Chapter Two Literature Review: Salaries Wages Bonuses Withheld Taxes
Chapter Two Literature Review: Salaries Wages Bonuses Withheld Taxes
Chapter Two Literature Review: Salaries Wages Bonuses Withheld Taxes
because payroll and payroll taxes considerably affect the net income
The payroll system begins when a company hires its first employee.
state along with a completed W-4 tax form. The W-4 determines how
Generally, the more dependents you have, the less income tax you
keep on file as part of your payroll system. In fact, the W-4 needs to
[Bright: 1999]. You must also keep track of the employee's important
Medicare tax
trustee for those funds until they are paid to the IRS, the Social
At the end of the year, an employer uses the payroll system to take
all of the wage and withholding information from the previous year
form for contract workers. Copies of that form must be sent to the
employee, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Social Security
Administration (SSA).
these withholdings, pay all pertinent employment taxes and still mail
human resources tasks, giving you time for you to run or grow your
according to the parameters that you set, leaving little margin for
human error.
QuickBooks goes that extra length to offer you payroll systems that
are tailored to suit your business needs, whether you’re just starting
the administrator has the legal right to work with the system, in
Absence management:
Tax and legislation compliance:
legal jurisdictions.
system means you can operate your business with the peace of mind
One of the most difficult tasks that the standalone payroll system
look after. But for an esteemed firm that composed of over thousands
of employees, the need for a more fluid way of doling out wage or
After your business sign up and pays for a web-based solution, your
and running.
Easy Accessibility
means that your employee can log in to view their information. this
helps keep your employee engaged, since they ca easily track their
data lose if a provider server fails, like wise you won’t loss your
don’t have the time or resources for frequent backups, which put
Automated Updates
date. you don’t need to download update and install them, this
enhance reliability and save time. It will also help your company
comply with new labor 2015, the society for human
Globally Compatible
Web-based payroll software usually offers a better solution for
in different location
Fool-proof checks
conduct trade without the exact legal tender being used. However,
these days fraudulent schemes have also evolved well enough to prey
who only want to receive their hard earned money to pay some bills.
Aside from technical glitches that may occur more frequently than it
misplaced in the time they are needed the most. But electronic
same way as debit cards and avoid the inconvenience that traditional
employees and the workers who are paid by the firms. One of the
system will save you time and help considerably with compliance.
The Affordable Care Act and changes to the minimum wage in many
states and for many federal contractors has made payroll compliance
more complex than ever. For 2014, the ACA (aka ObamaCare), and
its health insurance exchanges and tax credits had the biggest
On the whole, this was a consolidation year for payroll systems, with
The Affordable Care Act and changes to the minimum wage in many
states and for many federal contractors has made payroll compliance
more complex than ever. For 2014, the ACA (aka ObamaCare), and
its health insurance exchanges and tax credits had the biggest
various increases in some cities across the country, and news that
economic environment.
deal more on the subject. Small business owners can take steps to
staffing needs.
administrative functions.