Sixth Form Sef

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Sixth Form SEF – May 2015

Previous Judgement (Ofsted 2013) n/a –implied as Good by report Current Judgement (May 2015) Good
Leadership and Management
The Sixth form tutor team is led by AHT Sixth form supported by a deputy. There are 7 tutor groups: 5 attached to houses and 1 More Able form for Year 12 and 1 for Year 13. The team
monitors the academic progress of students, provides pastoral care and supports students with IAG, including writing references where needed.
The school’s curriculum is designed to ensure that all students make good progress. It is based around a traditional offer of academic subjects. The courses meet the needs of the local
economy while allowing the students to aspire to study at the best Universities. Increasing numbers of students are staying on in the 6th Form which is enabling a greater proportion to
proceed to Higher Education. (2014-15 Year 12 saw 109 students start and 61 Year 13 students started)
Student leadership opportunities are important within the school. The School Council meets frequently and consists of elected members of each tutor group. Sixth Form students leading
initiatives in whole school with students, e.g. mentoring, shoebox appeal. The Senior Student Leadership team meet with the Head teacher regularly and take a lead role in representing
students in the school, with governors and in the Community. All 6th Form Students have an understanding that they are role models for the 11-16 school.
Achievement and Progress
Year 12 (2013-14)All
87 students started Yr12. Overall AS results (including leavers) saw an improvement in average points per pupil and subject. The ALPS rating for VA has moved from a 7 to a 3
representing an excellent rating.
PP Average Grade = E (D- all students)) APS per pupil = 192.14 (306.00 all students) APS per entry = 75.03 (85.53 all students)
Gender Male -Average Grade = E+ (D- all students) APS per pupil = 284.57 (306.00 all students) APS per entry = 81.64 (85.53 all students)
Female -Average Grade = D (D- all students) APS per pupil = 319.64 (306.00 all students) APS per entry = 87.90 (85.53 all students)
Year 13 (2013-14)Leavers
51 students continued with A Level or equivalent courses from a Year 12 of 73 who completed the year. A significant number of the student’s individual results were below their target
grades in certain subjects and this became a focus for work with students in departments as well as the basis for re-sit plans. The performance of this cohort of students when in Year 12
had required improvement and this is evident in the fact that AS levels VA not carried onto A Level is significantly weak for this cohort. Students who were giving concerns were
identified and academic mentors worked with them in the months leading to their exams. All subjects at A Level performed in-line with expectations and overall A Level Value Added was
within expectations demonstrating Good progress for all students. Given the cohorts AS results had been disappointing this demonstrated the positive changes made that allowed the AS
result of the corresponding y12 to be so strong.
PP Average Grade = D (D+ all students)) APS per pupil = 815.75 (807.85 all students) APS per entry = 182.63 (189.40 all students)
Gender Male -Average Grade = D (D+ all students) APS per pupil = 815.75 (807.85 all students) APS per entry = 182.63 (189.40 all students)
Female -Average Grade = C- (D+ all students) APS per pupil = 841.89 (807.85 all students) APS per entry = 199.21 (189.40 all students)
Year 12 (2014-15)Current
Data 2: 103 students in Yr. 12. (Apr 2015) Average grade is projected to be a C- compared to a D- for AS overall results in 2013-14 for Year 12. The overall average points score per pupil is
at 389.13 up from 306.00 in 2013-14 for AS. Points per entry are at 101.21 compared to 85.23 in 2013-14.
PP Average Grade = C-(C- all students)) APS per pupil = 370.00 (389.13 all students) APS per entry = 100.91 (101.21 all students)
Gender Male -Average Grade = C- (C- all students) APS per pupil = 379.50 (389.13 all students) APS per entry = 97.81 (101.21 all students)
Female -Average Grade = C (C- all students) APS per pupil = 398.21 (389.13 all students) APS per entry = 104.48 (101.21 all students)
Year 13 (2014-15)Current
Data 3: 60 students in Yr 13. (Apr 2015). Identified as a focus for 2013-14 in departmental action plans was the raising of achievement at AS or equivalent level for this year group.
Students staying into Yr. 13: AS Results in 2014 saw a marked improvement in outcomes. 60 students continued into Year 13 and their results saw key measures improve. Overall the
average grade was a B- for this cohort. (D+ all students) Their overall ALPS VA rating moved from a 7 to a 2 which is in the top 10% of establishments in the ALPS cohort. Average grade is
projected to be a B- compared to D+ for A2 overall results in 2013-14 for Year 13. The overall average points score per pupil is at 870.25 compared to 807.85 in 2013-14 for A2. Points per
entry are at 226.04 compared to 189.40 in 2013-14.
PP Average Grade = B- (B- all students)) APS per pupil = 774.00 (870.25 all students) APS per entry = 227.65 (226.04 all students)
Gender Male -Average Grade = C+ (B- all students) APS per pupil = 817.80 (870.25 all students) APS per entry = 219.84 (226.04 all students)
Female -Average Grade = B- (B- all students) APS per pupil = 907.71 (870.25 all students) APS per entry = 230.22 (226.04 all students)

PANDA 2014/15 (unvalidated) – AS: English Language and English literature both had VA scores significantly high. Maths and General Studies were significantly low. The new entrance
policy for Maths will create groups more suited to being successful at maths and General Studies is also being significantly restricted to those students who need the exam for further
progression. All other subjects were within tolerance. At A Level no subjects were significantly high or low.

Teaching and Learning

As shown in the PANDA report (above) only two subject areas were outside of tolerance in terms of VA measures. However some areas are the focus for developmental work and SLT
monitoring in 2014-15 due to the performance of students being nearer the bottom end of tolerance (History, Music, Sociology, and Physics). They are also a focus in line management
meetings. In 2014-15 a review to the admissions policy for Year 12 resulted in changes to entrance criteria for some subjects to ensure students were best matched to courses for
purposeful progression. Students need a minimum B grade at GCSE to start AS Biology, Chemistry, Maths, Physics, History, and Music. The impact of this will be monitored at data
collection points and acted upon where necessary.
CPD courses include Sixth Form teaching, for example the Extended Writing Group has focused on developing techniques for A Level essay writing for students of different abilities. Year
12 all undertake a 5 week study skills unit at the start of the year aimed at “bridging the gap” from GCSE to AS and this builds on summer subject specific tasks as part of student
Lesson observations of 6th Form learning are regularly undertaken and when matched with current data shows the majority are at least Good with some in areas such as English regularly

Behaviour and Safety

Years 11 and 12 are given the opportunity to gain extended work experience. This year a Dream Placement scheme has been launched in conjunction with local businesses for Year 12.
Students receive guidance regarding career and university choices. Choices are checked against grade profiles to ensure students, where appropriate, choose facilitating subjects and/or
subjects required for specific career paths. This is repeated in Year 13 in light of results at AS and progress on career/university research. In year 12 there is the requirement to undertake
work experience in the last week of the summer term. In Year 12 students receive advice on how to write personal statements for UCAS applications or as the basis for letters of
application to jobs/apprenticeships. They attend the annual UCAS convention and universities work with students in school on issues such as finance, completing applications and
personal statements and Student Finance England visit the school to present to both year groups. Student voice during the HMI More Able Survey visit involved most able and PP Sixth
form students was positive about the guidance that they receive. Students are encouraged to aim for Russell group universities and the school is a partner school of Newcastle
University, increasing numbers are succeeding in gaining entrance to these institutions. Supported Progression schemes at Durham and Leeds universities have also been undertaken by
some students as well as tailored support being given to individuals to drive ambition including aiming for admittance to Oxbridge or study abroad. Guidance and support in university
applications remains an area of focus for PP students to ensure they are fully informed about choices whilst being challenged to have the highest aspirations.
Area for development Relevant Detailed Action Plan Impact to date - Evidence Key actions in place Next Steps
Review of Curriculum to ensure All A Level subjects Uptake 2015-16 (student survey: Middle leaders fully briefed on changes Revise 6th Form Assessment
students are prepared for new A SLT decision re AS courses interviews and choice combinations) Open Evening Info Jan 2015 systems to meet challenge of
Level courses AHT Post 16 de-coupled AS and A Levels

Implement KS5 English and Maths AHT (Sixth Form) Results in Jan Additional lessons Review strategy
resits Maths Opportunities in Nov/June

Improving AS/A2 results in target AHT (Sixth Form) Profile of groups and suitable Focus for data analysis and line Analysis of exam results
subjects (History, Maths, Physics Subject Action Plans alternatives for individual students management discussions summer 2014 including
and Sociology) History Reviewing entry requirements and identification of gaps
Maths guidance for subjects Focus for Teaching and
Science Learning monitoring
Social Sciences In Autumn term
Progress meetings with subject All A level Subject Areas Progress meetings KS4 and 5 Achievement data Evaluate impact of Progress
staff to plan intervention as DHT CPD on class interventions meetings
needed and share good practice. Progress meetings to target
EAM work underachievement
Students of all academic abilities AHT (Sixth Form) Guidance for 6th Form, Further 2011-12 Mentors for selected groups
receive appropriate and impartial Education, INSPIRA / School Caldew School Yr. 11 Destination of students
advice on the progression routes interviews for selected students information, Caldew 6th form 42%, Use destination data to
Selection of facilitating subjects Employment / further education 55%, evaluate the quality of the
linked to raised aspirations potential NEET 2%, unknown 1% IAG given to our students
Training of tutor group in latest 2012-13
research and developments INSPIRA Yr. 11 destination information
2012-13 Caldew or other 6th form 83%,
Visits and talks by Oxbridge and US Full time employment /education 12%,
Universities organised to broaden other 3%
aspiration Not settled in full time activity 2%
(Awaiting current DFE Destination
Year 13
2013 – 68% of group went to HE of
which 15% went to Russel Grp
2014 – 86% of group went to HE of
which 16% went to Russell Grp
2015 – (applications/offers) 83% of
group have applied to HE of which 44%
applied to Russell Grp universities. 100%
hold offers of which 63% have offers
from Russell Grp universities.
17% non-uni supported in applications
by tutor and general studies teams

6th Form student retention

Year 12 91 started, 87 completed (4
went to college / apprenticeship)
Year 13 51 started, 50 completed(1 went
to apprenticeship)
Year 12 109 started 9 ex-Yr 13 students,
90 Caldew students, 10 external
students. 103 (8 ex-Yr 13, 9 external, 86
Caldew May 2015) (2 moved out of
county to schools/coll, 2 secured apps, 2
referred to INSPIRA)
Year 13 61 started. 60 (May 2015) (1
referred to INSPIRA)
The school continues to develop its IAG/Enterprise plan 13-14 Enterprise week assemblies and Significant number of Year 10 / 12 / 13 Develop more enterprise
Enterprise work throughout Y5 to Cumbria University activities students have a good / complex challenges / activities for
Y13, in particular wider Small business Saturday understand how to run a company and younger students
opportunities for engaging in start- Active in Cumbria Enterprise Group Year 12 /13 have sat an OCR
up activities. meetings examination in Enterprise
Year 12 / 13 Young Enterprise
company programme
Year 10 and 12 £10 challenge .
Enterprise link with local school /
Universities / Colleges
Y5 Enterprise event

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