Ecen Lab
Ecen Lab
Ecen Lab
1 Familiarization with Electronic components 3
Familiarization with different measuring and
2 12
testing instrument used in electronic laboratory
Study of VI Characteristics of PN Junction diode &
3 Zener diode 22
Study On Characteristics
Of Bipolar Junction Transistor
5 31
In Common Emitter Configuration
Study on Characteristics
Of Bipolar Junction Transistor
6 38
in common base configuration
7 Study on characteristics of 44
Junction Field Effect Transistor
Basic Electronics Laboratory (ECEN1011)
Study of different electronic components
The resistor’s function is to reduce the flow of electric current. This symbol is used to
indicate a resistor in a circuit diagram, known as a schematic. Resistance value is designated in
units called the “Ohm”.
The resistance value of the resistor is not the only thing to consider when selecting the resistor
for use in a circuit. The “tolerance” and the electric power ratings of the resistor are also
important. Tolerance of a resistor denotes how close it is to the actual rated resistance value.
Power rating indicates how much power the resistor can safely tolerate.
There are two classes: 1. Fixed Resistors 2. Variable Resistors
Fixed Resistor
A fixed resistor is one in which the value of its resistance cannot change.
Variable Resistor
A variable resistor is one in which the value of its resistance can be change.
There are two ways in which variable resistors are used. One is the variable resistor which value
is easily changed, like the volume adjusted of radio, the other is semi-fixed resistor are used to
compensate for the inaccuracies of the resistors, and to fine-tune the circuit.
The rotation range of the variable resistor is usually about 300 degrees
The capacitor’s function is to store electricity, or electric energy. It also acts as a filter, passing
alternating current (AC), and blocking direct current (DC).
This symbol is is used to indicate a capacitor in a circuit diagram. The value of a capacitor
(the capacitance), is designated in units called the Farad (F).
Ceramic Capacitors:-
Ceramic capacitors are comparatively small in size and have the shape of a disk. These capacitor
can be used in high frequency application as internally they are not constructed as a coil. It
should not be used for analog circuits, because they can distort the signal.
A coil wounded on a core or former of suitable material is called an inductor. In inductors
voltage required a directly proportional to the rate of change of Current.
The diode is a device formed from a junction of n-type and p-type semiconductor material. The lead
connected to the p-type material is called the anode and the lead connected to the n-type material is
the cathode. In general the cathode of a diode is marked
by a solid line on the diode. Physically a diode is
recognized by IN number
such as IN4007.
The zener diode or reference diode, whose symbol is shown which finds primary usage as a
voltage regulator or reference. The forward conduction characteristic of a zener diode is much
the same as that of a rectifier diode; however it usually operates with a reverse bias, for which its
characteristic is radically different.
The transistor has been derived from two words, “trans” means transfer of signal “istor” same
general family resistor, so we can say transistor simply transfer the resistance. Transistor is a
three terminal device, when these three terminals are used in biasing arrangement they form two
p-n junctions, one junction is called emitter base junction and other is called collector base
The transistor transfers the signal from low resistance to high resistance.
a) Connect the input terminal of the power supply unit with ac main in proper way.
b) Knobs should be rotated slowly.
c) For small change of output use fine knob.
d) Power ON switch must be off when the device is not in use.
e) The location should be free from dust & humidity.
f) Do not operate the instrument where mechanical vibrations are excessive or near an
instrument, which generated strong electric or magnetic field.
For the operation of most of the devices in electronic equipment, a dc voltage is required.
Usually this supply is provided by the battery but maintenance of battery is not easy so we use a
battery eliminator in the place of battery. The equipment, which converts ac voltage of main
supply into dc voltage, called DC power supply.
Before switching ON the unit, observe that no load is connected across the output terminals. Now
plug the unit into a three pin wall socket giving
FINE” control until the panel voltmeter reads the desired voltage, this voltage
For setting the current limit short circuit the output terminals on the front panel and adjust the
CURRENT COARSE & FINE, controls until the panel meter reads the desired current this
current becomes the current limit of the supply. Now remove the short circuit.
a) The function selector switch should be kept in the voltage selection while meter is not in
b) Zero adjustment for each range should be made before taking a measurement with
ohmmeter (for analog multimeter)
c) When the meter is linked to a measurement circuit, do not touch unused terminals.
d) When the value to be measured is unknown, set the range selector switch at the highest
e) Before rotating the selector switch to change functions, disconnect test leads from the
circuit under test.
Multimeter, is a measuring instrument, which is used to measure many (multi) electrical entities.
A simple multi meter can measure voltage (ac and dc), current (ac and dc) and resistances. A
multi meter consists of an ammeter, voltmeter and ohmmeter combined, with a function switch
to connect the appropriate circuit.
There is another switch, called the range switch, which is used to fix a range of measurements.
A basic digital multimeter is made up of several A/D converters, circuitry for counting and an
attenuation circuit.
The cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) is a versatile laboratory instrument used for the visual
observation, measurement and analysis of waveforms. Basically a CRO is a very fast X-Y plotter
that shows an input signal versus another signal or versus time. CRO depends on the movement
of an electron beam, which is then made visible by allowing the beam to impinge on a phosphor
surface, which produces a visible spot.
Oscilloscope has a time base generator, which generates the saw tooth voltage to supply the CRT
to deflect the spot at a constant time dependent rate. The signal to be viewed is fed to calibrate
gain vertical amplifier, which increases the potential of the input beam. To synchronize the
horizontal deflection with the vertical input, such that the horizontal deflection starts at the same
point of the input vertical signal each time it sweeps, a synchronizing or triggering circuit is
The main components of a general purpose CRT are
Electron Gun
It produces sharply focused beam of electrons, accelerated to a high velocity. It consists of an
indirectly heated cathode, a control grid, an accelerating electrode, a focusing anode and a final
accelerating anode. These electrodes have a cylindrical shape and they are connected to the pins
on the base. The cathode emitting the electron is completely surrounded by a control grid
consisting of a nickel cylinder with a small hole at the centre. The electrons that manage to pass
through this hole constitute the electron beam; the brightness of the spot on the face of the screen
depends upon the beam intensity. It can be controlled by changing the negative bias on the
control grid.
A high positive voltage is applied to the accelerating electrode with respect to the cathode. The
accelerating electrode thus speeds up the electron beam passing through it. These electrons,
being negatively charged, have a tendency to diverge from each other. So to focus the electron
beam into a tiny spot on the screen, there is a focusing anode which forms an electron optical
system with the help of accelerating and the final accelerating anode. The focusing anode is
given a slightly lower potential than the accelerating anodes. Because of the difference in
potentials the equipotent surfaces between the two cylinders (focusing anodes and accelerating
anodes) from a shape like a convex lens, when the electron beam passes through this region the
electrons experience a focus in a direction normal to the equipotent surfaces. As a result the
beam is converged to a point on the screen. Usually the accelerating anodes voltage is kept fixed
and by changing the potential of the focusing anode, we can change the focal length of the
electrostatic lens and focusing is achieved.
Deflecting System
Vertical deflection system:-
It provides amplified, signal of the proper level to derive the vertical plates without introducing
any appreciable distortion into the system.
Delay Line:
All electronic circuitry in the oscilloscope (attenuator, amplifier, pulse generator) causes a
certain amount of time delay in the transmission of signal voltage to the deflection plates. To
allow the operator to observe the leading edge of the signal waveform, the signal drive for
vertical deflection must be therefore delayed by at least the same amount of time required by the
horizontal deflection system. For this reason vertical delay line is used in between vertical
amplifier vertical deflecting plates of CRT.
Function Generator
A function generator is usually a piece of electronic test equipment or software used to generate
different types of electrical waveforms over a wide range of frequencies. Some of the most
common waveforms produced by the function generator are the sine, square, triangular and saw
tooth shapes. Function generators cover both audio and RF frequencies, they are usually not
suitable for applications that need low distortion or stable frequency signals. When those traits
are required, other signal generators would be more appropriate.
Function Generator
Power Supply
Multi meter
Function Generator
Measurement of DC voltage in CRO
Measurement of AC voltage in CRO
Measurement of frequency of AC signal using CRO
Measurement of DC voltage using digital multi meter
Measurement of R.M.S Voltage of a sinusoidal
a) Study of VI characteristics of junction diode.
b) Determine the cut-in voltage.
The diode is a device formed from a junction of n-type and p-type semiconductor material. The
lead connected to the p-type material is called the anode and the lead connected to the n-type
material is the cathode. In general the cathode of the diode is marked by a solid line on the diode.
The primary function of the diode is the rectification. When it is a forward bias (the higher
potential is connected to the anode lead), it will pass current. When it is reverse bias (the higher
potential is connected to the cathode lead), the current is blocked.
The characteristic curve of an ideal diode and a real diode are shown in the figure. For silicon
diode, the typical forward voltage is 0.7 volts, nominal. For germanium diodes the forward
voltage is only 0.3 volts.
For most simplified circuit analysis, the voltage drop across a conducting diode may be
considered constant at the nominal figure and not related to the amount of current. Actually, the
forward voltage drop is more complex. An equation describes the exact current through a diode,
given the voltage dropped across the junction, the temperature of the junction, and the several
physical constants. It is commonly known as the diode equation.
q is the magnitude of the charge on an electron (the elementary charge)
k is Boltzmann’s constant
T is the absolute temperature of the p-q junction in Kelvin
Diode Resistance:
Different kind of resistance is better explained by a simple but common example, the
diode. Shown below is a graph of (nonlinear) diode current as a function of diode voltage.
At the operating point Q, the static (dc) current and voltage are ‘I’ and ‘V’. Consequently,
the total variable resistance is R=V/I. Because V and I are constant, R is also the static
resistance of the diode at Q. For incremental (small-signal) variation around Q, a change
in ‘V’ will produce a corresponding change in ‘I’. The resulting resistance is the
incremental resistance:
Where, r is calculated at operating point Q. This incremental resistance is
sometimes referred to as the dynamic resistance because it involves change in ‘V’ and ‘I’.
Make the circuit as shown in the above figure.
Set the meter indicated by “A” to 20 mA range. Set the meter “V” to read up 4v on
the DC supply rotary voltage control fully anticlockwise (0V).
Now switch ON the power supply and carefully turn the voltage control wise whilst
watching the ammeter.
Set the value of the voltage and observe the values of the current. Plot these values.
On the graph paper. The resulting graph shows that the little current passes until the
voltage has risen to 0.6V (for silicon), but the current rises rapidly with further
increases voltage.
Repeat all previous steps and fill the observation table.
Finally plot the V-I characteristics of diode on graph paper.
A rectifier is a circuit that converts pulsating ac into pulsating. There are three basic type of
rectifier circuits the half wave, full wave (centre tapped) and rectifiers. Of them, bridge rectifier
is the most commonly used.
The a.c voltage is applied across the secondary windings. During the positive half cycle of a.c
input voltage point 5 is positive with
respect to point 8. this make the diode
upper half cycle.
1. Centre tapped Transformer
2. CRO
3. A voltmeter (range 30 v)
4. A few connecting wires
5. A bread board
6. Diode
7. Capacitor
8. 10 KΏ resistor
Therefore D1 conducts the current and D2 does not conduct the current, so current will only flow
across D1 through the load resistor in upper half cycle as shown in the figure. During the
negative half cycle, of the a.c input voltage point 5 is negative and point 8 is positive. Under this
condition the diode D2 is forward bias while diode D1 is reverse biased. Therefore D2 conducts
the current because D2 is in forward biased condition while D1 does not conduct current because
the D1 is in reverse bias condition.
Make the circuit diagram as shown in the figure above.
Observe the rectifier output.
Calculate the ripple factor.
Observe the ripple on the oscilloscope, using the feature of dc/ac coupling
To obtain input output characteristics of BJT in common Emitter configuration.
The plot of collector current I (C) against the collector –to-emitter voltage V(CE) with the
base current I(B) as a parameter is known as the CE mode output characteristics of the
The portion of the output characteristics where the emitter junction is forward biased and
the collector junction is reverse biased is termed the active region of the characteristics. In
this region, I(B)>0 and V(CE)≥a few lengths of a volts. The ac current gain 8 (h(fe)) and
the output admittance h(oe) for the CE mode are respectively given by.
The transistor is a three layer (electrode) semiconductor device. Three electrodes are the
emitter, the base and the collector. The emitter injects charge carriers into the base, which
in controls the numbers these carriers that are eventually gathered by the collector.
1. NPN
2. PNP
In both the types the emitter base junction is forward biased and the collector base
junction is reverse biased.
When the transistor is used as the amplifier, the input voltage is given between two
terminals and the output is taken from another pair of terminals, we have to make one of
the terminals common to the input and the output terminals. The BJT can be used with any
of its terminals as the common point. The resulting circuit configuration are: Common
base (CB) , Common Emitter (CE) And Common Collector (CC).
The collector–emitter current can be viewed as being controlled by the base–emitter
current (current control), or by the base–emitter voltage (voltage control). These views are
related by the current–voltage relation of the base–emitter junction, which is just the usual
exponential current–voltage curve of a p-n junction (diode).
The physical explanation for collector current is the amount of minority carriers in the
base region. Due to low level injection (in which there are much fewer excess carriers than
normal majority carriers) the am bipolar diffusion rate (in which the excess majority and
minority carriers flow at the same rate) is in effect determined by the excess minority
Bipolar transistors have five distinct regions of operation, defined by BJT junction biases
Forward active: base higher than emitter, collector higher than base (in this mode
the collector current is proportional to base current by ).
Saturation: base higher than emitter, but collector is not higher than base.
Cut-Off: base lower than emitter, but collector is higher than base. It means the
transistor is not letting conventional current to go through collector to emitter.
Reverse-active: base lower than emitter, collector lower than base: reverse
conventional current goes through transistor.
Working Procedure:-
This is the relationship between and both associated with the input port:
This is the relationship between and both associated with the output port:
When , i.e., the CB junction is reverse biased, the current depends totally on
. When , is the current caused by the minority carriers crossing the PN-
junction. This is similar to the diode current-voltage characteristics seen before, except both
axes are reversed (as both and are defined in the opposite directions). When is
increase .
if is held constant, and therefore will also be held constant, i.e., CB transistor
circuit can be used as a current source.
1 2V
2 4V
3 6V
4 8V
1 0 µA
2 10 µA
3 20 µA
4 30 µA
EXPERIMENT NO 6: Study on Characteristics of Bipolar Junction Transistor in
common base configuration
To obtain input output characteristics of BJT in Common Base configuration.
The transistor is a three layer (electrode) semiconductor device. Three electrodes are the emitter,
the base and the collector. The emitter injects charge carriers into the base, which in controls the
numbers these carriers that are eventually gathered by the collector.
1. NPN
2. PNP
In both the types the emitter base junction is forward biased and the collector base
junction is reverse biased
When the transistor is used as the amplifier, the input voltage is given between two terminals and
the output is taken from another pair of terminals, we have to make one of the terminals common
to the input and the output terminals. The BJT can be used with any of its terminals
as the common point. The resulting circuit configuration are: Common base (CB) , Common
Emitter (CE) And Common Collectot (CC).
In electronics, a common-base (also known as grounded-base) amplifier is one of three basic single-
stage bipolar junction transistor (BJT) amplifier topologies, typically used as
a current buffer or voltage amplifier. In this circuit the emitter terminal of the transistor serves as the
input, the collector the output, and the base is common to both (for example, it may be tied to ground
reference or a power supply rail), hence its name. The analogous field-effect transistor circuit is
the common-gate amplifier.
This configuration is also useful as a current buffer since it has a current gain of approximately
unity (see formulas below). Often a common base is used in this manner, preceded by a
common-emitter stage. The combination of these two forms the cascode configuration, which
possesses several of the benefits of each configuration, such as high input impedance and
The amplifier input impedance Rin looking into the emitter node is very low, given
approximately by
Because the input impedance is so low, most signal sources have larger source
impedance than the common-base amplifier Rin. The consequence is that the
source delivers a current to the input rather than a voltage, even if it is a voltage
source. (According to Norton's theorem, this current is approximately iin = vS /
RS). If the output signal also is a current, the amplifier is a current buffer and
delivers the same current as is input. If the output is taken as a voltage, the
amplifier is a transresistance amplifier, and delivers a voltage dependent on the
load impedance, for example vout = iin RL for a resistor load RL much smaller in
value than the amplifier output resistance Rout. That is, the voltage gain in this
case (explained in more detail below) is:
1 0V
2 -1V
3 -2V
4 -3V
1 10mA
2 20mA
3 30mA
4 40mA
To obtained the drains and transfer characteristics of FET
From the plotted curve obtain drain resistance. Amplification factor and mutual
Field effect transistors can be made much smaller than an equivalent BJT transistor and along
with their low power consumption and power dissipation makes them ideal for use in integrated
circuits such as the CMOS range of digital logic chips.
We remember from the previous tutorials that there are two basic types of Bipolar Transistor
construction, NPN and PNP, which basically describes the physical arrangement of the P-type
and N-type semiconductor materials from which they are made. This is also true of FET as there
are also two basic classifications of Field Effect
Transistor, called the N-channel FET and the P-channel
The field effect transistor is a three terminal device that is constructed with no PN-junctions
within the main current carrying path between the Drain and the Source terminals, which
correspond in function to the Collector and the Emitter respectively of the bipolar transistor. The
current path between these two terminals is called the "channel" which may be made of either a
P-type or an N-type semiconductor material. The control of current flowing in this channel is
achieved by varying the voltage applied to the Gate. As their name implies, Bipolar Transistors
are "Bipolar" devices because they operate with both types of charge carriers, Holes and
Electrons. The Field Effect Transistor on the other hand is a "Unipolar" device that depends only
on the conduction of electrons (N-channel) or holes (P-channel).
The Field Effect Transistor has one major advantage over its standard bipolar transistor
cousins, in that their input impedance, (Rin ) is very high, (thousands of Ohms), while the BJT is
comparatively low. This very high input impedance makes them very sensitive to input voltage
signals, but the price of this high sensitivity also means that they can be easily damaged by static
electricity. There are two main types of field effect transistor, the Junction Field Effect
Transistor or JFET and the Insulated-gate Field Effect Transistor or IGFET), which is more
commonly known as the standard Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
MOSFET for short.
We saw previously that a bipolar junction transistor is constructed using two PN-junctions in the
main current carrying path between the Emitter and the Collector terminals. The Junction Field
Effect Transistor (JUGFET or JFET) has no PN-junctions but instead has a narrow piece of high-
There are two basic configurations of junction field effect transistor, the N-channel JFET and
the P-channel JFET. The N-channel JFET's channel is doped with donor impurities meaning that
the flow of current through the channel is negative (hence the term N-channel) in the form of
electrons. Likewise, the P-channel JFET's channel is doped with acceptor impurities meaning
that the flow of current through the channel is positive (hence the term P-channel) in the form of
holes. N-channel JFET's have a greater channel conductivity (lower resistance) than their
equivalent P-channel types, since electrons have a higher mobility through a conductor
compared to holes. This makes the N-channel JFET's a more efficient conductor compared to
their P-channel counterparts.
We have said previously that there are two ohmic electrical connections at either end of
the channel called the Drain and the Source. But within this channel there is a third
electrical connection which is called the Gate terminal and this can also be a P-type or N-
type material forming a PN-junction with the main channel. The relationship between the
connections of a junction field effect transistor and a bipolar junction transistor are
compared below.
o Data for Drain Characteristics
o Data for Transfer Characteristics
To the study inverting amplifier, non inverting amplifier, adder, Subtractor, integrator and
differentiator circuit using operational amplifier.
The adder circuit can be made by connecting more inputs to the inverting op amp. The opposite end of
the resistor connected to the inverting input is held at virtual ground by the feed back, therefore, adding
new inputs does not effect the response of the existing inputs.
Theoretical value Practical value
o Power supply
o Voltmeter
o Resistance
o Capacitor
o Function generator
o Op Amp (741)
The circuit that takes the difference of two signals is called a Subtractor. It is made by connecting an
inverting amplifier to a two-input inverting average.
The integrator basically works like this: whatever current I you get flowing in R1, gets integrated across
capacitor C1. The output voltage Vo is simply the voltage across C1. One great application of the integrator
is generating a ramp voltage. You can do this by placing a fixed voltage at VS that forces a constant current
through R1. The capacitor then integrates this current creating a ramping voltage. The action is just like a
garden hose running water at a constant rate causing the level in a bucket to rise steadily. The smaller the
diameter bucket (smaller capacitor), the faster the increase in water level (greater voltage). The switch is
needed to discharge the capacitor (empty the bucket) at the end of a ramping cycle.
The basic Op-amp Differentiator circuit is the exact opposite to that of the Integrator operational
amplifier circuit that we saw in the previous tutorial. Here, the position of the capacitor and resistor
have been reversed and now the reactance, is connected to the input terminal of the inverting amplifier
while the resistor, forms the negative feedback element across the operational amplifier as normal.
Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 51 / 58
Basic Electronics Laboratory (ECEN1011)
To measure common mode rejection ratio, bandwidth, slew rate of an op
Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR)
The common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) of a differential amplifier (or other device) is
the tendency of the devices to reject the input signals common to both input leads. A high
CMRR is important in applications where the signal of interest is represented by a small
voltage fluctuation superimposed on a (possibly large) voltage offset, or when relevant
information is contained in the voltage difference between two signals.
Working procedure:-
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure.
2. Give the sinusoidal input of 1 volt peak to peak 500 Hz.
3. Switch ON the dual power supply.
4. Note down the output voltage.
5. Determine the CMRR using the following formula
CMRR=20log [Ad/Ac] in Db
o Determination of common mode rejection ratio
The gain–bandwidth product for an amplifier is the product of the amplifier's
bandwidth and the gain at which the bandwidth is measured. Operational amplifiers that
are designed to have a simple one-pole frequency response, the gain–bandwidth product is
nearly independent of the gain at which it is measured; in such devices the gain–
bandwidth product will also be equal to the unity-gain bandwidth of the amplifier. For an
amplifier in which negative feedback reduces the gain to below the open-loop gain, the
gain–bandwidth product of the closed-loop amplifier will be approximately equal to that
of the open-loop amplifier
Working procedure:-
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure.
2. Give the sinusoidal input of 1 volt peak to peak.
3. Switch ON the dual power supply
4. Increase the frequency in suitable step and note down the corresponding out put
5. Plot the frequency vs gain in graph then from the graph find the frequency, at which
output voltage reduces to 0.7 times the output voltage, this gives the bandwidth of
the op-amp at unity gain.
The slew rate of an electronic circuit is defined as the maximum rate of change of the
output voltage. Slew rate is usually expressed in units of V/µs.
Where f is the operating frequency, and is the peak amplitude of the waveform.
In mechanics the slew rate is given in dimensions 1/T and is associated with the change in
position over time of an object which orbits around the observer.
Working procedure:-
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure.
2. Give the sinusoidal input of 1 volt peak to peak 1KHz
3. Switch ON the dual power supply
4. Note the change of output voltage (ΔVo) and change of time for the rising and
falling slop (Δt)
5. Vary the input frequency in suitable steps and note ΔVo and Δ t
6. Find the slew rate (SR: ΔVo/Δt) for different frequency