Obstetric Analgesia
Obstetric Analgesia
Obstetric Analgesia
Regional Anaesthesia
Advantages Disadvantages
Awake patient Sympathetic blockade
Improved maternal-child bond (with hypotension)
Husband friendly Incomplete, patchy block
Avoid problems of GA Limited duration in spinal epidural
Airway, aspiration risk Complications
Multiple drug administration Inadvertent intravascular injection
Provide effective post OP analgesia Dural puncture
(↓ Thromboembolic phenomena)
Spinal Anaesthesia
Advantages Complications
Simplicity with definite end-point Hypotension
Minimal drug usage Excessive spread, high spinal anaest.
Rapid onset Post-dural puncture headache
Reability Incomplete anaesthesia
Dense motor, sensory block Nerve injury (rare with spinal below L2)
General Anaesthesia
Advantages Disadvantages
Shorter induction time Difficult airway management
Lower failure rate Risk of regurgitation
Better CVS control (pulmonary aspiration)
Full control of respiratory functions Awareness
Rapid control of convulsion GA related problems
No patient cooperation required PONV
Hangover effect
Lack post OP analgesia
Stress response during induction