Architecture For Customer Relationship Management
Architecture For Customer Relationship Management
Architecture For Customer Relationship Management
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4 authors, including:
Walter Brenner
University of St.Gallen
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nurturing of customer relationships [13][14], in processes that involve customers. These customer-
particular Customer Relationship Management (CRM). oriented CRM processes are mostly semi-structured,
Following Shaw and Reed [20, p. 4], we define CRM i.e., they involve activities that cannot be described
as an interactive approach that achieves an optimum formally and therefore cannot be automated
balance between corporate investments and the completely. Their performance is predominantly
satisfaction of customer needs in order to generate influenced by the underlying supply of knowledge on
maximum profits. This entails: products, markets, and customers [3][4][17]. CRM
• acquiring and continuously updating knowledge on processes can therefore be considered as knowledge-
customer needs, motivations, and behavior over intensive processes. Managing the collection, storage
the lifetime of the relationship. and distribution of relevant knowledge requires the use
• applying customer knowledge to continuously of Knowledge Management (KM) in CRM processes.
improve performance through a process of „Knowledge Management is the process of critically
learning from successes and failures. managing knowledge to meet existing needs, to identify
• integrating marketing, sales, and service activities and exploit existing and acquired knowledge assets and
to achieve a common goal. to develop new opportunities.“ [16] The following
• the implementation of appropriate systems to section describes CRM and KM processes and the
support customer knowledge acquisition, sharing, closed knowledge loop that should be achieved in
and the measurement of CRM effectiveness. CRM to exploit its potential.
To integrate marketing, sales, and service activities,
CRM requires the strong integration of business
CRLC) [cf. 9, p. 1197]. A customer process is the The objective of campaign management is to generate
sequence of activities that a customer has to perform to valuable opportunities or ‘leads’, which can be further
satisfy a need or to solve a specific problem, e.g., qualified by lead management and then used by sales
building a house. A customer process therefore management. Campaign management addresses the
determines the required products and services that a need articulation phase of the customer process.
service provider has to offer to cover a customer The objectives of sales management are to
process entirely [12, p. 25]. Because most service understand the needs of a current or prospective (but
providers cannot cover an entire customer process, or known) customer as completely as possible, to consult
do not want to cover it due to a focus on certain core the customer on possible alternatives with which to
competencies, collaboration with other service satisfy his needs, and finally to submit an offer, and
providers that offer complementary products and close a deal. Therefore sales management covers the
services is necessary. customer process phases of need articulation,
We distinguish among three categories of CRM evaluation, and buying.
processes: Service and complaint management cover the
• CRM delivery processes: Processes with direct customer process phases of using and expiry / renewal
customer contact that are designed to cover part of of a service contract complementarily. Service
the customer process (campaign management, management is the planning, realization and control of
sales management, service management, complaint measures for the provision of services. Examples
management). include contract management and information services
• CRM support processes: Processes with direct in the after-sales phase.
customer contact that are not designed to cover Customers’ articulated dissatisfaction is received,
part of the customer process, but to fulfill processed, and communicated in the enterprise within
supporting functions within the CRM context the scope of complaint management [21]. The
(market research, loyalty management). objectives are to improve customer satisfaction in the
• CRM analysis processes: Processes that short-run by directly addressing problems that led to
consolidate and analyze customer knowledge that complaints, and to support a continuous improvement
has been collected in other CRM processes. The process (in the form of feedback management) to avoid
analysis results are passed on to the CRM delivery complaints in the long-run. Complaint management
and support processes as well as to the service primarily addresses the using phase of the customer
innovation and service production processes to process.
improve their effectiveness (customer scoring and
lead management, customer profiling and CRM support processes
segmentation, feedback and knowledge
management). Market research is the systematic design,
Next, we provide a short overview of each CRM collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings
process. relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the
company [10, p. 129].
CRM delivery processes Loyalty management is the planning, realization,
control, and monitoring of measures to optimize the
In contrast with transaction marketing, relationship duration and intensity of relationships with customers.
marketing is based on interactive, individualized Exemplary measures are loyalty programs such as
contacts [8, p. 11]. Campaign management is the core airlines’ frequent flyer programs, but also churn
marketing process that implements relationship management to identify customers who are in danger of
marketing’s ideas. We define it as the planning, migrating to competitors at an early stage.
realization, control, and monitoring of marketing
activities aimed at known recipients, who are either CRM analysis processes
current or prospective customers. Marketing campaigns
are individualized (one-to-one marketing) [15] or Lead management is the consolidation,
segment-specific, usually use different communication qualification, and prioritization of contacts with
channels, and offer at least one communication channel prospective customers. Contacts may be received from
for feedback from the recipients to allow interaction. campaign management or other sources, e.g., the
service management process. The objective is to of variants in a company’s product and service
provide sales staff with a qualified and prioritized list portfolio.
of presumably valuable prospective customers to allow Feedback management is responsible for the
them to be precisely and effectively addressed within consolidation and analysis of knowledge from
the sales management process. In contrast to lead customers, which is collected in the CRM delivery
management, the objective of customer scoring is to processes, particularly in the complaint management
prepare a list of current customers who may be process. The results feed a continuous improvement
interested in a specific product or service. Thereby, process of a company’s products, services and
customer scoring takes advantage of the cross-selling processes.
potentials of current customers and offers a means with Multi-channel management is a cross-functional
which to address customers more precisely to decrease activity and is responsible for the synchronization of
contact costs and increase customer satisfaction. the CRM delivery and support processes. It is the
Customer profiling is the analysis of current coordinated development, design and control of
knowledge about customers in order to classify and product and knowledge flows to and from customers
characterize each customer, for example with regard to over different media and communication channels [7,
his value for the company, loyalty, and preferences p. 19].
regarding products and communication channels. For effective CRM, the implementation of a closed
Campaign management, sales management, service knowledge loop is essential. Knowledge about
management, complaint management, and loyalty customers that is collected in the CRM delivery and
management processes use the results of customer support processes has to be passed on to the analysis
profiling to address customers in a more personalized processes. It is analyzed there and the results are
way. Conversely, the objective of segmentation is the channeled back to the delivery and support processes in
development of homogenous customer segments that the form of recommendations for action. To increase
have different product and service needs [10, p. 9]. effectiveness, only knowledge that is needed to make
Customer segments are the basis for the development recommendations should be collected and analyzed.
• Process: What are the relevant CRM processes • System: Which information systems are used
and implementation measures? to support the CRM processes implemented?
Table 1. Overview of case sites.
Approved cases are available at
The names of these companies were changed due to non-disclosure agreements.
A universal bank is a bank that offers a comprehensive range of banking products.
example is the offering of accommodating solutions customers as well as the customer consultants of the
to dissatisfied customers in the complaint distribution partners. Regular opinion polls measure
management process. This requires employees to be customer satisfaction.
sufficiently empowered to freely decide on The objective of the CRM implementation at
concessions during a conversation with a customer. Investment Bank was the improvement of customer
Knowledge management systems can be a means of satisfaction. Investment Bank therefore only
systematic support for Customer Satisfaction differentiates between customers on the basis of the
Management, because they enable the swifter customer typology. Since it favors long-term
processing of customer inquiries. customer satisfaction, Investment Bank forgoes
Customer Satisfaction Management therefore measures for short-term sales increase.
primarily covers the CRM delivery processes of the
CRM architecture. The implemented measures are 4.2. CRM as Customer Contact Management
therefore mostly of an organizational nature. KM
systems are primarily used for process support on the CRM as Customer Contact Management aims at
system level. reducing costs by improved process efficiency and
Investment bank has an exemplary the use of media-based communication channels.
implementation of CRM as Customer Satisfaction Integrated information and communication
Management. The objectives of the CRM at technology is used to maintain or even increase
Investment Bank are to exploit the customer potential service quality by realizing shorter cycle times.
of its distribution partners and to increase brand Moreover, Customer Contact Management aims to
recognition. Since the bank’s products are mainly provide customers with a consistent interface across
distributed to partner companies, it has little direct all communication channels.
contact with end customers. To increase brand A prerequisite for realizing these goals is the
recognition and customer satisfaction with the collection and provision of relevant customer data at
services offered, Investment Bank uses a self- all customer contact points. Besides the customer
developed customer typology, which helps to master data, employees with customer contact also
determine a customer’s investor type. The typology is record the contact history, topics discussed, customer
used within Investment Bank’s campaign requirements, and “soft” customer data such as
management process and within the distribution hobbies, interests, and preferences. Transparency
partners’ sales management processes. Within the between the enterprise and customers is thus
campaign management processing, the addressing of established across all interactions. Standardized input
customers is adapted according to each investor type. formats and categories guarantee the usability of data
Moreover, part of the customer magazine is designed for automatic data analysis. However, data analysis
to address the different investor types. To improve the plays a secondary role. The relevant processes of
distribution partners’ sales management processes, Customer Contact Management are campaign
Investment Bank can provide detailed descriptions of management, sales management, service
proposed counseling strategies and the recommended management, and complaint management. In these
behavior when counseling each investor type. processes, customer data is collected and also
Customer consultants can determine the investor type utilized. Operational CRM systems support the
at the start of a counseling interview by using seven collection of customer data and the management of
simple and impersonal questions like “How important customer contacts. Collaborative CRM systems
is flexibility of investments for you?” The objective support the integration and synchronization of
of the typology is customer counseling, oriented different communication channels within the scope of
toward customer needs, in order to achieve long-term multi-channel management. Besides achieving
customer satisfaction with the purchased products. shorter cycle times, the use of media-based
A call center handles the service management communication channels also allows cost reductions.
process of Investment Bank with SLAs guaranteeing Regional Bank has an exemplary implementation
a high quality of service. Furthermore, a content of CRM as Customer Contact Management. The
management system enables a competent and quick objectives of CRM at Regional Bank were the
response to customer inquiries regarding complex improvement of the proximity to customers and the
bank products. The call center is used by end- realization of cost-cutting opportunities through
information systems. Within the scope of campaign target product offers to individual customers, can
management, Regional Bank carries out intermittent support this task. In a first step, a company has to
database queries to support the planning of product- implement loyalty management, customer profiling,
oriented campaigns. These queries result in customer and customer scoring processes. Customer profiling
lists that are forwarded to the responsible customer develops a profile for each customer, which forms the
consultant in a branch office, or to the contact center foundation of long-term strategic customer planning.
for processing. Because the branch offices and Customer scoring, moreover, discovers individual
contact center’s CRM systems are integrated, the cross- and up-selling opportunities. The results are
contact center can launch product campaigns and transferred to the campaign and sales management
transfer the leads generated to the calendars of branch process.
office consultants. The consultants counsel the This CRM approach employs methods for the
customers within the sales management process. By monetary assessment of customer relationships to
using a contact center, activity-based costs are establish equilibrium between investments in
reduced and branch office consultants have more time customer relationships and realized profits. Besides
to counsel customers. Therefore, multi-channel customer assessment, precise definition and control of
management and integrated information systems not CRM measures in the context of loyalty management
only reduce costs, but also improve proximity to are necessary. Within performance management, the
customers. These goals are additionally pursued by profitability of CRM measures and the development
the contact center’s central handling of service and of customer segments are monitored. A data
complaint management processes. Moreover, warehouse and other analytic CRM systems make up
operational CRM systems support customer and the core of the information systems infrastructure. As
contact management and thus decrease the time that in Customer Contact Management, operational and
consultants spend on administrative tasks. collaborative CRM systems enable employees’
Regional Bank has built its infrastructure for efficient management of customer data,
Customer Contact Management step-by-step over a communication, and contacts.
period of five years: a paper-based counseling Besides the CRM delivery processes, Customer
methodology, an ERP system, an operational CRM Profitability Management therefore also covers the
system, and a data warehouse. The more components CRM support and analysis processes of the CRM
Regional Bank added and the better they were architecture. In particular, a closed knowledge loop is
integrated, the greater the benefits were that the bank established in this CRM approach. Relevant customer
achieved. knowledge is collected at all customer contact points
The example of Regional Bank shows how the and then analyzed. The results are disseminated and
employment of information systems within the scope explained through detailed instructions to the
of Customer Contact Management can lead to employees at the customer contact points.
increased proximity to customers, more efficient On the system level, operational and
processes, as well as cost reductions. collaborative CRM systems as well as analytical
CRM systems support the CRM processes. Moreover,
4.3. CRM as Customer Profitability ERP and transaction systems serve as data sources for
Management the data warehouse and analytical systems.
Universal Bank has an exemplary implementation
The strategic objective of CRM as Customer of CRM as Customer Profitability Management. The
Profitability Management is to develop long-lasting, objectives of CRM at Universal Bank are long-term
profitable relationships with customers. This is customer retention and exploitation of the potential of
achieved by increasing customer loyalty and its customer base.
exploiting the potential of the customer base. Universal Bank uses the results of customer
In Customer Profitability Management, a scoring to build the foundation for the campaign
company has to identify and nurture profitable management process. The bank performs a data
customer relationships. Unprofitable relationships mining analysis for each product-oriented campaign
have to be made profitable or abandoned. Extensive to identify those customers who are most likely to buy
data analysis that will not only differentiate between the product. Only the most likely customers are
profitable and unprofitable customers, but will also selected as recipients of a campaign. Moreover,
within the campaign management process, Universal of the analysis make the active control of migration
Bank calculates the net present value for each possible. According to Universal Bank it achieved a
campaign and makes an investment decision on this return on investment (ROI) of investments in
basis. Depending on the product offered and the analytical CRM infrastructure and employee training
customer selected, a recipient is either transferred to a within two years.
customer consultant in a branch office, to the call The objectives of CRM implementation at
center, or to the mailing department. This is done by Universal Bank are the exploitation of its customer
email, or by an entry in the operational CRM system. potential and the active development of customer
The sales and service management processes do not relationships. The implementation of Customer
differ from the processes in Customer Contact Profitability Management started with the
Management. Besides a customer’s profitability, his construction of a company-wide data warehouse.
development and potential for the enterprise play an Using data mining and OLAP systems, the bank
important role. Loyalty management determines these generates customer profiles and sales opportunities,
factors and actively controls them. Universal Bank and furthermore monitors and plans the long-term
uses a matrix for the classification of its customers development of each individual customer
according to their loyalty and value to the enterprise. relationship. KM helps to support the dissemination
It also uses this matrix to monitor customer and correct use of customer knowledge gathered in
migrations between customer segments as defined in the analytical support processes.
the matrix. Individual product offerings on the basis
Table 2. Types of CRM approaches.
Type Customer Satisfaction Customer Contact Customer Profitability
Management Management Management
Strategic Improvement of customer satisfaction Process efficiency and cost reduction Customer retention and exploitation of
Objectives customer potential
Processes CRM delivery processes CRM delivery processes CRM delivery, analysis, and support
implemented processes
Integrated CRM system not Collaborative and operational Collaborative, operational, and
necessary CRM systems analytical CRM systems
KM systems KM systems
Use of customer data from ERP
and transaction systems
Usage of general measures (e.g. Collection of customer data for Analysis of customer data to
service level agreements (SLA), efficient customer support develop different strategies and
Role of customer
customer counseling methods, IT support provides a single view up- and cross-selling opportunities
knowledge and
customer typologies) without on customers at all customer per customer (or customer
differentiation between customer contact points segment)
segments Multi-channel management for Active development of customer
IT support is not essential cost reductions relationships
processes and
systems (dark)
according to CRM
architecture (see
Figures 1& 2)
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