Production of Speech
Production of Speech
Production of Speech
All of this complexity and advancement in
Over thousands of years, language has
Language is a unique part of human language can leave you wondering exactly how
evolved, and the ability to communicate has speech works. From the vibration in your throat to
interaction controlled by your brain’s
expanded. There are more words today the movement of your lips, speech is a complex
various speech centers, including the
than ever before, with more being created function controlled by several key parts of the
Wernicke’s and Broca’s area.
by the hour! brain.
Injury to any one of these areas can result Talking at Turbo Speed!
in various changes in your overall speaking Picture this: talking super, super fast—like saying a massive 637
ability. Injuries can impair anything, from words in just one minute! Normally, we chat at a more relaxed
speed, but this incredible accomplishment shows how our
the way you understand words to the way brains are awesome at making words zip around during speech.
you communicate them. Get set to discover the secrets behind this verbal magic!
Left hemisphere vs right
The largest part of your brain, called the
cerebral cortex, is divided into two sides
or hemispheres — the left and right. For
most right-handed people, the left side
does the majority of the work during
speech. In most left-handed people, the
language centers are located in the right
The major functions of speech which are controlled by
the left hemisphere include:
comprehension: understanding the meaning of
words and sentences
articulation: the pronunciation of words
fluency: the timing, tones, and patterns of speech
Language skills and functions are located in the
dominant hemisphere, the side of the brain opposite the
dominant hand. But both hemispheres are involved with
regulating the motor function of speech and deciding
how to communicate with others, including reading
social cues.
Aside from the two cerebral hemispheres, the brain is also composed of
the brainstem and cerebellum. The cerebellum plays an important
supportive role in all movement-based or “motor” functions.
The cerebellum is located in the middle of the back of your head. It helps
to coordinate muscle contractions of the mouth and face during speech,
which is essential for maintaining “normal” speech fluency.
Which parts of the brain
influence speech?
There are several different parts or lobes of
the cerebrum that contribute to different
planning speech functions. Your brain’s major speech
centers are located in the temporal and
parietal lobes on the dominant side.
generation Additional contributions also come from the
frontal lobe, toward the front of your head.
These different parts of the brain all work
processing together to influence your ability to speak.
The basic functions of speech that are
controlled by these areas include:
execution (speaking)
Motor cortex
Your brain’s motor cortex is an area
that’s responsible for the planning and
execution of muscle movements. This is
important for the generation and
execution of speech.
Broca’s area The motor cortex controls the muscles
Wernicke’s area Located relatively close to Wernicke’s area,
This is the name of a specific part of the brain
that are involved in speech. These
Broca’s area has a similar but still different
responsible primarily for the comprehension of include your:
role to play. It’s involved primarily in the
language. This means that it helps to make sure that generation of language fluency. Whereas
what you want to say actually makes sense. Wernicke’s area deals with making sense of lips
It does this partly by assigning meaning to words and words, Broca’s area deals with forming tongue
partly by helping you string those words together. If sentences before you speak. vocal cords
your brain didn’t assign meaning to words, you’d end You can think of Broca’s area like a language When you want to say something out
up making nonsensical sounds when you speak. planning center. It organizes the ideas that loud, the motor cortex works together
If it didn’t string meaningful words together, you’d you want to express through language. It with Wernicke and Broca’s area to
end up with jumbled sentences. also plays a minor role in speech
formulate the plan and make it happen.
comprehension as well.
How can a brain injury affect speech?
Injury to any area of the brain involved in speech can
result in speech impairments. In the extreme, a total loss of
speaking ability can occur. But the extent of the impairment
depends on which area of the brain was affected and what
type of injury occurred.
Having a stroke is a common brain injury that can result in
various speech impairments. A stroke occurs when there’s a
loss of blood flow to some area of the brain. Head trauma
or brain tumors can also cause speech impairments.
Fluent aphasia
An injury affecting Wernicke’s area results in the inability to understand words and produce
understandable speech.
If this is the only speech area affected, the ability to produce speech overall is preserved, but the
sentences often contain nonsense words or words that don’t belong in the sentence. This is also called
fluent aphasia.
Non-fluent aphasia
When only Broca’s area is affected, words and speech are still able to be understood, but there’s
difficulty communicating fluently.
The result is understandable sentences that are usually shortened and communicated slowly with
missing words, also called non-fluent aphasia.
If there’s been an injury to the cerebellum, one result can be dysarthria. This refers
to difficulty speaking due to loss of muscle control in the face.
In dysarthria, there are usually difficulties with tongue and lip movements that make it
difficult to speak and be understood.
Injuries to the motor cortex can result in a similar scenario as dysarthria. But the difficulty isn’t so much about
muscle control as it’s about planning.
In apraxia, the result is difficulty coordinating the movements needed for speech. Speech comprehension and
production are unaffected, but the words can come out wrong. For example, instead of “potato” you might say
Apraxia can be caused by a stroke or trauma but is often diagnosed in early childhood and sometimes has an
unknown cause.
The planning and production of speech is a
complex function controlled by several parts of the
brain that all work together. The end result is a
fluent and understandable sentence that
expresses your thoughts as you intended.
Various communication disorders and speech
impairments may be caused by brain injury. If you
experience a speech disorder, you may consider
speaking with a healthcare professional. They may
recommend speech therapy, medication, or a
combination of both to help you.
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