Facebook Use and Adolescents' Emotional States of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress

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RESEARCH ARTICLE depression and anxiety scores. Implications of the

findings to the fields of counseling and psychology
Facebook use and are discussed.

adolescents’ emotional states Keywords: Facebook, Facebook Intensity Scale

(FIS), Depression, anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS)
of depression, anxiety, and
Corresponding author: Leodoro Jabien Labrague, Associate
stress. Dean, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Samar State
University, Philippines. Email Address: [email protected]
Leodoro J. Labrague
1. Associate Dean, College of Nursing and Health

Sciences, Samar State University, Philippines n the recent years, social networking sites
have gained phenomenal popularity among
youth. The birth of Facebook in 2004 has
enabled individuals all over the world to connect
Background: Facebook (FB) is becoming an
to one another, communicate, develop and
increasingly salient feature in peoples’ lives and
maintain friendships. Facebook, the most
has grown into a bastion in our current society
inexpensive and convenient way to communicate
with over 1 billion users worldwide –the majority
with a social network and dubbed as the world’s
of which are college students. However, recent
most well-liked social network service today has
studies conducted suggest that the use of
grown to an estimated 1 billion users since its
Facebook may impacts individuals’ well being.
launch in 2004. In Philippines alone, there are
Thus, this paper aimed to explore the effects of
about 30 million active users as of 2012– making it
Facebook usage on adolescents’ emotional states
as the 8th country in the world with high number
of depression, anxiety, and stress.
of use.1
Method and Material: A cross - sectional design
was utilized in this investigation. The study Studies indicated that among Facebook users,
population included 76 students enrolled in the college students in particular are the heavy users.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing program from a Facebook is used by about 85 to 96 percent of
government university in Samar, Philippines. college students according to previous studies
Facebook Intensity Scale (FIS) and the Depression conducted. 5 – 7In the Philippines, the largest age
Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) were the primary group of Facebook users is currently 18 – 24with
instruments used in this study. total of 12 million users, followed by the users in
Results: Findings indicated correlation coefficients the age of 25 – 34. 1Reasons for joining this site
of 0.11 (p=0.336), 0.07 (p=0.536), and 0.10 include maintenance of relationship, to meet new
(p=0.377) between Facebook Intensity Scale (FIS) people, to communicate information, to express
and Depression, Anxiety, and Stress scales in the their beliefs, and some used Facebook out of
DASS. Time spent on FBcorrelated significantly boredom.8 – 10 This phenomenal advancement of
with depression (r=0.233, p=0.041) and anxiety social networking is no doubt has revolutionized
(r=0.259, p=0.023). Similarly, the three emotional the concept of socialization and communication
states (depression, anxiety, and stress) correlated among adolescents.
Conclusions: Intensity of Facebook use is not In spite of the promising advantages these
directly related to negative emotional states. unique technological advances offered such as
However, time spent on Facebooking increases social capital and friendship articulation11, there

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have been increasing concerns regarding its Methods

negative outcomes to adolescents’ well being.
Some of the off-putting outcomes that are related Research Design and Settings
to Facebook use involved personality problem and A descriptive correlational research design was
unwanted behaviors such as stalking. 12, 13In the utilized in this investigation. The study population
study conducted by O’Dell, it was reported that included 76 nursing students enrolled in the
students who use Facebook may feel depressed or Bachelor of Science in Nursing program from a
lonely. 5Meanwhile, Gabre & Kumar 14commenced government university in Samar, Philippines.
that student who used Facebook while studying
reported higher levels of stress and were less in Measures
control of things. Klingensmith15also found high
The self-report questionnaires consisted of three
usage of Facebook to be positively related to
parts: 1) Demographic Information, 2) Facebook
feelings of loneliness, shyness, and “friend
Intensity Scale, and 3) Depression Anxiety and
sickness,” which is described as the distress one
Stress Scale (DASS) were used in this investigation.
experiences at the loss of old friends. A study
conducted by Schwartz 16 found Facebook Demographic Information
intensity, or high usage of Facebook, frequency of
status updates, and update intensity to be General information included age, gender, year
negatively related to self-esteem. Other study level, family monthly income, and family
however opposes their findings saying that structure.
Facebook use can enhance self-esteem17 even
Facebook Intensity Scale
linked it to an increase in overall life satisfaction.
11, 18
The Facebook Intensity Scale (FIS) 11 was
developed as part of an investigation of
There is an abundance of researches
undergraduates’ social networking site usage and
conducted associating Facebook use and
social capital, the resources accumulated through
emotional well being.12-18 In the Philippines, as to
being part of a network. An important part of this
the authors’ knowledge, only one study had been
study was the development of a scale to measure
conducted to examine connection between
Facebook intensity, including the active
Facebook use and depression among Filipino
engagement with Facebook activities, the extent
adolescents. 19However, variables like anxiety and
to which individuals were emotionally connected
stress were not included. Additionally, the link
to Facebook, and how well Facebook was
between depression, stress, and anxiety and
integrated into users’ daily lives. The Facebook
Facebook usage has not previously been
Intensity Scale has eight questions designed to
scientifically researched. For this current
measure active engagement and emotional
investigation, the researcher is interested in
connection with Facebook (alpha=.83 in our
identifying relationship between Facebook usage
sample). Example questions are “Facebook is part
and negative emotional states which makes this
of my everyday activity” and “I would be sorry if
study important.
Facebook shut down.” Two additional Facebook
Research Objective Usage scales were used to measure how people
used Facebook to meet new people (On to Offline;
This paper aimed to explore the effects of using 1 item: “I use Facebook to meet new people”) and
Facebook on adolescents’ emotional states of connect with existing offline contacts (Off to
depression, anxiety, and stress. Online; 5 items, alpha=.68: example item: “I have

Facebook use and adolescents’ emotional states of depression, anxiety, and stress.Health Science Journal.2014; 8 (1) P a g e | 81

used Facebook to check out someone I met distributed to the respondents.Confidentiality and
socially”). Participants answered each question anonymity of the respondents were maintained
from these scales on a five point Likert scale with all throughout the investigation.The data from the
1=strongly disagree and 5=strongly agree.Other questionnaire were coded and entered into a
FB variables were also included in the computerized data base and analyzed using SPSS,
questionnaire such as the number of Facebook version 19. Frequencies and percentages were
friends and time spent online on a typical day. The used for analyzing the selected socio-
questionnaire was validated for its reliability demographic data while mean and median were
resulting in statistical value of 0.90 (Cronbach’s used to assess respondents’ responses to the
alpha). Facebook Intensity Scale. Pearson’s correlation
coefficient was utilized to test the relationship
Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) between selected Facebook variables and
The DASS is a 42-item questionnaire which negative emotional states variables such as
includes three self-report scales designed to depression, anxiety, and stress. A p value of equal
measure the negative emotional states of to or less than 0.05 was considered statistically
depression, anxiety and stress.20Each of the three significant.
scales contains 14 items, divided into subscales of Results
2-5 items with similar content. The Depression
scale assesses dysphoria, hopelessness, Eighty one percent of the students were female
devaluation of life, self-deprecation, lack of and within the age range of 16 – 20 years old.
interest/involvement, anhedonia, and inertia. The More than one third of the respondents (n = 31,
Anxiety scale assesses autonomic arousal, skeletal 40.79) were third year nursing students with a
muscle effects, situational anxiety, and subjective family income that ranges from PhP 5,000 to PhP
experience of anxious affect. The Stress scale 20,000. As to family structure, majority of the
(items) is sensitive to levels of chronic non-specific respondents (n = 50, 65.79%) belong to an
arousal. It assesses difficulty relaxing, nervous extended family. (See table 2)
arousal, and being easily upset/agitated,
irritable/over-reactive and impatient. When asked whether they own Facebook
Respondents are asked to use 4-point accounts, majority of the respondents (n = 75.
severity/frequency scales to rate the extent to 98.68%) reported to have existing FB accounts.
which they have experienced each state over the More than three fourths had been member of the
past week.The compliance questionnaire was said SMS group for about 3 to 4 years. As to
number of Facebook friends, about 77.63% (n =
validated for its reliability resulting in statistical
59) have more than 400 friends with an average
value of 0.89 (Cronbach’s alpha).
Facebook usage per day of 1.30 hours. (See table
The score for each of the respondents over each 3)
of the sub-scales are then evaluated as per the
severity-rating index on Table 1. Reflected on table 4 were the responses of the
respondents on the Facebook Intensity Scale (FBI).
Data Analysis About one third of the respondents (38.84%, n =
28) claimed that they used Facebook to find new
After the securing the approval of the Health friends. However, nearly half of them (46.05%, n =
Ethics Committee of Samar State University, the 35) used privacy settings to select parts of their
researcher obtained the signed consent form from profile to share with others. When asked whether
the respondents upon agreeing to participate in Facebook helps them to feel closer to their
the investigation and the questionnaire were

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friends, only 39.47% (n=30) agreed and 11.84% respondents used privacy settings to select parts
(n=9) strongly agreed. Only a little portion of their profile to share with others. Perhaps they
(10.52%, n=8) claimed that Facebook is part of are apprehensive that the information that they
their everyday activity and daily routine. will post will be read/seen by individuals whom
the information is not intended for, or the worst is
Table 5 shows the prevalence of depression, that the information given by the user could be
anxiety, and stress among nursing students. More abused by stalkers or identity thieves.
than half of the respondents (51.32%) had at least
one or more symptoms of negative emotional Results also demonstrated that intensity of
states while only at about 48.68% were free of Facebook use alone was not sufficiently related to
symptoms. Prevalence rates of depression, negative emotional states of depression, anxiety,
anxiety, and stress among respondents were and stress. This result is in keeping with previous
28.95%, 48.68%, and 25% respectively. studies conducted. For instance, in the study
conducted by Jelenchick et al.,21 no evidence of
Table 6 reveals the correlations between association between social networking sites use
respondents’ selected variables, FIS and DASS and clinical depression were found. Meanwhile,
subscales. Pearson product-moment correlations Datu et al., 19 also reached the same conclusion
coefficients were calculated for selected Facebook that there is no significant association between
variables and the DASS scores. A correlation Filipino respondents’ level of depression and the
coefficients of 0.11 (p=0.3356), 0.07 (p=0.5360), intensity of Facebook use. The results tend to
and 0.10 (p=0.3769) were identified between FBI reflect that indeed there is no one particular
and DASS indicating a not significant relationship. factor that will lead to the onset of depression,
Similar results were found between number of FB anxiety, and stress. Unlike with other known
friends and DASS. Time spent online correlated illnesses, there is no simple explanation as to
significantly with depression (r=0.2330, p=0.0414) what causes negative emotional states. For
and anxiety (r=0.2585, p=0.0232). Similarly, the example, stress and depression can be due to a
three emotional states (depression, anxiety, and number of factors such as psychological, psycho
stress) correlated significantly. social, hereditary, evolutionary, and biological
Discussions factors.22 Similarly, various
psychodynamic,psychoanalytic, behavioral,
Facebook remains as the dominant social media cognitive, genetic and biological theories have
sites among adolescents, as 85 to 96 percent of its beenproposed to explain why a person
users are college students 2 – 4 with an average experiences of anxiety. 28
time spent on FB of 10 to 120 minutes. 8, 9, 11In the
present study, about 99% was Facebook users and In identifying relationship between negative
spent at about 90 minutes on Facebook. This is an emotional states and Facebook use, aside from
avowal that Facebook is still the preferred correlating FIS and emotional states, we also
approach to social networking among college examined other variables such as FB friends and
students primarily because of the intuitive appeal time spent on FB. In our present study, it was
brought about by this technology. Facebook observed that the number of time spent on
provides its users with a liberty to share Facebooking is associated with increased
information about themselves in their profiles, depression and anxiety scores. This result is in
including pictures, favorite music or videos, and keeping with a more recent study conducted by
even their contact information. In the present Pantic and Collegue among high school students.
study, it is worth observing that nearly half of the The authors noted increases in depression score

Facebook use and adolescents’ emotional states of depression, anxiety, and stress.Health Science Journal.2014; 8 (1) P a g e | 83

as the time spent on social networks increased First, the exclusion of students from other
and viceversa.26 This may be due to the fact that university in other provinces may limit the
investing so much time on FB, just like with other generalizability of this investigation. Secondly, the
social media may increase the possibility of research design could have affected the responses
encountering negative comments, explicit news, of the respondents since they were asked to recall
and negative updates from FB friends that may their past experience/feelings, some important
trigger the developments of these emotional experiences/feelings may have not been recalled.
states. Further, it may also limits the time one has
to socialize. Conclusions

Depression frequently occurs with other It can be inferred from this investigation that
psychiatric problems. In our study, significant intensity of Facebook use of among Filipino
correlations exist between depression, and college students are not substantially linked to
anxiety, and stress. This is an affirmation of the their levels of depression, anxiety, and stress.
claims of previous authors’ claim that people with Result of this investigation contrasts with the
depression have high rates of comorbidity with empirical evidence suggesting linkage between
other mental disorders.22 Similarly, Robert Facebook use and negative emotional states.
Sapolsky23 argues that the relationship between However, time spent on FB increases the
stress, anxiety, and depression could be measured likelihood to develop depression and anxiety.
Thus, parents should monitor and supervise
and demonstrated biologically.
online activities thru active parental involvement
With the above findings, given that more than and constant communication. Moreover, the wide
95% of the college students maintain Facebook accessibility of social networking sites would allow
profile, it may seem that this avenue may also family members and university administrators to
provide innovative opportunities for school identify students who would be at risk of
administrators to identify students at risk. developing negative emotional states and in
Facebook provides a means for capturing increasing awareness on it.
behavioral traits that are congruent to an
individual’s thinking and emotion. The emotional Conflict of Interest
expression in the updates and social media The authors report no conflict of interest.
postings may indicate feelings of worthlessness,
sadness, helplessness, and self-hatred that are References
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Table 1. Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS) subscales and severity – rating index

Depression Anxiety Stress

Normal 0-9 0–7 0 – 14
Mild 10 - 13 8–9 15 – 18
Moderate 14 – 20 10 – 14 19 – 25
Severe 21 – 27 15 – 19 26 – 33
Extremely Severe 28 and above 20 and above 34 and above

Table 2. Demographic characteristics of the study population

Characteristics Category N (%)

Age 10 – 15 years old 2 (2.63)
16 – 20 years old 62 (81.56)
21 – 25 years old 12 (15.79)
Gender Male 14 (18.42)
Female 62 (81.56)
Year level Year 1 16 (21.05)
Year 2 18 (23.68)
Year 3 31 (40.79)
Year 4 11 (14.47)
Family Monthly Income Less than 5000/mos 16 (21.05)
5001 – 10000/mos 12 (15.79)
10001 – 15000/mos 14 (18.42)
15001 – 20000/mos 14 (18.42)
20001 – 25000/mos 8 (10.53)
25000 and above 12 (15.79)
Family Structure Nuclear 27 (35.53)
Extended 50 (65.79)

Table 3. Respondents’ FB related variables

Characteristics Category N (%)

With FB With FB 75 (98.68)
Without FB 1 (1.32)
FB years of membership 1 year 2 (2.63)
2 years 7 (9.21)
3 years 29 (38.16)
4 years 30 (39.47)
5 years 6 (7.89)
6 years 0 (0)
7 years 1 (1.32)
Facebook Friends 25 or less 0 (0)

Facebook use and adolescents’ emotional states of depression, anxiety, and stress.Health Science Journal.2014; 8 (1) P a g e | 87

Characteristics Category N (%)

26-100 0 (0)
101-150 4 (5.26)
151-200 3 (3.95)
201-250 5 (6.58)
251-300 3 (3.95)
301-350 2 (2.63)
400 or more 59 (77.63)
Time Spent on FB (per day) 0-30 minutes 15 (19.73)
31 minutes to 1 hour 21 (27.63)
1-2 hours 24 (31.56)
2-3 hours 8 (10.53)
3 or more hours 7 (9.21)

Table 4. Responses on the Facebook Intensity Scale

Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
Statement Disagree
N (%) N (%) N (%)
Agree Mean
N (%) N (%)
1. I use Facebook to find new friends 9 34 22
4 (5.26) 6 (7.89) 2.23
(11.84) (44.74) (28.95)
2. I use Facebook to better understand the interests 41 21
4 (5.26) 7 (9.21) 2 (2.63) 2.13
and activities of my friends (53.95) (27.63)

3. Facebook accurately displays my relationships with 13 29 20

7 (9.21) 6 (7.89) 2.07
others (17.11) (38.16) (26.32)

4. I use privacy settings to select what parts of my 11 22 35

2 (2.63) 5 (6.58) 3.11
profile I share with others (14.47) (28.95) (46.05)

5. I use Facebook “Lists” to create different levels for

13 26 25
friends like “Close Friends,” “Home Town Friends,” 6 (7.89)
(17.11) (34.21) (32.89)
5 (6.58) 2.13
“College Friends,” etc.
6. Facebook helps me feel closer to my friends 10 24 30 9
3 (3.95) 2.43
(13.16) (31.58) (39.47) (11.84)
7. Facebook is part of my everyday activity 16 32 19 6
2 (2.63) 1.28
(21.05) (42.11) (25.00) (7.89)
8. I am proud to tell people I'm on Facebook 32 30 5
6 (7.89) 2 (2.63) 1.53
(42.11) (39.47) (6.58)
9. Facebook has become part of my daily routine 21 28 18 6
2 (2.63) 1.20
(27.63) (36.84) (23.68) (7.89)
10. I feel out of touch when I haven't logged onto 15 36 20 4
0 (0) 1.17
Facebook for a while (19.74) (47.37) (26.32) (5.26)

11. I feel I am part of the Facebook community 13 31 23

3 (3.95) 6 (7.89) 2.19
(17.11) (40.79) (30.26)
12. I would be sorry if Facebook shut down 18 27 16
7 (9.21) 7 (9.21) 1.97
(23.68) (35.53) (21.05)

Table 5. Prevalence of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress

Level of Emotional States

Emotional States Normal Mild Moderate Severe Overall
Depression 71.05(54) 17.10(13) 7.89(6) 3.95(3) 0(0) 28.95 (22)
Anxiety 51.31(39) 11.84(9) 19.74(15) 9.21(7) 7.89(6) 37 (48.68)

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Level of Emotional States

Stress 75(57) 13.16(10) 10.52(8) 1.31(1) 0(0) 19 (25)
With One Symptom 11 (14.47)
With more than one
28 (38.84)

Table 6. Correlation Matrix between selected FB variables and DASS


1. FIS(FIS) 1
2. Number of FB Friends(FRI) 0.4074* 1
3. Time Spent on FB (TIME) 0.0740 0.3048* 1
4. Depression(DEP) 0.1112 0.1356 0.2330* 1
5. Anxiety(ANX) 0.0716 0.1567 0.2585* 0.8383* 1
6. Stress(STR) 0.1021 0.1120 0.1644 0.8692* 0.894* 1
*Correlation significant at the 0.05 level (two-tailed)

Facebook use and adolescents’ emotional states of depression, anxiety, and stress.Health Science Journal.2014; 8 (1) P a g e | 89

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