Nalbuphine Nubain

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Generic Name Action/s Indication/s Side Effect/s Contraindication/s


 Binds with  Relief of  Sedation,  Hypersensitivity.  Overdose:

opiate moderate to drowsiness, Naloxone (Narcan)
Nalbuphine receptors in severe pain sweating, 0.2-0.8 IV, O2, IVF,
the CNS:  For pre-operative nausea, dry vasopressors
ascending analgesia, mouth and  Give (IM,IV) only
pain supplement to dizziness, with resuscitative
pathways in balanced headache, equipment
Brand Name limbic anesthesia, vomiting. available.
system, surgical Administer slowly
thalamus, anesthesia, to prevent rigidity
Nubain midbrain, obstetrical  Store in light-
hypothala- analgesia. resistant area at
mus, altering room temperature
perception of  Give IM deeply in
Classification and large muscle mass
emotional and rotate sites
response to  Give direct IV
pain undiluted 10mg or
 Relieves less over 3-5mins
Narcotic Analgesic pain. or more.


Adult: 0.15-0.20mg/kg
Pedia: 0.1-0.2mg/kg

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