Brochure o P Thrusters Umv

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Steerable Thrusters
Underwater Mountable (UWM) Series

Like all thrusters in the Wärtsilä Steerable Thruster (WST) series, the Underwater Mountable thrusters
have been developed utilising the company’s extensive know-how and experience in thruster design.

The development work has focused

particularly on the specific needs
of offshore applications in order to
provide superior dynamic positioning
(DP) and main propulsion performance.
The latest computational fluid dynamic
(CFD) techniques have been utilised to
optimise the design.
The Wärtsilä Underwater Mountable
(UWM) Thruster series is designed
for use with semi-submersible drilling
rigs, drillships and other vessels, such
as semi-submersible accommodation
rigs, crane vessels and pipe layers, that
require thrusters that can be mounted
while the vessel is afloat. The UWM
series has a high power output of up
to 6500 kW, which makes it favourable
for use on large offshore construction
vessels (OCVs).
Key Benefits –– Extensive measures have been With the Wärtsilä PCMS (Propulsion
First class reliability: Reliability plays taken to avoid or significantly Condition Monitoring Service), the
an important role in the UWM thruster reduce the effect of load reliability and availability of the thruster
series. fluctuations. For example, the can be improved even further. As this
To achieve a high level of reliability, optimized nozzle and the design of service is recognized by the main
a series of design features have been marine class societies, the thruster
its connections reduce power and
incorporated: overhaul intervals can be extended
thrust fluctuations originating from
–– The gearset, which is the centre according to the condition of the
the rotating propeller.
of the driveline, is designed for equipment. The PCMS is based on a
–– Optimal lubrication conditions vibration, oil and operational analysis
smooth running and the optimal for the gears and bearings are carried out by technical experts from
transfer of propulsive power. maintained by the high capacity Wärtsilä Services.
–– The gears and shafts are supported lubrication system and a redundant High efficiency: The UWM thruster
by thoroughly engineered bearing propeller shaft seal. series features the Wärtsilä thruster
solutions and are enclosed within –– Optional continuous monitoring of nozzle to provide excellent bollard pull
a sturdy thruster housing designed the oil and seals. performance. The propeller, nozzle,
for stiffness.

Pinion Bearing Arrangement

The spiral bevel gear-set, which is the heart of the thruster, has been thoroughly
reviewed. Not only has the 8° gear angle been included in the gear geometry,
the gear application and safety factors have been increased and a high quality
gear material has been selected.
The pinion is supported on both sides with a new bearing layout that has an
increased capacity to accommodate load fluctuations. This has been achieved
by applying new roller bearing types in a pre-tensioned bearing configuration.
gearbox housing and the nozzle
connection, are designed to achieve
high hydrodynamic efficiency. In transit
free-sailing condition, the Wärtsilä
thruster nozzle develops a greater
thrust due to its improved power
absorption. As a consequence, the
need for overspeed is reduced.
  With three propeller diameter
choices and different power levels,
the UWM thruster series can offer a
tailor-made solution to meet customer
requirements regarding, for example,
bollard pull or vessel propeller size
Effective DP operations: The three
thrusters within the Wärtsilä UWM
series all feature an 8 degree tilted
propeller shaft, which has been
achieved by applying a gear that
includes the tilt instead of a bevel
gear set. Extensive CFD calculations
prove that the 8 degree tilting of the
propeller shaft and the nozzle has
several advantages, the chief of which
is that the propeller jet is directed
Thrust Drag
away from the hull and other thrusters
in the vicinity. In addition to reducing
hull interaction losses, this also
greatly reduces interaction between
the thrusters, thus making the so-
called ‘forbidden zones’ considerably
Straight unit. smaller. The overall gain in available
Interaction of jet with hull due to divering jet. bollard pull thrust for dynamic
positioning operations is about 15%
when compared to conventional units.
Due to the optimal alignment of
the propeller shaft and the nozzle
in the tilted configuration, a higher
propulsion efficiency and more overall
thrust is provided when compared
8 degree tilted unit. to solutions with non-tilted nozzles.
No interaction of jet with hull. The combination of more effective DP
operations and high overall efficiency
results in reduced fuel consumption
and lower operating costs.

Comparison of thrust availability for a semi-submersible rig equipped with 8

thrusters. The red area shows the thrust availability in case of non-tilted thrusters,
the blue area shows the available thrust in case of Wärtsilä Steerable Thrusters
with an 8 degree downward tilt. Depending on the angle in which the thrust
is directed, up to 35% more thrust is available for the rig equipped with the 8
degree tilted thrusters.
Technical Specifications

The UWM thruster series includes By providing two propeller diameter

the Wärtsilä WST-45U and WST-55U options for the most common power
steerable thrusters, as well as the levels of 4500 and 5500 kW, the UWM
largest model, the Wärtsilä WST-65U. series provides options for high bollard
The maximum power levels are 4500, pull and specific propeller diameter
5500, and 6500 kW respectively. requirements.

Main technical data

Input speed Power * Propeller diameter
Type Tilt
rpm kW mm
720 4000
WST-45U 3600 8°
600 4500
720 4500
WST-55U 3900 8°
600 5500
720 5500
WST-65U 4200 8°
600 6500
* The maximum power level depends on input speed and is given for dynamic positioning (DP) application.

Dimensions and weights

A B C M L H Outboard part1 Well2
Type mm mm mm mm mm mm dry kg in water kg kg
WST-45U 3600 3300 2518 2324 2570 1242 51000 34500 9500

WST-55U 3900 3625 2648 2516 2763 1390 63500 31800 11900

WST-65U 4200 3820 3006 2719 3025 1390 77500 49500 13200

1) With oil
2) Including top cover, bottom cover, pipe covers, valves and position sensor

Compact and with less weight:

Detailed FEM analyses have been
made to optimize the strength of
the components so as to keep the
overall weight as low as possible.
Additionally, the efficient closed-loop
electro-hydraulic steering has compact
dimensions and less weight since only
a small reservoir is needed for the
hydraulic oil. The compact dimensions
result in less space requirements in
the thruster room and more payload
capacity for the vessel.
Easy installation: All necessary
interfaces are contained within the
thruster well, which can be installed by
welding without additional machining.
The lubrication and steering hydraulics
are delivered in frames with standard
interfacing. Field-bus connections
are used to connect the thruster and
its auxiliary systems to the Wärtsilä
Propulsion Control System. The
underwater mounting system, the
hydraulics, and the controls are all
designed to minimize the installation
time and efforts of the yard.

WÄRTSILÄ® is a registered trademark. Copyright © 2017 Wärtsilä Corporation.

Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

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