. 879, 115s, 1366 and
p o ~ y c y c ~ i c l . - ~ ' . l O R I ( , 1102. 11.1 arsonic acids. The reaction is strongly dependent upon
pH and is catalyscd by silver-, copper- and nickel-based catalysts. A modification,
known as tlic Scheller reaction, proceeds through the copper-catalysed decomposition
of the aryl diazonium tetrachloroarsenite which furnishes a n intermediate which
decomposes i n hot watcr to furnish the aryl arsonic acid'?''. 1364, 1367.
ArN,OH+Na,HAsO, ArAsO,Na,+N,+H,O
The aryl stibonic acids arc formed by trcating a strongly alkaline solution of the
diazo compound with an alkali nntimonatelllz~
1333, 1360. 1361. A modification employs
the aryl tli;i;lonium chloride-zinc chloride double salt (c.g. May's double salt).
This i5 decolnposcd i n thc prescnce of copper of copper(1) salts1112.1339, 1341 or zinc
diisth7*.AIyl bismuth cornpountis arc generated by decomposing the diazonium-
bismutli chloi.ide tioublc salt in ii solvcnt such as acetone. Mono-, di- and triaryl
bismuths arc formed in moderatc yiclds4:"- 433.
8. Synthetic applications of diazoniurn ions 297
8. Group 8: Replacement ofthe diazo group by metals
The aryl diazonium ions form a large number of double salts with a variety of
heavy metals. The decompositions of some of these offer routes to aryl metal systems
where a metal-carbon bond results. There is apparently only one example involving
a transition metal (Pt) l0*4.
(C,H,),P, ,
PhN,BF, + PtHCI[P(C,H,),], * PhN,PtCI[P(C,H,),l, _\7
(306) (307) PK, H5 1,
This fact is rather surprising since a large number of aryl diazonium metal
complexes are known1103and many metals are capable of forming aryl-metal bonds.
One might expect to form aryl-metal bonds in some of the cases where the
decompositions of aryl diazonium ions are catalysed by transition metals and their
derivatives. The absence of such products may be a consequence of oversight rather
than thermodynamics.
With mercury, tin and lead it is possible to prepare the aryl derivative from aryl
diazonium ions. Nesmeyanov and coworkers have prepared a number of aryl-
mercurichlorides from the aryl diazonium chloride-mercuric chloride double salts
in the presence of c ~ p p e r " ~ -Alternatively,
~~~. one can react the diazonium salt
while strongly agitating the mercury 7J4.
Stannic halides also form double salts with aryl diazonium ions and these, when
reduced with zinc, copper or preferably tin in ethyl acetate solution, furnish
principally the bis(ary1)stannyl d i ~ h l o r i d e s ~ ~ ~ ,
2 ArN2CI.SnCI,+4 Sn ~ + Ar,SnCl,+2 N,+4 SnCI,
In acetone solutions, tin reacts directly to furnish the bis(ary1)dichloro stannane'266.
Decompositions of lead double salts in the presence of copper furnish poor
yield of triaryl chloro plumbane and biaryl dichloro plumbanes12GGs
When aryl diazonium fluoroborates are decomposed with copper powder, small
amounts of the aryl copper(1) derivatives are formed and these can be stabilized
by chelation with ~ y r i d i n e ' ~ ~.
l105, 1152, 1157, 1278. 1282. 1326 and we shall only conccrn ourselves here with the
synthetic uses of the nitrosation of alkyl amines and with species derived from acyl
One of the niore practical synthetic reactions of alkyl diazonium ions is the
Tiffeneau-Demjanov reaction where a n a-amino alcohol or a n amine is treated with
298 D. S. Wulfman
a nitrosating agent and rearrangement occurs with shortening or lengthening of the
carbon chain (usually a ring is enlarged or contracted). The processes often proceed
with excellent yields and in many instances provide routes which are competitive
with the Wolff rearrangements and homologations with diazoalkanes, both of
which are discussed in Chapter 18. An exhaustive review of both sets of processes
has recently been presented by Gutsche and R e d m ~ r e ~*040. ' ~ . The Demjanov
reactionzB5in a strict sense describes the rearrangement process of a nitrosated
amine and can lead t o a ring expansion or contraction.
9 LNH,
4 OH
(311) (312)
c+NH2- (319)
8. Synthetic applications of diazonium ions 299
The Tiffeneau reaction (sometimes referred to as a semi-pinacolic rearrangement)
invo~vesthe nitrosation of a n a-amino alcoho1701.1 2 0 5 . Since such compounds are
readily attainable in good yield by a variety of routes from ketones, t h e process is of
considerable synthetic utility. The reaction does not always lend to ring con-
traction77sand thc behaviour is a function of ring size2'5. 2 6 7 , 271, s??. 323. s ~ ? .6 7 4 , 743.
118.1* ''09* "'O and, as indicated in the hypothetical case illustrated, is a functioll of
The overall question of conformational effects on deamination in rigid systems
has been summarized by Kirk a n d HartshorneGdl.The course of Tiffeneau-
Demjanov reactions on a variety of aminocyclanols has been summarized according
to ring size by Gutsche and Redmorelo.*oand it is clear that conformational effects
are of great importance. The difficulties encountered are often a direct consequence
G f the lack of conformational regularity encountered in seven or more membered
rings. I n the case of hydrochrysenes (e.g. D-homosteroids) a careful analysis has been
niade1278. The migrating group is alwiys anli to the leaving diazonium
nitrogenc67. G i J .
With simple amines one encounters a variety of processes which are normally of
little synthetic utility. The diazotization process normally furnishes mixtures of
alcohols and olefins which, on occasion, prove to be rather complex as a consequence
of Wagner-Meerwein rearrangements. Several reviews dealing with various aspects
of the deamination via nitrosation have appeared.
Fairly recently, work originating primarily in t h e laboratories of MOSS^*^-^^^,
NewmanRse-sssand of K i r m ~ e " ~has ~ to the development of reasonable to
- ~ ~led
excellent synthetic schemes dependent upon the transient existence of alkyl diazonium
ions. T h u s Steinheimer116b-1171, upon discovering that diazo transfer to 7-amino-
norcarane proceeded in only moderate yield, was able to convert the same amine
via the 7-N-nitrosourea or urethane into the azide in excellent yield by employing
Kirmse's reaction64Gwith lithium azide. The reaction was followed by careful
therrnolysis to t h e I-azetidine and represents a general route to the formal 2 + 2
cycloaddition of hydrogen cyanide to an olefinll;O- l I 7 l . The process had been
postulated by him as proceeding through a diazonium ion and a p e n t a ~ o l e ~ ~ " .
Simultaneous work in Kirrnse's laboratory revealed this to be t h e case6"*663and
that it did not involve the highly improbable cyclopropyl carboniuni ion originally
I 23%
8. Synthetic applications of diazonium ions 301
(334) (335)
cyclopropyl carbonium ions are virtually non-existent with only o n e other
substantiated example being known (334 --z 345)878. Thus the claim of Jacquicr of
having observed the conversion of 7-exo- a n d 7-endo-norcaranylamines to the
alcohols via nitrosation has been shown to be incorrect along with their subsequent
conversion to a common cyclopropyl ketone”$, GG9. What does occur is
’ ~ ~ Steinheimer1171 cycled the 7-exo-
conversion t o cyclohept-2-enyl a l c o h 0 1 ~ 669.
norcaranylamine (336)through the azide and back to the amine and found only the
exo-azide (338) was formed (t.1.c. a t both stages, with known endo-amine for
comparison). Kirmse obtained allylic systems in the absence of azide ion6”* G57, G59.
When Kirmse examined the behaviour of the and 7-cndo-norcaranylamines
in the absence of azide ion, he obtained 97 a n d 91% of the rmm-7-cyclohepteny!
methyl ether (MeOH/Na,CO,) and 94 and 98% norcarane with sodium boro-
0 N=O
I1 !
SCHEhlE 61
302 D. S . Wulfman
When I,o-diamines are subjected to the basic Kirmse sequence (amide,
nitrosamide-baseaso), the nature of the final products was found to be a function of
the chain length. With I,3-diaminopropane, cyclopropyl methyl ether was obtained
in 50% yield, but with larger chains the dimethoxy ethers and c+methoxy-a-olefins
occurred (with MeOH/MeONa, the diethers were the major p r o d ~ ~ c t s ) ~ ~ ~ .
When propargylic and allylic amines are subjected to the Kirrnse series,
rearrangements occurGss~ 6 5 8 , G65-G67. The propargylic systems offer routes to
P-substituted propionic acids, alkoxy allenes and propargylic ethers (Scheme 68).
(348) (349)
/ (352)
(354) (355)
(356) (357)
With allylic systems, ally1 ethers (mixtures of isomers) are obtainedGS4.
65s. When
cyclic substrates are employed (cyclopropyl and cyclopropyl carbinyl) rearrnnge-
rnents occur in good yicld. I n two of the exaniplcs, thc diazoniuin species was
generated by the addition of H?C)/-OH photochemically and the presence of
rearranged products n o t available via a carbene process can be taken as evidence
that reaction did involve a carbonium ion process"G'.
8. Synthetic applications of diazonium ions 303
Moss821-e31.833-811 has examined the question of when does the action of base
upon N-nitrosourethanes lead to alkyl diazotates and when d o diazoalkanes
resultB2’.In thc first paper of the Moss series and in a review, one finds a good
summary of references to earlier work in the area by a numbcr of workersHz1. 83G.
0d A ,!,“‘OH 4
(358) (359)
When a-phenethyl diazotates are treated with hydrazineRae,a-phenethyl hydrazine
results with 54% net inversion. When ammonia is employeda335,inversion OSPXS
along with some racemization. Similarly treatment with Grignard reagents leads to
alkylation with some inversion. Maximum inversion was observed at the lowest
temperature employed, with phenyl Grignard and s-butyl diazotate in ether.
RzA 0 R’ H
cNA0+ Et,SiH R2
304 D. S . Wulfman
a-Terpineol 32.5%
Limonene 9.6%
(376) (377)
cc,, ' [R'RZC=CH N, ]+
(378) SbCl,-
IV. B E N Z Y N E S , H E T A R Y N E S A N D O T H E R
T h e generation and reactions of beiizynes and hetarynes (Schemes 73-77) have been
~ ~ ~a chapter in The C h c m i s f r ~of~ A ~ e f y l c n c ~ ~ ~ ~ .
the subject of a n i o n ~ g r a p l iand
This type of species is often treated concurrently with carbenes and nitrenes in
texts and Annitnl Reporfs of the Chemical Society, as a consequence of their high
306 D. S. Wulfmnn
reactivity and cheniistry and their exhibiting a valence state with carbon having
fewer than four formal bonds (in one resonance form one has a bis-1,2-carbene).
A number of syntheses involving benzynes start formally or actually with diazonium
compounds. T h e recent innovations using the Pbl" and I -chlorobenzotriazole
oxidation of N-aminobenzotriazoles (Schemes 73 and 77) both formally and
Qr+rNTos LI
A or hv
(394) \
(398) (399)
308 D. S. Wulfman
T h e arynes are not limited to 1,2-benzo-type systems. Photolysis of 3-carboxy-
benzenediazonium systems furnish the 1 ,3-arynes113. The oxidation of 1 -amino-
naphtho[ 1.8~.8.dc]-1,2,3-triazine
furnishes the 1,8-didehydro~naphtlialcne~~~~
6243, ’;‘ja.
a”+aoH co;
_ 3 -
R - C(N,)COR’
NH .
I ..+
(423) (424)
Although the formation of benzotriazene derivatives has been known for many
years i t was only in 1971 that Rees and Storrs reported the preparation of the parent
compound. T h e syntheses grew out of their attempts (ultimately successfuls~6, to
prepare benzazetes. Since these syntheses involve cyclizations of azido diazoalkanes,
they will be treated in Chapter 18. An alternative route was through oxidation of
When 4-phenyl-l,2,3-benzotriazinewas pyrolysed in the vapour phase at 420-
450 0C/IO-3Torr, the benzazete (445) was formed along with several other products.
T h e product was collected at -78 "C and on warming the dimer is formed. A
number of possible dimeric structures are reasonable and the structure is currently
8 . Synthetic applications of diazonium ions 31 1
(433) SCHEME
Me0,CC a CC0,Me
(1) HONO
(2) Hypophosphorous'
(437) SCHEME
D. S. Wulfinan
Me0,CC I CC0,Me
Me0,C CO,Me
&! N"
Thc compound cyclononync is knowni29and is quite rcacti\'e. Smallcr ring systems
\vould be expected to be even iiiorc rcactive and to rescmble the aryr,es. Hence one
might expect to form o n a transient hasis such intcrmediates by eliniination of H X
from a I-halocyclonlkcnc by treatment \villi strong bnses12"9. The eliminations of
thc clcnieiit of bl-X from some mctallated haloalkcnes are extremely slow reactions
as a conscquence of thc strain i n a potcntinl alkyiie or thc high energy of thc
didehydro specicsiR"i.The formation of straincci cycloalkync can Iiowcvcr be reachcd
via 1,2-diazocycloalkancs and tticir subscquent clccoinposition and rclrited
systenls1311. - I * 2 7 8 , 310, .isi. 5 5 5 , ious. i 3 w . This probleiii will be trcatcd in Chapter I S
1:11. I I X . "-r.
Those patents lacking a Cliem. Abstr. reference havc not been abstracted therein and
were encountered in other rcfcrences (primarily 220 and 1103).
The Chemistry of Diazonium and Diazo Groups
Edited by Saul Patai
Copyright 0 1978 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved.
Clictnisfry Dcpartimwf, The Utiivcrsity of Tsrrkitba,
Niiliarigwt, Ibarnki 300-3 1, Japan
A. Photochemical Encrgy . . 342
B. Photochemical Excitation . 342
A. Deamination through Diazonium Salts . . 344
B Substitution of the Diazonium Group by Fluorine . . 346
C. Substitution of the Diazonium Group by Chlorinc or by Hydroxy Groups . 349
D. Spectra and Excited States of Diazonium Salts . 350
E. Reaction Intermediates 356
1. Radical species and carbonium ions . . 356
2. Cis-tram isomerization . 360
3. Sensitized photolysis of diazoniuni salts . 361
A. Thc Structure of Carbenes .
B. Chemical Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (CIDNP) Stu'dies
C . Spin Multiplicity and Reactivity of Methylene .
: 367
D. Photolysis of Aromatic Diazo Compounds in Olefins . 378
1. Phenylcarbene . 378
2. Diphenylcarbenc . 379
3. Fluorenylidene . 385
4. Cyclopropenylidene. cyclolieptatrienylidene and cyclopentndicnylidene . 388
E. Photolysis of Diazocarbonyl Conipounds in Olcfins . 3 92
1. Intermolccular addition reactions . 392
2. Intramolecular reactions . . 400
F. Photolysis of Diazo Compounds in Aromatic Compounds . 403
G . Insertion Rcactions .
1. C-H insertion of carbcnc in sa'turated hydrocarbons
2. C-H insertion of carbene in ethers . .
; : 408
H. Intramolecular Reactions . 415
Photolysis of Diazo Compour~dsin Compounds Containing Hetcro Atonis 424
1. Reaction with polyhalomethanes . 424
2. Rcaction with nitrogen compounds . 432
3. Reaction with oxygen compounds . 437
a. Molecular oxygen . 437
b. Reaction with alcohols . 439
c. Reaction with ethers . . 442
4. Reaction with sulphur coriipounds . 44 5
J. Wolff Rearrnngerncnt . . 455
1. Synthetic utility . 458
34 1
342 Wataru Ando
2. Tlic mechanism of the WolfT rearrangement . . 461
K. Bisdiazo Conipounds . . 476
Light can be transmitted, refracted, scattered or absorbed by a system. It is a
fundamental tenet of photochemistry that only the light absorbed can be effective
in producing chemical or physical changes in a molecule.
A. Photochemicol Energy’-5
T h e energy of light in kcal/mol is given by thc expression:
6. Photochemical Excitation
Light in the ultraviolet-visible region has energy sufficient to excite molecules to
higher electronic states. Consider now the potential energy curve for the ground
state ( E o ) and first excited state ( E , ) . According to the Franck-Condon principle
transitions occur between vibrational levels for which the nuclear configurations
are the same (I-’ = r ” ) , i.e. we have vertical excitation as shown in Figure 1. The
energy of the electronic transition is measured from yo of the ground state to yo of
the excited state, E,(v,) - Eo(v,) = A E = h v .
T h e major events that occur following light absorption may be summarized in
terms of a Jablonski diagram. The absorption of light raises the molecule from
So to S p , as shown in Figure 2. I n solution the excess vibrational energy of S2 will
be rapidly dissipated by radiationless processes. After conversion to S1 the molecule
may lose its energy by four important processes: (i) fluorescence, (ii) chemical
reaction, (iii) return to a highly vibrationally excited ground state (S,-So) and
(iv) intersystem crossing. Intersystem crossing (S, to T,) occurs between two excited
states of similar energy and is very important in photochemistry, because the
triplet state T1 picduced is even longer lived than S,. The lifetimes of TI are limited
by: (i) phosphorescence, (ii) chemical reaction and (iii) radiationless decay to So.
Furthermore, an excitcd moleculc may transfer its energy to another molecule;
if this occurs the excited or donor molecule returns to its ground state and the
acceptor molecule becomes excitcd. I f the donor molecule (D) was in the triplet
state at the time of its energy transfer, the acceptor rnolccule (A) gets promoted to
its triplet state, and similarly \ye cxpect singlet-singlet energy transfer.
9. Photochemistry of the diazoniuni and diazo groups 343
\ Antibondino
~~~ ~ ~~
Internal crosslng
I -
reactions T (triplet)
react ions
2 . Jablonslii diagrain. Typical cnergy diagram.
344 Wataru Ando
-4t the end of the last century, Andressen' cstabiished that aqueous solutions of
diazo compounds dccornpose under the influence of light. The rncchanisni of the
photochemical decomposition is not completcly understood; i t appears that it is
largely determined by thc environment and by t hc chcmical specics present. The
effect of substitucnts on the light scnsitivity of diazo compounds has been studied
by many investigators'. 8 .
6 ax
methanol as the solvent, the formation of the phenol ethcr is rather a minor process,
while the main reaction is the substitution of hydrogcn for the diazo group'O.
N t CI-
+ ROH I, L
_ _ f +
When 2,4,6-tribromobenzenediazonium sulphate was irradiated in aqueous
solution, Orton and coworkers obtained 2,4,G-tribromophcnol in quantitative
yielde. Whcn this reaction was carried out in acetic acid, 2,4,6-tribromophenyl
acetate was formed, whereas in formic acid o n l y 1,3,5-tribromobcnzene was
obtained .
Br Br
9. I'hotoclieniistry of the diazonium and diazo groups 345
TADLE1. Photolysis of compounds
[RC,H,N,]+ CI- in niethanol solution
R Reduction (%) Ethcr (XI
p-NO, 60 0
p-CI 60 0
p-MC 40-50 20-30
p-OMc 40-50 20-25
This process was first proposed by N'est'l and further explored by Feerl', A n d r e ~ s e n ' ~
and others.
When irradiating diazo conipounds in concentrated hydrochloric acid, Sus
obtained the corresponding p-halogenodiphenylamines. I-le also showed that the
action of light o n p - and a-dialkylaniinobenzcnediazoniunl compounds results, in
the case of para substitution, in the corresponding p-dialkylaminophenols, whercas
the ortho isoniers produce a considerable quantity of secondary amine, along
with the corresponding phenolsl4*lS.
bN; bX
x- 111 +
(2) X = OH (4 1
(3) x - CI
346 Wataru Ando
2. Photolysis of diazoniurn salts 1IG
R R' Solvcnt 2(%) 3(%) 4(%)
12 40
54 19
9. Photochemistry of the diazonium and diazo groups 341
reaction destroyed them. A n ionic intermediate or transition state of some sort
appears to be implicated in the photolysis of solid arenediazonium fluoroborates
a n d fluorophosphates. I f aryl radicals were intermediates, they would be expected
to abstract hydrogen atoms from other molecules of the starting material, especially
when side-chains with alkyl groups are present. However, n o reductive product
was produced in the photolysis of even the dimethyl- and diethyl-amino compounds.
I n contrast, when crystalline para-IV,N-dimethylaminobcnzenediazoniurnchloride
was irradiated, reduction to N,N-dimethylaniline (25%) competed strongly with
conversion to chloro-N,N-dimethylaniline(33%). These observations are in accord
N: C0,Et
*H H
N v N H
N v N
t(1) ElOH
(2) MeS0,H
[i ;bH
N H, F
1 LiAIH,
N a ' C(NtiAc)(CO,EI):
348 Wataru Ando
with the results of studies of isomer distribution in the phenylation products formed
when solid benzenediazonium haloborates are pyrolysed or photolysed in the
presence of a substituted benzenez0.
The lack of parallelism between fluoroarene yields for photolysis versus pyrolysis
makes it unlikely that these reactions proceed exclusively through a common
intermediate. Lewis and coworkers21 compared photochemical with thermal
reactions of diazonium salts in aqueous solution and concluded definitely that there
was no single intermediate common to both.
1A cy I a se
I -
(PH 8)
""& + N v N H
+ dC
p\, t%
--- -
L ' 2 CH 2
H2N 4
N: CI-
Free chlorine atoms and phenyl radicals so produced arc capablc of continuing the
original function of the utilized photon. For example,
X x X X
(9) (6) (7) x CI
(8) X == Br
350 Wataru Ando
The photoreaction of diazonium salts in very dilute sulphuric acid, like t h e
thermal decomposition of diazonium compounds in aqueous acid solutions, yields
hydroxy compounds.
The photoreaction proceeds very smoothly in niany cases, while the corresponding
thermal decomposition often leads to resin formation. 4-Anilinobenzenediazonium
sulphate (6) afforded 8, and 4-dimethylaniinobenzenediazonium chloride gave
4-dimethylaminophcno1. Huisgcn and Zahlcr have described the preparation of
fluoren-9-one (11) by irradiation of 10 in aqueous sulphuric acid?s:
0 0
(10) (11)
T h e photolysis of tetrazo conipounds of 1,5-di(o-aniinobenzoyInaphthalene)takes
place by means of a double Pschorr reaction to give 1,2,6,7-dibenzopyrene-3,8-
BF,- Nt'
/I I
X (nm)
FIGURE 3. Absorption spcctral change of 4-C,H5NHC,H4N$ HSO, in water (pH 4.6)
during irradiation. Irradiation with a 500-\valt, high pressure Hg arc at about 30 cm.
Irradiation time (sec); (a) 0; (b) 1 5 ; (c) 20; (d) 30. [Reproduced, with pcrrnission, from
Inoue, Kokado and Shirnada, Nippot; Kagaku Kaislii, 12, 2272 (1974).]
R' R,
H H 353 37,400
Me Me 375 38,900
Et Et 380 40,300
Me H 366 38,600
Et H 3 68 41,100
P 11 H 377 30,200
Ph Ph 388 74,100
4 -
x 3-
2 -
1 - 1160
- 1
, \
A (nm)
FIGURE 4. Thc near ultraviolct absorption spectrum of benzenediazoniuni fluoroborate in
ethanol (* in water). [Reproduced, with permission, from Sukigahara and Kikixhi, Bid/.
Chetn. SOC.Japan, 40, 462 ( 1 967).]
show that thc electronically excited benzcnediazoniurn salt releases its excess
energy by the following processes: (i) There is radiative transition from the 'B, state
io the ground state and intcrsystein crossing to the phosphorcscent state, although
i t is a s yct uncertain whethcr 3B, or o t l x r !riplet stales a r e involvcd. The photo-
dccomposition does not procced from the excitcd 'B, statc. (ii) From the excited
lAl statc, neithcr radiative transition to the ground state nor a non-radiative
transition to any fluorescent or phosphorescent state occurs. The molecule
decornposcs rapidly to give a phenyl c-radical after cxcitation to this electronic state.
Electronic structures and absorption spcctra of p-halogeno-, p-methoxy- and
p-dinicthylaniino-bcnzenediazoniurn cations showed that when an electron-donating
group is introduced at the pmrn position, the lA1-'AI transition shows a very large
shift to longer wavelengths, while the lA,-'B, transition is not so much affected33.
Tsunoda and Yainaoka reported the relationship between the charge density
and the photolytic rate3'. I t was observcd that the benzcnediazonium cations having
elcctron-releasing groups such as - 0 M e and -NhIe, in thc prim position have
rclativcly largc quantum yields, \vhile electron-attracting groups, such as -NO2
and -Br, substituted in the porn or o r ~ h oposition lower the quantum yields. AS
9. Photochemistry of the diazonium and diazo groups 353
- Emission spectrum
---- Excitation spectrum
FIGURE6. The e.s.r. spectrum of irradiated benzencdiazonium fluoroborate (at 77 K in
methanol). [Reproduced, with permission, from Sukigahara and Kikuchi, BUN. Cheni. SOC.
Japan, 40,462 (1967).]
the conjugated system extends, the peak of the absorption band is shifted to longer
wavelengths, but the quantum yield tends t o be lower. T h e tetrazonium cations also
have low quantum yields, which might be the effect of the strong electrophilicity
of two diazonium groups.
354 Wataru Ando
2x104 -
240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420
X (nm)
FIGURE8. The visible and near ultraviolet absorption spectra of the para-substituted
benzenediazonium fluoroborates. (A) p - F ; (B) p-CI; (C) p-Br; (D) p-MeO; (E) p-I;
(F) p-NMe,. [Reproduced, with permission, from Sukigahara and Kikuchi, Bull. Chem.
SOC.Japan, 40, 1078 (1967).]
0 - 8- I
0.7 -
9' m-Meo-
0.6 - p- NMe,
0.5- PF p-OMe
.- I
-$ 0 4 - p-Me o
.B H
0.3- rn - OMe d p-Br
0 0 /O
,/o P-CL
0 . 2 - m-NO, 0~-N02,/ 0 0-CL
o----- o-OMe
I 1
19 2 0 2 1 22 23 24 25 2 6 2 7 2 8
Charge density of the diazo group in excited State
FIGURE9. The relationship between the quantum yield and the charge density of the
diazoniurn group. [Reproduced, with permission, from Tsunoda and Yarnaoka, J . Phoro-
graphic Sci. Japan, 29, 197 (1966).]
E. Reaction Intermediates
1. Radical species and carbonium ions
T h e products of the photodecomposition of p- and m-nitrobenzenediazoniurn
salts have becn studied in various solvents. It was found that the dominant primary
prccess in alcohol solution leads to nitrophenyl radicals, and the products are those
generally expected of a reaction involving a homolytic scission of the C-N bond.
7. Photolysis of p-NO&H,N:CI--
TADLE SnCI, in ethanolic solution
~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~
The absence of dinitrobiphenyls in the reaction products suggests that the nitro-
phenyl radicals are converted primarily to nitrobenzene and other products via
reactions (3) and (4).
The second primary process (2) of lower probability was suggested to explain the
ether formation in the ethanol solutions:
O,NC,H.OCH,CH,+H+ (5)
To test the mechanisms (2) and ( 5 ) , the diazoniurn salt was photolysed in the
presence of iodine. The amount of p-nitrophenetole was not essentially decrcascd
although the yield of nitrobenzene, which reflects the activity of the p-nitrophenyl
radical, was greatly decreased due to the very fast reaction (6) :
O,NC,H,*+I, OzNC,H,I (6)
358 Wataru Ando
There is a striking contrast between the products of the photodecomposition of
the diazonium salt in alcohol and in aqueous solution. Nitrobenzenc, the major
product in alcohol, is not detected in aqueous solution. Nitrophenol and nitro-
chlorobenzene dominate in water solutions. These results, coupled with product
studies with nitric oxide and hydroquinone, suggest that free radical formation is
unimportant in the photodecomposition of nitrobenzencdiazonium salts in aqueous
mlution. T h e results are consistent with the occurrence of a single primary photo-
decomposition mode, process (2), under these conditions. The product distribution
in solutions of varied chloride content results from the competition between Cl-
and H,O for the carbonium ion.
Boudreaux and B o ~ l e thave
~ ~ made magnetic measurements on the irradiated
aqueous solutions of p-dirnethylaminobenzenediazonium chloride. They have
suggested that the observed magnetism is due to the C1- radical and to the
Me,NC8H4* radical, 2nd they have estimated that the steady-state concentration
of radicals is about 1 x M. This conclusion seems untenable in view of the work
of Zandstra and E ~ l e t h Photolytic
~~. decomposition of p-diniethylaminobenzene-
diazonium chloride in aqueous solution at p H above 5 leads to the formation of a
paramagnetic species. The e.s.r. spectrum is the same as that obtained in air
oxidation of p-dimethylaminophenol in the same p H range. Hence the structure of
the photolytic radical could be established as the p-dimethylaminophenoxy radical.
Similarly, p-diethylarninobenzenediazonium chloride was photolytically decomposed
to yield the corresponding phenoxy radical.
!n the presence of chloride ion, aryl chlorides as well as phenols result from the
photolysis of arenediazonium salts in aqueous solution, as in the thermal reaction?'.
Benzenediazonium ion in aqueous sodium chloride yields just as much chloro-
benzene by photolysis as it does thermally at the same temperature, but thep-methyl-
and p-chloro-benzenediazoniunisalts give a significantly higher yield of the chloride
photochemically than thermally". A similarity, but not identity, of product-
determining steps is indicated. When p-MeCBH415N+=Nand p-MeOC,H41SN=N
9. Photochemistry of th: diazoniunl and diazo groups 359
9. Yield of aryl chloride from photo-
are exposed to light insufficient to complete the photolysis, the residual diazonium
salt is in part rearranged to ArN+=lSN, significantly more than i n the corre-
sponding dark reaction. This allows us to reject the aryl cation as the only inter-
mediate. A simple mechanism adequate to describe all results is given below:
Reaction (7) conceals the complex process following the absorption of light and
leading to a state D* (uncstablished multiplicity) stable enough to undergo the
biniolecular reactions (10) and ( I 1 ) . Reaction (S) is included simply because i t
seems unreasonable that reaction (9) \vould occur without reaction (S). I t is attractive
to identify D* with the intermediate in t h e photolysis of thep-nitrobenzenediazonium
ion, which may participate in water reactions (10) and (11) as well as in ethano!,
reactions (12) and (13), to account for all the observed products:
D'+EtOH ArOEt+N,+H+ (12)
D'tEtOH Ar.+N,+CH,eHOH+H+ (13)
One may speculate that D* corresponds to the species observed by Lee, Calvert
and M a l ~ n b e r gin~ ~the low temperature irradiation of p-dimethylaminobenzene-
diazonium hexachlorostannate, for which the symmetric structure (12) was
tentatively suggested by Calvert and PitW9.
360 Wataru Ando
2. Cis-trans isomerization
T h e light-induced rearrangements of diazo compounds also give some information
for the reaction intermediate of diazonium salts, but only the diazosulphonates
ArN=NSO,Na and the diazocyanides A r N = N C N havc been studied in detail'.
It is assumcd that these exist in two forms: the unstable cis form, able to take
part in the reaction of azo coupling, and the stable, inactive, trans form which
cither takcs part in such a reaction only with great difficulty or not at all.
/I I. /
N=N, <- ,N=N
Ar ' S0,Na -+ Ar
C/s isomer. u n s t a b l e Trans isomer, stable
active forni inactive form
b;N ;fyN=N\ + b
'. :- S0,Na __
+ SO;- + Na'
Contrary to thc above \vork, d e Jonge and D i j k ~ t r anoticed
~ ~ that immediately after
irradiation of thc stable diazosulphonate in solution, the anion of sulphurous acid
and the diazonium cation are dctected, which slowly reacted with one another in
darkness, to givc the initial stable diazosulphonatc. The elimination of one of
the ions, for instancc the prccipitatioti of the SO:- anions with lead salts and/or the
conversion of the diazo cation to an azo dye, cuts short the dark reaction, and the
system does not revert to thc initial state. .4 short duration, high intensity irradiation
of neutral solutions of p-niethoxy- or o-chloro-p-methyl-benzenediazosulphonate
results in an intermittent increase i n the p H of the solution. After the light source
has been turncd oA', the solution reverts gradually to the original state, and the pH
decreascs to tlic initial value. This phenomenon becomes understandable if we
assume that, as a result of the action of light, there occurs at least partial
dissociation of diazosulphonntc according to the equation:
9. Photochemistry of the dizzoriium and diazo groups 361
Now, the solution of the initial diazosulphonate is neutral, but the product is a
salt of the weak sulphurous acid, and the p H of the solution therefore increases.
During more prolonged exposure the process becomes irreversible because of the
decomposition of the diazonium cation.
g 0.8
5 0.6
absorption spectra of the solution before and after irradiation. The quantum yields
were also p H sensi!ive. Figure 11 shows the variation in the quantum yields a s a
function of pH under aerobic conditions. It is seen that the p H for greatest dye
sensitization differs markedly between the two activators. I n the DABCO system,
the dye sensitization was restricted to a n alkaline range starting at about pH 7.
Lower pHs may accentuate the formation of the protonated form of DABCO
which results in a loss of photo-initiating activity.
T h e data given show clearly a greater range of activity in the STS system. T h e
quantum yield increased with a n increase in solution in the p H range below 7, and
decreased with greater alkalinity.
It may be inferred that the dye-sensitized photolysis of (13) does not take place
via the sulphonyl radical, which is formed from the dye triplet reaction with a
sulphinate ion, and which is a n efficient initiator for polymerization.
362 Wataru Ando
T h e reaction related to the sensitization may be written as follows:
Sens (G)+hu 5ens'
'Sens*+DABCO ___j (Sens - - - DABCO) Sens.+DABCO
Sens*+(ll) ___j Sens (G)+N,+Ar.
T h e key step of the sensitizing system may be the escape of Sens., semi-methylene
blue, from the dye-activator complex, Sens - - - DABCO, which is formed by
interaction of the excited triplet dye with unprotonated DABCO. The complex
undergoes collisional deactivation and dissociation to the semi-methylene blue
and a half-oxidized activator.
0 4
cs 0 3
6 0-2
4 5 6 7 8 9
11. Depcndence of quantum yields on solution pH under aerobic conditions.
- + Piny1 and
prod I: c I s
I Fenchyl
S0,PIl c_f
(1 5)
364 Wataru Ando
' ,H
I - ii
fd eO
i 3
9. Photochcmistry of thc diazonium and diazo groups 365
Favorskii reaction. T h e bicyclo[4.2. Ilnona-2,4,7-trien-9-yl cation has invoked
interest because of its potential hon~oaromaticity.i8and bicycloaromaticity4Q. T h e
solvolysis of s~vz-bicyclo[4.2.1lnona-2,4,7-tricn-9-yl p-toluenesulphonate (33) afforded
exo-dihydrnindenyl acetate (34) and/or indene5'. 52, depending o n the reaction
conditions. Deamination, on t h e other hand, starting from the highly energetic
diazonium ion, passes its transilion state 'early' and without significant distortion
of nuclear positions (vertical ionization)". Consequently, deaniination may produce
cations of undistorted geometry which are by-passed in solvolysis (leading directly
to more stable bridged species). Photolysis of bicyclo[4.2.l]nona-2,4,7-trien-9-one
+ + + 36
The electronic spectrum of methylene produced in the gas phase by flash photolysis
of CH,N?, CHDN, and CD,N2 was recorded by Herzberg and Shoosmiths6. E.s.r.
spectra of methylene trapped in a xenon matrix at 4.2 X have been one of the most
recent achievements in this fielde7.Be.
The e.s.r. signal survived warming to 20 K but disappeared upon warming to
77 K. Analysis of thc results demonstrated the roduction of a linear or near-
linear species with a C-H bond length of 1.03 which absorbed U.V. radiation
at about 1414 A, and a bent species, bond angle 102-103", C-H bond length 1.12 A,
which absorbed radiation in the 5500-9500 A region. Moreover, in the presence
of a large excess of nitrogen, the absorption of the short wavelength, lincar CH2
increased at the expense of that of the long wavelength, bent CH,. This experiment
pointed to triplet CI-I, as ground state. The short-lived bent or singlet C H 2 was
being degraded through collisions with the moderator, nitrogen, and dropping to
the more stable species. Wasserman and coworkersae observed two species with
D = 0.6636 cm-I, E = 0.002 cm-' and D = 0.6844 cni-', E = 0.00347 cm-',
respectively. T h e value of D is related to the average l/r3 where r is the distance
between the two spins, so that a high value of D implies a large spin-spin inter-
action and a close proximity of the two spins. The value of E indicates qualitatively
the magnitude of the deviation of the spin-spin interaction from cylindrical symmetry.
The site with the lower D and E values in methylene is believed to allow greater
motional freedom; a bent molecule which rotates freely about the long axis will
have E = 0. Wasserman and coworkers arrived at a H-e-H angle of 136" in good
agreement with most theoretical calculations. Angles of 150-155" have beenestimated
for phenyl- and diphenyl-carbenes. I t was found that for diphenylcarbene the niagni-
tude of D = 0.4055 cm-I and E = 0.0194 cm-l shows a small dependence on the
nature of the host matrix:
[Reprinted, with pcrmission, from Trozzolo, Acroitnts Cliern. Res., 1, 329 (1968). Copyright
by the American Chemical Society.]
The higher D value of diphenylcarbene shows that two unpaired electrons are
largely localized on the divalent carbon atom*".
An orbital representation comparing a triplet ground-stare molecule with a
phosphorescent triplet state is given by Figure 12. Several carbenes have been
assigned a triplct ground state by e.p.r. experiment^^^-^^. Non-radical products of
photolysis of diazo compounds can not be determined by the e.p.r. technique, SO
368 Wataru Ando
that it became necessary to study the optical spectroscopy of the carbene species.
Ultraviolet spectroscopy, fluorescence excitation and absorption spectroscopy have
been used to study the carbene problem.
11 t 11
11 11 11
Singlet Phosphorescent Triplet
ground state triplet ground state
FIGURE12. Orbital representation of spin state. [Reprinted, with permission, from Trozzolo,
Accounrs Chem. Res., 1, 329 (1968). Copyright by the American Chemical Society.]
(b) 3 0 0 n m
0' I I I I I
300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650
Wavelenqt h ( n mi 1
FIGURE13. Luminesccnce of diphcnylcarbene. [Reprinted, with permission, from Trozzolo,
Accowirs Chen~.Res., 1, 329 (1968). Copyright by the Arncrican Chcmical Society.]
9. Photochcniistry OF the diazonium and diazo groups 3 69
T h e photolysis of other diaryldiazomethanes gave almost exclusively the corre-
sponding substituted diphenylniethylene which e.s.r. studies have shown to be
ground-state triplet molecules i n each case.
T h e maxima of both the absorption and emission bands were shifted to longer
wavelengths from those of diphenylcarbene; the short wavelength bands were more
intense than the visible range bands. The absorptions are considered to involve
x-x* transitions (Table 10). Moritani and coworkersg7~ lol have obtained the
Dimer ic
was assigned to the doublet free-radical 62. The e.s.r. spectra obtained by photolysis
of 3-bis(diazomethyl)benzene and 1,3-bis(cc-diazobenzyl)benzenc were much more
complex than those observed with triplet states1o2.lU3. The data have been analysed
in terms of the corresponding quintet ground states of the dicarbencs 63 and 64.
(63) (64)
triplet is not linear. Delocalization of o n e of the triplet’s electrons over the x-system
presumably provides enough double-bond character between the carbenic centre
and the ring to provide a barrier to rotational interconversion at 77 K Io5.
The spectrum of 9,9’-dianthrylcarbene (65) reveals that it is linear, however, with
two aromatic systems lying orthogonally. This structure permits extensive de-
localization through allenic resonance forms such as 65a Io8. The septet ground
state is suggested for the tris-carbene (66)on the basis of its e.s.r.
direct N sens.
tICH2 H,C:I/ t!CH,
[ C I,DC -C I - H, CI,C-.CDCH,
Radical pair
I Radical pair
Polarized C12DC-.CH,CI
but direct photolysis gives methylene which inserts concertedly (no C I D N P signal
being observed) whereas the sensitized photolysis gives a signal consistent with a
mechanism involving energy transfer and triplet methylene (equations 14-1 7). The
Sens ( S o ) ___+
Sens (S,)
Sens (T,)
Sens (S,)+RR'C=N,(T,)
Sens (T,)+RR'C=N,(S,) (14)
RR'C=N,(T,) RR'C:(T,)+N, (1 5)
RR*~H+S. RR'CHS (1 7)
1 1
0 OH
[PhtO + -CH,COOMel
1Vdt2 1
CH0,COOMe + 1p t- Q+ .CHDCOOMe
the observed emission signals due to these polarized products suggested that the
products of the reaction were being formed after irradiation ceased. Primarily o n
the basis of this observation, a free radical chain mechanism was forwarded for the
reactions of carbomethoxycarbene with carbon tetrachloride and deuterochloroform.
However, this conclusion has recently been reconsidered in the light of the radical-
pair theory of C I D N P which does not allow spin polarization in a radical-induced
recombination The preferred mechanism t o account for the formation of
the methyl propionates involved carbene attack at halogen with consequent ylide
R- C -CI +:CH CO 0R'
[ :+
chloronium ylide is the more likely mechanism. The I3C C I D N P patterns are in
accord with the cage recombination of radical pairs, but inconsistent with a radical
chain m e c h a n i ~ r n ' ~ ~ .
Closs compared the photolysis of diphenyldiazomethane in toluene solution'"
and the thermal o r photolytic decomposition of the azo compound 67. Both
reactions afforded the same products 68-70, but the ratio of unsymmetrical to
9. Pliotocheniistry of the diazoniiim and diazo groups 373
symmetrical products 68/(69+70) was higher in the reaction of 67 (ratio 1.5 : 1)
than in the diphenylcarbene reaction (ratio 1 : 1). T h e n.m.r. spectra obtained
from the two reactions showcd opposite polarization in confirmation of theoretical
predictions for radical pairs of different multiplicity. Since there is little doubt that
acyclic azo compounds decompose through the singlet state"', this experiment
assigns triplet multiplicity to the radical pairs intervening in the diphenylcarbene
Pt i ,C HN= NCH,P h Ph,CN, + PIICH,
Two typical reactions are observed: insertion into a C-H bond and addition t o a n
unsaturated bond :
/I 1'
N,CH, __f :CH, I R--C-CH,--H (insertion)
R-C--H I
\ /
NzCHz _ _ f
/I I.
1 'C' \ (addition)
/c = c \ / \
Singlet methylenc 'CH, gencratcd by the photolysis of diazomethane inserts into the
C-H bonds of alkanes with nearly random statistical preferences. An example is
provided by the liquid phase photolysis of diazomethane in 2 - m e : h y l b ~ t a n e ~ ~ ~ :
1a 0 5
- -
374 Wataru Ando
Only slight prefercnces for the tertiary hydrogen (1.5 I ) and the secondary hydrogen
(1 *22)appear.
One may ask whether the CH, insertion is direct or whether some intermediate,
such as a radical pair, is involved. Doering and Prinzbach'?' photolysed diazo-
methane in the Dresence of 2-niethyl[ I-*4C]propencand studied the distribution of
the radioactive label within 2-methyl-I -butene, the product of allylic C-H insertion.
I n the liquid phase less than 2% scrambling occurred, whereas 8% of 72 was
obtained in the vapour phase.
Studying the configurational relationship between substrate and insertion product,
Franzen reported that methylene reacted with the tertiary carbon-hydrogen bonds
in the trans diacetate (73)with However, generally the insertion of
carbene has been shown to proceed with retention130.Optical activity is maintained
in the reaction with the rnethoxy~arbonylcarbene~~~ and methyl-( -)(S)-2-methoxy-
propionate and silicon-hydrogen bond131,13'..
Ho and Noyes had shown that the reactior. of triplet methylene with propane
involved a b ~ t r a c t i o n ' ~since
~ , dimeric products, hexanc and 2,3-dimethylbutane,
were isolated :
.'H3- + 'v + C- LH3p +
Average values for the relative rates of abstraction by triplet carbene are: primary/
secondary/tertiary = 11217.
Incisive information concerning the chemical characteristics of singlet and triplet
carbenes comes from study of addition reactions involving carbon-carbon double
As in C-H insertion, singlet methylene adds stereospecifically in a concerted
step: both bonds of the cyclopropanc are formed simultaneously since such a step
9. Photochemistry of the diazonium and diazo groups 375
may occur with spin conservation. The additions of 'CH2 (from photolysis of
diazomethane in liquid phase) to cis-2-butene and trans-2-butene yield only cis-
1 ,Zcyclopropane and trans- 1,2-dimethylcyclopropane,respectively. These additions
are stereospecific; the geometrical relationship of the olefinic substituents is preserved
in the products:
\=/ + 'CH, -. v
\ + 'CH, + b
This behaviour has been taken as evidence hat t h addition of 'CH, D a n olefin
is a direct reaction and n o diradical intermediate intervenes. Triplet methylene
generated in the gas phase by the mercury photosensitized decomposition of ketene
adds to olefins with greater discrimination: e.g. its addition to butadiene is
6.6 times faster than to isobutene; the corresponding ratio with singlet methylene
is 3.2. The increased preference of T H 2 for butadiene can be attributed to the
11. Relative rates of mcthylene addition to
0.91 0.96
1.07 0.64
1 -0OC 1 .ooc
0-5s 0.33
0.65 0.3 1
3.20 6.64
0.87 0.56
0.72 0.35
0.68 0.35
a From photolysis of ketcne with 2600 A.
* From mercury photosensitizcd reaction of
kctene with 2537 A.
C Standard.
'XR +
'CH, _j
+ H %%:
H'v,; \d'H
I1 I .
N,CH, + +
9. Photochemistry of the diazonium and diazo groups 377
Methylene produced by irradiation of diazomethane in the vapour phase in the
presence of high pressure inert gases gives non-stereospecific addition to
2-butenelW 1.1:
Benzophenone-photosensitized decomposition of diazomethane induces a limited
non-stereospecificity in the addition reaction142. The sensitized reactions should
Ph,C=O + hi* ‘Ph,C=O ’Ph,C=O
’CH, +
- -
__f ’CH,
+ N,
(1 1
produce triplet methylene, while direct irradiation is known to produce the singlet.
I n the presence of an inert gas or in inert solvents, singlet methylene may decay to
the triplet before reacting with the unsaturated substrate.
A number of factors can influence the stereospecificity of the addition, notably
solvent cage effects or unusual rapid intersystem crossing. In spite of some diffi-
culties, Skell’s criterion appears to work well in practice in distinguishing between
singlet and triplet carbene species.
Theoretical justification has been forthcoming, through Extended Huckel Theory
(EHT) calculation^^^^-^^^.
A theoretical analysis of the addition of ’CH, to ethylene suggests initiation of the
reaction as in 74, a ‘x-approach’ in which the vacant p orbita! of the carbene begins
to overlap with the x-system. As reactants move along the reaction coordinate
towards product geometry, the x-approach goes over to a ‘ o - a p p r o a ~ h ” Transfer
of electron density from the olefin’s x-system to the carbene’s p orbital occurs;
this is an electrophilic addition131*147-1aQ.
(74) (75)
=-approach c-approach
378 Wataru Ando
More recent calculations suggest that ;;-approach 743 is energetically preferable
to x-approach 74b in the addition of singlet methylene. Addition of CF2 is calculated
to follow a similar course, with less charge transfer from olefin to carbene in the
transition statelso. Related calculations for additions of CH, and CF2 to isobutene
(744 (74b)
again suggest that 74a is preferred to 74b, but only by a small energy difference.
The results of these calculations must be treated cautiously, a s a guide t o thought
rather than as firm conclusions.
p2 b, gl
reported only about 3% non-stereospecificity in the addition of phcnylcarbene to
Me R ' Me R' Me Rz
PhCHN, + "QR' 5 -t 4-
R' = H, R' = M e
R' = Me, R' = H
P I1
CHN, d
~~ ~
Ptl Ph
2. Diphenylcarbene
In the photolysis of diphenyfdiazomethane in the presence of olefins the major
reaction path with cis- and trms-Z-butene is hydrogen abstraction from the allylic
positions, followed by recombination of the radical fragments. More highly substi-
tuted olefins give even greater percentages of abstraction-recombination :
Ph,CN, +
+ W C H P h Z
Ph Ph Ph Ph CHPh, 45.4%
380 Wataru Ando
With less substituted olefins cyclopropanes predominate, and with isobutene and
propene only cyclopropanes result. Clearly the mode of reaction ofdiphenylcarbene
(Table 13) depends intimately upon the olefinl6*:
Ph Ph
13. Mode of reaction of diphenylcarbene with olefins
Cyclopropane Abstraction-Recombination
Olefin (%) (%)
L 100 0
100 0
3 87
52 48
22 78
8 92
0 100
Closs reports that cis-2-butene gives a cis : trans ratio of either 87 : 13 lS9 or 77 : 23 '"
and that frans-2-butene gives a trans : cis ratio 96 : 4 lS0.Thus they must be formed
mainly from the singlet state:
)( i- )( Total yield(%)
Ph Ph Ph Ph CyclopropaneOlefin
-/ 77% 23% 10 90
\ 4% 96% 10 90
Ph Ph Ph Ph
cis 65% l r a n s 35%
Obviously, in systems in which triplet abstraction is the primary reaction, the cyclo-
propanes will be formed largely from the singlet. This appears to be the case with
the 2-butene.
The stereospecificity increases at lower temperatures, for example, at - 10 "C
with cis-2-butene, cis- a n d trans-J ,2-dimethyl-3,3-diplienylcyclopropanes are
formed in a ratio of 3.2, while the corresponding ratio with tlmu-2-butene is only
0.04; at - 66 "C the product ratio obtained from cis-2-butene is 9.0.
The cis : t r m s cyclopropane ratio can be affected by addition of hexafluoro-
benzene, a molecule inert to diphenylcarbene158. With 80-95% hexafluorobenzene,
there c a n bc no more than 12% singlet reacting. Presumably unreactive collisions
allow diphenylcarbene to approach equilibrium more closely and the ground-
state triplet is naturally favoured. The presence of oxygen docs not change the isomer
ratio although the total yield of cyclic and acyclic hydrocarbons is greatly
diminished and approaches zero for high oxygen concentration.
All these observations are most consistent with a mechanistic scheme as outlined
in below :
Ph Ph
382 Wataru Ando
It is postulated that intersystem crossing is much faster than any other reaction.
Furthermore, it is assumed that the reverse crossing is also very fast so that both
electronic configurations a r e effectively in equilibrium.
One might well expect a triplet to be more likely to undergo 1,4-addition than a
singlet, since the intermediate diradical might not be restricted to 1,2-closure. Even
with triplets, however, acyclic dienes yield only 1 , 2 - a d d u ~ t s ' l6I.
Ph,C=CHCH=C(CH,), +
b n
Ph Ph
Triplet diphenylcarbene reacts with alkynes by addition and abstraction, and each
of the reactions is a two-step process. With monosubstituted acetylenes, indenes
are the sole products as shown. Addition of diphenylcarbene to the less substituted
Ph,C: + HCrCR +
a: R = Me
b: R = I-Bu
C: R = Ph
end of the acetylenes generates 76, which may or may not be initially the triplet
carbene shown, but in any event it should quickly relax to yield 77.In t h e reaction
of diphcnylcarbene with dimethylacetylene, the main products are the cyclopropene
(79) and the allene (80). Compound 80 is probably the product of hydrogen
9. Photochemistry of the diazoniuin and diazo groups 383
abstraction reflecting the unavailability of a n unsubstituted end of the acetylene for
attack by diphenylcarbene. Howcvcr, both 78 and 79 are formed through addition
to give 81. T h e added methyl group causes a new effect: the most obvious diflerence
between 81 and 76 involves the methyl-aromatic ortho-hydrogen interaction
indicated in 81.
Ph Ph c H,
(78) 2%
(79) 75% (80) 25%
I *--/\.\
__f 79
Ph Ph
(81 1 (82)
Ph P(OCH,),
R' = R' = Ph, 61%
R' = R y = Me, 55%
R1 = Ph, R' = M e , 41%
R' = Me, R' = H, 59%
apparently attacks the unsubstituted alkyne carbon atom with formation of the
diradical 86 which yields first 87 and then 88.
Wataru Ando
84 -1 RCGCH
O= P(0C H, )? O=;P(OCH,), O=P(OCH,),
(86) R
R = Ph, 18% O=P(OCH,),
R = Me, 38%
Moritani and c o ~ o r k e r s found
l ~ ~ that cyclopropanes were not formed by attack
of 89 on 2-butene but that some products of abstraction-recombination could be
found. The similarity between carbene 89 and diphenylcarbene may seem odd since
89 appears flat, at least on paper, and diphenylcarbene has been shown'"* lo be
bent and twisted. Carbenes 90 and 91 are even less flexible and both give products
+ + +
of addition t o olefins1e6~
k i
lGG. Remarkably the cyclopropanes are formed in a stereo-
specific fashion. Carbene 90 gives a spectrum of products which seems to implicate
a mixture of spin states. Irradiation of diazoanthrone in cyclohexane again led to
products of hydrogen abstraction, with no cyclopropane being formed167. Olefins
not containing allylic hydrogen did form adducts, however1e8.
9. Photochemistry of the diazonium and diazo groups 385
o w
0 0.0 0 . 0
11% 23%
b 2%
R' R'
R' r- R' = H, 39yo
R' = Ph, R2 = H,93%
3. Fluorenylidene
Fluorenylidene, generated by photolysis from 9-diazofluorene. unlike diphenvl-
carbene, adds t o x-systems without the complication of large amounts of hydrogen
abstraction. Fluorenylidene adds easily to a variety of ole fin^'^^. With cis-Zbutene
as the solvent, cis-dimethylspirocyclopropane-9-fluoreneand its trans isomer are
formed in a ratio of 1-95, while irradiation in trans-Zbutene gives the same products
in a ratio of 0.06. This memory effect becomes much smaller when the reaction
mixture is diluted with hexafluorobenzene as a n inert solvent. At the highest dilution,
Cis adduct
Trans adduct
67% -33%
- 0% -100%
356 Wataru Ando
1 5 . Relative rates of fluorenylidene
addition to olefins
~ ~~~~~~~~
0.37 0.66
I .oo 1 .oo
1.70 0.47
0.86 0.38
0.40 0.43
069 0.56
K 9.00 3.5
9. Photochemistry of the diazoniuni and diazo groups 357
when the solution was approximately 0.1 M in olefin, the corrcsponding ratios were
0.25 a n d 0.14. These observations f i t a mechanism involving stereospecific addition
of a metastable singlet fluorenylidene and a competing addition from thc triplet
ground sta1c occurring with complete loss of stereospecificity.
It is possible selcctivcly to filter out the triplet state by allowing i t to rcact with a
triplet trap such as butadiene, with which the triplet seems to react particularly
fast. As can be seen from Table 16, the more butadiene is added, the more stereo-
specific the addition beconics. Of course at high butadiene concentrations vcry little
product is observed from the reaction with the 2-butcne, and precisc numbers become
very difficult to obtain.
Cislrrans ratio
Butadiene (mmol) cis-2-Butene of cyclopropane
0 10.0 2.1
3.0 6.0 10.1
11.5 3 .O 49
+ --+
47% 10%
u CN
98% 2%
* 98% 2%
390 Wataru Ando
perfluorobutane has little effect on the stereochemistry. The reacting state seems to
be the singlet, although the ground state is known to be the triplet.
)$q R' R'
R' R'
a: R' = RZ = ph, R3 = R4 = H
b: R' = R' = R3 = R' = Ph
R' R'
0.29 1.23
1.00 1.00
0.2 1
- 0.24
1.25 0.21
0.93 3 .O
9. Photochemistry of the diazonium and diazo groups 391
h v .
A Ph
Ph Ph I
Ph Ph Ph Ph
Ph \ P h
tI L. O
Ph Ph Ph Ph
Br Br
Br Br
Br Br Br Br
Br Br
40% 60%
might allow many non-reactive co isions to occur. and 1.ius give the carbene t me
to undergo intersystem crossing. In addition, heavy atoms are known to enhance
the probability of spin-forbidden transitions through coupling of spin and orbital
angular momenta.
4,4-Dimethylcyclohexadienylidene undergoes additions similar to that of the
five-membered ring compoundl"l (Table 17).
392 Wataru Ando
E. Photoiysis of Diazocarbonyi Compounds in Olefins
1. Intermolecular addition reactions
Diazo esters react with olefins by two distinct paths to produce cyclopropanes.
Diazoacetic ester might lose nitrogen under the influence of heat or light to produce
a carboalkoxycarbene which adds to the olefin or to the acetylene giving a cyclo-
propane or cyclopropene carboxylate.
N, 1- :CHCO,R
Alternatively, the diazoacetic ester might react with the olefin to form a pyrazoline
which loses nitrogen to produce the cyclopropane carboxylate. In non-photochemical
reactions of double or triple bonds conjugated with a carbonyl, imine or nitrile
group, 1,3-dipolar addition of the diazo group usually occurs to give a pyrazoline
or pyrazole which is stable under the reaction conditions.
“’CHC0,R *pc CO,R
-+ N,CHCO,CH, -
9. Photochemistry of the diazoniurn and diazo groups 393
Addition to cyclic or asymmetric double bonds gives the less hindered a d d u ~ t ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~
72% 18%
An attempt t o compare singlet and triplet states of photolytically generated
carboalkoxycarbenes has been made by Jones and his collaborators'86.
Direct photolysis of dimethyl diazomalonate has been shown by these investigators
t o afford a reactive intermediate whose chemical properties differ markedly from
those of the corresponding species produced via benzophenone-sensitized photo-
decomposition of the same diazo ester. It is thought that the reacting species pro-
duced in the direct a n d sensitized photodecompositions are singlet and triplet
biscarbomethoxycarbenes, respectively. The results with cis- and trans-4-rnethyl-
2-pentene are shown in Table 18. Since the addition is only 90-92% stereoselective,
(cis) rather than 100% stereospecific, it is possible that in the direct photolysis the
carbene is not formed exclusively in one spin state, but predominantly in one state
malonate with cis-4-rnethyl-2-pentene and rruns-4-methyl-2-pentene
+ 6
hv 92 8 39.8
hv+ 10 90 24.3
+ Ph,CO
lo 90 43.0
hv + Ph2C@
14 86 -
394 Wataru Ando
and to a lesser extent in t h e other. In a n attempt to induce intersystem crossing
from the singlet to the triplet, the photolysis of methyl diazomalonate in cis-4-methyl-
2-pentene was studied in varying concentrations of hexafluorobenzene. Only when
very large amounts of hexafluorobenzene are added does the amount of trons-
cyclopropane increase significantly. Indeed, initially, the amount of cis-cyclo-
propane increases s!Ight!y. A likely source of this increase is excited methyl diazo-
malonate, which could produce trans-cyclopropane by addition to the double bond
followed by loss of nitrogen. As hexafluorobenzene is added fruitless collisions
could deactivate the excited diazo compound to the ground state, producing more
cis-cyclopropane until enough has been added so that all excited diazo compound
has been deactivated a n d intersystem crossing begins.
O O 0
0 20 40 60 80 100
Hexofluorobenzene (mol - O h )
0.88 0.33
1-00 1.00
0.47 0.46
0.48 0.48
0.55 0.15
1-3 4.4
Ph,C=O, hv (113)
were detectable.
h I.
(117) R
a: R = R ’ = Me Ph,CO, h ~ ,
b: R =n-Bu, R’ = H
C : R = R’ = n-Pr
d : R = Me, R‘ = H R’ COOMe
I1 Y
398 Wataru Ando
Av 99 1
h v + Ph2C0 16 84
I1 v 99 1
IIV Ph,CO 10 90
hV 99 1
h v + Ph,CO 25 75
CuS04. reflux 99 1
+ Ph,CO
liv 1 99
In the photolyses of the diazo compound 121, related to Meldrum’s acid, direct
irradiation in olefins produced very little product of any kind, while in the sensirized
decomposition adducts can be isolated in relatively good yields. The stereochemistry
of the sensitized decomposition is exactly what one would expect from a triplet
intermediate. These results are summarized in Table 22
IIV 2 - -
Irv+I’h,CO 26 14 86
hv+Ph,CO 26 15 85
Very small - -
-L hv+Ph2CO 17 4 96
Very small - -
hv+Ph,CO - 6 94
LJ 9218 Neat 92 8
LJ 9416 1 : 100 60 40
9812 1 : 100 70
L-/ 30
88/12 Neat 6 94
9416 1 : 10 22 78
9812 1 : 100 30 70
400 Wataru Ando
Addition of dicyanocarbene to olefins is largely but not completely stereo-
specific. Addition of cyclohexane as diluent evidently induces intersystem crossing
since the stereochemistry of addition becomes independent of the configuration of
the starting 2-butene at 100 : 1 (cyclohexane : olefin).
Addition to acetylenes gives cyclopropenes, and the carbon-hydrogen insertion
reaction is common (tertiary/secondary/primary = 12/4.6/1) lg6.
2. Intramolecular reactions
Intramolecular reaction of diazoketones also give cyclic compounds. 3-Diazo-
methylketocyclopropenes (122) are the only unsaturated ketones so far where light-
effected intramolecular addition produces the tricycle[ 1.l. 1.O *, 6]pentane skeleton1"'.
(122) 0
Ph 0
II Ph Me
/ II
Me N,
c. 0
Me P(OMe1,
\ II
C=CH- ?-P(OMe),
Ph 0
\ II
C=C=CH -P(OMe), (Reference 198)
\ R
C= C( CN) ,
C=C(CN )*
R f i R --+ R q R -
402 Wataru Ando
1 0
R - C - C=C=C
Ph Ph
h I. RI? “2 ). (Reference 203)
PI] Ph
9. Photochemistry of the diazonium and diazo groups 403
4 - Rr
&Lf R I
(Reference 204)
+ $"
and (141). T h e final product (141), which arises via ring expansion of the five-
membered ring, is somewhat unusual, since ring expansion of the seven-membered
ring usually occurs21o. Spironorcaradienes 138 (in equilibrium with their valence
isoniers 139) can be isolated if the photolysis is carried out with a long wavelength
filter ( A > 360 nm).
With pyrex filter ( h > 290 nm) the mixture 138 + 139 rearranges to benzocyclo-
heptatrienes (141) and their 5H isomers. Two possible mechanisms have been
proposed for this rearrangement?ll; a symmetry-allowed [1,7]-sigmatropic shift
(to 143), or a di-x-methane rearrangement (to 143). The successful isolation of
142, provides strong evidence for the intermediacy of novel bisnorcaradiene (143).
7-Phenylcycloheptatriene was obtained by photolysis of phenyldiazomethane in
benzene solution212. Similarly, 1,4-bis(diazornethyl)benzene was converted into
1,4-bis(cy~loheptatrienyl)benzene~~~. Benzene also acts as a n acceptor for bis-
carbomethoxycarbene, a report to the contrary notwithstanding21*. Photolysis of
methyl diazomalonate in bcnzene gave 146 and 147 in a ratio of 2.7 : 1. T h e photo-
sensitized reaction gave the same two products in the ratio of 1.6 : 1. The increased
amount of the phenylmalonate (147) is consistent with a mechanism involving a
diradical which can either close to the norcaradiene related t o 146 or undergo
hydrogen shift to 147 lB6, 215. Photolysis of ethyl diazoacetate by means of pyrex-
filtered light afforded 148 in reasonable yield and SO-SO% purity216,217. Short wave-
length U.V.irradiation caused extensive isomerization of 148 to cycloheptatriene-3-,
-4-carboxylate and bicyclo[3.2.0], and t2.2. llheptadiene carboxylate218. A Hammett
treatment showed that the reaction was a n electrophilic aromatic attack. The p
value of -0.38 suggested that not much positive charge had developed in the ring
a t the tran~ition"~.
9. Photochcmistry of the diazoniuni and diazo groups 405
I' r car r an g cm en t
(144) (143)
1 I
+ N,CHCO,Et --
"+" 0 CHC0,Et + o\ C O z E t
C0,Et C0,Et C0,Et
9. Photochemistry of the diazonium and diazo groups 407
II 0
MeOOC P(OMe), MeOOC 11
408 Wataru Ando
G. insertion Reactions
The term ‘insertion’ is rescrved for reactions where cleavage of the A-B bond
and formation of the A-C and B-C bonds occur in concert. The alternative
A. . B Y
stepwise process, abstraction followed by recombination, may afford insertion type
products via diradical processes:
A-B +:CXY -’ [A. + I
-C-B] ->
When B is a heteroatom containing one or more unshared pairs of electrons, a third
mechanistic possibility may be operative involving intermediate ylide formation:
A-B + :CXY
-C H
/ ...C.: C-J / -d 4--+ 1 4.4H
/ \ / \ / \
h 1.2 1.5
N&H, 1.2
N,CHPh 6.3
N,CHPh 8.3
N,CHCOOMe t - 3.1
X -
N,CHCOOMe w 2-3
N2C(COO Me), * 4.8 -
N,C( COO M c ) ~
H -
X - 12.5
N,C(COOEt), t - 21.1
410 Wataru Ando
Evidence supporting the postulated charge separation in the transition state
comes from the reactivity of bridgehead hydrocarbons. Methylene reacts with
bicyclo[2.2.l]heptane to give all of the possible C-H insertion products in essentially
statistical amounts23o.The product mixtures obtained with methoxycarbonylcarbene
and biscarbomethoxycarbene, however, reflected lower reactivities for the bridge-
head positions. The bridgehead C-H bonds of nortricyclene were found to be even
less reactive toward et h o x y ~ a r b o n y l c a r b e n e ~ ~ ~ .
6.0 1-0
6.7 0.7
26. Relative rate of insertion of biscarbomethoxycarbene into
carbon-hydrogen bonds186
Hydrocarbon Ratio Singlet Triplet
~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~
t Tertiary/primary 39 52
Tertiary/primary 13 20
9. Photochemistry of the dinzoniuni and diazo groups 41 1
tertiary-secondary-primary ratios of singlet and triplet biscarbomethoxycarbcnes
are 15-40 : 5 : 1 and 20-50 : 6 : 1, respectively. This fits in general the data of Ring
and R a b i n o ~ i t c h233
~ ~ on
~ . the abstraction of hydrogen by triplet methylene,
although the effects seem to be smaller. A hydrogen abstraction-recombination
process would be expected to give new products derived from t h e radicals generated
by abstraction. Such products d o appear as shown below, with the yields of the
sensitized reaction shown in brackets:
( 1- N,C(COOMe),
CH(COOMe)? + + CH,(COOMe),
(sl, +
N,CRR' 4 4 +Q
Me Me
\ /
Me Me
\ /
\ /
L Sirvle, + N,CRR' ''"t
(1 63)
M e , SA
qiMe, + Me,Si-( + Me,Sil
LSiMe, LsiMe
R R' I
R = H, R' = C0,Me 14% 33% 55%
R = R' = C0,Me 5% 50% 45%
Thus, methyl etlicrs often arc obtained probably from ylides in decomposition of
ethereal solutions of dia~omethane~36:
ROCH,CH, + :CH, -+ t
- 1-
T h e oxygen atom of aliphatic ethers has a small promoting effect o n methylene
insertion which is accompanied by minor side reactions which may be explained by
an at tack of methylene on oxygen. Triplet met hylene abstracts liydrogen almost
exclusively from the a position, giving rise to products of apparent c c - i n s ~ r t i o n ~ ~ ' - ~ ~ ~ :
C H3C H,O C H, C Hj +C H N, A
2 C H 3C HZOC H C H ,+ CH 3C H 2 0 (C H 2) ZC H3
1*23 1*oo
(in liquid phase)
I n gas phase 1.49 1-00 1-13
I n liquid phase 1.30 1-00 1a00
The small preference for insertion into the a-C-H bonds of ethers was rationalized
in terms of polar resonance structures of the transition state.
0.72 10
Go 4.2 1.3
( 1.0 (standard, primary C-H insertion)
A variety of phenylcarbene precursors gave the same E-C-H insertion in alkyl
CH,Ph 15% yield
CH,Ph 2030% yield
9. Photochemistry of the diazoniuni and diazo groups 415
With allylic ethers, diphenylcarbene prefers insertion into the allylic C-H bond
over addition to the C=C double bond by about 1.5-1-7 to 1, and with benzyl
alkyl ethers, i t inserts readily into the benzyl C-H bond.
Photodecomposition of diphenyldiazomethane in the presence of aldehyde
afforded the insertion product of diphenylcarbene into the aldehyde C - H bondcds.
H. Intramolecular Reactions
Alkyl and dialkylcarbenes react predominantly by self-insertion into @- and
y-C-H bonds to give olefins and cyclopropanes.
The photolysis of diazoethane in the gas phase produced ethylene and acetylene
a s the major products. The ratio of ethylene to acetylene increased linearly with
pressure246.The photolysis of CD,CHN, showed that acetylene is formed from
excited ethylene and not from CD,CH:. Ethylcarbene illustrates two
common reactions of alkylcarbenes, 1,2-shift and 1,3-C-H insertion248.
h I.
CH,CH,CH: -t A + A
88% 12%
CH,. + * ; Z . ~ ~ , ~ ~ = = ' / 2 ~ ~ ,
/ H e + CH,CHCH=CH,
2 .CH; -- , CH,CH,
CH,. 1-* I ? . CH,CH-;"'CH, -, CH;!'CH,CH=',~CH?
2 ^ ' ? . C H , C H = = * / ? C H , -- , CH,=CH *"CH,CH=
*/? *!'cH,
for example, the axial hydrogen atom adjacent to the centre should migrate
preferentially :
T h e photolysis of 167 led to formation of the butadiene (168) arid as major product,
the vinylcyclopropane (169) 251.
PhC H - C=N2 + PhCH-e-Ph PhCH-C-Ph
Me Me
Singlet Trii'et
Ph migration
Ph,C-CHN, "* Ph,C-CH:
Me \
(1 711 Intermediate Ph,C=CHMe
this intermediate might best be formulated as the phantom singlet state 174 of
a-methylstilbene. 1,2-Alkyl shift (C-C insertion) can also :
Clearly, the more complicated the alkyl substituents in alkylcarbenes, the more
products are expected from intramolecular insertion. A rclatively simple example is
the following:
later by WibergZGo.
It seems remarkable that no hydrogen shift was observed:
Masamune and coworkers isolated the ring-expanded product 178 o n the photolysis
of 177 261. Photolysis of cis- and rrans-3-diazomethyIbicyclo[3.1.Olhexane gave a
9. Photochemistry of the diazoniuni and diazo groups 419
Photoirradiation of the sodium salt of 2,3-homotropone p-toluenesulplionyl-
hydrazone in tetrahydrofuran afforded a hydrocarbon (180) as the sole product in
70% yield, which is a dimer of 1,2,4,6-cycl.~octatetraene
(179) 283. The compound 180
+ N- N
0 4
(179) I
+a+q-+ I
420 Wataru Ando
Intramolecular C - H insertion
-. Intern\olecular C - H insertion
A methoxy group accelerates the shift of adjacent groups while itself being slow
to move compared to hydrogen and also to alky12G5,
h CH,O
CHN, -?-+
53- 62% 6% 17-25% 16%
+ )_JOCH’+ CH,O
23-25% 5% 22% 43-55%
Direct irradiation of 193 and the tosylhydrazone anion 194 gave C-H insertion
and vinyl group migration. Rearrangement of 195 might afford diphenyldimethyl-
9. Photochemistry of the diazoniurn and diazo groups 42 1
butadiene268.Hydrogen shift was shown to be favoured over fluorine or Ruoroalkyl
' >-,,,,,
+ $CO,Me I1 I'
' )=(CO,Me + d C0,Me
62% 38%
Photolysis of ethyl diazoacetate, even in the vapour phase, did not produce
butyrolactone. t-Butyl and t-amyl diazoacetate, however, affordcd small amounts
of lactones o n photolysis in c y ~ l o h e x a n e ~Diethyl
~~. diazomalonate gave both
intermolecular and intramolecular reactions in the presence of t h i o b e n ~ o p h c n o n e ~ ' ~ .
$H,CO,C Me, 0
v 27% 44%
+ Dimer
422 Wataru Ando
Several diazoamides were found to undergo Intramolecular insertion into
p-C-H bonds of the N-alkyl groups with formation of f 3 - 1 a c t a m ~ ~ This
method was applied in a synthesis of methyl 6-phenylpenicillanate.
* Me C0,Me
M e + (
‘COCPh s+O
The 1,2-alkyl shift in carbenes has been used to generate highly unstable olefins
a s transient intermediates. a-Silylcarbene (196) rearranges in alcohols t o the ester
(197)containing an unstable silicon+xirbon double bond which is then attacked by
the When trimethylsilyldiazomethane was photolysed with a high
Me,SiCCO,Et l ’ hMe,Si?CO,Et d Me,Si=C
II \
N? (1 9 6 ) Me
+ Me,SiCCO,R
M e,Si CD C 0, E t
I Me
1- Me,SiCCO,Et
pressure mercury lamp in various alcohols, two major products are obtained.
Product 198 may be produced by a nucleophilic attack of alcohol on the silicon
centre to release the diazomethane. T h e photolysis of silyldiazomethane in ethanol-d,
showed that the deuterium \vas only introduced into the a-carbon of the ethyl group.
T h e formation of 199 might be accounted for by 1,2-methyl migration producing a
silicon--carbon double bond followed by addition of alcohol to the latter. While
Me,SiCHN, ~
> Me,SiCH: Me,SiOR+Me,SiCHDCH,
(198) (199)
MeOH 83 17 96
EtOH 47 53 96
i-PrOH 35 65 66
t-BuOH 0 100 45
- -hv
further support for the chain mechanism"O. T h e course of free radical reactions of
-- -
-CCI,+CH,N, -----+ N,+.CH,CCI, CICH,~CI,
(CICH,),ECI+CH,N, N,+.CH,C(CH,CI), ~ > (CICH,),C*
(C I CH,) ,C .+ CH,N, > .CH,C(CH,CI),+N,
.CH,C(CH,CI),+CCI, (ClCH,),C+*CCI,
diazoniethane with polylialoalkanes depends upon the reactivity of the organic
halide, the stability of the interrnediatc and on thc reaction conditions. With un-
rcactive halidcs, polymethylene is t h c dominant product (cf. 2-chloro-2-methyl-
propanc"O); with halides of low reactivity (cf. bromochloromethane), mixtures of
products of the general formula CICH2(CH2),Br are obtained281.The highly reactive
polybromo- and polyiodo-methanes give dibronio- or diiodo-methane and related
alkenes via F-elimination of bromine or iodine atoms from intermediate radicals282,
while the light-promoted reaction of halides of comparable reactivity give products
of attack of intermediate free radicals upon the polyhaloalkanes:
CBr,+2 CH,N, hy 2 N,+CH,Br,+Br,C=CH,
Yield (%)
the following set of reactions:
:CH,+CH,CI ___j *CH,+*CH,CI
*CH,+*CH, C,H,
*CH,+.CH,CI ----+ CH,CH,CI
T h e products above could also be consistent with C-H abstraction as the initial
reaction of :CH,. This possibility was checked by experiments with dichloromethane
where C-H abstraction would yield cthane, 1,l-dichloroethanc, 1,1,2-trichloro-
ethanc, chloroethane and I ,1,2,2-tetrachloroethanein addition to 1,2-dichloro-
ethane. Only 1,2-dichloroethane was produced in significant quantities. Further
evidence for the abstraction mechanism was obtained by adding a small percentage
of oxygen, when ethane, chloroethane and 1,2-dichloroethane were virtually
eliminated from the reaction products. Mechanisms involving the formation of a n
ylidc intcrniediate, however, cannot be eliminated :
426 Wataru Ando
Doering has found that the reaction of methylene with the carbon-chlorine bond of
optically active 2-chlorobutane proceeds with a high degree of racemizationZs4:
+ :CH, -- F T
(90% racemic)
These experiments indicate the possibility of a n ylide intermediate followed by
radical cleavage and recombination. More recently, the use of CIDNP has implicated
the singlet state in chlorine abstraction and the triplet state in hydrogen
abstract 288.
It was suggested that reactions of alkyl diazoacetates with polyhalomethanes may
proceed via a free radical chain mechanism2s7. Urry and Wilt found that photolytic
reaclions of methyl diazoacetate with chloroform, carbon tetrachloride and bromo-
trichloromethane produced the corrcsponding methyl polyhalopropionates28s*
A free radical chain mechanism was postulated on the basis of the identity of the
products and by analogy to the reaction with diazomethane. Recently, arguments
:CHCO,R+CCI,-X ---+ ~CI,+-CHCO,R
(X = CI,Br or H)
against the operation of a radical chain mechanism in the photolytic reaction of
diazoacetate with carbon tetrachloride, chloroform and methylene chloride have
appeared. When ethyl diazoacetate was decomposed in each of these substratcs in
the presence of radical chain initiators (such as benzoyl peroxide), different products
were obtained from those reported earlier by Urry and Wilt. These results suggest29o
that the photochemical decomposition of ethyl diazoacetate affords a different
species than that produced when the diazo ester is decomposed in radical fashion.
The preferred inechanism to account for the formation of the methyl propionates
involves carbene attack at halogen with consequent ylide formation, followed by
SNi type displacement of the halogen involved in ylide formation:
I 1 , -
-c-CI+:CHCO,R ---+ -c-CI-CHCO,R
The pliotolysis of ethyl trimcthylsilyldiazoacetatc in polyhalomethanes afforded
ethyl acrylate derivatives?”, considered to be formed froni a chloronium ylicie
intermediate followed by cleavage and recombination.
9. Photochemistry of the diazonium and diazo groups 421
30. The photolysis of diazo ester in polyhalomethanes
N &\
+ CCI, * CI,C=C
CO, Et C0,Et
1 T
CI SiMe, CI SiMe,
I 4- -/ I I
-c-CI-c -c-CCI
I \ I I
C0,Et C0,Et
SiMe, CI
N2C\ + CHCI,
CO, Et C0,Et
SiMe, CI
NzC\/ 1- CH,CI, "" H,C=C
C0,Et C0,Et
CIDNP studies have confirmed the cage recombination of radical pairs from the
decomposition of halonium ylide intermediate, but are inconsistent with radical
chain mechanism2982-2".
Photolysis of diethyl mercurybisdiazoacetate with chloroalkanes may yield
chlorocarboethoxycarbene (Cl-?-CO,Et) by chlorine abstraction, with the
resulting products then arising from reaction of either carboethoxycarbene or
chlorocarboethoxycarbene with the ~ h l o r o a l k a n eHowever,
~~~. the marked differences
428 Wataru Ando
in reaction products from diethyl mercurybisdiazoacetate as compared with those
from ethyl diazoacetate give strong support for the absence of carboethoxycarbene
in the photolysis of the mercurybisdiazoacetate. T h e results suggest that carbyne
209 may be produced from mercurybisdiazoacetate in yields from 63 to 83%:
C0,Et I
41% 12% 52%
\CO,Et I
35% 37% 18%
Hg(N,CCO,Et), hy 2 N,+Hg+2 *?CO,Et
I I + -
-C-C1+209 -C-CI--C-CO,Et
Halogen abstraction and recombination of the radicals thus produced appears
to be the major path of diarylcarbene reactions with polyhalomethanes2Q0~ '"'.
On the other hand, ylide formation plays a n important part in the formation of
Ar,CN, + CX, A f A r , C X * -t * C X , --+ Ar,CCX,
9. Photochemistry of the diazonium and diazo groups 429
diphenoquinones by photolysis of 211 in the presence of halogen compounds2Q8. The
isolation of the bromonium salt 212 lends support to the ylide intermediate which is
converted into the diphenoquinone 213 by triethylamine.
Ph,~-Br-CCI, Ph,k-Br .CCI, - > Ph,CCCI,
(21 4) (215)
give an ylide intermediate 216 followed by p-elimination. Insertion into the C-CI
.. + rc
H,C ’d C
‘ H /
.. :CHC-OEt
-> I
0 I
(216 )
bond of chlorotetramethylsilane by singlet biscarbornethoxycarbene or carboethoxy-
carbene may proceed via a chloronium ylide which undergoes homolytic fission a t
the original C-Cl bond and r e c o m b i n a t i ~ n ~ ~ ~ :
Me,S iC H,CI +N,C (C00Me), hv M e,Si CH, CCI(C00M e),
24% 8%
A chloronium ylide intermediate has recently been suggested to account for the
reactions of carboethoxycarbene and biscarbomethoxycarbene with allylic halides.
Direct photolysis of dimethyl diazomalonate yields singlet biscarbomethoxycarbene
which reacts with allyl chloride t o give 53% of allyl chloromalonate and 23% of
t h e cyclopropane derivative301. With y-methylallyl chloride the formation of
a-methylallyl chloromalonate and the cyclopropane was observed, but n o y-methyl-
ally1 chloromalonate was observed. T h e formation of ‘insertion’ products may be
explained by the formation of a halonium ylide followed by a symmetry allowed,
thermal [2,3]sigmatropic rearrangement3OC. With allyl bromide, a n excellent yield
\ C(COOMe),
N,C(COOMe), 15%
HCf ~ c ?
C H’--C(C OOM e) , I
/ CH,
9. Photochemistry of the diazonium and diazo groups 43 1
was obtained by the insertion of biscarbomethoxycarbene into the carbon-bromine
bond, whereas only a trace of addition product was formed (Table 31).
T h e most marked change between direct and sensitized photolysis is in the ratio
of the insertion and addition products.
DM A C I 25 (trace) 22 (86)
~ ~~ ~
Dimethyl diazomalonate.
Ethyl diazoacetate.
Ethyl trimethylsilyldiazoacetate.
Benzophenone sensitized decomposition.
PhCH,NMe, +
N, P h CH,- N - Me,
PhH,C NMe,
in almost theoretical yields on refluxing tetraphenyldiazocyclopentadiene in
pyridine, the picolines or 2,6-lutidine under a n atmosphere of nitrogen for
10 min 308-311 :
+ x 4
Ph Ph Ptl
N2 X+
Ph Me Ph
48% 26%
434 Wataru Ando
Pyridinium and isoquinolinium biscarbomethoxymethylides could be isolated from
the photodecomposition of dimethyl diazomalonate in pyridine and i s ~ q u i n o l i n e ~ ~ ~ .
Isoquinolinium carboethoxymethylide has also been obtained by photo-
decomposition of ethyl diazoacetate in the presence of i s ~ q u i n o l i n e ~ ~ ‘ .
1- N,(COOMe), 4
1- N,C(COOMe),
--q 1
m N -c(COOMe ),
(217) COOMe
c Hc 0 0 E t
Isoquinoliurn dialkoxycarbonyl ylides (217) and dimethyl acetylene dicarboxylate
react in methanol to give the 1, IO-b-dihydropyrrole[2,1 -n]isoquinolines (217a);
OOM e ) ,
m N $ Y e -’ m N f - + (MeO),C=O
0 0
T F O O M e
\ 0 (217c)
9. Photochemistry of the diazonium and diazo groups 435
217 in methanol alone yields the more reactive monoalkoxycarbonyl ylide and
dialkyl carbonate, t h e former dimerizes to 217b or reacts in siru with olefins to
yield 1,2,3,10-b-tetrahydropyrroIo[2,1-a]isoquinolines (217c)316. The isolation of
stable pyridinium ylides suggests also the intervention of nitrogen ylides in reactions
in which one group bound to nitrogen is unsaturated. Here the ylide cannot be
isolated but rearranges in ~ i f t . 4 ~Very
~ ' . similar results were reported for the reaction
of carbomethoxycarbene with ally1 chloride and ally1 sulphides:
N.r' (COOMe),
Wolff renrnrriurrnent
The photolysis of a hydrazine or a hydrazone with w-diazoacetophenone in dry
tetrahydrofuran yields the corresponding phenylacctylhydrazine or phenylacetyl-
hydrazone in fairly good y i e l d P D ,probably via Wolff rearrangement. T h e benz-
hydrylamines produced from diphenyldiazornethane were accompanied by tetra-
phenylethane suggesting hydrogen abstraction as another p o ~ s i b i l i t y ~ ' ~ :
(R = H , Ph, CH,Ph)
h I. , ~ N - N H C O C H , P h
H , K
The photolysis of ethyl diazoacctate and of ethyl diazomalonate in acetonitrile
gave oxazoles. It seems likely that the carboethoxycarbene formed by decomposition
of t h e diazo ester undergoes 1,3-dipolar addition to the nitrile to form the oxazole
219 directly. The photolysis of ethyl diazoacetate in the presence of benzophenone
gave an oxazoline incorporating the dements of carboethoxymethylcne, benzo-
phenone and acetonitrile, presumably by the addition of triplet carboethoxyrnethylene
436 Wataru Ando
I1 8 .
R-C-C0,Et - R-G-CO?Et
to benzophenone and further addition of the diradical intermediate 220 to
Ph-C-01 M~c.-.N
HCC0,Et i- Ph,C=O -___
HC1 Et0,C
II Me .
Irradiation of diazoacetate (221) in acetonitrile gave the oxazole 222 initially
which in the presence of benzophenone rearranges to the isoxazole 224. The azirine
223 has been proposed as the intermediate but could not be detected. When molecular
oxygen, a triplet quencher, is introduced into the reaction vessel, the conversion of
222 to the isoxazole 224 is completely inhibited. The photolysis of trifluoroacetyl-
diazoacctate in acetonilrile gives 225 in 50% yield. T h e photolysis of thc latter
PhNHCO-C-CO,Et -r+
MeC-N Sens.
I1 2537A Me C0,Et
affords a 10% yield of the dimeric species 226 which is thought to arise from a
formal [2 + 21 cycloaddition of two oxazole rings. Weygand and coworkers have
CO-Et Et0,C C0,Et
developed a general procedure for preparing P-perfluoroalkylalanines from perfluoro-
alkyloxazole synthesized by the 1,3-dipolar addition of perfluoroalkyl diazoacetic
esters to acetonitrile. Over-all yields of 227 are 35-50% 322.
9. Photochcmistry of thc diazoniurn and diazo groups 437
Ph,CN, + PhN-C=O +
Ph Ph I
Irradiation of N-sulphurylaniline and diphenyldiazomethane gave N-diphenyl-
methyleneaniline as the major There is evidencc that S=O was evolved:
N--S=O -50
__ f
Ph Ph
VO ,
/ \
Radical reaction ph,t--O-O- Pti,C=O + O2 Ph,C
(228) 0-0
acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde o r benzaldehydc, t h e ozonides of 1 , I -diphenyl-
propcne, 1 ,l-diphenyI-l-butene or triphcnylethylene, respectively, could be
In the last case, no dipcroxide was formed and the major product was
benzophenone. T h e ozonide is presumably fornicd from reaction of t h e carbonyl
oxide and the aldehyde, which reaction competes successfully with diperoxide
438 Wataru Ando
formation. Results to date indicate that ozonide formation is limited to diazo
compounds containing two aryl substituents.
Some saturated hydrocarbons are oxidizcd at room temperature when carbenes
are generated in them in the presence of oxygen329.The reaction seems to involve
34. The oxidation products obtained from the photodecomposition of
various diazo compounds in cyclohexanc saturated with oxygen
Irradiation t i me Cyclohexanol Cyclohexanone
Diazo compound (min) (%I (%I
300 29 19 ( 5 5 ) O
None 300 1 1
Ph,CN2 58 21 13 (Sl)O
N,C(COOEt), 300 1 1
300 1 1
N 2
0 0-0
II I \
Me,CHCH -k Me,CHCH 4- '0, -> Me,CH\ ,CHMe,
II 0
I \
PhCHN, -I- PhCHO + '0, -> PhCH ,CHPh
9. Photochemistry of the diazonium and diazo groups 439
Triplet carbenes react with oxygen more readily than singlet carbenes, apparently
yielding a triplet carbene-oxygen adduct. This method has been extended to cases
where diazo compounds can be converted to ozonides by allowing them to react
with singlet oxygen in the presence of a n aldehyde330.This reaction is observed with
both aryl and alhcl diazo compounds. A possible mechanism involves attack by the
electrophilic singlet oxygen at a n electron-rich centre of the diazo compound. T h e
resulting intermediate 231 may decompose directly to give nitrogen and the zwitter-
ion 229 or it may cyclize first to the heterocycle 232.
The photochemical reaction of diazo ketones 233 with molecular oxygen in
aromatic solvents gave tetraphenylglycolide (2343) and 3,6-dimethyI-3,6-diphenyl-
glycolide (234b), respectively, instead of the peroxide (235) or diketone (236Y'.
Ph 0-0 C--R
l I I . 0,
Ptl oKR
a : R = Ph (234) PhCOCOR
b: R == M e
a: 41% (236)
b: 49:L
By contrast, diazo ketones (237) afforded products resulting from 1,2-hydrogen
shift and 1,3-dipolar additicn of the keto-carbene intermediate.
11:. 0 ,
- CH:=CHCOPh -!-
This is the ordcr of decreasing acidity of the alcohols as well a s the order of
increasing steric hindrance. Photolysis of diphenyldiazomethane in methanol
afforded benzhydryl methyl ether in 70% y i ~ l d The
~ ~ ~quantum
. yields of the
440 Wataru Ando
photolyses in methanol and in nprotic solvents wcrc identical within experimental
Photolysis of diphenyldiazomethane in a methanolic solution of lithium azide
produced benzhydryl methyl ether and benzhydryl azide in virtually the samc ratio
a s that obtained in the solvolysis of benzhydryl chloride. These results suggested a
diphenylcarbonium ion intermediate, arising by protonation of diphenylcarbene:
Mc 0 3 ~
I1 I' McOH
Ph,CN, + Ph,C: -> Ph,CH+
From studies of isotope effects it has bcen deduced that diphenylcarbene reacts
with the oxygen atom of ROH, giving a n ylide, subsequent rearrangernent of which
gives Ph,CHOR. T h e kinetics were rather c o ~ n p l e 33c.
x ~ With
~ ~ ~ i-propanol, hydrogen
abstraction to give diphenylmethane and acetone competed with formation of
benzhydryl i-propyl ether. If hydrogen abstraction and autooxidation are attributed
to triplet carbene, the kinetics require the reversible interconvcrsion of the singlet
and triplet states, indicating a delicate balancc of rncchanisms.
h I. ROH 0
Ar,CN, Ar,C: + I -+ Ar,CHOR
Ar' 'Ar
\ /
Photolysis of ethyl diazoacetate in allylic alcohols gave similar products, 240
and 241, together with trans-cyclopropylcarbinol (242) and Wolff rearrangement
product (243). rrurJs-Cyclopropylcarbinol cannot be converted to bicyclo[3.1 .O]-
lactone. The most marked difference between direct and sensitized photolysis is in
+ R'R'C-C-R'
\ /
CHC0,Et C H C0,Et (243)
(241 )
the relative ratio of t h e products of insertion and addition. The benzophenone-
sensitized photolysis of dimethyl diazomalonate gave bicyclo[3.1 .O]lactone, but no
0 - H insertion product. Similarly, the sensitized photodecomposition of ethyl
diazoacetate in allylic alcohols gave mainly the carbon-carbon double-bond
addit ion products.
The most probable mechanism of the 0 - H insertion involves an clectrophilic
singlet carbene attack on the oxygen atom of the alcohol to give an oxygen ylide
followed by the proton migration from oxygen to carbon. Distribution of the
products depends on the structure of the allylic alcohols and seems to be controlled
mainly by steric factors.
The photolysis of dimethyl diazomalonate in alcohols produced substantial
amounts of dimethyl malonate, and the efficiency of hydrogen abstraction varies
with the hydrogen donor properties of the
N,C(COOMe)2 -t Me,CHOH -+ Me,CHOCH(COOMe)2
21 %
+ CH,(COOMe), + Me,C-CMe,
C0,C H MeZ 41 % HO OH
442 Wataru Ando
The formation of pinacol in i-propanol fits a scheme in which the triplet abstracts
hydrogen to give a radical pair followed by another hydrogen abstraction and
radical recombination. Both the photosensitized and benzoyl-peroxide-induced
decomposition of dimethyl diazomalonate in ethanol and in i-propanol gave
dimethyl malonate in 7480% yields.
c. Reaction with ethers. The major reaction of methylene with ethers is nearly
random insertion into the various C-H bonds. T w o minor reactions are displace-
ment, leading to methyl ethers, and apparent insertion into the C - 0 bond. The
displacement reaction with methyl alkyl ethers resuits in the formation of dimethyl
ether and a n ~ I e f i n *It~ ~is. not suppressed by the presence of oxygen nor does it
occur when the methylene is produced by mercury photosensitization. The reaction
is therefore envisaged as resulting from the initial attack of singlet methylene on the
oxygen atom to give a n ylidc intermediate, followed by p-elimination.
I _3 I
SiMe, Me
EtOEt + NzC\
-+ hs EltOCHSiMe,
+ I
C0,Et C0,Et
after prototropy methylene, is split 0fP2:
ArOCH,+N,CHCO,Et hy Ar-0-CH, -+ Ar-b-eH,
- CHC0,Et CH,CO,Et
+C-H insertion products
Ph OCH RP h + Ph RC =N -N=CRP h
(R = H, Ph)
H,C \ +c, H, COOMe H3C t CH3
0 I ‘0’
I --\
c, I
SiMe, I
CH,OCH, -I- N,C \
/ -% CH,OCHSiMe,
C0,Et C0,Et C0,Et
12% 18%
+ C H,OC H,C HSiM e,
444 Wataru Ando
Insertion into the C-0 bond is the predominant reaction of ethyl trimethylsilyl-
diazoacetateZg1a n d dimethyl diazomalonate18* with dimcthyl ether. The insertion
reaction probably involves the formation of a n oxygen ylide intermediate. How-
ever, the sensitized reaction produces no such products. Apparently complexes of
the type 246 either are not formed or do not rearrange to products.
Similarly, C-0 bond insertion was observed in the reaction with carboethoxy-
carbene with cyclic ethers. T h e reaction of ethyl diazoacetate with 2-phenyloxirane
gave a n oxetane, styrene a n d g l y ~ x a l a t e 2-Phenyloxetane
~~~. produced a mixture of
17 1
cis- and rrans-2-ethoxycarbonyl-3-phenyltetrahydrofurans3".
Ph Ph
'\ + N,CHCO,R >
+ PhCH=CH,
0 L -CHC6, R
Ph Ph
/I v 37 17
hv 1s 38
Ifv 16 25
I1 v 1s 38
If V 0 39
9. Photochcmistry of thc diazonium and diazo groups 445
the formation of a C - 0 insertion product via [2,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement of
the oxonium ylide a n d of addition products. However, no C-0 insertion product
was obscrvcd when diphcnyl diazomethane was photolysed in ally1 ether.
53% (247)
atom to give a sulphur ylide intermediate, followcd by proton migration as with
alcohols. T h e product 247 involves the Wolff rearrangement of the carbene to a
acetate in ethyl mercaptan gives products in similar yields. The radical mechanism
is probably involved in t h e S-H insertion even in direct photolysis as follows:
EtS.+ N,CHCO,Et N,+ EtStHC0,Et
Since n o rearrangement product was detected in the aromatic thiol (Table 38),
the carbene may not be involved in these reactions, and the insertion into the
sulphur-hydrogen bond might occur only by radical chain reactions.
Dialkyl sulphides afforded stable sulphur ylides by adding carbenes with strongly
electron-withdrawing substituents. Biscarbomethoxycarbene, generated photo-
chemically from dimethyl diazonialonate, reacrs with alkyl and aryl sulphides and
sulphoxides to form stable sulphonium and sulphoxonium biscarbomethoxy-
350. T h e ability of sulphur to stabilize a n adjacent negative charge
remains mi interesting phcnonienon.
446 Wataru Ando
38. Photodecomposition of ethyl diazoacetate in thiols
~ ~~~~
hl. PhSO,\-
,C- +
0 S'
+ N,C(COOMe), *'. C&-E(COOMe),
High stereoselectivity is observed with 4-t-butyltetrahydrothi0pyran~~~
PhC=CSEt -I! I
(COOMe l2
I! I
T a -% $i-C(COOMe12
A clear preference for the e m orientation was also seen in the rearrangement of
253 358.
L;C, H
-% EtSCH(COOMe), + CH,=CH,
Photolysis of phenyl- and diphenyl-diazomethanes in diethyl and benzyl methyl
sulphides gave mainly a X - H insertion, with some @-elimination products, but
450 Wataru Ando
phenyldiazomethane with i-propyl and 1-butyl sulphides gave the p-elimination
The C-H insertion has been suggested to proceed via sulphur ylides
followed by benzyl or benzhydryl migration from sulphur to carbon.
Ph(R)C=N, + EtSEt h I.
R = H, Ph
I I Et S -- CHCH,
/ \
R Ph
/ \
- CH(R)P h
Et S C H( R) Ph EtSCHCH,
R = H, 4% CH(R)Ph
R = H, 35%
(257) (258)
20% 15%
Such 1,2-shifts are forbidden in a concerted reaction mechanism. I n fact, the
accumulated evidence points to a diradical pathway3C6.A CIDNP enhancement of
the n.m.r. signal of the methylene group is observed if the reaction is carried out in
a n n.m.r.
Et 5 -c(C00Me), $
Et -?(C00Me), Et S -c(C 0C :.I e),
I ___f t----J
9. Photochemistry of the dinzonium and diazo groups 45 1
Hence, C-S insertion of carber?es is considered to involve homolytic cleavage
of the sulphonium ylide yielding a radical pair, which collapses to the product.
Intervention of radical pair intermediates has been suggested in the reaction of
sulphonium salts with ~ ~ s c s ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ .
Stevens rearrangement was also observed in the photolysis of trimethylsilyl-
diazoacetate and trimethylsilyl@henyI)diazomethane in dimethyl, diethyl a n d
di-i-propyl sulphides at room
Room Icnip
Me,S 0
1 c
COOEt Me 37 0
COOEt Et 43 G
COOEt i- Pr 31 25
Ph Me 30 4
Ph Et 15 25
Ph t-Bu 0 27
Me SR SiMe,
SiMe, SiMe,
/ I
\ I \ + \ / I
COOEt /c”c\ COOEt
Me H Me H
5-1 0%
Me ‘H
452 Wataru Ando
The x-C-H a n d (3-elimination reactions were found to yield minor products.
A sulphonium ylide was also isolated when the reaction was carried out below
0 "C. However, this ylide does not rearrange to the C-S insertion product 260.
The corresponding reaction with the vinyl sulphide (261) affords 262 and 263;
product 263 results formally via carbene insertion into the C-S bond of 261. N o
addition product was Thermal decomposition of ethyl diazoacetate in
262 + N,CHCOOEt -__f
Me H
40% yield COOEt
Et A , = C H , 6% yield
\ /
/C =c
Me H
I - cn,=cH,
y (264)
COOMe hb)
COOMe (265)
(266) 44%
9. Photochemistry of thc diazonium a n d diazo groups 453
methylthiomalonate (265) and dimethyl diniethylthiomalonate (266) via an ylide
intermediate (264)3 5 4 s 364.
R = Me, 49%; R = Et, 95%
N,CPh,+MeSSMe hy MeSCHPh,
Photolysis of diphenyl and phenyldiazomethanes in dimethyl sulphide led to
267,268 and 269. Product 267 can be rationalized in terms of Stevens rearrangenlent
of the intermediate sulphur ylide; products 268 and 269 d o not conform to this
scheme.. but rather to [2,3]sigmatropic rearrangement of sulphur ~ l i d e ~ ~ ~
(Sommelet-Hauser rearrangement).
CH,-S -Me
Ph,CN, + MeSMe -% S
CPtl, -->
. - S Me
C H,- 1 k,
Ph,CHCH,SMe t- .1‘
(267) qH,SMe
The ratio of Sommelct-Hauser to Stevens rearrangement varied when the
photolysis of diphenyldiazornethane in dimethyl sulphide was carried o u t in different
PhCHN, + MeSMe k-
f tiCHzS (269)
454 Wataru Ando
types of solvents. The striking result is the formation of a norrnal Sommelet-
Hauser type product (orbital symmetry-allowed [2,3]sigmatropic process) in polar
solvent conditions, whereas in non-polar conditions only a Stevens type product
(orbital symmetry forbidden process) is formed. Possibly, in the ylide 270, the
methylene catbanion attacks the benzene ring followed by proton migration-
hence, the necessity for a more polar medium. In non-polar solvents this require-
ment is not met, so that homolytic cleavage competes successfully with carbanion
attack (k,> k,) and the product is derived from the net orbital symmetry forbidden
1,2-Alkyl shifts of the trialkylsilyl group have also been reported in the reaction
of diazo compounds with silyl sulphides and silyl ethers”l. Carbethoxycarbene
produced in the photolysis of diazoacctate reacts with ct hyl thio(t rimethy1)silane
(271) to yield ethy! triniethylsilyl(cthylthio)acetate (273) in 38% yield and ethyl
ethylthioacetate (274) in 29% yield. The photolysis of diphenyl and phenyl-
diazomethanes in ethylthio(trimelhyl)silane afforded products similar to 273 and
E.,t -/R
Me,SiSEt+N,CRR‘ Az /s-c
(2711 Me,Si ‘R’
a: R = H, R’ = COOEt
b: R = H, R’= Ph
c : R = R‘= Ph
I (274)
274. T h e formation of 273 may involve the sulphoniuni ylide (272) followed by
1,2-migration of the silyl group involving a geminate radical-pair intermediate
275, which collapses to 273. The radical 276 through hydrogen abstraction, yields
274. Whilc i t may account for the products, the geminate ion-pair mechanism has
never been established fcr !,2-n:igra!ion of :hc silyl group. A coi;certed 1,2-migration
of the trinicthylsilyl group might be involved since silicon may expand its valence
shell, and the decomposition of the sulphonium ylide via a concerted, five-member,
cyclic transition state could give 274 and Si=C, the fate of which is unknown372.3i3.
9. Photochcrnistry of the diazonium and diazo groups 455
1,2-Migration of' a silyl group from the oxonium site to a carbon may also take
place in the reaction between carbenes and alkoxytriinethylsilanes (277).
Me,SiOR+N,CHCO,Et hv Me3Si-6-R ~ > Me,SiCHCO,Et+ ROCH,CO,Et
I 2840y0 5-1 4%
Since the carbene attacks a sulphur atom niore rapidly than the carbon-carbon
double bond, the reaction with allylic sulphides may also procced by attack on the
sulphur atom. The ylide may rearrange with complete allylic inversion as demanded
by 2,3-sigmatropic symmetry control. Thus, the photolysis of diniethyl diazo-
malonate in n-butyl ally1 sulphide gave 278 as the major and 279 as the minor
product :
,,, ~-BuSCH,CH-CH,
\ I
n-BuSCH,CH=CH, + N,C(COOMe), C(COOMe),
<S-C(COOMe), -- f ~-BUSC-CH,CH=CH~
n-Bu COOMe
A S E t
51 (18)" 10 (37)"
A S E t 46 (7) 12 (29)
43 (19) 12 (27)
X = H, Y = C0,Et
+ Mk-
X = H, Y = Ph 31% 4%
X=Y=Ph 36% 0
X = SiMe,, Y = C0,Et 60% 12%
+ N,C(COOMe), --+
I_ -I
C(C O O M e),
1 ,I--"
L C -SPh L
90% 10%
I. Wolff Rearrangement
T h e Wolff rearrangement of x-diazocarbonyl compounds has received much
mechanistic attention. Thus, photolysis of a-diazo ketones in protic solvents yields
carboxylic acid derivatives. Ketenes (280) have been proposed as reaction inter-
mediates80- 85 . In aprotic media ketenes are often obtainable in preparative
N 2 R
II \
R-C-C-R’ -+
c=c=o R’OH
-t R R’CHC0,R“
II /
0 R’
A R’
(2811 (282)
1. Synthetic utility
T h e reaction has considerable synthetic use, e.g. for chain Icngthening”:”:
A. x;HMc
R a n e y h L/l(nlH,
In cyclic systems ring contraction occurs and thc reaction is useful i n synthesis of
strained small-ring compounds:
c& 6
9. Photochemistry of the diazoniuni and diazo groups 459
/I I.
(Reference 381)
When 283 in benzene solution was irradiated a t room temperature, in the presence
of an alcohol, the product (284) was obtained via the Wolff rearrangen~ent~"?. The
photolysis of 285 gave in 65% yield a 2 : 5 mixture of $-lactam (286) and its
epimerization product (287). The reaction yiclds some compounds whose production
by other methods is either impossible or very difficult. For instance, the photolysis
of 288 is a convenient method of obtaining 6-aminoindene (289)3y5.Horner and
460 Wataru Ando
coworkers irradiated the 0-quinonoid diazoketone (290) in alcohol or in the presence
of aromatic amines, and separated derivatives of the corresponding ketene in the
form of esters or anilides of indenecarboxylic acid38e.In boiling xylene, the product
was an adduct of the ketene identified as 293. Diazokctoncs 294-296 undergo
smooth Wolff rearrangement, but only 2% ring contraction occurs with 296, presurn-
ably owing to a n increase of c. 50 kcal mol-' in strain energy.
0 &0
(References 389,390)
9. Photochemistry of the diazonium and diazo groups 461
Similarly pyridine and quinoline derivatives yield pyrrole- and indole-carboxylic
392. Photolysis of 298, through ring contraction, gives 2,5-dimethylpyrrole-
3-carboxylic acid (299) when the reaction is carried out at low temperatures.
Without cooling, 298 reacts with 299 to give the azo dye 300a which readily loses
carbon dioxide leaving the azo compound 300b 302.
a: R = COOH
rn H
This reaction can be used to obtain the corresponding indoles including the un-
substituted indole, the 5-chloro- and 5,6-dimethoxyindoles and their carboxylic
The photolysis of the diazo compound 301a gives 4-azaindole-3-carboxylic
acid which is characterized by a high stability and is incapable of decarboxylating.
Its isomer, the 6-azaindole-3-carboxylic acid from (301b), is very easily de-
~ ~ . rearrangement of a-diazoesters to
carboxylated, yielding 6 - a ~ a i n d o I e ~Wolff
alkoxyketenes, and products obtained from these were reported in a study of the
photolysis of diazoacetyl enzyme^^^^-^". A diazoester is attached at the active site
of the enzyme a n d subsequently reacts with neighbouring amino acid residues. In
particular, photolysis of diazoacetyl chymotrypsin presumably gencrates a carbcne
that reacts by a rearrangement analogous to that of diazo ketones, Lither by insertion
into water o r by insertion into amino acid residues. Histidine and tyrosinc residues
have so far been identified as sites of attack.
462 Wataru Ando
(301 a) H
/I 1, Q-J~
- co, ~ ~ ~
N / N’
(301b) H H
- Aw
Protein hy Rearranged compound
no >
(308) 70%
- -
in sill4 to cycloaddition with C=C, C = N and N = N double 3q0:
. OR
Horner obtained 309 from azibenzil a n d azobenzene, 310 from benzoyl diazo-
methane and azobenzene, 311 from diphenylketene and azodibenzoyl, and 312 from
azibenzil and a,a'-azotoluene 400, 401. There is no doubt that the a-diazocarbonyl
compounds used are first converted t o the corresponding ketenes which then react
with- the azo compounds to form the corresponding derivatives of 1 ,2-diazetidine.
C=C=O + R"-N=N-R" j
R' R/
(309) R = R' = R" = Ph
(310) R .= H, R' = R" = Ph (311) R = R' = Ph. R" = COPh
(312) R = R' = Ph, R" = CH,Ph
Me Me
CNMe, Mc,NH +o d
Me Me Me
(31 4) Me Me 0
(Reference 382)
Ph 0
p h x , N - p h s
+ ph-$==N-Ph
Ph Ph
Ph Ph Ph
obtained from the photolysis of 283 reacts with azobenzene to give spiro com-
pounds3**. Ketenes formed by photolysis of diazoketones can also add to
azomethines to give P-Iactarnsao3:
The scope of this cycloaddition is limited above all by reaction of the starting
compound itself or its primary fragments (carbenes) prior to rearrangement. With
diazoketones intramolecular cycloadditions occur preferentially at the ketene stage
in the photochemical reactiondoJn,but at the carbene stage in the catalytic process404b.
Methy! 2iazoacetate upon photolysis in benzene affords two tetrameric isomers
316 and 317 (overall yield 55%)J0s, which apparently arise from dimerization of the
cyclopropane (319) formed by addition of methoxyketene (318) to carbomethoxy-
Irradiation of a,P-epoxydiazomethylketones (320) in benzene afforded com-
pounds to which the butenolide structure 322 was attributedao7.
9. Photochcmistry of the diazoniuni and diazo groups 465
Me0,CHC MeXoIcHco’Me
0 X I
Me Me0,CHC
Me 0 CHCO’Me
1 (31 6) (317)
C=C=O + N,CHCO,Me ->
/ h t.
Me0 0
(318) (319)
466 Wataru Ando
T h e same reaction in the presence of an cxccss of mcthanol or ethanol yielded
y-hydroxy-a,P-unsaturated estersJn7.
R'. .OH
321 ->
R' 0
44. The relative migration tendencies of various
Product ratios
Total yield (x)
R' R2 323 324 +
323 324
Et Me 51 49 84
Ph H 100 0 90
Ph Me 96 4 64
OEt Me 100 0 78
OMe Ph 100 0 88
(334) (335)
468 Wataru Ando
the solvent; the ether 334 arises from 0 - H insertion and may also be a product of
transesterification. Control studies indicated that the formation of 335 is a photo-
induced process which does not involve carbenes. Instead, a mechanism involving
light-induced heterolysis of the diazo ester was suggested :
The mechanism of the Wolff rearrangement of a-diazo ketones and esters in the
gas phase has been studied by ‘3C-labelling of diazo derivatives 336. T h e results are
attributed to the formation of two different ketenes 337 and 339, involving also an
oxirene intermediate 338. Franzen applied the lJC-labelling technique for the
photolysis of azibenzil (340). H e concluded that oxirene was not an intermediateJz0.
a RO--’~C=CH
0 0 0
II h 1. II Path 2 / \
N,CH-”COR --+ RO-.’TCH:
(336) (338)
1Path 1
-C ti0
c =O
0 N, 0
I1 I, I
.. 460,:
> Ph,C='C=O
By t h e same technique, 28-32% oxirene participation (path 2) was indicated in the
gas-phase photolytic decomposition of methyl and ethyl diazoacetate (336).
Molecular orbital calculations suggest that ketene is more stable than the isomeric
oxirene o r formyl carbene by c. 70 kcal mol-l 421.
Ti 0
(1 "
An experiment with IJC-labelled a-diazohornoadamanrnnonc (341) yielded only
the acid 342. N o radioactivity could be found in t h e carbon dioxide upon oxidative
decarbonylation, and hence the oxirene 343 did not intervene in any way in this
reaction4??. The photolysis of 2-dia~o-l-'~C-naphthalen-l(2H)-one (344) yields
470 Wataru Ando
indene-1-carboxylic acid containing all the label in the carboxy This result
shows that no isonierization of the oxocarbene 345 to 347 takes place. Compound
348 may be formed directly via Wolff rearrangement of 344 by concerted N2
expulsion and ring contraction.
A test for the transient formation of oxirenes was based o n the observation that
when a methylene group is adjacent to the diazo function, decomposition to the
oxocarbene is followed by a 1,2-shift to the carbene carbon atom, resulting in
formation of a n a,P-unsaturated ketone. Thus, for unsymmetrically substituted
diazoketones, different a,P-unsaturated ketones would form if the oxocarbene
initially produced equilibrated with a n oxirene i n t ~ r m e d i a t e ~ ? ~ .
- *C
140 O
412 Wataru Ando
group migration, as indicated below0?*:
h I.
N,C(COOMe), :C(COOMe), __f C(COOMe),
\L (351 1
Me0 0
Me0-?-COOMe ---+ DC-c-COOMe
(352) Not observed
Photolysis of the diazoketone in the presence of sufficient benzophenone, so that
the latter absorbed > 95% of the light, yielded only traces of the enones obtained by
direct excitation. Thus, it can be assumed that triplet species do not rearrange via
oxirene intermediates. There seems to be general agreement that singlets must be
involved. Padwa and L a y t ~ n ~report
*~ that photosensitized decomposition of
diazoacetophenone in i-propanol results in a decrease in yield of Wolff rearrange-
ment product and an increase in reduced product as compared to direct photolysis :
P h -C -CH N,+ Me,C H OH hy P h C H,CO,CH Me,+ P h COMe
(A) (6)
A/B Directhv 2-5
Sensitized hu 0.003
Diazodibenzoylmethane (353) undergoes two primary photochemical processes
leading to 354 and to dibenzoylmethane (355)530. The formation of 354 is related to
the lowest excited singlet state of 353 and the formation of 355 is related t o the
lowest triplet state of 353. The quantum yields of both processes, (1)3s4 and (D355,
are strongly wavelength dependent. I t is unambiguously demonstrated that the
population of two excited states depends on the energy of the excited light, thus
causing a wavelength effect.
Photosensitized decomposition differs from photolytic decomposition of diazo-
t hiolacetate in that rearrangement is suppressed and products derived from radical-
?-ABLE 45. Wavelength effect on the photolysis of 353
Wavelength of irradiation
(nrn. 297 K) 355 354
366 1 0.80
313 1 0.3I
z 54 1 0.17
Pyrex (77 K ) 1 20
Scnsitized (Michler ketone) 19 1
9. Photochemistry of the diazonium and diazo groups 473
0 L : C H O H (354)
'S ----+ Ph-C-C=C=O
Y Ph
(353) s e h 0
.Ti 0
I1 8 . II II
*T ---+ Ph-C-C-C-Ph
4 ' .H.
like abstraction and insertion are Photosensitized decomposition of
diazothiolacetate (356) is a triplet process and the various reactions of triplet ethyl
a-diazothiolacetate (359) and/or triplet carbene (360) are summarized in Scheme 9.
h I. \ R'OtI
N,CHCOSE t c=c=o --f EtSCH,CO,R'
4tCHCOSEt - -eo S
? ? Intersystem crossing
/" (361)
A Direct Sensitized
Product ralio 3581361 06.5,'3.5 19/81
474 Wataru Ando
It is apparent that there can be only minor intersystem crossing in the photo-
sensitized decomposition of 356. Nevertheless, Wolff rearrangement products (358)
are formed in photosensitized decomposition of 356. Jones and Ando
that aliphatic diazoketones such as diazocyclohexanone underwent Wolff rearrange-
ment on unsensitized irradiation. The corresponding carbene could not be trapped
with olefins. Photosensitized decomposition gave an intermediate that did give
Wolff rearrangement and was trapped by olcfins:
+ McOH ,
II (1) /it w i t h Ph,CO a n d
Me-C-CHN, -(2)
I t is tempting to describe these changes in the most simple terms, that is, singlet
carbenes a r e involved in the unsensitized and triplet in the sensitized decompositions.
The singlet finds a n accessible pair of electrons i n the adjacent carbon-carbon
single bond and reacts with these at a faster rate than with the more distant
x-electrons of the external olefin.
Carbcnes that a r e formed by photolysis of diazo compound 362 are rapidly
deactivated to their ground states, probably because of an internal ‘heavy atom
cffect’. This modifies their chemistry and provides a useful probe for determining the
spin multiplicity of the ground state433-435.
Use of methanoIda shows that it is the methyl group of the ether which comes
from the alcohol, a n d no product of Wolff rearrangement is cvident :
N, (362) OCD,
A,, Wolll‘renrranscment
MeO, I
,c=c=o ~
,MeHgCCOOCD, (Not observed)
MeHg I
9. Photochemistry of the diazonium and diazo groups 475
Since photolysis of mercury-free diazoacetates in alcohol gives rise t o products of
oxygen-hydrogen insertion, carbon-hydrogen insertion, Wolff rearrangement and
‘exchange’ reactions, the presence of a mercury atom adjacent to the carbene site
enhances the selectivity of the intermediate430.
Irradiation of 363 in methanol leads to competition between the phosphoryl-
carbene and methylene phosphorane oxide rearrangement : 364-365-369, and the
equally possible classical Wolff rearrangement 364-368-372, the methyl esters 369
and 372 are formed in the ratio of approximately 4 : 1.
It is possible, however, to reverse this ratio by introducing a p-dimethylamino
group into the benzoyl group of 363. Furthermore, 364 reacts with methanol by
0-H insertion although the phosphorane oxide 366 cannot be isolated; it undergoes
intramolecular photochemical reduction of the carbonyl group to form the
diradical 370, which then cyclizes to the oxctane 371. Intermediate 365 afforded
dienes on reaction with conjugated ketonesa3’.
R,P-C-C-R -+ /I I.
0 0 0 0
/\ MeOH
I \
R,P-CH-CR R, P -C H,CO R c=c=o
II II I1 /
0 0
0 R2;
(367) 0
I I I \
II I /
OMe 0 O-eH, R2;
(369) (370)
44% (372)
R ,P -C H--C R
0 0-CH,
R’ R R 0
I 1 4
i- o=c R’
365 O=P-c R-P
\ / -----+ I I
c=c 0- C-R‘ R’
476 Wataru Ando
K. Biodiazo Compounds
Bisdiazo compounds are potential intermediates for the synthesis of strained
cyclic olefins:
/C=N, flu fC: TC
-f C"
Vicinal bisdiazo compounds yield a c e t y l e n c ~This
~ ~ ~route . led to the success-
~ ~ ~has
ful synthesis of a cycloheptyne and of c y c l o h e ~ y n 440.
In 1959, Kirmse reported the ring contraction of 2,6-bis(diazo)cyclohexanone
and interpreted the result o n the basis of a Wolff rearrangementaa1. Later studies
gave similar result^^^^-^^^. However, a recent alternative explanation is that in the
proposed carbene intermediate obtained from 373 the interaction of a carbanion
with a carbene centre should compete favourably with a-bond migration. While
374 may yield the ketene 375, the exceedingly low activation energy associated with
nitrogen elimination from aliphatic diazonium salts suggests that formation of the
cyclopropenonc could compete with o-bond cleavageaa5.A methanolic solution of
- Products
373 -
H C0,Me (386)
A mZ H F (384, erythro) (385)
N, N,
M 2 y A
[61 a+
primary products, at least in the acyclic cases. This also provides support for the
intermediacy of the cyclopropenenone 388 in the photolysis of 373.
373 I1 I ( Rearrangement
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190. G. L. Closs and L. E. Closs, Angeio. Chern., 74, 431 (1962)-
191. T. Migita, K. Kurino and W. Ando, unpublished results.
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193. N. Shimizu and S . Nishida, Clrem. Cotntmm., 389 (1972).
482 Wataru Ando
194. M. E. Hendrick, J. Anier. Cheni. SOC., 93, 6338 (1973).
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196. E. Ciganeck, J . Anier. Clieni. SOC., 88, 1979 (1966).
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9. Photochemistry of the diazonium and diazo groups 487
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The Chemistry of Diazonium and Diazo Groups
Edited by Saul Patai
Copyright 0 1978 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved.
~~ ~ ~
11. THEDIAZO GKOUP . . . 490
A. Reduction . . . 490
B. Oxidation . . . 493
111. THED I A Z O N l U h i G R O U P . . 496
This review includes a discussion of the clcctrochcniical oxidation and reduction
of diazo compounds (1) and diazoniuni salts (2), where R can bc any of a wide
variety of alkyl or aryl substituents, or, with 1 , hydrogen. Diazo compounds have
been both oxidized and reduced elcctrocheniically; on the other hand, the positive
charge in 2 inhibits anodic electron removal, and hence diazonium salts have only
becn rcduccd electrochemically.
(11 (2)
(4) (5)
5 se- C,H,COCH,
6 4 C,H,CHCH,
(1 0)
- -
10, like many other organic electrode processes, especially reductions of multiple
bonds', probably involves a n alternating sequence of electron and proton transfcrs
(Scheme 3), i.e. a so-called ECE process. One might imagine an alternate sequence
- -
R,CN, R,C-N=N R,C-N=N.
(11 (11)
11 R,C-N=NH
e- - El+
12 R,C-N=NH - > R,C=NNH2
(1 1
diazoacetophenone (although under quite different experimental conditions)lD;
and (c) diazoacetophenone (4) is reduced to acetophenone (6) in a rwo-electron
process a t p H 5 11, demonstrating that protonation of 1 leads to a different reduction
pathway involving protonation on carbon (equation 2).
H+ II+
C- C-
1 R,CHN: -S2 > R,CH* ~
R,CH- RZCHz (2)
Of course, at lower pH a single six-electron step is observed. Ethyl diazophenyl-
acetate (17) is reduced cleanly to ethyl phenylacetatc in aqueous dioxane at p H 7
(cf the conversion of 4 to 6 in acid, already discussed) (equation 5 ) l o . More
0 (4)
(14) (15) (16 )
(c,H,),cN., A (c,H,),~HN,
(19) (20)
20 (C,H,),CH*+N,
20+21 ~ > (C,H,),CHN=NCH(C,H,),
22- ’ (C,H,),CHNHz
21 -
pound with benzoic acid were found to be linearly correlated with their oxidation
potentialsl8. 20. For example, the rates of reaction of substituted diazodiphenyl-
methanes (25) with benzoic acid were found to obey the following relationship
(equation 6) 18 :
log kit = - 6.1 3E!.1t 5.59 + (6)
where k~ and E ~ . are
R the rate of reaction and oxidation potential, respectively of
a given diazo compound. Similar correlations were observed for other classes of
diazo compounds, e.g. 26 and 27. The success of such correlations was ascribed to
the fact that both processcs occur at thc diazo group, the position of highest electron
-e -
19 (C,H,),CN:
19+28 -s' ' (C~H,)~C-~(W,),
19+29 ~ > (c,H,),c=c(c6H,),+28
28+H,O --
I1 &
+ '(C,H,),eOH
29+31 30+(C,H,),C=O
281-31 (C,Hs)zC-C(CoH,), --11+>
-" C,H,COC(C,H,),
(33) (34)
R' = aryl or OR, R" = OR
coupling of two molecules of substrate a t the para position. This was established by
permanganate oxidation of the neutral fraction from the electrochemical reaction,
af;er removal of acidic materials. For example, anodic oxidation of benzoylphenyl-
diazomethane (35) in acetonitrile containing lithium perchlorate and sodium
bicarbonate afforded benzoic acid (27%), benzilic acid (trace), benzil (9%), benzoin
( ? %), benzaldehyde ( ? %) and a neutral fraction which afforded diphenic acid
( I 7%) and benzoic acid (35%) upon treatment with permanganate??. The coupling
was rationalized a s illustrated in Scheme 6 . All of the observed products can be
rationalized i n terms of intermediates 36 and 39 (which could also be written as a
quinoid structure), though other mechanisms could be imagined. (It should be
noted, incidentally, that there are many precedents for p o r n coupling of anodically
generated radical cationsz3.)T h e difference between the anodic behaviour of aryldiazo
10. The electrochemistry of the diazo and diazoniuni groups 495
compounds, e.g. 19, and species such as 35, appears to lie in the site at which
the corresponding radical cations couple: coupling of two 28 species OCCUI'S at the
diazo carbons, while with 36 coupling is between two para sites. Apparently the
electron-withdrawing carbonyl and phosphoryl groups in 33 and 34, respectively,
inhibit coupling at the diazo carbon.
-- -e-
2. 36 C,H,COC ~ ~ c o c b H S
N,f N,f
38 12)
(1) 40,
-e; c6H,,or !:ocbHs
-H* (39)
The anodic conversion of therdiazo group to an n-hydroxycarbonyl radical2*
(equation 7) (cf. the conversion of 38 to 39) can not only explain the formation of
N, 6 2 OH
II s- I I
-C--C-- -c-c- -Nz
H2° p -c-c- (7)
II II -H+ 1
0 0 0
benzoin and benzil from oxidation of 34, but also explains the anodic conversion of
diazoketone 40 to the dicarboxylic acid 43 (along with a trace of diketone 42Iz4.
$7j2 $-J
0 0 Nz;
-H +
0 OH
(40) (41)
496 Albert J . Fry
40 appears to be the o n l y aliphatic diazokctone whose anodic electrochemistry h;l5
been examined. The generality of the conversion exemplified by 40 -? 43, and its
possible synthetic utility as a means of carbon-carbon bond cleavage alpha to the
carbonyl group of aliphatic ketones (via the corresponding diazoketones) remain to
be established.
Elofson and coworkers obtained N-niethylpyridinium perchlorate (44) by clectro-
chemical oxidation of diazoniethane in sulfolane in the presence of pyridine
(equation 8) 17. These workers suggestcd a mechanism involving successive generation
of diazomethane radical cation ( 4 9 , niethylene radical cation (46) and finally methyl
cation (equation 9). It is more likely that t h e product 44 derives from nuclcophilic
attack upon 45 (or possibly 46) by pyridine.
111. T H E DlAZONlUM G R O U P
Electrochemical reduction of arcnediazonium salts in aqueous media exhibits
some confusing features. Two polarographic \vaves arc observed, the height of the
first being controlled by adsorption. Microcoulometry at thc dropping mercury
electrode shows that the two waves correspond to uptake of one and four (overall)
electrons, respectively. The products of preparative electrolysis at a mercury pool
are either aryl mercury compounds or phenylhydrazines; which is formed depends
not only on the clectrode potential, but also thc rate of stirringzc.I n aprotic media,
- -
on the other hand, arencdiazonium salts arc electrochemically better behaved. A
one-electron wave is observed i n aprotic media, e.g. sulfolane or acetonitrile,
corresponding to the electrode process described by equation (10) 2 i . There is a
ArN:+e- ArN+. Ar.+N,
good linear correlation2’ between the polarographic half-\vave potentials of sub-
stituted benzenediazonium ions arid Hamnictt u substituent constants (+ . for para
substituents capable of donating electrons by rcsonnncc). Free phenyl radicals formed
by decomposition of intermediate 47 have been identified in several ways:
(a) electrolysis in the presence of v.-phenyl-N-c-butyl nitrone, a well-known radical
trap, affords radical 48 (equation 1 I ) which can be readily detected by e.s.r. spectro-
s c ~ p yand
~ ~ (b)
, isomer ratios, total ratc ratios and partial rate factors for arylation
C,H,*+C,H,CH=N--BU-f (C,H,),CHN--BU-~ (11)
0- 0.
by electrochemically-generated phenyl radicals coincide with those for phenyl
radicals generated by thermolysis of benzoyl peroxide or N-nitrosoacetanilide,
indicating that there is no electrophilic coniponcnt to the arylation ( f r o n
10. The electrochemistry of the diazo and diazonium groups 497
decomposition of the parent diazonium ion) and that the phcnyl radical reactivity
is not influenced by the elcctrode surface29.Yields of phenylated products are some-
what lower than with benzoyl peroxide or N-nitrosoacetanilide, but the only radical
generated is the phenyl radical, unlike other routes. (Thus, benzoyl peroxide
thermolysis affords products derived from both phenyl and benzoyloxy radicals30.)
Other advantages of the electrochemical reduction of arene diazonium ions as a
Preparative route to aryl free radicals include the facts that aryl radicals may in
primiple be generated ovcr a wide tempcrature range, and that diazonium ions a r e
among the most easily reducible organic functional groups, so that a wide variety
of substituents may bt: accommodatcd in the aromatic ring. Elofson, Gadallah and
Schulz found n o t only that benzenediazoniuni tetrafluoroborate is converted to
phenylpyridines in 81% yield (a : (3 : y = 56 : 27 : 17) upon electrolysis in pyridine
a s solvent, but that metallic mercury alone can effect reduction of the diazonium
ion (87% yield of phenylpyridine~)~'.In fact, phenylation of pyridine could be
effected (though more slowly) by simply allowing the diazonium tetrafluoroborate t o
react directly with pyridine (92% yield of phenylpyridines). It was also found possible
to phenylate pyridine N-oxide with electrochemically generated phenyl radicals.
Yields of phenylpyridine N-oxides were better (35%, a : F : y = 89 : 1 : 10) than with
conventional methods of phenyl radical generation3'.
Elofson and Gadallah have shown that it is possible to effect electrochemical
cyclization of the appropriate diazonium a-phenylcinnamic acids in nearly quanti-
tative yield3? (equation 12). They also found it possible to efiect electrochemical
R R---- - N z + + q - $ O Z H
cyclization of diazotized 2-aminobenzophenones (49) to fluorenones (51) (equation
13). Surprisingly, the same process was found to occur thermally, and it was suggested
that this occurs by intramolecular reduction of the diazonium group by the other
ring (an intramolecular charge-transfer process). Depending on the experimental
conditions, greater or lesser amounts of benzophenones (52) and diarylmercury
498 Albert J. Fry
compounds (53) accompanied products f r o m decomposition of 49. Yields o f 52
were highest i n aprotic solvents, where hydrogen abstraction by radical 50 is easiest ;
conversely, yields of fluorenones were best in protic media, or in aprotic
thermolyses of 49, which therefore apparently d o not involve radicals 50 as discrete
intermediates. Finally, reduction of 49 by iodide ion in aprotic media afforded
2-iodobenzophenones (54) in g o o d yield ; electron transfer f r o m iodide ion affords
50 and a n iodine atom, which then couple i n the solvent cage.
1. M. M. Baizer (Ed.), Organic Electroclietnistry, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1973.
2. A. J. Fry, Synrliericic Organic Electroclietnistry, Harper and Row, New York, 1972.
3. N. L. Weinberg (Ed.), Technique of Elecrroorganic Synthesis (in two parts), Wiley-
Interscience, New York. 1974.
4. L. Eberson and H. Schafer, Fortsclir. Chem. Forsch. 21, 1 (1971).
5. C. L. Perrin, Progr. Pliys. Org. Chem., 3, 165 (1965).
6. P. Zurnan, Progr. Phys. Org. Chetn., 5, 81 (1967).
7. A. J. Fry and R. G . Reed, in Double-bonded Futictional Groups (Ed. S . Patai), Wiley-
Interscience, London, 1977.
8. M. Bailes a n d L. L. Leveson, J . Clieni. SOC.,B, 34 (1970).
9. M. E. Cardinali, I. Carelli and A. Trazza, J . Electroanalyr. Cheni., 23, 399 (1969).
10. C. W. Thomas, L. L. Leveson and M. Bailes, J . Polarogr. SOC.,13, 43 (1967).
11. A. Foffani, L. Salvagnini and C. Pecile, Anti. Cliim. (Rome), 49. 1677 (1959).
12. H. Lund, Acta Chem. Scand., 13, 249 (1959).
13. P. Zurnan and 0. Exner. Coll. Czech. Chetn. Conimun., 30, 1832 (1965).
14. M. E. Cardinali, I. Carelli and R. Andruzzi, J . Electroanalyt. Clieni., 47, 335 (1973).
15. M. E. Cardinali, I. Carelli and A. Trazza, J . Electroanalyt. Chetn., 34, 543 (1972).
16. W. Jugelt, W. Lamm and F. Pragst, J . Prakt. Chetn., 314, 193 (1972).
17. R . M. Elofson, F. F. Gadallah, A. A. Cantu and K. F. Schulz, Carl. J . Chetn., 52,2430
18. W. Jugelt and F. Pragst, Telrahedron, 24, 5123 (1968).
19. W. Jugelt and F. Pragst, Atigew. Clierri. Inr. Ed.. 7,290 (1968).
20. L. Berseck, W. Jugelt, F. Pragst and D. Schmidt, J . Prakt. Chetn., 312, 317 (1970).
21. F. Pragst and W. Jugelt, Electrocliitri. Acta, 15, 1543 (1970).
22. F. Pragst, W. Hubner and W. Jugelt, J . P r a k f . Chetn.. 312, 105 (1970).
23. E.g.R. F. Nelson in Reference 3, Part I, p. 535 IT.
24. L. L. Rodina, F. Pragst and W. Jugelt, J . Prokt. Cheni., 316, 286 (1974).
25. R. M. Elofson, Can. J . Clietn., 36, 1207 (1958).
26. P. Ruetschi and G . Trunipler, Helv. Chiin. Acta, 36, 1649 (1953).
27. R. M. Elofson and F. F. Gadallah, J . O r g . Climi., 34, 854 (1969).
28. A. J. Bard, J. C . Gilbert and R. D. Goodin, J . Atner. Chetii. Soc., 96, 620 (1974).
3-9. F. F. Gadallah and R. M. Elofson, J . O r g . Chem., 34, 3335 (1969).
30. D. F. DeTar, J . Atner. Clretn. SOC.,89, 4058 (1967).
31. R. M. Elofson, F. Gadallah and K . F. Schulz, J . Org. Ckeiii., 36, 1526 (1971).
32. R . M. Elofson and F. F. Gadallah, J . O r g . Clwrti., 36, 1769 (1971).
33. F. F. Gadallah, A. A. Cantu and R. M. Elofson, J . Org. Chetn., 38, 2386 (1973).
The Chemistry of Diazonium and Diazo Groups
Edited by Saul Patai
Copyright 0 1978 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved.
The influence of the diazo and
diazoniurn groups
Departnienr of Cliemis(ry, Rice Utiivcrsify,
Hoiisfon, Texas, U S A
A. The Carbonyl Group as a Model . . 500
B. The Carbanion Model: Protonation . 501
C . The Carbanion Model: Electrophiles . 50 1
D. Acidity of Diazo Compounds . 502
E. Remote Efiects of the Diazo Group . 503
F. Effect of the Diazo Group on W-n.m.r. Spectra . 503
G . Special Diazo Structures . 504
A. Coverage .
B. The Hammett Substituent Constants :
C. Electrophilic Substitution on Diazonium Salts .
D. Nucleophilic Substitution Activated by the Diazonium Group . 506
E. Chemistry of Bisdiazonium Salts . 507
A major interest in organic chemistry is the effect of structural change o n reactivity,
especially the effect of change in structure of one part of a molecule on reactivity
at some other part of the molecule. T h e influence of such a change in structure is
rathcr conventionally divided i n t o steric effects and electronic effects, although
these a r e neither totally suficient nor completely separable. A n example of the
insufficiency lies in the existence of secondary isotope effects, where the effect arises
exclusively from a difference in mass of two substituents having identical electronic
effects a n d sizes. A n example of the inseparability of steric a n d electronic effects
c a n be found in the efforts to understand the effect of orrho substituents on aromatic
side chain reactivity, where, despite strong efforts, n o reasonable and consistent
electronic effects have been found by incthods often capable of separating stcric
a n d electronic effects in other cases.
Wc c a n nevertheless begin to understand the electronic part of substituent effects
by combining qualitative considerations of inductive effects from electronegativities
a n d formal or real charges with resonance effects, alternatively estimated by various
molecular orbital methods, of which the semi-empirical methods now appear to be
500 Edward S . Lewis
the most quantitative. Similarly, steric effects can be related t o Van der Waals'
interactions by qualitative or quantitative methods.
O n these bases, the diazo (I) and diazonium ion (Xi) groups would be expected to
have very strong influences, because of the formal cliarges in the first, the real
positive charge in the second, as well as the unsaturation which gives the possibility
of extensive resonance interaction in both. The direction of the effect i s somewhat
equivocal in the diazo compounds, since even the sign of the charge nearest to the
rest of the molecule is uncertain, depending on the relative weights of contributing
structures Ia and Ib. Structure Ic is unimportant partly because it has the wrong
geometry. I n the diazonium ion the substituent effect is unequivocally that of electron
withdrawal; i t will be acid strengthening, it can be expected to have a positive
Hammett cr or Taft cq.
T h e experimental realization of these expectations is another problem. In order
to determine the effect of the diazo or diazonium groups on a reaction elsewhere in
the molecule, it is necessary to have such a reaction occur, leaving these nitrogen
functions untouched. The extraordinary reactivity of these two functional groups
makes all such studies difficult, for the majority of the reagents will attack these
very reactive functional groups before reacting elsewhere in the molecule. T h e low
thermal stability of diazo and diazonium compounds sometimes niakes i t uncertain
whether or not the loss of nitrogen has occurred before, after or in concert with a
reaction elsewhere. W e therefore lack the wide range of information on substituent
effects for t h e groups, and for the diazo groups there is virtually no quantitative
information. However, there are somc available data, mostly qualitative, and these
will be presented. T h e effect of the diazo group will be discussed first, then that of
the diazonium ion group. Three sourccs have been especially useful in this compila-
tion; the valuable book of Zollinger', the review on diazo compounds in acid by
More O'Ferrall?, and a review by Regitz3 which covers several reactions of diazo
compounds without loss of this functional group.
N- N
PhC--CCO,Et PhC-CCO,Et -t PhC0,Et
E t O-+ C =0
11. l'lic influence of the diazo and diazoniuni groups 50 1
benzoate from the attcmptcd condcnsation in basic ethanol of benzil with ethyl
diazoacetatc. Here the diazo group may have stabilized the intermediate carbanion,
B. T h e Carbanion M o d e l ; Protonation
Thc analogy of dia7o compounds to carbanions is relatively better supported.
Diazo compounds rcact very generally with acids?, usually however giving diazonium
salts too unstable to allow the drawing of quantitative conclusions. Other electro-
philes also attack diazo compounds, and these reactions also contribute to our
inforniat ion.
One reaction sho\cing the protonation uncquivocally but casting little light on
the equilibrium constant is thc reaction of trifluorodiazoethane with fluorosulfonic
acid (equation 2). Thc conversion to the diazonium salt, which is stable a t - 60 "C
is quantitative'. Some other diazo compounds are acid stable to some extent, but
i t has not been establislicd whettier tlicse correspond to stable diazonium salts o r
very weakly basic diazo compounds. They include diethyl diazomalonate, stable to
niethanolic H,SO., G , and (RS0212CN2,which decompose a t rate slow enough to
incasiirc in chlorosulphonic acid'.
At a more familiar level ethyl diazoacctate hydrolysis rates correlate with H "
up to the fastest rates measureds. This suggcsts that the equilibrium extent of
protonation does not cxcecd a few percent i n the most highly acidic media used.
The rate of deprotonation of N,CH,CO,Et has not been measured, but the relative
rates of proton and nitrogen loss come out of studies on the acid-catalysed exchange
of tritiuni-labellcd diazoacetic csterg. One can attempt to estimate the acidity of
N,CI-I,CO,Et, either by using a substituent constant derived from the aromatic
scries (discusscd bclow), o r by correcting t h e pKn of N=C-CH,CO,Et for an
electronegativity and clcctrostatic changc. This leads, depending on how the various
corrections are applied, to pK, = - 7 k 5, a not very useful or firmly based number,
but at lcast consistent with the available data. Kreevoy'O has estimated from kinetic
coilsiderations based on the decomposition of diazoacetate ion that for N,CH,CO;-,
pK, 2 0.
The protonation of diazo compounds which d o not have these base weakening
and carboniuni ion destabilizing substituents is even more uncertain insofar as the
equilibrium constants arc conccrned. Thc details of protonation of diazo compounds
and the subseqitcnt reactions are discussed by More O'FerrallZ; in general, the
expected stability of t h e carbonium ion determines whether or not the protonation
is significantly reversiblc. Thus iindcr ordinary circumstances only diazomethane
sho\\Cs exchange in acidic D,O conipeting with nitrogen loss". Clearly R,CHN?+and
R,CN2 arc interconvertible, but we have not bcen able to establish a n equilibrium
constant even in one casc within orders of magnitude. In summary, the protonation
does occur, though hardly with the facility that would be associated with carbanions.
C. T h e Carbanion M o d e l ; Electrophiles
Diazo compounds also react with other electrophiles. Condensations using base
catalysis will be discussed later, but some react without any base catalysis. Ethyl
d iazoacet ate, d iazoacct oni t r ile, t ri fl uorodiazoet hane'? and ni trodiazomethaneI3 are
502 Edward S . Lewis
nitrated by N205, presumably by way of the stable but strongly acidic diazonium
salts (equation 3). Diazomethane is chlorinated14by t-butyl hypochlorite at - 100 "C,
XCHN,+N,O, - N0,
N 0,
both by the low temperature and the very basic counter ion, f-BuO-.
A familiar electrophilic attack o n diazomethane and other diazo alkanes is the
reaction with acid chloride^'^ or anhydrideP, yielding diazoketones (equation 4).
The extra mole of diazomethane is believed to serve as a sink for the proton of the
initial diazonium salt, RCOCH2N+, rather than as a base catalyst a t a n earlier stage.
T h e formation of polymethylene by the reaction of diazomethane with boron
fluoride" is also evidence for electrophilic attack on the diazo centre, even though
the immediate product is not observed. Similarly the reaction of diazo compounds
in the absence of basic catalysts, with ketones or aldehydes, is an example of electro-
philic attack, but with a non-isolable diazonium ion productlB.
T h e perceptible stability of the arlions N2CCR is also indicated by reverse
condensations observed in a number of cases, mostly of diacyldiazornethanes
(equation 5). The mechanism is presumably that shown, and the diazo compound
formed is often t h e one which would be expected to give the most stable anion.
A number of examples are listed by Regitz3, but cxcept for showing that acyldiazo-
methane anions have a stability comparable or greater than that of ordinary enolate
ions, quantitative conclusions are impossible.
11. The influence of the diazo and diazonium groups 503
The chemical evidence is then that the diazo carbon is definitely nucleophilic, and
is perceptibly, although not strongly, basic. It is also significantly more acidic than
a comparable methyl group, although the magnitude of the enhancement of acidity
is not known.
0 0 0 0
55 1111-I 27.8 II 27.8 45.7 11 60.5 14.2 20 I1 59.8 0 . 8
(VIII) (1 X)
- 6 9 ( R f H)
G. Special D i a z o Structures
Certain diazo compounds have such important contributions of diazoniuni-like
structures that they can really be thought of as members of one class as well 2s of
the other. These include the diazo oxides, XI, which are tlie cotijugatc bascs of
ortho- or para-hydroxydiazonium ions, which we shall consider briefly in a later
section. Another example is diazocyclopentadiene, XII, which appears to be virtually
an aromatic molecule, and undergoes electrophilic substitution with facility2’.
cases. Thc absence of entries or estimatcs of one limit only reflects experimental
problems, almost always due to side reactions which destroy the diasoniuni group.
T h e nature of the vzrious uncertainties is discussed in the original papcr.
The large difference between u and U - implics a large resonance interaction between
the N% and the p - 0 - (as shown in XI).This extra stabilization is confirmed by the
low reactivity of these 'diazo oxides' in coupling reactions23(among others), as well
as by t h e rather quinoid bond distanccs shown in XIII3O. The distances shown are
averages of cheniicnlly equivalent distances in two independent molecules.
The very large substituent effect is also evident from the acidity of o-carboxy-
benzcnediazonium ion?', which has a pKa = 1-47; i t is almost ten times stronger
than the para isomer, but of course no substituent constant should be assigned.
In spite of the fact that the results in the Table weye determined more than 1 5 years
ago, there has been very little revision. T h e value for u,*= 1.76, based on a single
measurement, has been reported to be confirmed on the basis of studics of ionization
equilibria of some diazodiazoles itnd other I i ~ t e r o c y c l e A ~ . of the 'T-n.m.r.
~ ~study
of diazonium salts is reported3' to give chemical shifts simply related to u and
consistent with the old values.28 A study33 of the 35CInuclear quadrupole resonance
spectra of some chlorobenzenediazonium ions is reported to show substantial
electron withdrawal by N,+, but in the order o > ) n > p . This order is stated to be
consistcnt with the chemically detcrmined siibstituent effects since the nqr chemical
shifts are bclieved to be insensitive to resonance effects, but sensitivc to inductive
effects. A further confirmatory value of I J ~is presented in Section 1II.E.
506 Edward S. Lewis
The substitucnt cffects in the Table can be subjectively weighted to give 0, = 1.7,
an = 2 and a; = 3, but i t should be emphasized that they are only valid in aqueous
solution, sincc charged and uncharged substituents will behave differently as the
medium is changed. I t is nevertheless clear that thc N+ group has a more powerful
electron-withdrawing effect than any other single faniiliar group, and this is
reasonable, for i t combines the resonance effect of thc isoelectronic cyano group
( u p = 0.66) with the pure charge effect of the trimethylaninionium substituent
( u p = 0.82). It is perhaps the plausibility of the very large u values for N,‘ which
has led to a general acceptance of these values, rather than conviction from an
overwhelming mass of data.
allows a host of reactions to be studicd, subject only to the limitation that only
one o f thc two diazoniunl groups must react. This limitation is not very rcstrictive:
of the three most accessiblc tctrazonium salts, tetrazotized p-phenylcnedianline
allows in nearly all cascs thc isolatioli of the reaction of one group only; tetrazotized
I~I-phcnylenediamincis coniplexsl in its behaviour and has not becn extensively
studied, and tetrazotized bcnzidint. is, i n the dye industry, regularly coupled at one
cnd bcfore the others2, and \rould thcrcfore be suitable for quantitative study,
although i t has not yet been done.
508 Edward S. Lewis
Tetrazotized p-phenylcnediamine is subject to nuclcophilii displacenient of onc
diazonium ion group by CI-, Br- and SCN- 5 3 ; sccond-order kinetics arc followed
and the products, p-chlorobcnzenediazonium ion, etc., are quite stable under the
rcaction conditions. Iodide ion also reacts, but a vcry fast free-radical mechanism
is involvcd, and \ve can only say that the p-N: group accelerates thc nicchanism to
allow it to bc scen and to overwhelm nuclcophilic attack. Azide ion also attacks
very rapidly, but t h e mechanism probably docs not involvc carbon attack". The
powerful activating effect of the p-N: group is clearly illustrated, and the fact that
N?+ can be a leaving group in an activated nucleophilic substitution is also
The tetrazonium salt is also convertible to a ~ n o n o d i a ~ o t a t Because
e.~~ this is
bclieved to have thc arzti configuration, the equilibrium is not readily compared to
t h e litcrature values 5 6 , 5 i for cquilibrium diazotate formation which involvc the
S ~ I Zisomers. Howcver, the protonation equilibrium bctiveen the monodiazotate
and its conjugate acid is directly comparable to mcasurenicnts of this reaction with
othcr anti-diazotates. One determination gives5* for this equilibrium p = 1.1 7,
another givcss9 p = 1.45, and combining these with the mcasurcd equilibrium
constants5 give then for u p the valucs 2.0 and 1.6 respectively. This is in reasonable
agreement with the substitutcd benzoic acid values prcsented above.
The facilc 'dediazonization' or hydrolysis of thep-phenylene-bis diazoniuni
is at first sight incompatiblc with thc cxtrcnic clcctron-witlidra\~ingcharacter of
the N: group, since substituents normally rctard the rate of
this phenol-forming rcaction. Ho\vcver, thc hydrolysis turns out to bc pH
d e p ~ n d e n t ~I n~ .fairly strong acidic nicdia this special mechanism is suppressed
and the tetrazonium salt now has thc expected high stability.
The tetrazonium salt shows several very facile free radical reactionsG1,notably
reduction by alcohols, and i t is clear (and not surprising) that the second diazonium
group facilitatcs one-electron rcduction of the first, although we have little to compare
this with quantitativcly, cspccially since in this reaction there is considerable net
reduction of both diazoniuni groups. The details of chain initiation and termination
proposed in this study of the alcohol reduction have been shoun to bc subjcct to
a more rcasonablc intcrprctation by introducing a new termination mcchanism".
Finally, \vc should interpret again the rathcr low u (1.3) derived from thc rate of
coupling of the tctrazoniuni salt with 2-amin01iaphtlialene-6-sulphonicacids8, based
upon the value of p for this coupling of +4.26 6 3 . Some coupling ralcs of diazoniuni
salts with various compounds havc given curvcd Hammett plots6', and this deviation
may correspond to the predicted concavc downward shape of sutliciently wide-range
Hammett plotsG5.The deviation may also arisc from a shift of rate-determining
step in this known two-step rcaction".
The effect of the diazo group as a substitiicnt has been sho\vn to be not vcry large
and of ambiguous dircction, since i t is both acid strengthening and base
strengthening. The cffccts have not bcen detected cxcept very close to the diazo
The effect of the diazoniuni ion group is quantitatively cstablishcd, i t has a very
strong acid-strengthening, clcctron-witlitlra\\..inS ellect. I t is, by virtuc of its chargc,
a substitilent wit11 a strong solvent dcpcndence of its substitucnt cflect and one
can therefore imagine soiiie efl'ccts of uiiprcccdentcd magnitude, but even in water
i t has more influcncc than a n y other kno\\n substitwilt.
11. The influcncc of t h c diazo a n d diazoniLlm groups 509
1. 1-1. Zollinger, D i O i O mid Azo C/rciiris/ry, Intcrscicnce I'ublishcrs, New York, 1961.
2. R. A. More O'Fcrrall, in Advnrrccs in Pliysicnl Orguiiic C/iciiiis/ry, Vol. 5 (Ed. V. Gold),
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3. M. Rcgitz, SyiitliCsiJ, 351 (1972).
4. E. Wcnkert a n d C . A. McPhcrson, J . Airrcr. Cheui. SOC.,94, 8084 (1972).
5 . J. R. Mohrig a n d K . Keegstra, J . A i m . . Clrciir. SOC.,89, 5492 (1967).
6. E. Wcnkert, private communication.
7. F. Klnges, H. A. Jung a n d P. Hegenberg, Cheiir. Bcr., 99, 1703 (1966).
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9. R. D. G a n d o u r , P1r.D. Thesis, Rice Univcrsity, 1971; K . Ogino a n d E. S. Lewis,
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IS. F. Arndt, B. Eistert and W . Partale, Clrcin. Bcr., 60, 1364 (1927).
16. F. Weygand a n d I-I. J . Bcstrnann, Aiigew. C/iciir., 72, 538 (1960).
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18. C. D. Gutsche, Org. R e o c f . , 8 , 364 (1954).
19. E. Miillcr a n d D. Ludstcck, Clrem. Ber., 87, 1887 (1954).
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21. D. J. Cram, F/iiidaiireiiinls oj' Car.boiriorr C/wiirisfi.y,Acndcmic Prcss, New York, 1965,
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22. U. Schollkopf a n d H. Frasncll, A I I ~ C H 'Clrciir.,
. 82, 291 (1970).
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24. K. Miillcr, Clicin. Be,., 41, 3136 (1908).
25. E. W. Hagainan, private communication. Thc spcctr? a r c s o m c tnkcn by hini a n d by
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26. E. Brcitnieyer a n d W. Vocltcr, I3C NAfR Sprc/ro.scopy. Vcrlag Chcmic, Wcinhcim, 1974.
27. D. J . Cr;im a n d R. P. Pnrtos, J . Aiiier. Clreiir. Soc., 85. 1273 (1963).
28. E. S. Lcwis a n d M . D. Johnson, J . Airier. Chcrir. SOC.,81, 3,070 (1959).
29. H. Zollinger, H e h . Chiiii. A c / n , 36, 1732 (1953).
30. C. T. Preslcy a n d R. L. Sass, Acrn C,ysr., 826, I195 (1970).
3 I . J. Villarosa, E. Mclendcz and J . ElgLtcro, Tc/rnliet/roii Lc,//os, 1609 (1974).
3 2 . G. A. Olah and G . L. G r a n t , J . Arrrcr. Cheni. Soc., 97, 1546 (1975).
33. W. Pies and A. Weiss, 2. Nu/r~r/orscli.,U24. 1268 (1969).
34. L. P. Hammett, Physical Oi.gniric Clreiirisrry, 1st cd., McGra\v-Hill, Ncw York, 1940,
p. 198.
35. P. Burri and H. Zollinger, H e l v . C'hiirr. Asfn, 56, 2203 (1973).
36. E. S. Lcwis, L. D. Hartiing a n d B. M. McKay, J . Airlo.. Cheiii. Soc.. 91, 419 (1969).
37. C. G. Swain, J. E. Shcnts a n d K. G . Hnrbison, J . Aiircv. Cliciii. Soc., 97, 7S3, 796
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38. E. S. Leirjs, J . Aiirer. Cliciir. SOC.,80, 1371 (1958).
39. A. N . Ncsnicyanov, L. (3. M;ikarova a n d T. P. Tolstaya, Tc./ralret/rori, 1, 145 (1957).
40. C. G. Swain a n d R . Rogcrs, J . Aiiier. Clreiii. SOC.,97, 799 (1975).
41. R. G. Bergstroni, G. 11. W a h l , J r a n d 1-1. Zollingcr, TcJ/rohedroil Lcfrers, 7,975 (1374).
42. A. 13antzsch a n d B. I-Iirsch, C/rc/ii.B c r . , 29, 937 (1896); A . I+antrsch, Clretir. Bcr.. 30,
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510 Edward S. Lewis
44. B. A. Bolto, M. Liveris and J. Miller, J . Chem. Soc., 750 (1956).
45. E. S. Lewis and H. Suhr, J. Arner. Chem. Soc., 82, 862 (1960).
46. L. Sihlbohm, Acra Cheni. Scand., 7 , 1197 (1953).
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48. J. Hine, J . Amer. Chem. Suc., 81, 1126 (1959).
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51. E. S. Lewis and M. D. Johnson, unpublished.
52. Reference 1, pp. 262-263.
53. E. S. Lewis and M. D. Johnson, J . Atner. Cheni. SOC.,8 2 , 5408 (1960).
54. R. Huisgen and I. Ugi, Clieni. Eer., 90, 2324 (1958).
55. E. S. Lewis and M. D. Johnson, J. Atner. Chem. SOC.,82, 5399 (1960).
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57. E. S. Lcwis and H. Suhr, Chetn. Eer., 91, 2350 (1958).
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63. H. Zollinger, Helu. Chiin. Acra, 36, 1730 (1953).
64. V. Machacek, 0. Machackova and V. Sterba, Coll. Czech. Cliem. Cunmim., 35, 2954
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Conitnun., 35, 3287 (1970); V. Machacek, J. Panchartek and V. Sterba, Coll. Czech.
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65. R. Fuchs and E. S. Lewis, in Technique of Chetnistry, Vol. VI, pt I (Ed. E. S. Lewis),
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66. H. Zollinger, Helu. Cliim. Acra, 38, 1597 (1955); Reference 1, pp. 233-238.