The Acute Management of Facial Fracture

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The key takeaways are that facial fractures can lead to functional and esthetical deficits if not treated properly. Prompt evaluation and appropriate acute management based on fracture type and location is important.

The most frequent causes of facial fractures are motor vehicle collisions, interpersonal violence, falls, and sports-related accidents. Their prevalence depends on geographical location.

The most common facial fractures are nasal fractures, followed by dentoalveolar fractures, mandibular fractures, midface fractures, and orbital floor fractures.

Curr Trauma Rep (2016) 2:55–65

DOI 10.1007/s40719-016-0040-4


The Acute Management of Facial Fractures

Anne-Frederique Chouinard 1 & Maria J. Troulis 1 & Edward T. Lahey 1

Published online: 15 April 2016

# Springer International Publishing AG 2016

Abstract Facial fractures lead to functional and esthetical prevalence is geographically dependent. MVCs are the most
deficits if not treated properly. Appropriate acute management important mechanism worldwide. More recently, in North
of facial fractures must be based on prompt and thorough America and Europe, an increase in IPV is noted [2]. Nasal
evaluation. Some fractures are best treated in a delayed fash- fractures are the most frequent, followed by dentoalveolar and
ion; others represent real emergencies and need to be treated mandibular fractures, midface and orbital floor fractures, and
within 24 h of trauma. Different types of reduction and fixa- then frontal sinus [3].
tion exist depending on the age of the patient, the location and Concomitant injuries occur in about 16−35 % of cases with
type of fracture, and on the surgeon’s preference. maxillofacial injuries [4–6]. Depending on the population,
orthopedic injuries represent about 50−64 % of these associ-
Keywords Facial fracture . Fractures . Facial reconstruction . ated injuries with head injuries representing about 16−54 % of
Facial trauma them; next come after the cutaneous, the cervical spine, and
the pulmonary injuries [4–8]. Patients with multiple facial
fractures are more likely to have a concomitant head injury
(66 to 89 %) compared to patients with a single facial fracture
In maxillofacial trauma, airway assessment represents a
Facial fractures occur most commonly in males in the third
key part of the clinical examination. Upper airway obstruction
decade of life [1]. The most frequent causes of facial fractures
can be secondary to hemorrhage, edema, displaced or commi-
are motor vehicle collision (MVC), interpersonal violence
nuted fractures, and foreign bodies such as dentures. Securing
(IPV), falls, and sports-related accidents. Their respective
the airway needs to be addressed prior to any other evaluation/
treatment as per ATLS guidelines. Clinical examination
and computed tomography imaging are the gold stan-
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Fracture Considerations dards in the diagnosis, planning, and management of
for the General Surgeon maxillofacial fractures [10].

* Anne-Frederique Chouinard
[email protected]
Roles of Antibiotics
Maria J. Troulis
[email protected] The use of antibiotics in maxillofacial fractures remains con-
troversial. When considering antibiotic therapy, the risks fac-
Edward T. Lahey
[email protected]
tors for infection need to be assessed. There are no questions
about the necessity of antibiotics during the perioperative time
Department of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, Massachusetts General
[11, 12•] and in the presence of an infected wound [13]. The
Hospital, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, 55 Fruit Street, Warren practice of protracted courses of pre- and postoperative anti-
1201, Boston, MA 02114, USA biotics despite the lack of supporting evidence persists. This
56 Curr Trauma Rep (2016) 2:55–65

practice should be rethought given the increase in antibiotic Mandible

resistance and antibiotic-associated complications such as
Clostridium difficile colitis. Cephazolin and clindamycin are Clinical Signs and Symptoms
the two antibiotics more frequently used in the perioperative
period [12•]. The most frequent clinical sign associated with mandibular
In general, facial fractures are at low risk of postoperative fractures is malocclusion. Mucosal lacerations, bleeding from
infection. The midface as well as the condylar head of the the tooth sulcus at the fracture location, and gingival ecchy-
mandible are at low risk of postoperative infection as com- mosis are signs of a fracture that should alert the clinician
pared to the angle, body, and symphysis of the mandible when there is no apparent malocclusion. Dentoalveolar trau-
(tooth-bearing segments) [11, 14]. ma is often observed with mandibular fractures. Other signs
A distinction to be made is Bopen^ versus Bclosed^ include trismus, pain with mastication, floor of the mouth
fracture. Open jaw (maxilla and mandible) fractures are hematoma, facial asymmetry, and paresthesia of the third tri-
contaminated by saliva through the sulcus of the teeth geminal division [23].
or mucosal lacerations. These fractures may benefit
from antibiotic coverage to prevent postoperative infec- Fracture Description
tion [13]. A systematic review conducted by Andreasen
showed a lower infection rate for mandibular fractures Mandibular fractures are the second most frequent fracture of
that were put on a short-term antibiotic regimen (less the maxillofacial skeleton after nasal fractures [24]. Low-
than 48 h peri- and postoperatively) [14]. Longer post- velocity blunt injuries are the most common cause of mandib-
operative antibiotic therapy has not been proven benefi- ular fractures [25]. Angle fractures are the most frequent
cial and may lead to drug complications [15–17]. (27 %) followed by the symphysis (21 %), condyle/
For midface fractures, as the sinuses are thought to be a subcondyle (18 %), and body (16 %) fractures. Single site
source of contamination, some surgeons prescribe prophylac- fracture and multiple site fractures are equally distributed
tic antibiotics to prevent orbital cellulitis and wound infection. among all the mandibular fractures [25].
To date, no proven benefits exist in the literature [12•, 18]. Mandibular fractures can be classified as (1) open versus
Sinus precautions such as no nose blowing, sneezing with an closed, (2) displaced versus nondisplaced, (3) simple versus
open mouth, and avoidance of straws may prove to be most complex versus greenstick, and (4) anatomically by site or
important. favorable versus unfavorable. Mandibular fractures may not
have skin/mucosal openings, but if the fracture is through
periodontal ligament, it is considered an open fracture. The
masseter, pterygoid, and suprahyoid muscles attach to the
Acute Versus Delayed Reconstruction mandible. Depending on the location and the angulation of
the fracture, these muscles, by their action, can displace unfa-
Acute treatment is done within 72 h after trauma. Immediate vorably the bony fragments or they can help keep the frag-
reconstruction is done within 2 weeks and delayed reconstruc- ments aligned. This aspect has to be considered when choos-
tion is considered at any time after 2 weeks. The timing for ing the appropriate reduction technique. In bilateral body frac-
repair relies mostly on surgeon’s preference, hospital re- tures of atrophic mandibles, the muscle pull can lead to airway
sources, and the clinical presentation [19, 20]. collapse secondary to displacement of fragments (the so-
Acute reconstruction is indicated in orbital fractures called bucket handle fracture).
with muscle entrapment to prevent muscle atrophy.
Airway compromise and hemorrhage are also indications Indications for Reduction
for acute reduction. In mandibular open fractures,
delaying repair may increase bacterial load and osseous General goals of reduction are to restore the proper function
devascularization, so early immobilization is recom- such as chewing and speaking, to stabilize and correct the
mended [21]. In other fractures such as zygomatic frac- occlusion, to obtain pain-free mandibular range of motion,
tures, a short delay in the reconstruction may be advan- to restore the premorbid mandibular contour, and to offer
tageous; edema of the overlying soft tissue may mini- enough stability to ensure bony union and decrease infection
mize the appearance of the defect [22]. risk [26].
Following bone consolidation of non-reduced facial frac-
tures, reconstruction becomes a surgical challenge requiring Treatment Options
use of osteotomies and/or onlay grafts. Primary repair usually
offers best functional recovery as well to Beasier^ repair Mandibular fractures are most commonly treated by (1) closed
(Fig. 1). reduction with maxillomandibular fixation; (2) observation
Curr Trauma Rep (2016) 2:55–65 57

Fig. 1 Patient had inadequate primary reduction. Revision surgery with midface and mandibular widening as a result of inappropriate reduction.
planned osteotomies was necessary to correct his facial appearance. a Pre- d Post-operative frontal view demonstrating narrowing of facial skeleton.
operative lateral view showing midface and mandibular anterior-posterior e, f Post-operative lateral views of revision surgery showing the different
deficiency. b Post-operative lateral view showing improvement of facial necessary osteotomies
profile. c Pre-operative frontal view 3D reconstruction scan showing

with diet/activity modification, and (3) open reduction with or lateral extracapsular displacement, impossibility of
internal fixation. Choice selection between these techniques obtaining proper occlusion with closed technique or condylar
depends on surgeon preference, anatomical characteristics, fractures associated with midface fractures. For subcondylar
types of fracture, or patient request/specificity. fractures, minimally invasive open reduction technique is pos-
Closed reduction is most frequently indicated in grossly sible with the endoscopic approach [28–31] (Fig. 3).
comminuted fractures, condylar head fracture to preserve
blood supply to the fragments, and subcondylar fractures.
Most other mandibular fractures can be treated in this fashion Reduction/Immobilization Techniques
as long as enough stable teeth are present on both sides of the
fracture. Some nondisplaced or incomplete fracture can be Dental occlusion serves as a landmark to guide fracture treat-
treated with blenderized diet. Regular follow-ups are manda- ment. With closed reduction, occlusion is reestablished and
tory to make sure the fracture is stable. Open reduction with maintained with maxillomandibular fixation. Immobilization
internal fixation is indicated in patients in which is maintained for an average period of 4 to 8 weeks, usually
maxillomandibular fixation is contraindicated, in severely with arch bars. Closed reduction can be obtained with local
atrophic edentulous cases and in fractures not adequately re- anesthesia but open reduction usually requires a general anes-
duced with closed reduction (Fig. 2). Specific indications for thesia. In open reduction, maxillomandibular fixation is used
open reduction of subcondylar fractures have been described as an aid for appropriate anatomical reduction of bony
by Zyde and Kent [27] and more recently by Ellis [26]. They segments. Depending on the type of internal fixation
are displacement of the condyle into the middle cranial fossa used, usually titanium plates and screws (wire internal
58 Curr Trauma Rep (2016) 2:55–65

fixation has been phased out), intermaxillary fixation

may be removed following fixation.

Orbital Fractures

Clinical Signs and Symptoms

Clinical signs of orbital fractures are periorbital edema and

ecchymosis, conjunctival hemorrhage, limited extraocular
movements, diplopia, and paresthesia of the infraorbital nerve
distribution. Once most of the edema has resolved,
enophthalmos and vertical dystopia can be seen when a sig-
nificant bone defect is present. Immediately following orbital
trauma without entrapment, diplopia is most likely due to
edema or muscle contusion. If the double vision persists for
more than 2 weeks, it is more likely secondary to the orbital
Fig. 2 a Panoramic radiograph of left parasymphysis mandibular
wall fracture and the new globe position. In trapdoor fracture
fracture associated with dentoalveolar trauma. b Post-operative panoram- with muscle entrapment, limitations in the extraocular move-
ic radiograph of the same patient after open reduction with internal ments (vertical restriction) with significant pain with eye
fixation movement are the most common clinical sign. In rare orbital

Fig. 3 a Panoramic radiograph of

bilateral subcondylar fracture, left
side fracture pointed with arrow.
b Intra-operative endoscopic view
of the same patient during open
reduction and internal fixation of
left subcondylar fracture. c Post-
operative panoramic radiograph
of the same patient after endo-
scopically assisted open reduction
with internal fixation of left
subcondylar fracture
Curr Trauma Rep (2016) 2:55–65 59

entrapment cases, patients can become bradycardic and nau- are to support the globe and to recreate adequate orbit
seous secondary to oculocardiac reflex. volume.

Fracture Description
Midface Fractures
Orbital wall fractures occur from raised intraorbital pressure
and are theorized to be a protective mechanism preventing Clinical Signs
compression of the globe during trauma. The most commonly
affected walls are the thinnest ones, the floor and the medial Midface fractures include the orbital fractures as previ-
wall. There are two types of orbital floor fractures: the orbital ously described, the Lefort fractures, the zygomatic
blowout fracture which leaves a defect due to bone displace- complex fractures, the nasal fractures, and the naso-
ment or a trapdoor fracture where the fractured segments re- orbito-ethmoidal (NOE) fractures. Edema and facial
gain their original position, trapping some of the orbital con- asymmetry are the most common clinical signs of
tent, such as fat or muscle. Muscle entrapment represents a midface fractures. Lefort 1 fractures most commonly
surgical emergency and requires prompt treatment. This type present with an anterior open bite. Mandibular maximal
of fracture occurs more frequently in children because of the opening can be limited in cases where the zygomatic
more elastic property of bones in this population. arch is depressed and is impinging the rotational move-
ment of the coronoid process. Nasal deviation, septal
hematoma, telecanthus, and epistaxis are signs of nasal
Indications for Reduction
complex fractures. Infraorbital nerve paresthesia is fre-
quent with all midface fractures [23].
Acute treatment is indicated in cases of trapdoor frac-
tures with symptomatic diplopia and incarcerated muscle
to prevent muscle necrosis. In the presence of a Zygomaticomaxillary Complex
nonresolving oculocardiac reflex, acute repair is also
mandatory. The presence of enophthalmos greater than Fracture Description
2 mm and/or a radiological defect size greater than
50 % of the floor justify an acute reconstruction in The zygoma articulates with maxillary, frontal, sphenoi-
blowout fracture [32, 33•]. Orbital volume can be eval- dal, and temporal bones via the zygomatic arch creating
uated with a CT scan. A volume change of over 8 % the zygomaticomaxillary complex (ZMC). Because of its
(around 2 mL) usually implies a poor outcome. One geometry, ZMC displacement tends to be in a pivoting
milliliter of increased orbital volume results in 1 mm fashion creating flattening and depression of the cheek-
of enophthalmos [34]. bone or increasing projection of the lateral orbital rim.
Reconstruction is normally within 2 weeks after trauma.
Indications are persistent symptomatic diplopia, delayed Indications for Reduction
enophthalmos greater than 2 mm in the anteroposterior direc-
tion, and progressive infraorbital nerve hyperesthesia [32]. Indications for reduction of ZMC fractures alone are cos-
When no functional or esthetic deficits are present 2 weeks metics except in cases where there is a mechanical blockage
after the injury, observation is an appropriate fracture manage- limiting mouth opening between the zygomatic arch which is
ment [32]. medially displaced and the coronoid process.

Reduction Techniques Reduction Techniques

Different approaches through skin or conjunctiva are ZMC fractures can be treated with open or closed re-
possible to access the orbit. More recently, endoscopic duction depending on the degree of displacement and on
approach via the maxillary sinus has been described the mobility post-reduction. ZMC can be fixed at 1, 2,
[35, 36]. Because orbital bone walls are very thin, most or 3 points (fronto-zygomatic suture, inferior orbital rim,
of the time, implant reconstruction is more appropriate and zygomaticomaxillary buttress) with osteosynthesis
than simple reduction of the fracture. Different kinds of plates (Fig. 4). The zygomaticosphenoid suture actually
implants are available such as titanium mesh, porous provides the best indication for reduction but is rarely a
polyethylene implant, silicone sheeting, autogenous car- site of fixation. A combination of approaches allows to
tilage, and bone [33•]. Implant choice relies on patient expose the zygomatic bone (i.e., intra-oral, sub- and
characteristics and surgeon preferences [37]. The goals supraorbital) [38].
60 Curr Trauma Rep (2016) 2:55–65

Fig. 4 a Pre-operative 3D reconstruction scan of bilateral Lefort 1 frac- maxilla and the rest of the face (red line), type II also known as the
ture with bilateral zygomatic and orbital floor fractures. b Post-operative pyramidal fracture represents a dissociation between the central portion
3D reconstruction scan of the same patient after open reduction with of the midface and the rest of the face (green line), and type III represents
internal fixation. c Same patient with schematic representation of Lefort a craniofacial dissociation III (orange line)
fracture classification. Type I corresponds to a dissociation between the

Lefort Fractures ligament. NOE fractures consist of comminution of medial

orbital walls, nasal, and lacrimal bones with or without avul-
Fracture Description sion of the medial canthal ligament. There are three types of
NOE fractures (Fig. 5).
Lefort fractures are classified depending on the pattern be-
tween the maxilla and the rest of the craniofacial skeleton Indication for Reduction
(Fig. 4c).
Nasal and septal deviations are primary indications for nasal
Indications for Reduction fracture reduction. Telecanthus, medial canthal ligament avul-
sion, and NOE complex impaction are indication for reduction
The main goal for reduction is to reestablish the premorbid of NOE fractures [39].
occlusion and facial projection and to prevent facial lengthen-
ing [39]. Reduction Techniques

Reduction Techniques Closed reduction of isolated nasal fracture is usually the ideal
treatment [40]. It can be done either under general or local
In most cases, Lefort fractures need to be treated with open
reduction with internal fixation regardless of type. In few
cases when the patient is edentulous, the fracture can be treat-
ed with observational approach. Furthermore, in edentulous
patients, osteosynthesis plates can be difficult due to the atro-
phic nature of the maxillary bones.
Open reduction is accomplished via intra-oral approach for
Lefort I. In cases of Lefort II, different surgical approaches are
necessary to access the different fracture lines. Many are the
same as those used for the treatment of ZMC fractures.
Coronal incision is the best way to address the upper portion
of a Lefort III fracture. An intra-oral incision is still usually
necessary in Lefort II and III fractures.

Nasal Complex Fractures

Fracture Description Fig. 5 Different types of NOE fractures. Type I represented on patient
left side: a single-segment central fragment, Type II represented on patient
right side: comminuted fracture without avulsion of the medial canthal
Nasal complex fracture can be as simple as isolated nasal bone ligament, Type III comminuted fracture with avulsion of the medial
fracture to NOE fractures with avulsion of the medial canthal canthal ligament
Curr Trauma Rep (2016) 2:55–65 61

anesthesia with no significant difference between the two Indications for Reduction
techniques [41]. Open reduction with internal fixation is the
standard treatment for NOE fractures [39]. Adequate reduc- Goals for any treatment of frontal sinus fracture are to prevent
tion of the maxillary-frontal buttress and repositioning of the early and late complications such as sinusitis, mucocele, men-
medial orbital wall is treatment key to correct the telecanthus ingitis, cerebral abscess, and frontal deformity [42]. The treat-
often seen with these fractures. When necessary, reinsertion of ment choice is based on three main variables: the amount of
the medial canthal ligament is done with suture or wire. dislocation, the presence of a cerebrospinal fluid leak, and the
nasofrontal outflow system integrity [43]. With isolated ante-
rior table fractures, indications for surgical treatment are main-
ly cosmetics. Recently, a quantitative amount of dislocation
Frontal Sinus has been analyzed in several studies. The studies indicate that
fracture displacement of 4−5 mm or greater should be treated
Clinical Signs surgically [43, 45•] (Fig. 6). A smaller displacement needs to
be evaluated clinically for any esthetic impact and for the
Common signs are frontal and orbital ecchymosis, skin presence of nasofrontal duct injury and cerebrospinal fluid
laceration, swelling, subcutaneous emphysema, and fron- leakage, which would justify surgical repair. In posterior table
tal hypoesthesia [42]. Frontal depression following ante- fracture, the treatment goal is to isolate the intracranial con-
rior table fracture can be the more noticeable signs once tents from the sinus. This is done by cranialization. Indications
the swelling has gone down. Fracture of the posterior are presence of cerebrospinal fluid leakage and displaced pos-
table may cause cerebrospinal fluid leaks. Mucocele and terior table for more than one cortex thickness. When the
mucopyocele can be delayed signs of frontal sinus frac- nasofrontal duct is injured or blocked, sinus obliteration needs
tures. On imaging, intracranial bleeding, cerebral con- to be done to prevent sinusitis and mucocele. The evidence is
cussion, and pneumocephaly can be seen with frontal still non-conclusive [46, 47].
sinus fracture.

Reduction Techniques
Fracture Description
Repositioning the existing bone fragments with titanium
Frontal sinus fracture can be as an isolated anterior ta- plates and screws is one technique for reconstruction of ante-
ble fracture (51.8 %), a combination of the anterior and rior table. In some cases (i.e., delayed intervention, too small
posterior wall fractures (47.6 %) or an isolated posterior bone fragments), camouflage of the defect is more appropri-
table fracture (0.6 %) [43] (Fig. 6). Nasofrontal duct ate. Different materials can be used such as titanium mesh and
injury can also be part of frontal sinus fracture. It is porous polyethylene implant. Coronal approach, existing
estimated they occur in about 70 % of frontal sinus frontal laceration, open-sky incision (bilateral supraciliary),
fracture cases [44]. and endoscopic approaches are different ways to expose the

Fig. 6 Frontal sinus fracture. a Axial cut scan showing anterior table operative 3D reconstruction scan of the same patient after open reduction
fracture with dislocation greater than a cortex. b Post-operative axial cut with internal fixation of frontal sinus, bilateral NOE fractures and left
scan of the same patient after open reduction with internal fixation. c Post- orbital floor
62 Curr Trauma Rep (2016) 2:55–65

frontal sinus [42]. When addressing the posterior table with a delayed reconstruction. Different treatment algorithms exist
cranialization, removal of all the posterior table, curettage of to restore the facial skeleton using the different facial but-
all the sinus mucosa, and obliteration of both nasofrontal ducts tresses as landmarks. Reconstruction can be done in a Bbottom
needs to be completed. Dural repairs can also be necessary. up^ (mandible to frontal bone) or Btop down^ (frontal bone to
Different obliteration materials are used such as fat autograft, mandible) approach, unit by unit (frontal bar, ZMC, NOE
muscle, pericranium, corticocancellous bone, hydroxyapatite complex, maxilla, dentoalveolar complex, mandible)
cement, or a combination of these [48]. [50–53]. The occlusion gives a reference for the width and
the vertical and horizontal planes. Starting from a stable area
to an unstable one is advocated.

Panfacial fractures result from high-energy mechanisms such Pediatric Facial Fractures
as motor vehicle collisions and gunshot wounds. There are
higher chances of cervical spine and cerebral injuries with Epidemiology
these fractures compared to the other facial fractures. The
upper, middle, and lower faces need to be involved to be Pediatric facial fractures are relatively uncommon. In the
labeled as panfacial fracture [49]. USA, pediatric patients make up to 15 % of all facial fractures
[54, 55]. Facial traumas represent about 11 % of pediatric
emergency department visits (most of which are dentoalveolar
Anatomical Considerations
and soft tissue injuries) [56]. The 15- and 17-year-olds are the
most frequently injured pediatric group, and only 5 % of all
The facial skeleton is composed of four vertical and four hor-
pediatric facial trauma patient are 5 years old or younger [54].
izontal buttresses (Fig. 7). These buttresses are thicker bones
Mandibular, nasal, and maxillary/zygoma fractures are the
and define the facial appearance. Anatomical reduction of
most frequent each corresponding to about a third of the pe-
these landmarks is mandatory to achieve adequate reconstruc-
diatric facial fractures [57]. These kinds of fractures are mostly
tion in three dimensions especially the projection.
associated with high-energy injuries to overcome the bone
elasticity. Etiologies of these fractures are greatly influenced
Reconstruction Principles by the socioeconomic environment of the child. In recent
years, the more frequent mechanisms of injuries are assault,
The entire face must be approached at the same time. Soft fall, and motor vehicle accident [57, 58]. As the child grows,
tissue deficit is best managed by secondary reconstruction. sports and bicycling accident become more common [55].
Depending on the defect, myocutaneous free flaps, autoge- Concomitant injuries such as intracranial hemorrhage, skull,
nous bone grafts, or alloplastic implants can be indicated in long bones, and pelvic or cervical spine fractures are frequent-
ly associated with pediatric facial fractures because of the
high-energy mechanisms [59].

Anatomical Considerations

The first difference between children and adults is in their

body mass. Children have a smaller body mass compared to
adults; therefore, they receive a greater force per unit of body
area and subsequently suffer from more severe injuries com-
pared to adults [60].
The second consideration is their skeleton. Skull fractures
are more frequent than maxillofacial fracture in younger chil-
dren because their cranium is more prominent than the face
leading to more number of cranial and neurologic injuries
[55]. It is believed that the elasticity of their mandible results
in more frequent dentoalveolar fractures than mandibular frac-
tures. Their soft bone makes them less prone to fracture com-
Fig. 7 Representation of facial buttresses. Four horizontal buttresses in
red (from top to bottom: frontal, zygomatic, maxillary, mandibular). Four
pared to the adult population. Finally, because of their incom-
vertical buttresses in green (from lateral to medial: posterior mandibular, pletely calcified skeleton, internal organs are more at risk of
pterygomaxillary, zygomaticomaxillary, nasomaxillary) injuries [60].
Curr Trauma Rep (2016) 2:55–65 63

A third consideration is the dental anatomy. In deciduous facial fractures is observed. Finally, these patients have a
dentition, primary teeth offer less retention for wires and greater osteogenic potential and faster healing rate than adults
splints making fixation more difficult. In mixed dentition, per- that influences significantly how they are treated [61].
manent tooth buds occupy most of the alveolar bone leaving
less room for internal fixation with plates and screws. Teeth
can be missing in the dental arch or loose [60]. On a positive Reduction Considerations
aspect, with growth and tooth exfoliation, spontaneous occlu-
sal readjustment can be seen [61]. Because of their fast healing capacity, facial fractures need to
The final difference between these two populations is be addressed rapidly in children. If reduction is necessary, it
paranasal sinus anatomy. Gradual paranasal sinus should be done within the first few days after injury [64].
pneumatizations start around 5 years of age for the maxillary Different problems exist with internal fixation in growing chil-
sinuses and 8 years of age for the frontal sinuses. Full sizes are dren. Multiple factors can disturb the normal facial growth
only reached in young adulthood. This aspect also plays a role pattern such as scar tissues secondary to the approach, growth
in the decrease frequency of facial fracture in the pediatric plate disturbance by fixation materials, instrumentation, and
population [62]. trauma to the tooth buds. Resorbable plates and screws can be
used in the growing patient to prevent growth disturbance. If
conventional hardware is used, it should be remove 2–
Growth and Developmental Considerations 3 months after fixation. They should not be placed over suture
lines [61].
Disruption of facial growth can lead to long-term facial defor- Mandibular nondisplaced fractures can be treated conser-
mity after severe midface trauma [63•]. At 5 years of age, the vatively by observation and soft diet especially in the decidu-
orbits reach about 90 % of their adult size and the cranium ous and mixed dentition patients. When reduction is needed in
reaches approximately 85 % of his mature size. Midface cases of displaced fractures, it can be achieved with a closed or
growth vectors are in a vertical and anterior direction and it an open approach. Factors influencing the approach choice are
occurs after the upper third of the face [62]. In the late teenage the age of the patient, the presence of tooth buds, and the
years, the midface and mandible become more prominent and condition of teeth present in mouth. Plates and screws can also
their growth nears completion. At that time, an increase in be palpable in children due to their thin soft tissue. They are

Fig. 8 Different types of fixation used in the pediatric population for appliances and guiding elastics. (Baumann et al. pp. 450-453, 456;
mandibular fracture. a Arch bars with inferior border titanium plate. b reproduction with permission from Saunders [65])
Lingual splint. c Arch bar and Ivy loops. d Bonded orthodontic
64 Curr Trauma Rep (2016) 2:55–65

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