Commando News Ed 11 Spring 2017
Commando News Ed 11 Spring 2017
Commando News Ed 11 Spring 2017
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NSW President & Editor’s Report .....................3
From the Prolific Pen of Harry Bell....................5
AUSTRALIAN COMMANDO ASSOCIATION INC. Krait Farewell .....................................................7
NATIONAL OFFICE BEARERS The Formation of Special Operations ...............9
LIFE PATRON: Gen Sir Phillip Bennett AC KBE DSO 100 Years in the Battlefield .............................17
PATRON: MajGen Tim McOwan AO DSC CSM Aust Cdo Assn VIC ..........................................21
PRESIDENT: TBA WW2 Japanese Sword ....................................23
VICE PRESIDENT: Col Brett Chaloner 75th Anniversary ~ Kokoda Day .....................27
(Ret’d) Veterans Health Week.....................................29
The Australian Commando Association’s membership consists of AUSTRALIAN COMMANDO ASSN INC.
Servicemen who have served with Independent Companies, Commando Registered by Australia Post ~ Publication No PP100016240
Edition 11 ~ September 2017
Squadrons, "M" and "Z" Special units and Special Forces during and since
the Second World War.
DISCLAIMER: Opinions expressed within this publication are those of the
authors, and are not necessarily those of the Editor, Publisher, Committee
Members or Members of our Association. We welcome any input as long
as it is not offensive or abusive but if any member has a problem with a
printed article we would like to be informed in order that the author may be
contacted. We do encourage your opinion.
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Krait’s Farewell
A Special Operations ‘Vice’ found in Trigg in Perth in September 2017 by Jim Truscott
A Never Before Told Story
Horrie Young, Ex Leading Telegraphist RAN, MV Krait, Operation Jaywick 1943
October 18, 1943 saw MW Krait tied up to her On arrival at Darwin we proceeded to unload her
mentor, USS Chanticleer and her crew eagerly waiting stores and on completion took up residence in a camp
to partake of her ablutions, meals and other comforts. in a nearby crocodile-infested swamp. We could hear
We were kitted out in US Navy clothing from our own them barking all night long so there were no night visits
navy caps and were starting to feel reasonably normal to the toilet.
once more. Lyons and Davidson had departed for I was one of the last to leave the ship and after
Melbourne to deliver their respective official reports Davidson’s comment that we could take everything off
while Bob Page flown to NSW to be with his future the ship except her chronometer and her compass cast
wife, Roma. Taffy had taken off for Perth to be around for something to remind me of Jaywick. It was
hospitalised for treatment to his injured ankle. at this point I just happened to notice a small vice fitted
The remainder of the crew together with Lieut. Ted to the after engine-room hatchway. I chose to remove
Carse were placed ashore at Potshot to await further it as it was no longer required for use by our party and
orders. Lieut. Davidson returned after a couple of it seemed to be a useful and worthwhile reminder of
weeks and advised us that we would be required to sail Operation Jaywick. I have since passed it onto my
Krait to Darwin and on arrival handed her over to the eldest son Brian who was born on the departure date
Lugger Maintenance Group who were servicing other of Krait’s now famous voyage, and so that is how one
SRD bases. small vice has survived the rigours of World War II,
The Special Operations View of operational folboat, Lieut Ted Carse, MID, Weapons on the deck of the Krait.
‘Vice’ at Brian Young’s 17’ 6“ long, 2’ 6” wide, navigator.
house at Trigg. capacity about 700 lbs,
weapons, stores, explosives,
limpet magnetic mines.
Poppa Falls about 5 miles Islands very close to Singapore Harbour (10
from the target area. miles) used by canoeists to launch their attack
against Japanese shipping in the
inspired by MI6’s long-serving Lieutenant-Colonel ligence Service (SIS/SIA), a Dutch East Indies intel-
Dansey, whose code name was Colonel Z, and who had ligence unit (NEFIS), the United States’ Philippine
established an undercover group known as Z Regional Section (PRS, operating in the southern
Organization. General Blamey’s signals, prefixed by a Philippines) and SOE’s latest offshoot – SOE Australia.
Z, ensured immediate attention. To Mott’s horror, in one fell swoop SOE Australia
lost its independence, its specialised funding and
control of its exclusive administrative arm, Z Special
Unit. Since the other organisations that made up AlB
were strapped for cash, had no means of cutting red
tape to obtain supplies and equipment, and lacked a
holding unit for AIF recruits, SOE Australia’s loss was
most definitely their gain.
Mott, whose chain of command had been Blamey
and then MacArthur, discovered that there was now
another level of command - Lieutenant-Colonel
Roberts, now AIB’s Controller. However Roberts, who
had a reputation for working at a snail’s pace, was
controller in name only. His deputy, Colonel Alison Ind,
United States Army, was also the Finance Officer. This
arrangement gave MacArthur’s GHQ indirect control
over SOE Australia since, without American approval,
Z Experimental Station any proposed mission ‘would die from financial
To provide a cover unit for civilians and to provide a As large numbers of Australian Army personnel
holding unit for the large number of Australian army were being recruited to the various diverse and covert
personnel recruited from the AIF, an administra- organisations controlled by AIB, they too were now
tive/holding body, which had an independent procure- ‘posted’ for security and administrative reasons to the
ment authority, was created. In keeping with the newly acquired Z Special Unit. However, all other
already established Z theme, it was known as Z Special recruits (RAN, RAAF and all overseas personnel)
Unit. Only Australian army personnel were posted to remained under the administrative control of their
this holding unit. All non-Australian personnel and all parent organisations.
RAN and RAAF recruits, being much fewer in number,
remained under the administrative control of their Reorganisation:
parent bodies. The same applied to overseas In February 1943 there was a huge re-organisation
personnel. of AlB. SOE-Australia was dissolved, its Director
Despite its swashbuckling and theatrical title, Z Colonel Mott was relieved of his post and, for some
Special Unit was purely administrative: it had no war time, the future of special operations in Australia was in
establishment, no war equipment table, no insignia very great doubt.
and no colour patch. Being non-operational, it could
However, at General Blamey’s direction, in April
not plan or carry out missions in its own right. However,
1943 Special Operations Australia (SOA) was formed.
the carte blanche procurement authority made it
In late May, as a security measure, it was code-named
extremely useful, allowing it to draw whatever was
Services Reconnaissance Department (SRD). The term
required from ordnance stores and giving it a unique
SOA was only to be used at the highest level. Under
role in the Australian Army.
the restructure, SOA was virtually autonomous and
In July 1942 things were just becoming organized at
came under the direct control of General Blamey, to
SOE-Australia’s HQ, when MacArthur’s General Head-
whom it was answerable.
quarters dropped a bombshell. To keep a tight rein on
To further differentiate SOA personnel from those
what the Americans considered to be the sometimes
with other covert units, ‘secret numbers’ were
maverick tendencies of the Dutch and British agencies,
introduced. The numbers were prefixed by letters to
and also believing, quite rightly, that the British and
identify the role of the individual at a glance.
Dutch were more interested in regaining their colonial
empires than furthering MacArthur’s plans to retake the AK: Army/civilian operatives
Philippines, GHQ issued a directive: all existing and AKN: Naval personnel, including operatives
newly established Allied covert agencies were to be AKR: Air Force personnel including operatives
amalgamated and placed under the control of the AKS: Signalers
Allied Intelligence Bureau or AIB. AKX: headquarters staff
This included the Royal Australian Navy’s highly AKO: Ordnance staff
successful Coastwatchers, a propaganda unit known as AKV: Instructional or camp staff
Far Eastern Liaison Office (FELO), the Secret Intel- AKQ: Female staff
Z Special Unit was not a victim of the shake-up - the The fact that Z Special Unit administered only to the
fact that it was an extraordinarily useful tool had Australian army component of SOA also created a few
scotched any suggestion that it too be dissolved. hiccups closer to home. Although the unit had been
However, instead of remaining with AIB, it was handed formed to reduce administrative difficulties, a demar-
to SOA for its exclusive use. To cater for the cation dispute arose in late 1943 when sailors arrived at
administrative needs of the Australian soldiers who SOA’s brand new training school at Fraser Island,
remained with AIB, another administrative/holding unit Queensland. Being RAN, they did not come under Z
was formed - M Special Unit. All AIF personnel who Special Unit’s jurisdiction, which only handled the pay
remained with AIB were now transferred from Z’s of Australian army recruits. Consequently, the seamen
administration to that of M. went unpaid for several weeks while the matter was
Bernard Bastick, a former Coastwatcher recruited resolved.
from the AIF, was one of those affected by the adminis-
trative re-organisation. In 1942 Bastik, unlike his naval Myths and Misconceptions:
coastwatching counterparts, had come under the The creation of Z and M Special Units, coupled with
administrative control of Z Special Unit. In 1943, when secrecy surrounding SOA, whose personnel were
SOA appropriated Z Special Unit for its exclusive use, briefed on a strictly ‘need to know’ basis, has led to
Bastik, along with all AIB’s Australian army personnel, many long-standing and enduring misconceptions
was transferred to the administrative control of the about the roles of the two administrative bodies - so
newly created M Special Unit. much so that they have acquired the status of the
operational organisations to which they actually
Confusion reigns: administered.
The switching from Z administration to M was not Entries such as ‘posted to Z Special Unit/ transferred
without its problems. to M Special Unit’, recorded on army service dossiers in
In 1942 Sergeant Leonard Siffleet, an Australian the interests of protecting the identities of SOA or the
army signaler, was inserted into Dutch New Guinea on covert units under the AIB umbrella, have com-
an AlB (NEFIS) mission, code-named Whiting. Initially pounded the problem: most people believe that Z and
he was under the administrative control of Z Special M Special Units were alternate names for SOA and AIB,
Unit but, in May 1943, following the reorganization, or were separate, elite commando forces within those
administrative responsibility for Siffleet automatically organisations. To further confuse the issue, the head-
shifted to M Special Unit. stones of AIF personnel, killed in action while carrying
This was straightforward enough until Siffleet dis- out covert missions with SOA or AIB, have been
appeared in September 1943, generating a flurry of inscribed as serving with ‘Z Special Unit’ or ‘M Special
paperwork as Z and M Units tried to establish who was Unit’ - their administrative and holding bodies. As per-
responsible for his pay and when. It was later sonnel recruited to SOA and AIB always remained on
established that the unfortunate Siffleet had been the war establishment of their parent unit, the correct
captured and beheaded at Aitappe, in October 1943. inscription should be, for example, ‘2/3 Pioneer
Battalion, KIA while serving with Special Operations
Since 1975, a large file entitled the History of
Special Operations Australia - Organisation, which
records in detail the establishment of SOA, has been
available to any member of the public who cared to
visit Australian Archives in Canberra. In more recent
years this material has been digitised and is on line.
Despite this easily accessible information, many
people, including professional military historians, not
only elevate Z and M Special Units to ‘operational’
status, they also constantly refer to these purely
administrative bodies as Z and M Forces.
Brown’s fledgling organisation in WA referred to itself, much so that it was down to 23 members in 1974 when
correctly, as Services Reconnaissance Department, or Keith Scarff, who had also served with SOA’s
SRD Association. This terminology was also adopted Instructional and Camp staff, broke away and formed
by a sister organisation in NSW, formed the following his own organization. He called it ‘Z Special Force
year. Australia’ and invited Jack Wong Sue, another
The secrecy surrounding SOA was such that disaffected member of the original association, to
members of the West Australian SRD Association become Chairman of the new organisation. Z Special
believed that Z Special Unit was actually the parent Force Australia adopted as its emblem a stylized
organisation, subdivided into SRD, AIB, M Special Unit, commando dagger through a Z, and also issued
FELO and NEFIS. For Anzac Day 1949, this ‘informa- badges to members featuring a gold or silver Z. Other
tion’ was distributed to the press. state organisations adopted a similar logo to WA,
The SRD Association in WA was responsible, based on the traditional commando knife.
however, for erecting possibly the only correctly named
special operations’ memorial in Australia - The Services
Reconnaissance Department Memorial on Garden
Island, south of Perth. Overlooking Careening Bay and
SOA’s wartime maritime training camp, the memorial
lists the names of those who died while carrying out
SOA/SRD missions, along with Len Siffleet, who was
actually attached to AIB.
Zorro-style insignia Zorro the swordsman Commando Association banner, with M and Z in the double
diamond, surrounded by authentic Independent Company
colour patches.
for five weeks following the Jaywick attack, and Singapore were being blamed for the attack, the order
Nichiren Maru, a cargo vessel, also in port from 20 to keep the raid a secret resulted in an appalling purge
September to 11 November 1943. The seventh ship, of the civilian population by the Japanese kempei- tai
on which the limpets are believed to have failed to (military police). This reign of terror, known as the
explode, was ‘identified’ by Jaywick’s Donald Davidson Double Tenth Massacre, began on 10 October 1943. It
as Taisho Maru, but this vessel was in Japan at the time. lasted for months and took the lives of many innocent
There were two or three ships in Singapore that could Singaporeans, whose severed heads were displayed on
qualify as the 7th ship, but the evidence is insufficient to poles in order to intimidate the culprits into confessing.
nominate any particular one. Based on the available Of the 46 Eurpoean internees dragged in for
information, the total tonnage of the sunk or damaged questioning, sixteen did not survive.
ships was just under 26,000 tons, not 37,000 tons The failure to capitalize on Jaywick’s propaganda
destroyed or sunk, as is so often claimed. potential reduced this brilliantly planned and executed
With only two ships put out of action permanently, mission, carried out by a daring and intrepid band, to
the impact on the Japanese was not great in the a side-show with tragic consequences.
military sense. However, this was of secondary Other claims made about Jaywick are also myths.
importance, as the primary aim of the raid had always The story that Lyon conducted the Jaywick and Rimau
been one of propaganda: to penetrate enemy waters, raids in an attempt to rescue his wife from Singapore
carry out an attack and show the world that the (she was evacuated to Australia but when sailing to
Japanese were not invincible. India the ship was intercepted. She became in internee
It did not matter what was attacked, as long as an in Japan – Lyon knew all this); that Lyon recklessly
attack took place. ordered a wireless signal to be transmitted when in
Once the raiders were safely home, their mission range of enemy planes when returning from the
complete, the news of their triumph was to be Jaywick mission (the signal was unauthorized and sent
trumpeted to the world, causing panic and humiliation without his permission); and that the widow of Rimau’s
among the Japanese and raising the spirits of the Bob Page was so heartbroken by his death that she
Allied nations at a time when morale was at a low ebb. never married (she married in 1950 and remained
This didn’t happen. When intercepted Japanese married until her husband’s death in 1976).
signals revealed that the Japanese believed saboteurs Another oft-repeated claim is that SOA was the
in Singapore were responsible, there was an immediate forerunner of the SAS.
and absolute security clamp down. Jaywick remained a In 1942 the British SAS was formed in North Africa
tightly guarded secret until after the war. as a completely separate entity from SOE to carry out
However, this indisputable fact has not stopped commando style raids behind enemy lines. The closest
people, some of them prominent, from claiming that Australian wartime equivalent to the SAS was the
Jaywick’s real success was as a morale booster. Independent or Commando Squadrons. These units,
Jaywick’s propaganda value was never exploited. along with SOE and SOA, ceased to exist when
Neither the enemy nor the general public had any idea hostilities ended in 1945. The Australian SAS was
that a small band of men had pulled off the seemingly formed in 1957. It was modeled on the British SAS and
impossible. The only celebration held was among shares the same motto, ‘Who Dares Wins’.
The Recorded History
Information on Jaywick and all SOA missions is held
in wartime files, along with a mass of paperwork
explaining the establishment and organization of both
SOE Australia and SOA, and detailing all missions
planned or carried out. The successes, the disasters,
the bungles and the mismanagement are recorded
there for posterity. The roles of Z and M Special Units
are also clearly defined as being holding/administrative
units for the Australian army component of SOA and
AIB. No more, and no less.
Members of the public who seek information on
wartime missions and personnel under ‘Z Special Unit’,
The six Jaywick saboteurs, safely home, and find nothing, usually assume that the files are too
toast their success in secret. secret to be released. A search under the correct name
(L to R) Wally Falls, Donald Davidson, Andrew Huston, ‘Special Operations Australia or SOA’ will reveal the
Ivan Lyon, Arthur Jones, Bob Page. falsity of this assumption. All SOA files have been
available to the public since 1975, the year that the
When the top brass at SOA discovered from thirty-year restriction was lifted. Also, on that date, all
intercepted enemy signals that subversive elements in personnel who had sworn an oath under the Official
Secrets’ Act were automatically released from that AIF personnel attached to ISD were administered
undertaking. The misconception that the oath was for by Z Special Unit.
life has facilitated several people to make fraudulent In February 1943 ISD was disbanded and replaced
claims about war service with SOA. by SOA which, under the cover-name of the Services
There is no doubting the bravery and commitment Reconnaissance Department, conducted operations
of SOA personnel who served behind enemy lines, from that date until the end of the war . . .
especially those who lost their lives in the cause. Despite the glamour attached to special opera-
However, in the last seven decades the misinformation tions, it cannot be said that SOA missions achieved
and hype circulated in the public arena has been anything of significance . . .
considerable, despite hundreds of archival files being In the final analysis SOA operations were
readily available, many of them on-line. characterized by inefficiency, inappropriate objectives
The Oxford Companion to Australian Military and unreliability. They did not greatly hamper the
History, compiled by Australian Army historians, was enemy and did not shorten the war by a single day.
collated from material held in these archival files. The As Ivan Lyon once famously said “War is a very grim
following extract, indexed under ‘Special Operations business, isn’t it.’
Australia’, not only sets the record straight in regard to Information on the structure and activities of SOA
the terminology, it also puts the activities of SOA into is also available in files held at National Archives of
perspective: an assessment that some, who are Australia and in Lynette Silver’s book, Deadly Secrets.
unfamiliar with the contents of the archival material, For a detailed analysis of ships in port at the time of
might regard as harsh. the Jaywick attack, see the article by Peter Cundall on
Mark Donaldson, VC
On 2 September 2008, during
the conduct of a fighting patrol,
(then) Trooper Donaldson was
travelling in a combined Afghan, US
and Australian vehicle convoy
engaged by a numerically superior,
entrenched and coordinated enemy
ambush. For his actions on this day,
Trooper Donaldson was subse-
quently awarded the Victoria Cross
for Australia.
On 16 January 2009, (then)
Trooper Donaldson was invested
with the Victoria Cross for Australia
L:R - Alvaro Carvajal, Mark Donaldson, Matt Graham, Jason Semple, by the Governor-General, becoming
Daniel Keighran, Mark Foote the first Australian to receive the
award since the Vietnam War.
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uniform solutions provider, ADA, is set to expand its ADA (Australian Defence Apparel) has been in
product range and reach new markets. business for more than 100 years. It was established in
Showcasing its growing product range and 1912 as the Commonwealth Government Clothing
capabilities, ADA was part of Team Defence Australia Factory, responsible for the manufacture and supply of
exhibiting at DSEI held in London 12 - 15 September, uniforms to Australia’s fighting forces through 2 world
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Accompanying the ADA team on their London ADA is a designer, manufacturer and supplier of
mission was Victoria Cross recipients and ADA brand specialised clothing for governments and large organi-
ambassadors, Mark Donaldson and Daniel Keighran. sations in Australia and overseas including the UAE,
Mark and Daniel provide ADA with invaluable insight New Zealand and Mexico. The company specialises in
and technical support throughout the R&D process and combat uniforms, body armour systems and load car-
were available at the DSEI event to field any questions riage equipment. Leading the way with innovative
relating to the ADA products. design to create clothing and equipment that will meet
the needs of the Defence Force of the future, ADA
Daniel Keighran, VC combines its experience with its extensive network of
On 24 August 2010 his patrol was under fire by a ex Special Forces, Military and Law Enforcement (active
numerically superior insurgent force. After receiving a and retired) contacts to deliver products that are the
friendly casualty, and with complete disregard for his result of a thorough R&D process.
own safety, Corporal Dan Keighran acted on his own Its clients include the Australian and New Zealand
initiative to take decisive action to turn the tide of Defence Forces, CFA, Ambulance Victoria and New
battle. This decision would see him repeatedly risk his South Wales Ambulance, Victoria Police and the
life by drawing enemy fire to himself and away from the Australian Red Cross Blood Service, among many
rest of the members of his patrol who were treating the others.
casualty. ADA’s head office is in Victoria, Australia. Globally,
Dan's actions ultimately enabled the identification it leverages the strengths of its parent Logistik Unicorp,
and suppression of enemy firing positions by both a specialist uniform company headquartered in
Australian and Afghan fire support elements and were Canada. Logistik Unicorp’s presence spans Germany,
instrumental in permitting the withdrawal of the the UAE, Australia, New Zealand and Vietnam.
combined Australian and Afghan patrol with no further For more infor mation about ADA visit
casualties. For his actions, he was invested with the
Victoria Cross for Australia by Her Excellency the
At some point in their career, all ADF members will nationally throughout the year. You’ll receive
leave the military and transition to civilian life. It’s a information from Defence and other organisaitons on
significant decision that can involve your family. topics like finance and superannuation, health,
Planning early will make sure you’re informed and relocating, employment, and ex-service organisation
ready to enter the next phase of your life. support.
You must complete your transition with ADF
Transition Support Services so you understand the ADF Member and Family Transition Guide
process, your administrative requirements, and the The ADF Member and Family Transition Guide – A
support available to you. We encouage you to involve Practical Manual to Transitioning contains detailed
your family throughout your transition experience. information on the transition process for ADF
members. The Guidce includes information on support
Transition support network services and administrative reuqirement. It includes
Transitioning to civilian life is a shared responsibility. checklists to help you navigate transition process.
When you decide to leave the ADF you should engage
with your family, your Unit, and ADF Transition Support
Your Unit can speak to you about the transition
process and connect you with your local ADF Transition
Centre. Your Centre will introduce you to a Transition
Support Officer who will help you and your family
through the transition process and:
• provide you with an individual transition plan
• offer career coaching during your transition and
up to 12 months afterwards
• help you meet your administrative requirements
• help you leave with all documentation like
service, medical, and training records
• facilitate connections to Defence and govern-
ment support services
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Before restoration: Jack’s Japanese sword and some of the ammunition rounds.
Scores of swords were brought back to Australia by Samurai sword for the prize. The raffle was run, and
returning servicemen after WW2. The following Jack was the lucky recipient. The proceeds of the raffle
segment is about one that arrived from PNG on board were handed over to the crew as thanks, and the sword
the HMS Implacable at the end of the war. remained stored in Jack’s shed for over 70 years.
Jack Johanesen, a WW2 2/7th Cavalry Commando ACA committee member Richard Godden carefully
veteran, has been in failing health and ACA Victoria restored the sword close to its former condition. I leave
members Glenn MacDonald, Keith Johnston (WW2 to your imagination the life of this sword before it
2/10th Cav Cdo) and I paid Jack a visit. Jack asked us arrived in Australia. The hilt is inscribed with the usual
if we would like a couple of items for the ACA Victoria Japanese markings that need to be researched to
historical collection. discover its year of construction and its maker. This is
Jack’s items included a bag of ammunition of not as easy as it sounds.
various calibres, and a military sword. Jack recalled to
us how it came into his possession, and I share the
story with you and ask you to use some imagination
regarding the relief that the troops were feeling during
their journey home after such a dirty war.
Jack later did an oral history interview with an AWM
historian: “So when the time came to leave Wewak in
PNG, it was on the British aircraft carrier HMS
Implacable which had arrived at Wewak. With approxi-
mately two thousand troops we sailed south. It was a
magnificent experience. The ship was so immense to
us, thirty-two thousand ton and of course with the
flight deck and everything it was huge. You didn't feel
any waves or anything.”
“The British soldiers, some marines and the sailors
on board, treated us very well. And so it was
altogether a very happy time coming home. We sailed
south to Sydney. Coming through Sydney Heads I will
always remember the Royal Marine Band marching up
and down on the flight deck, and there were masses of
people lined up along the Heads - it was a very nice
Jack said that during the trip the Aussie soldiers
discussed how well the sailors treated them and
wanted to show their appreciation. A suggestion was
to hold a raffle with the proceeds to be handed over to
the crew, and one of the troops generously offered a
After restoration
A great place for R&R
As publisher of the Commando News it was time for enjoying a glass of Angoves, chardonnay pinot noir and
a holiday from the hustle and bustle of publishing. Also an ice cold beer whilst overlooking the other islands
my daughter, Joy, needed a well-earned break from her surrounded by the crystal turquoise waters the tropic of
3 businesses in Sydney so we took up the generous offer Capricorn has to offer. Little did we know Great Keppel
from the Great Keppel Hideaway and ventured out to Island is the native home of the Woppabura tribe,
the shores of the Great Keppel Island which is renowned ‘Woppaburra’ meaning ‘resting place’ and from our
for safe swimming and accessibility healthy coral reefs. experience holidaying in this beautiful part of the
Great Keppel Island is situated just off the coast of southern Great Barrier Reef, Woppaburra compliments it
Yeppoon in Queensland. It’s a tropical island paradise surroundings.
which has flavours of being a cast-away yet so near If you’re looking for a destination where you can rest
civilisation, being a short ferry ride from Yeppoon. and recuperate we highly recommend this beautiful part
Our experience was after stepping ashore on the of Australia.
beautiful white sands of the island we were greeted by Whilst making our way through the scenic board walk
swaying palms trees and a friendly reception from the to our beach front cabin which was fully equipped with
staff of the Great Keppel Island Hideaway. the essentials. We decided to dine in GKI Hideaway’s
Immediately we headed for the bar for refreshments very own bar and bistro.
We were very impressed with the service and
generous meal portions. We thoroughly enjoyed the stroll through the lush tropical gardens the island has to
tropical Balinese layout which adds value to our offer admiring the variety of bird wildlife making our way
experience of being on a tropical island. for breakfast at GKI restaurant. I had the savoury mince
In the morning, we woke up with the gentle sounds and scrambled eggs and Joy decided to have the
of the waves lapping the beach. Immediately we headed continental breakfast which consists of a variety of
towards the crystal clear waters for a morning swim tropical fruits and yogurts with a choice of cereal.
followed by a nice stroll through the tropical walkways We then headed to the GKI Adventures shed where
admiring the foliage of hibiscus, coconut trees and guests can hire water sports equipment ranging from jet
tropical ferns making our way back to the restaurant for skis, kayaks, snorkels, wakeboarding, knee boarding plus
breakfast. many more. We decided to play it safe so we took the
After breakfast we decided to take a tour on a boat offer of hiring the snorkelling equipment for the day then
made with a glass bottom window for viewing. We made our way to Monkey Beach, where we discovered
cruised over numerous coral reefs to view the most corals, and variety of tropical fish and sea cucumbers.
beautiful fish we’ve ever seen. Of varied species which Joy managed to see a number of small stingrays whilst
are native to the Southern Great Barrier including parrot snorkelling in the warm waters along the rocky edge of
fish, bat fish, clown fish, grouper and many more, monkey beach.
fortunately it was a sunny day which gave us opportunity After drying off from our snorkelling adventure we
to view the variety of colours of different corals which are made our way back to our cabin to rest and get ready for
also native to the reef. dinner then headed for the GKI restaurant. I had the
Upon returning we decided to take a delightful stroll salmon dish again and Joy had a beautiful prawn dish
through the tropic forest on our way back to our which was excellent, then retired for the night.
beachfront cabin which we had a well-earned rest before The next day was a classic as I had read my flight back
going to dinner. to Brisbane wrong and the only way we could get back
Dinner at the GKI bar & bistro was absolutely on time to make my flight was to ask the GKI Hideaway
delightful. I had a beautiful dish of ‘pasta caprice’ team for a way back so I could get my connecting flight
concoction of smoked salmon, broccoli & macadamia so they came up with the idea of jet skis.
nuts, pan-fried with garlic sauce. My daughter Joy chose So off we went luggage and all both Joy and I flying
the Atlantic grilled salmon complimented with sweet across the water on the back of jet skis back to Rosslyn
potato mash & Asian greens. Both meals were quite Bay and met by little Jonnies transport which was lined
substantial and flavoursome. What made it enjoyable up by Amie at GKI Adventures and made the flight on
was dining under the cabana overlooking the water time.
giving us beautiful views with a mixture of sensational In summing up the Great Keppel Island Hideaway
colours of pinks and purples as the sunsets across the both Joy and myself had a wonderful time and would
ocean. recommend the Great Keppel Island Hideaway to
After waking up the next morning we decided to anyone.
Karen and Ben did it! I had a flashback to 2009 – I had completed the Inca Trail
and Kokoda came up in discussion. Ben said: “We should
do it together one day.” I thought, we won’t ever do it
together now, but I can do it, for you, for others, and I Karen in training
wanted to support a charity who supported our service people.
It begins
Karen at Brigade Hill The time had come.
Team 6 left from Ower’s Corner on 20 April. The bond that you create while you are
pushing yourself to the limit is incredible; the mud, the tree roots, the steep steps …
every step was a mental battle. I just kept putting one foot in front of the other. My left
foot was Ben, my right foot was Kaz – we were doing this together, but he could never
be ‘right’.
Kokoda is both beautiful and brutal all at once and it was the most incredible
RIP brother – thank you for your service. We did it.
The team at Back Track Adventures offer their sincere condolences to Karen on the
loss of her brother, Ben. We were very proud to be part of Karen’s journey.
Karen (in front) and Team 6 on the
Kokoda Track
[email protected]
08 9279 1770 / 0438 909 281
On Friday 3 November 2017, 300 to 400 people Commando Squadron), Ken “Bluie” Curran (2/11
gathered at the Kokoda Track Memorial Walkway, Commando Squadron), & Phil McNamara all laid
Concord, for a thanksgiving service to celebrate the wreaths.
75th anniversary of the defeat of the Japanese by the Lt Col Kimberlea Juchniewicz gave an excellent
Australian troops in New Guinea in 1942. Amongst address. Two chaplains lead the religious section. A
those present were 9 Commando Association group of Papua New Guinea dancers and choir
members. “Koasties” performed. A group of students from
It was a well organised & moving ceremony. The Rosebank College, who had walked the Kokoda Track
Knox Grammar School’s pipes and drums band led in PNG, addressed the gathering.
the veterans, who were honoured and paraded in Brigadier Phil McNamara closed the service with a
vintage jeeps. The veterans were accompanied by vote of thanks, for all those who attended and those
nurses from Concord Hospital dressed in WW2 who assisted with the organisation to make the day
nurses’ uniforms. A catafalque party was mounted at such a success. The service closed with both the PNG
the main memorial. Many Australian & Papua New and Australian national anthems.
Guinea representatives laid wreaths at a number of The Concord Hospital provided an excellent
memorials along the walkway. These included some afternoon tea, with two large appropriately iced
veterans who took an active part in that campaign in cakes, which were officially cut by some of the
1942. Members of the Association, Reg Davis (2/9 veterans.
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Royce Bush GARDINER (October 2016) 2nd/4th Independent Company
Edward Frederick BYRNE MC 2nd/7th Commando Squadro
Max NORRIS 1 Company
LTCOL James WOOD 1 Company
Keith Gregory SMITH 2nd/3rd Independent Company
WO2 Michael John CRAIG CSM 2nd Commando Regiment
John Robert WILSON 2nd/3rd Independent Company
LT Arthur "Itchy" EASTWOOD 1 Commando Company (1955-
Thomas Allen McMahon (99.5 years old) 2nd/8th Independent Company
STARR Ernest George 1st Commando Company
MAJOR GENERAL MIKE CLIFFORD AM CSC National President Australian
Commando Association
In Victoria, Dad had postings with 1RVR and 6RVR. ordinator of the Bright Sparks Committee promoting
From 1979-1981 he was the Commanding Officer of Gifted Education in the Knox District.
Melbourne University Regiment, during which time From 1990-1992 he was the Colonel Project
the size of the Regiment doubled, and the first female Officer at the Command and Staff College,
officers were recruited. Dad initiated the Sir Edmund Queenscliff.
Herring annual lecture series, which provides out- Dad wrote papers on military history, gave
standing speakers on leadership, military history, and presentations, and contributed many articles to the
command. Defence Force Journal. He also made submissions to
In 1981, he was appointed SO1 Infantry on HQ 3rd various inquiries, including the Millar Inquiry into the
Division, with responsibilities for co-ordinating career CMF in 1974. He had two books published: The
planning for Infantry officers and senior NCOs. Upon Forgotten Force: The Australian Military Contribution
returning to Melbourne from Japan, he served as the to the Occupation of Japan 1946-1952 (Allen and
Principal Project Officer, Victoria, for the Bicentennial Unwin, 1998) and Chiefs of the Australian Army:
Military Tattoo in 1988. Higher Command of the Australian Military Forces
In 1988 he returned to teaching at Fairhills High 1901-1914 (Australian Military History Publications,
School, where he was the Head of English and Co- 2006).
In 2011 he was appointed as a Vice-Patron of
Military History and Heritage Victoria.
Since retirement from teaching, his efforts on
behalf of those Australians who served in the British
Commonwealth Occupation Force (BCOF) in Japan in
the post-World War II period consumed much of his
time. Dad wrote a major submission, ‘Australia’s
Forgotten Force – Case Studies – Justice delayed is
Justice denied’, as a response to the ‘Inquiry into the
refusal to issue Entitlements to, Withholding and
Forfeiture of Defence Honours and Awards’, being
undertaken by the Defence Honours and Appeals
Early in 2016, Dad was diagnosed as suffering from
angiosarcoma, a rare form of cancer. He was under
the expert care of oncologist Dr Jayesh Desai at the
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. This has been a
roller-coaster ride, during which Dad fought bravely,
which was so characteristic of the hard work and
enthusiasm he demonstrated throughout his life.
Finally his suffering ended on 30 June 2017 and he is
now at peace.
Dad's funeral was a great tribute to his life and he
is missed terribly by so many. He is survived by his
loving wife Dr Colleen Wood, his daughter Dr Erica
Wood, his son Derek Wood and youngest daughter
Natasha Wood.
SGT Ian James Turner was demoted to CPL due were staunch mates) and Mike Fussell in November
to two incidents on a NZ Air Force C130 flight to Iraq 2007, then when “Bairdy” went, Ian believed had he
on 30 JUL 2016. Ian admitted to one but as the other personally pushed harder then he would have been
person did not Ian was dealt with by discipline and beside Cam and able to protect him; from which he
admin while in Iraq. took his self-guilt to his death,
Ian’s military career started when going through In Iraq, he was responsible for retraining over 500
Kapooka. Ian won the boxing and then went into Iraqi SF personnel and moulding them and their in-
2RAR and did East Timor, whilst there his section field tactics into multiple operational successes while
came in from a patrol and on hearing of a boxing reducing their unit KIA and WIA losses. This did not
tournament against the Kiwis, Ian immediately go un-noticed by the Iraqi upper echelon as one
changed into shorts and entered the contest. There called into SOCMD asking to be introduced to this
were five bouts of which the Kiwis won four and Ian 'Ion the Lion of Baghdad' (because they could not
won his. Thereafter he claimed he had fought inter- pronounce Ian they pronounced it as Ion - hence the
nationally and 'was undefeated'. nomenclature) and were most taken aback when they
He beret qualified in 4RAR (CDO) and up until he found Ian was an NCO and not of at least Colonel
died he had qualified in over 150 courses, he held a rank.
Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Arts in Counter Ian carried PTSD and other medically recognised
Terrorism and was about to commence a PhD to issues from 2008 onwards which were compounding
further his CT capabilities. but Ian would not step back, he initiated personal
Although he was recommended several times to camouflage techniques and was able to convince
seek a commission he continually refused as he others that he was good to go.
would have been required to leave his SF orientation Prior to his last Iraq tour and with his personal
and thereby leave the best blokes he had ever met. problems he was selected to oversee the Brisbane
His peer support in B Coy was simply fantastic. G20 security for President Obama because of his
He did seven combat tours including multiple unique planning and proven team rapid interdiction
tours in Afghanistan and Iraq, gained Gallantry and tactics.
Commendation Awards, was responsible for the He passed his Jump Master course this year
blowing up of many Afghanistan drug factories and having experienced a malfunction on his first descent
destroying millions of dollars’ worth of opiate stock. on the Friday. But, because he didn’t want to be back
It has been said that he personally had the highest squadded, he went up again that afternoon and had
number of enemy KIA amongst Coalition Operatives, a second malfunction so he was very please the
his teams consistently had top operational success reserve ‘chutes worked and provided a case of beer
rates and that many our SF personnel are alive today to the reserve chute packer.
due to Ian's unique operational methodologies. Ian made friends with coalition men and
Ian was renowned for his black and white honesty, especially amongst the Afghan and Iraqi SF ranks. He
his medical care skills and his meticulous attention to thought and spoke so highly of those countries that
planning and tactical implementation detail. He we are having some of his ashes spread there this
loved animals and wept when on tour he had year so as part of our family will reside with them into
indigenous children literally die in his arms as he was the future.
providing medical attention. If you were a friend of Ian you enjoyed a
His self-guilt complex commenced when he wonderful friendship, yes, they called him 'Mad Cxnt'
blamed himself for the loss of Luke Worsley (they in a reverend frame, but if you were an enemy and
confronted him to injure his team, it was
always full stop for and your team.
Unfortunately, just prior to his second
suicide attempt, he was told 'the army no
longer has a need for your type Turner, you
are a thing of the past, time for you to get
out' so he did, on the 15th July just gone.
Written by his father Mike Turner
ex 1 Commando Company
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by Martin BLANDY (1 CDO COY, 1st CDO REGT 1981-1985)
Anyone who served in one of Australia’s Commando the port side RAAF Loadmaster, with left arm extended
units will well remember the blood, sweat and tears we and index finger pointing at the floor, start advancing up
shed to earn the right to wear (and continue wearing) the the fuselage. As he neared me I glanced down to see
coveted Sherwood Green beret with a fake leather band. what was attracting his attention. It was a small river of
This story does not involve the shedding of any blood clear liquid that he had tracked from the rear ramp, some
or tears but does concern perspiration, a river of sweat. 10 or 12 metres away. He passed me and stopped at the
Friday the 27 May, 1983 was a fine autumn morning cuff of the right ankle of the wetsuit of one of our
when members of 1 Commando Company, 1st Commando members two or so seats from me. Upon looking up into
Regiment, departed CHQ at Georges Heights (Mosman) the eyes of the source of the trail, our Greek member
in Sydney for Richmond Air Force Base to undertake a coolly yelled: “It’s sweat”!
water jump into Shoal Bay. The irony is that within five (5) minutes or so, we were
Shoal Bay is approximately 160 kilometres in a direct in the water after completing our 1,200 foot descent. I
line from RAAF Richmond and is better known for the don’t know why he couldn’t be like the rest of us and wait!
township of Nelson Bay. It is also only 20 or so kilometres Postscript: To protect the innocent, I am prepared to
from the Salt Ash DZ, where many of us were first say that our prolific “sweater” was NOT ‘Fiasco’ (Gary
introduced to the most fun you can ever have with your FIAKOS) but another member with Greek heritage.
pants on!
On arrival at RAAF Richmond we
milled around for the customary 30
minutes or so before donning wet
suits in preparation for our water
Then followed interminable delays
while weather reports came in of low
cloud over the DZ (hey guys, it’s a
water jump – low cloud and/or high
wind speed doesn’t matter!).
By now, it was mid-morning and
despite it being autumn, the
temperature was climbing steadily
and sitting around in a full 7 mm thick
wetsuit was starting to become a tad
Finally, we received the order to
draw parachutes and form up for
“Para Parade”, the fanatical safety
checking of paratroopers and
parachutes that helped our Parachute
Training School remain fatality-free for
so long. Then came the much
awaited order to “Emplane” and
finally we were on our way.
The flight from RAAF Richmond to
Shoal Bay is of short duration and
most of us were eagerly looking
forward to the jump and being able to
cool off after nearly three (3) hours in
our wetsuits. On arrival at the DZ the
rear ramp of our Lockheed Hercules
C130H was lowered in preparation for
the jump but, unfortunately, the
DZSO had other ideas. You guessed
it, low cloud – so we circled around
and around and around and around.
I was sitting about halfway along
the port side gazing idly out the rear
ramp looking at the cool, inviting
waters of Shoal Bay when I noticed
Identify winners…
Apply a strategy......
This little known story is a long overdue record of armour and more artillery that was needed. The
how a small fleet of Australian trawlers not much larger account highlighted the chestnuts of unsupported
than gun boats supplied US and Australian forces in infantry attacks being unworkable and that air supply
the attack on Buna and subsequently across the Pacific cannot deliver the tonnage required compared with
in the Philippines and China. Evolving from an explo- sea. Soon eight light Stuart tanks were delivered by
ratory US mission, it quickly became obvious that there the Small Ships and specialized landing craft started to
were very few deep water ports or port facilities and arrive which allowed the landing of the Australian 18th
that that there was need for a Small Ships Section to Brigade. Even though steel barges that could be
fill the gap until specialized US vessels would become towed were also introduced and enabling supply
available in mid-1943. The US Army strategy to bases to be better set up there was still the constant
acquire these Small Ships commenced in June 1942 risk of the Small Ships running aground by night and
and aided by the Australian Shipping Control Board being strafed by day including friendly fire from other
they searched for commercial fishing trawlers vessels vessels and aircraft.
and crews that could winch themselves back off a The battle for the beach heads was over by January
beach. Soon there were some 17 trawlers repainted 1943 and from that point on amphibious warfare
grey and armed with machine guns in Sydney along become the norm in the Pacific. Large oceangoing
with an array of sail boats and punts and a 280 tonne tugs and landing ships which were being constructed
schooner as a mobile floating command post. in Australia and the US started to arrive in 1943 and a
As the Japanese sought to sever the supply line training program was set up in Sydney to build up
between America and Australia, Small Ships bases Australian crew numbers. The Small Ships were then
were then established in Townsville and Port Moresby absorbed into the US Army Transportation Service
with Milne Bay becoming a became a major base. (ATS) and subsequently involved in operations in the
Coordinated by the Combined Operations Services Philippines and China before being closed down in
Command (COSC) the Small Ships became integral to January 1946. I would have liked to have seen more
the build-up for the attack on Buna. As air resupply images and a coastal chart of New Guinea but none
was thwarted by bad weather, limited airfields and a the less this book is an important contribution to both
shortage of aircraft, the Small Ships became a critical the military history of the US and Australian armies and
pipeline carrying men and munitions for the allied it redress the lack of acknowledgement of the
assault on Buna, Sanananda and Gona. The sea lines involvement of Small Ships. It finishes with the long
of communications from Milne Bay were absolutely overdue recognition by the Australian Government in
vital to moving parts of the assaulting force into 2009 when the Australian members of this US Army
positions and in their resupply. In the build-up a unit were finally granted entitlement to Australian
Japanese air raid destroyed four of the Small Ships just Defence honours. It is a thoroughly enjoyable read.
before the attack was to be scheduled with a crucial
loss of artillery guns and ammunition. Then two more
Small Ships were damaged leaving only one
operating. The story reminded me of the equally dire
resupply situation just a couple of days before the
International Force in East Timor was about to be
lodged in Dili but without adequate commercial ships
for supply.
The assault on Buna began but it ground to a halt
for lack of resupply. Air supply could not match sea
supply and the direction was given for all small ships
from Sydney to Port Moresby to go to Milne Bay. The
changing out of US commanders at Buna made little
difference to the bogged down assault when it was
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On Saturday the 9 April, 1983 over 100 men from cannot say the same for some of my colleagues.
1 Commando Company, 1st Commando Regiment, Quite a few were filling the giant economy size ‘barf
were driven from our then base at Georges Heights bags’ the RAAF carry on board for airsickness cases.
(Mosman) in Sydney to RAAF Base, Richmond to As a disciplined body, the RAAF have some hard
undertake an airborne insertion at Evans Head, on and fast rules. One is that you take off with you
the far north coast of New South Wales. everything you bring on board, including ‘barf bags’.
Our OC was Major Greg NANCE, a former SASR Consequently, several of our members had to jump
Officer and qualified Parachute Jumping Instructor with their barf bags, holding onto them over their
[and more recently, the leader of Australia’s security reserves.
team at the 2012 London Olympics] who had Even though we were using the T10-D canopies
planned the jump as the start of a 2 week exercise in (or smash D’s as we used to call them) my landing
rainforest around Evans Head as a lead-up to the first- went smoothly and was very soft. I moved off the DZ
ever Operation Night Falcon exercise to be held in and took up a position in bush off to the side. By this
Tasmania during winter. time the second aircraft was dropping its load and it
Because a Lockheed C130H Hercules can only wasn’t long before the entire Company was ready to
carry 64 paratroopers, we had 2 aircraft allocated to move out. I could see that Major NANCE was
us. I was in the first stick in the first aircraft, Major somewhat cranky and I asked one of the senior
NANCE was towards the end of the second stick to NCO’s: “What’s wrong with the Boss”?
enable him to land in the middle of the DZ for the Here’s what happened: Major NANCE was under
Company to form up on him. canopy, floating down like a ‘Fairies Fart’ when a full
I was fortunate enough to score a seat close to a barf bag, courtesy of someone on the second aircraft,
porthole and sat back to enjoy the flight north. We fell clean through the 2 foot diameter anti-oscillation
took off and as soon as the aircraft cleared Sydney Air hole in the top of his canopy and hit him on the head.
Traffic Controlled airspace [about 50 nm], the plane Even with a paratrooper helmet on, he still ended up
dove down and commenced ‘tactical flying’. with carrots and peas in his ears!
For those unfamiliar with the term, tactical flying Fortunately, shortly afterwards we did a deep
involves flying below 200 feet AGL to avoid radar water river crossing so the Boss was able to wash the
detection. At that altitude, the aircraft is lost in airborne detritus and odour off himself.
‘ground clutter’ and can approach a target unseen. No suspect ever came forward and the general
On arriving at the target, the aircraft violently pulls up consensus was that it was the shock of the canopy
to 1,000 feet, drops it paratroopers and then dives opening that caused the bag to fall, rather than being
violently back down to below 200 feet. At best, the deliberately dropped after canopy inflation.
aircraft will appear on a radar screen for 20-30
seconds before being lost in
ground clutter again. With
human nature being what it
is, most radar operators
would think the 3-4 blips on
their screen were a phantom
return and disregard it.
Anyway, my aircraft un-
doubtedly had the world
champion of tactical flying at
the controls. He threw the 34
tonne aircraft around like it
was a fighter jet. At one
stage, I looked out the port-
hole and could see the
starboard wingtip about 20
feet off the ground as we
pulled a turn in a grassy gully.
I was having a ball but
Australian Army
Special Operations Command
Warrant Officer Class Two Mick Iraq Campaign Medal
Craig joined the Australian Regular Afghanistan Campaign Medal
Army in 1991 and was posted to 2/4 Australian Active Service Medal with
R A R i n To w n s v i l l e . I n 1 9 9 4 h e Clasps:
deployed to Rwanda as part of the - ICAT
Australian contingent to support the - IRAQ 2003
UN mission. Posted to 4 RAR in Sydney - East Timor
in 1996, he completed Commando Australian Service Medal with Clasps:
reinforcement training in June 1997. - Rwanda
Since then he has filled a variety of - CT/SR
positions within 4 RAR (Cdo), the 2nd Centenary Medal
Commando Regiment and the 1st Defence Long Service Medal
Commando Regiment. Operational Australian Defence Medal
tours include East Timor, OIF 1(Iraq) as United Nations - Timor
part of the Australian Special Forces United Nations - Rwanda
task group in 2003 and a second tour NATO ISAF Medal
of Iraq as a member of the first Infantry Combat Badge
Australian team posted to the US Chief of Joint Operations Commenda-
Counterinsurgency Centre for Excel- tion - Operation CATALYST 2006
lence (COIN CFE) at Taji in 2006. He ADF Commendation - Bronze -
received a Chief of Joint Operations Operation SLIPPER 2013
Commendation for his work at the Soldiers Medallion - 1998
COIN CFE. Return from Active Service Badge
On return to Australia he was posted to Special Forces During WO2 Craig's service to his country in the
Training Centre as a Training Developer but continued in Australian Army he deployed on the following Operations:
the COIN theme when possible and became the SOCOMD OPERATION TAMAR - (Rwanda) Aug 1994 - Feb 1995
representative at the working groups writing LWP-301 (A Coy, 2/4 RAR)
Counterinsurgency. He also wrote the companion doctrinal OPERATION TANAGER (East Timor) Apr - May 2001 (4 RAR)
publication LWP-G 0-2-6 Counterinsurgency Junior Leaders OPERATION FALCONER (Iraq) Mar - May 2003 (4 RAR Cdo)
Handbook. OPERATION CATALYST (Iraq) Feb - Jul 2010 (4 RAR Cdo)
During this time he visited the US Special Forces OPERATION SLIPPER (Afghanistan) Feb - Jul 2010 (2 Cdo
Training Group at Fort Bragg, North Carolina and the US Regt)
Joint Counterinsurgency Academy at Fort Leavenworth, OPERATION SLIPPER (Afghanistan) Jan - Jul 2013 (2 Cdo
Kansas. He also wrote a paper for the Australian Army Regt)
Journal on the lack of COIN and professional education for He is survived by his wife, Caroline, his son, James and
Australian NCOs and soldiers. He completed a degree in stepson, Nathan.
Vocational Education and Training (VET) with Charles Sturt Other family members:
University in June 2009. Father - John Craig
He was the Company Sergeant Major, Alpha Com- Step Mother - Yvonne Craig
mando Company Group, 2nd Commando Regiment from Lisa - step sister
Feb 2009 - Nov 2010 which included rotation XII, SOTG in Kelly - step sister
Afghanistan. During this tour his company orchestrated and Wesley - step brother
prosecuted the strategically significant battle at East Shah
Wali Kot over four epic days in the field in contact with the
enemy in the Chenartu Valley for which the Battle Honour
'East Shah Wali Kot' was awarded.
WO2 Craig was awarded the Conspicuous Service
Medal in the 2013 Australia Day Honours List for his work in
the field of Counterinsurgency Doctrine and Training.
In January 2013 he returned to Afghanistan as the TF66
Liaison Officer at ISAF SOF HQ in Kabul. He was awarded
an ADF Commendation for his service to TF66 during this
In 2014, WO2 Craig attended and completed the
Regimental Sergeant Major Course at Canungra.
WO2 Michael John Craig has been awarded the fol-
lowing Honours and Awards:
Conspicuous Service Medal
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