9.man The Living Machine

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9.Man the living Machine.

1. Choose/fill the correct answer:

a. .............................. organs are present inside the body.

b. The ....................... is about the size of our closed fist.

c. .......................... are sponge like organs.

d. The liver is ....................................... in colour.

e. The .......................................... is about 7 meters long.

f. The hard part which gives shape, strength and support to our body.

g. The place in our body where bones are joined.

h. The soft fleshy part of our body which makes the bones move.

i. The part of the body which helps us to think.

j. The part inside our chest which helps us to breathe.

k. Arms are ............................... organs.

l. The heart is an ........................... organ.

m. Muscles give .......................... to our body.

n. The food goes to the stomach through the ...........................

o. Our body is like a .................................

p. Our body is made of external and internal ....................................

q. Muscles are attached to the ...........................

r. The lungs take ............................... gas from the air we breathe in.

s. The heart is a part of the ........................................... system.

t. Our sense organs are connected to the ...................................

u. All the bones in our body form ............................ system.

v. Blood and blood vessels make up ....................................... system.

w. We take in air through ......................

x. Our body is made up of many …………………………… and ………………………….. organs.

y. The …………………………… controls all our action.

z. The ………………………………….. gives shape and support to our body.

2. Write the name of the system :

a. Removes all the waste from our body:

b. Breaks down food into simple form.

c. Gives shape and support to our body.

d. Carries blood to all part of the body.

e. Helps in breathing.

f. Controls all our actions.

g. Helps to produce babies.

3. Give one word for the following:

a. These join together to form the skeletal system.

b. The digestive system starts from here.

c. This organ pumps the blood to all parts of the body.

d. Nerves carry messages to and from this organ.

e. This organ helps in removing sweat from our body.

f. The human body has total bones in their body.

g. This organ helps in broken down the foods into smaller pieces by chewing.

h. The juice mixed with food in our mouth.

i. Undigested foods are thrown out from the body with which organ.

j. Which gas we breathe in inside our body.

k. Which gas we breathe out from our body.

l. Which organ filled with air when we breathe in.

m. Which part of our body transport gases and nutrients throughout body?

n. Which part of our body pumps blood to the all parts of the body.

o. All sense organ connected with brain through.

p. This part of our body remove urine and filter blood.

q. Organs present outside our body.

r. A gas that we breathe in.

4. See the picture and name the organ and write their function.

a. 1.



b. 1.


c. 1.


d. 1.


e. 1.

5. Here are pictures of some organ system of our body. Label them and write what work they do for us.
6. Match the senses in column 1 to the sentences in column 2:

Column-1 Column-2

a. Eyes i. Mother picks up the phone when it rings.

b. Ear ii. Neera switches off the gas as the food starts burning.

c. Tongue iii. Mohan waits to cross the road as there is a car coming.

d. Nose iv. Seema pulls herself back as her sister tickles her.

e. Skin v. Rohan does not want to drink the bitter medicine.

7. Observe the pictures and answer the related questions:

a. Name this organ. ......................................

b. Name the tube like structure that carries food from them mouth to this organ, ....................................

c. Which system does this organ belong to? .....................................

d. Write the function of the same.



8. Look at the picture and answer these questions:

A. Cotton Plug B. Pipe C.Balloon

a. Which part of the breathing system do A, B, and C represent?

A............................. B. .................................. C........................

b. What happens when you blow air into the pipe?


b. Name the gases that we inhale and exhale.


9. Answer these questions:

a. Ranjit observed that a piece of bread tastes sweet after it has been chewed for some time. How can

you explain this observation?



b. The heart is a very delicate organ in your chest. But if you hit your chest the heart does not get

damaged. Why?



c. Samir has eaten a piece a pizza. Discribe the part it would take from Samirs mouth down.



d. Anita has a pain in her ear. What should she do?



e. A little dust has fallen into Mohan’s eye. What should he do?



10. Hots:

A. We eat food three to four times in a day, but we breath all the time . Why?


B. A baby has more than 300 bones at the time of birth. How many bones do adults have? How does this




C. Radha always covers her face with a blanket while sleeping. Her mother always shouts at her for this.

Can you tell Radha the reason for this?



D. What are the bad effects of smoking cigarette?



11. Think and answer the following questions:

1. You are standing outside in the daytime. If you suddenly enter a dark room you cannot see anything in

the beginning. Why does this happen?




2. How can you protect your brain from damage when you are riding a bicycle?



3. Seema’s mother was not well. She was kept in the ICU in nearby hospital. Can you tell what is an ICU?



4. An old man was trying to cross the road with a white stick. Will you go to help him? What do you think is

wrong with him?



5. If one system of our body fails to perform its function?



6. You had one bone from top to bottom.



7. The air that we breathe in is pure while the air that we breathe out is impure. Why?



8. Just as car cannot work without engine our body cannot work without it can you tell the name of the

organ? How does it help us?



9. Which organs of our body get affected due to smoke and tobacco?



10. Why should not we cover our face while sleeping?



11. Why is it essential to do exercise regularly?



12. Answer the following questions:

I. How does the brain help us to seeing things?




II. How does the skeleton help us?




III. What happens to the food when it enters our stomach?




IV. What is the function of the heart?




V. What is the function of the liver?




VI. What work does the nervous system do?




VII. Which are the organs to the excretory system?




VIII. What is the function of blood in our body?




IX. What will happen if our heart stops pumping the blood?



X. What must we do to keep ourselves fit?




XI. How does our body work like a machine?




XII. How does our brain identify different types of messages?




XIII. If there were no muscles would we be able to move our body with the help of bones only? Give reason.




13. Answer the following questions and label it:

a. Identify the given orange system: …………………………………………………………………………

b. Write its function



c. Show the journey of sandwich by completing the flowchart given below

Food Pipe

14. Choose the correct option:

a. The eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin are ……………………………………………………….

i. internal organs ii. Sense organs iii. systems

b. ………………………….. purify the blood and removes urine.

i. kidneys ii. Lungs iii. Liver

c. What is the function of the saliva in our mouth

i. make the food smooth ii. Make the food hard iii. Make the food solid.

15. Complete the following table:

Sr No. System Main organs Function

1. Excretory System

2. Brain, Spinal cord, Nerves

3. Carries blood to all parts of


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