2nd Paper Syllabus Food
2nd Paper Syllabus Food
2nd Paper Syllabus Food
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1. Introduction
In context of Nepal
1.1. Basic principles and ancient practices of food preservation
1.2. Technological development of food processing and practices.
1.3 Technology for preservation of food stuffs.
1.4 Asecptic techniques in food processing.
4. Quality control.
4.1. Need & inportance of quality control.
4.2. Laboratory planning and management.
4.3. Role of private sector in the laboratory services.
4.4. Laboratory accreditation.
4.5. Food quality assurance.
4.6. ISO 9000 and ISO 14000.
4.7. GMP, HACCP.
5. Food Technology.
5.1. Research on development of food preservation and appropriate technology.
5.2. Minimal processing for nutrients conservation.
5.3. Latest development in food processing technology.
5.4. Packaging technology.
1. Food safety and quality are significant issue for public health and for export market to
developing country like Nepal. Recently Nepalese food processors are also trying to
adopt universal quality control tools like GMP and HACCP. Critically review the
status on implementation of modern quality control system in Nepalese food
industries focusing on prevailing constraints and opportunities.
2. The extensive application of food technologies is vital in order to meet the demands
of an increasing population and market. In this context, briefly review the recent
trends in food processing technology to develop processed foods in response to
changing market and consumer preferences. 15
3. Malnutrition is associated with more than half of childhood death and eradicating
malnutrition remains a major challenge to developing country like Nepal. Discuss on
the different approaches adopted by Government of Nepal to overcome child
malnutrition and critically review their success based on the nutritional status survey
reports. 15
4. “Tested once and accepted every where” is the main benefit of Laboratory
Accreditation. Briefly discuss about the requirements of ISO 17925 and critically
examine the constraints and opportunity of laboratory Accreditation in context of
6. Food industries play an important role in the economic development of the Agri-Food
sector. Implementation of good hygiene and sanitation are growing concern of
international food trade. However, there is still lacking in hygiene and sanitation
requirement and which creates problem in food safety and quality control. Discuss the
role of the government and food industry in achieving this goal and recommend
appropriate strategy for implementation of good practices focusing on the SPS
provisions and international practices as well. 20