Phonetics and Phonology Grup 18

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By : Group 18 – TBI 2C

Halimatus Sadia (12203173152)

Nanda Maulia S (12203173220)
 The word “ Phone” means sound and“tics”
means scientific or systematic study of
something. So we can say that phonetics
means scientific or systematic study of
human speech sounds.
 Phonetics is general study of all human
speech sounds and how they are
produced, transmitted and received.
 Phonology is the study of the sound
system of particulars human languages,
include dialects and other language
 Phonology is the study how to
pronounce a language.
Phonetics Phonology

Phonetics isthe Phonology learns

result of sound the focus of how
pronounciation sounds are
and is used as a pronounced.
means of
The English Language sounds are
classified into two main streams :

Consonant :
A consonant is a sounds that is
articulated with complete or partial
closure of the air
stream by contriction of speech organs.
Consonant Symbol Chart
Plosive d k
p b t g

Fricative f V S Z θ ð ʃ ʒ h

Nasal m n ŋ

Affricates tʃ tʃ

Lateral l

Approxima W r j
- Vowels are sounds which are
with the vibration of air in the oral
- All vowel sounds are voiced oral
- The relationship of the vowels to one
another is shown by the device known
as the Viator Triangle
1. /iy/ - beat, me, key, seed,
2. /i/ - sit, give, rid, pick, live
3. /ey/ - ate, ray, face, weigh,
4. /e/ - met, let, head, less, tell
5. /ae/ - cat, am, bag, land,
In speech, Suprasegmental refers to a
Phonological property of more than
one sound segment. Also called nonsegmentals.

As discussed in the examples and observation

below, suprasegmental information
applies to several different linguistic phenomena
(such as pitch, duration, and loudness).
Suprasegmentals are often regarded as the “musical”
aspect of speech.
“ the effect of suprasegmentals is easy
to illustrate. In talking to a cat, a dog, or
a baby, you may adopt a particular set
of suprasegmentals. Often, when doing
this, people adopt a different voice
quality, with high pitch register, and
protrude their lips and adopt a tongue
posture where the tongue body is high
and front in the mouth, making the
speech sound „softer.‟”
 The phonological changes that occur when
language is used in natural utterances are
described as features of connected
speech. The most important ones are:
 assimilation, i.e. when neighbouring sounds
become more alike (as in im-possible, in
contrast to in-decent)
 elision, i.e. the loss of sounds (as in
Chris(t)mas or san(d)wich)
 intrusion and linking (as in law(r) and order).
Phonology does not only describe a system of sounds
in isolation, but it also deals with the rules and
restrictions that hold for their combinations. This
branch of phonology is called phonotactics. Phones
combine into the syllable, which is essentially a vowel
with optional consonants clustered around it. The
vowel forms the nucleus of a syllable, with the onset in
front of it and the coda behind it. Depending on
whether there is a coda or not, a syllable can be
described as either closed or open. The basic form of
the English syllable is (CCC) V (CCCC), i.e. I, spray, or
texts are all examples of one syllable but of different
Examples of SYLLABLE in a sentence

The word “doctor”has two syllable

“Doctor“ is a two -syllable word

The first syllable of the word “doctor” is

given stress
 We know sound changes in a word
 Know the process of sound formation and pronounciation.
 Know how the human organs work especially with regsrd
to language usage


 In order for us to know how to correct word, distinguish

almost similar sounds so that the spoken word is accurate.
 Knowing where the sound is produced, and the friction
between speech which organs.
 MacMahon, April (2006). An introduction to English phonology.
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. (Introduction to English
Language and Linguistics – Reader )
 http://

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