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A teaching guide for slide rule instruction by MAURICE L. HARTUNG ‘The University of Chicago PICKETT & ECKEL, INC. Chicago § / Alhambra, CaliforniaIntroduction Many teachers have not had extensive experience in texehing tie she rule. ‘They arc looking far suggestions for elfeetive says of introd: ws the slide vule to their students. Some teachers who hav nad much experience may nevertheless be Interested in checking thelr own methouls agalast those that others have found effective. This Teaching Guide has been prepared to help both groups of teachers. TSTe Tinients who are mentioned in the Culde are assumed to bo in juniur or senior high school classes. ‘The Guide ts organized into twelve sections. Some teachers may wish to follow the suggestions in each of these soctioas. Others will want to select osly certain sve- liana appropriate for their classes and time allotments. There is also some freedom of choice as to the order in whlch the various topics may be taken up. Comments on decisions as to selectinns and order axe included in the Guide. Tf eae teacher wha looks through this Guide finds only one sus gestion that will belp him make the study of mathemetics more ia- teresting ani effective for his students, the preparation af the Guide will have been worth the effort The author of this Guide, Mowsice L. Hartung, is widely recog: nized Fer his work in corsteulum and methods in motbemotics, He hee written many texts end protesiono! articles For Ahis Field Since 1936 @ member ofthe faculty of the University of Chicane ‘whore he holds the rank af Professor, Br. Hortuag eaceived bath degrees of MA, aad PAD, ia Mothamatics rom the Unineeily of Wiseonsin, Copyright 1960 Pickett & Eckel, Ine. Chteage 5, MlinoisSection 1 2 8 10 uy 42 Contents Introducing the silde rule wee . Helping students understand the basic principles... 6. 4 Teaching multiplication and division... = Teaching students about approximations... se jentifie notalior Teaching” Using the "Powers-of-Ten” slide rule as a learning aid in teaching exponential notation and decimal paint location. ‘Teaching students to use the A and B scales... 1. ‘Teaching students to use the K scale ‘Teaching students lo use the Cl seale. oo. ‘Teaching students the meaning of Jogarithms, how to find logarithms, and how the L, ©, and D scales are made ‘Teaching the use of the §, T, and ST scales . . ‘Teaching slide rule operation in terms of logarithms 1s 25 30 38 34 36 40 42Introducing the slide rule Motivation is no prablem in the carly stapes of teaching students to use a slide rule. With the instrument in their hands they are ready and eager to begin using it. Tell the class that the slide rule is fairly simple toal by means of which answers to involved mathematical problems ean be easily obtained, To solve the problems easily and with confidence, hawever, it is necessary that the students have a clear understanding of the operation of the slide rule. Begin by showing the students haw to hold a slide rule, ‘The ends of the rule should be held between thurnb and forefinger. This wil insure free, smooth movernent of the slide and af the indicator. Holding the rule at the center hinders this free mavetnent. The slide rile consists of three pacts: (1) bodlys (2) slide; (2) oursox, or indicator, with its hairline, The scales on the body and slide are arranged ta work together in Solving problems, and cach scale is named by a letter (A, B, ©, D, etc.) or other symbol, ‘The hairline on the indicator is used to help read the scales and adjust the slide, ‘canoe er nearer) OT Introducing the slide rule 5Helping students get the general iden Helping students learn to read the seales Figure 2 1 1.1 Call attention to the seales oa the slide rule. Tell the students that the C and D seales ave the most important seule, and that the hasic use of these scales is to multiply numbers. Identify the bady, the slide, aud the cursor, or indicator, will its hairline. Ta large demonstrator rule is available, set it (0 show 2x9 = 8; that is, set 1 on the C scale over 2 on the D scatc, Sel the tuirline of the cursor over 3 on the C scale and show the class that the answer, 6, may be vend on the D scale under the hairline, Have each student set his own rule and read the answer from it Move the cursar hairline to 4 on the € scale and chow that 2x 4= 8 may now be read on the D scale, 1.2 Next, write an example such as 2,34 x 86.9 on the board, Tell the students that before they ean do mare diffivult examples Tike this, they must learn how to read the scales and locate the position that car- responds lo each number, 2 2.1 The primary graduations 2.11 Tell the students there are a few "vocabulary" terms they should know to ald in talleing shout the procedure, Call attention to the subdivisions of the D seale, and tell the elass that each mark is called a graduation [senna A NHPLRYYM no yy ye aN Set the cursor hairline over the left index of D. Tell the students this graduation is ealled the "left-hand index." Have thei note the Jarge numeral "L” under it, Next, have them observe the mark at the right, called the “right-hand index," which is also labeled "I". By moving the cursor, fielp the students locate the other major sub- Aivisions labeled "2", "3", "4", ete. Explain that those ten marks are called “primary” graduations and represent the first digit in any numeral, Point out that these primary graduations are closer together ne one moves {rot ledt t right. Tell the students that the D scale is an example of a non-uniform scale 2.2 The secondary graduations 2.21” Next, have the students place the cursor hairline over the Jeft-hand index, and move it slowly to the might till they come to the gnark labeled with a small numeral "I", then eontinue through "2", "2", etc,, to primary "2".* Tell the students these marks are called “secondary” gradations. Have the students notice that these gradua- tions separate the intorval between primary "1" and primary "2" into ten parts. Although these parts do not have the same lengthe-the scale ig non-uniform--the scale 1s read as though these were tenths, Have ‘ton B-inch slide rules these graduations have no mumarale bestde them.Figure 3 Figure 4 the students read the sequence between primary "1" and primary "LA, 1.2, 1.3) 4.4, 0, 1.9, 2.0." Waite theee numerals on the chalkboard ina horizontal Tine. Continue to move the cursor hairline to the right over the other secondary gradvations, Have thy stadenls read these aloud in sequence as: "2.1, 2.2, 2.3)... 80, 3.1, 3.2... 40, 4.1, 4.2, -.. 9.8, 9.9, 10.9." Call attention to the fact that in this sequence the right, index is read as L0, not 1, a ce “ue, SeCONDMAY GRADUATIONS 2.22 Now tell the students to move the hairline back to the left index and start quer, but this time they are to read the Left index we 10. Have them read the secondary graduations aloud in sequence, ast "Lt, 12, 19, -., 20, 21, 22, ... 40, 31, 32, ... 98, 99, 100." Also write this sequence of numerals on the chalkboard directly under the others or 2.23 Repeat the cycle with the qumerals: “110, 120, 430, ... 200, 210, 820, ... 800, 810, 320, ... 980, 990, 1000." Ask the students to study these sequences, ancl draw out for them the generalization that for each graduation the sequence of digits in the nameral is the samc, but the position of the decimal point is changed. 2.9 The tertiary graduations 2.31 Some tenchers may want Lo defer teaching the students how to read the third digit until after some work bas been done on multiplica- Yon, This is @ good plan because it gels the student “right into it" quickly. However, there are alsa advantages in going on immediately lo further study of the scales, We assume at this paint that the grad- vation scheme is that customary on 10-inch slide rules, 2.32 Have the students start by placing the hairline over the mark for 110, Call attention to the short graduations between secondary '"t" and secondary Have these road aloud in sequence as: “111, 112, 118, ... 118, 120." Continue with: "121, 122, 128, ... 129, 130, 198, 199, 200," 2.33 Now start back agnin at the left index, reading it as "100," ‘Warn the students that the next reading 46 "tricky," and help them sec that the sequence is: "101, 10%, 103, ... 108, 110." More naw to prbtary "2", and call attention to the fact that there are only five spaces betwen if and the next secondary graduation, Tell the students they can now "count by twos, "" reading the graduations in sequence as: "202, 204, 208, 208, 210, 212, ... 386, 398, 400.” syn anna pg a vy. up t ve t ! pum Introducing the slide rule 72.84 Now have the students start back at 2, and tell therm to place the hairline about halfway between the mark for primary 2 and the next mark, Tell them this position is read as "201." Move the cursor between "202 and "204, " and read “203.” Continue to read the grad- uations for odd numbers up to 999, Some sample readings are shawn in Figure §. tore hes an a2 465 oso «Pama TTT YET, 2.35. A major psychological difficulty may arise at this point, Some students may be disturbed beeause they feel thoy cannot place the hair- line precisely where it "shavld be," They become unduly concerned about error. At this time they are not quite ready for a fully satisly= ing discussion of this problems, It Ls best simply to polit out that with practive they will learn to estimate with adequate precision where the hairline should be. For the present, they should try to place it just slightly to the right af the midpoint of the interval between two erad- ations, Point out that engincers, scientists, and others use slide rules regularly and find the accuracy adequate for uct of their work, Bi time permits, the students should learn the basic principles of approximate computation. Some of the essentials will be discussed later in this teaching guide 2.56 Nest, have the students observe that to the right of primary "4" there is only one subdivision between each secondary graduation, Tell the students to read the graduations "by fives," thus: "405, 410, 415, .., 505, 510, 515, ... 605, 610, 615, ... 995, 1000." Between these graduations the students must estimate, Have them start at 400 and move the hairline slightly to show where 401 should he, then aiove again to 402, 409, 404, and thus arrive at 495. Continue in this way until they gain some confidence in “splitting” the interval. Point out, for example, that 413 will be nearer 415 than 410, and 414 will be very close to 415. 2.37 Finally, by returning once more to the left-hand index, ex- plain how a fourth digit ean be read in the interval between primary "1" and primary "2", Begin, for example, at 198, which can be located at A graduation, By splitting the nent interval in half, show where 1968 is located. Continue with similar oxamples, 2.36 At this point the students should be given seme practice in reading the € and D scales. ‘The large demonstrator rule may be used to give them settiags to read, and they should each write the numerals on paper, They should alsa make settings that correspond to given numbers, Prolonged practice is not wise, however. The most effective practice comes with actual computation, where the correct answer serves as a chock on the settings. @Helping students understand the basic principles Some teachers may wigh to defer instruction on the basis principles neil after ho students have made more progress in learning to compute with the slide vule, Those teachers may turn at once ta Section IIL This section may be (toil entirely if only @ limited amount f time is available, Li, however, understanding af principles is & major objective (as it should rightfully bel, time should be found for learning activities of the type described her Tell the students that the ondinary slide rule is used to wvletply and divide numbers, and to do many other mare eamplicated computations. Explain that they will understand better how it works if they take a few minutes to see how a slide rule for addition can he made. Seales for addition = 1 1.1 Remind the students that they have used a foot-rule many times to measure lengths, Demonstrate how twa foot-rules, X and Y, can be gether to add numbers. For example, in Figure 6 the 9 of Rule X is placed opposite 3 of Rule Y. Under 4 of Rule X you see 7 of Rule Y. Used in this way, used Figure 610 Figure 7 these rules provide a mechanical way of showing that 3- ¢ At the same time, Figure 6 shuws that 345-8, andother sums. Also, by sliding Rule X along Rulo ¥, the 0 mark of Rule X canbe placed opposite ‘ny mark on Rule Y. The tko rolors used together become a slide rule for simple aeeltion 1.2 Point out thal the mayks (or "graduations"} and numerals on a foot-rule are an example of a scale, and that the foot-rule is a niferm: stale, Have the slalents themselves demonstrate addition using io ordinary foot-vules, ox two-unilorm seales drawn on paper. Explain that foot-rules ave not often used to add as in Figure 6 be~ ‘cause the scales are short. Only the numbers from 0 to 12 are repre- Stnted. Facts such as d+ 4= 7 are easy to remember, and no one heeds a mechanical device to do such simple examples. Also, have thom notice that the example 3 + 11 eases trouble becauae the mmeral 11 on the X scale is on the part that extends beyond the ¥ scale. There is no numeral 14 on a foot-rule. 1.3 Next, demonstente how examples such as $+ 11 - 14 and 14417 = 85 can be done mechanically by using two yardsticks. The scale on a yardstick reads from ta 86, However, an example, such as 18 +27, causes trowble because the sum, 46, is not on the scale of a yardstick. Bring out through questioning that by using two longer scales this example can be dona, Help students see that uny addition cxample can be done by using scales that are long enough, but very long scales would ‘ot be convenient to carry around or use, To be convenient, a slide rule scale should not be much moyé than about 10 inches in length 1.4 Now call attention to the fact that the scale on a foot-rule hag marks to represent fractions, Usually the marks show eighths, but sometimes sixteenths and even Ener subdivisions are made. By using these marks, demonstrate how oxamples such as 3 5 7a Sig" Bie can be done casily with sliding foot-rules. Finally, demonstrate how marks to represent decimal fractions, euch as tenths, can also be used, 48 shown an the bottom scale of Figure 1. By using scales graduated in tenths, show how ¢xamples such as 2.4 + 6.9» $.2 can easily be done. Help students see, howwver, that graduations to show hundredths would he too close together to read without a magnifier, 1,5 If "meter sticks" are available, as they usually are in setence jaboratories, have the students demonsLrate addition of numbers: TT Ty] TTI TTT TTT 0 ° 5 ' 1S 28 ctl flats wSealles for raultiplication 10 expressed to tanthe and te hundredths by means of twa adjacent meter sticks. 1,6 Tell the students they will Learn how the ordinary slide rale over- comes the binds of difficulties mentioned above, ‘The diffieultivg arise because the scales must be short. If the scales could be as long as we pleased same things would be easier, but as a mechanical device Lhe slide cule would not be the very convenient tool it now is. 2 2.1 Remind the students again that the scale of a feot-rule is uniform: te numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, ete., represent conseculive integers (some- times called “whole numbers"), Ona foal-rule, the distance between ‘twa geuduslione which represent consecutive integers is always one inch (See scale L of Figure 8). Have them make a non-unifarm scale by putting marks ona line at intervals of 1 inch and by labeling the graduations as is done in scale D of Figure 8, ‘The graduation labeled Gon L is labeled 1 on D; the mari: labeled 1 on L is labeled 10 on Dy ‘the mark labeled 2 on Lis labeled 100 on D; ele, Tell the students that the marks far2, 3, 4, ete., to 9 which would be between 2 and 10 on scale D need not be shown (see Figure 8). Also, the subdivision mars for 11, 12, 13, ete. , to 99 which would be between 10 and 100 are not to be shown either, These 89 subdivision marks would have to be put in the same length (1 inch) as the 8 marks between 1 and 1, They would, therefore, be much clases together than they are on seale L. 10 160 7000) Toca 100,000 1,000,000 le 1 ee os 1 10 Similarly, the 899 subdivision marks for integers between 100 and 1000are nal to be shown (see Figure é). These marks would be very much eloser together than those with the same awncrals would be on scale L. ‘The graduations get more and more crowded as the numbers get Langer. Tell the stuconts scale D is a son-uniiorm scale, and this Particular non-uniform scale is called a logarithmic 2,2 Explain that these scales may be extended indefinitely, The only thing that limits the range is the amount of paper or other material you can use to put the graduations and numerals on. if you had a strip of paper a mile long, the range of scale L could be from 0 to 63, 360. ‘The corresponding numbers represented on scale D would thea range {com 1 to an enormous number. This number would have 63, 361 digits ‘The basi¢ principles 1112 Figure 8 Showing how shore seal can be used or figures in its numeral, and it would require a strip of paper about 420 fect long on which to type just this last aumeral. Some idea of the size of this number is gained by remembering that it requires only ten digits to write “one billion’ ar 1, 000,000,000, ‘Tell the students that a slide rule which has ten logaritionic seales (like seale D of Figure 8) can be used to multiply one number by another. Explain, for example, how to find 24 x 980, Use a drawing like Figure 8 on the board. Bx- plain that you would plage the mark for 1 on one of the scales (labeled ¢ in Figure 9} over the mark for 24 on the ther seals, ‘Thea you would look for the mark at 380 on stale C, On scale D right under it you would find the answer 9,120, 2.3 Asa summary, make clear that two logarithmic scales, if uscd just as the foot-rules were for addition, will provide the answers for multiplication examples, If the scales are long enough, the accuracy will be very great, and the position of the deckmal point in the anawer numeral can be seen, However, to be practical the scales must be short--only about LO iaches or less in length. Also, many of the sub= division graduations (such as for 24 and 98 in Figure 9} cannot be shown, so the user must learn to estimate where they would be 3. 3.1 Help the students recall that if we vant to meagure a distance of several feet, but have only a foot-mule, we measure by using the sane scale over and over again, ‘That is, we put the scale down and make a thark to chow the first 12 inches, then slide the scale along and use it again. We repeat this ae many times ag necessazy, Th this way we can measure as much length as we wish with only 2 foot-rule, but we must fount and keep track or remember how many times the scale was usc If necessary, demonstrate this by measuring a length of 3 or mare feet with a foot-rule. 8.2 Then point out that, similarly, if we want to multiply any two numbers hy using logarithmic seales, we can do it with short scales that show only the numerals from 1 to 10, but we must then keep track of the decimal point by some other schome. In reality, wo vse the same single Section or piece of scale aver and over again. When we do this, we in- terprot the left-hand index ae 1, ar a8 10, or as 100, or as 0.1, or as 9.01, ote. depending upon the number we are setting, Similazly, primary "2" may represent 2, or 20, or 200, oF 0.2, or 0.02, or any OYawinber whose numeral has the sequence of digits below: 00020000 We disregard the location of the decitnal point in the numeral. #.9 For example, consider again the problem uf finding 24 x 340 by hy using the C and D seales of ati aivlinary slide rule, First, the left- and index of the € scale is set aver 24 on Use D ueale. In thie case the D scale represents the section between 10 and 100 of the complete lagarithmic scale, ‘The numeral "2" on the scale represents 20, and the numeral "3" represents 30, The fourth secondary subdivision between "2" and "3" represents 26, Next, the hairline of the cursor is set over 480 on the C seale. In this ease the C scale represents the section between 100 and 1000 of the complete logarithmic scale Help the students sce that wtten the setting is mage and rend sn this way it is the stme as putting down the © scale once and saying “ten, " then putting it down again and saying "one hundred,” and then guing on to 380 (sou Figure 0). We are now in the seetion for "iundreds.” The numeral "3" represents $00, and the numeral "4" represents 400. The eighth secondary subdivision between “8” and "4" represents 360. Now when these settings are made on an grilinary slide rule, the hair— Line of the eursor will be just to he right Of the numeral 9 of the D scale. Since we started at 24 of the D scale, we might think this should repre- Sent 90, However, because two lengths of C scale were used in reaching tho “Inndreds," these two lengths lust also be a¢counted for on the D scale, The numeral 9 near the hairline must nas be read as 9000 (see Figure 9). ‘This example shows how a single section of the logarithmic scales can be used to get the answers If we know how to interpret the humierals. ‘Tell the students that in slide rule computation the decimal point in the answer is always found mentally or by some auxiliary method. Several such methods are discussed iii a later section. The basic principlea 13Teaching multiplication and division Multiplication with 14 the € and D seales 1 ‘The best procedure is to work out a few examples with the class (using the demonstrator side rule) and then help the students generalize by formulating a “rule” such as is given in any manual on slide rule opera= tion, ‘The first examples should call for the left index of C, and the result should be readable on D and not be “off scale." The following are iMustrative; 19.8 x 4.1, 2,42 x 296, 121 © 68, 3.81 x 2.16. 1.1 The firet basic idea is that in using the ordinary C and D scales, decimal points in the numerals are ignored.* Thus, 2.34, 23.4, 9.0294, and every number with this sequence of digits is treated ag 294, Remind the class that this is also customary in ordinary multiplication ‘with paper and pencil. 1.2 The second basie idea the students should hare is that multiplica~ lion by slide rule is accomplished by adding two seale lengths and read ing the result on the D scale. (If the suggestions in Section If, parts 1 and 8, have been followed, the students will already know this. If the suggestions in part 3 have aloo heen used, the students will understand it still better.) 1.3 The third basic idea is that the location of the decimal point in the answer is an "extra. step," just as it is in paper and pencil work. In + 1 ‘powers af ten or “decimal keeper” seales are used this statement is nol tue. Seo Section 6. @doing the Kirst few examples, have the students estimate the resull by rounding Off the numbers and using mental computation, Encourage them to make this a habit and use it whenever possible in computalion. ‘The example 19.5 x 4.1 can be rounded ta 20 x 4. The students should see the result 1s near 80. Tell them they will learn a "scientific™ mathod of locating the decimal point In a later lesson 1.4 The fourth basic idea is that L{ he reeult falls outside the D scale, the other index of the C scale should be used. Give tha students an example such as 28.3 x 5.46, and have them set the lefl index of C aver 263 on D. Tho will tind that they cannol mave the hairline aver 446 of the C scale, The result is “off the D seale," Now have the students eet the right-hand index of C aver 28,3 of D and finish the ealeulation in the veal vay. Make eure they understand that by using one index or the other, the result will always be on the D scale, Figure 10 Focssuseneea a a onl ti 4 Se Sahai = 2 nmin iegpmepetne tenets \ oo nal otee igi fn) 0 Da 1.5 If convenient, show the film ‘The Slide Rule I (C and D scales L reel, 16 mm., sound, 24 minutos. B& W. Castle, 1.6 Assign examples for practice, and give individual help to students ‘who need tte Division using 2. the Cand D scales First, be sure the students understand that division is the inverse ‘operation of multiplication, Mave them set the silde rule to show 2 x 4 = 8. Point out that we start at 2 on the Dacale, then move lo 4 on the C Seale, and find the answer 8 under 4on the D seale, Have them notice that by reversing these steps we can divide 8 by 4 and get the result 2. 1. Ser ange Ion € le Figure 11 ‘ovue dividacd (8) on owe oa A fina result [20m D sole / ‘Teaching multiplication and division 15 TUTE16 Combined operations using the C and D seeles 2.1 Point out that the basic idea in dividing by slide rule is to subtract che length for the divisor from the lengtis far the dividend and read the result on Une D scale, 2.2 Second, Lell the students that decimal points are to be ignored in making the settings and that the Location of the decimal point is an extra step. Have therm locate the point by estimating, 2.8 Third, help the students soc that in divisien the result is never “oft seale." Work out exaraples unlil most of the students feel confident thal they ean practice independently a ‘Yo gaeure more practice immedintely anil to give students an in- creased sense of the convenience and power of the slide rule, tany teachers will want to teach how to so “combined uperations" before systematic methods of locating the decimal point are introduced 3.1 Best results will be obtained by beginning with examples like ew 05 First tell the students it is easiest to divide and multiply alternately. ‘Thus, i the example above we should divide 42 by 65 and then multiply the result by 37. Help them to see that this means we S¢t (i 6, move) the slide and the cursor alternately, and Unat we do not read inter- mediate results, bul only the final answer. 3.2 Second, help the students work wut several examples in which ‘there are more factors; for example: 1x 128 29.93 4a 6.7 Choose these so theye is one more factor in the numerator than in the denominator, 3.9. Third, use an example such as: 8.72 52.46 x 4,91 2.08 In this example we would set the slide so 972 of C is over 298 of D, then move the buirline over 2.46 of C. The result thus far is on D uncer the Anirling, but we still must multiply by 4.21, To du this we move the slide s0 1 of the C seale is under the Aainline, then move the hairline aver 4,1 of C, and read the final result on D. Show the students that if desired thoy may write in the factor 1 in the denominator ta obtain 3.72 22.46 x 4,91 28x 1 and this may help them to remember the settings by emphasizing the alternate "slide-haisline-slide," ete, movements, 3.4 Finally, show how an example such as 82 x 1.65 x 8.9 can be done by the same principle if we write (ar think) 82 x1 65 x69, Txt and again rely on the general principle diseussed above.Sd Teaching students about approximations Students in a modern program of mathematical instruction should leara the ideas in this section as part of their zegular work. If they have learned these ideas before work in slide rule is introduced, this section may be omitted. If the students da not already have these ideas, instruction in them in connection with the slide rule is not only necessary but also is especially effective, Helping students 1 caccopt Many students ave reluctant to accept the approxitnativencss inherent approximations 1 Much seientifie work. They neod te give special attention to tho basic ideas involved. 1.1 Explain to the students that much scientific work and other ap- plications of matheniaties involve measurement of some kind, Remind them that measurement Involves error not because of carelecenese, but because of limitations of the measuring instrument. Remind them also that we can refine our instruments so our results are more precise and more accurate, but we still will have to accept small errors. 1,2 Tell the students that in slide rule work we are interested in the accuracy of our results, and that this is indicated by the number of significant digits we have in the numeral. For example, 704.05 has five significant digits. Explain that digits other than 0 are always counted as significant, but sometimes 0 is significant and sometimes it is not. AO between two other digits is always significant, When the numer is less than 1, as for example, 0.00806, the two zeros between the decimal point and first non-zero digit are not significant. In a numeral such as 50800, the two zeros af the right of the 6 may or may sot be significant, However, they are uéually counted as ft significant unless there Is reason to believe they are significant. For example, 2 wo precise instrument might, in general, give four figures. in that case, we might know that the underlined figures in S000 are significant but the last zero is not. ~~ 10 numbers Teaching approximations 1718 ‘These ideas should be learned by students in their mathematies courses whether or not they study slide rules. Give students practice in counting signLficant figures. 1.3 Bxplain that we use approximations to numbers in many cases even when no measurement is involved. For example, we use 3, 14 for TT, and we use 1. 414 for the square roat of 2. 1.4 Tell students that in much scientific and engineering work re~ sulls at are zecorate ta three significant figures are commonly accupted, at least in preliminary calculations. Remind them that this accuracy is oblainable with the slide rule--that is one season it is 60 popular, and is taken everywhare as sort of symbal for engineers and sciemists, 1,5 Explain that when ene number that is an approximation is. multiplied ow divided by anglher, the regull is no more accurate than the least accurate of the twa numbers, In a paper-and-peneil exleula- tion of 3.82 x 6,28 the result, 24.0278, has six digits, but only the first three, namely 24,0, arc to be laken as significant. ‘The slide rule ives these three significant figures quickly and with no wasted work. Have them multiply out some examples using first paper and pencil, then the slide rule, and compare the twu methods 1.6 Ti time permits, do a few examples such as the following, As- sume two measurements to the nearett inch are 26 inches and 34 inches, Ti new measurements precise to the nearest tenth of an ineh were taken, help the students see that the resulls might be as large as 26.5 and 44.5, or ss small as 25,5 and 33,5, Have the students multiply, by paper and pencil, 26 x 34 to get 84; then 26.5 x 34.5 to get 914.25; then 25.5 x $3.5 to get 854.25. Then point out the original measure- ments were correct to two significant figures. The result should be expressed as 860. This comes between 910 and 850, which are the rounded values of the two extreme values found ahove. ‘Then show teat the slide rule will also give 840. u vPreliminary comments Teaching “scientific notation” Students in a modern program of mathematical instruction should learn the ideas in this section as part of their regular work Uf they have learned these Ideas before work in slide rule is introduced, this section may be omitted. If the students clo not already have these ideas, instruction in them in connection with the slide rule is nal only nevassary but alsa is especially effective 1 ‘The location of the decimal point in the final resull has always been a serious difficulty in slide tule ¢aleulation, Many special methods have been devised, and some of these are explained in most books ar manuals on the slide rule. Most of the special methods involve rules and auxillary calculations that are different to learn, remember, and use. Ii fact, they are a poar gubstitute for the one hasic or funsamental metiad, which uses the “scientifie notation" for numbers. In this notation any real number is expressed, at least approximately, in a standard form, ‘The widespread use of this notation in the modern, scientific world suggests that all students ought to understand this notation. It is there- fore foolish to waste lime teaching most of the special "rules" for logating the decimal point. The method of estimating the answer and laeating the paint ig an cx- ception, and should be taught. Actually, this mothod amounts to the mental use of the basic scientific notation. Unfortunately, in some examples, particularly those involving very large and very small nam- bers, the estimation becomes quite diffievit, and far confidence in the result one nivst fall back on the basie method. An effective and simple slide rule method of locating the decimal point has recently become available, It will give answers in the range 10710 to. 1020, to one or two significant figures. However, for results more ‘Teaching "scientific notation” 19the meaning and value ‘of exponent accurate, or outside the range indieated, one must aguin fall back on the basic methad. For these reasons instruction should be given in high school an the uuse of “scientific notation.” In the ease of at least some of the brighter students this work can begin as early as the seventh grade. An under- standing of "scientific notation" depends upon knowledge of exponents. 2 2.1 Introduce simple examples involving products of the sume faetor, A good example follows, Number of parents you have is 2 ‘Nomber of grandparents is 2x2 = 4. ‘Nomber of great-grandparents is Bx2xt = 8. In table form: Number of Generations Back Number of Ancestors 1 2 =2 2 2x2 3 OxBad =8 4 BnBn2n2 = 16 5 BwPuDwIN® 6 3B 6 Bx PxDoOx2x2 = Bb 2.2 Introduce exponent notation ag a shor! way af writing products of the same factor; thus, write 2° instead of 2x2x2n2x2. 2.9 Define terms: c.g., 2 is called the hase; 5 is called the exponont; 32, or 25, is called the power, 2.4 Use as an example the anecdote about the ancient monarch who wanted to reward the inventor of the game of chess and promised to give him anything he asked, The Inventor said he had a very simple request, He wanted one kernel of wheat for the first square on the chessboard, two kernels for the second square, four kernels for the third square, etc. Write an expression for the number of grains in the 64th square. fAnswer: 263, or 2x2x252, cte., (o 63 factors) 2.5 Use an example with 10 as a base, Have the class prepare a table as follows: Power in Exponent Factors Written Gut Exponent Name of Number Notation 1 SCS "ten a 1ox10 10? “one hundred” 2 1Ox10xL@ 03 one thousand" 4 10e10x10%10 it “ten thousand" 5 10x10xL0L0x10 108 None hundred thousand’ a 1OxI0x10rdMhel xan ___ 108 one million” 2.6 Summarize to bring out: (a) how exponents make it easy to write powers of ten; (0) the exponent tells the number of times that 10Teaching how fo writs numbers in “standard form” or “scientific notation” is used as x factor; (¢) for powers of ten the exponent is found by counting the aumber of zeros in the repeated factor. 2.7 Ascign examples for practice, The following are typical of what you may use Write in exponential notation: fa) dxaxd le) GxGxéixtxéixdx6 fb) Oxdxe {fd} 10x10x10%10x10x10%10 Write the following in the waual way: @ 38 fy 35 (e104 & 108 ta 4° w 64 3 9.1 Tell the students that every number, ar at leest an approximation to it, ean be-written in one "standard form." Is this form the daviraal point in the numeral is written to the right of the first digit, and then a factor whieh is a power of 10 is written. Work out examples such as the following: fa) 254 = 2. 54 x 100 = 2.54 x 102 4b) 683,000 = 6.83 x 106,000 = 6.83 x 105 3.2 Explain the advantages of this way of writing the aumorals & numbers, Among these advantages are the following: 3.21 In many cases {t is shorter. Thus, 2.5 x 1018 ~ 28,000,000, 000,000, In scientific work the numbers sometimes are very lange or very sina, 3.22 When numbers are expressed in this form and thon multiphed or divided, etc., the location of the decimal point in the answer is stmplitied, 3.28 This form makee clear just how securate an apprexinetion one is dealing with, Thus, we cay that 4.82 is “accurate to three sig- nificant figures." If we see the numeral 462,000, we cannot be sur have six significant figures. Mis more likely that we still have only theee significant {igures. To show this we can write 4. 62 x10 inatead of 482,000, If we actually have six significant figures, we should write 4.82000 x 105. If we have four significant figures, we should write 4.820 2 10%, A recent estimate of the age of the solar system is 4,950, 000,000 or 4.95 x 10 years, This approximation is certainly not accurate beyond three significant figures, Help the students see that this way of showing the accuracy od the result is important in careful scientific work. 3.3. Explain how to write numerals in “selentific aptation.” The easiest method is as follows: fa) Write the significant digits, a "cimes" sign (x), anda 10, (6) Place a decimal point at the right of the First (eounted from the left) non-zero digit. 4e) Start at the right of first non-zero digit in the original numeral and count the "places"’--that is, the digits and zeros passed ‘over--in reaching the decimal point. The result of the count is we Teaching "scientific notation” — 21Teathing how to use “scientific natation’ 22 10 locate the decimal point in multiplication the absolute, or "numerical," value of the exponent. If the count to the original decimal puint moves toward the right, the exponent is positive (:), M the count moves toward the left, the exponent is negative (-). Write in tho proper symbol for the exponent of 10, For example, take $,790,000, First, write 5.79 x10. Next, start between the 5 anc the 7 and count (toward the right} the six "places, " Write the fi to indicate the power of 10. For 0.000289, first write 2,89 x 10. Now start between the 2 and the 8 and count {toward the left) the four "places." The final result is, thon, 2.89 x 1074. 3.4 Show students how to change a numeral from standard form to ordinary form by reversing the above pracess. Thus, to express 4.68 x 10° in ordinary form write 468 and then supply zero symbols until there are 5 places tn the right of the 4; the result is 408, 000. Ta express 8.93 x 10~* in ordinary form write 898 and then supply zero symbols to the left of the & until there are 9 places, including the 6; the result is 0, 00885. 3.§ Provide an adequate supply of examples for practice. 4 ‘The use of “scientific notation” ta locate the decimal point requires the ability to multiply and divide powers af ten. If students already know the "laws of exponents" and how to calculate with the integers (that 1s, positive and nogative numbers and zero), the use of this Jmewledge in Insating the decimal points should be merely a highly valid application, If they do not have this knowledge, they must ‘acquire if either formally or Informally. We will assume here that the students do not have this knowledge and that it is to be taught formally, If the teacher wishes, and time permits, a more formal approach of the type found in algebra textbooks may be used. This will, however, be somewhat of a digression if injected in a unit on the in by giving examples such as 17, 400,000 x 248,000. Point out that if done in the usual way & geod many gétos must be written, Have the students express the product in setentifie notation LTA x 107 x B48 x 109. Romind them that in multiplication the result daes not doond on the ‘order in which the factors are taken. Have them multiply 1, 74 2.4 oft the Slide rule to get 4.92. Now point out that in 107 and 108 together they will have 10 as a factor T+ 5 or 12 times. Thus, the reoult ts 4.82 x 1012, Have thom write this out in ordinary notation by
10° 1 can be written, but eventually and for speedy work this is usually un- necessary. Help the students sce that this procedure of making the divisor 1 is always posstble. 6. decimal peint Use a few examples to show students how to handle mare complicated Toeation in situations, such as the dollowing combined operetiont By estimation, we sce that the non-exponential factor will reduce to about Jor 0.75, and the exponentials boil down to 10°2. By slide rule, { ‘we thel got 6.794 x 10-2 = 7. 94x 10°9 - a, 00794. PrU teaching exponential notation and decimal point location g the “Powers-of-Ten” slide rule as a learning aid in This section may be regarded in several ways. Tt provides an alternative approach lo “scientific notation” theongh the use ofa special learning aid. At the same time, it introduces the sumdest approach te a purely mechanical way of locating the decimal point that has yet been éevased. If “Powers-of-T * scales cannot be made available, ar if time is very limited, this section may be amitted it *Powers-of-Ten" scales are available, they may be used to introduce the slide rule and solve pmblems. This appreneh aveide the usual difficulties of decimal point loeation at the outset. However, aecuraey of at must two significant figures Is obtalsable, ‘The "Powers-p{-Ton” slide rule has non-uniform logarithmic seales of the type shown in Figure 8 on page 11. The range is 10°10 to 1910. ‘The primary graduitions are unllormly spaced, and represent powers often. The secondary graduations are nan-uniformly epaved. They correspond ta the primary graduations on an ordinary C or D scale. Thus, the D* and C* scales represent twenty repeated lenuths of the “oudinary" D or C seale as seen on the standard slide rule, but they have been greatly reduced. Looked at another way, the D seals of the standard slide rule may be regarded as one small section of the DY scale which has been greatly enlarged THA, FT TOIT Te, 1a 0 Figure 13 ® role of "Payal Tn’ ide ta copreenis twenty repeated lengths of B rele of standordslde re, [rior aN The "Powers-oi-Ten" slide rule may be used fo solve problems in a simple way that takes account of the decimal polat at all times, i may also be used as a teaching aid to help students learn how to use exponential notation and the standard form af numerals. Using the "Powers-of-Ten" slide rule 25Multiptying powers of ten Introducing the “Pewers-of.Ten” slide rule Figure 14 ‘the “Powers-of-Tan” slide rule 26 1 Rein by showing students how to multiply powers of ten. Far example, show 10% x 109 as 108, Tdxid x Tox1oxi0 or 10? x 109 —— 108 Work through several other examples, but do nut strive dor "mastery" at this point. 2 Introduce the "Powers-of Ten! slide rule ag a mechanical device for multiplying and dividing powers of ten. 2.1 Call attention to numerals on the C* and D* scales to the right of 1, he, tol, 1p, 1p", wte., to, 10, 1, 009 2.2 To show 10? x 10° = 10°. have students proceed as follows: Place 1 of Ct over 104 on DY, Under 103 of <* read 199 on Dt Work out similar examples with the slide rule, and check a few by writing out factors of 10 as was dene above 2.9 Tell students that by learning to read the scales they can do any inultiplication example casily, and the location of the decimal point in the answer will be knoxn immediately, 2.4 Teach students how ta read the scales for sottings between pri- mary subdivisions. Use a large chart on the hoard, similar to the chart below. OP Perr merece: OE seven] [Le ae oro | a foheraee Who) ae iy Have students move the hairline of the "Powers-of~Ten” slide rule to the right from graduation to graduation and read values as shown above. a 3.1 Begin with a few simple examples such as 20 x 200 = 6000, Place 1 of Ct over 20 on D*. Under 300 of C¥ read 6000 on DY.Introducing negative exponents alsa write out these factors and the product in exponential or "powers of ten” (orm ag beluw: 20 300 oh sar Lone axsztonto?, or hy changing the arder of the factors, got 6x10, whieh is 6000 3.2 Noxt introduce enamples such a5 24 x 362, Place 1 of C* over 24 on D*, (Nate: set 24 roughly between 20 and $0.) Under 362 of C+ read #x10® or about #000. Write this out in sclentilic notation as: aa x Tsp x? Change arder atx arf sti x th2 Multiply out 8,999 x 109, or HBB. 3.3. Explain how the “Powers-of~Ten” slide rule gives an approxl+ imation (2000+) which serves as a chock--especially for the decimal point, whieh is automatically placed 4 4.1. Call attention to the portion of the D* scale of the "Powers-of- Ten” slide rule to the Left of 1. Note powers are 1071, 10-2, 1973, etc. Help students build a chart an the board as follows: In scientific Humbers Factors notation 7,000, 000 TOaiOxT0x10xa0R16 100, a00 LOxnOx10=10%10 10, 000 2Ox1O«10x10 1,000 1Oxadx10 100 19x10 10 10 1 1 L 1 3 a 1x10 16 L 2 0 1 x t Tid eae 001
and the decimal points are shown, It ig alee graduated iit tenthe of tenths, or hundredths, but these marks are not labeled, Finally, between these graduations are others which enable us to read the L vale to thow- sandths. Help the students locate a few graduations euch as 0. 372, 0.898, ete Helping students 3. widarstand 3.1 Remind the students that log 2 = , 304, Have them place the how the Cand D lairline over .301 on L and abserve that on the C (or Dj scale the cor responding mark is labeled 2, Similarly, opposite . 477 on L is the mark 3 oa C (or D}. Explain that this is the way a C scale is made. That Is, for example, one can start by measuring .90L units on L, then putting a graduation at ¢hat point on C and labeling this with 2, Similar moasurements on L usiog values from the table of logarithms ean be used to lucate the other pritnary graduations on for BD). scales are made Figure 17 Teaching the meaning of logarithms 3758 3.2 Bring out clearly that if the logarithm is given and its gradua~ tion located on L, the numeral for the corresponding number can be read from € {or D). Conversely, if a number is given, its logarithm can be found, ‘The graduation jor the number is located on € (or Di and the eurrespunding mark om Lis read ta determine the logarithta, If Lime permits, have the students make a C seale on paper. 3.3. Next, explain that the secondary graduations on € for D) are located by similar methods. For example, the logarithm of 1.5 is calculated to be 0.176, The genduation for 1,5 on C (or Dp is placed opposite the graduation for 0,176 on L. ‘This pracess could be con- tinued indefinitely, but the graduations would soon become very close together. 3.4 Finally, remind the stufents that when a numeral is in standard form, it has one factor which is a number uetween 1 anc 10. The graduation for this factor can be located on the © (or D) scale, Its Jogarithin is always a decimal fractio: ‘The other factor is a pomer of 10 which has an integeal exponent, Far example, have the students consider 1. 5 x 10¥, Have them write 1.5 tn exponential form to get: 19,8776 pox = 19,0176 + ¥ on vor Now have the students build a table of a whole set of numbers which have 15 as the significant digits; thus 0, 176, 1, 500, 000 165x108 - 100.176 x ap6 . 19176 150,000 1.5.x 10% = 19% 17 x 108 = 108176 15,000 =1sx104 = 19%176 x ot = 19 176 1,500 218x109 = 199178 9% = 198 176 160 Lex 102 = 1901765 92 — 192478 15 = 1px tol = 10%876 x yo! = yol-L78 1.5 1.5 x 109 = 100-278 x yo = 190-176 O15 = 15x 1072 = 1017 y ged. 190. 178-1 0.018 = 1.5 x 1072 = 100-176 x yor? - 490. 170-2 0, oS = 415 x 2078 = 10% AT g goB = 190. 276-8 0.00015 = 1.8 x 1074 = 10% 178 5 y974 = 190 178-4 From this, help them see that changing the position of the decimal point changes ouly the integral part of the logarithm or exponent. Be= cause of this, the L scale ean be used to obtain the decimal fraction part of the logarithm of any number, ignaring the position of the paint in the numeral for the mmber itself, Then, the inlegral part, which is trually oulled the charactusistie, 42 found by counting in the same vay fe is done when one Urites the aumeral in standard form. ‘The char- feteristic isthe eount, Tho decimal fraction, or mantieea, ip obtained from a table, or fram the L scale, ¥3.4% If "Powors-of-Ten" slide rules are available, the students should observe that the L* scale has range «10 ta 10, whereas the L scale has range only from 4 to 1. When a number is set on Dr, its logarithm including the characteristic is read en the Lt scale. Thus, under 2 x 10" on Dt one reads 4.3 on L#. Conwersely, if ona has the logarithm and locates its graduation on L*, the mumeral for the cor- responding numer is readable an D= in standard form. Thus, i logarithm is 6. «72, one finde 3 © 105, or 3,000,000, on D+ Teaching the meaning of logarithms 39Teaching the use of the §, T, and ST scales 40 Helping students become familiar with the 5 scale Il is assumed that mast high sehool elasses nol have time enough available for instruction on slide rule methods to enable the students te acquire any real competence and ST eeales, Henee, In using the 8, 1 only 4 brief gutline is presented here, In case adequate time is available, instruction on the use of the slide cule in trigonometric calculations tan be yreatly extended, In such cases the instructor will usually have many ideas of his own as lo how the material may best be preseates, The trigonometric scales 8, T, and especially ST, are nat provided on Some glide rule models. They are, howaver, very valuable for mu Uypes of problems, and, if time permits, students should be given some help in learning to use them. Needless to say, this is not desirable unless the students are already familiar with the trigonometric functions named "sine" and "tangent." 1. 1,1 Tell the students to examine the seale labeled § and observe the numerals. AILS scales havea set of numerals that start with 6 and continue through 7, 5, 9, and 10. Thereafter, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 0, 70, and 90 are customarity shown, Explain that these mmerals represent the measures of angles in degrees, Some 5 scales have numerals for the complementary angles also shown beside the same graduation marks. Have the students observe that for these numerals the sequence increases as read from right to left, 1.2, Have tho ctudente cet the hairline on the graduation for $0 on the S scale, reading right to left. They can then read the corresponding function-value on €. It is 0.5, since sin 30° = 0,5. Have them read other values inthis way, and check by moans of a table of the sine function. Also, have them find the angles corresponding to given func~ tion valves, and check with the table. Point out that all function values for this scale are in the range from 0.1 to 1.Holping students hecome familior with the T seals 1.3. Show the students how to use the § scale in combined operations, For example, to find 3 sin $0° by setting the cight-hand index of C over of D, move the hairline over 40 on S and then read 1.6 an D. 1.4 Explain to the students chat cosine function-values may be read. by using Lhe set of numerals for the complementary measures, Follow the same procedure as was used for the & scale. 1.5 Call attention te the ST eeale if there is one on the slide rulas available, Have the students observu that this scale has graduations and some numerals for angle measures ranging from 0, 577 to §. 7°, and, hence, isa continuution of the rogular § geale for smaller angle measures, Shaw, by methods similar to those suggested abave, bow it is read and used. Be sure the students know that function values read on C (or D) are all in the range from 0,01 to «1 2 2,1 Call attention to the TT scale for tangents and help the students become familiar with it, In particular, have them nation Ht ends with 459, However, with this scale they can continue finding values af the tangent for angles in the interval 45° to 84, 3° by reading the sel of numerals on the left of the graduation marks, ‘The angle values in- crease now from right to left, and the corresponding tangent function values are read {rom the CI seale. Have the students first check familiar values, such as tan 60° - 1,792, then check others with a table 2.2 Explain that the sine fonction values and tangent Suietiow values for stall angles are nearly the same, so the ST seale is used for tangents ag well as sines, and this explains why it is labeled ST. Teaching the 6, T, and ST scales 41Teaching slide rule operation in terms of logarithms 2 Helping students understand how the slide rule mechanically ‘adds ar subtracts Lent for og 2 on B sole — logarithms Figure 18 mrp ‘The material in thls section should be easy for students who have studied logarithms previously. This section, then, provides suggestions for a theoretical type of introduction tn the slice rule. Such a theoretical approach is nut, asa rule, wise for the majority af students, Later same students may be interested in the dwuretical principles, These students, anti mathematseally-talented sludente generally, will onjoy finding geale formulas as suggested hure, ‘This Teaching Guide does not include comments on log log scaler and other move advanced types of etales. These seales ave rarely taught in high schools, and wien they are, the teacher is undoubtedly a slide rule "fan" who 49¢8 abt aved any special suggestions, When students Jaw what a logarithm is, and also the vules for operation when using logarithms, the basic principles of the slide rule can be explained rather easily. 1. 4,1 Review with the students the meaning of the term logarithm fa special name for an exponent) and the definition for base 10. That is, if 208 - b, thon a = log b. 1.2 Review the two basic rules for operating with logarithms. IF map, then log 1 = log a = log p. Ef m/n= g, then fog m - log n= lag g- 1.3 Remind the students that the L scale is a unifarm seale suitable for measuring, Also, have them recall that it provides logarithms of numbers whose graduations are lacated on © (or D}. eran for toa 2 phat langtn for log 2 7s lng far log 6 on D she ~ —___+|Helping students understand the basic scale formulas Have the students eel the slide to multiply 2x 3 using the C and D geales. ‘They can then observe that one is really adding log 2 = . 401 (on L} and log 3 =. 477, which Is the distance from 1 to 9an C, and obtains under the hairline the total distance 0.776 on L. Since this distance ts the Jogarithm uf 6, ono can read the product on D. Have them explain several examples in this way, 1.4 Have the students make some settings for easy divisions (for example, 252-4) and explain how the result is ubtained by sub= tracting logarithms mechanically. 2 2.1 I time permits, introduce the idea of the scale formula, This is a formula or the distances to be measured in graduating @ scale For the D seale, the formuls is @ = M log n, where M represents the number of inches or centimeters of scale length to be provided, and Dp 1s the number whose numeral will Ve placed d units trom the left index of the D scale, Thus, for a 10-inch scale, d= 10 lug ip, For a3, d= 10 log 8= 40x 0.477 = 4.77 inches, Have the students use 4 table of logarithms to caleulate other values af a, Introduce the seale formula for the A scale; namely d = (34/2) log nq, and calculate a few values of @ Finally, show that the hairline equalizes the distances for, say, the D scale and A seale so that M Jog ny = (4/2) Log na) or log Dp = 1/2 We ity, Jog ng? = tog ny. Hence, aps Ba: In words, this means that for any setting of the hairline, the number on the D scale is the square root of the corresponding number on the A scale 2.2 Some students may be challenged ta construct the scale formulas for other svalee and prove the relations that exist between various seales. For example, for the K seale the formu is a= (M/3) 10g np. Slide mule operation in torms of logarithms 43
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