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Bylappa UK, et al: Adaptive support ventilation

Review article

Adaptive Support Ventilation – A way different from

traditional ventilation
Umesh Kumar Bylappa, Abdulgafoor M Tharayil, Nissar Shaikh, Sujith M Prabhakaran, Stefan
Rohrig, Faisal Malmstrom
Email: [email protected]

Adaptive support ventilation (ASV) is a dual control mode of ventilation, which uses a closed loop control
technique. This mode delivers controlled, time triggered and time cycled breaths when a patient is not breathing.
If the patient has spontaneous breaths, it delivers flow cycled breaths and allows the patient to trigger and
breathe spontaneously, either in between the controlled breaths or fully spontaneously. This mode is pressure
limited for control, assist control and spontaneous breath. The pressure will vary depending on the target tidal
volume and uses autoflow throughout the cycle. IntelliVent(R) is a closed loop mode of ventilation, an advance
over the ASV mode where the ventilator automatically adjusts settings and optimises ventilation depending on
the target settings and physiological information from the patient.
Keywords: Adaptive support ventilation, closed loop control, feedback

Introduction lungs are measured continuously breath by breath

In latest version of positive pressure mechanical to control the pressure and deliver a target volume.
ventilation, there are two ways to control the In the closed loop control system, the pressure
variables. They are closed loop control variable and and flow of gases from the ventilator (output) are
open loop control variable. The ASV mode, which is measured and matched with the pressure and flow
closed loop control mechanical ventilation, is based of gases back into the ventilator (input), based on
on the information on respiratory mechanics of which subsequent output is adjusted. The feedback
the patient. The resistance and compliance of the control forces the pressure and flow of gases
to become stable in the presence of changes in
Umesh Kumar Bylappa compliance, resistance of the lung and respiratory
Clinical Specialist, SICU, Hamad Medical Corporation,
Doha, Qatar muscle fatigue. In this mode of ventilation, the
Abdulgafoor M Tharayil ventilator is also programmed to incorporate lung
Consultant, SICU, Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar protection strategies.
Nissar Shaikh
Senior Consultant, SICU, Hamad Medical Corporation, Feedback system
Doha, Qatar The operator inputs details such as the patient’s age,
Sujith M Prabhakaran gender and height into the system through which
Consultant, SICU, Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar minute ventilation is calculated and sets a target
Dr Stefan Rohrig volume (VT) and respiratory rate (RR) through a
Senior consultant, SICU, Hamad Medical Corporation,
Doha, Qatar feedback signal. The systems gives test breath in
Faisal Malmstrom which target tidal volume of the patient is observed
Director, SICU, Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar and stored in the system. The observed tidal volume

How to cite this article: Bylappa UK, Tharayil AM, Shaikh N, Prabhakaran SM, Rohrig S, Malmstrom F. Adaptive Support
Ventilation – A way different from traditional ventilation. Ind J Resp Care 2016; 5 (2): 713-20

Indian Journal of Respiratory Care | July 2016 | Volume 5 | Issue 2 713

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Bylappa UK, et al: Adaptive support ventilation

and target tidal volume are compared according to this ventilation was that the patient could cheat the
the lung mechanics and then target tidal volume for ventilator with rapid and shallow breaths.3
the patient is adjusted depending on lung compliance,
Adaptive support ventilation (ASV) was originally
resistance and expiratory time constant.
described by Dr Fleur T Tehrani (clinical engineering
Other closed loop ventilator modes are Neurally Professor at the University of California, USA).4
Adjusted Ventilatory Assistance (NAVA), This was the first commercially available ventilator
Proportional Assist Ventilation (PAV), Knowledge- that used an ‘optimal’ targeting scheme.5 A modified
Based Systems (KBS). These are modifications version of Otis equation is used to determine the
of pressure support mode and mainly used in optimum frequency of mechanical ventilation to
spontaneously breathing patients for weaning. minimise the work of breathing.6 The rationale was
to make the patient’s breathing pattern comfortable
IntelliVent(R) is distinctly different in that it can
and natural within safe limits, stimulate spontaneous
be used for any patient, whether breathing or not.
breathing and reduce the weaning time. Thus closed
The ventilation proceeds automatically and can be
loop control ventilation replaces open loop control
described as three different modes rolled into one.1
ventilatory modes.
If the patient is not breathing, it acts as pressure
control mode. If patient is breathing spontaneously ASV Concept
in between the control breaths, but the spontaneous ASV uses closed loop mechanism to switch between
breaths are less than the target respiratory rate, spontaneous and controlled breaths. In this mode of
it acts as synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation, the ventilator adapts itself to the patient
ventilation and pressure support mode. If patient is by continuous assessment and provides support
breathing well spontaneously and the spontaneous as required by the patient to minimise work of
respiratory rates are higher than the target rate, it breathing. ASV can be used to provide full or partial
acts as pressure support mode. ventilator support during initiation, maintenance or
History weaning from mechanical ventilation.
Closed loop ventilation was introduced initially in Mechanism of ASV
the form of mandatory minute ventilation (MMV) The user has to feed in details such as the patient’s
by Hewlett in 1977.2 Minute ventilation appropriate age group, whether an adult, child or an infant,
for the patient had to be chosen by the user. The gender and height. The patient’s ideal body weight
machine would monitor the patient’s respiratory rate is then calculated and displayed by the ventilator.
and tidal volume. As long as the patient’s respiratory The clinician must then set the target minute
pattern remained above the MMV line (a diagonal ventilation (20-200%), in terms of percentage of
line drawn from time zero to reach the target minute the normal minute ventilation based on the patient’s
ventilation at the end of one minute on a graph ideal body weight and the maximum plateau
with time on the x-axis and minute ventilation on pressure, also called the ASV pressure limit. Positive
the Y-axis), the ventilator would remain passive. If end-expiratory pressure and the inspired fraction
at any time, the patient’s respiration was observed of oxygen (FIO2) must also be set. The maximum
to drop below the line, the ventilator would deliver pressure alarm (P max ) must be set 10 cm H2O above
extra breaths at the preset tidal volume to ensure the ASV pressure alarm limit.
that the respiration returned to remain above the
line. The augmentation of tidal volume could be Based on the patient’s lung compliance, airway
achieved by using pressure support also. Mandatory resistance, and dead space as calculated using the
minute ventilation was designed to be a weaning Radford nomogram, an optimal minute ventilation,
mode and was meant to encourage the patient’s tidal volume and frequency that would minimise the
spontaneous ventilation. One of the draw backs of work of breathing is calculated by the ventilator
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Bylappa UK, et al: Adaptive support ventilation

using Otis equation. It constructs a safety ventilation Tidal volume against respiration rate
window within which the patient is allowed to As described above, ASV mode uses Otis equation
breathe. If a patient’s respiratory pattern falls to calculate target respiratory rate and tidal volume.
outside of this window, the ventilator provides ASV mode selects respiratory rate and tidal volume
assistance in the form of number of mandatory depending on the lung mechanics. It selects low
breaths or by providing pressure support to each respiratory rate, high tidal volume in case of
breath as necessary. Since both the volume and obstructive lung diseases and low tidal volume, high
respiratory rate in case of restrictive lung diseases.2
pressure targets are defined, the use of ASV reduces
volutrauma and barotrauma. One of the main parameters which determine the
respiratory rate and tidal volume is expiratory
Otis Equation
time constant, a product of airway resistance and
compliance. It is calculated continuously by the
analysis of flow-volume curve, based on which
the I:E ratio, target rate and target volume are set
and a safety window is created using mathematical
f = Respiratory rate; RC = Airway resistance x calculations.7 One expiratory time constant indicates
Respiratory compliance = Time constant ; Min Vol the time taken for movement of 63% of the volume
= Minute ventilation ; Vd = dead space ; a = (2π2)/60 to move out of the lungs and three time constants
= 0.33 are required to move 95% of the volume out of the
Otis equation is used to calculate respiratory rate lungs.
as seen in Figure 1. Point A represents very low Adaptive support ventilation-operating
respiratory rate with high tidal volume to maintain principles
the adequate targeted alveolar minute ventilation. ASV mode follows, implements and works on the
Point B represents maintenance of adequate targeted basis of lung protective strategies, which targets
alveolar minute ventilation at very high respiratory respiratory rate and tidal volume within the safety
rate and low tidal volume. Point C represents very margin of window. This way it can avoid and prevent
minimal work of breathing to maintain adequate complications such as volutrauma, barotrauma,
targeted alveolar minute ventilation with normal intrinsic PEEP and/or dead space ventilation
tidal volume and respiratory rate. (Figure 2).

Figure 2: ASV strategies for ventilation ; If the subject is in Zone

1 - Mandatory breaths are given to optimise rate; Zone 2 – No
intervention; Zone III – Pressure support increased and Zone IV
– Both mandatory breaths and increased pressure support are
Figure 1: Respiratory rate, tidal volume and work of breathing given.

Indian Journal of Respiratory Care | July 2016 | Volume 5 | Issue 2 715

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Bylappa UK, et al: Adaptive support ventilation

The following safety limits are calculated ASV ventilator settings

automatically based on the operating principles The initial ventilator settings of ASV are given in
(Table 1). Table 2.

Table 1: Safety limits Table 2: ASV ventilator settings

Adaptive Support Ventilation - General

The closed loop control ventilation mode adapts
and changes according to patient’s respiratory At the start of ASV mode of ventilation, the
effort. If the patient is not breathing or triggering ventilator gives a minimum of three test breaths with
even a single breath, it delivers mandatory breaths the pressure control (PC) of more than 15 cm H2O.
and works as pressure control mode (PCV - During these test breaths, it measures inspiratory
time triggered, pressure limited and time cycled time (Ti), inspiratory pressure (Pinsp), compliance
ventilation). If the ventilator senses or measures and resistance of the respiratory system to calculate
spontaneous respiratory rate, which is less than expiratory time constant and uses these parameters
target respiratory rate, then it works as pressure with the estimated dead space volume and minute
control synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation which are calculated on the basis of
ventilation (SIMV) plus pressure support mode ideal body weight and calculates target respiratory
(P-SIMV+PS). If the patient’s spontaneous rate. Finally with these measurements, it sets target
respiratory rate is more than the target respiratory tidal volume and respiratory rate within the safety
rate, it is assumed that the work of breathing is high window.8 During ventilation, depending on the lung
and each breath is supported using pressure support mechanics the pressure limit increases or decreases
mode (PS - patient triggered, pressure limited and within the set ASV pressure limit to achieve target
flow cycled ventilation). tidal volume. Oxygenation and ventilation (MV%)
can be adjusted manually according to the clinical
ASV mode continuously measures respiratory
mechanics and maintains ventilator parameters
within the safety limits. During the pressure support Optimisation and controlling of MV%
(PS) ventilation in the closed loop ventilation, if Optimisation and controlling of MV depends on
the patient is not breathing or the spontaneous the patient’s effort and the arterial blood gases
respiratory rate is less than the target respiratory results. Percentage of minute ventilation can be
rate, it automatically increases the pressure controlled altered depending on the arterial carbon dioxide
mandatory breaths which is required to maintain the level and the total minute ventilation the patient
target minute ventilation. With the interaction of generates including minute ventilation delivered
ASV mode, it also limits or controls too high or too by the ventilator. MV% can be weaned depending
low respiratory rate and tidal volume to prevent or on the patient effort and spontaneous breaths. As
minimise hypoventilation or hyperventilation, dead discussed earlier, if the patient’s RR is more than the
space volume, barotrauma and auto PEEP. target RR, it means patient is breathing on pressure

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Bylappa UK, et al: Adaptive support ventilation

support (PS) level. The PS level and patient effort Weaning with IntelliVent-ASV(R)
can be seen on the ventilator monitor to decide on IntelliVent-ASV(R) provides an optional automated
weaning.3-11 weaning protocol, called Quick Wean. Quick Wean
progressively reduces pressure support, monitors
IntelliVent-ASV(R) for the readiness-to-wean criteria, and provides an
IntelliVent-ASV(R) is a fully automatic ventilation operator configurable weaning protocol. Quick Wean
mode.12 It is ASV mode which uses some additional also includes the option to automatically conduct
special settings to autopilot the ventilation. fully controlled spontaneous breathing trials (SBT).

In this mode, oxygenation and ventilation settings Heart Lung Index (HLI)
are set automatically (MV, PEEP, FiO2) according HLI is a new and special parameter of IntelliVent-
to target end-tidal carbon dioxide levels (EtCO2) ASV to indicate the extent to which the
haemodynamics are affected by the applied positive
and oxygen saturation (SpO2). Thus the ventilator
pressure. HLI is based on automatic analysis
adjusts the settings according to the patient’s clinical
of variations in the monitored pulse oximeter
condition which can change dynamically such as plethysmogram and is expressed in percentage.12
general conditions, underlying diseases, ventilatory If HLI is more than 15%, the currently delivered
demand, respiratory mechanics and spontaneously mechanical ventilation may have a strong influence
breathing activities. on the haemodynamics. Currently, the HLI is
available only when a Nihon Kohden SpO2 sensor is
IntelliVent-ASV(R) has five interrelated functions
in use.
which are auto adjustment for CO2 elimination,
auto adjustment for oxygenation, auto weaning Unique SpO2 option featuring advanced artefact
tool including quick wean, SBT trial and heart rejection and Heart-Lung Interaction index
lung index. The setting of target minute volume The IntelliVent(R) uses the principle of pulse pressure
is automated based on either the monitored EtCO2 variation (PPV) for the assessment of haemodynamic
or the monitored spontaneous breathing rate. The status. The pulse oximeter compatible with the
ventilator (Hamilton Medical) is from Nihon Kohden.
auto adjustment of FiO2 or PEEP is based on the
It incorporates advanced automatic rejection of
monitored SpO2 with pulse oximeter pulse oximetry
artefacts that may be seen with the use of pulse
using a finger or ear probe. The goal is to keep EtCO2,
oximeter to increase accuracy of the measurement
spontaneous rate and SpO2 within the predicted of PPV. It thus increases safety of the closed loop
target ranges. The combination of PEEP and FiO2 ventilation using this parameter with the added
is selected according to a table derived from ARDS advantage of continuous noninvasive monitoring of
network publications. Tidal volume and respiratory the haemodynamic status. The interaction between
rate are determined by the time-proven adaptive the respiratory and cardiovascular systems is
support ventilation (ASV) algorithm, based on the displayed as heart lung index (HLI).
least work of breathing.
Advantages and disadvantages of ASV
IntelliVent-ASV ensures that the patient is never ASV has several advantages in that it can be used
apnoeic, does not get too large or too low tidal for patients with any type of lungs, tidal volume
volumes, too high or too low respiratory rate and minute volume are assured, adjusts to changes
in patient condition, improved gas exchange, is
and also ensures that the airway pressures are
safe, complications are less, weaning happens
maintained within limits, thus complying with lung
automatically and duration of mechanical ventilation
protective strategies, avoid volutrauma, barotrauma,
is reduced. Its use in paediatric patients is limited,
autoPEEP, dead space ventilation and also aid in does not recognize changes in dead space and is
quicker weaning. available only in Hamilton ventilators.

Indian Journal of Respiratory Care | July 2016 | Volume 5 | Issue 2 717

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Bylappa UK, et al: Adaptive support ventilation

ASV used in weaning and lung protective strategy the use of IntelliVent-ASV(R) was safe in all these
Several studies have evaluated adaptive support conditions.
ventilation for weaning.
Amr A. Elmorsy et al compared adaptive support
José B Morato et al conducted a study comparing ventilation with biphasic positive airway pressure
adaptive support ventilation, mandatory rate for ventilating patients with acute exacerbation of
ventilation and Smartcare for automated weaning chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.17 There were
from mechanical ventilation.13 They evaluated these 36 patients in each group. They found that in the
three modes in six different weaning situations: ASV group, the respiratory rate was significantly
weaning success, weaning failure, weaning success lower, tidal volume was higher, and rapid shallow
along with extreme anxiety, weaning success along breathing index was lower. Lung compliance
with Cheyne-Stokes breathing, weaning success was higher, airway resistance lower and patient-
along with irregular breathing and weaning failure ventilator synchrony was better with ASV. Days of
along with ineffective efforts. All three modes mechanical ventilation and duration of ICU stay
performed equally well in all the situations but the was found to be less with ASV.
adjustment of pressure support from ASV was
faster (1 – 2 min) and was slowest with Smartcare Chien-Wen et al conducted a study to compare effects
(8 – 78 min). of implementing adaptive support ventilation in a
medical intensive care Unit.18 They compared 79
Fang Zhu et al compared adaptive support patients who underwent weaning using AVS with
ventilation mode with physician directed weaning in 70 patients being weaned off using conventional
patients after fast-track cardiac valvular surgery.14 ventilation. They found that weaning readiness was
Adjustment of ASV were made based on arterial not recognised in 15% of patients when ventilated
blood gas analysis whereas all decisions were made with conventional modes. They also opined that ASV
by physicians in the physician directed weaning. helps to identify these patients and may improve
They found that the use of ASV shortened weaning their weaning outcomes.
time by at least two hours and reduced number of
Eduardo Mireles et al conducted a study evaluating
alarms and manual ventilator changes.
selection of ventilator settings by humans versus
Kamel et al compared the role of adaptive support computers in adaptive support ventilation and mid-
ventilation and pressure support ventilation in frequency ventilation (MFV) in different clinical
weaning of COPD patients.15 Once the patients had scenarios.19 Although there were differences in the
recovered with medical therapy and assist control initial ventilator settings where the tidal volumes
mode of ventilation, they were randomised to be selected by the physicians were slightly lower,
weaned off ventilation with either ASV of PSV. the inspiratory pressures were lower with ASV
They found that weaning with ASV was faster, and and MFV. Overall, the three sets of selection of
length of stay in ICU as well as in the hospital were parameters were similar.
significantly reduced.
Demet Sulemanji et al compared adaptive support
Jean-Michel Arnal et al evaluated the use of ventilation where the plateau pressure was limited
IntelliVent-ASV as a fully closed loop ventilation to 28 cm H2O and conventional volume controlled
mode in 100 unselected patients in the ICU requiring ventilation with a fixed tidal volume of 6 ml/kg in
at least 12 hours of mechanical ventilation.16 All a lung simulator model.10 The different scenarios
adjustments were made by the ventilator and they examined were a positive end-expiratory pressure
found the ventilator setting changes were different of 8, 12 and 16 cm H2O and in two groups: Group
for different conditions and were all appropriate in all 1 for 60 kg and Group 2 for 80 kg. ASV was better
patients including normal lungs, chronic obstructive able to maintain plateau pressure by changing tidal
pulmonary disease (COPD) and acute respiratory volumes and could be considered as a safe mode of
distress syndrome (ARDS). They concluded that ventilation in these patients.

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Bylappa UK, et al: Adaptive support ventilation

Pascale C Gruber et al conducted a randomized ASV uses lung protective strategy to minimise
controlled trial comparing ASV with pressure the lung injury. It can be used in both obstructive
regulated volume control in the automode in 50 and restrictive lung disease patients for initiation,
patients who had undergone uncomplicated cardiac maintenance and weaning from mechanical
surgery.20 They looked at the days of intubation, ventilation. However, presently there are not many
mechanical ventilation and number of physician researches to support closed loop control ventilation
interventions during weaning. They found that the in severely ill chronic patients to show any mortality
use of ASV resulted in earlier extubation, without benefit.
an increase in clinician intervention.
Other benefits of ASV IntelliVent-ASV(R) automation is based on the
Sigal Sviri et al in their paper in 2012 describe how closed-loop control principle with monitored
they have used ASV as a mode of ventilation in their PetCO2, spontaneous rate and SpO2 inputs. Use
ICU and also that it had become the primary or of IntelliVent-ASV(R) can improve the quality of
preferred mode of ventilation for all their patients mechanical ventilation and unburden the clinical
for the last ten years.21 They had the experience of staff from frequent manipulation of ventilator
ventilating more than 1000 patients with ASV. 81% controls. However, randomised control studies are
could be successfully weaned, 6% had to be switched required to prove the effect on mortality apart from
over to pressure controlled ventilation because they the obvious short term benefit this mode offers.
were hypoxic, needed high inspiratory pressures
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