3C EuropeanRetailDigest Juli2006

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European Retail Digest

3C, Internet Dynamics and Retail: Towards a new market segmentation?

By Peter van den Heuvel, e-business Research Fellow, and Frans van der Reep, Professor of e-
business, INHOLLAND University

Introduction and a vision on how to improve and structures, recorded in

the company. For example, ‘One- business plans, task and job
The Internet introduces new
way’ companies define descriptions. In this type of
business choices for customer
customers as workorders, organisation, management and
interaction. In this article we
improvement in business equals control play first fiddle and in
introduce two claims. Firstly, we
improvement in control. The rest the customer contact,
will show that the way
of the model is explained later in ‘schedule-push’ is the default
companies shape their customer
this article. response: the customer should
interaction, and not their sector
adapt to the structure and
or size, determine the market
The two lower boxes in the organisation of the company -
segmentation. Secondly,
figure describe the schedule- inside-out.
Internet dynamics and its effect
push type of company: the two
on customer interaction re-
upper boxes represent reality- The organisations in the upper
balances the companies’
pull type companies (van der half of the framework perceive
marketing and sales function:
Reep, 2005). The lower two the world as dynamic and
the Internet shortens the time
types in figure 1 perceive organise themselves based on
window for new market
themselves as fit-for-purpose in that perspective. The time
opportunities and makes
a static world. Here, complexity horizon will be smaller and
everyone a salesman. Therefore,
and coordination are managed planning takes place bottom-up
traditional marketing activities
with the help of fixed routines on the basis of demand-driven
become more and more part of
Sales. Corporate communication Figure 1 | Theoretical framework
and branding become more vital.
We will introduce a new market
segmentation, called 3C, based
on data gathered from over 600
Dutch companies. The results 'Away' 'All-ways'
indicate that top-down Who's my pal?
marketing is in the process of
being replaced by bottom-up
sales as an answer to volatile
market conditions. We will Simple demand Complex demand
finalise this article by giving you
practical hints in what questions
should be answered and in what
order to be successful in the
'One-way' 'Excellent way'
Figure 1 introduces the Command and control
theoretical framework for the
market segmentation. Each Static
segment is ruled by a environment
characteristic business vision Source: Frans van der Reep

Issue 49 | News

processes. The default customer supplies and services specify C2 to our eleven key questions (see
interaction is reality pull - addressing the type of table below).
outside-in. Coordination. Each segment is
characterised by a specific type This model has proven to be a
Description of 3C model of coordination as shown in practical tool for entrepreneurs
figure 2. in various businesses. It
After having introduced the
simplifies the view on reality
framework now we describe the
C3: addressing company Choices and addresses obvious key
3C model on the basis of this
is determined by their response questions to set up an

C1: addressing the Customer Table 1 | Our 11 key questions

reveals how organisations match Do you choose for...
customer demand with their
supply and services. Does a Continuity or Flexibility
company perceive the customer Performance optimisation or Speed and dynamics
as a workorder (‘schedule-push’) Arrange innovation yourself or One party arranges innovation
or as an individual (‘reality- Functionality or Simple maintenance
pull’). Furthermore, does the Cost-saving or Innovation
company perceive the customer Standardisation or Individual need
demand as simple or complex? Proven technologies or New technologies
Fixed costs or Variable costs and more risk
C2: The way organisations Better price/performance or Cost-saving
match internal resources to ICT in-house or Outsourcing of ICT activities
tasks and customer demand to Make own set of requirements or Set of requirements by advisor

Figure 2 | The 3C model organisation and customer

Outsourcers Dynamic Flexibles interaction in a specific context.
environment Companies do not react to
Focus: Focus: reality, but to their perception of
Cost-saving Innovation reality and therefore react
Direction of improvement: Direction of improvement: differently to the degree of
Core Excellence Communicational Excellence change in both environment and
By: By: customer demand. This is where
Packaging Measure work the quality of leadership enters
Customer and portfolio focus: Customer and portfolio focus:
the business arena.
Market/Product Customer/Service

Simple demand Complex demand Introduction to 3C Market

Cost-savers Functionals Segmentation
Focus: Focus: In this section we introduce the
Cost-saving Innovation four market segments in more
Direction of improvement: Direction of improvement: detail.
Control Excellence Operational Excellence
By: By: It turns out that with 11 key
Commodity Standardised service questions concerning costs,
Customer and portfolio Customer and portfolio focus: functionality, manageability and
focus: Workorder/Product Static Market/Process
continuity, the market is divided
into four statistically significant

European Retail Digest

segments with a distinct focus manage the complex demand. Reality-pull is necessary to
on, respectively, outsourcing, These companies strive after match the internal perceived
flexibility, functionality and Operational Excellence in reality and the real customer
cost-saving, matching the four delivering standardised services. demand, and also to decide in
different visions within the which way to move.
framework. We asked questions The ‘dynamic’ segments
such as whether the company Segment 3: Outsourcers We do not place any value
strives after flexibility or (‘Away’) judgment on the various
continuity, speed and dynamics segments. Everyone can be good
When new product demand
or performance optimisation, ‘in his own way’. However, we
interferes with a ‘One-way’
standardisation or based on believe that more and more
optimised organisation or the
individual needs and companies will use the Internet
extend of control drops due to,
outsourcing or ICT in-house. for commercial or
for example, ICT management or
This new 3C segmentation has communicational purposes
HRM issues, outsourcing these
proven to be independent of fostering market dynamics.
functions will increase the
sector and size. Therefore, acting from a static
company dynamics. These
business organisation in an
companies shift focus to Core
The ‘static’ segments increasingly dynamic world will
Excellence and give control of
Segment 1: Cost-savers (‘One- be more and more difficult. We
non-core functions ‘Away’, still
way’) feel this type of misalignment
with a cost-saving drive.
will be shortly outlived.
A customer demand type
defined as simple and never Segment 4: Flexibles (‘All-ways’)
changing implies a different type The opposite of ‘One-way’ in Additional Results
of coordination and direction of this model is ‘All-ways’, In our research, 11 options were
improvement from a complex matching the measure work type put to over 600 Dutch companies
and ever-changing demand. It is of demand. The organisational with more than 20 employees in
obvious that cheap commodity timetable, processes, staff and so all types of business on the basis
products ask for a controlled on of these ‘Flexibles’ are of a representative random
business environment in which shaped to meet the changing check. The response we received
production procedures are and complex customer demand. came from both ICT and
standardised with a focus on Here it is all about Pooling, business representatives.
cost-saving. Control Excellence Allying and Linking (who’s my
is the obvious direction of PAL?). We summarise our statistical
improvement. Work can only be significant conclusions based on
executed in ‘One-way’. To understand your customer, two-step cluster analysis.
Communicational Excellence is - Approx 40% of the companies
Segment 2: Functionals the obvious direction of organise themselves on the
(‘Excellent way’) improvement for the business. dynamic environment and
‘One-way’ companies often move From this ‘All-ways’ perspective approx 60% organise themselves
to the ‘Excellent way’ approach with outside-in information on stability.
when customer demand shifts retrieved from customers and
from products to services, and accumulated customer data, - ICT outsourcing is more often
managing the process rather with either growing volumes, the choice for the upper
than managing the costs become changing competence needs or segments than the lower.
more important. Innovation, both standardisation opportunities,
in process and in products, and companies can decide to move - Organisations have a focus on
services are necessary to to one of the ‘other ways’. either innovation or cost-saving

Issue 49 | News

in an almost 50/50 ratio. The something simple. This makes Moreover, our quantitative
‘Outsourcers’ and ‘Cost-savers’ the solution of a standardised, results show a strong
tend to cost reduction but still reality-pull, customer appreciation for human
strategies. ‘Flexibles’ and contact possible within a cooperation competences in the
‘Functionals’ focus on contact centre. dynamic upper segments as
innovation. compared to the static ones. If
Now we turn to the second the Internet changes the
- ‘Flexibles’ have a focus on claim of this article. perception of the company
flexibility. They show towards the market dynamics, it
innovation, tailor-made Sales drives out Marketing also intensifies the appreciation
customer solutions, based on the for cooperation skills. Topics like
Our first claim in this article is
individual customer set of entrepreneurship, creativity, the
the shift in relevant market
requirements. However, a vision-thing and human
segmentation. The second claim,
majority selects fixed costs cooperation enter the business
and the subject of this section,
solutions. agenda once more.
is about bottom-up Sales driving
Our conclusion based on our
out top-down Marketing.
survey is that HR cooperation
- ‘Cost-savers’ tend to opt for
competences gain importance.
standardised solutions and their Marketing is often related to
The reason for this tendency is
own maintenance departments. annual marketing plans ruling
obvious. This HR competence
the various Sales activities. We
enables the company to function
- Business representatives in the feel that as the Internet makes
as a flexible network
‘Flexible’ segment go for speed the market more dynamic,
organisation. The game is no
and dynamics. Not for price. annual market plans as a
longer about survival of the
They are not really interested in concept to manage commercial
fittest, but about survival of the
performance optimisation. operations will be increasingly
most cooperative.
seen as not the most successful
- ICT managers tend to organise coping strategy for companies to
them selves even more to the deal with dynamics. Those plans Practical Use: Some clues
static environment than simply take too much time to put We conclude with some
business management1. yourself in the position to practical hints for the use of 3C.
respond to market dynamics. So The practical use is in the very
- The majority of the we started research on this beginning and at the end of the
‘Functionals’ indicate that the topic, to find statistical evidence sales cycle.
Internet speeds up their for our claim.
innovation process. To be successful, companies
Our data from the survey have to decide in which
- ‘Functionals’ invest more in indicate that the company’s segment they want to operate. It
new ICT technology and functions ‘product does not make sense, for
cooperation tools than the other development’, ‘distribution example, to pretend to be
segments. policy’ and ‘portfolio flexible but act as a Functional.
management’ are part of Sales in It is extremely important to
- Among the group of companies the dynamic segments and are customers that they get what
using a contact centre, most part of Marketing in the static they see. If not, you lose them.
frequent are ‘Flexibles’ least ones. We feel that this picture
frequent are ‘Outsourcers’. Our preludes a restructuring from 1. This behavioural difference between
conclusion with respect to Marketing towards Sales: the ICT and business representatives is the
Outsourcers’ is that they sell Internet makes everyone a subject of further research in our
according to our 3C model institute.

European Retail Digest

So in terms of the 3C model, other has answered complex and where your customer is. It
alignment of externals, because of taste, size, package, helps you to put your claim
Customer (C1) and internals service etc. changes day by day forward to the market. This
Coordination (C2) is necessary and the organisation and its brings us to step 4.
with specific Choices (C3) going products adapt to that demand.
along with that. - Ask yourself whether your Step 4
customer demand and your Determine solution scenario’s
This consistency, ‘what you see environment is static or and plan change. From our
is what you get’, needs to be dynamic. Then determine your experience we have learned that
maintained. This puts future business vision with a the first step companies usually
restrictions to short-term clear position of the customer take is in the domain of
transformation possibilities. and interaction model in it (see communication and branding.
Being loyal to the brand figure 2). Determine whether The next thing we have seen is
becomes more vital. top-down marketing or bottom- that companies foster customer
up sales should be the ruling intimacy strategy just to get a
Here is our recipe: concept. lot of information from the
market about how customers
Step 1 So a firm’s perspective on perceive them and where the
Determine your present business determines the money is.
situation in respect to your segment they are in and
business, processes, ICT and therefore the direction of The final result from
human resources. What is your improvement they are likely to implementing 3C is an aligned
core business and how do you choose and the customer corporate business and business
make money? You probably know interaction they will select. process strategy, customer
the answers. interaction strategy, HRM
Our practical experience from strategy and ICT strategy, with
Step 2 the agricultural sector confirms a for the segment consistent
that segments have nothing to direction of improvement.
How does that fit into the 3C
do with sectors. One lesson we
have learned from real cases is All these conclusions and
- To what extend does the
that two companies in the same results may lead to a new
customer control your business
type of business, that seem the business balanced scorecard.
operations? Answer question C2
same, may be in different 3C
and specify the coordination
segments. At the end of the sales cycle, 3C
instruments you employ. What
activities are ‘schedule-push’ in will help to improve
character and what activities Step 3 understanding of customer
are ‘reality-pulled’ (see figure 2). We have used the 11 questions satisfaction data. Cost-savers
We did extensive testing of the as a consistency check. We feel, want to be approached with
model in the agricultural sector. although we did not do research cost-cutting programmes, not
- Do you perceive customer on this, that, for example, with innovation plans. If you do
demand as simple or complex? Harrods in London, Zara (see so, it will not make this
We have asked growers of footnote 3) and McDonald’s customer happy. For example,
tomatoes whether they have a have done their homework well there are hotels both in the
simple or complex product and on this point. domain of ‘Cost-savers’ and
customer demand. One group ‘Flexibles’. Your sales success
has answered simple because a The result from step one to three and customer satisfaction will
tomato is just a tomato, the is that it is clear where you are mainly depend whether you

Issue 49 | News

approach them inline with their The perception of speed of their identity and change and
segment. If you re-do your change of the environment has communicate their brand. This
customer survey by re- proven to be ‘the’ factor for the has impact on the entire
segmenting your customer set-up of an organisation. organisation.
database, you will find out that Besides, there is little time to
a much clearer picture appears make the message clear in the The traditional market
about what makes your customer market. Consequently, 70% of segmentation in sectors and size
happy. Royal KPN, the Dutch the companies agree that as a may still be relevant in terms of
incumbent telecom operator has result of the Internet, the role of expertise and human network.
adopted the 3C model and is in Marketing is more and more But according to our research,
the process of re-evaluating geared towards communication the 3C segment choice and
customer satisfaction data on and branding. If you are not acting accordingly is much more
this basis. In business-to- seen, you are gone. vital for business success and
consumer relationships, the earning power.
same reasoning applies: you
Connecting also means that
have to know in which 3C
’One-way’ becomes ‘All-ways’. 3C gives you an insight into the
segment your customer is, to
Reality-pull and the choices of your environment and
make him or her happier.
(inter)networked organisation your own organisation and may
replaces more and more the offer new perspectives. Whether
Final Remarks tightly organised hierarchy. The you are an entrepreneur, an
The Internet compels us more Internet is a link between employee or a buyer, “what you
and more to connect with the everyone, inside and outside the see is what you get”. The
customer, personally and/or company, B2C and B2B, in Internet gives you the next
through the Internet. Inside is virtual communities. Who you move. The choice is yours to
outside. And if not, then the are now and who you want to be follow-on. Whatever happens,
difference in perception between on the Internet in this fast- we will be able to watch along
you and your customer may well changing environment forces with you and follow you,
be disadvantageous to you. most companies to re-establish personally and on the Internet.

van der Reep, F. (2005) From Schedule Push to Reality Pull: Reality pull prefers retail European Retail
Digest 48 (Winter 2005/06) pp. 33-37


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