Peter Dazeley: Name of Photographer/ Agency
Peter Dazeley: Name of Photographer/ Agency
Peter Dazeley: Name of Photographer/ Agency
Peter Dazeley
Peter Dazeley usually works in advertisement taking images for people such as Gordon Ramsey and
working for other company’s such as SKY and Argos. He also takes images of artefacts from WW2
and taking images of things such as “UNSEEN LONDAN”.
I like this image as it shows mystery to the person under the bucket and
makes me wonder why he wants to hide himself from the world. I also like
this image as the lighting shows exposure but is covered by the bucket.
I like this image as the lighting around the dog maker him stand out which
really draws the attention onto him. I also like this image as it makes me
think where he is looking and wonder if the dog is on their own.
This image drew my attention in as the shadows and lighting that has been
used on the flower contacts with the colour of it making it stand out. I also
like this image as it looks as if something sad has happened which is
showing the emotion through the image.
I like this image as it looks almost like an x-ray for the light bulbs which
makes them look as though they are on compared to the background
of the image which means they contrast. I also like this image as the
photographer hasn’t filled the image with the light bulbs making it
look more effective.
I like this image as the message that I got was loss of someone, this is
effective as it shows an empty chair with a hung blazer over the side
suggesting it has been left. I also like it as the lighting really brigs this
across as the shadowing is falling in the background and slightly on the
chair showing it’s not a sad loss.