Math Lecture Sheet 7
Math Lecture Sheet 7
Math Lecture Sheet 7
19. The average of three integer p, q and r is B. If pq = 24, What is the following can't be a value of r?
[A] 10 [B) 12 [c] 13 (D) 14 IEJ None
20' In a set the average of first two number is 2, the average of last two number is 3 and the average of
first and last two number is 4. What is the average of three numbers.
AJ1 [c] 3 (B)
(D) 4 2 (EJ None ofthese
21. A motorist travels to a place 150 km away at an average speed of 50 km and returns at 30 km per
, hour. His average speed for the whole journey in km per hour is:
(A) 3s IrJ) 37.s [c] 40 IDJ 48 (E) None of these
22. A person travels from P to Q at a speed of 40 hmph and returns by increasing his speed by 50%.
What is the average speed for both the trips ?
[A) 36 krnph (B) 45 kmph (Cl 48 krnph [D] 50 l<mph [E] 40 kmph
23. Afiaranfromherhousetoschoolatanaveragespeedof6milesperhourand returned along the same
route at an average speed of 4 miles per hour. If it took her one hour in total to run to the school and come
back, how many minutes did it take her to run from her house to school?
[A) 16 [B] 18 [c) 20 {D)22 (E)24
?4. A ship leaves Sadarghat and travels to Fatulla at an average speed of 11km/hour. It returns by the
salne route at an average speed of 9 km/hour. What is its average speed for the round trip?
[A] 9.9 kni/hour (B) 10 km/hour (CJ 10,9 km/hour (D) 1,2 km/hour IEJ None of these
25. A Car traveled 650/o of the way from Town A to Town B at an average speed of 65 mph. The car is
traveled of an average speed of v mph for the remaining part of the trip. The average speed for the
entire trip was 50 mph. What is v in mph?
(A,) 42 IrJJ 3s [c] 37 s (D) 42.s (E) 48
26. The average age of 6 students is Z0 years. An younger one replaced by a elder one and average
become 19.5 years. The age of younger one is.
(Al 17 yr [I]) 20 yr (CJ 23 yr (DJ 32 yr (E) None ofthese
27.The average weight of 5 employee is 60kg, If The Highest weight is 65kg, find the lowest Weight.
IAJ 12 kg [B) 15 i<g ICJ a0 kg [D) 20 l<g (El None of these
28. In a cricket championship tournament, Team Dhaka has won 40 games out of 50 played. It has 45
more games to play. In order to maintain an average of B0%o victory rate, them Dhaka has to win
many more games.
lA) 24 (cl 36 (D) 42
[B) 32 (El 47
29. The average of five numbers is 27. If one number is excluded, the average becomes 25, The
excluded number is:
tir_J z J (B) 27
[D) 3s [c) 30[E] 3B
30' The average of eight numbers is 14 and the average of si-x of these numbers is 16. What is the average of
tlie remaining two numbers?
[A] 4 [B] B [cJ 16 [D) 6 (E) 12
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