Endangering The Economics of Extinction: by Jon D. Erickson
Endangering The Economics of Extinction: by Jon D. Erickson
Endangering The Economics of Extinction: by Jon D. Erickson
Endangering the
economics of extinction
by Jon D. Erickson
Abstract Species and ecosystems have been assigned dollar values through methods devel-
oped by economists. Their value is then measured in financial terms and becomes
comparable to any good or service traded in markets. This assignment of economic
value to biodiversity and species will not guarantee their protection. In fact, pric-
ing these nonmarket values allows for their direct comparison with market goods
on a common metric, allowing for the possibility of optimal economic extinction
of a species. In contrast to a market model of choice, I propose a decision frame-
work that incorporates complexity, uncertainty, and limits to substitution between
biodiversity and monetized goods and allows for critical valuation decisions outside
the market model..
Key Words ecological economics, extinction, nonmarket valuation
From optimal choice to extinction the marginal cost of the next unit of production equals its
Author's address: Department of Economics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180, USA.
in this case must be expanded to include the nonmarket only when prices don’t reflect externalities. For instance,
costs of an additional slice of pizza, perhaps stomach dis- in the case where production of a good creates pollution
comfort, weight gain, and embarrassment. Marginal ben- that has a negative impact on society, then the good
efit is the utility, or pleasure, gained from pizza con- should be taxed at the nonmarket value of the externality,
sumption. An individual will eat his last piece of pizza providing the private incentive to reduce production,
when its marginal cost equals its marginal benefit. adopt pollution-abatement technology, or reduce con-
Extending the economist’s paradigm of choice from sumption of the good in question.
market behavior to human behavior may be legitimate in In today’s environmental protection debate, the design,
cases such as pizza consump-
tion. It assumes that humans “Extinction is forever. Even under an economic paradigm
act rationally with perfect
information in comparing
of choice, it may seem that the marginal costs of losing the
marginal benefits with mar- last members of a unique species through human activity
ginal costs of choices. or exploitation would approach an infinite amount com-
Economists have extended
this paradigm of individual, pared to a finite market price. Can the irreversible loss of
rational utility maximization a genetically unique species...be compared to its market
to describe everything from value or private costs of production?
marriage choice to charity
donations (Landsburg 1993,
Frank 1994). In its strictest interpretation, rational implementation, and evaluation of policy have revolved
choice theory even precludes altruism because individu- around this economic vision of cost–benefit analysis.
als receive good feelings (marginal benefits) in return for Because most decisions with environmental dimensions
seemingly unselfish acts of kindness. involve costs and benefits over time, a consideration of
At the societal level, the aggregation of this unfettered time preference is added to the analysis. This is captured
individual pursuit of happiness is argued to maximize with a positive discount rate that makes future benefits
social welfare (or overall well-being), serving as the cor- less enjoyable and future costs less painful, consistent
nerstone to free-market economics. Welfare is simply with the market-driven behavior to want now rather than
equated with maximizing per-capita utility. Utility is later.
most often equated with material consumption. The A rational cost–benefit framework conveniently
value of consuming goods and services is then captured includes wildlife and habitat among market benefits by
by their market price. assigning human use values to their existence—i.e. get-
This chain of logic fails to capture any nonmarket ting the prices right. Benefits accrue not only through
attributes of consumption or production, known as exter- the direct use of these natural resources (e.g., hunting,
nalities. Externalities are joint products to goods or serv- fishing, nature watching) but also through the utility cre-
ices that are not valued in the marketplace. Therefore, a ated by their existence, potential for use, and value to
case has been made for adjusting market prices to capture future generations. Wildlife and habitat are assigned a
positive or negative externalities. For instance, a negative price by observing how much is spent on their use (e.g.,
externality to most production processes is the joint prod- recreation expenses or user fees) or through nonmarket
uct of pollution. However, a private producer does not survey methods that ask how much consumers are will-
include the social cost of pollution in its pricing decision. ing to pay for natural resource protection or accept for
In social welfare terms, the market price of the good resource loss. Once wildlife and habitat have been val-
should be increased to force the social optimal level of ued with a market price, they are then treated as an
production. When positive externalities to production income flow and become amenable to standard cost–ben-
occur, private firms produce too little of a market good or efit comparisons. The subdiscipline of environmental
service. economics was born and continues to grow on this foun-
Traditional economics holds that with the “right dation of nonmarket valuation and expansion of the
prices” (prices adjusted for any negative or positive exter- realm of cost–benefit analysis (Erickson 1999).
nalities), the optimal production and consumption of Indeed, the collapse or extinction of an animal species
market and nonmarket goods and services will result by may be optimal behavior under a paradigm of the individ-
giving individuals the most extensive system of liberties ual acting at a point in time to maximize profit or utility.
and choice possible. Government intervention is required Clark (1973) has used standard assumptions of market
36 Wildlife Society Bulletin 2000, 28(1):34–41
behavior to demonstrate that if the marginal cost of har- worldview, 2 main fallacies of the market model of
vesting the remaining individuals of an animal species is choice are identifiable regarding species and habitat pro-
less than the marginal benefit, then the species will be tection: 1) that substitutes exist or will be developed for
driven to optimal extinction. Even with the right prices basic ecosystem services on which all life depends, and
assigned, harvesting a species to extinction can occur 2) assigning consumer prices to species or habitat does
with sufficient consumer demand and a high positive not capture their total value or the complexities and inter-
time preference under a market mechanism of allocation. dependencies of life.
In economic terms, the opportunity costs of preservation
can become too high when compared to insatiable con- Choice and the fallacy of perfect substitution
sumer demand and growing incomes. Extinction is forever. Even under an economic para-
Clark (1973) specifically addresses the extinction of digm of choice, it may seem that the marginal costs of
animal species at the hand of exploitation by targeted losing the last members of a unique species through
human activity. Of course, the extinction of species is human activity or exploitation would approach an infinite
occurring across all kingdoms and not just from direct amount compared to a finite market price. Can the irre-
harvesting. Most extinction occurs as an indirect conse- versible loss of a genetically unique species with an
quence of habit loss from economic development. In uncertain role in an ecological community be compared
these cases, the market model of choice would compare to its market value or private costs of protection? Under
the benefits of developing the next acre of land (or scour- current economic theory, the answer is yes, once it has
ing the next square mile of the ocean floor) versus the been assigned a market price. Herein lie the inherit
cost from lost habitat, again in terms of an estimate of trade-offs implicit in assigning something a market price.
nonmarket prices. The amount of habitat is a fixed asset, If a human benefit can be assigned to an environmental
but will be traded away piece by piece (at the margin) amenity, then it can be allocated and optimized as with
under a market paradigm of choice. any other market good. Price acts as a common metric in
So a rational economist might ask whether it is in our a system of market exchange, so, by default, goods and
best interest to avert species extinction and limit habitat services can be substituted for one another at the margin.
loss. Should we estimate the right prices, tabulate all the In standard economic theory, the existence of substitutes
costs and benefits, and formulate a rational response? for particular goods and services implies that no particu-
Are there cases in which the extinction of a species lar product (or ecosystem component in this case) is
should be pursued, such as smallpox? What is the role of essential to economic activity. The more narrowly a
the free market in making these decisions, versus product is defined, the more substitutes are likely to
informed scientific debate? The purpose of this paper is exist.
to assess the propriety of extending a market model of Under a system based on substitutability, scarcity takes
choice to decisions regarding species protection and bio- on a peculiar economic meaning. Economic scarcity
diversity preservation and to propose an alternative deci- attempts to capture the
sion-making framework from the transdisciplinary per- value of consuming a
spective of ecological economics. resource in the future
versus a resource today.
Once again, the concept
An ecological economic perspective on of a time preference is
choice implicit to the economic
The relatively new transdisciplinary field of ecological balancing act of allocat-
economics has emerged in direct opposition to this mar- ing resource use over
ket model of choice. Ecological economics has been time. A positive discount
characterized as arising from a different worldview than rate may seem to imply
traditional economics. This worldview considers human that we should consume
beings as only one of many species, their economies as all resources today and
subcomponents of ecosystems, resource scarcity as a leave nothing for tomor-
physical and absolute constraint, the importance of scale row. However, by valu-
of economic activity, the maintenance of evolutionary ing marginal units of oil
processes, and the failure of markets to allocate nonmar- left in the ground, trees
Northern spotted owl (Strix occiden-
ket goods (Sahu and Nayak 1994, Krishnan et al. 1995, talis). Can "right prices" value the role standing in the forest, or
Constanza et al. 1997, Erickson 1999). Under this of species in complex ecosystems? fish in the sea, the
Endangering the economics of extinction • Erickson 37
the maintenance of the total stock of land should be and uncertainty? Is averting environmental deterioration
much more valuable than the total stock of sunglasses. amenable to technical, deterministic solutions or are the
However, comparing marginal consumption through dol- root causes inherently nontechnical, co-evolutionary, and
lar values (even if corrected for externalities) doesn’t nonpredictable? Can humankind ignore complexity and
capture total social or environmental value. The market feedback loops in favor of a course of deterministic
portion of price will be determined by the dynamics of progress through technological advancement?
demand and supply, and may undervalue the intrinsic Again, the current state of decline of commercially
social worth of a particular good or service. By assign- valuable ocean fisheries provides an illustrative example.
ing price, all goods can be traded on a dollar-for-dollar Current estimates find that at least 60% of the world’s
basis at the margin. 200 most commercially valuable species are overfished
This has long been recognized as the “diamond and (Williams 1998). This vast depletion of natural capital (a
water paradox,” where the marginal value of another dia- stock of value supplied from nature) has resulted from a
mond is priced much more than another glass of water, complex web of economic, social, and environmental
but total value of the 2 are incomparable. It describes the variables. Because of economic forces, an industrial
fundamental flaw of measuring utility as price times fishing fleet of approximately 37,000 vessels now catches
quantity instead, for example, of weighing the risks of over half of the world’s harvest. The advent of freezer
losing species against the gains of more luxury consumer trawlers, ships capable of catching and processing over a
products. ton of fish/hour, have helped quadruple the global catch
Assigning prices to nonmarket goods allows for this since 1950 (Parfit 1995). The struggling traditional fish-
marginal trade-off to occur. Marginal change in many ing fleet of perhaps 12 million vessels takes the remain-
economic systems can be modeled as a continuous, well- ing catch. The social variables include a transition from
behaved functional relationship. Can “goods” such as centuries-old fishing traditions to a modern, market-driv-
land, species, clean water, a stable climate, and biodiver- en, winner-take-all mentality. As incomes in less devel-
sity be sacrificed for marginal gain at the risk of total oped countries continue to grow, customary controls on
loss? Marginal change in these ecological systems may such common property resources begin to break down
lead to discontinuous, unexpected consequences. The (Tisdell 1986). Stories of a vanishing fishing culture and
next fish caught, the next species lost, the next acre the loss of a caretaker culture are now commonplace
developed could lead to a systems crash. How can deci- (McKibben 1998, Pollack 1998).
sions be made under inherent complexity, interdependen- These economic and social forces are threatening
cy, and uncertainty? ecosystems, in addition to individual fish stocks. A
recent study by Pauly et al. (1998) measures a progres-
sive move down the marine food web of the international
Choice under complexity and uncertainty fisheries harvest from long-lived, high-trophic–level fish
Economic, ecological, and social systems are complex. to low-trophic–level invertebrates and plankton-feeding
Relationships for the most part are not linear, determinis- fish. They conclude that the changes in ecosystem struc-
tic, or time-invariant. Through interdisciplinary endeav- ture are threatening many of the world’s fisheries. The
ors, researchers are only beginning to comprehend the authors recommend closure of more fisheries to avoid
interdependencies within and between systems. Most widespread collapse.
economists will admit that the economic system is not as Recognizing such complexity is not in itself sufficient
neatly defined and predictable as their theories imply. to halt degradation or extinction of natural capital. What
Biologists will similarly admit to the complexity of natu- is missing is an accounting for uncertainty and a value of
ral systems, the many positive and negative feedbacks the stock of natural capital. Unknown information has
that exist in daily growth and maintenance, and an uncer- value, as does a conservative approach to natural capital
tain backdrop of evolutionary change. A sociology or protection. A paradigm based on utility or profit maxi-
political science perspective adds the complicating fac- mization can result in the decimation of natural capital
tors of culture and the variety of contexts of individual and, given uncertainty, could result in regrettable conse-
decisions. When economic, ecological, and social sys- quences.
tems are considered together, the puzzle becomes over- Traditional economics has tended to fit a line through
whelmingly complex. Under this umbrella of complex complexity and simplify complex systems to solve for
interdependence, the market model of choice is too limit- equilibriums and steady states that may not exist.
ing for many ecosystem attributes. What guidelines can However, there is nothing inherent in the economic
be followed to aid in making decisions under complexity approach to decision making that says complexity cannot
Endangering the economics of extinction • Erickson 39
be considered. In fact, development of tools to make of listing and potentially 3,600 species in need of more
decisions under uncertainty is a rapidly evolving area of information on potential listing status (Brown and
study in the economics and management science profes- Shogren 1998). The priority of species protection also
sions. For instance, financial markets have long managed has been based largely on social value and political
uncertainty through selling futures and options contracts. power, with a greater priority typically placed on avian
A futures contract locks a future purchase or sale into a and mammalian species with great social value and
certain price, regardless of the actual spot price in that strong political support (Czech et al. 1998). The scientif-
latter time period. Options contracts represent a right to ic merit of species protection prioritization has been
purchase or sell at a future date. For example, an option shadowed by these social constructs.
to buy a financial asset in the future at a certain price The market price of the Act has been measured in
grants the investor the ability to guard against an uncer- terms of how money could be better spent. In recent
tain price increase. This ability to reduce uncertainty has years, to justify weakening the Act or shrinking support-
a value reflected in the price of an option contract. ing budgets, this opportunity cost has been measured in
Particularly with respect to decisions that could have funds that could be spent on education, childhood nutri-
irreversible consequences, cost–benefit analysis can be tion, medical research, or many other underfunded social
augmented to include the value of new information as it programs. However, is this the appropriate comparison?
becomes available. With option values included, deci- The benefits of species protection might more appropri-
sions to harvest or extract a resource may be delayed ately be compared to the opportunity cost of reducing
until new scientific or economic information is obtained. luxuries of a consumer-oriented economy and the invalu-
For example, an option price model of old-growth able necessity of a natural capital base to the economy.
forestry could result in a decision to never cut, or infi- To make this comparison, natural capital must be treat-
nitely preserve the forest (Conrad 1997). This is a step ed as a stock necessary for long-term economic activity.
toward improving decisions under uncertainty. However, Economic models are built on maximizing consumer util-
uncertainty in these models has been included in a more ity, which is typically measured by the flow of per-capita
elaborate valuation scheme that depends ultimately on consumption. Under this model, reducing material con-
decisions made at the margin and the pricing of nonmar- sumption represents a reduction in utility. Natural capital
ket goods. In other words, applied to decisions of natural will increase consumer utility only when depleted, con-
resource use, uncertain ecosystem attributes are still val- sumed, and flowed into the economy. However, depreci-
ued and allocated by a market mechanism. ation in natural capital stock does not affect utility in this
A more conservative approach to uncertainty is a safe model. Depletion decreases a stock, but is valued posi-
minimum standard policy. It relies less on economic and tively because it reflects increased consumption.
more on scientific information to set a limit to exploiting Thus, one of the most powerful conclusions from eco-
natural capital. The United States Endangered Species logical economics is that stocks and flows must be ade-
Act (ESA) has elements of a safe-minimum–standard quately differentiated. Depletion of environmental
approach to species protection. The decision to protect a resources, such as species diversity, is akin to living off
particular species under the Act requires no cost–benefit capital rather than income. Recognition of natural capital
analysis. However, critical habitat designation requires depreciation (as a negative flow) in utility models would
consideration of economic impact (Czech and Krausman favor resource conservation. This requires a realistic
1998). The Act recognizes the inherent value of species, assessment of the current impact of human activity on
but it does not allow for habitat protection without con- environmental stability, and policy initiatives based less
sidering the market costs. The conflict between species on the allocation of dollar value and more on setting safe
protection based on science and species protection based minimum standards.
on cost–benefit analysis has been one of the main stum- Daly (1980, 1989, 1996) has long argued for an eco-
bling blocks to the re-authorization of the ESA. nomic system based on the tenets of biophysical limits to
The financial and political costs of species protection growth, limits to substitution, the economy as a subsys-
also have constrained the speed and effectiveness of man- tem of the ecosystem, and an optimal economic scale. In
agement plans. There are certainly constraints and trade- his work on defining the steady-state economy, Daly built
offs in spending money and time on protecting endan- on earlier works of Georgescu-Roegen (1971, 1975),
gered species. Only 40% of species listed as endangered Boulding (1966), and a long line of critical thinking dat-
or threatened have approved recovery plans. Current ing to the classical economists of the nineteenth century.
budgetary constraints allow for species listing at the rate The steady-state economy, in contrast to the growth econ-
of 100/year, with a backlog of nearly 200 species in need omy, is a physical concept. It is a science-based concept
40 Wildlife Society Bulletin 2000, 28(1):34–41
that seeks to maintain a level of capital stock (human- market model and present alternatives. Under an umbrella
made and natural) with a minimum amount of resource of interdisciplinary discourse, complex systems interde-
flow from raw material, to commodities and services, to pendence, uncertainty, and irreversibility, ecological eco-
waste (what Daly terms throughput). In the steady-state nomics has begun to draw a line between market and
economy, depletion and depreciation are draws on capital nonmarket goods and services. Through this transdisci-
stocks and should thus be minimized. Macroeconomic plinary window, ecological economics argues for well-
performance is measured by maintaining throughput defined limits to substitution, minimum stocks of natural
rather than expanding income flows. This places the capital, and preservation of ecosystem function. To the
focus squarely on optimal scale. extent that these concepts are used, the economic choice
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