Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics To Spray Drying: To Cite This Version
Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics To Spray Drying: To Cite This Version
Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics To Spray Drying: To Cite This Version
Simon Lo
Simon LO*
Abstract – In the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of spray dryers, the Euler-Lagrange
model is used to compute the motions of the spray droplets and the heat and mass transfers between
the droplets and the air stream. Such calculations are performed for hundreds to tens of thousands
of droplets to represent the spray in the dryer. One limiting factor in drying mass transfer is the internal
diffusion of water moisture inside partially dried particles. In order to model this internal diffusion
of water moisture, each particle is represented by a series of concentric spherical shells. A one-dimen-
sional diffusion equation is solved over these shells to obtain the internal distribution and diffusion
of water moisture inside each particle. A key strength of CFD is the ability to carry out what-if and
optimization analyses quickly. As an example, a dryer with a given set of feed conditions was con-
sidered. CFD simulations were carried out with the aim to find the optimum condition for the drying
air. Key information of interest to the plant operator were extracted from the CFD results and pre-
sented in percentages of particles leaving the particle and air exits, and the particle conditions at these
exits in terms of mean diameter, temperature and moisture content. From these results, the operator
of the dryer can easily select the optimum operating conditions, which allows him to achieve the
desired product quality at minimum cost.
Résumé – Application de la dynamique des fluides calculée par ordinateur (CFD) au séchage
par atomisation. Dans l’analyse de la dynamique des fluides dans les tours de séchage par atomi-
sation, le modèle d’Euler-Lagrange est utilisé pour calculer les déplacements des gouttelettes et les
transferts de chaleur et de masse entre les gouttelettes et le flux d’air. Ces calculs sont réalisés pour
des centaines à des dizaines de milliers de gouttelettes pour représenter la pulvérisation dans la tour
de séchage. Un facteur limitant dans le transfert de masse au cours du séchage est la diffusion interne
d’eau à l’intérieur des particules partiellement séchées. Pour modéliser cette diffusion interne d’eau,
chaque particule est représentée par une série de coquilles sphériques concentriques. La résolution
d’une équation de diffusion mono-dimensionnelle sur ces sphères permet d’obtenir la distribution
et la diffusion interne d’eau dans chaque particule. Un atout majeur de la CFD réside dans la possiblité
de mener rapidement des analyses d’évaluation et d’optimisation. Par exemple, un équipement de
séchage avec un jeu donné de paramètres d’alimentation a été étudié. Les simulations CFD ont été
réalisées dans le but de déterminer les conditions optimales pour l’air de séchage. Les informations-
clés d’intérêt pour l’opérateur ont été extraites des résultats de CFD et présentées en pourcentages
de particules quittant les sorties, et les caractéristiques des particules à ces sorties en termes de dia-
mètre moyen, de température et de teneur en humidité. A partir de ces résultats, l’opérateur de la
tour de séchage peut aisément sélectionner les conditions opératoires optimales lui permettant d’obte-
nir la qualité désirée du produit au moindre coût.
The rate of mass transfer (kg·s–1) is there- of the air, xa, expressed as kg_water/kg_dry
fore: air:
M̃ w P w, s P w, ∞ xm
m· = γ A -------- -----------
- – ------------- (4) xa = --------------- (7)
R̃ T T d ∞
1 – xm
where γ is the mass transfer coefficient, A = where xm is the moisture content based on
πd2 is the surface area of the droplet, R̃ is the total mass (kg_water/kg_water+air).
the universal gas constant, M̃ w is the molec- The water vapour partial pressure in the
ular weight of water, P w, s is the partial free-stream is therefore given by:
pressure of the water vapour in equilibrium
with the powder, P w, ∞ is the water vapour xa Pt
P w, ∞ = -------------------
- (8)
partial pressure in the free-stream, T d is the M̃ w
temperature of the droplet and T ∞ is the gas -------- + x a
temperature in the free-stream. M̃ a
where M̃ a is the molecular weight of air
2.4. Sorption isotherms and P t is the total pressure.
The partial water pressure at the droplet
surface is related to the surface moisture con- 2.7. Heat and mass transfer
tent and the droplet temperature by sorption coefficients
isotherms. For dairy products (and other food
products), the GAB (Guggenheim, Ander- The heat transfer coefficient, h, is given
son, de Boer) equation is widely used [5]: by Ranz-Marshall correlation for a sphere,
W= hd 1⁄ 2 1⁄ 3
Nu = ------ = 2 + 0.6Re Pr (9)
( cg – 1 ) · K · aw K · aw k
Wm· ------------------------------------------------- + ------------------------ (5)
1 + ( cg – 1 ) · K · aw 1 – K · aw
where Nu is the Nusselt number, d is the
where aw is the water activity, W the powder particle diameter, k is the thermal conduc-
moisture content and Wm, cg and K product tivity of the gas phase. The droplet Rey-
specific constants. These constants can be nolds number is given by:
temperature dependent. ρ ud – u d
Re = ------------------------ (10)
2.5. Partial water vapour pressure µ
at droplet surface and the Prandtl number by:
Water activity is the ratio of the partial µ Cp
pressure of water vapour in equilibrium Pr = ---------- (11)
with the powder (P w, s ) to the vapour pres-
sure of pure water at the same temperature where ρ is the density, Cp is the heat capac-
( P wa ). Hence, ity and µ is the viscosity of the gas phase.
ud and u are the velocities of the droplet and
P w, s = a w P wa . (6) the gas, respectively.
The mass transfer coefficient, γ , is
2.6. Partial water vapour pressure found from the equivalent correlation:
in the free-stream
γ d = 2 + 0.6Re1 ⁄ 2 Sc 1 ⁄ 3 (12)
The partial water vapour pressure in the Sh = ----------
free-stream is based on the moisture content
356 S. Lo
where Sh is the Sherwood number, DAB is (6) Run the solver to obtain a converged
the diffusivity of water in air. The Schmidt solution.
number is given by: (7) Analyse the solution and produce a per-
µ formance report of the dryer.
Sc = -------------- . (13)
ρ D AB This sequence of steps together with the
model equations described above provide
us a well defined methodology in applying
3. CFD ANALYSIS AND RESULTS CFD in spray drying analyses. This meth-
odology has been encapsulated, with the
3.1. CFD analysis steps defined above automated, in a CFD
software called “es-spraydry” [1] where
In every CFD analysis, it is necessary to “es” stands for expert-system tool.
go through several steps to build the com-
putational model, carry out the computation
3.2. Case study
and analysing the results as follows:
(1) Define the shape and dimensions of the We have a simple dryer shown in
dryer. Figure 1. The outer diameter of the dryer is
(2) Specify the inlet and outlet configura- 9.5 m and an overall height of 14 m. There
tions. are one central air inlet and four circular air
outlets. A rotary wheel atomiser spinning at
(3) Define the atomiser and the spray char- 2600 rpm is used for the atomisation of the
acteristics. feed. The droplets produced are assumed to
(4) Specify the flow rates of feed and drying have a log-normal size distribution and a
air. mean diameter of 100 µm with a geometric
(5) Build a computational mesh. standard deviation of 0.6.
Computational fluid dynamics in spray drying 357
Table I. Summary of model data. conditions exiting the dryer at the particle
and air exits. Several CFD calculations
Material processed = milk powder were performed with different air flow rates,
Dry solid density at 20 °C = 1542 kg·m–3 the results are summarized in Table II.
Water diffusion coefficients according to equa-
tion (2)
The results were further analyzed against
At T = 283 K, a1 = –22.64, b1 = 0.8962,
the operation requirements graphically in
c1 = 0.03981
Figures 2 to 4. The range of air flow rates
At T = 343 K, a1 = –20.95, b1 = 0.6721, which satisfy the requirements are listed in
c1 = 0.05679 Table III. From the analysis we would select
Sorption isotherm, GAB coefficients according to use an air flow rate of 55 000 kg·h–1 for
to equation (5) minimum operating cost, in terms of cost in
Wm = 0.059, cg = 11.4, K = 1 supplying the drying air.
Equations for the diffusion coefficient and to carry out systemic analysis of their dryers
sorption isotherm appropriate for daily and to ensure their dryers are operating at
products were described. optimum conditions.
A simple case study was used to illus-
trate the ability of CFD in performing opti-
mization analysis. The optimum air flow REFERENCES
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