Bill Packet 18th Congress Sept. 13, 2010
Bill Packet 18th Congress Sept. 13, 2010
Bill Packet 18th Congress Sept. 13, 2010
Agend a
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Student Comments
Special Introductions
Committee Report
CSAC Report
• Ways & Means
• Academics & Student Life
• Internal Affairs
Funding Requests
Old Business
• Bill 39- Sponsored by Representative Arispe: Amendment Preserving Representation- tabled indefinitely
• Resolution 9- Sponsored by Academics & Student Life Committee- Regarding Insurance Deadlines- Tabled
New Business
• Bill 42- On Petition from the COGS/LSC July Workgroup: Clarifying the Duties of COGS and LSC
• Bill 44- Sponsored by Representative Blair and Glazier: Creating a Seat for Panama City Students
• Resolution 10—Sponsored by Representative Grimes: Releasing Proviso for LSC and MSC
Next Meeting- Waiver of Rules: Monday October 4th, 2010 at 6:30PM in the COGS Chambers
Report of the Deputy Speaker for Finance
18th Congress of Graduate Students
August 16, 2010
REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Ardis, Blair, Englehardt, Fredericks, Glazier, Grimes, Lieberwirth, Ma,
Straub, Tazaz, Warren, Weber, Worrall.
• Dustin Daniels – Student Body President – introduced himself, commented on the World Affairs
Program – also getting money from Senate and Executive programs.
• Vicky Dobiyanski – here to learn about COGS, from Texas A&M, on second floor of Union, look
forward to this evening
• Leslie Sacher and Ginger Stuart,– here because of an issue with the Resolution 9 with 30days
before classes begin so you can find best deal. I have to give same access for undergraduates as
graduate students and 40,000 students with that little time is not reasonable. What we require is
when classes start in March, you have to be able to show insurance, go on line and select ours,
when the time comes and you have your better deal, email us and cancel the university’s insurance.
Look at both price and benefits because you can’t change it in midstream. If you have a policy in
mind, you can bring it to me or Ginger and we will help you compare the package.
o Glazier: How do we notify you in March? By email. The earlier you let me know the better.
It gets busy and you need to keep in mind it is very busy at drop/add and you have to have
in place by financial aid.
o Weber; I
o Sacher: It wouldn’t be possible – We do the open enrollment in Mar, your registration won’t
be frozen.
o Sacher has been on state-wide committee, to enter a health insurance consortium. The
graduate departments are being required to have insurance, we are looking at this to see if
we can bring the rates down, and we are afraid that insurance will be okay the first year but
the second year it is increased drastically. Next year, we would like to add physical therapy,
prescription drugs, maximum allowed
o Lieberwirth: How do figure that the prescription drugs weren’t maxed? I think tow students
in my dept have gone over? Would it help if I get them to email you?
o Sacher: Blue Cross and Blue Shield may not have given me all the data yet. I would be
glad to hear from them. Contact me at [email protected].
• I don’t have a phone. Email will be the best method of communication.
• Volunteers are needed for the New Graduate Student Orientation on Tuesday August 17, 2010
o Sign-up sheet is in the back of the room
o Two shifts – 11am-1pm and 1pm-3pm.
• Bill 40 and Deputy General Counsel The Deputy General counsel responded to bill 40. He
highlighted several things we don’t do and was ill-informed about. I responded in an email and had it
checked for tone before sending. We will be meeting to see what the difficulties are.
• COGS and Social Networking – Nose deep in Twitter, Scribd, Facebook. You can get the
condensed version of what’s going on in Twitter. Englehardt suggested Wiki.
o Has not received any requests.
• Ways & Means
o Blair: We met last Wed solely to discuss the World Affairs Program and came up with
recommendation to approve $2,200, only for grad students, remove proviso limiting to 2 trips
so they could assemble the best team, sweep remainder in Feb. During the meeting, more
specific numbers were given so the
• Academics & Student Life
o We have placed Resolution 9 on the table
• Internal Affairs
o No report. Will be meeting after the Assembly to discuss the committee.
Bill 41- World Affairs Program
• Motion on the floor was to fund at $2350, proviso limiting student to 2 trips each,
our entire budget is $15,000.
o Worrall: Move to take the recommendation of the Ways and Means committee. Seconded:
Committee members
o Tazaz: Where did you get the amount for $2200.
o Blair: They gave us a revised budget and they have airfare reservations. He redid some
numbers, with better amounts. Amount for the 3 meets is $2997. Reduced to $2197.
o DC - $1819
o Penn - $784
o Atlanta $395
o Total - $2997
o Subtracted $800
o Glazier – remove the proviso telling them how to run their organization.
o Worrall – worthwhile program
o Tazaz: Should be a little less, since this is 15% of our unallocated funds. He said if he is
forced to take a grad student he could be taking a crappier team since undergrads are
usually better.
o Englehardt – uncomfortable with this for the fall, better with it as a full year funding. Offer
them an amount based on distance and number of students.
o Blair: I don’t recall the comment the undergrads were better than grads, only that there were
more involvement with undergrads. Trying to increase the advertising to incorporate more
grad students.
o Josh: I agree with you on this. F
This would force them to do more outgreach to grads
o Glazier: If they had 4 students, that the first trip would be based on distance but their
second trip would be $100.
o Tazaz: Last meeting they said they would take the grad even if he or she was not best
because of the budget issues.
o Blair: I think there was a misunderstanding on my part.
o Weber: My only holdup is an issue of fairness. So many of us have to go to more than 2 but
we limit them to 2 trips.
o Tazaz; I would like to see a limit of 2 brought back in. If they are seeking other sources, that
might give them the budget they need.
o Worrall: Point of information. Pres said they would not be coming for additional funding or
o Englehardt: POI; They wouldn’t be coming for Conf Attendance grants. But the concerns.
o Ardis: POI. Thought it was in
o Straub: Total budget is $15000. Because of many considerations, it used to be $50000. But
this has good press for us and good standing history. Not out of line for their costs.
o Blair; This is a great group and represents FSU against Harvard and Yale, other ivy league
schools and coming in first and making them notice us.
o Englehardt: The fact that we have funded other things with less meritg in the past, doesn’t
think any student should get more than the 2 trips. I did so well I got a book deal.
o Tazaz: I have also gone to conf’s and placing first. Doesn’t give us the right to treat these
students differently.
o Lieberwirth: Most students that get the grants don’t fully cover all their costs.
o Tazaz: Earlier they said they wouldn’t come and take grants. How would we know?
o Ardis: You wouldn’t sign off on their grant applications?
o Solicited a Motion to extend the debate for another round of PRO and CON.
o So moved, seconded, adopted
o Blair: We would have no way of knowing, additionally, that is the same as any other of the
students. There is a difference of $600 if the same students went for all the trips. But think
about how traditionally they been successful.
o Straub: Our purpose is to oversee these types of questions and we get to make the
decisions. The group as a whole represents us.
o Tazaz: I don’t have an issue with $2200 for the YEAR not just for the fall. This is 17% of our
budget for all the organizations for the year and this is early in the season.
o Englehardt: Agree with Amanda if this is for the year. Why is this program worth more than
me and other students like me?
o Ardis:$2200 for the year as well. We will need accountability. They do a great job of adding
prestige to our university. They are real structured.
o Blair: Would lilke to separate the provisions of the committee. Not seconded. Expired.
o Blair: We felt like limiting it to 2 trips per year. Only person that will be on both teams would
be the president.
o Worrall: Encourage those who
o Blair: Don’t let your only hangup be the money.
o Move to eliminate the sweepings clause for Feb. and make this for the whole year
o Englehardt: This solves a lot of problems, and it seems a lot of money for a short term.
o Blair: Why did you not take your whole 5 minutes.
o Englehardt: I’m all in favor in getting out of here early.
o Tazaz: They don’t do fundraising and use only A&S fees to pay their way.
o Straub: Explain why I am having a change of heart. As a student body, 70% of our fees go
to Senate and don’t see why they can’t fund some of the graduate students.
o Blair: Will vote for this and they can come back. As long as they did their part tgo get
money elsewhere, and will vote for them again.
o Glazier: The way this is phrased is at cross-purposes. If we make this a year-long budget,
don’t say they can come back. If Senate sees us paying up, maybe they will be more
inclined to fund the undergrads and maybe even some of the grad costs. Don’t see how an
amount to do the mock trials would be appropriate. Would be good if they could do some
o Worrall: Vote on the merit as it stands by itself.
o Move to call the question. Seconded.
o Englehardt closing: Vote for this.
Bill 42 – NGSA
o Lieberwirth: Introduced John.
o John: Comprised of grad students from several dept, psychology, biology including the mag
lab. We are looking for funding for the Ruston series and Make sure the knowledge of this
dept gets out there. This leads for jobs,
o Englehardt – I notice that during the Rushton lecture series that you have mice. Can we
bring our cats.
o Glazier: Whats the difference in the Colloquia lunch and the lecture series?
o Lieberwirth: the $400 lunch is more of a special lunch while the others are sandwich
o Tazaz – on page 3, each speaker is a $100 lunch that students get to interact with the
o Englehardt – Lectures and all are open to everyone.
o Lieberhardt – Brought one of the advertising flyers. The list is open
o Glazier ; the rest of the money.
o Lieberwirth – some from faculty, dept, but are restricted to travel, lodging, Checked with
scientific vendors to get some of our funding. Issue is foundation and E&G money can’t
o Englehardt: Be happier if they had real mice, but this benefits 200 students great use of
o Tazaz- How much has it grown?
o Lie – increase of 10 new students, more attendance. Don’t have a good handle on how
much it has gone up.
o Tazaz – could they get money from other funding sources.
o Grimes – Haven’t done MSC in the past.
o Blair: Amendment to reduce funding to $1700. Seconded. Objection.
o Blair: This is only for food. And should be adequate, don’t need the $450 lunch, reduce
amount for breakfast. Wanted to give out how I came out with that.
o Englehardt: Not funding any of the colloquia.
o I support this organization and $4150 seems a bit much. Fund one of the lunches at $450
and the rest of them at $100. I would be okay with a second lunch.
o Tazaz: we only funded them at $1000 last year – Lieberwirth – Last year only funded
o Fredericks: I don’t like the scalling back of the lunches,since the Colloquia is a different
atmosphere but coffee breaks and breakfast could be smaller
o Englehardt: Perhaps a couple hundred more to give them some flexibility.
Worrall: Move to bring money to $2400. Objected to by Blair.
o Blair: Do you think the $2100 is too low in lieu of donations?
o Worrall: Still think it’s a bit low after Fredericks nd Englehardts argument
o Ardis: Have you tried to get cuts from the vendors?
o Lieberwirth; we did get some cuts last year and will do the same this year.
o Glazier: This seems reasonable for some higher types of lunch and gives some flexibility.
Great program.
o Ardis. Great program will support it.
o Warren: Been to this, great program, if it’s going to cut, I’d rather it be $2400.
o Englehardt; Amanda has shown me the error of my ways. Far in the future. We don’t know
yet how much the vendors will work with you. I’d rather give them $2400, or $2100 if that’s
the figure we feel comfortable with.
o Blair: I agree with Englehardt’s agreement with me. I feel that $2100 is more reasonable
now and they can come back later if they still need more later. Lget breakfasts for
them try to
o Fredericks: I don’t think we need to put their backs to the wall and $2400 is better figure.
o Tazaz: This is an RSO that has a record of fundraising and their entire budget is $30000.
o Fredericks: I like that they can set their needs in the beginning.
o Warren: If they don’t have enough money it comes out of the faculty’s pocket.
o Ardis: Support $2100. Thank Englehardt for pointing out that this expense is for the spring
which gives them time to get the best deals and come back to us as necessary.
o Englehardt: Think $2400
o Glazier: Call the question. Seconded. No objection
o Worrall; the expense from last year was $1000/950 and asking us for $1300 for this year.
This small addition to the budget makes us for this increase. I argue that $2400 that gives
them more flexibility and increase participation.
Worrall Amendment; Ayes have it. Changed to $2400.
Glazier: Move to call the question .
o Blair; I object to call the question. Glazier withdraws.
Fredericks: What are we discussing now? The amendment from Blair.
Call the question. Seconded. No objection.
o Blair: I think that $2400 is too much. I could talk for 5 minutes but I won’t. I’ll support it.
Ayes have it. Bill 42 is amended to $2400 in food.
o Tazaz: Call the question. Seconded and amended.
Closing remarks.
o Lieberwirth. We will be bringing in 24 speakers, every year attendance has increased. I
spoke to the Speaker and this was the best funding source for our event. We need help for
food. We will be talking to scientific vendors and trying to get money for food.
Ayes have it, Bill 42 passes unanimously.
Old Business:
New Business:
o Tazaz: Ginger and Leslie both said that they will change the wording. Won’t change any
thing since early registration is passed. Maybe wait and see if they do change things. Might
be better to table it for 2 weeks.
o Englehardt: I like it.
Glazier: Move to table it until our next meeting. Seconded. Objected to.
o Opening waived.
o Worrall: I assume the objection to table it are the same as discussed.
o Glazier: Want time to check on questions I have on issues with FSU policy.
o Blair: Since it is no longer time-sensitive, it would pay to let it wait and see what they do.
o Fredericks: Ask that this one be rewritten since this language is out-dated.
o Englehardt: Isn’t that the same as tabling it?
o Weber; Whether or not there is a better policy, in March the FSU policy is the only one
o Englehardt: Move to call the question on tabling the measure. Seconded, no objection.
o Glazier: I’m willing to go to talk to Sacher and find out the answers to some of the questions
we have.
Ayes have it, Resolution 9 is tabled.
o Grimes: Proud of all of you. Cool the Points of ---. Take the time to do this in pros and cons.
If you have more than one question, ask the chair if you can have a follow-up. This will
speed the debate considerably.
o Miles: A&S fees are not user fees. Not all the students get the benefits they pay for. If you
discuss every point, you will wind up with 2 long meetings.
o Lieberwirth: Thanks for funding us.
o Fredericks: I’m no longer a member of the Film committee.
o Blair: Enjoyed our discussion
o Glazier: Invited to Rotunda green 11:45 to 1, this Friday and see some of our organizations.
o Weber: Sept 11, next meeting ACS.
o Straub: Come get ice cream tomorrow
244 Student Life Building Tallahassee, FL 32306-4177 Phone: (850) 644-7166 Fax: (850) 644-1950
Purpose: When a COGS representative is elected to the position of Speaker, that person loses the
ability vote, except in the event of a tie. This results in a diminished level of representation for the
school or group that the speaker elect formerly represented. This amendment will restore this
representation, and maintain the original seat apportionment.
Section 104.2
H) When a COGS representative is elected Speaker, their seat shall become vacant; this
seat shall then be filled in accordance with chapter 112 of this code.
___________________ __________________________________
David Grimes Joyce Howard
Speaker of the House Director of Student Affairs
___________________ _____________________________
Quinn Straub Mary Coburn
Deputy Speaker for Finance Vice President for Student Affairs
244 Student Life Building Tallahassee, FL 32306-4177 Phone: (850) 644-7166 Fax: (850) 644-1950
WHEREAS, graduate students are required to provide proof of health insurance, and
WHEREAS, early registration may occur as many as five months before the first day of classes, and
WHEREAS, non-university-sponsored policies generally have effective dates no more than 30-75 days after
purchase, and
WHEREAS, the effective date of such policies may not allow graduate students to meet proof of insurance
requirements for early registration, and
WHEREAS, graduate students’ options to purchase non-university-sponsored policies are thus impeded, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be sent to University President Dr. Eric J.
Barron, Graduate School Dean Nancy Marcus, and Director Lesley Sacher of the Thagard Student Health
244 Student Life Building Tallahassee, FL 32306-4177 Phone: (850) 644-7166 Fax: (850) 644-1950
The purpose of this bill is to clarify and more accurately delineate the relationship and responsibilities
of COGS vis-à-vis the Law Student Council by prohibiting leadership overlap in the organizations and
expanding upon procedures for allocations and amendments by LSC including the addition of default
___________________ __________________________________
David Grimes Joyce Howard
Speaker of the House Director of Student Affairs
___________________ _____________________________
Quinn Straub Mary Coburn
Deputy Speaker for Finance Vice President for Student Affairs
13 September 2010
A) LSC shall be composed of seven (7) law students elected as members-at-large by the
Law School students.
B) Three (3) members shall be elected in the Fall Semester, and the other four (4)
members shall be elected during the Spring Semester. Each member shall serve a
term of one year (12 months), beginning immediately after the elections. Elections
shall be conducted in accordance with a procedure pre-approved by the Speaker of
E) Before any individual may stand for election to LSC, they must be approved by the
Law School Council Selections Commission, the Commission hereafter. The
Commission shall conduct interviews of all interested students to determine if they
possess the requisite knowledge and availability to serve on LSC. A decision to
deny a candidate the ability to run for office is non-appealable.
2. In the event that the Commission fails to meet in a timely manner before an
election for LSC, all candidates shall be considered approved for placement
on the ballot and qualified to hold office, notwithstanding any other
qualifying provisions of the COGS Code or Student Body Constitution and
F) No person shall be eligible to serve on the LSC board if they are a member of the
COGS Executive Committee.
300.6 Appropriation
A) LSC shall allocate those funds granted to it by COGS to the Recognized Student
Organizations at the Law School in a fiscally responsible manner, keeping in mind
the purpose of the allocation, which is to provide activities and services for the
benefit of the maximum number of students.
B) LSC shall submit a proposed budget of the registered Law School organizations to
the Congress of Graduate Students in a timely manner and comply with all other
requirements of the annual budget process.
C) All LSC allocations, whether original allocations, or after the fact amendments to the
budget, shall require the signature of either the Speaker of COGS, or the Deputy
Speaker for Finance. The Speaker or Deputy Speaker may deny any allocation or
amendment deemed excessive or irresponsible.
1) Allocations and Amendments from the LSC account line in the COGS budget
shall only be made by LSC in accordance with the provisions of this code,
and only after securing the signature of the LSC Chair shall they be submitted
to COGS for review. The Speaker of Deputy Speaker for finance may
authorize the allocation or amendment by affixing their signature; to reject an
allocation or amendment shall require that the Speaker and Deputy Speaker
for Finance both agree to veto the measure. If the Speaker and/or Deputy
Speaker take no action within two weeks (10 school days) from submission
of a measure, the measure shall be considered approved.
D) LSC, or registered Law School organizations, may petition COGS or the Student
Senate for additional funds at any time during the fiscal year including the
preliminary allocation.
244 Student Life Building Tallahassee, FL 32306-4177 Phone: (850) 644-7166 Fax: (850) 644-1950
111.2 Seats shall be allocated to each college and school according to its graduate student
enrollment as published in the most recent FSU Fact Book. One seat shall be allocated to a
college or school for every 299 graduate students, or portion thereof, enrolled. One seat shall
be allocated for students who are currently or were previously enrolled in a graduate
program at the FSU Panama City Campus. In addition, one seat will be allocated for each
299 graduate students, or portion thereof, enrolled for classified by the University registrar
as "post - baccalaureate/special;" any graduate student may fill seats of this classification as
an Advocate.
___________________ __________________________________
David Grimes Joyce Howard
Speaker of the House Director of Student Affairs
___________________ _____________________________
Quinn Straub Mary Coburn
Deputy Speaker for Finance Vice President for Student Affairs
13 September 2010
244 Student Life Building Tallahassee, FL 32306-4177 Phone: (850) 644-7166 Fax: (850) 644-1950
WHEREAS, proviso language was attached to the budget allocations for the Medical Student Council and
the Law Student Council which prohibited them from allocating or transferring any money to the clothing
and awards line, and
WHEREAS, no similar restrictions have been adopted for RSOs who are not members of one of those two
funding boards creating a double standard based upon discipline, and
WHEREAS, the Medical Student Council and Law Student Council have demonstrated responsible fiscal
management, and
WHEREAS, sufficient checks over allocations and expenditures exist within COGS to ensure that RSOs do
not make excessive or irresponsible clothing and awards purchases.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any and all remaining proviso limitations from COGS and those
implemented by the student senate remain in full effect.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Medical Student Council, the
Law Student Council, and the Directors of Student Affairs Vicky Dobiyanski and Dr. Joyce Howard.