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RCI510 Setup PDF

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ORS Full 9.7 K CWT 360º

Erected 60’ TeleJib 17º AuxHd On
Pick From Main Boom
Front Winch

• Microguard® RCI 510 Display Unit The Boom Angle Sensor is a magnetically
dampened potentiometer that measures the
• Microguard® RCI 510 Computer Unit
angle of the boom.
• Pressure Transducers
• Extension Reel with length and angle EXTENSION SENSOR
The Extension Sensor measures the length of
the boom. It is located inside the Extension Reel
• Anti 2-Block (ATB) switches cover.


• Installation/Operator Manuals
The pressure transducers measure pressure in
the boom hoist cylinder. the signal is then
The MICROGUARD® RCI 510 System
processed to provide a continuous display of the
continuously monitors the load and warns of total load suspended below the point of lift.
an approach to an overload or Two-Block
condition. Crane functions are monitored by ANTI TWO BLOCK (A2B)
means of high accuracy sensors. The system The ®Anti Two Block system provides
continuously compares the load suspended protection by preventing pulling the load block
below the boom head with the crane capacity into the head of the boom and causing structural
chart stored in the computer memory. At damage to, or breaking the lifting cable. The
approach to overload, the system warns by system, when activated, will prevent movement
means of audible and visual alarms. The of any function that could further cause the
system can be configured to cause function condition to become unsafe. (Boom Down,
kick-out by sending a signal to function Winch Up, Boom Out.)
disconnect solenoids.


The Microguard® RCI 510 System Operator Settable Alarms provide work area
continuously displays: protection zones, warnings for various job site
• Rated Load conditions, and alarms for overhead
• Actual Load obstructions.
• Bar Graph showing Percentage of Rated
Load These alarms include:
• Radius of the Load • Max and Min. Boom Angle
• Boom Angle • Max and Min. Boom Extension and Boom
• Main Boom Length Tip Height.
• Working Area • Work Area and Exclusion Zone Alarms.
• Crane Configuration

On-screen messages provide visual warnings Note: Operator Alarms do not cause function
of conditions that occur during operation of lock out to occur.
the system.
System Setup
The Microguard® RCI 510 system contains a setup calibration mode that operates through the system display
console. The setup mode provides a means of ensuring that the system sensors are correctly positioned and
adjusted following system installation or parts replacement.
This procedure assumes that installation of system components, cabling, and hydraulic connections have been
successfully completed and checked.
The setup procedure involves only the sensors mounted within the extension reel on the side of the boom.
It is important that each step of this procedure is properly followed for the system to accurately provide load,
rated capacity, warnings, and Kickout functions.

At all times, observe safe practices.

Make sure that crane capacity limitations are understood, and

that the crane capacity plate is followed. Do not exceed
manufacturer's specified lifting limitations.

Required Tools
For Setup:
Phillips Screwdrivers
Bubble Level – Accurate to 0.1° at level

For Testing:
Inclinometer – accurate to 0.2°
Measuring tape (100 ft) – fiber-type with tenths of feet

Crane Configuration
Before starting the system setup, position the crane on firm and level ground with the outriggers properly
extended and set. It is recommended that the crane be configured with no stowed or erected jib (bare boom)
and reeved with a single part-of-line.
Entering Setup Mode
The display will step through each setup operation, as required by the user. During the setup procedure, the
display console should be placed in a position that allows easy viewing while adjustments are being made
within the boom extension reel, and allows for operation of the display buttons. The setup mode is activated by
the following procedure:

1. Press the Test and Operator Alarm

Buttons simultaneously and the
Microguard RCI 510 console will
request a security code be entered in
order to get into the calibration
routine. You will then have 5
seconds to enter the proper button
pushing sequence, and when this is
done, the information screen will
show “Entering Calibration Mode”.

When the system asks for the Calibration

Entry Security, the following entry must
be made within 5 seconds in order to be
allowed access to the calibration
1. Upper Left
2. Lower Right
3. Lower Left
4. Upper Right

If this entry is not completed within 5 seconds, the system will revert to a “Normal Operating Screen”. The first
screen to appear after the entry into the calibration mode will be the error code screen. This screen will have
error codes lined up across the bottom of the information screen like the illustration on the next page.
Checking for Error Codes
All error codes should be “0”’s, and
the Duty Chip number should
appear, as well as the serial
number of the computer system
installed on the unit. The button
adjacent to “Exit” will take you back
to the main menu.

Why Zero and Span?

In order for the computer to accurately

measure length and angle, we must insert accurate start and stop points for it to measure from and to. To
accomplish it the Microguard® RCI 510 display uses a very simple menu system for the calibration. The Menu
screen is arranged so that the 4 keys surrounding the information screen can be used as function select
The menus used in the setup calibration are as follows:

• Menu 2- Zero Sensors

• Menu 3- Span Sensors
• Menu 4- Swing Pot Calibration
The menu in use is noted at the top of the information screen. You must use the menu up and menu down
function to first locate the menu number and the sensor number to assure that you are calibrating the proper
sensor. Sensors for the system are as follows:

• Sensor 2 = Boom Extension

• Sensor 3 = Boom Angle
In order to calibrate the system, the unit should be set up on firm level ground and the outriggers at their fully
extended position. It is acceptable for the Side-Folding Jib to be in place, as long as it is noted in the display
setup as a stowed jib. For the first steps of the calibration procedure set the boom at 0° (perfectly level), using
a digital level that is accurate within .1° degree. The boom should be fully retracted.

Zero for Extension

Start the unit and put the console into the calibration
mode and menu up until your “02 Zero Sensors”
menu is on the right side of the information window.
Press the upper right button and the “Zero No. 2 =
XX” will appear as in the illustration at the right.
Remove the cover from the reeling drum and
locate the extension sensor. Rotate the
Extension Sensor gear Clockwise, until the
clutch clicks and then rotate to the left until the
number adjacent to the “Zero No. 2” in the
information screen equals “0” as in the picture

Press the upper right button adjacent to “Zero NO.

2” and the display should verify that you want to
calibrate the extension “0”. (YES! CALIBRATE!)
Pressing the button a second time will cause the
number to the right of “Zero No. 2” to go to “0”, and
the extension zero is finished. The retracted boom
length should appear in the boom length window as
in the picture at the right.

Setting Zero for Boom Angle

Press the Menu Up Button and the display
will scroll up to “Zero No. 3”, which is the
Angle Sensor. With the boom still setting at
the 0° level, we must next set the zero
calibration in the display. The display
should look like the illustration to the right.
Adjusting the displayed “0” to match the
actual “0” on the leveling tool.

Using a digital volt meter, check the voltage

reading between the blue wire on the terminal
(negative) and the Green Wire (positive). The
voltage should read between .470 and .475 Volt.
If this reading is not within the tolerance, you
may have to adjust the angle potentiometer to
get the correct voltage reading.
The potentiometer may be rotated in its mounting
by loosening the two attaching screws just
enough to allow rotation of the pot. When the “0” is reached on the display, the screws must be securely re-
Note: This device is very sensitive, so it should be rechecked after retightening to make sure the reading didn’t

Once the level and the display agree, you may proceed with the zeroing process in the calibration screen on
the Microguard® RCI 510 display.

Press the upper right button adjacent to “Zero NO.

3” and the display should verify that you want to
calibrate the boom angle “0”. (YES! CALIBRATE!)
Pressing the button a second time will cause the
number to the right of “Zero No. 3” to go to “0”, and
the extension zero is finished. The retracted boom
length should appear in the boom length window as
in the picture at the right.

With this part of the procedure completed, you should be able to move on to the “Spanning Routine”, which is
menu No. 3 on your display. Press the button
next to exit in the zero spanning routing. Using
the Menu Up and Menu Down buttons on the
display, press menu up until the display looks
like the screen at the right. Pressing the button
by the 03 Span Sensors menu, will let you enter
the screen for spanning operations. The screen
should then appear like the screen on the
following page.
The functions of spanning the boom, includes actions that necessitate full boom
extension, so you must maneuver the boom into a boom angle that will allows
WARNING you to safely extend the boom to the fullest length. (Usually above 65°)
! You must take precautions to avoid overhead power lines and any other
obstructions that may exist.

Remember to have the proper numbers to enter for the “Extension Span” before starting the spanning routine.
The retracted boom length should already be showing in the boom extension window after the extension
function has been “zeroed”. The span measurement, if not available must be measured as follows:
With the boom fully extended, measure from the centerline of the boom hinge pin to the centerline of the boom
head sheave. This measurement should then be deducted from the retracted length shown in the boom length


Entering a Span

After the boom span “number” has been

determined, you may raise the boom and
fully extend and proceed to the “Span No. 2”
window on the console. Pressing the upper
right button on the information window will
produce a screen that looks like the screen
at the right. Pressing the upper right key will
produce a message: “Yes Calibrate”. When
the button is pressed a second time the unit
will again change screens and give you an
entry screen for the Extension Span as shown on the following page.
The Entry Screen
The entry screen for both Extension and Angle
span look identical. So you need to be careful
of which function you are working with.
The “Span Entry Window” will look like the
example at the right. Note a pair of brackets
( [ ] ) at the upper right hand side of the
screen is the location where the numbers to be
entered will be temporarily stored. The
numbers in the bracket are entered into the
bracket using the left upper key. You must
always enter decimal points in the numbers,
even if the number is an even number (like 75.0). You would still add the decimal.
The two lower keys are used to scroll between the number values shown on the screen. (Note: The number
blinking between the < > brackets is the number that will be entered between the ( [ ] ) in the upper right
portion of the screen) When the desired numbers are entered between the ( [ ] ), and the upper right key is
pressed to calibrate, the proper span will be installed into the computers memory, and the correct extended
boom length will them appear in the boom length window. As shown in the example below:

It is advisable to retract the boom and

recheck the extension “0”, and then re-
extend the boom to double check the
extended number again.
With this accomplished, press the Menu Up
button again and the screen will move to
“Span No. 3 = XX.X”.
The same instruction as above applies for
the number entries for the boom angle span.
The only difference is that this time you will
be entering the numbers in degrees and
1/10’s of a degree, and the information will
be taken from the reading on the digital level
on the boom.
With the boom at 65° or above read the level and enter the exact angle reading from the level. When the
information is entered into the ( [ ] ) brackets, press the upper right hand button to calibrate the input. The
boom angle window on the display should agree with the level. Lower the boom to another angle (say 45°) and
be sure that the reading still agrees with the level within +- .2 of a degree. At this point, it is an excellent idea to
manually check the radius and compare the actual radius with radius displayed on the MICROGUARD® RCI
510 console. This should agree within .5 of a foot. (Or approx. 6”).
Before load testing the unit, we must complete one more step in the calibration procedure and that is to
calibrate the swing pot, so the computer can recognize where the upper turret structure is in relation to the Sub
Frame structure.
The boom on the unit should be fully retracted and the boom centered and stowed in the boom rest. This will
become the “0°”, or stowed position in the boom swing arc.
In order to calibrate zero you will need to put the MICROGUARD® RCI 510 console back into the calibration
mode, and menu up until you reach “Menu 04 Swing Potentiometer”.
Press the upper right key around the information screen and the display will look as show in the example the
With the boom stowed as per the
instructions above, the display should be
showing either 360° or 1°. With this set,
pick the boom up out of the boom rest and
rotate a few degrees to the right. The
numbers should start counting upward, 1, 2,
3, etc.. If this does not happen, press the
Menu Up button and the screen should
change to read Direction = ( + or -). By
pressing the upper right hand button the
reading should change to the opposite
direction, and the swing zero is complete.
Press the button adjacent to Exit on the
screen and you will return to the calibration
screen menu.

Setting the Rope Limit Option

When the crane has the option of different cables with different rope limits, it becomes necessary to reset the
cable limit to facilitate this. The final step in the initial or setup calibration to setting the cable size that is in use
on this unit.
To set this important factor, press the
Menu Up button until “Menu 10 Rope
Limit” is reached, and press the button
on the upper right side of the
information screen.
This will move the screen to the
the example at the right. In order to
change the rope limit as needed, the
upper right hand button will be pressed
once and the screen will change to
reflect the new Cable rope limit. Press
the exit button to return to the
calibration menu and once more to
reset and the system will go through the
self-test mode and come up in the
“Normal Mode”.

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