Krishna explains that he is the original source of all things in the material and spiritual worlds. He created Brahma and instructed him in Vedic knowledge. All other demigods like Shiva, Indra, and the Vasus were also born from expansions of Krishna. Acquiring knowledge of Krishna from the scriptures transforms one's heart and intelligence, inspiring full devotion and surrender to him as the supreme absolute truth.
Krishna explains that he is the original source of all things in the material and spiritual worlds. He created Brahma and instructed him in Vedic knowledge. All other demigods like Shiva, Indra, and the Vasus were also born from expansions of Krishna. Acquiring knowledge of Krishna from the scriptures transforms one's heart and intelligence, inspiring full devotion and surrender to him as the supreme absolute truth.
Krishna explains that he is the original source of all things in the material and spiritual worlds. He created Brahma and instructed him in Vedic knowledge. All other demigods like Shiva, Indra, and the Vasus were also born from expansions of Krishna. Acquiring knowledge of Krishna from the scriptures transforms one's heart and intelligence, inspiring full devotion and surrender to him as the supreme absolute truth.
Krishna explains that he is the original source of all things in the material and spiritual worlds. He created Brahma and instructed him in Vedic knowledge. All other demigods like Shiva, Indra, and the Vasus were also born from expansions of Krishna. Acquiring knowledge of Krishna from the scriptures transforms one's heart and intelligence, inspiring full devotion and surrender to him as the supreme absolute truth.
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The key takeaways are that Krishna is the source of all qualities and the cause of all existence. Devotional service can be performed on different levels ranging from fear to love.
The text mentions that devotional service can be performed on the levels of fear, duty, and love, with the most beneficial level being love.
The text mentions that Krishna creates qualities like intelligence, tolerance, truthfulness, restraint, and nonviolence.
VERSE 10.1:-
For the surrendered souls Krishna is the
parijata tree which gives the shelter- new prayer by the prabhuji in this section. CCP:-
Krishna speaking spontaneously without any
impetus as the topic is bhakti. When there is combination of the aishwarya and the madhurya the affection increases the most. Krishna is starting this chapter in the more intimate note. He is speaking this knowledge to the intimate people with the desire to benefit them. Krishna is telling that what he is speaking is the ultimate as there can be the emperor above the king but he is telling that what he is speaking is the greatest. We should be anxious to do the devotional activities, anxious to hear the holyname. We may do devotional activities on the level of fear, duty but the most good is on the level of the love. Mutual joy comes about by devotees being anxious to discuss the Krishna katha. VERSE 10.2:- CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE One should know, then, that scholarship is not the qualification necessary to understand Kåñëa. ko addhä veda ka iha prävocat kuta ä jätä kuta iyaà visåñöiù arväg-devä asya visarjanäya athä ko veda yata äbabhüva
Who knows clearly, who in this world can
proclaim, from where the universe was born, from where this creation has come? The devas came later that the creation. Therefore, who knows from where it arose. Rg Veda 10.129.6 naitad devä äpnuvan pürvam arçat
He cannot be attained by the devas. He has
existed before them. Isopaniñad 4 CCP:-
Devatas high in terms of the power but the
sages are high in terms of the knowledge. This verse tells the superiority of the krishna, no one knows him. VERSE 10.3:-
The conception that there are things
auspicious and inauspicious in the material world is more or less a mental concoction CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE because there is nothing auspicious in the material world. Everything is inauspicious because the very material nature is inauspicious. Anything done under the direction of Kåñëa is transcendental. It cannot be contaminated by material reactions, which may be auspicious or inauspicious. tat tan na västavaà cet syäd vidäà buddhi- bhramas tadä na syäd evety ato ’cintyä çaktir léläsu käraëam
If all this were not true, then all
perceptions would be illusory. But that is not so. Thus the acintya-çakti is the cause of His pastimes. Laghu Bhägavatamåta 1.5.119 CCP:-
Understand that I’m beyond the dimension of
time,he is special because he is controller of all the lokas,as the atma and brahma are also aja but they are not sarva loka maheshvaram. Impurity means the misdirected desires, but when we come to know the krishna our heart is directed to him which is purifying, just hearing about the krishna is purifying. VERSE 10.4-5:- CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE Intelligence refers to the power to analyze things in their proper perspective, and knowledge refers to understanding what is spirit and what is matter. Kñamä, tolerance and forgiveness, should be practiced; one should be tolerant and excuse the minor offenses of others. Satyam, truthfulness, means that facts should be presented as they are, for the benefit of others. Facts should not be misrepresented. According to social conventions, it is said that one can speak the truth only when it is palatable to others. But that is not truthfulness. The truth should be spoken in a straightforward way, so that others will understand actually what the facts are. If a man is a thief and if people are warned that he is a thief, that is truth. Although sometimes the truth is unpalatable, one should not refrain from speaking it. Truthfulness demands that the facts be presented as they are for the benefit of others. one should restrain the mind from unnecessary thoughts; that is called çama. Ahiàsä, nonviolence, means that one should not do anything which will put others into misery or confusion. fasting done in terms of the Vedic injunctions enriches one in spiritual knowledge. CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE Kåñëa creates all these qualities, but the person develops them himself from within. Fearlessness arising from knowledge is sattvic, but if it arises from rajas or tamas, it is rajasic or tamasic. CCP:-
Krishna is the origin of the abstract
qualities also. Knowing matter, spirit and controller of the both is knowledge. Intelligence is the ability to discriminate to prioritize the things. Dama is we don’t engage in the bad activities. Sama is the control of the mind,it is better than the dama. Even the misery comes from the krishna means the krishna Is all pervading,nothing is outside of the krishans jurisdiction,we get the fear and the misery as per our karma not sent by the krishna ,but shows that everything is in the jurisdiction of the krishna. Mind should not be engaged in the constant thoughts of earning money, we can earn the money but we should be too much pre occupied with it. CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE Misery- psychological confusion- intellectual so one should not mislead the people. Everything flows from the kirshna.
VERSE 10.6:- CCP:-
Krishna is telling ultimately everything
comes from him. Actually the original root is the Krishna. LINK:- Krishna is telling what will happen by knowing all this. VERSE 10.7:- CCP:-
Knowing the vibhutis of the lord one will
engage in the devotional service fully. Knowledge of Krishna will increase our attraction for Krishna. Being able to fix our mind whole heartedly on Krishna this itself is very big blessing. Knowing Krishna to be the source of everything inspires to surrender to him. Krishna is talking about surrender to him in person not to the unborn within him. CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE Jnana doesn’t increase the bhakti is about the impersonal knowledge but the knowledge about the krishna definitely increases the bahkti. LINK: - how to acquire that knowledge. VERSE 10.8:-
Atharva Veda (Gopäla-täpané Upaniñad 1.24)
it is said, yo brahmäëaà vidadhäti pürvaà yo vai vedäàç ca gäpayati sma kåñëaù: "It was Kåñëa who in the beginning instructed Brahmä in Vedic knowledge and who disseminated Vedic knowledge in the past." Näräyaëa Upaniñad (1) says, atha puruño ha vai näräyaëo 'kämayata prajäù såjeyeti: "Then the Supreme Personality Näräyaëa desired to create living entities." The Upaniñad continues, näräyaëäd brahmä jäyate, näräyaëäd prajäpatiù prajäyate, näräyaëäd indro jäyate, näräyaëäd añöau vasavo jäyante, näräyaëäd ekädaça rudrä jäyante, näräyaëäd dvädaçädityäù: "From Näräyaëa, Brahmä is born, and from Näräyaëa the patriarchs are also born. From Näräyaëa, Indra is born, from Näräyaëa the eight Vasus are born, from Näräyaëa the eleven Rudras are born, from Näräyaëa the twelve Ädityas are born." This Näräyaëa is an expansion of Kåñëa. CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE brahmaëyo devaké-putraù: "The son of Devaké, Kåñëa, is the Supreme Personality." (Näräyaëa Upaniñad 4) eko vai näräyaëa äsén na brahmä na éçäno näpo nägni-somau neme dyäv-äpåthivé na nakñaträëi na süryaù: "In the beginning of the creation there was only the Supreme Personality Näräyaëa. There was no Brahmä, no Çiva, no water, no fire, no moon, no heaven and earth, no stars in the sky, no sun." (Mahä Upaniñad 1.2) In the Mokña-dharma section of the Mahäbhärata, Kåñëa also says, prajäpatià ca rudraà cäpy aham eva såjämi vai tau hi mäà na vijänéo mama mäyä-vimohitau
"The patriarchs, Çiva and others are created
by Me, though they do not know that they are created by Me because they are deluded by My illusory energy." In the Varäha Puräëa it is also said, näräyaëaù paro devas tasmäj jätaç caturmukhaù tasmäd rudro 'bhavad devaù sa ca sarva-jïatäà gataù CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE "Näräyaëa is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and from Him Brahmä was born, from whom Çiva was born." yo brahmäëaà vidadhäti pürvaà yo vai vedäàç ca gäpayati sma kåñëaù
Kåñëa alone it is who previously creates
Brahmä, and makes him sing the Vedas. Gopäla Täpané Upaniñad 1.22 – VCT CCP:-
After the catuh sloki BG Arjuna gives the
rephrasing of the Krishna’s message. 8th verse gives the summary and the 9th and 10th, 11th are elaboration. 8th understanding of the krishnas position. In material life when we expect the happiness to come it doesn’t come or comes very meager. 8th-sambhandha 9th- sambandha, abhideya, prayojana 10th, 11th-abhideya. These verses are the summary of all knowledge. Word pravartate- is in the present tense indicating that Krishna is the controller also. Budha – enlightened one. CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE Knowledge of the Krishna makes enlightened and attracted to the Krishna, that is it transforms the heart and the intelligence. There can be variation in the creation in the various universes, so the information may differ from that of the bhagavatam, as rudra comes from the brahma in this universe but he may come from the narayana in other universes. Srijate doesn’t mean creation of the souls but the embodiment of the souls. There are levels of the omniscience; Omni- all can refer to the universe, earth. Only the lord is completely omniscience others are given omniscience as per their position. Scriptures are self evident but what is self evident may not be evident for us, so we need the commentary. To understand the gita we should live the gita and to live the gita we should love Krishna. LINK: - what happens after that, how the devotee’s life is completely transformed. VERSE 10.9:-
In the preliminary stage of devotional
service they relish the transcendental pleasure from the service itself, and in the CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE mature stage they are actually situated in love of God. CCP:-
When we love Krishna then he becomes their
mental home. Everyone has his mental home,that is when nothing to do then our mind naturally gravitates to that thing. Dhautatma purusa Krishna pada mulam na munchanti. Externally there may be the agitations but when we bring the mind to the Krishna we feel peace. Three aspect of our living are described here mind,intelligence,body Mahaprabhu wherever he would travel when he came in contact the devotees he would immediately discuss Krishna katha. With the spiritual advancement we start relishing the sweetness of krishns love. VERSE 10.10:-
Buddhi-yoga itself is action in Kåñëa
consciousness; When a person knows the goal of life but is addicted to the fruits of activities, he is acting in karma-yoga. When he knows that the goal is Kåñëa but he takes pleasure in CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE mental speculations to understand Kåñëa, he is acting in jïäna-yoga. And when he knows the goal and seeks Kåñëa completely in Kåñëa consciousness and devotional service, he is acting in bhakti-yoga, or buddhi-yoga, which is the complete yoga. A person may have a bona fide spiritual master and may be attached to a spiritual organization, but if he is still not intelligent enough to make progress, then Kåñëa from within gives him instructions so that he may ultimately come to Him without difficulty. The qualification is that a person always engage himself in Kåñëa consciousness and with love and devotion render all kinds of services. CCP:-
This verse talks about the abhideya.
Krishna is not saying that devotee has to be intelligent,but only has to be engaged constantly. If we do bhakti with devotion,love and the positive attitude then Krishna gives us the illumination resentful attitude prevents the Krishna from giving which he wanted to give us. In 2nd chapter buddhi yoga refers to using that knowledge to connect with the highest CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE reality but that reality is not spoken there. These verses are very clearly devotional. Krishna is telling that by this buddhi you will come to me, which directly the devotional service, no scope for the Mayavadi interpretation. Devotee primarily has to engage in the devotional service and the Krishna will provide what the devotee needs. We are not studying the scriptures for intellectual study, we want to study to increase our love, and intellectual study is not analyzing the Krishna but surrender to Krishna by intelligence. Study removes our misconception and gives us the conviction. LINK:- how does the Krishna gives the intelligence.
VERSE 10.11:-
But even if a devotee does not take
advantage of their literatures or of his spiritual master, if he is sincere in his devotional service he is helped by Kåñëa Himself within his heart. So the sincere devotee engaged in Kåñëa consciousness cannot be without knowledge. The only CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE qualification is that one carry out devotional service in full Kåñëa consciousness. Only by devotional service is the Supreme Truth, Kåñëa, pleased, and by His inconceivable energy He can reveal Himself to the heart of the pure devotee. CCP:-
We try to keep the outer world lit carefully
but we don’t take care of lighting the inner self, inner darkness means we don’t know what is good for us. Whatever comes out of us may not be ourselves but the contaminated mind. But Krishna illuminates from within then we can see things as they are. In these four verses Krishna tells about his supreme position but also his benevelont nature ready to give mercy to devotees. With the rendering of the service knowledge deepens, there is symbiotic relationship between knowledge and the service to the lord. Bhakti yoga integrates the jnana but it is not dependent on the jnana.our purpose,source is Krishna . LINK: - Arjuna speaks about the knowledge of Krishna. CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE VERSE 10.12, 13:- jïätvä devaà mucyate sarva papaiù
overcome Him. Båhad Äraëyaka Upaniñad 4.4.23 tasmät kåñëa eva paro devas taà dhyäyet taà raset taà bhajet taà yajet Therefore Kåñëa is the Supreme Lord. One should meditation upon Him, relish Him, serve Him, and worship Him. Gopläla Täpané Upaniñad 1.4 CCP:-
We are brahma but we are not parabrahman.
Shelters of this world are fallible but Krishna is supreme dhama. The word bhavan in this verse indicates the personal nature of the lord; also Arjuna is addressing Krishna with the intimate word purusam. Arjuna is not speaking just to praise Krishna as the Krishna is his friend; he is giving the pramana of various sages. CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE Conviction in wrong thing makes us obstinate. Scriptural evidence with the experience we can have the conviction in the Krishna. Only scriptural evidence without trying out the process one cannot get to the conclusion,one will remain only on the mental level. But only experience can be the sentimental, so need both the scripture and the experience. VERSE 10.14:- CCP:-
ka=Brahmä, éça=Çiva, va=to bind.
We may not be able to understand certain things as it needs certain purification for understanding, but we should suspend our judgment about them. Half hen way will not help, just taking what we like and rejecting the other part is not good. Arjuna is giving his understanding of the Krishna and lord is accepting it ,that means there is no scope for the impersonal undersanding ,also conclusion of the bg is surrendering to Krishna. CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE So the conclusion is that Krishna is that Krishna is AT and devotional service to him is the way to attain him. VERSE 10.15:- CCP:-
Arjuna uses five epithets to describe
Krishna. Arjuna acknowledges that only he himself can understand himself. LINK: - Arjuna now makes his request. VERSE 10.16:- CCP:-
Here Arjuna has got the understanding of the
Krishna’s supremacy but he is asking for the people in general so that they can meditate on something in the nature and remember the lord. VERSE 10.17:-
The superior devotee is concerned not only
for his own understanding but for the understanding of all mankind. CCP:- CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE Yoga is used for the Krishna as he is connected with everything both matter and spirit. Krishna is requested by the Arjuna to tell about his vibhutis as it will be possible to think about him by meditating on them. VERSE 10.17:- CCP:-
Similar consciousness is expressed by the
suta goswami in the naimisharanya. For the devotees the external may be old but the experience is new, for outsider’s things may be new but they have same old experience. Newness in the internal sense by developing the relationship with the Krishna. In spiritual life there is not the discovery of the new concept but the discovery of the old map. With the purification same things will give happiness. VERSE CCP:-
Hanta is the expression of the joy.
Krishna is saying that his glories are endless but it is not the ego maniac CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE statement as he is serving as the charioteer of the Arjuna. It is like the doctor informing the patient about his qualification to produce the faith in the patient. Our misdirection from the god to the things of this world is the cause of the bondage so it needs to be redirected. Vibhutis- is the special manifestation, those material manifestation have special quality and attract our attention. Vibhutis are there always and attract the attention but connection with the absolute is necessary. When there is connection of vibhutis with the Krishna then it is yoga. In vedantik way there is radical difference in the matter and the soul but in the bhagavatam way there is the focus on the sound, sound is the way from the matter to the spirit. Agitation of the mind is caused by passion and the ignorance, but the holyname, bhajan lifts the consciousness and the mind is pacified. Tantra is right hand and the left hand, right hand tantra is the deity worship. Matter can be the means to the spirit. CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE Neti Neti approach I’m not the body, I’m not this. Redirection of the desire is required otherwise deity worship can be ritualistic. Sex is the thing which makes one the most bodily conscious. Purpose is to focus on the Krishna on the vibhutis themselves. Vibhutis should be in the connection with the source. VERSE 10.20:-
For those who are sleeping in the darkness
of ignorance, it is not possible to understand how the Supreme Personality of Godhead manifests Himself in various ways in the material and spiritual worlds. Subäla Upaniñad, prakåty-ädi-sarva- bhütäntar-yämé sarva-çeñé ca näräyaëaù: "The Supreme Personality of Godhead is existing as the Supersoul in all manifested universes." the Narada-pancaratra, one of the Sätvata- tantras. Viñëos tu tréëi rüpäëi puruñäkhyäny atho viduù: the Supreme Personality of Godhead manifests three features—as Käraëodakaçäyé Viñëu, Garbhodakaçäyé Viñëu and Kñérodakaçäyé Viñëu—in this material manifestation. CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE The Mahä-viñëu, or Käraëodakaçäyé Viñëu, is described in the Brahma-saàhitä (5.47). Yaù käraëärëava-jale bhajati sma yoga-nidräm: the Supreme Lord, Kåñëa, the cause of all causes, lies down in the cosmic ocean as Mahä-viñëu. CCP:-
Sincerity and the devotion bring forth the
love from the heart. Gudakesh- conquered over the sleep, devotee having the sweet reciprocation with the Krishna which gives the sweetness to the brahma and the Siva. Beginning of the everything as the Mahavishnu for entire cosmic manifestation. Madhyam- he is maintaining everything. End as the death. This can also be explained as the Krishna being the gunavataras, creating, maintaining and destroying. VERSE 10.21:- CCP:-
In the Vedic understanding behind the
impersonal forces there are personalities who are controlling them, so behind the winds there are personalities who are controlling those marutas. CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE Vibhutis yoga takes from the one among the many to the one above the many. We need from the spark to the whole- talents in the people are coming from the lord. Attractive potency of the moon is Krishna, so looking at the moon we should be reminded of the Krishna. VERSE 10.22:- CCP:-
Sama is the glorification of the celestial
beings. Bhagavatam says god like power of the mind is difficult to overcome. These are the vibhutis of the Krishna they are not the replacement for the worship of the Krishna. They give us the glimpse of the power of the god. Poker faced –totally unexpressive. Consciousness makes the person attractive.
VERSE 10.23:- CCP:-
Most prominent among the rudras is Shankar.
VERSE 10.24, 25:- CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE Meru is sometimes movable, whereas the Himalayas are never movable. Thus the Himalayas are greater than Meru. Among sacrifices, I am the japa sacrifice, outstanding because it does not involve killing animals. CCP:-
Priest- they do sacrifice.
Rishis- they are focused on attaining the absolute. Here from example that the yajnya is the best sacrifice we can understand that sacrifice is the principle not the fire ritual,so the japa is the sacrifice. This verse establishes that the japa is also the sacrifice and it is the special most important sacrifice. VERSE 10.26:- CCP:-
Ashwatah creates the network for itself to
survive for long. To differentiate between the theistic kapila and the atheistic kapila Prabhupad introduced kapila as the son of devahuti. VERSE 10.27:-
Ucchaiùçravas means “loudly praised.”
CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE Airävata is so called because his mother was named Irävaté. CCP:-
Vibhutis yoga is that which takes us from
the one among the many to one above the many. As per the Prabhupad most beautiful animal is the horse. Gajendra can be the proper noun or the common noun; here it is used as the common noun. Extra ordinary power of the king attracts the people that power is from the Krishna. King represents the god not substitutes the god. Righteous kings can take people to the Krishna or can mislead the people. Vibhutis can be godly or the asurik. We should be attracted to the vibhutis who takes us to the Krishna not to the vibhutis which takes us away from the Krishna, we will be attracted to the vibhutis but we need to choose to which of them we should be attracted. What we choose to be attracted to that will decide our destination. VERSE 10.28:- CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE Among types of lust, I am that for producing offspring. CCP:-
In vrindavan there are also the desire
fulfilling trees but the devotees don’t utilize them as they want to exchange the love with the Krishna. Kandarpa has the flower arrow as it is soft in front but burns at the end. Jnana perspective can make us hard hearted,thinking child to be mere product of sex will not allow us to take care for them, they don’t see the hand of the Krishna in producing new life. VERSE 10.29:-
nägänäm—of the many—hooded serpents;
Nägas have many heads, whereas sarpas, regular snakes, have only one head each. CCP:-
Not all the ancestors go to the pitriloka,
person with the medium pious life go to the pitriloka, if very good pious activities then they go the heaven, or they can go to the hell as per their sins. VERSE 10.30:- CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE Because of his devotional service and godly nature, Prahlad is considered to be a representative of Kåñëa. CCP:-
Although it appears that the prahlad
maharaja didn’t had the physical power but he had the spiritual power by which he could make the strongest person insignificant. Time will conquer the greatest conqueror. VERSE 10.31:-
Räma is taken as Paraçuräma rather than
Rämacandra, since he is a jéva . A jéva can be a vibhüti, but not the Lord Himself. CCP:-
Wind is one of the purifying agents.
BVT- a devotee should meditate on the spiritually stimulating objects. Ganga can be stimulating the devotional memories remembering her to be from the lord. VERSE 10.32:-
For advanced education there are various
kinds of books of knowledge, such as the four Vedas, their six supplements, the CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE Vedänta-sütra, books of logic, books of religiosity and the Puräëas. So all together there are fourteen divisions of books of education. Of these, the book which presents adhyätma-vidyä, spiritual knowledge—in particular, the Vedänta-sütra—represents Kåñëa. Among logicians there are different kinds of argument. Supporting one's argument with evidence that also supports the opposing side is called jalpa. Merely trying to defeat one's opponent is called vitaëòä. the actual conclusion is called väda. Väda, jalpa and vitaëòa are famous as the three types of argument. When both parties desire to win by establishing their own opinion with proofs and arguments, and refuting the opponent’s view with circumvention (chala), false generalization (jäti) and syllogistic fault (nigraha- sthäna), it is called jalpa. When one party refutes the opponent’s view (by the above means), without establishing his own opinion, it is called vitaëòa. These two types of debate, with a desire to win, simply display skill in debating and bear no result. That discussion having a desire for truth is called väda. CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE The four Vedas with its six aìgas, [Note: Sikña (pronunciation), chanda (meter), vyäkaraëa (grammar), nirukta (meaning), jyotiña (astrology), and kalpa (ritual)are the six vedäìgas.] aìgäni vedäç catväro mémäàsä nyäya-vistaraù dharma-çästraà puräëaà ca vidyä hy etäç caturdaça
The four Vedas with its six aìgas, [Note:
Sikña (pronunciation), chanda (meter), vyäkaraëa (grammar), nirukta (meaning), jyotiña (astrology), and kalpa (ritual)are the six vedäìgas.] mémäàsä, nyäya, [Note: It is unclear what these are nyäya can refer to Brahma Sütras, or Gautama’s Nyäya, or logic in general. Mémäàsä can refer to karma mémäàsä doctrine.] dharma çastra, and puräëas are considered the fourteen types of knowledge. Viñëu Puräëa 3.6.28 Among these types of knowledge, I am the knowledge concerning ätmä, the knowledge of Vedänta with four chapters (catur lakñäëé vidyä) which defines paramätmä and His associates. [Note: The first chapter of Vedänta shows Brahman as the subject of the Vedas. The second chapter solves all contradictions with other scriptures. The third chapter deals with sädhana for CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE attaining Brahman. The fourth chapter describes the attainment of Brahman.] CCP:-
Material knowledge cannot get us out of the
material world but the adhyatma vidya can. Vitanda is just trying to prove other person wrong not even establishing ones righteousness. Vada is the conclusion. Knock out argument. VERSE 10.33:-
Without a-kära, nothing can be sounded;
therefore it is the beginning of sound. a-käro vai sarvä väk: the letter “a” is all letters. (Aitareya Äraëyaka1.3.6 Among all types of compound words, I am the dvandva, because both elements have equal importance. In the other types of compounds avyayébhäva, tatpuruña, and bahuvréhi one element is given more importance. CCP:-
Among the various letters ‘a’ sound is the
beginning and it is present in the all. Compound word with both the words being equally important is called the dvandva. Eloquence is truth spoken concisely. CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE Time exhausts everyone but time never gets exhausted. Extraordinary capacity of brahma to build the universe is brahma. VERSE 10.34:-
The ability not only to read many books on
different subject matters but to understand them and apply them when necessary is intelligence (medhä). When one is fully qualified yet is humble and gentle, and when one is able to keep his balance both in sorrow and in the ecstasy of joy, he has the opulence called patience (kñamä). måtyur atyanta-vismåtiù: death is extreme forgetfulness. (SB 11.22.39) Krishna is birth. Kérti means fame because of good qualities like religiosity. Çré means wealth in the areas of dharma, artha and käma; or effulgence of the body. Dhåti is the power to extinguish agitation when it appears. Kñamä is the power to remain with unchanging heart on receiving either joy or sorrow. CCP:- CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE Death is the greatest thief which takes even our identity, all devouring capacity of the death is Krishna. Child doesn’t come just by the union of the male and female but it needs the higher sanctions. Sanskrit language is capable of expressing every thought that comes to the human mind. VERSE 10.35:-
the Båhat-säma, which has an exquisite
melody and is sung at midnight. The Gäyatré mantra is very important in Vedic civilization and is considered to be the sound incarnation of Brahman. Brahmä is its initiator, and it is passed down from him in disciplic succession. gäyatré vä idaà sarvaà bhütaà yad idaà kià ca: gäyatré is all this, whatever being exists. (Chändogya Upanisad 3.12.1) CCP:-
brihat sama is the special song in the sama
veda. Gayatri is one of the chhanda. Margashish- (November –December) season to get the yield from the fields. Kusumakar that which forms the flowers, spring. CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE VERSE 10.36:-
Krishna’s greatness is all sided he is great
in the good and also in the bad. CCP:-
Gambling is the thing in which one voluntary
get cheated, anyone who gambles will get cheated. Charisma of a person is Krishna. Trying to share Krishna consciousness Is supreme and meaningful adventure. VERSE 10.37:-
It is to be understood that the Väsudeva
referred to in this verse of Bhagavad-gétä is Baladeva, or Balaräma, because He is the original source of all incarnations and thus He is the sole source of Väsudeva.
Here Väsudeva refers to the balaram not the
lord, as both of them can be called as the Väsudeva. Although Krishna is saying among the pandavas I’m Arjuna is not thinking that you and I are one. Although shukracharya knows abouth the lord he does the mistake due to the attachments. CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE VERSE 10.38:-
Among the confidential activities of
hearing, thinking and meditating, silence is most important because by silence one can make progress very quickly. silence is better than hearing and deliberation because it is not separated from the final goal of realization as the other items are. [Note: First comes hearing, then contemplation, then meditation, and then realization of God. Meditation is next to the realization.] CCP:-
Damayatam is bringing the people to the
right path. Danda is the forceful way to make the point when it cannot be made by other means. Three nitis 1) Brihaspati niti –choose good means and the good end 2) shukra niti – as long as the end is good use any means to get them. 3) Kanik niti- only concerned with the self interest not caring for the means and the ends. Sometimes shukra niti is also required. But the use of shukra niti is in the emergency not to be used in the regular use. Best way to keep secret is keeping silence. CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE LINK; - Krishna giving the conclusion of the section. VERSE 10.39:-
Everything has a cause, and that cause or
seed of manifestation is Kåñëa. Whatever existence is not founded on the energy of Kåñëa is called mäyä, "that which is not." CCP:-
Krishna is reiterating that he is the source
of everything. One should see Krishna connected with everything not just the vibhutis. VERSE 10.40:- CCP:-
Cultural can be specific but the spiritual
is universal. Purpose of the example is to make the unfamiliar familiar. When spiritual is reduced down to the material then it is offensive. Karmi way is to enjoy, jnana way is to deny but the bhakti way is to see the connection with the Krishna. Bhakti should not be just limited to the primary activities but it can be expanded. CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE We should not enjoy in the mundane topic but should not deny we should try to see the connection. We don’t want to get attracted to the specific thing but we want to connect with the Krishna. Process of bhakti yoga is not the rejection but the connection. LINK: - Krishna reveals that everything is the part of his splendor. VERSE 10.41:- CCP:-
Srimad means beautiful.
Srimad bhagavatam beautiful reciprocation of the lord with the devotees. Instead of being just attracted to the part we should direct that attraction to the whole otherwise attraction to the part can increase our longing. VERSE 10.41:-
Everything in this universe is Kåñëa alone,
and He is thus worthy of service. By intelligence given by that realization, one should taste His sweetness. This has been explained in this chapter Çréla Baladeva Vidyäbhüñaëa, a great äcärya in disciplic succession from Kåñëa, CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE concludes his commentary on this chapter by saying, yac-chakti-leçät suryädyä bhavanty aty-ugra-tejasaù yad-aàçena dhåtaà viçvaà sa kåñëo daçame 'rcyate
From Lord Kåñëa's potent energy even the
powerful sun gets its power, and by Kåñëa's partial expansion the whole world is maintained. Therefore Lord Çré Kåñëa is worshipable. CCP:-
Maha Vishnu is the supersoul of the entire
creation. Ksirodaksyai Vishnu is the supersoul in the heart of the all living entities. Krishna is the Avatari and the Krishna as the avatar. Avatari – eternal, in the spiritual world, source of all the incarnations, through him the Vishnu manifests in the chain. Vishnu is not the source but the root of the incarnations. Krishna has the rupa, lila,venu and bahkta madhuri.these opulences are the unique of the Krishna. CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE @@ @ End of chapter 10 @@@@ CHAPTER 10 THE OPULANCE OF THE ABSOLUTE