Global Citizenship Essay
Global Citizenship Essay
Global Citizenship Essay
In ASGL there is mission, and vision for the students. The ASGL student have mission or vision
for their future. Also ASGL have GPO’s and Guiding Principles for the students can memorize it.
We as ASGL students have to Investigate the World because we are a Global leadership
students at ASGL.
Global Citizen are people that do action for the world. In opinion Martin Luther King Jr is a global
citizen because Martin Luther King Jr helped the African Americans civil rights in the United
States of America.Martin Luther King Jr did a peaceful protest for African Americans. There
were discriminatory to the African Americans people, and Martin Luther King Jr didn’t like the
discriminatory to the African Americans people. Martin Luther King Jr wanted equality for African
Americans people, and Americans people. Also Martin Luther King Jr did a speech for the
freedom, and the speech title is I Have a Dream.
I became a global learner because before when was my first year at ASGL I didn’t know about
the GPO’s. I didn’t know what GPO’s to put on my assignments, and homework. The years that
I been at ASGL helped me out to understand the GPO’s. Now I know to Investigate the World,
Communicate Ideas, Recognize Perspectives, and Take Action. I thanks the staffs at ASGL for
the education that the give me this 4 years that I been at ASGL. Also I thanks again the
teachers for their support when I needed it. For aware my education and my future. As a global
citizen helped me how to develop in my adult, and to help my family. Also help me to prepare for
my future.
I receive a global education at ASGL . I learned to about the global performance outcome, and
my education for my future as a global citizen. I will not forget about my global performance
outcome. I will use my global performance outcome because that help me out for mine real life.
Also these 4 years help me out by use global performance outcome on my homework, and
assignment at ASGL. I use Investigate the World by searching on the internet , Communicate
Ideas by sharing our ideas in the class or give our opinions, Recognize Perspectives by
knowing the people situation, and Take Action by helping others people. The GPO’s are
important to know because we need the GPO’s for our education, and the future.
As a globally competent student I recommend to another students to use the GPO’s because it
is helpful for their real life, and school work. All the students have to do their best at school, and
outside from school. Also we are Global Citizen students. All students have to follow their