Sirovision Tutorial Manual
Sirovision Tutorial Manual
Sirovision Tutorial Manual
The Slope Stability Analysis functionality is not included in this tutorial. For information on this,
please view the online Help manual accessed by pressing F1 or selecting Help -> Contents in the
1. Open the Sirovision_Tutorial_manua.pdf which has been installed at C:\Program Files\CAE
Mining\Sirovision 5\Tutorials\.
However if you are using a camera and lens that is not in this list, or if you want to custom calibrate
the camera and lenses you have , CAE Mining can provide a custom calibration file (.CCF) for use
with your equipment in the form of a IWitness (.IWP) file. Task #1 begins with the procedure to
convert this IWitness file in to a custom calibration file.
3. Under Conversion Method, select CONVERT EXISTING CALIBRATION FILE. Browse to the
C:\Program Files\CAE Mining\Sirovision 5\Tutorials folder. There should be two .IWitness
Files (.IWP files). Select Nikon D200 6044179 35 2D 512176_original.iwp. This is the
IWitness file for a 35mm lens.
4. The Camera Settings dialog window should open. This auto populates all fields except for
the SERIAL NUMBER. This value is stored in the .IWP file name. The number 6044179
relates the camera body serial number and the number 512176 is the serial number for the
lens. The number 35 indicates the focal length of the lens and 2D is the lens type. In this
case enter 6044179 as the serial number for the camera body, as shown in Figure 2.
6. Select NEXT and FINISH to exit the window. Browse to the C:\Program Files\CAE
Mining\Sirovision 5\Tutorials folder and check that a new camera calibration file (.CCF) has
been created. This should be called Calibration_Data_NIKON_D200_Serial_No_6044179.ccf
1. Select File New -> Project, select the icon, or press CTRL + N.
3. For ‘Select Sensor Type’, select the CAMERA radio button and NEXT.
4. In Project Name, enter ‘Tutorial’ and make sure the ‘Add Image Pairs’ is also ticked. Tick
the 'Add Survey Data’ tick box and select the button to browse for the survey file.
5. Browse to your tutorial data and select the file named EAST_WALL_SURVEY.TXT.
10.The ‘Select Image Pairs’ screen should display. Thumbnails of all the 2D images in this
folder should be available for selection in the left hand window.
11. Select the first left image. As you do the name of the left image should appear above
the thumbnails indicating it has been selected as the left image in the 1st stereopair.
Select the right image, and then select the left-to-right arrow to copy both images across
to the right as the first stereopair. Continue with the other stereopair until all 4 images
have been moved from left to right. Select NEXT.
12. The File Naming Schema screen should appear. Select the Apply File Naming Schema tick
box. Enter ‘Test Pit’ in field 1, ‘East Wall’ in field 2 and ‘Ramp 1’ in field 3. Select NEXT.
13. The ‘Add Image Pairs’ screen should display showing the progress converting each ot the
images from RAW to TIFFS and applying camera calibration data.
14. When complete, all images should show a STATUS of ‘Passed’. Select NEXT.
This option reduces the textural image (surface image) by 75%. This value is set at 75%
as this maintains accurate scaling without altering the aspect ratio of the image so that
structural mapping can still be carried out with reasonable accuracy. TICK THIS.
Bit quality of RAW images captured can be set up on most digital SLRs. If the images
have been captured as 12 or 16 bit, the converted TIFFS can be reduced to 8 bit to
reduce file size and improve processing speed. TICK THIS.
The number of pixels on your screen to each spatial data point reflects the density of
the 3D Point Cloud. The larger the number of pixels between spatial data points, the
less ‘dense’ the point cloud but achievable mapping accuracy is reduced.
16. This should return to the main program screen. Open the PROJECT EXPLORER window
and pin it open. There should be a StereoImageManager folder for each stereopair you
17. Right click on the Project Name in Project explorer and select SHOW IN WINDOWS
EXPLORER. Here you should see a new folder with the same name you entered as
Project name. Inside this there should be a StereoImageManager folder for each stereo
pair and a saved Project file (.SVP).
2. An Image Creation Progress window should display. The three stages of TASK SETUP,
MATCHING AND 3D IMAGE CREATION shoud run in order.
3. When complete a new 3D image file should be displayed in Project Explorer under the
StereoImageManager folder.
4. Double click on the 3D image file to view it in the Image View window.
2. The Define 3D Image Region dialog screen should display. This allows you to select the
same points in the image on both the left and right images. Start from the top left in the
LEFT image and select a recognisabe. Then select the same recognisable feature in the top
left of the RIGHT image.
3. Both selected points should be displayed in the Left and Right Image Task Point 1 preview
thumbnails as shown in Figure 8.
4. If you make a mistake, you can select the UNDO or REDO icons in the top left.
6. Continue selecting the same points in the left and right images in a clockwise direction, i.e.
top right, bottom right, bottom left. You should end up with a roughly rectangular shape as
shown in Figure 10.
7. All the area within the 4 selected points will be transformed in to a single 3D image. Select
OK. It may take up to 60 seconds to save the task setup file.
8. Now right click on StereoImageManager again and select BUILD STEPS -> CREATE TASK
9. A ‘Run Matching’ dialog window should open and matching will begin. This may take up to 5
minutes on some older machines. On completion, something similar to Figure 11 should be
displayed showing matching success %. Select OK.
10. Now right click on StereoImageManager again and select BUILD STEPS -> CREATE TASK
11. When complete a new 3D image file should be displayed in Project Explorer under the
second StereoImageManager folder.
12. Double click on the 3D image file to view it in the Image View window.
3. Toggle each of these preferences on and off. Check each one. For X, Y and Z Axis Label,
change the name to be displayed for each axis.
4. Select the Preferences icon from the toolbar. Select the radio button to enable the
GPU accelerator as shown in Figure 14
5. Select OK.
2. Double click on the survey data file to open the survey data layout in the main image view
3. Left click anywhere in the view and drag to rotate the 3D view. Select OK to close and return
to the main window.
4. Right click on the Survey Data folder and select Open Survey Data Table. Find points 51 and
52 and rename the Type to ‘Camera Position’ and rename them to ‘Left Camera’ and ‘Right
Camera’ respectively, as shown in Figure 16.
2. This will build a relatively orientated 3D image for each of the 2 stereopairs. (No real world
coordinates attached).
3. Right click on MOSAICS and select CREATE A MOSAIC. The Create Mosaic wizard should
4. Advance to the ORGANISE OVERLAPPING IMAGES screen and drag and drop the left image
to overlap with the left side of the right image. This is so the software knows which sides of
each image to mesh together. Double click on the left image to set as the Reference image.
The means the right image will be repositioned to the left reference image. Select NEXT.
6. In Project explorer under MOSAIC folder, double click on CompositeImage to view the
mosaic in the main window.
However, the strongly recommended workflow is for users to build 3D mosaics, then georeference
the mosaic in one process.
Georeference a 3D Mosaic
Georeferencing 3D images.
Georeferencing 2D images.
1. Follows Task #7. In Project Explorer, under MOSAIC folder, right click on CompositeImage
and select GEOREFERENCE.
2. The Georeferencing Wizard should open. In the Survey Data Assignment screen, displaying
two thumbnails for the two composite 3D images making up the mosaic, left click on the left
3. The left and right images should load on the right hand side of the screen as shown in Figure
4. In the Assign Survey Point section in the middle of the screen, select the GROUND CONTROL
POINT radio button to georeference the mosaic using control points on the rock face.
6. Repeat this step for control point #3 on the top bench on the rock face. Select #3 in the
Survey Plan, then on the left and right images on the right side of the screen. You have now
referenced two control points on the 1st 3D image.
7. Now. In the bottom left window, select the 2nd 3D image thumbnail. The left and right
images for the 2nd 3D image should load on the right.
8. Now select the GROUND CONTROL POINT radio button and select #9 on the survey plan,
then select #9 on the left, then the right images. You now have selected the minimum of 3
known points in a roughly triangular distribution required to georeference the mosaic. The
NEXT button should now be available, select it.
9. The georeferenced mosaic should display with locations for the control points and
automatically calculated camera positions as shown in Figure 20.
10. Once finished, in Project Explorer, under the Mosaic folder, double click on the
COMPOSITEIMAGE to view the mosaic on the main window. Left click on the mosaic in the
main window and look in the Property View Window and open the CAMERA data. The
fields, CAMERAE, CAMERAN and CAMERARL should have easting, northing and height real
world coordinate values.
1. In Project Explorer, right click on the folder ‘Mosaic 1’ and select DELETE.
2. In Project Explorer, right click on very top folder, ‘Tutorial’ and select Clear camera positions
and orientations from all.
4. Left click on a 2D image and view the Property View window. All orientation and positional
data should have been removed.
5. In Project Explorer, right click on ‘Tutorial’ folder and select BUILD ALL 3D IMAGES. The
resultant 3D images will not be georeferenced. So that you can georeference them in Task
2. The Georeferencing wizard should open. Under ‘Choose the method used to georeference
The Survey Data Assignment screen should display showing the Survey Data Plan and the 3D
image as shown in Figure 21
3. Select the 1st control point in the Survey Plan, in this case #11, then select the same point on
the 3D image. Repeat for control points 10 and 3, selecting the point on the survey plan
then select the corresponding point on the 3D image. The three points should always be in a
very roughly triangular distribution as shown in Figure 22. When complete, the NEXT button
will be available for selection.
4. A Survey Layout screen should be displayed showing the georeferenced control point
positions. Check they are relatively in the right place to what you selected.
5. A Survey Layout screen should be displayed showing the georeferenced control point
positions. Check they are relatively in the right place to what you selected. Select NEXT and
6. In Project Explorer, open the 3D image that has just been georeferenced in the main view
window and click on the image to display its properties. Go to CAMERA and check the
2. Select GEOREFERENCE. If you have created a 3D image for this stereopair already, a
message should display telling you to delete it before you can continue, as shown below.
4. Select the BOTH CAMERA POSITIONS AND ONE CONTROL POINT radio button and select the
ESTIMATE TILT AUTOMATICALLY radio button as shown in Figure 24.
6. Follow the instructional text in the bottom screen. Select the left camera position on the
Survey Plan. In this case, select the point labeled ‘Left’.
7. Select the right camera position on the Survey Plan, in this case the point labeled ‘Right’.
8. Now select the control point #10 in the Survey Plan and then on select control point #10 on
the left and right images. Once you select #10 in the survey plan if you place the cursor over
the left image, you will see a magnification window. Control Point #10 It is located on the
bottom bench just left of center.
9. When complete the Refine Task Position should display showing close up views of the
selected points. You can fine tune your point selections here.
10. Return to the Georeferencing wizard screen and select NEXT. A Survey Layout screen should
be displayed showing the georeferenced camera and control point positions. Check the
cameras and control point are relatively in the right place.
11. Now select NEXT then FINISH to close the georeferencing wizard.
12. In Project Explorer, left click on the LEFT 2D image under Stereopair that has just been
georeferenced. In the Property View window, expand the CAMERA and then POSITION 1
data. The fields Easting, Northing and Height should contain values indicating the 2D image
has been georeferenced.
13. Check the RIGHT 2D image easting northing and height properties to verify it has also been
3. Press OK.
6. Zoom in and out on the 3D image by using the middle mouse wheel or by pressing + (zoom
in) or – (zoom out).
7. Pan the 3D image left or right by holding down the Shift key and the left mouse button and
moving the mouse left or right.
8. Now press the spacebar and this will restore the orientation of the 3D image to the original
9. To rotate the image around a HORIZONTAL axis, select . Now rotate the image from left
to right. The image should not move vertically up or down.
11. To rotate the image around a selected point, select then left click on the point in the
image you want to rotate around. The image should now rotate around the selected point.
12. Now select to reset the 3D image view back to default view.
13. Now select the Zoom Region icon . Left click and drag a rectangular area across the
image. The area inside the retangle should now be the only image you can see. Press the
1. Look in the bottom left of the GUI and select the 3D Point Cloud icon to view the 3D
spatial data set.
2. To rotate and zoom, use the same controls as for the 3D image view,
3. Now select the Wire Frame icon . The 3D Wire Frame view for this data set is shown in
Figure 31.
8. Toggle each of these preferences on and off. Check each one. For X, Y and Z Axis Label,
change the name to be displayed for each axis.
1. To begin mapping our structures on our digital image, select the 3D view icon .
2. To set the criteria for the assisted planes you wish to map, left click anywhere on the 3D
image and then view the Property View box and select the Assisted Plane Criteria. Adjust
the Maximum Area to 4.0 and Minimum Area to 0.5
3. To map a new plane with assisted help, select the icon. Then zoom in a few times until
you can easily see structures on the rock face. Place the mouse pointer over a section of the
rock face on the 3D image. You should see that after a few seconds, the software will draw
an assisted plane. You will see that as you move the mouse to another area of the rock face,
another assisted plane is drawn. Accept an assisted plane by clicking the right mouse
5. Zoom into an area on the image where you want to map a plane. To begin drawing the
plane, left click once. This will plot a ‘node’ or a point on the surface. Move the mouse
along the border of the plane and left click to plot another node. You will notice that the
two nodes are now joined. Plot more nodes to delineate the edges of the plane and finally
right click on the last node to close the plane boundary. Figure 35 shows the polygon
shaped plane with its normal displayed.
6. Go to the Property View box again and you will see the ATTRIBUTES for the plane displayed
as shown in Figure 36.
8. Click on the 3D image again. Go to the Property View -> Preferences and Go to the Planes
and tick the Show Normal to ‘on’, then select Mapping and change it to yellow. Something
like Figure 37 should be displayed.
Figure 37: A manually mapped plane showing its normal and fitted plane
2. The new Trace is colored red in Figure 38. Left click on any node within the new Trace to
display the Trace properties in the Property View window.
3. In the Appearance box and the Terminations box, toggle the attributes between true and
false and check these toggles are working.
15. To map a Survey Line, select the icon. Then left click to plot nodes on the 3D image.
Terminate the line with a right mouse click. View the Property View window.
16. To map a scanline (traverse) select the icon. Left to click to plot the top left extent of
the traverse and the sescond left click will plot the bottom right extent.
17. Change the dimensions of the traverse by changing the values for Height Above to 5 and
Height Below to 6. The traverse on the 3D image should now be 5 meters above and 6
meters below the censor line. Toggle the other values and check.
At this point, please load another TIFF file that has a number of discontinuities already mapped.
This 3D image has a number of planes, traces, survey lines and points and a traverse already
We now want to define analysis sets of discontinuities to ANALYSE. We can select joint sets using a
variety of methods according to what type of analysis you want to carry out.
2. In the left panel, click on the Discontinuities folder. You will see all the mapped
discontinuities listed in the table. Note the each column displays geotechnical characteristics
for discontinuity.
3. Select TOOLS -> EDIT SCHEMAS. Under Schema In Use , select the Training Schema as
shown in Figure 43
4. Select OK. The four columns added in this Training Schema, Bench Number, Lithology and
Roughness and Ore Type, should now have been added as 4 extra columns in the Mapping
Explorer – Discontinuities table view. Check this has been added.
5. From the table view, select one discontinuity. Check that the new schema fields are now
visible and editable in the Property View window under CUSTOM.
6. Now in the left panel, select Survey Point. Two survey points should be displayed in the
7. Now select Survey Line. Three survey lines should be displayed. There should be one Text
Annotation and one Traverse also.
3. A new window should appear displaying all the mapped discontinuities in a table, including
the custom fields set up in the Training schema.
6. Click on the green + sign next to ‘And’. An equation saying something similar to [Bench
Number] equals <enter a value> should be displayed.
7. Click on the field name, in this case ‘Bench Number’. A drop down list of all fields or column
headings should appear. Select DIP. Then click on the operator, in this case ‘Equals’ and a
drop down list of operators should appear. Select ‘Is Greater than or Equal to ‘. Now enter a
value of 40.
8. Click on the green arrow next to ‘And’ again. A 2nd line for the filter equation should appear.
Select ‘Persistence’ in the field name, ‘Is greater than or equal to ‘ in the operator field and
20 in the value.
9. Click on APPLY. Then select OK. This should return you to the CREATE ANALYSIS SET
window. Now select CREATE to create the analysis set.
10. In the left control window, a new ANALYSIS SET should be listed. Click on the ‘+’ to expand,
there should be three subfolders, FILTERED SET1, ORIENTATION SETS and KINEMATIC SETS.
Click on the FILTERED SET1 folder. All the discontinuities in the new set should be displayed
in the table to the right.
11. Check that the correct discontinuities have been included in this work set according to the
conditions in the edit filter, i.e.: they all have a dip greater than or equal to 40 degrees and a
persistence greater than or equal to 20 meters.
12. Click on the ANALYSIS SET folder in the left window. Select and create a new analysis
set. Build a filter using other operators and fields and check that the edit filter creates
analysis sets correctly according to the conditions you enter in the edit filter.
13. Click on ANALYSIS SET -> FILTERED SET1 in the left window. Select and build a subset of
this set by building a filter with discontinuities of dip greater than 70 degrees and
persistence greater than 30. You should end up with a set of 5 discontinuities.
1. In the left window, left click on FilteredSet1, the first set we created.
3. A new window called ‘Create Sets’ should appear. Select the default settings be selecting
OK. This should create 3 orientation sets, Red, Green and Blue with the following
discontinuities listed for each set.
4. In the left panel, click on Orientation Sets. The spherical projection window should now look
like this.
5. In the Spherical Projection window, left click on the mean vector for the green set, which is
the green square. Directly above the spherical projection, the Set Spacing and Set
6. Select both icons and inspect the graphs for each against the green orientation set. You
should get the two correspond graphs shown in Figure 46 and Figure 47.
7. Now open the Rose Plot tab by selecting View-> Rose Plot. It should look like Figure 48.
2. Now in the Stereo Plot window, select the Define Orientation Set icon .
3. Now place the cursor in the stereo plot display, left-click will display a circle. Hold the left
mouse button as you drag the circle wider. When you release the left mouse button, all
vectors within the circle should now be selected into a new orientation set.
Figure 49: Dragging a circle to select a new set Figure 50: Releasing the mouse button will create the set
4. Check the color used for this new orientation set is different from the colors used in previous
orientation sets. The new orientation set should now be listed under Orientation Sets in the
work set navigation panel.
2. Select Mapped Objects. Left click on the 3D image thumbnail to select to export mapped
objects from this image.
4. Select CSV. Unselect Export Spatial Data and select all the Excluded Attributes by moving
them over to the Included Attributes list by selecting the double-left to right arrows icon.
Check the Excluded Attributes list includes the Custom Attributes attached to the image
using the Schema such as Bench Number, Lithology. If they are not available, you will need
to SAVE the 3D image first then reopen the Export Wizard.
5. Note that you can change the order the Included Attributes are reported in by moving them
up and down the list using the arrow icons.
7. Navigate to the new CSV spreadsheet in Windows Explorer and open it. It should have a
similar layout to Figure 52, with all the attributes for each discontinuity listed.
8. Open the Export Wizard again and select Analysis Sets this time. Select Orientation Sets and
Discontinuity Attributes and to export as a CSV file. Use the same process to export the red
orientation set in text or CSV format and check the output files.
9. Finally export either mapped objects or anlaysis set discontinuity data in .DM fomat and
import this in to Studio 3.
F2 Add Plane Map a Plane on the image. Left-click to plot a node and right–
click to complete the plane.
F3 Add Trace Map a Trace on the image. Left-click to plot a point and
right-click to complete the trace.
F4 Add Survey Line Map a Survey Line on the image. Left-click to plot a point and
right-click to complete the line.
Ctrl + S SAVE a Sirovision file Save the currently open image as a .SJT file.
Ctrl + P PRINT a Sirovision image Only possible in 2D view mode, print the 2D image.
Ctrl + Y REDO Redo the last action you deleted with undo.
SPACEBAR RESET view Reset the view to default zoom and orientation.