Monitoring The Smart Money by Using On Balance Volume PDF
Monitoring The Smart Money by Using On Balance Volume PDF
Monitoring The Smart Money by Using On Balance Volume PDF
The main function of The study of technical analysis focuses primarily on price and volume.
Perhaps it is not surprising that price garners most of the attention. However,
the OBV is to track volume deserves more than a cursory glance.
the activity of smart Volume is important because it provides information about the strength (or
money—large traders lack thereof) of price movements.
and investors who Heavier volume should be in the direction of the existing trend—volume
may possess inside should be relatively higher on “up” days during an uptrend and on “down”
days during a downtrend. Furthermore, price movements on heavier-than-
knowledge regarding normal volume are more apt to continue than those with light(er) volume.
the fundamentals of One of the more useful technical indicators used by technicians is “on-
a company or the balance volume” (OBV), which was introduced by Joseph Granville in his
market—so you can 1963 book “Granville’s New Key to Stock Market Profits.” OBV takes
volume analysis beyond the volume bars typically seen below a price chart and
benefit from their provides a visual representation of the volume flow for a given security,
information without enabling you to compare it against the price action.
actually knowing it.
When Granville introduced OBV, he argued that the market is divided into
two groups—smart money (made up of large investors and traders), and the
general public. The smart money—armed with better information—is able to
buy securities at a lower price than the public. Granville theorized that,
during bull markets, the smart money bids up prices and participates in
buying for the majority of the upward price move. Once the smart money is
fully invested, these investors wait for the final segment of the move. This is
fueled by the general public who, after taking note of the upward move in
OBV is a running cumulative total of positive and negative volume numbers. It can be stated mathematically as:
If C1 > C0:
OBV0 + V1 = OBV1
If C1 < C0:
OBV0 – V1 = OBV1
If C1 = C0:
C1 = Today’s Closing Price
C0 = Previous Day’s Closing Price
OBV0 = Previous Day’s OBV Value
V1 = Today’s Volume
OBV1 = Today’s OBV Value
When you begin your OBV calculation, the first day’s volume equals plus or minus the OBV (depending on if the day’s price
is higher or lower than the previous day), since there is no prior OBV value to add the first day’s volume to or to subtract it
As an example, we’ll use GE, shown here, comparing the closing prices (horizontal lines to the right of the price range bars)
of February 28 ($46.50, not shown) and March 1 ($45.91). The volume was 23.96 million on March 1.
Since the close for March 1 was lower than the close of February 28, the OBV value for March 1 is negative 23.96 million:
For March 2, the close of $44.57 is below the close of March 1. This time we subtract the volume of March 2 from the OBV
value for March 1, giving us an OBV of negative 45.95 million:
On March 5 (the next business day), the closing price is above that of March 2. 21.99 million shares were traded on
March 2. In this case, we then add the volume from that day (16.68 million shares) to the prior day’s OBV, giving us an OBV
value of negative 29.27 million:
Looking at the chart for GE for this same period, you can see the interaction between price activity, volume, and the OBV
line. The OBV line begins in negative territory, reflecting the fact that GE’s price fell on the first day of the period. Being
sure to compare only the closing prices, you can see where the OBV line increases on those days the closing price is above
the previous close and falls on those days where the close is below the previous day’s closing price.
Lastly, focus on March 12—on this day, GE’s price fell $4.21 from the close of the 9th. Also on this day, GE experienced the
highest trading volume during the period—45.71 million shares traded. On this day, volume behaved as we would expect
it—volume increased when there was a relatively large price move. As a result, OBV dropped sharply on the 12th as well.
price, jump on the bandwagon and the fundamentals of a company or lower than the previous peak or
continue to bid up the price. How- the market as a whole. By following each trough is lower than the
ever, the general public is buying the OBV, you may be able to gauge previous trough. This is a period of
shares from the smart money, who is where the smart money is trading distribution or selling, which means
now selling their shares and reaping and, consequently, benefit from the that volume is heavier on days
the gains. When the general public inside knowledge possessed by the where the price falls in relation to
realizes what is taking place—mainly smart money without knowing what days where the price increases. Such
that the price is in free-fall—they this information actually is. a trend is bearish in nature.
rush to sell, further depressing the There will also be times when the
price. Therefore, in order to success- TRENDS IN OBV OBV line is neither making new
fully use OBV, the division of the highs or new lows. This sideways
market between smart money and the Over time, the OBV line will take trend indicates a “doubtful” trend.
general public must exist. The smart on a trend—either up, down, or During this phase, traders are
money must have someone from sideways. When the OBV line is in looking for breakouts in OBV,
which to buy and which to sell, an upward trend—meaning that which would indicate the beginning
which is where the general public each new peak in the OBV line is of either an upward or downward
enters the picture. higher than the previous peak or trend.
each new trough is higher than the Once a trend is in place, it can
MEASURING FUNDAMENTALS previous trough—this is an indica- only be broken by a reversal in
tion that the security is undergoing trend—going from upward to
In the book “The Technical accumulation or buying. During an downward, or vice versa—or
Analysis of Stocks, Options, & upward trend there is more volume entering a doubtful trend from
Futures,” William Eng draws a on days in which the price goes up either an up or down trend.
comparison between the OBV versus those days where the price In examining the trends in OBV,
indicator and fundamental analysis. falls. This is viewed as a bullish you are looking for breakouts—
The main function of the OBV is to condition. when the OBV changes to either a
track the activity of smart money— In contrast, when the OBV line is rising or falling trend. These
large traders and investors—who may falling or in a downtrend, each breakouts typically occur ahead of
possess inside knowledge regarding successive peak in the OBV line is price breakouts, so traders should
buy long on OBV upside
breakouts or sell short
when the OBV makes a
downside breakout. Once
you have entered a
position based on OBV,
you should remain in it
until the trend changes.
Figure 1 illustrates an
OBV breakout for Biogen
(BGEN). As you can see
from the price chart,
Biogen entered a period
of decline beginning in
mid August of 2000,
during which time money
flowed out of the stock
as OBV fell. In early
October, Biogen found a
bottom and pulled back
into a trading range
between $52 and $63.
Over the next three
months, both the price
and OBV fluctuated
within a defined range.
Then in mid-January
2001, the OBV value
When viewing the
OBV line in tandem
with a price chart,
the OBV line is
confirming the price
movement when it
moves in the same
direction as price.
However, when
divergence between the OBV line FIGURE 4. TARGET CORP. PRICE FOLLOWS OBV TREND
and price. Looking at the price
movement of Altera Corp. (ALTR)
in June and July 2000, we see that it
makes several new near-term lows
while OBV is reaching lows that are
basically at the same level. We
would expect the OBV line to reach
new lows with the price in situations
such as this. Eventually after reach-
ing a new near-term low at the end
of July, Altera rose in price from
$44 to $65 in less than a month.
This is an example of price reversing
itself in the direction of the OBV.
Another example is shown in
Figure 3 for Safeway Inc. (SWY).
You can see in the chart that,
between July and October of 2000,
Safeway’s price reached three new
near-term highs. However, each time
this high was reached, the OBV enters an uptrend to match the trend and, as we have shown using
created a peak that was lower than movement in OBV. In this example, the on-balance volume indicator, can
the previous one. Here we would Target Corp. (TGT) was in the provide a warning sign of potential
expect the price to move in tandem midst of a downtrend in September changes in the current price trend.
with the OBV line—which takes and October of 2000. While the Like any other technical indicator,
place when Safeway makes an OBV line was falling through the OBV should not be viewed in
abrupt fall from roughly $54 to first half of this downtrend, it isolation. By using it in tandem with
below $46 in three days. The same reversed course in late September. At other indicators, you are better
thing happens again less than two this point, an investor should be on equipped to identify potential price
months later. The chart shows that alert for the price to move upward movements—and trade accordingly.
in late November 2000 and late with OBV. A week or so later,
January 2001, the price reached Target Corp. reached a new low and RESOURCES
higher highs, while the OBV line then entered an uptrend. • Achelis, Steven, “Technical Analysis
reached to successive lower highs. from A to Z,” McGraw-Hill.
Once the second high was reached, CONCLUSION • Murphy, John, “The Visual Inves-
the price took another precipitous tor: How to Spot Market Trends,”
drop from almost $63 to just above Students of technical analysis John Wiley & Sons.
$51 in a matter of days. should be aware of the importance • Eng, William, “The Technical
Lastly, Figure 4 illustrates a volume plays in the analysis process. Analysis of Stocks, Options, &
situation in which the stock price It serves to confirm the validity of a Futures,” Probus Publishing. ✦
• View the on-balance volume indicator of any stock in the Quotes & Research area using the JavaChart.
• Link to the best charting Web sites from AAII’s Top Web Picks in the Investor Resources area.
• Post your opinion on the on-balance volume indicator on our Stocks Message Board Board.
• Read the following related article, linked through the on-line version of this article:
—”A Look at Different Measures of Short-Term Influences on Prices”