URS Egypt Training Catalogue
URS Egypt Training Catalogue
URS Egypt Training Catalogue
General Manager
Mr.Tarek Houta
• To be a Global business
• To offer a "one-stop-shop" with a wide range of scopes in many industrial sectors.
• To be the best in class customer facing certification company in terms of quality & competitiveness
• To achieve customer satisfaction and meet their requirements
Our people :
We aim to work proactively, in partnership with your organization that is why we selected our people for their business
experience in addition to their technical knowledge. The selection criteria ensure that listening philosophy is fostered, rather
than a lecturing one, thus resulting in a deeper understanding of the operational process and activities of the client
business, and also the commitment from our top management to care about customer satisfaction
After sales service and customer satisfaction
Our commitment to you doesn't end with a Training As a registered URS client, you will be able to discuss your needs with
your Client Manager at all times. invite you to events and regularly send you updates on the latest developments in
management system standards and training.
Name of course Man days Accreditation
program to reporting on audit results. Delegates gain necessary auditing •Generate audit findings , Prepare audit conclusions
skills through a balance of formal classroom tutorials, practical role- •Conduct closing meetings and report audit results
playing, group workshops, and open forum. •Conduct an audit follow-up , Understand the registration process
Course Certification Duration:
IRCA Certified course (A17438)
International Register of Certified Auditors (IRCA) and meets part of the
5 days
requirements of those seeking registration as a OH&SMS Auditor/Lead Tutorials, Discussions, Workshops, Quiz and Certificate
Auditor under that scheme (IRCA/2020)
Who Should Attend:
Benefits to Your Business
•The knowledge and skills to effectively audit your management system
•Individuals interested in conducting first-party, second-party, or third- •To conduct a risk assessment of the effectiveness and maturity of your
party audits
•Quality directors
•Regulatory affairs managers
management system
•The ability to conduct second party and third party audits of your supply
•Health, safety, and environmental managers
•Cross functional team members of an implementation project
Objective: Contents:
•The aim of this course is to bring the participants to the Internal • Concepts of Food Safety Management Systems and its historical
Auditor Level. The course provides skills, knowledge and evolution.
understanding of principles and practices of internal auditing of Food • Philosophy behind the modern approaches to Food Safety
Safety Management Systems. The Internal Auditing is the
fundamental element and a mandatory requirement of any formal
Food Safety Management System meeting the requirements of ISO
• Philosophy & fundamental principles of ISO 22000 series.
•Brief review of the requirements of ISO 22000 Food Safety
ISO 22000
22000. On successful completion of the course, the participants
should be capable of conducting successful audits of their own Food
Safety Management Systems in order to identify deficiencies and
Management Systems standard.
•Implementation of HACCP concepts to ensure Food Safety.
•Definitions, purpose, objectives and benefits of ISO 22000 Food
appraise the effectiveness of the system
Who Should Attend:
• All levels of management who are involved in ISO 22000 Food
Safety Management Systems internal auditing.
•Planning / Preparation of ISO 22000Food Safety Management
System internal auditing.
Safety Management Systems internal auditing.
• All levels of management who plan, execute and follow-up ISO
22000 Food Safety Management
• Execution of ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System internal
• Successful tools and techniques for ISO 22000 Food Safety
• Systems internal auditing Management Systems internal auditing.
• Effective reporting & follow-up of ISO 22000 Food Safety
Management Systems internal auditing
Tutorials, Discussions, Workshops, Quiz and Certificate
3 days
Objective: Contents:
•Development and importance of the ISO 22000 standard & •Scope of application of the standard.
Presentation of the ISO 22000 scheme and series of standards. • Food Safety Management System.
Who Should Attend: • Management Responsibility.
•All levels of management who are involved in ISO 22000 Food • Resource Management.
Safety Management Systems internal auditing. • Planning and realization of safe products.
•All levels of management who plan, execute and follow-up ISO • Verification, validation and improvement of the food safety
22000 Food Safety Management Systems internal auditing management systems.
•HACCP coordinators, members of the team, Managers who are •Comparison of ISO 22000 to ISO 9000 & HACCP.
directly involved in HACCP implementation. • Group Work.
Tutorials, Discussions, Workshops, Quiz and Certificate
2 days
ISO 22000
FSMS Auditor/Lead Auditor based on ISO 22000:2005 course focuses on
teaching delegates an effective approach for auditing food safety
•Understand the concepts and requirements of ISO 22000:2005
•Understand national/international food safety legislation
management systems. The primary objective of this training course is to
instruct food safety auditors in the principles and practices specific to
auditing for conformance with ISO 22000, including planning and
•Understand HACCP principles based on Codex Alimentarius
•Understand the roles and responsibilities of the auditor
•Apply ISO 19011:2002 and ISO/TS 22003:2007 definitions, concepts, and
preparation of the audit, audit practices, and reporting audit findings.
Delegates gain necessary auditing skills through a balance of formal
•Recognize the principles, practices, and types of audits (FSMS)
classroom tutorials, group workshops, and open forum discussions. •Conduct all phases of an external audit (plan, execute, report, record,
Course Certification
IRCA Certified course (A17189)
follow-up, closure)
•Prepare and present effective reports
International Register of Certified Auditors (IRCA) and meets part of the
requirements of those seeking registration as a FSMS Auditor/Lead
Auditor under that scheme (IRCA/2190)
5 days
Who Should Attend:
•Managers planning the implementation of ISO 22000
•Anyone who may be involved in either the support or actual
Tutorials, Discussions, Workshops, Quiz and Certificate
Benefits to Your Business
•The knowledge and skills to effectively audit your management system
implementation of a food safety management system or HACCP-based
•Managers or other personnel tasked with managing a food safety
•To conduct a risk assessment of the effectiveness and maturity of your
management system TRAINING
•The ability to conduct second party and third party audits of your supply
management system
•Individuals interested in conducting first-party, second-party, and third-
party audits based on ISO 22000
•Food safety consultants
Objective: Contents:
The aim of this course is to bring the participants to the Internal •Concepts of quality and historic evolution.
Auditor Level. • Brief review of the requirements of ISO 17025:2005
The course provides skills, knowledge and understanding of •QMS standard.
principles and • Definitions, purpose, objectives and benefits of ISO17025:2005 in
practices of internal auditing of Quality Management Systems (QMS). laboratories and test lab.
The •Planning / preparation of ISO 17025:2005 internal auditing.
Internal Auditing is the fundamental element and a mandatory • Execution of ISO 17025:2005 QMS internal auditing.
requirement of • Effective reporting & follow-up of ISO 17025:2005
any formal Quality Management System meeting the requirements •QMS internal auditing.
of ISO
17025: 2005. On successful completion of the course, the
participants should
• Successful tools and techniques for measurement traceability and
• Control of nonconforming testing and calibration work.
be capable of conducting successful audits of their own QMS in order
identify deficiencies and appraise the effectiveness of the system.
• Approach on Corrective and Preventive actions.
Tutorials, Discussions, Workshops, Quiz and Certificate
& Internal
Who Should Attend: Duration:
•Laboratory In – charges , Laboratory Technicians. 3 days
•Metallurgists, Chemical Engineers, Key persons in Laboratories
•All levels of management who are involved in ISO 17025
•QMS internal auditing.
• All levels of management who plan, execute and follow up
•ISO 17025 QMS internal auditing.
Name of course Man days Accreditation
Food safety
Basic food Hygiene 1 URS
Intermediate Food Hygiene Training 3 URS
Advanced Food Hygiene Training 5 URS
HACCP Awareness 1 URS
HACCP Implementation Training 2 URS
HACCP Internal Auditor Training 2 URS
Cleaning and Sanitation 3 URS
GMPs / Cleaning & Disinfection / HACCP Implementation 5 URS
Mystery Guest 1 URS
Samples and uncovered food on a virtual 5 URS
Supplier Auditing 5 URS
Objective: Contents:
•To provide an understanding of the principles of food safety, and •General Introduction.
how to apply this knowledge to control hazards and prevent food • Bacteria and Food Poisoning.
poisoning. • Prevention of contamination and Food Poisoning.
Who Should Attend: • Personal health and hygiene.
•Production site Technical and Quality Personnel , • Cleaning and disinfections.
•Hazard and Risk Management Team • Safe handling and storage of food.
•Quality, Technical Managers and Supervisors • Pest Awareness
•Consultants Structure:
•All Food handlers, store men and counter staff who are directly Tutorials, Discussions, Workshops, Quiz and Certificate
involved in handling food. Duration:
1 days
Basic food
Objective: Contents:
•The aim of this course is to give a deep understanding about the •General Introduction.
principles and practices relating to food safety and hygiene in hotels, • Bacteria and food poisoning.
catering and food processing environment. The trainees will be able • Food contamination and its prevention.
to guide and advice on the management of food hygiene, determine • Purchase and delivery.
good practice and design an improvement plan in the food business. • Personal health and hygiene.
Who Should Attend: • Storage, preparation, cooking and serving.
•F & B Managers, Chefs, Kitchen Supervisors • Temperature control.
•Training Managers. • Design and construction of food premises and equipment.
• Supervisors/Middle Management and everyone who prepares high • Training and education.
risk foods. • Cleaning and disinfections.
• Pest Control.
Tutorials, Discussions, Workshops, Quiz and Certificate
3 days
Food Hygiene
Objective: Contents:
•The aim of this course is to understand the Management in Food •General Introduction.
Safety and Hygiene & develop knowledge to give training to other • Bacteria and food poisoning.
staffs. Mainly in hotels, catering and food processing environment. • Food contamination and its prevention.
The trainees will be able to implement Food Hygiene/ HACCP system, • Purchase and delivery.
determine good practice and design an improvement plan in the • Personal health and hygiene.
food business.. • Food Preservation.
Who Should Attend: • Food storage and temperature control.
•F & B Managers, Chefs, Kitchen supervisors • Design and construction of food premises and equip- ment.
•Training Managers. • HACCP.
• Supervisors/Middle Management and everyone who prepares • Management Control techniques.
high risk foods •Training and education.
•Pest control, Cleaning and disinfections.
Tutorials, Discussions, Workshops, Quiz and Certificate
5 days
Advanced Food
Hygiene Training
Objective: Contents:
This is an introductory course, which aims to give a reasonable • Introduction and origin of HACCP.
under- standing about the Food Safety system – HACCP. • Hazards: Biological, Chemical and Physical.
Participants could understand the origin and concepts of HACCP • Pre requisites of HACCP.
system, the fundamental principles of HACCP, the steps of HACCP • Brief overview of Support programs.
implementation and the benefits and economics of food safety • Review of GMP requirements according to Codex Alimen- tarius
system. Standard.
Who Should Attend: • 12 steps of HACCP implementation – Five preliminary steps and
• F&B Managers, chefs, kitchen supervisors who are involved in Seven HACCP principles.
implementing pre requisites program/HACCP in the hotels and • Benefits and Economics of HACCP approach.
catering companies. Structure:
• Managers, Supervisors in food processing, food packaging and Tutorials, Discussions, Workshops, Quiz and Certificate
water processing companies. Duration:
• All those who are interested personally to learn about this 1 days
internationally recognized system
Objective: Contents:
•The aim of this course is to bring the participants to the concept of •Concepts of food safety and historic evolution of HACCP, Legislation.
HACCP. The course provides skills, knowledge and understanding of • Prerequisite programs and support procedures for successful
principles and practices of HACCP. The course will allow HACCP team HACCP implementation.
leader and members to understand how to implement a HACCP • HACCP team.
system from a practical point of view. On successful completion of • 7 Principles of HACCP.
the course, the participants should be capable of successfully • Hazard Analysis, critical control points, critical limits, monitoring,
implementing an effective and efficient food safety management corrective action.
system. •Validation of system.
Who Should Attend: • HACCP system implementation.
• F&B Managers, chefs, kitchen supervisors who are involved in • Verification.
implementing pre requisites program/HACCP in the hotels and Structure:
catering companies. Tutorials, Discussions, Workshops, Quiz and Certificate
• Managers, Supervisors in food processing, food packaging and Duration:
water processing companies. 2 days
• All those who are interested personally to learn about this
internationally recognized system
• HACCP Team Members.
Objective: Contents:
•The aim of this course is providing skills, knowledge and •Concepts of quality and historic evolution.
understanding of principles and practices of internal auditing of • Philosophy and fundamental principles of HACCP series of
HACCP. The Internal Auditing is the fundamental element and a standards.
mandatory requirement of any formal Food Hygiene System meeting • Brief review of the requirements of HACCP standard.
the requirements of HACCP. On successful completion of the course, • Definitions, purpose, objectives and benefits of HACCP internal
the participants should be capable of conducting successful audits of auditing.
their own HACCP in order to identify deficiencies and appraise the • Planning / Preparation of HACCP internal auditing.
effectiveness of the system. • Execution of HACCP internal auditing.
Who Should Attend: • Successful tools and techniques for HACCP internal auditing.
•All levels of management who are involved in HACCP internal • Effective reporting & follow-up of HACCP internal auditing.
auditing. Structure:
•All levels of management who plan, execute and follow- up HACCP Tutorials, Discussions, Workshops, Quiz and Certificate
internal auditing. Duration:
2 days
HACCP Internal
Auditor Training
Structure: Contents:
Tutorials, Discussions, Workshops, Quiz and Certificate •Introduction to food safety
Duration: •Activity – match the cleaning and disinfection definitions
3 days •Contamination hazards & control
•Personal hygiene
Who Should Attend: •Food pests & control
•F & B Managers, Chefs, Kitchen supervisors •Cleaning hazards
•Training Managers. •Cleaning & disinfection
• Supervisors/Middle Management and everyone who prepares •Food premises & equipments
high risk foods. •What the law says
•The importance of cleaning
•Cleaning schedules
Cleaning methods
Cleaning &
Objective: Contents:
•To provide an understanding of the principles of food safety, and •Introduction to food safety
how to apply this knowledge to control hazards and prevent food •Microbiological hazards
poisoning • Food poisoning & its control
Who Should Attend:
•Production site Technical and Quality Personnel ,
•Hazard and Risk Management Team
• Contamination hazards & control
• Personal hygiene
• Food pests & control
GMPs /
•Quality, Technical Managers and Supervisors
•All Food handlers, store men and counter staff who are directly
• Cleaning & disinfection
• Food premises & equipments
• HACCP system and its structure
Cleaning &
involved in handling food.
Tutorials, Discussions, Workshops, Quiz and Certificate
• Introduction to HACCP Implementation
• International Trade and Legislation
•Pre-Requisite Program
Disinfection /
5 days
•Preparing for HACCP
•Hazard Analysis
• Critical Control Points
•Critical Limits
•Monitoring Procedures
• Implementation & Maintaining HACCP System
• Maintaining HACCP System
Objective: Contents:
•The aim of this course is providing skills, knowledge and •Concepts of quality and historic evolution.
understanding of principles and practices of internal auditing of • Philosophy and fundamental principles of HACCP series of
HACCP. The Internal Auditing is the fundamental element and a standards.
mandatory requirement of any formal Food Hygiene System meeting • Brief review of the requirements of HACCP standard.
the requirements of HACCP. On successful completion of the course, • Definitions, purpose, objectives and benefits of HACCP internal
the participants should be capable of conducting successful audits of auditing.
their own HACCP in order to identify deficiencies and appraise the • Planning / Preparation of HACCP internal auditing.
effectiveness of the system. • Execution of HACCP internal auditing.
Who Should Attend: • Successful tools and techniques for HACCP internal auditing.
•All levels of management who are involved in HACCP internal • Effective reporting & follow-up of HACCP internal auditing.
auditing. Structure:
•All levels of management who plan, execute and follow- up HACCP Tutorials, Discussions, Workshops, Quiz and Certificate
internal auditing. Duration:
2 days
HACCP Internal
Auditor Training
Structure: Contents:
Tutorials, Discussions, Workshops, Quiz and Certificate •Grooming & Hygiene
Duration: •Telephone Standards & Techniques
1 days •Clean Working Environment
•Product Knowledge
Who Should Attend: •Appearance
•Anyone •Customer Satisfaction
•Product Hygiene
Mystery Guest
Structure: Contents:
Tutorials, Discussions, Workshops, Quiz and Certificate • Inspection And Visual Inspection On The Meat
Duration: • Inspection Of Milk And Milk Products
•This course is 5 days and is a mix of formal lectures and practical • Visual Inspection Of The Lagveh
exercises • The Importance Of The Role Of Food Inspector
• How To Form A Committee To Take Samples
• Methods Of Food Samples
• Save And Examination Of Food Samples
• Mechanism Of Action Of The Commission On Sampling
• What Is The Amount By Which The Food Material Is Taken From A
Random Non-Biased So That A Quality
• The Characteristics Of The Amount Of Food Required To Take A
Decision According To These Instructions.
• Disclosure Of The Nutrients Contained
• Virtual Detection For Food Packaged And That Do Not Require
on a virtual
• Disclosure Of The Virtual Food Filled That Need Cooling Or Freezing
• Food And Causes Of Corruption.
• Photos Of The Corruption Of Various Foods.
• Visual Inspection Of Fresh Meat, Poultry And Fish.
• Visual Inspection Of Dairy Products (Cheese Types, Different Kinds
Of Yogurt) As Well As Oils, Fats, And Some Other Food Products.
Objective: Contents:
•Supplier Auditing is also a method for verifying the supplier’s •Introduction to Supplier Auditing
practices, products or services and documentation for compliance •Quality terminology and definition ,Supplier Management
against product or service regulatory requirements, customer specific •The audit life cycle , Key objectives and features of Supplier auditing
requirements or agreed standards. •Measuring & tracking cost of poor supplier quality , Cost recovery
Who Should Attend: •Supplier Scorecard
• Production site Technical and Quality Personnel Structure: • Pre-qualification activities: defining your specifications and other
Tutorials, Discussions, Workshops, Quiz and Certificate requirements; quality system requirements; obtaining and assessing
Duration: data; using risk management principles.
•This course is 5 days and is a mix of formal lectures and practical •Verification of supplier data and obtaining objective evidence:
exercises, Work Shop supplier audits; fit-for-use confirmation; other sources of objective
• Quality agreements and other contractual agreements
• Continuing activities: change control; monitoring performance;
periodic re-qualification and re-verification activities.
• Disqualification and re-qualification , Requirements for auditing
- ISO 9001:2008 QMS
- Requirements for suppliers
•Role of the Lead Auditor and the Auditors ,Planning the Audit
•Auditing the Documented system,Process based auditing
•The audit plan, The audit checklist,The opening meeting
• Auditor skills and techniques ,Conducting the audit
•The audit report , The closing meeting
Exercise : Preparation of the closing meeting agenda and speech
•Follow-up on audits
Name of course Man days Accreditation
• It is recommended that candidates have completed an HABC Level 3 Award in Food Safety, or the equivalent, before attending this course.
• Duration: 3 Day
HABC Level 3 Award in Supervising Food Safety
in Catering (QCF)
• This regulated qualification is intended principally for those who are operating in a supervisory role within the catering and hospitality industry.
Qualification holders will be able to demonstrate a wide knowledge of food safety legislation and effective supervision. They will also be able to take
responsibility for the competency of the workforce and for identifying hazards and controls, monitoring controls and taking appropriate corrective
action when necessary.
• Individuals looking to achieve this qualification are likely to have some catering experience and be in a job role that involves working unsupervised.
This qualification provides candidates with a range of food safety skills directly relevant to the catering and hospitality industry.
• This Ofqual approved qualification has been developed specifically for insertion onto the Qualifications and Credit Framework with full support from
People 1st, the Sector Skills Council for Hospitality, Leisure, Travel and Tourism. It is therefore fully compliant with industry and regulatory standards as
well as being recognised by environmental health practitioners, auditors and other enforcement officers.
IOSH working safely (Institute of Occupational Safety and Health / working safety) 3 IOSH UK
OSHA Management Diploma (Occupational Safety Health Administration) 14 Boston University USA
OSHA General Constructions Industry Training Program 14 Boston University USA
Working At height , Cranes and lifting equipment 2 Boston University USA
Firefighting Marshal 3 Boston University USA
Industrial Training
Training Name Duration Accreditation
Lean Six Sigma Black Belt (American Society of Quality) system 16 ASQ Exam