Grade 9 Academic Mathematics: Course Information: Grimsby Secondary School Mathematics Department
Grade 9 Academic Mathematics: Course Information: Grimsby Secondary School Mathematics Department
Grade 9 Academic Mathematics: Course Information: Grimsby Secondary School Mathematics Department
Course Description
The Grade 9 Academic Course is intended for those students who are ready to learn through abstract
reasoning. The course provides opportunities to develop a higher level of algebraic skills. This course
enables students to develop understanding of mathematical concepts related to algebra, analytic geometry,
and measurement and geometry through investigation, the effective use of technology, and abstract
reasoning. Students will investigate relationships, which they will then generalize as equations of lines and
will determine the connections between different representations of a relationship. They will also explore
relationships that emerge from the measurement of three-dimensional objects and two-dimensional shapes.
Students will reason mathematically and communicate their thinking as they solve multi-step problems.
Students enrolled in this course typically have a strong ability in mathematics, a high level of achievement, a
positive attitude towards mathematics and excellent work habits (eg. making effective use of class time and
completing homework daily).
Learning Skills
A student’s ability to work with others, to attend class regularly, to be punctual, and keep up with the work
and to maintain an accurate and complete notebook is very important and has an impact on student
achievement. The report card allows these skills to be recorded. Therefore, teachers will continue to record
information on these skills and assign a value to them on the report card.
Units of Study
Unit Estimated Number of Periods
1. Diagnostic Assessments & Rational Numbers 10
2. Powers & Polynomials 10
3. Linear Relations 10
4. Linear Equations 10
Mid-Term Review and Assessment 2
5. Analytic Geometry 10
6. Investigating Relationships 9
7. Properties of 2-D Figures 8
8. Measurement 10
Review & EQAO Assessment 5
Total 84
Course Evaluation Policy
Assessment Instrument Percent Category Focus
Unit Summative Assessment(s) 30
Mid-Unit Assessments Quizzes/Assignments 20
Performance and Rich Tasks 20 Thinking
Total Term 70%
Exam 20 Knowledge/Understanding
EQAO 10 Thinking
Total Final Summative 30%